Viridos, Chapter 2

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Ayanne Marshden, green

Her head was pounding so badly that she didn't even bother to resist any more as the pirate, Biscuit, dragged her away. Ayanne staggered along with him, leaning on his arm, panting for breath through a soar throat. Her brain barely registering the name Ironblood and the term parlay being spoken as she was hauled below and shut up in the brig. It was little more than a box built into the side of the hull with square bars on the front and a bench, she supposed was supposed to be a bunk, at the back. She collapsed to her knees and then to the floor and lay there as her senses slowly returned to her and Biscuit took a chair against the far wall, no doubt to watch and report on her behavior. That or Requiem's name really did hold some weight and Biscuit was now her personal guard. She noticed that he had left her both her bag and her knife, but shut up down here the only danger she could pose was too herself.

As she lay there and listened to the sounds of the battle occurring above, all she could think of was how badly she had just screwed up. She should be out there helping her friends. Healing the wounded, trying to salvage the lives that were left, not stuck down here able to do nothing. Malachi, she never should have listened to him. She had no idea why she had. Some vague promise of his taking the Monolith away should never have justified . . . But she had been so scared, still was scared, and he had been so calm that she had listened and believed getting aboard the pirate ship would somehow help. She told herself that she had believed she was delivering some sort of coded message, but Ayanne knew that wasn't the case. She quite simply wasn't ready to die. Not if her death gained nothing. But it wasn't as though being locked up down here alive helped anyone either. Not with the Monolith being seen as a prize. The thing should be destroyed instead. It was then she determined that If Malachi wanted her alive she would use that life to make sure he fulfilled his end of the bargain. That had been her goal hadn't it? To get that thing far, far away from Viridos? And Malachi said he could do it, had sent her someplace safe so she - could do what? Why had he spared her? What did he want in return? A price had never been negotiated.

Suddenly Ayanne realized everything had gone quiet above.

Confused at the sudden lack of chaotic sounds Ayanne pulled herself over to lean against the bench. Parlay, Ironblood had been asking for Parlay, that's what the pirate had been saying as she was thrown in the brig. Her head swam as she moved and Ayanne groaned with the pain. A little bit of dizziness was to be expected, but she had to make sure it was nothing worse. Before she could do anything else, before she could even begin to figure out what to do and how, or if, to try to get out of this place, she had to assess her own injuries.

Shifting uncomfortably she undid her belt and slipped a hand under her tunic, one eye on Biscuit to make sure he wasn't watching, and tested her ribs. It was a relief to find they were only bruised and not broken. Not that there would have been much she could do if they had been. Her hand went to her head and found only minimal blood and a large goose egg forming. She didn't think she had a concussion, her vision was fine, her balance after the first few minutes had been fine, the dizziness was fading, her head ached but that was to be expected, and she was thinking clearly enough to diagnose herself.

As for her throat, it was swollen and raw, but not dangerously so and she had a feeling that too would fade in time. If the captain had pressed any harder or longer it might be an entirely different story, but Requiem's name had apparently been of at least some worth.

Moving to sit cross-legged Ayanne began rummaging through her bag, relieved to find that the crack she had heard earlier was only the handle of a wooden spoon, and pulling out various bundles set about mixing something for the pain. Laurel, ginkgo, ginger root, and a touch of powdered dogwood went into a small bowel and were crushed into a fine mush. Both the anti-inflammatory properties and pathenolides in the mixture should do her some good, and focusing her mind on a small task seemed to help keep her from panicking. A moment later she had rolled the mixture into little balls and promptly stuck one under her tongue. Ignoring the taste she settled back to wait.
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Requiem The Pirate and Ayanne Marshden, darkgreen
The battle had died down above deck. Malachi could only guess that things had gone well in their favour, or the ship would've been steadily sinking. Once he'd boarded, he ditched his disguise. It was uncomfortable as all hell and was glad to be rid of the thing. His normal clothing suited him much better. The hair dye he didn't have the chemicals to remove unfortunately, so until that was handled, he was stuck with brown hair.

Dressed as himself he decided to check and see what the rest of the events had transpired. He still couldn't go above deck, especially out of disguise, but there were crewmen all about the ship that weren't combatants. He learned from various sources about the proceedings above, and about the meeting as well. One of them even had the courtesy of informing him that a girl had been caught, and was presently locked up in the brig. Everything else became unimportant at that bit of information. Expecting he knew who it was, he headed down. He just hoped that she was alright.

