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Walrus's Bubble Lab

Rei Arias
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As Rei patiently waited for the reply he watched as an eager fellow approached, too eager. Rei brushed the eerie feeling off as he smiled at the fellow. Yes, it was quite odd that the man addressed him by last name but the other male seemed sincere enough. Rei just prayed he wasn't one of those males. He'd already had his encounters with men who'd shake his hands like they were some sort of bell. He ruffled his blond hair in slight thought as he murmured, "Appetizers first huh?" After he considered a few options he smiled politely at the man before him, "Now, now. I know she's beautiful and all but I'd appreciate if you wouldn't hit on m'lady." Rei jested referring to the manager calling Cora "lovely". From his menu he snuck a "little" glance at Cora before turning his attention back to the manager.

He didn't want Cora to feel uncomfortable in this situation so he decided quickly, "Hmn, perhaps some

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Cora Kitonobe x Insert
It's a struggle trying to make everything look pretty and organized.
Music Test:





General Information

Fumiko Kirekawa
"I- Hope you'll be able to remember me long enough."

Miko, Miss
"Fumiko would do just fine, but if we're in a rush don't bother with the three syllable name."


"Pfft, why do you have to know that?"


N/A; If she's not too busy bothering her brother about returning, or finding him at least. She's usually writing in a small notebook about her latest encounters.
"It's important to record my findings... After all it's important to treasure each and every memory."

To her clan, which a majority of her loyalty lies with her main family. Whatever her family decides, she simply acknowledges the wish and does what is in her best ability to accomplish the task. (Except for her brother, he's an exception. She's still kinda bitter about his departure.) // Torn between The Two Sides
"Even though I adore the clan, my neglectful brother seems to feel otherwise... I just..."

Her voice is of a higher pitch, usually sounding soft.



Hair Style:

It's long and slightly wavy;
"After all, short hair seems like more of a rebellious person thing. I'd prefer to keep up a more calming look. Besides the shorter it is, the less you can do with it."

Hair Color:

Rose Pink with Watermelon Pink
"It's more... Eccentric compared to my brother... It's more like my mothers though. I enjoy the color, it reminds me of lemonade."

Eye Color:
Pink Mixed with A Tint of Violet
"It's abnormal, that's for sure. I don't mind though, as long as people don't stare for too long."

"Mmn? What about my size?"

Fashion style:
Fumiko has a strange attachments to flower-crowns and ribbons. She tends although, not to wear kimono's when in her 'human' form. She normally wears kimono's around fellow Youkai, and never likes to dress, 'plainly'. In terms of appearance she doesn't enjoy baggy clothes, or jeans, in general she doesn't like to ever dress 'casually'. Normally wearing a fancy decorated kimono, or a very detailed dress. She is always wearing a ribbon on her arm, unless it's tied up in her hair.
"I can't help but gravitate towards frilly dresses, and traditional hair pieces. Especially since most of them are modeled after the most beautiful of flowers!"

A violet, moon shaped birthmark on her right shoulder
"I don't mind it, it's not like I show it off to the world."

Personality/Daily Life


- Optimistic
- Organized
- Persistent
- Innovative
- Selfless


- Cautious
- Precise
- Energetic


- Impatient
- Holds Long Grudges
- Inarticulate
- Easy to Frustrate
- Easily Flustered
- Mildly Closed Off
- Sensitive


- Flowers
- Baked Goods
- Detailed Dresses
- Fluffy Things
- The Moon
- Children
- Lakes
- Stories

- The Sound of Bells


- Greedy People
- Silence
- Loud Noises
- Peanut Butter
- Being Disorganized
- Worms
- Bitter Tastes
- Being Damp

- Journalism
- Origami
- Making Tea (Tea Ceremony)
- Sewing



Short Version of Her History:
Fumiko had been born to the Mochizuki Clan as the only daughter of Jinbei Kirekawa. The clan had been around since the origination of the first clans of the youkai realm, it's quite popular among the youkai folk, although not so much the human realm any longer. Ever since Fumiko had been born, she often trailed after her older brother, but soon enough she became the responsible sibling. She had enjoyed the extra time she had, but often if she wasn't with her brother, it'd be with her mother. Fumiko soon picked up the knack of being tidy and appearing 'perfect'. After all, one wrong move and that's how everyone told your story. Soon enough in the clan, everyone began to bicker, feeling unappreciated by the humans, Fumiko soon became concerned with the lack of balance in the clan.

In the midst of all the chaos, even her mother and father became divided, and her brother soon left. Young Fumiko took refuge in her journal for the most part, she wanted to block out the noises of shouting, but of course her 'peaceful' place didn't last long. Her father had tried his best to try to find Yato, even going as far as to make it public that the Jade prince was gone from the clan. Fumiko found the situation irritating, and set off on her own to find her brother. She had a little bit of hope that he could steady things... Or at least just come back to them. She often sent letters to her mother, as soon as she did though, she moved on. She tended to pick up tad-bits of her brothers whereabouts, but enough to keep her moving.

Youkai Attributes


Youkai She Is:

♡Leap - She can jump to high altitudes although not as high as a house.♡

♡Moonlight's Guidance - During a full moon she can 'trap' moonlight into a ball for an hour at most.♡

♡Tweak - She ignores all her other senses, using her sense of hearing to listen for anything that doesn't have a wall blocking it.♡

♡Light Foot - As heavy as she may or may not be, she naturally is 'light footed' and some can't hear her approach unless they have 'sharp ears'♡

'Youkai Weapon'

Although she doesn't take it around with her, wherever she's staying, in display she has a wooden mallet decorated in stars, and on both sides is a white glowing moon.


\\Relationships// W.I.P
Jinbei Kirekawa

Fumiko's father, she tended to avoid him in the house-hold because of his suppressing atmosphere surrounding the clan, especially after her brother left. He's for the unsealing.
"My father can be quite difficult sometimes... For what reason still remains a mystery to me."

Miyako Kirekawa
Her mother who's against the unsealing, she had a strange attachment to her mother.
"Mother is... Being strange as usual. Just fine, she worries about Yato, that... Brother of mine."

Yato Kirekawa

Her one and only older brother, besides the fact that Yato 'ran away' from his duties, she still loves him just as much. She struggles to figure out the reasons behind her brothers departure and is going to nag him constantly about coming home... That is when she can find him. She refuses to acknowledge the fact that he doesn't want to return.
"I never thought my brother to be the running type, although sometimes he abandoned his chores mid-way. I can never understand what's running through his head. If only he'd consider coming home for a moment... Maybe he'd stay home."

Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
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Ying Yue frowned slightly, no doubt the woman seemed rather more capable in the field rather than social contact. She seemed to balance the other male almost perfectly though, Ying Yue was grateful for more of the "good cop" in a sense. As the list appeared on the screen, Ying Yue seemed to dwindle just a tad bit- If a tad bit includes her physically drooping. Although she wasn't directly in-charge, it was a family matter that was supposed to be handled delicately. The way it was lost didn't make the situation any better either. In the years torn into the mix she never expected to simply go to a foreign country to fix her ancestors mistakes. Perhaps if she managed to retrieve the artifact, her family could leave her alone and she could leave this irritating life in a heartbeat- if she wasn't "blessed" with the power's that could've been the truth.

The only bright thing was now she realized who the host was- The only downfall was that now the situation was beyond inappropriate. She leaned her head on both her hands which were leaned on the table. She seemed almost to be deflating in general. Ying Yue seemed to be struggling to gain her composure but the whole situation was overwhelming. Her eyebrows furrowed as she looked at the faces of the agents. Ying Yue took a deep breath before sitting up perfectly straight, her eyes churning a dark brown with a flicker of emerald. At the thought of a crap ton of strangers, some with apparent romantically tension and other's with anger tension in general- She had no idea how adding powers into the mix made the situation convert into sunshine, rainbow's, and happiness.

"How long is this trip expected to last do you predict? I'm trying to fully understand that-" Ying Yue paused as to consider her thoughts, considering what boundaries she could be overstepping. Despite her doubts she continued, "How long is the time frame of when they disappeared? It seems to me that at the moment a lot of time has been lost since then..." She furrowed her brows, even if they hadn't all been together it would've been better to get the problem dealt with earlier. Two or three members gathered at a time should have made all the differences in terms of turning the tide.

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x The Room x
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Akiyama, Haru
(The ungrateful soul)




Spanish-American ; Japanese

Height: 5'8" || Weight:158lbs.
Haru leans more on his Spanish side on terms of looks with his lightly tanned skin, and his dull emerald eyes. For the most part his dark chocolate brown hair is quite unruly. His figure for the most part is slim although on multiple occasions he'd prefer to cover it up with baggy clothes.

