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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

Warlock Waves to You

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Welp, I guess an introduction thread is as good of a place to start as any other place.

I am Warlock. I'm a female but I like warlocks more than witches so that alone ought to explain the name. Also, no one ever says girls can't be warlocks; at least, I've never heard anyone say it before. Anyway, I don't think this is a place to dwell for too long on names.

Let's start with roleplaying, then. I've been roleplaying for almost three years. I started on a site that was/is open to everyone and that did not/does not allow erotic content at all. I'm still there, actually. That's where I get my group roleplay fix in for the most part although that doesn't mean I'm opposed to joining some groups here or maybe starting one or two. About a year ago, I joined another site and this one was an 18+ only site. At the peak of my time there, I had over 30 different partners and over 40 different roleplays up and running. Unfortunately, I misread a rule and might be getting booted from that home now. Apparently they don't allow any characters under 16 to be involved in violent scenes and the rule was buried in a mess of other rules. That leads into my first question, I guess. I read the rules before I joined, but where would one find them after signing up? I can't seem to see anything that says rules on the homepage at all and that's where rules are usually kept in my experience. I'd like to triple check them because I really want to be able to make a permanent home somewhere and this is the first place I'm trying.

Onto more roleplaying notes… although I've only been roleplaying for three years, I've been an aspiring novelist since third grade. I write with detail more often than not, I don't often write less than four paragraphs in a post, and I am aware that I can be rather picky. That being said, I have plenty of ideas I'd like to try with new partners in a new community to see where they go. I love fantasy, magic, romance and building relationships between two characters. World-building is my passion, though. Offer to build a world with me, be serious about it, and I guarantee we'll be friends for a very long time afterwards.

I'm also into fandoms although I'll only rp OCs in a world where canon characters are heavily (or completely) avoided and I only rp in fandoms I know at least partially. That includes (but might not necessarily be limited to) Fairy Tail, One Piece, Soul Eater, Naruto, Fullmetal Alchemist, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, The Mortal Instruments, Divergent, How to Train Your Dragon, Marvel, X-Men, Harry Potter, Charlie Bone, The Alchemist, The Inheritance Cycle, and the trilogy of Graceling, Fire and Bitterblue.

Onto me outside of roleplay… I'm 22 years old. I am currently a nursing student going into my final quarter of classes before graduation (I graduate in November), I work in a hospital ICU and Burn Unit as a Patient Care Technician (basically a nursing assistant), and I live alone in my own little cozy apartment. I want a cat but my apartment building doesn't allow pets. After graduation, one major point on the to-do list is to move and acquire a cat. I don't have a whole lot of real life friends; those that I have are mostly limited to my sorority sisters - and no, sorority life is not as crazy as you probably think it is. I tend to be a quieter kind of person in real life, but I do enjoy many nerdy things. I like reading, anime, cosplay (I don't have one this year, unfortunately), collecting a plethora of things, and movies. I also love walking to the lake and daydreaming. Beyond that, most of my free time goes into writing.

I'm addicted to diet soda. I know it's bad for me, but I can't help it!

Hmm… I think that covers pretty much everything that I should include here. I hope to meet a few people!

~ Warlock
Welcome to Iwaku, Warlock! You'll have plenty of opportunities to put your writing talents to good use, so I think you'll get along around just fine around here.

Have a cookie!
Hey there Warlock :)

No worries one having some navigation issues. The rules are tucked down the bottom of the page with the terms of service :) There's also a nifty FAQ if you need it. And you can always just ask in the help desk if you're totally lost!

Happy roleplaying :)
Hello, Warlock! Welcome! (: I saw you already found yourself at the Newbie Care Package, which is great. The site has a pretty easy layout once you get used to it, but getting used to it can be the tricky part. Either way, if you have any additional questions, please don't hesitate to ask! We are here to help, always.

As for your pursuit of a cat, good luck!
Hi Warlock! Welcome to iwaku. As far as I know, there are no rules that say a girl can't play a warlock ( at least I haven't found it yet). I actually played a warlock character in a recent RP. He was fun so I completely get why you'd prefer to play one. And by the way, I love diet soda too! My favorite is Pepsi Max followed closely by Coke Zero. "Give me my aspartame," I always say. Actually I don't always say that but you get my drift.

I see you already posted your own search thread. Good luck in your partner search and happy RPing! See you around the forum.
Thanks for the welcomes guys! I think this is going to be a fun place to turn into a cozy little home once I get the hang of everything. I've also been able to find the rules which is super helpful!

I found the newbie care package and I'll probably see about getting help with a div box sometime soon. I've made a request thread and now I'm just kinda waiting to see if I can find anyone to write with. Anyone have any tips for that while I'm waiting or have any suggestions of anything else to get me more integrated into the community?
Welcome to Iwaku Warlock! Here is a link to the rules for the site Terms of Use. There's also an abridged version in the Getting Started post as well.

Hopefully you will find a long term and happy home here and have many wonderful adventures. If you have any other questions, please ask. We are here to help!
Anyone have any tips for that while I'm waiting or have any suggestions of anything else to get me more integrated into the community?
Why don't you hang out over in GENERAL CHATTING. You can meet some of the other members and have discussions about some fun topics and have fun with Bored Games.
Welcome to Iwaku, Warlock! If you ever want an invite to an rp, let me know! I enjoy letting others explore new rp options and such! ^^
I'm coming back to this thread because I don't really know where to go. I am struggling to find anyone at all who is interested in roleplaying with me and part of me wants to leave, but another part of me doesn't want to give up.

How can you find roleplay partners here? I'm struggling and feeling like an insignificant pebble in this massive community I still don't understand.
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