As he entered the area she was being kept in, he noticed who her guard was and scowled. Biscuit was one of Ozzimus' men that he simply didn't care for. Furthering his poor mood was when he caught sight of her condition. He quietly approached and gave one single order to the man. "Out. Now."

Those words were all it took. Malachi was not known for being as blatantly aggressive as their Captain. He was more creative in his methods of dealing with those under his command that wouldn't behave. Rather than beating them, he would often-times find cruel punishments for them. One time in particular he had a barrel filled with broken rum bottles, had the offender dropped inside nude, sealed the barrel, tied a rope to it, and let it bang off the side of the ship for an hour or so. The man was not seriously injured, aside from considerable blood loss, but he never stepped out of line again. Knowledge of his unorthodox methods had pervaded even Ozzimus' crew, and the man standing guard quickly left his position.

Finally alone, Requiem groaned, lowering himself to the floor in front of the bars of her cell. "Hey, are you alright?" He asked, quite concerned. He hadn't expected the crew to beat her as they had. He was going to have to have a word with the Captain when the smoke cleared.

"No," she answered hoarsely, wincing slightly as talking aggravated a split lip. "I'm not. Nothing about any of this is iamu all right. My head hurts, my throat is swollen from being nearly strangled, my friends are dead or dying and there's nothing I can do for them. I sought shelter here like a coward, and every time I close my eyes I see that light damned Monolith." As she spoke a single tear slipped out the corner of her eye and rolled down her grubby cheek.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry for what happened. I had expected them to treat you a little better when they knew I had given you safe passage. That will be rectified very soon." He let out a quiet sigh, looking her over again. She wasn't in the best shape by any means. He kicked himself mentally for not getting the keys from the guard. He remained quiet for a moment, considering what he was about to say carefully. "And I'm sorry for lying to you about who I am. There is nothing to be done about it now though, so I can only hope that you'll forgive me someday."

"I had suggested you take refuge here because I wanted you to be safe. Better a temporary prisoner than a casualty of combat." He told her, turning to face away from her. He couldn't look at her anymore. Despite what he did, despite all the killing and the lying, he felt bad. The first decent action he'd taken in a long time had ended up like this. "The Captain ordered a ceasefire. Nobody else is going to die for that thing. You and I both know that The Sea Wraith has healers that can take care of the injured. We've won. Ironblood is meeting with the Ship's Captain regarding terms of surrender. I know for a fact that the monolith is our biggest priority. It's what this was all about. So, at the very least, the thing will be leaving Viridos." He hoped that that small bit of information would at least set her somewhat at ease.

Ayanne nodded in understanding. The reminder that there were other healers helping only slightly. "I don't know what you intend to do with it, but its poison will spread wherever it goes," she whispered, "better to destroy it if you can - I - I have no idea how though . . ." She sat for a moment watching him. "I still don't understand what you want from me, why you saved me,"she murmured again after a moment breaking the silence. "If Ironblood is working on a surrender it means you will gain the monolith with out my help . . . What is your price?"

"My... Price?" He asked, stopped suddenly staring directly at her. "What do you mean?" He hadn't considered that she thought he was keeping her as a prisoner for money. It was as he looked at her that it dawned on him. "Oh. Oh! No, no! You misunderstand! You're here for your safety. All things considered, you're still safer here. That's all. We'll be heading to the free port after this. From there you should be able to catch a ship back to Viridos." He tried to explain quickly. "I promise, I don't want anything from you other than to keep you safe. Don't ask why, I don't know. I should go, but I'll be back after everything's been settled to let you out of there. Please just... Don't try anything until I get back, alright?" He asked her, his voice flooded with concern.

With everything he could bring himself to say said, he got up and left. He didn't want to leave her a chance to respond to him. If she did, he would likely have second thoughts about why he was doing this. Finally, he reached his private quarters and collapsed on his small bed. He would be glad to see this mess finished and dealt with. He didn't think he'd be able to handle much more.
The sea skirmish seemed to had just flown by without Khanaan taking much detail into account. His mind had been pushed to another place, with such danger and noise. It was exciting. It had been too long since he was in the thick of a fight this good. A formula of hack and smack was administered to remedy the adrenaline. The familiar voice of Sevoret broke his concentration, as it was loud and close in proximity.


Covered them he did.

