Vox Populi ~ Mowkie's Humble Shop

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Original poster
Invitation Status
  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. One post per week
  2. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Online availability depends entirely on what is going on in life. I have a kindergartener, a baby on the way, and I'm the spouse to an officer, meaning without me, the house becomes a fallout warzone. On top of all of that, I write for work as well as for fun...so work tends to come first.
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
  3. Primarily Prefer Female
Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my two major favorites. However, I tend to be quite the picky player. I prefer an RP with a great deal of development...the world, the lore, everything. And for those GMs looking for help with lore, I love to world build!

Welcome to Mowkie's Little Siggie Shop!

[Requests = 0 of 5 = ACCEPTING]
Please be aware that this limit is to keep me from burning myself out. I will update accordingly!

Hai! And a big, huge welcome to my shop! Now that my life as a new mom has slowed down ever-so-slightly, I find myself online more often. This means more time for me to do the things I love, including my writing and doing very basic works of graphic art.

So welcome, welcome!

I am Mowkie, and this is Vox Populi, The Voice of the People!

But you already figured that out! Smarty!

Here, you can request a number of things, from profile pictures, avatars (for you or your character), signatures, banners for your role plays, and NOW MAPS!!!! Based on what you provide, I take pictures from various sites (if I find the holder of a copyright, I always give credit to them...I just manipulate the pictures) and put them together in a fashion unique to the setting/personality. Note that I do this just for the fun...I love graphic art more than most things (save the few things I love more…it's a tiny list, I assure you). Maps, however, are a completely unique design created from scratch by me using brushes that either I created or were created by other wonderful artists (find those at the bottom). Due to this, I will be charging a $5 fee for each map, as they take up to 24 solid hours of work to make and are large enough for you to print out and hang on your wall!

Finally, please note that because I am a mommy of a young baby, I may slow down at random points in time without letting you know (though usually I'll let you know if I expect to be off my computer for quite some time), especially considering she's finally becoming mobile, meaning I'm going to be a bit more active in chasing her around and whatnot. If you're good with this, do be sure to look around!

Interested? Make a request! But first, I do ask that you read the rules. Thank you!

1. - This shop is for PHOTO MANIPULATION & MAPS ONLY! I don't draw, paint, or anything else of the like for other people. I take pictures that you find or that I find for you and manipulate them into a scene that fits whatever you're looking for. They will NOT ALWAYS BE 100% ACCURATE!
2. – For maps, which are items that you will be spending your hard-earned moneys on, I will work with you until you are 100% SATISFIED, but you in turn must be willing to work with me. THIS MAY REQUIRE MEETINGS ON SKYPE IF AT ALL POSSIBLE!!! We may need to share screens (where I show you my screen, so you see the map in progress) and tell me the minute details and where to put them. This will not require talking through the mic, but it will require a skype call. Do note that if you are not willing to work with me on this, don't ask for the map, as I request the money in advance. This is to ensure that my hard work doesn't go to waste, either.
3. - If you would like to try your hand at map making before requesting a map from me, I have a tutorial set up that gives you the basic rundown of how to build one! YAY!!! Find the link here.
4. - Though I am sure there are dozens of wonderful artists on this site, I would greatly appreciate it if your work is shared OUTSIDE of this thread. It's full enough with the requests coming and going.

Thank you.