( + ) Honest , Laid Back , Calm , Protective , Perceptive
( - ) Sarcastic , Merciless , Air Headed , Slacker , Short Attention Span , Falsely Charming, Pessimistic


Calligraphy , Soccer , Piano , Sleeping , Dancing




Able to heal minor injures such as: scrapes, burns, etc within a reasonable time period with the use of water for not only himself.
Communication between aquatic animals
Heightened Senses
Longer Underwater Breathing Periods

Combat Abilities:
1) Wretched Roar - Sucking in his gut he absorbs a large amount of air, the longer he holds it the longer amount of air he can exhale pushing them back.

2) Heavy Forecast - He can create a cloud which creates a high amount of density in the air making it hard to breathe within a certain radius

3) Gracious Sea - Water flicked, or manipulated becomes "sharpened" becoming similar to the feeling of piercing shards of glass.

4) Wave Goodbye - A last resort, manipulating the water inside of him he can shove the water to one side causing himself to jerk around. Using this ability he's prone to pass out faster, and this causes his legs to become severely weaker for a little while after this ability is disabled.

(Inspired by Fa*rytail smh. There are throwbacks and at the moment these abilities aren't up to their final capability.)


Dancing: The Waltz + Salsa Dancing
Strange Knowledge on Poisonous Herbs
Speak's Fluent Spanish
Playing Piano

Haru grew up in a safe environment with his grandmother. Well as safe as it could get. When his mother died his father sold the house and decided to move in with Haru's grandmother. Most night's Haru's father wouldn't come home and when he did he'd be drunk and smelt like perfume. This was much to his grandmother's dismay. Haru still came to love his father- It's all he's ever known as "parenting" other than the love provided by his grandmother. The lifestyle and lesson he was taught included the following, "Value family over everyone or everything else." Haru has a hard time disobeying the wishes of his father despite the lack of adoration he should of felt from his fatherly figure. His older brother despite his "cool mature" facade displayed when it came to his younger brother- Haru grew up at his brother's mercy. His brother liked to treat Haru as some sort of doll.

Some days Haru found himself with nothing else to wear the rest of his clothes dirtied or hidden away- Dressed up in a tuxedo to school instead of his proper uniform. Other days he'd have paint and dirt smudged all over his clothes and face on a school morning. Due to the many interceptions created by his brother, Haru was seen as the "less superior" brother and was compared to him numerous times. Due to his brother's status as a prosecutor he's dragged around to create social contacts in order to "gain favors". Perhaps marry to get an important alliance.

As a child being stuck in the house all day kept him from even a speck of testing out his abilities.
When the letter came Haru was more than confused but decided it current hurt to discover what was in store- Perhaps he could use it to finally break out of the wretched mindset placed upon him.

Opinions of other students:
Laila Skovgaard || In the foretold future he sees himself being strangled by her- Oh well.
Alexander King || He finds this male a potential ally- but a friend? He's not confident he'd be able to work hard enough for that
Penelope Castellanos || She seems optimistic enough. Perhaps he wouldn't mind lingering in her company.
Kara Demidov || "It's time to sign your will, Haru."
Tadashi Marcello || He'd be a bit more lenient on this fellow, although no doubt the other male would get tired of his shenanigans soon enough.

L: Haru; R: Older Brother; Rinnosuke

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Dae-Hyun Song
(Dae-Hyun Song)
"Kyouichi Ryousuke will do just fine thank you~ My name should be hush hush anyways, y'know?♡"

Kyou, Kyouri, Ryou, Ichi

Underground Names:
Mister X0X0, Judgement



Compared to the other "gang" members, he's more on the chubbier side. While other members are considered "abbsy" and "six-packed" Kyou doesn't let that get him down! It's not like he's on the heavy side per say. It's just everyone else's job's depend on their brute strength. He has dark chocolate colored eyes and difficult rugged caramel colored hair. Eventually he stopped trying to brush his hair in the morning due to it simply reversing to its normal form after three hours or so. It might have to do with the sticky situations he always gets himself in. Currently he stands at 5'6" he tells himself it isn't too shabby. He doesn't have any serious scars except for a couple burns long his shoulders. Due to his alliance to his gang he has a bar code an empty circle with a singular wing in the middle located at the side of his waist.
"It's a slogan y'know! We can't fly without each other or somethin' stupid like that."

When handling "business" he is seen at his best- Since for the most part he's rarely seen at all. Well at least by the rest of the gang. He prefers to "embrace" that hint of mystery so when he does appear he wears a mask which in business is his trademark. For more of his loyal business alliances he's willing to take off his mask but for the newer ones he's highly reluctant to. During these business transactions he's equipped with his mask and a suit, his tie varies on his mood. When he's not on duty at home he tends to "laze out" wearing slippers, an eye mask wearing pajama pants with a large sweatshirt. When he's outdoors it simply depends on the occasion although it consists of more lax wear like sweatshirts and t-shirts along with jeans. It sounds like he owns a lot of clothes but in actuality it's the same pair- After all as much as he hates to admit it he doesn't grow very much if at all.

Ekōesutēto "
Or エコーエステート translates to, "Echo Estates" in English. A strange name but it refers to the gang being "home" rather than simply an organization. It's currently a rising gang, but the gang is trying to suppress its name. Despite the happy go lucky title the gang is extremely strict on the higher ups of the gang and it's extremely difficult to get to the top. To show alliance an organization has tattoos established to make their loyalty more "solid" in a sense. They participate in weapon and drug trafficking, distribution of stolen information, and hits. They take pleasure in the fact that they don't take pride in spreading their name especially since it makes operations go much smoother. Their members are carefully selected, and children with misfortune or interested are especially encouraged- though not pressured. Their main location is located in Southern Japan, near their base is a few Pachinko Parlors which is considered their "main business" to innocent civilians. This organization is quite neutral but very lately their members have been picked off by the rival gang, Bloodhounds. Lately they've resorted to encouraging more physical activities rather than their usual "online banter". Once you reach the levels of no going back- if you betray the family expect the dogs to come after you.

Kyouichi sits as one of the three assistants to one of the four contributors to the leader. He's pretty high up the ladder but he's allowed to move freely due to not being among the "top dogs". He's a slave to his phone though, when he's not able to log on his laptop he's on his phone working on an encryption. There is a different job he's in-charge of... Hush hush.

(Main) Rival Gang:
Another newly blossomed gang more focused on harassing the citizens and extorting money, along with human trafficking. The rumors are that this organization was started by two "foreigners" one from China and one from Italy.

- Coding -
It doesn't take him very long to intrude in someone else's device but more importantly he also enjoys "puzzles" known as encryptions. He enjoys the concept of the butterfly effect, numbers are everything in both reality and the digital world. For some securities it's absolutely impossible to do in a quick amount of time.

- Sniping -
Although the accuracy he has with a normal gun such as a pistol or shotgun is total crap. Of course he is able to kill someone with a gun at close range but otherwise he's screwed. On the other hand given a sniper rifle he's able to preform quickly, and accurately.

- Multilingual -
He's able to speak fluent Japanese, English, and Korean but he mostly uses English as a joke. He's also able to understand a basic comprehension of Italian and Chinese due to his line of work. Unfortunately due to the amount of languages stuck in his head his writing in foreign languages is crap.

- Knives -
He's good with small knives but for the life of him, don't expect him to throw them. Again his accuracy without a scope is crap, although he's gifted in- well.. Just watch your back.

Dae-Hyun Song was what most people refer to as, "An orphan piece of trash". Or perhaps that was a common quote was simply from the people that he had to deal with day in and day out. His family were eaten up greedily by a large fire and hence was cast away on the streets. After all who would want a child that doesn't belong to them? In South Korea he only had his wits and himself for the longest time- Or that's what it felt like. At first he was raised by a small group that was instructed by a singular older kid. They were taught that they couldn't trust anyone but the group, and were taught to steal, beg, and appear helpless and cute in order to survive. At the age of 8 he was met by the same girl everyday. She seemed slightly younger than him but she knew what was going on with him. The girl figured after the first two days that he was simply tricking her to giving him money along with sweet treats but she simply didn't mind. Later he was brought into her home- Although her parents were a little skeptical they wouldn't question their "little girls" judgement especially since Dae-Hyun would find out at a later date, she had talked about him everyday. It wasn't easy to leave the other little boys behind so he'd return to them giving them what he had- which was very little. Dae-Hyun wasn't exactly the families "son" but rather their "servant". After a few months Dae-Hyun was officially able to become a Japanese citizen. He lied about not having a name and was bestowed the title of "Kyouichi."

He was given the necessary items in order to provide for the families "princess" and nothing more. Kyouichi wouldn't mind, in his personal opinion they were spoiling him enough as it were. He'd later know the girl who was his "savior" as, "Himiko" ironic as it was. The family "spoiled" him by giving him programming books and allowing him to enroll in self defense classes. Later the family was chanced by dark times, losing her mother was the worst possible thing that could have happened to Himiko. She started falling in with the wrong crowd and eventually her father noticed- casting Himiko out and disowning her. Little did Himiko know, her father instructed Kyouichi to stand by her side and help her in whatever she decided.