Not too long after Gom borrowed his home-grown Viridos strength, it seemed that the fight had slowed down into a stop. The pirates seemed to step away for the most part. This fight was over and he was sure to busy with repairs the next few days. Khanaan wiped a little sweat from his nose, gathering some breath back. The smell of the sea was now riddled with cannon fire and blood. He needed to distract himself or at the very least see if his closer friends on the ship were still living.


Looking over, he could see she had just sheathed the daggers and was gathering some things she dropped. She had an expression of deep sadness. His armor clinked and clanked on the walk over to her. Blinking, Khanaan offered a hand to her shoulder.

"It seems we will live to fight another day. Thank the gods, and lets see what we can do to help hm?"
Sevoret Umilas

And so she stared for what seemed the longest time at the sights before her. Injured crew members. Even more severely injured members. Dead men, fallen from the heavy and unexpected battle. It was a horror, a nightmare to even look at for Sevoret. Looking at all this damage, to the Sea Wraith and the passengers upon it combined, it makes Sevoret want to call out to Ilium. But even then, the words would not even be able to pass her lips. She was shell-shocked in the midst of the aftermath. In this particular area, it was like a scream of horror to the distant Viridos people. Death was thick. Sorrow and pain even thicker.

The nauseating smell of spilled blood and the fire of cannons sickened her. Sevoret tried to not think of it much, attempting to shift her focus to the natural and fresh smell of the Viridos forest. Though it worked slightly, a smile just couldn't seem to grace her face. And why should a smile be in order? Tonight's happenings were so far from good. Captain Valyrin's men and others were slaughtered, and for what? For what? Could the Monolith be the none other than the reason for this disaster, this terrible fight? For this relic?

Her thoughts seemed to overflow. Sevoret shook her head, looking upon the ship's floor. A large hand was gently placed on her shoulder.

"Sev?" Khanaan's now familiar voice said. "It seems we will live to fight another day. Thank the gods, and lets see what we can do to help, hm?"

A small, single tear was shed from the corner of her right eye, and Sevoret quickly wiped it away. She needed to be strong. She had lived, thank the gods, as Khanaan had stated. So, Sevoret lifted her head and turned it up slightly to stare at Khanaan with weary eyes. She nodded in agreement, clearing her throat to speak.
"Very well, then."

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Ash of the Heartwood
The crowds were thinning in the area around Ash but the debris was still falling. He scanned the once beautiful city until he saw the familiar hand once more, it hadn't moved since he last saw it and he knew that it was time to put the little one to rest. Galloping over he gripped his spear in both hands and pushed the shaft end into the rubble, gripping it tightly to try and lift some of the structure off the body.

The world seemed to be falling around them as pottery crashed against the structures that were still standing. Paintings of Avian culture wafted in the air like kites but their wings did little to direct them as they fell to the ground and were quickly trampled by the hordes of fleeing people. A piece of stone moved and the undertaker managed to get two hands underneath it as he began to lift. The spear clanking loudly on the ground as he strained to heave the object off the body.

Cora slid out of his body while he worked, watching him with concern before scanning the skies. She knew that the undertaker would not leave without the child and so it was futile to suggest it. But she also knew that the child did deserve a proper burial and so she supported him fully in this dangerous endeavor. Though the Aux had four eyes it did little to help her keep track of all the objects that endangered her Crux. One such danger, a metal candle holder of some kind, flew through the back of her head and crashed just inches behind Ash's leg. She jumped back for a moment and then realized the stupidity of her reaction, this world could not touch her nor she the world.

Aux were so absorbed in the lives of their Crux that they forgot who they were.
Two sides of the same coin...
They couldn't be closer together...
They couldn't be further apart...

"Ash you have to hurry," she said right after Ash had managed to flip another stone off the body, a wing peeking out of the was an Avian child. The wing was obviously broken and even though the child was dead Ash was gentle as he lifted the body through the opening he had created. Blood poured down the child's face, a wound near the temple was how she met her end. The life fluid was in her hair, making it sticky to the touch as the undertaker attempted to brush it out of her eyes. It was a little girl and for a moment he saw the Iron Child's face. He stared at it in shock until his mind pulled him away from the confusion, Look out! he thought he heard someone call to him but his mind was in such a haze he didn't know what they said.