  2. Please be polite and courteous whilst posting on this thread.
  3. Fill out the Request Form with as much detail as you can possibly provide.
  4. FOR CHARACTER AVATARS: If your character has a sheet, please finish it and send it to me so I get a feel for the char and can create a better image for them.
  5. If all 5 requests are filled, please wait for me to finish all previous requests before asking for yours. You may post your request form, but it will probably be ignored until I'm through with what I already have. CURRENT requests that are being filled will be posted in the SECOND POST of the thread for easy tracking.
  6. As the artist, I reserve the right to place a watermark of some sort (it'll probably be tiny if there at all) on the art provided. This better ensures that people won't stealing my work (though it is still a possibility).
  7. As the artist, I also reserve the right to refuse any requests. This will typically only happen if I feel I cannot help you or if the questions I ask you are never answered. If I refuse a map that has already been paid for, I will refund your moneys.
  8. I also have the right to revoke what is provided if it is misused. That just means don't edit what I gave you. If you have a problem with it, tell me. I save all PSD files. Note that for maps, this will not result in a refund, but it may result in copyright infringement charges. I take that stuff very seriously.
  9. Please don't post my work anywhere else on the web (unless using it for what it was meant for). Don't re-upload it or anything like that. I share a site with my mother especially designed for these images!
  10. Please give credit in your signature or post (it can be tiny) accordingly. I would prefer that this credit provides a link to the shop.
  11. Please use what I give you. I spend a lot of time on these, and I'd hate to see them put to waste.
  12. Please note that all work will be uploaded on a personal site for you.
  13. Enjoy the work!! XD
**PLEASE NOTE: These are posted in no particular order, and some of them are up to seven years old. You can probably tell by the work done to them. Know as you look at these that I can probably give you better...and also know that at times, my work can be a little lagging. I'll probably warn you beforehand...>.>**​









































In the off-chance that Iwaku is able to properly bring these back, here are some examples of the scrolling banners I've built before.






All Maps are of Partheus, my own world. I specialize in fantasy style, but I'm more than happy to experiment!!






Form for Siggies, Avatars, and Banners ~
  • Username (That's you)
  • Graphic Type (JPEG, PNG, or GIF? Siggie, Avatar, or RP Banner?)
  • Size (Choose from the sizes provided below, OR give me a particular size you would like)
  • Name on Piece (Is it your name? A Character's name? The title of an RP?)
  • Personality (Give me the qualities/story you want your picture to show)
  • Theme (Give me the setting and style you would like your piece to be in)
  • Colors (What colors do you like? Which ones should I stay away from?)
  • Pictures (Provide me with as many pictures as you can, and if you can't find many, give me the reign to search for them for you. *WARNING* You may or may not like what I provide)
  • Model Name (If you have a particular actor/actress or model you'd like to use, provide the name here)
  • Extra Text (want your piece to say something? Say it here! And spell correctly, for ze Mowkie copies and pastes!)
  • Other (Anything I might have missed! Character Sheets should be posted here in a spoili!)
Form for Maps ~
  • User Name
  • Map Type (World, Continent, Island, or Local?)
  • Size (If you don't like the sizes provided, you may request a specific size in either inches or pixels)
  • Name on Piece (What's the name of the place?)
  • Theme (Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Futuristic, etc.)
  • Specific Locations (This includes cities/towns, hidden spots, etc. – with each location name, give me the basic feel of where they are – North, South, East, West, etc.)
  • Natural Formations (Mountains, Plains, Deserts, Rivers, Lakes…all that good stuff. Give names if they have them and a basic feel of them)
  • Texture (This is what you'd like your map to appear on. Shall it be a piece of old paper, wood, metal, or something else, entirely?)
  • Extra Text (Have a title that should below the name of the place? Put it here! Also, if you have a particular font in mind, please also put it here.)
  • Other (If you already have a basic design, you can put that here to give me a much better feel for what I'm making.)
The Map-Making Process ~

So, I plan to build maps in three stages. These stages shall be listed below. If this process does not work, I will edit accordingly, but this is my first attempt, so bear with me.

  1. The first stage will be a basic sketch with no actual land formations or shorelines as of yet. I will put various dots across the map to mark locations, which will have the names you have given me based on the generalized explanation provided. The more specific you are, the more accurate these should be. Rivers will be drawn out, a basic forest, mountain, and desert area(s) also given. This will be on a piece of graph paper, hand drawn, scanned onto the computer and then uploaded for you to see. This is where you start to give me pointers. IF I need to remake it, it will be redrawn, and this stage will be repeated as many times as needed.
  2. The second stage will be the most time-consuming. This stage will be my Photoshop application, taking a from-scratch file and rebuilding the landform using my land brushes. It will NOT be EXACTLY like the map that I hand drew, as I use premade brushes to build the outer edges of the shape. If you would like examples, I can show you the differences between my continents on paper and the finished product. From here, I will build the ecosystem locations by color and texture changes. I will also add the formations, such as mountains, rivers, etc. and towns/cities that have already been established.
  3. The third stage is the tweaking stage. This is the stage that you will be able to actually communicate with me as to where, EXACTLY, you want certain things. This is also the stage that I add the text, the background texture (if it's not already added), the compass rose, and little extras to find later on. At the end of this stage, you will have a finished product, which I will upload for you. I will keep the files for necessary changes later on (if ever needed), which is a courtesy I keep for all my customers. XD