She joined the gang known as Ekōesutēto and continued to slave away, caring less and less about herself and more about "the good of the gang." Kyouichi was determined to raise above her in rank no matter the costs and this forced her to obey his every command. This included staying out of everyone's way and to simply monitor carriers and the Parlors that were in their domain. Currently he's battling internally to distance himself but keep her safe- Or keep her close and make sure she can't be harmed that way. The cost of rising so quickly especially since she joined before he did... Was a high cost. On top of his normal duties he was given he would have the burden of being a "Judge". He's grown to love his gang but that doesn't defeat the fact that being in a gang isn't a game.

The Incident (Background)
For an unknown reason to his gang, he replaced a certain negotiator to discuss the sudden decline in one of their prized products. Not to mention that this was a loyal client which further inclined Kyouichi to take care of this matter himself- despite this not being in his job description. He walked straight into an ambush with one of his fellow comrades, also under the same instruction as himself. It was a mistake to be out in the open- They were surprised by sounds of yelling and rushed out of there, his friend having multiple bullets inside mostly the upper part of the body. Kyouichi tried his best to drag his friend out of the dangerous zone, desperately calling for back-up but alas it came too late. His friend bled to death en route to Hotel Ares, when Kyouichi arrived he had a cut on his cheek, and a deep stab wound near his stomach and multiple bruising across his chest. The men claimed that they didn't intend to kill Kyouichi, observing his shattered mask deduced who he was and decided they'd take him for ransom and make him suffer a bit. Of course when the rest of Kyouichi's gang arrived, the men were quickly disposed of as they were only a small group sent for a small ambush to show Ekōesutēto who was boss around the district.

x Kyou adores salty and sweet things (Like himself)
x Kyou will wear a paper bag if his mask is misplaced or broken
x X x


Lee Jong Suk
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Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
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As the male quickly responded Ying Yue froze up. She couldn't help it, her eyes widened as she watched him tense up her right hand subconsciously reading for her leg- Where her calligraphy pen would usually be. It wasn't like she intended to impale him but that pen brought the comfort that she could. She held her arms to stop herself from trembling as she opened her mouth to reply, as he began to speak again she bit her lip. Eventually the surprise of the redhead yelling at her wore off and she was reduced to the red tint in her cheeks.

This fellow was a bit on the odd side. Ying Yue wasn't sure if he was scolding her or something of the sort due to the long sentences of what not to do when asking a question. She would have laughed if she hadn't been the one at risk at the moment. She had to tilt her head slightly at the thought of him jumping her. What sort of man jumped a woman with his pants down? It would be idiocy, no she didn't condone jumping anyone of the sort but if his pants were down it'd be harder to run. Also if she was going to buy him dinner the solution would have been to simply order ice cream by her lonesome- Oh. Ying Yue finally realized what he was insinuating. Suddenly she sat up straighter.

Then two other zodiac members it seemed approached. One as the "firecracker" dog representative the other... She wasn't too sure of. She could've sworn the other one was the monkey representative but she couldn't be too sure. One thing she was certain of, it seemed that the other female had wanted a drink and was apparently to join the "firecracker" and the redhead. As she indicated the situation with a suggestive statement the male retorted with an odder comment. The keyword was first meeting at those words she was to get out of there immediately. Once more the redhead spoke, she finally got around to noticing the word "bunny". Strange choice of words, but it seemed from how he cursed like a sailor that it was simply how he spoke. It raised a question, how on earth would he know that she would have eaten his precious ice cream? She wouldn't chance it as much as she was craving that certain type of ice cream.

As he turned to leave, after a long moment of silence and her not being to explain herself- She took a deep breath placing her hand on her heart. He was sort of cool in a way. She tapped on her heart willing it to calm down now that the cause of the incident had left. Was she still scared? Ying Yue could of sworn she calmed down earlier. When they left she took the opportunity to calmly stand up and brushed off her legs. Ying Yue murmured to no one in particular, "When I get home I think I'll lay down, for maybe forever." Ying Yue a few ideas of what Saria had thought they were doing, a majority of the options weren't for children. Already worn out and the mission hadn't even begun. She rubbed her face ready to start her migration to maybe the north pole, and then take her leisure on the way back. Calmly she sat on the floor leaning against the wall, taking out a pencil and beginning to draw a cubed tennis ball of some sorts in attempts to calm herself down.
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Lucinda Asakawa
| The Secretary || Location: The Beach |
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As Miyuki spoke pieces started to click, but on the other hand it would probably be better if Akemi explained the incident himself. If there's one thing Lucinda had figured out about Ryunosuke was that he didn't do things out of contempt or mischief. Perhaps there was something else underlying these "unfortunate" incidents. When Miyuki mentioned that Akemi seemed of more the "girly" type Lucinda couldn't help but take a few moments to actually look at Akemi. Lucinda didn't usually get a chance to exactly look at him nowadays being that it hurt her neck if she wasn't standing a good distance away. A younger her would've thought it was a shame. "Girlish" wasn't a word Lucinda could find herself using, she furrowed her eyebrows in thought.

Her gaze shifted on to Miyuki, allowing herself to focus on Miyuki's other words. Lucinda tapped her lips in thought, perhaps it was time to start on beach activities- As tempting as it was to start on her reading. Might as well enjoy the sun while it was still out. She found it a shame that men were Miyuki's bane. Lucinda apparently lucked out at the lotto of birth if she could be friends with Miyuki- or if Miyuki even felt that close to Lucinda in the first place. It wasn't like Lucinda wasn't confident she could try to be a good friend- It just wasn't very familiar compared to the other girls in her class talking about how their boyfriend cheated on them last night, or how hot a celebrity was or another. She refused to underestimate the relationship she had with the other people in the lover's club.

Lucinda suddenly realized that Miyuki was addressing her, 'Lucy-chan'. Miyuki's face had turned a shade of red, and Lucinda's cheeks followed turning a bit pink. Lucinda couldn't help an embarrassed expression to pull on her face, after all for her it took her awhile to simply switch honorifics. To some it might have been easy but not for Lucinda. Her mouth twitched into a smile as her hands slowly moved to her cheeks in happiness. The secretary resisted the urge to cover up her face entirely. Fortunately at that moment Akemi had answered for her.

In agreement she nodded although her voice seemed to be recovering, "Watanabe-kun is right, I wouldn't want to be the c-cause of your burnt skin. It's also not a problem at all." For her childhood friend, as a child she had excitedly called him "Ake-kun" but she didn't find it appropriate anymore- tempting, but not appropriate. On the other hand it was amusing to think that in mere moments the group was going to smell like roses or something of the sort. Wait. He noticed the scent what on earth was she- She heard someone clear their throat and she instinctively looked up recognizing the individual as Keita. She tilted her head inquisitively, a smile still embedded on her face. Her smile faltered when he suggested to teach her how to swim. "Oh." Her gaze shifted to the water. Her earliest memory of learning how to swim...

"You won't let me go right?", "No, no. I couldn't. I promise I won't let you go." She remembered a larger hand gripping hers as Lucinda attempted to float on her stomach, her legs kicking to stay afloat. She remembered her "mother" shouting at her brother as she was suddenly let go. Lucinda had sunk into the water and began to panic. A little bit later Lucinda was brought up to the surface not a word shared between them. Lucinda was brought to the shore and her mother had broken down sobbing about how she wasn't meant for this life.

It was a fading memory, but it was so clear in her mind due to the fear she felt. Lucinda suppressed a shiver, she knew that Keita had good intentions and that she shouldn't let the opportunity pass her by. As Akemi mentioned that they should all go swimming she finally made up her mind. "I'm a lost cause, if we're all swimming I couldn't burden you with that. Oh but if you don't mind- I'm in your care, that is if I get too carried away. I tend to overestimate my...." She didn't finish that thought but instead raised her hand above her head and flattened it motioning to her height. She stopped and her eyes found Keita's. Furrowing her eyebrows. She muttered under her breath in a sarcastic manner, "Burden him? Like you aren't doing enough of that." She bit her lip before giving him an apologetic expression. On the other hand she stood up dropping her backpack, if you paid attention you could tell that it held a great weight from the way the sand scattered.

Calmly she folded her sweatshirt placing it on top of her backpack suddenly feeling self conscious without a baggy overlapping clothing piece. Lucinda took a couple of steps towards the water before turning towards the group. Subconsciously she let out a nervous chuckle before attempting to maintain a smile motioning to the water. She decided against the tube. She'd simply have to know her limits. "Shall we? Oh- Don't forget to apply sunscreen though. Especially you Miy-Miyuki-chan. Your skin is very lovely it'd be a shame if it became burnt." It wasn't so much about applying the sunscreen as it was acknowledging that they were friends. Lucinda found it very important to establish that as much as the sudden jump in honorific title made her a bit more than slightly embarrassed. "Do you mind if we finish this first, Assaragi-san? Then we can enjoy the water." She suddenly turned her attention to him, doing her best to give him a friendly smile.