Siggie Sizes--**NOTE** All profile pictures will automatically be 200x200
  1. r8w22h.jpg
  2. kdjyfq.jpg
  3. (Most Popular!)
Character Avatar Sizes--
  1. 28s3r6t.jpg
  2. 2dkk6yu.jpg
  3. fbkizt.jpg
  4. eap82f.jpg
RP Banner Sizes--
  1. ip03mt.jpg
  2. rax06a.jpg
Map Sizes --
World Map XL
  1. 23wvmp.jpg
World/Continental Maps
(Sizes in INCHES, not Pixels here...still width x length/height)
  1. 2ntd98k.jpg
  2. 106apl4.jpg
  3. 2a9b6ds.jpg
  4. 2ujjvgk.jpg
  5. 2mo816p.jpg
  6. vo0sbo.jpg
  7. 30icq55.jpg
Local Map
  1. 2gy6sjq.jpg
  • Username:
  • Graphic Type:
  • Size:
  • Name on Piece:
  • Personality:
  • Theme:
  • Colors:
  • Pictures:
  • Model Name:
  • Extra Text:
  • Other:
  • User Name:
  • Map Type:
  • Size:
  • Name on Piece:
  • Theme:
  • Specific Locations:
  • Natural Formations:
  • Texture:
  • Extra Text:
  • Other:

I, as an amateur Graphic Designer, would like to personally thank all of the wonderful artists who are much, much better than me. Below is a list of the brushes I oftentimes use as well as the links to those who made them.


~Birds & Feathers~

~Map Symbols~

~Arcane Runes & Circles | Mist | Sparkles~
Obsidian Dawn


Credit also goes to the phenomenal artists whose work is chosen by the fine customers of this shop! I don't make the pictures. I just use them for something new.

Also, a special thanks to my mum, without whom, I would not have Photoshop CS5 or the inspiration to be a graphic artist. She also makes her own brushes, which many times I have used, and some of the styles for the fonts I use.​
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I'm hoping that you can squeeze both Cora AND Cass onto this- if not, just Cora will do!

Username: girlabot
Graphic Type: Character avatar. Jpeg works
Size: I don't have much of a reference for size, but I'll go with 650x500 ...unless another size works better for whatever reason!
Name on Piece: Cora and Cassius
Reserved. Brooding. Mistrustful.
As a result of years of emotional and physical abuse, Cora has learned to keep her mouth shut in the interest of self-preservation. Tending not to speak unless spoken to, the young woman is typified by curt, short replies and a constantly wary expression. It takes persistence and time to break through her figurative armor, and she is very reluctant to express appreciation for others for fear of her trust being abused. This is a woman who has no skill or tact in building non-professional relationships.

Adaptable. Clever. Careful.
After being thrown around by people with power for so long, Cora is very skilled at adapting her strategy for survival amidst constantly changing surroundings. She has the intelligence and persistence to thrive in any environment, even when subjected to extreme stress; despite all odds, the woman clings fiercely to life and her right to thrive,and refuses to let another individual take that from her again.

Defensive. Accusatory. Hostile.
If Cora feels attacked in any way, she will leap to defend herself from the perceived assailant and probably form long-lasting grudges against them in an effort to protect herself. She is quick to accuse, quick to condemn, and is fierce in her actions, words, and convictions. This is not her natural state of being, but one developed after being continually torn down and kicked around by people who were supposed to have protected her.

Depressive. Bitter. Morose.
Being exiled from the Morgan clan after doing her best to play the role assigned to her took an enormous toll on Cora's self-esteem, trust, and basic happiness. She feels abandoned, she feels hurt, and she feels angry toward the people who said they loved her and didn't lift a finger to keep her in their lives... however, most of the resentment and hatred Cora feels is for herself. As someone whose entire value was reduced to a hand in marriage -one that she willingly threw away-, it is near-impossible for her to feel as if she's worth anything at all anymore.

Sympathetic. Gentle. Loyal.
Although Cora may seem crass at first glance, and at second glance (and at third), she has a tremendous soft spot for other victims of abuse, especially children, and has a strong maternal instinct over the less fortunate. Her battered heart is still gentle at the core, giving her a kinder side that, while rarely expressed, is extremely pure and generous. She forms fierce, unwavering loyalties to those who manage to earn her trust, and relies on them to ease her anxiety and depression.
Shy. Nervous. Bashful.
Unlike some of his bolder peers, Cassius is not one for brash, daring moves; he is naturally quiet, speaks softly, and often stumbles over his words, though many find these little mannerisms oddly endearing. The white dragon is often overwhelmed when even gently confronted, and, to Cora's delight, is very easily embarrassed in front of others. Regardless, he and his rider rely on one another to soothe their mutual anxieties, and are completely comfortable around those for whom they deeply care.

Courteous. Friendly. Even-tempered.
Cora raised a well-bred, polite dragon youth who always remembers his 'please's and his 'thank-you's, greets others warmly, and tries to ease the discomfort his rider often causes. For one so shy, Cass loses his awkwardness around those who themselves are feeling insecure, and will do his best to facilitate an open and welcoming environment. It takes significant effort to draw anger out of the albino, though even then the feeling is always short-lived. Cora learns from Cassius's composure, and through her the dragon learns when to retain his backbone.

Empathetic. Understanding. Encouraging.
Where Cora can be unapproachable, Cassius is kind, gentle, and empathetic to those who need his counsel. He is characterized by his understanding, rose-colored eyes that seem to cradle the soul and soothe even the most frayed of nerves. The albino and is careful to create spaces in which others can feel safe, and will spend hours talking over another's troubles if they need an outside ear. This is not a dragon that loses his patience easily, holds grudges, or acts spitefully in any way.

Curious. Playful. Well-meaning.
Though he is generally a very serious youth, Cassius is not above the tricks and shenanigans of his peers, and often finds himself swept up in their many mischievous schemes. Cass may play around, but his jokes are always light and well-meaning, not intended to bring about any real harm. He is very insistent on others sharing in his amusement, which usually results in accosting Cora with all of the latest terrible jokes and riddles.

Uncertain. Self-doubting. Anxious.
Despite his charm and natural kindness, Cassius is still very insecure due to his albinism, which sets him apart from the other dragons in a very obvious, visual way. He feels inadequate, weaker, and more of a freak than his peers, especially as the clutch develops and the differences become more obvious. This underlying self-consciousness opens the youth up to a host of other minor insecurities, doubts, and anxieties that Cass struggles to handle on a daily basis. It's up to Cora to reassure her partner that he is valid, important, and worth just as much as the other dragons.
Theme: Fantasy, probably something nautical
Colors: Blues, greens, and everything in between
Pictures: Okay I really suck at knowing what's going to be most useful to you, so feel free to use any image you can find that would work! You know my characters and I trust you. :)
Model Name: Hm ... since Cora's inspiration came from a digital artist, I'd feel very illegal in giving you some of that artist's images to use in an avatar. Bambi Northwood-Blyth bears a close resemblence to my vision of Cora, as does Nichole Martinez (she doesn't look as mature or as angry as Bambi, though). For Cassius, any white dragon would work. I've found the best results with "ice dragon."
Extra Text: Can't think of anything, so we'll just skip this bit
Other: Won't post the entire massive thing here, but here's the link to their cs.
If you could, give me the link to the artist who does the images of Cora. I'll ask that person if it's alright to use the work without much editing for this particular scenario. It's not like we're selling it. ^^ Most artists are okay with their stuff being used privately.
So I was desperately trying to find ways to make images look nice together in a character avatar thing and I checked the art shop list thing. That's when I found this and decided to shoot you a request.

Username: Takashi
Graphic Type: ehm... JPEG?
Size: 700x840
Name on Piece: Shirou (char name)
Personality: honorable, serious
Theme: Moon in the backround? Also, a constellation if you can. If not, that's fine.
Colors: blue. fair amounts of blue.