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Akemi Watanabe x
Miyuki Momozono x
Keita Assaragi x

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

x Nobody x
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Haru Akiyama
Mr. Casanova || Ryūjin
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Haru didn't think about it too much. The whole "gifted" thing. It just meant he was away from his father, and his grandmother. He wasn't sure if he really considered Rinnosuke family. Haru on the other hand had set up mental rules as he left the house. Don't tick anyone off due to the "fear" that you're going to get punishments worse than death- Who was Haru kidding, as soon as he set foot on the campus he'd forget. He considered language barriers but thought it wouldn't be a shame if he could speak his "own" language and could cuss whenever he wanted and no one would be any wiser. Knowing himself, he could never be that lucky. You'd think with all the money his brother had he could spend a few dollars to pay for at least an expensive car here and there- Apparently Rinnosuke had decided that a singular minute was too much to ask for and simply drove off leaving Haru to his own devices. His brother had rented a bachelor apartment and Haru didn't want to deal with any of the guests that his brother so frequently liked to spoil. Besides it was temporary so it wasn't like Haru could take residence there anyways.

A pair of sunglasses sat on Haru's head despite his attentions to simply never put them on properly, although his uniform was orderly. He simply refused to wear the sweater vest over and simply replaced it with a black sweatshirt over it. Haru quickly zipped his sweatshirt up and tightened the watch that sat on his arm, shoving his sunglasses into his mouth he began dashing towards the train. He threw his bags with surprisingly great accuracy into the train before swan diving in nearly losing a shoe. Of course he was met with a few cries of protest but eventually they quieted down. Perks of being an "above okay" soccer player was that he could run like his life counted on it. He flicked his watch sighing at the time. It wasn't even close to his record, he was getting out of shape.

He let out a sigh before the next moment he realized he was being shoved off the train and on campus. Haru wasn't quite sure on how he managed to keep his stuff beside him but when push comes to shove he realized he probably needed clothes to wear. The slacker wasn't too sure how perceptive his roommate would be when it came to how many times Haru decided to repeatedly wear the same clothes. Haru wasn't exactly for conflicts especially with two people being forced to share one space.

Practically walking backwards at this point he stopped when he hit the school counter, watching with a bland expression as his luggage shot up. He backed up watching a few more suitcases being shot up before he turned around to finally take the sights in. He clicked his tongue considering the thought of placement. Did they scan for any individuals in the room before shooting the luggage at them if shooting at all? He could imagine a innocent person in their room to be ambushed by a stray backpack or something. Haru took a deep breath wondering what it was like to finally be on his own- well not totally but he didn't have to constantly look over his shoulder wondering when the next sandle smack was going to happen.

Turning on his watch he watched as the display screen hovered above the screen, a long list of things that his brother sent him to do quickly scrolled on the screen. Half-way through Haru simply turned off his watch and decided that he would read the rest before bedtime. The long list made him want to sleep standing up and he wasn't sure how well it'd go if by a single push he simply fell over.

He figured the first place to go was the dorm room. As he entered the room he noticed that the other side of the room seemed mildly settled in which was fine by him. It'd be an entertaining thought to ponder that he'd never see his roommate due to weird sleeping hours or something of the sort. He simply walked to the window and began to stick pictures of cats on the window. They're come off with a simple squirt of a spray bottle so it wasn't vandalism. The window's were simply his favorite part. Of course the cats were placed in corners or the very top of windows in order to avoid conflict of "not being able to see out of the window."

Haru doesn't usually put much work unless it's his sleeping area- It was pretty much a shrine in a sense to him. After placing a plushy piano pillow on top of his already provided on he was prepared to truly "carpe diem" or something of the sense. As he walked out he suddenly decided there was nothing better to do with his time then find someone who could decide for him. Also known as talking with someone until they reached their destination- Then finding something "fuuuuuuuuuuun" to do. He tucked his hands into his sweatshirt pocket before picking someone out of the crowd; _____. He silently crept up to the _____, honestly it wasn't that hard being there was too much commotion being that it was for a majority of students an exploration day.

"Heyyyyyyy there, you look like an unfamiliar face. Come here often?" He started this phrase with a known pick-up line. Just for kicks.

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Akemi Watanabe x
Miyuki Momozono x
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Naomi Kyoya
Location: Kyoya Residence School
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"Aish! Dai you're going to be the end of me!" Dai, also known as Daichi, also known as her littler 6 year old brother who liked to pull heartstrings but also liked to sharpen all her pencils until nothing was left. She puffed up a singular cheek before looking frantically around for a parental figure, Naomi had been awake for awhile due to being the designated babysitter for the morning. If she wasn't awoken by her brother's frantic tugging it was by her grandmother's bucket of water much to her bed's dismay. "If you're going to mess with my things I'm not going to let you sleep here anymore." To that her brother groaned in defeat.Thinking about it now, it was amazing that despite the "elegant" persona displayed by her grandmother it didn't take the elder very long to pull out a slipper to smack a poor victim around. "Mother-" She called out to her mother but instead found herself looking down at her grandma, an irritated expression on her face. Her grandmother refused to speak Japanese to her, the reason she wasn't too sure of. Naomi replied in Chinese, "I'm sorry grandmother but could you watch Dai-" Looking a bit panicky for a moment she remembered to finish, "chi?" At that comment her brother frowned in a haughty matter. "I'm practically an adult now!!"

"Just a few more years, Daichi. Oh heavens up above save me... Back straight, Naomi my little plum tree." Although the nickname was endearing, her grandmother's tone was nothing but threatening. "Yes, of course grandmother." Naomi replied almost immediately. Naomi ran to her room to shove her box that held her painting brushes into her bag. Naomi took a few glances around her room, it was quite orderly and had many paintings hanging around her room along with her brother's name written in Chinese letters hanging on her wall. It was eerily clean and everything was neat and orderly. Not that her grandmother would allow anything less. After all considering that in the morning, she would get on your case for not eating her porridge or the cabbage set on the table with the typical soy sauce. Occasionally a bowl of cereal here and there but only when her grandmother was away or wanted to dedicate her morning to the small shrine set up.

She slipped a winged clip into her hair before standing in front of her grandma, "Is father in the car?" Although her father had flexible hours she was still getting used to the idea that for every moment she delayed that her father would have to return that much later. "He is. Make sure you try your hardest at studying. At the rate your going at you're going to end up as a peddler living on the streets-" At that Naomi furrowed her brows before giving a weak smile. "Of course, grandmother." She walked up to her brother before patting his head, perhaps she caught on the nicknames from her grandmother. "Have a good day my little sunshine. Please try not to kick another soccer ball into a poor victims face now." To that he sighed before saluting, "Yeah 'course. Little sunshine, will be on his best behavior." Naomi's grandmother bopped him on the head, "Daichi." At that he rubbed his head, crouching down, "Grandmother! Please take mercy on me."

Naomi swallowed a small chuckle not wanting to irritate her grandmother any further. She slung her backpack over her shoulders before getting in the car. Her dad told her what he had been since elementary school which was... "Stranger danger, but for the most part behave yourself." She calmly exited the car before taking a deep breath. She moved slowly through the hallways flinching at any physical contact she was forced to make. Out of pure habit she continued to murmur, "Excuse me." Despite having dealt with the issue many times before. Each time it happened she gripped tighter and tighter on to her bag. Naomi was a bit later than usual, knowing herself she was probably the last one. Especially at this time.

Calmly she entered the classroom as she furrowed her eyebrows muttering under her breath, "Of course, Sir Devil himself basking in the pains of others." She grit her teeth before taking a deep breath, her expression a bit calmer as she approached her friend. Naomi was lucky she didn't have eyesight problems. Otherwise her grandmother would never let her father live that down accusing him of "faulty" genetics. "Penelope, you're not hurt are you?" It seemed to Naomi that if Penelope lost her glasses it must have quite the fall. Naomi looked for Penelope's glasses

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Akemi Watanabe x Insert
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Collab Piece: (Vessels of Gods)
Haru's mouth quirked up before he tilted his head at his companion, brow slightly raised. "Juuuuuuust a little." He said raising up his thumb and pointer finger to indicate the increment which was much more than a little. Then he tucked his hands back into the safety of his pockets using his other hand to stifle a yawn. From now on he determined to take caution in even the littlest of interactions. From this little interaction although the male meant it in good fun others who had more practice could overwhelm him and eventually wield it over his head. He couldn't afford that. He ignored the singeing pain he felt in his hands shivering as it coursed through his body once more before it totally disappeared. Back to his normal stride Haru suggested, "Well if you're going to tick someone off, rather me then some cocky individual, hm? Though honestly I'm not too great in that department either, by that I mean humility." Haru wasn't too sure about offering himself as a guinea pig for these jokes. Then again it was simply out of politeness rather than an actual want. Perhaps Alex was the type to enjoy a target who was in constant panic about the next shock attack. The male prayed to his god- Or whatever the hell was in the heavens (ironic.) that he'd have something useful. Like the power to do taxes at the speed of light. Based on his self assessment on how all his past average peers moved at least twice as fast as him when it came to his work- speed probably wasn't his thing. Perhaps he could knock someone out by yawning so much they catch on. That'd be a fun ability.