Model Name: N/A
Extra Text: N/A
Other: I'll just throw his CS in a spoiler here. Also, I can't find anything soo... could you edit his katana? It needs blue flames. One more thing, the CS isn't finished yet, I'll be working on it while this is being made if that's ok.
Basic Statistics:

Name: Shirou
Age: 92,000 (just don't mind this, in the RP they can live a hell of a long time)
Gender: male
Race: Celestial Kitsune//Nine-Tails
Region: Summons Realm
•Celestial & Fire Magic

Style: Attacker
Siblings (if any): N/A
Spouse (if any): N/A
Children (if any): N/A
Significant Others/Crushes (if any): N/A

Physical Characteristics: N/A because I have a pic.

Appearance picture or Description:
Kitsune Form:

Full Fox Form:

Height: 5'8"
Weight: 133lbs
Eye Color: blue&yellow
Hair Color: white
Skin color: Caucasian
Distinguishing features: heterochromia (the condition of having two different colored eyes)

Habits: tends to float around instead of walking
Hobbies: meditation, looking at the stars at night
Style: honor above all else
Greatest flaw: doesn't hold back. ever. This basically means that he exposes his weaknesses a lot as well.
Best quality: will obey his summoner at all times

Weapons: Katana



Background: (You don't need a novel. A paragraph of information is fine)

Additional Notes on This Character:
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I'll see about getting it later this week, @Takashi ~ I won't be able to get to it tonight, as I've already made promises with my time. <3
No worries, take your time! I'm just hopeless at this stuff soo... yeah.
@Takashi ~ Sorry it took so long, deary. Let me know if there's something you'd like me to change.

Nope, it's great! ^^
Just ehm... I think I need a code for this?
Right click, and then copy the image address. Then, all you gotta do is paste it in the image code or use the rich text editor. ^^ Be sure to give me some credit, too. XD
*fiddles with rich text editor for a while* ok then! And yes, I'll credit you ^^ Thanks again!~
No problem!

I suppose I should fix this up a bit...it's neglected. XD
Edited and ready for business~

@Mowkie Ok, I keep seeing things about money being spent for maps, but no prices anywhere and it's kind of off putting. How much do maps typically cost to make?
@insouciant My apologies for the confusion. The $5 fee is mentioned in my introduction; I'll be sure to add it to other areas of the posted page when I get the chance.

It doesn't cost me money to make, but it takes a great deal of time, which is even harder for me to have now that I'm a mom. I also hope to use whatever money I make to buy brushes and textures to better enhance my maps. ^^
  • Thank You
Reactions: junebug
@Mowkie Ah, I must've missed it being buried in the introduction. My apologies. Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of money right now, but I do wish you good luck on finding someone who does. :)
~ Character Avatar Request ~

I hope this is all the information you need and you can feel free to PM me if needed , Mowkie! Many thanks in advance and truly hope that you can help me with this! <3 @Mowkie
@Shayla So, very lusty with roses...not sure I can incorporate much from the Hollywood theme, as that would probably just make everything blur together and muddle the image you wanna portray (the lusty daughter of a Deadly Sin). I can certainly incorporate the GIF, but if that's the case, you will have a background (or it'll have those little dots you see on my GIFs with transparent backgrounds - you'll need to let me know which you prefer). I'll get it out to you once I've caught up on my RPs!!
@Shayla So, very lusty with roses...not sure I can incorporate much from the Hollywood theme, as that would probably just make everything blur together and muddle the image you wanna portray (the lusty daughter of a Deadly Sin). I can certainly incorporate the GIF, but if that's the case, you will have a background (or it'll have those little dots you see on my GIFs with transparent backgrounds - you'll need to let me know which you prefer). I'll get it out to you once I've caught up on my RPs!!

I'm totally fine with the transparent backgrounds for mine if that is what you want to do for it!
  • Thank You
Reactions: Mowkie
Sorry it's taking so long, @Shayla ~ I've been having a rough patch RT here lately, so it's been difficult to get on my computer. But I'm getting started on your image now if you still want it!
  • Love
Reactions: Shayla
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