Under his breath Haru murmured, "Bottom of it, huh?" He turned his attention to Alex tilting his head in an inquisitive manner. He guessed it'd be fun to play detective in a society and community like the school provided. If Haru had the energy he'd active his internal nerd and start an encyclopedia. Unfortunately he didn't so instead he'd pretend he'd get to it some day at some time during some year or something. At Alex's question about Haru's own abilities he shrugged before furrowing his eyebrows in thought. "Not a clue. No secrets. Want to try dangling me off a building? Maybe the trauma would trigger me to fly or something." He suggested in a playful manner before sighing. "Well whatever happens it'd be great to know where your pad is so I can come crash it now and then if you're interested." He said this without thought. He wondered if personally his own roommate was highly accessible. He shoved his hands into his pockets and obediently followed Alex taking care to indulge in the sights.
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Ying Yue Fēng
The Rabbit
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If Ying Yue didn't have to pay for the airplane ride she would certainly buy a plane ticket worth of food. She had to admit, she wasn't too fond of the lengthy transportation that involved being trapped in a small area. It was convenient that she hadn't had to deal with what she had to when she was a small child- The other whiny children. The bun- rabbit, representative was practically radiating excitement although she had to admit her relatives would not approve of her "vacation". Internally she wept being that her vacation time was never spent on actual luxuries but instead used because she had stayed up late the night before. No more of the luxury named sleep. She'd allow herself to worry about that latter though. Ying Yue had to remember to focus on only one thing, snacks. If she didn't focus on this central topic she'd find herself thinking about all the things that could go wrong, and the fact that this may be her artifact. Well that and this wasn't at all a normal vacation. On the other hand Ying Yue would treat it as such until the appropriate time.

On the plane ride she found herself yet again with her sketchbook, it wasn't easy to reach out to the others as some already had tight bonds- Some she just felt uncomfortable around. She tried her best to block out the incident, perhaps she could face some of the others... Just not the main victim of the accident. Ying Yue had never traveled to Cairo, she tried to stay on the bright side that it'd make the trip that much more exciting. It was a bit overwhelming she had to admit. Many times she found herself spacing out and having being nudged or scolded by one of the agents.

When they reached their destination Ying Yue had an inappropriate amount of granola bars shoved into her bag and the will of a fish on dry land. So in a nutshell things for Ying Yue were going better then she expected. There was a particular thing the rabbit representative had noticed when the strange group had come together. Ying Yue would have mildly understood if they were travelling to an arctic region, the whole discrepancy key was important to a great handful of people. Perhaps it was just popular trend in a foreign region. Well whatever it was, Ying Yue was fully grateful they didn't plan some sort of "everyone dye your hair white so we can find you in a mob of people" sort of thing. Even if it was planned, when she returned home it wasn't like she had the time for it.

She enjoyed the place they took residence in. It was comfortable enough without becoming suffocating. The perfect size. When they were encouraged to wander on their own she decided to take the opportunity and run wild. More like sit against the wall and try to wrap up the best of her sketches of a landscape. Eventually she became bored and went out to do some minor shopping making sure to get her clothes double checked by specifically Sophia. Ying Yue didn't know how comfortable she was about asking "Zephyr" about "simple trifle" things like clothing. She had claimed the area of the room to lay out the items from her backpack being careful about warding others away from the fragile photos. Ying Yue had spoiled herself with lucky candies to roll along her tongue as she laid out pictures from her Polaroid to send to her father.

It was soothing to know that they could take a moment to slow things down, to simply indulge in their surroundings per say. Ying Yue didn't think much of the deserts unpredictability and could only imagine what laid ahead.

Perhaps the moment finally sunk in. She had to take responsibility for her actions at any cost. After all if the agents that had been deployed did the same she hadn't a choice in the matter did she? It didn't mean she was any less anxious.
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The Next Day
She twiddled her thumbs considering all the possibilities that they could run into. She never knew that out of all the years that would pass it would be her year. She considered in a joking manner that perhaps the year of the dog was cursed. Of course she was a bit moody but also had a lack of overall reflex reaction. The rabbit representative didn't know how useful she could be in the situation but decided to bask in her self pity rather than tire herself out by warding away those thoughts. She wasn't sure if it was the time of day but everyone was silent in their own right. The more cheerful ones seemed tempted to rip open the door and simply run to their destination. Speaking of cheerful ones- She remembered the woman- girl- person- who had eagerly started to interrogate her at a fast pace. It seemed that two of the previous members had decided to switch. In the morning he seemed to talk to himself- Delusional or perhaps habit of having someone to talk to in the morn? Whatever the circumstances it was probably a detail that she didn't need to memorize.

Her eyes widened at the path they had to cross. The rabbit representative wasn't too sure how they could all survive the trip. Ying Yue should've quit while she was ahead knowing all she'd do is weigh them down. She'd rather receive the hatred of practical strangers rather than her family though. She let out a sigh before exiting the shuttle. She stretched before straightening out her sunglasses. If she wasn't involved and this had been some sort of action film she would have giggled at the expression of which Zephyr had knocked on the door. Like this was your everyday "could I borrow some sugar" request. She took a deep breath before murmuring under her breath, "One more day." WIP ADD AN INTERACTION

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Rei Arias
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During the middle of the transaction with the other male he felt a small tug on his pant leg. At first he narrowed his eyes looking at the cause of it. He opened his mouth to voice his concern being that now she might've had a few scrapes especially being that he had just told her not to move but something in her eyes said otherwise. As her next comment came his mouth quirked a bit of panic in his eyes. "Ah." It passed through his lips as a calm smile came upon his face. What a conundrum. Tempted to simply scoop her up lay his jacket on top of her and simply run out he rubbed his face in contemplation. 'Shen' now he had introduced himself as, handed Cora a tablecloth which could do as a skirt or some kind of innovative fashion. He wasn't sure, it looked like something his sister would have watched. Something stupid like "make clothes out of something you'd find at a jungle". With that taken care of he then once again turned his attention to Shen, paying attention, seeming to pick apart every detail so it took him awhile to respond back.

He knew that name from somewhere but couldn't put his finger on it. Then again he knew a lot of names. Perhaps he should start a journal. He immediately scratched the idea, if it was physical it could be found and that was dangerous. Besides it was better if he held all the data in his head, if push came to shove it was difficult for him to be killed because there was no substitute than him for information or something like that. Depressing that he even had to consider it. At the use of his last name he flinched. That was why he had hesitated using his last name, he preferred Rei. Fine and simple. Although he knew it was some sort of formality so afterwards he attempted to relax. As the next words finally settled down Rei shook his head. "N-No. I have to get this done. I have to finish this. I have to get rid of this incident. I have to-" His eyes glazed over for a second before he rapidly shook his head, he looked slightly shocked at the words that passed out of his mouth before he smiled although in a slightly nervous manner. His speech returned to the 'casual' side of it.

"You k-know what maybe you're right. Besides I have to give an incident like this my full attention and energy and maaaybe at best I'm at 75%."
He gently rubbed his ear although it wasn't like it made his pain lessen any further. "Okaaaaay. Maybe 66%." Rei paused before turning to look at Cora. "Miss." Rei was being very careful not to use her name, after all he wasn't sure how much he could trust the other individual. "You really, really. Can't be seen with me. I'm bad news. Criminal worthy. We'll talk later although it might take me awhile. After you get medical treatment it shouldn't be hard to get back." A joking tone was established. Honestly he was surprised, but also thankful even with the use of his last name she didn't know the impact of it. Rei took out a fifty dollar bill before setting it in her lap, a way to get a taxi home if she had no other way. Otherwise he wouldn't mind if she wanted to spend it how she liked. He wouldn't give her a chance to protest. Honestly this was best case scenario for the both of him, even if he was reluctant to leave her side. It was best for her as soon as possible to get back to a familiar area.

"Um, Mr. Yan if you don't mind I'm going to head out first. The faster I'm checked over the faster I can get started on whatever matters I have to answer to after this."
Rei couldn't bring himself to look back at Cora before he looked past Shen, looking at all the chaos ensued. He lowered his voice due to the noise from the sirens he made sure only Shen could hear, "I know I'm being selfish but I'm just a man. It'd be against my nature to be any other way. I'm no different from your average greedy rich kid." He shrugged promptly after, exiting the building. Most likely he wouldn't meet the man again but if the other male played the hero card it was all the better for Cora.

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Cora Kitonobe x
Shen x
[fieldbox=", #cc99ff, solid"][dash]
- A Little Bud (1x1) CS (Celebrity Female -- Average Male)

"Unsettling? Uncanny? Use whatever you prefer."
x X x

Yuzuki Sakamoto


Some might say Yuzuki's appearance is quite "average". She has long brown hair and hazel eyes. Currently she stands at 5'5". Occasionally she can somehow "switch" with her brother despite their age although it seems to be getting more difficult as years progress.

Yuzuki isn't too fussy when it comes to her appearance. Usually she doesn't have a choice in the manner anyways. Most likely she's wearing clothes she can easily move in, unless it comes to a concert night.


Of course in front of an audience she seems poised and she handles everything with a smile. Although she seems to handle the audience with much more grace than her brother, when it comes to people who "get in her way" or "waste her time" she tends to be a bit crueler. She has no patience for people who waste her time and tends to treat them with a cooler demeanor. Even with people close to her all they manage to get is her "showbiz" smile. Honestly even Yuzuki herself doesn't realize how superficial her smile is. Yuzuki has a one tracked mind, when she focuses on something it's the only thing she pays attention to- Unless her brother enters the room.

Yuzuki has a habit of pride when it comes to her "few" talents. If it comes to a math test she won't give a second thought, on the other hand if you challenge her in "who can play this song the quickest" more than likely she won't hesitate to throw her hat in the ring. She's quite a stickler of personal space and strangely tends to avoid crowds on a normal basis because of this reason.

x Orchestral Music
x Marshmellows

x Strong Scents
x Metal Music

Ice Skating
x Violin
x Reading
x Rollerblading

Yuzuki had a simple life. Along with her brother she grew up in a small town. Her father had a job as a local policeman while her mother was in another state altogether. When Yuzuki was 6 years old her parents divorced and when it came to ownership of the children- Her mother didn't want them and thought it was better for Yuzuki's father to have them reasoning being that throughout the incident "he was going to be alone anyways". Company wouldn't have killed him. Of course her mother invites them to visit every summer and for important holidays. It was then up to the twins to decide if they truly wanted to visit or not. As time progressed Yuzuki would have refused more of the offers if Haruki didn't want to go each and every time. For Yuzuki herself, she had no choice in the matter.

As a child Yuzuki would get into a lot of fist fights and would often ditch school. Each and every time she was caught by her father or her next door neighbor. Her neighbor was a tutor in music and despite her delicate profession she was quite aggressive and had no problem scolding Yuzuki. Occasionally she held Haruki "hostage", unfortunately for Yuzuki she could never figure out how to overcome this slight flaw with her plans. Her interests in orchestral music and her brother had a sudden thirst for fame. It worked out perfectly for the two. They could spend quality time together and achieve what they both wanted.

People often distanced themselves as Yuzuki rose in fame as her past violent nature with additional social power didn't go over well with some of the kids. Others willing to go out of their way to rise in social power seemed to flock to her and her brother like sheep. Often she'd find herself practicing more and more in order for a reason to isolate herself. Miraculously the duet's fame rose to the point where they could partake in interviews and they even tried a modeling shoot- It wasn't something Yuzuki wanted to do on a monthly basis. Much less a daily one.

The incident happened because of a "stupid" bet they made. Yuzuki bet her brother that he couldn't stay off the sweets for a month. If he could then she would go back home and spend a few months there and complete a checklist he made up. If he lost then he would return home and she could have full reign over his social media. Low and behold that's how much his social media meant to him. Of course during the course of the month he had "sweet withdrawals" but he fought until the end and Yuzuki lost.

Celebrity Information:
Yuzuki is known for her duets with her brother, her playing the violin and accompanying her, her brother playing the piano. They stuck together as children and competed in many musical contests and were known as "children prodigies".

Today Yuzuki Sakamoto's whereabouts are unknown as she had dropped off the map from all social medias and all news unlike her brother who without his sister is still rising in fame. Rumors are going around that "Kuroyuki" Haruki Sakamoto's stage name is actually the two twins switching off roles and "Kuroyuki" is simply lip syncing. Many theories are arising due to this recent disappearance.



"The identical puzzle piece I could never match."
Haruki Sakamoto; also known as Kuroyuki is Yuzuki's identical technically younger twin brother. Like his sister he tends to handle things with a cool demeanor although unlike her he's quite shameless when it comes to presenting his feelings. He's quite arrogant and has risen to stardom with his sister using his skills as pianist although he is trying to branch out by become instead- A singular singing idol. He's quite whimsical in nature, clinging to his sister one day and avoiding her like the plague the other.

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More to be Added?
x X x

(Author-san had a great time with the names.)

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"Sorry, your herbivore is in a different castle ~ "

| | Color Code: #fcd0a1 | |
Lupin Auguste
"Modeled after Arsène Lupin, mes chers ~"

Lumière, Black Rabbit, Luminescent Lapin (Stage Name)

Note: Lumière used by his family as his father resents Lupin's original name


Zodiac Family:



Closeted Bisexual

French >< Japanese

Physical Description:
For this magician, he has natural light blonde hair and bright magenta eyes. He has a rather slim figure and stands at 5'7" in which he curses the Japanese blood inside him. This being that his few cousins are much taller than he.

Clothing Style/ Preferences:

Lupin could honestly care less about what he wore in his day to day life. His closet ranges from extravagant cloaks, to large sweatshirts and sweatpants. When up on the stage commonly he wears a starry cloak, thin white gloves, along with a matching rabbit mask. On the other hand when he's in a comfortable location he puts on his circular prescription glasses instead of his contacts. Although he wears contacts, they aren't colored.

Lupin's personality depends on who exactly he's around. Commonly he puts on a flirtatious confident facade and can be quite aggressive at times. When it comes to the zodiacs his confident nature shimmers but due to his experience with his display of magic tricks he enjoys displaying a mysterious sort of air and tends to tease without further thought. Despite his confident personality, if you stick around him you start to notice some of his introverted traits come into play. When he's comfortable or feels at ease he can be quite spacey. This is whether it comes to running into poles or getting completely absorbed into something of extreme interest. Lupin can also be seen being quite meek when it comes to certain situations. When it comes to actual legitimate physical contact he can be quite antsy despite his French roots.


Lupin has always been an odd child. For a majority of his life he had lived with his mother in Japan and was often pointed out as being the foreigners child. His mother had often worked multiple jobs and so Lupin stayed in the main house of the Rabbit. It was a comfortable household to dwell in as for the most part they enjoyed silence, tranquility, and were a majority of them spoiled Lupin in their own way. His mother practically coddled him and sometimes he'd catch her trembling after she promptly scolded him. On the other hand as he grew older a lot of his own cousins would pick on him for his strange looks. They often joked about Lupin being 'adopted' and the tormenting became worse as they found out he was to be the zodiac representative at such a young age. As a result he kept to himself and was quite quiet as a child. In pictures captured naturally he never seemed to smile.

Lupin was also used to his father returning and immediately scooping him up, whining constantly on how he was growing taller and how ridiculous it was. Despite the kind nature Lupin himself received, his mother's side of the family often belittled his father. Eventually Lupin had grown accustomed to the difference in treatment from each of the family members. It didn't help that when he were to attend the meetings the atmosphere was practically toxic. It was one of the only times he had seen his mother practically hiss at the other representative families. When it comes to family, Lupin is quite the pushover. Eventually his parents were in a strange sort of relationship, they were still married but his father refused to visit and his mother was too occupied to visit. They came to a decision that Lupin would stay visit his father every summer. Most occasions when he stayed with his father he'd simply dwell in an empty large house for three months and he hated it- he simply chose not to say a word. In his loneliness he developed magic tricks to show to his "friends". As girly as some might have put it, he had no other company than his trains and random stuff animals around the house.

Lupin currently makes his living as an uprising magician despite his mothers rapidly increasing concern.

Weapon of Choice:
His two beautifully engraved dual guns- -
One with a blue sun, and the other a brilliant yellow crescent moon. Although they're mostly used for decorative usage. One is tampered to fire playing cards while the other is for blanks and bullets.

Don't get him wrong though, he doesn't mind playing with knives either.

Ability/ Power:
> > Air Manipulation
x This ability makes it easier for Lupin to move around and he speeds up at a highly accelerated rate. He is also able to create strong gusts with a shove of his arm.

>> During the night, he can heal minor injuries with a bit of water
(Due to his zodiacs relation to the moon)

His ability doesn't do much physical damage, and this ability can make him incredibly dizzy depending on the length of usage. If faced with close-combat due to his weapons and ability he would be at a huge disadvantage. Also if his hands are restrained the chances of being able to use this ability are slim.

x Magic Tricks
x Illusions
x Folklore
x Fairy Tales
x Takoyaki
x Mochi

x Most Straightforward Alcohol
x Obnoxious Noises
x Buzzkills
x Carrots
x Mornings

x Playing the Koto
x Being an Otaku
x Video Games
x Darts
x Card Tricks

x Direct Confrontations with Death
x Caterpillers/Worms
x Being shunned from the family

Sheep - She tends to be the victim of most of his frustrations whether over e-mails or during the meetings. Which means she's the prime target to any teasing or pranks that he comes up with on the way.

>> T B C . . .

- >
He is extremely nocturnal and despises waking up in the morning

Theme songs:
The Terrible Flirt - -

Presenting the Magician - -

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Ying Yue Fēng



Zodiac Family:



Chinese >< American


Physical Description:
Most commonly, her relatives would compare Ying Yue to her father. With her chocolate colored hair and her eyes that seemed to "shine with constant curiosity" Ying Yue's hair is long in length which she takes a ridiculously long amount of time to brush. She inherited her mother's height and stopped growing at 5'4". Her figure is slim, and her posture is very straight. Rarely is she seen slouching.

Clothing Style/ Preferences:
When it came to formal events she couldn't escape being dolled up by the aunts and grandmothers of the family. At these events she would wear a elegant flowing dress that restricted most of her movement. No matter what occasion though, Ying Yue always has a floral accessory in her hair. Nowadays she could get away with outfits such as this. She tends to be on the more modest side and wear her usual outfit, a pink flowing dress at home. In public depending on the weather, she enjoys wearing large knitted sweaters and other comfortable yet fashionable pieces of clothing. No matter what though, her clothes always cover below her waist.

Birthmarks/ Tattoos/ Markings:
Above her hip she has a sheep insignia burnt into her skin

Ying Yue tends to be on more of the polite spectrum. In front of strangers and acquaintances nowadays, she most likely seems reserved. On the other hand she can be very motherly, fussing over minor injuries and freaking out over a little nose bleed. When it comes to other people, she speaks honestly but in the process tends to be very awkward. On the other side of the spectrum, she can appeal to her more childish side. Despite her polite reserved manner, she tends to be stubborn and impatient. She would prefer to do things in the moment rather then sit around waiting for something to happen. When comfortable she seems to be more excitable, finding joy in the littlest things. She tends to be more of a pushover when it comes to a workload or a small favor that didn't involve someone else being at risk.

Weapon of Choice:
All art mediums, her favorite is the calligraphy pen
(It deals dagger damage)

Ability/ Power:
Artistic Charms
This ability allows Ying Yue to draw an object and let it pop off the page. She also has the ability, with a Chinese character, to boost a personality trait, reduce pain, etc.

It tends to lose shape and power after dosed with water, and is impossible to commence without a medium in which to draw with. Alongside the fact that once it's off the page it needs to be drawn once more. With the Chinese character, despite the art medium still being visual is extremely time based.

Scenic Views, Plum Blossoms, Caramel, Koi Fish + Goldfish, Jackfruit

Enclosed Spaces, Dancing, Liars, Durian

Reading, Photography, Painting, Archery

Closed Spaces, Snakes, Thunder, Losing Meaning

Rabbit - A huge tease! She drives her up a wall with all his antics. Her feelings about this representative are stuck between annoyance and fondness.

Theme song:
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#ff71ce | | Ying Yue Fēng - - Lupin Auguste | | #fcd0a1
The Sheep x The Rabbit

"Mr. Auguste, I'm surprised your fan girls didn't harass the guards."

Ying Yue said with pure sincerity. To that statement the rabbit representative wore a dangerous grin as they finally walked through the doors. When the doors shut behind them he wrapped his arm around her neck and promptly began to grind his knuckle against her head. "Yue. Watch your words. You might offend someone." She squeezed her eyes shut before beginning to wiggle out of his grasp, "You seem to be the only one who's offended! I haven't the slightest idea of why you would be in the first place!" Soon enough he released her out of his grasp before patting her head. Ying Yue backed away very quickly and started to smooth down her hair letting a long sigh out of her mouth. "Don't you have Ms. Allen to bothe- I mean speak to, also?" Lupin grinned before speaking, "Nice save, my dearest ram. Alas she's dealing with some matters I'd rather not get into." He diverted his gaze uncomfortably before scratching at his cheek. "You know, you should hire the people tasked with curing this disease, then create a knife with the ability to slice through tension."

Lupin took a moment to fix the mask on his face. Eventually he'd have to take it off but he'd enjoy the mystery for a little while longer. He took a moment of silence to cross his arms, cautiously gazing around the room eyebrows furrowed. He didn't like the urgency of the meeting. Lupin wasn't too fond of the topic that had come back to haunt him. Especially in his generation? What a pain. "The people running this show especially that mutt, better have some information." Ying Yue matched his expression of discontent as she looked up at him with an accusing look.

"What exactly do you have against the dog representative?" To that Lupin shrugged. The blonde scratched at his cheek, "Let's leave the purpose behind my hostility a mystery for now~" He said before walking a few steps further into the building. Ying Yue watched Lupin's back hesitantly. She wasn't sure if it was entirely this well to be so open with his opinions especially in the what he himself considered 'enemy territory'. She also seemed to have to be careful with her words as he seemed to be in an especially foul mood tonight. A ringtone rang out between the two as the tune made Ying Yue furrow her brows. "Mr. Auguste." Lupin raised his arms up as if in surrender, "Innocent until proven guilty! The wild Lupin uses smoke bomb to vanish!" Although he said this and threw his arm down as if he had one on his person, he still stood there with a sinister grin on his face. Ying Yue's eye twitched, "I don't think referring to yourself in third person-" she didn't get to finish her sentence before he vanished from sight, a light breeze being the only sign that let her know he was there in the first place. "Makes you disappear..."

Ying Yue let out a long sigh before gazing around, "It might be appropriate to enter the meeting room about now wouldn't it?" She rubbed her face in a tired motion before slapping her cheeks. "Even without Mr. Auguste, I should be able to navigate the building just fine..."

A few moments later she went to find an employee of some sort after realizing she had passed the same area at least five times.

Lupin Auguste
The Rabbit | | Magician Extraordinaire | | #fcd0a1
After his disappearance he had chuckled to himself still running, although the cell phone continued to repeatedly ring. He paused as he slid his finger across the screen holding it up to his ear. He was in more of a quiet part of the building, lurking in the hallways. He was partially thankful for his blonde hair, as without it he'd probably look like some sort of suspicious creeper. He let out a mournful sigh as he realized that now, it would have been impossible to locate the sheep representative without entering the meeting room. It was a shame that his Mentos were now laid to waste. As the familiar voice came on the other hand he rubbed his waist sorely. Lifting up his shirt slightly he winced at the sight of the bruised skin. Even as an adult... It was more disappointing than any other emotion. He looked around for the location that he had been aiming for. This location where all gathered. The meeting room. He slipped the coke he had brought out of his pocket and tossed it into the air, watching it commence in a few somersaults before returning it back into its rightful place. Well, wherever the magician stored it. He considered going into the banquet hall but alas, as much as he loved a good audience it just didn't seem appropriate at the time. His manager was angry enough. He could hear the disapproval practically oozing out of her voice. Alas, wouldn't this situation be worse than any show he put on?

With this incident he couldn't think. He couldn't act. He slammed into the wall before staggering back, sorely rubbing his nose. "Mer-" He sucked in his curse realizing he was still on the phone. "Mademoiselle, unfortunately I have to part as I-" He turned off the data on his phone as he stuck out his tongue. He walked into the meeting room noticing more than a few had gathered. He intended to scratch his cheek, but instead his finger was met with the plastic of the mask. Slipping the mask on top of his head he gave a wink to Luana before taking a seat. After the slightly flirtatious act he didn't shoot her another look. Instead he laced his fingers together and placed his head on top. His magenta eyes creased in thought as he patiently waited for the meeting to start. The expression on his face didn't mask his disdain. He found it distasteful to smile in quite the circumstance. In fact he almost shivered. Sick. That was what one of the zodiacs in this room was.

Luana Hope x

Ying Yue Fēng
The Sheep/Goat | | The Artist | | #ff71ce
She was slightly surprised he had gotten into the room before her, but she couldn't say very much. She was slightly irritated that he had teased her and abandoned her. Although a cold expression had flashed upon her face she immediately recollected herself. Perhaps she was just irritated at the events laid out. Even after all these years... Was this act committed by a copycat? The original bringer of the disease that laid within one of them? Or had another zodiac picked up the slack? The story was passed from generation to generation. When they had first walked into the building they could pretend that the problem wasn't there. That the problem would have eventually gone away, or simply had been a bad dream that emerged from a horror movie of some sort. She had thanked the guard before entering the meeting room. Out of politeness she bowed slightly as she passed the doorway. Soon after she found her seat, looking around cautiously at the other faces. It was eerie. She felt as if she could barely recall a majority of the faces. Yet something continued to tug at her memory. She hated nostalgia.

N / A x
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Lupin Auguste > >
He had simply been minding his own business. At this time he had been trying to determine how many cards he could fit within the pages of the book before it became noticeable. His father had left him a couple of mathematical textbooks, in which Lupin does not recall asking for. He had forgotten his analytical notebooks of lore at his home in Japan and alas he wasn't left with much to do. A few deck of cards laid in random locations around the house, calculators, stray papers, and at this point he was too old for the crayons his father set out for him.

Lupin had shared not only his surname, but apparently his fathers appearance. He had just about enough of the girls pestering him in his homeroom and this summer he would come up with some sort of trap. Or at least a way to get away faster. Where did he see himself in 5 years? At this moment he stopped tucking the cards into the book. He stopped moving as if he had suddenly become paralyzed. Lupin had slammed the book shut and leaned back into his seat. Useless. Maybe he was so caught in fixing his parents relationship that other than that- - He didn't know what he was doing with his life. He was already fed up with how frustrating it is. That is, trying to fix something no one else was contributing to.

The window shattered at a stone came Lupin's way. He simply stood there as the stone had hit his stomach. With a dull expression on his face he traced his fingers lightly over the area it had hit. He picked up the stone and examined it before taking a deep breath. He began to run down the steps. As his vision began to whirl he stopped his ability. He had been tampering with it ever since he realized it could help with his card tricks. He resisted the urge to throw up and instead threw open the doors.

Lupin's expression seemed to be one of a careless manner. It gave away no emotion. Despite his vigorous speed earlier, he took slow steps towards the two. As he walked towards the two he noticed a blonde male about his age gearing his arm back. With the tone of his voice matching his expression he inquired, "Which window is next? Hopefully not the window beside it. Considering
that one is my favorite."
His tone gave no sign of playfulness. On the other hand this statement wasn't true in the very least.

Ying Yue Fēng > >[/hr]
"Again Yang Xue!? Useless!" The sharp accusatory tone practically cut through Ying Yue's heart. Although she opened her mouth to protest to yet again, the mistake her adviser had made, she decided that it was better to simply bear through this situation. With a forlorn expression she looked down at the floor. She twiddled her numbs as her adviser continued to pelt her with insults. The other staff stood around uncomfortably, not exactly sure what to do.

Sure they had their fun with prodding and teasing the intern, but it was all in good fun. "Dr. Xiong I apologize for my mistakes." Dr. Xiong; her adviser suddenly had a grin on her face as she nodded. "You should be. I have to continuously clean up your messes. I should just leave you to get eaten by those lawsuit hyenas. You should offer me more than sorry, like say a couple favors here and there from the generous owners of this fine establishment?" To that comment, Ying Yue reflexively scoffed. Her eyes widened as he hands flew to her mouth as if to keep anything else from slipping out. "I'm sorry I'm afraid I can't!- -"

She snatched the clipboard from her superiors hands and before Dr. Xiong could react, Ying Yue ran like the wind. A few angry protests arose from her advisers mouth but she continued to run. She was simply being thankful for once that the hospital was practically a maze. She ran up stairs and ran across the wings of the hospital as if her life counted on it. If Ying Yue thought about it further, this thought process wasn't exactly incorrect. A majority of folks thought that because her relatives owned the establishment, she'd at least be gifted with special treatment. Alas it was the opposite affect. As if her last name bestowed upon her a burden, too much was expected out of her off the bat. She didn't even get paid for the work she did at the hospital.

Eventually she struggled to remain upright. Ying Yue's knees shook as a light chuckle came out of her mouth. This was if she was amused. Perhaps the thought that she was running from her superior was crazy enough to be amusing. Her eyes opened wide as a ripping scream rang out throughout the hallways. Suddenly doors were thrust open while a few doors were quickly shut. At first she thought it was a tantrum recognizing the voice to be one of a child's, but the words that were screamed were horrifying. Not to mention the words that fell out of her co-workers mouths.

The intern recalled the rumors floating around the hospital. The fact that there were rumors told her enough about the situation. As this patient seemed not to have a parent it was most likely due to his condition that he remained in the building. That and the occasional charity wouldn't kill the hospital. She followed after a nurse that was briskly walking to the room, narrowing her eyes. Her co-workers seemed to be struggling with restraining the little child. As she heard the comment about the stitches, all of a sudden she sprang into action. Through all the havoc she attempted to place the palms of her hands on the child's face in order to get him to face her despite the thrashing.

Her tone was soothing as she gazed into his eyes, "If you continue to keep moving the pain is just going to get worse." She attempted to stop her voice from trembling. "But if you stop moving I can make the pain go away, and then all the other scary people will go away."
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Lupin Auguste > >
At first, Lupin had an eyebrow cocked in a confused manner. Was every comment that came out of his own mouth always a threat? He only mentioned his father because if he probably would be sent straight back to Japan. As lonely as the house was, he wasn't ready to play hide and seek with his cousins. Not that Lupin found any reason to explain any parts of his life, especially to the one who just threaten to beat the crap out of him- -

He winced when the girl began shrieking, squeezing both eyes shut and his hands flying to his ears. The magenta eyed male had his fair share of girls screaming at the top of their lungs, but he hadn't encountered one as horrible as this one. He opened one eye when the girl spoke, Lupin noted smugly that at least one of them was on board.

The brute spoke up and although he made his way towards Lupin, Lupin didn't move. Instead he waited patiently for the pain to start. Alas it didn't due to the meeker one grabbing a hold of the ever more approaching male. The two once again began bickering, and eventually the other male gave in.

Lupin rubbed his face in a tired manner. Why couldn't there be more tame peers around instead of a noisy girl, and a brute who constantly wanted to beat him to a bloody pulp? Perhaps the blonde bit off more than he could chew. He shrugged it off, being that it wasn't like he could take it back at this point. Lupin didn't want the girl to start wailing again.

After this action, as Lupin removed his hands from his face he smiled. This smile seemed so different from his bland expression earlier, radiating friendliness to the point where it was eerie. "Lupin Auguste." He held his hand out in front of him for a handshake, and as soon as he met the other males gaze, just like that, the smile was gone and once again the bland look of boredom came upon his face. "We'll go by verbal agreement rather than a written one. It's quicker this way."

Lupin waited a few moments for the other male to shake his hand before speaking up, "I'll place the tea on the stove then." With that dismissive tone he turned his back on them, walking to the door. After holding it ajar for a moment or two he turned back. "I suppose you could run for home now if you really desired, but that's more of a cowards move isn't it? See you inside then."

Even if Lupin wouldn't have admitted it, the last taunt was more intended for the brute rather than for the girl. Lupin walked indoors and headed straight for the kitchen, not taking a single look back.

Upon entering it could be noted that particular parts of the house were a mess, the living room had several books piled up, and papers scattered everywhere on the couch. On the other hand, if you entered the kitchen it could be noticed how spotless it was. There were several jacks lying upon the floor in a magic circle fashion, there were also crayons stacked upon one another in a vertical fashion, along with many card towers scattered about the floor. For an outsider it could be quite an intriguing moment.

Ying Yue Fēng > >[/hr]
Ying Yue clasped her hands over the smaller more fragile seeming hand.

Lucinda Asakawa
| The Secretary || Location:Villa Deck | Color Code: #FF0080 |
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As Haruhi confirmed Lucinda's suspicions about the coffee pot you could practically see the hearts form in her eyes. So far life was going just fine... Until she realized Ryunosuke was cooking. What have they done- - She hoped some strange phenomenon occurred where the conspicuous looking individual had actually been a kind soul, or the carefree guy had actually been the smartest person in the school. The secretary could only hope. She murmured, "Here's to hoping we don't have to apologize to the firefighters." She let out a sigh and placed her full attention on the kitchen, but more importantly the coffee pot. With a look of pure bliss on her face, even though it didn't seem like it, she made note of the potential dishes. As the machine continued to bubble she once again murmured, "I wonder if we should also brew some tea, although for those people we might be better off making lemonade." She clasped her hands together, "Kami-sama forgive me for my selfish desire for caffeine." She then took out a plain white mug, slapping a sticky note on it labeled, 'belongs to the mighty shut-in', and poured a cup for herself. She was about to speak to Miyuki but then saw the violet-eyed peer speaking to the guys in the club and smiled. She restrained herself from a giggle before rubbing her cup of coffee very fondly. Even the scent was making her happier despite her burning dilemma a few minutes earlier. Chances are she'd still cower whenever faced directly with Alexander, but she figured she'd be more focused on getting the potential ship together than the individual himself.

What was an appropriate ship for that? Tsunderhi? "No, no Lucinda. It has to include his name doesn't it?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Folks on the Villa Deck

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Akemi Watanabe x [
Keita Assaragi x [
Miyuki Momozono x [
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