"Ash Look out!"
Ash looked to see a glass vase flying straight at the child in his arms, he quickly turned, wrapping the young Avian in his arms before the glass shattered against his right shoulder blade. The forced knocked him off his hooves and before he even realized what had happened he found himself laying on the ground in a daze. "Oh Ash are you ok?" Cora asked looking over his body, glass shards were sticking out of his skin but his shoulder didn't seem to be broken. The undertaker winced in pain but looked down to see the child laying quietly in his arms, the right wing hung awkwardly on her back. It was the one that had been broken originally but he didn't want to break it more. He folded the wing gently against the Avian's back before readjusting his grip. Ash carried her in his arms like a mother would her own child. He groaned in pain as he forced himself to stand, the dark brownish red sap that was his life fluid pouring down his back slowly from his wounds. It didn't matter, he would protect this child until they found peace in Ilium, he just needed to find a way out of this anarchy to do so. He leaned down to pick up his spear. "Cora," he said finally as he looked over the city in it's destruction. "We must leave, we have work to do."
Khanaan gave a friendly, encouraging smile. It seemed she had recovered quickly enough to at least return to a state of being more relaxed.


His hand squeezed the shoulder, before moving to check on some of the other wounded.

He did what he could, but when something was outside his knowledge the healers stepped in wonderfully. In the meantime, the bull anima started moving people and cargo to better places than on the main deck of a damaged ship. Making sure Sev was working with him, and not focusing on the horrible injuries some of the crew had faced. Gently, he watched her. Khanaan also kept an eye out for Sprig and Konkon, curious as to where they had gone. If they ended up claimed by the afterlife, he would need a little time to mourn them both.

But since they weren't in sight, he just kept working. Hopefully, news of their still living activities would reach him soon.

"You don't have any unseen injuries do you?" He asked Sevoret, looking her over.
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Sevoret Umilas

When Khanaan gave her a smile that none other than supportive, Sevoret retaliated with a sad smile. Then, they proceeded in helping others. She utilized her skill of sensing just what state each individual was in, health wise. From this, she could deduct what they needed. Other than that, she was quite useless at the moment. Sevoret had already used one of her advents, and she was drained from this and from having to defend herself against pirates. And even if she had not used an advent, what good would it do to be able to heal one person? The action would be futile and wouldn't be beneficial to the others.

She could feel Khanaan's eyes on her, however she didn't mind it much. Sevoret just continued in doing all that she could, what she was capable of as of right now. Though her body was a little weak, bruised and cut a bit, she did not pity herself, and for the most part, she achieved in ignoring the pain. Besides, theses minor injuries were nothing compared to how badly the fallen, but still living passengers of the Sea Wraith were beaten.

"You don't have any unseen injuries do you?" Khanaan spoke. These words, unfortunately, brought her wounds to attention. She currently suffered from a minor laceration on her right shoulder and a bruise or two on her left hip. The bruise hadn't even been due to the battle. This was caused by her literal downfall when the Sea Wraith was being jerked so violently. This she didn't mind much, but she placed a hand to her shoulder, which a been starting to bleed under her shawl since a few moments ago.

"My damage is not much. Just a cut and bruise. I'll need to wrap up this shoulder, however," Sevoret said, wincing slightly.

Ayanne Marshden, green

He wanted her safe and he intended to see she got home, were Ayanne's only coherent thoughts as Requiem left her in the brig. She still didn't understand. Surely he thought she might have some value. Why else would he save her?

"Be still," the little voice tugged at the back of her mind. "Rest, recover."

She sighed and leaned her head back against the bench. Her temples still pounded from the beating against the deck she had received from that pirate captain and she fished in the little bowl for another one of her herb balls and sticking under her tongue where the first had already dissolved. She still wanted answers.

"answers take time," the voice whispered, "you need to rest."
Ayanne closed her eyes.
"No don't sleep," the voice snapped, "possibility for concussion."

Ayanne opened her eyes. Fine, she would wait and take solace in the fact that the sounds of battle had not resumed.
Only then did it occur to her that she had yet to use that day's advent.
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"Ere! Stop chin-waggin and chuck us a rope, would ye?"

The voice sailed up through smoke and salt-breeze, between cries of the wounded and the crackle of fire. Sevoret finished bandaging a sailor then peered over the deck railing. A glimmer of red revealed Sprig, clinging to the side of the ship. She passed the word to Khanaan, who acted quickly to fetch a length of rope from the ruined rigging.

In moments, the Bull was hoisting the Hobbler up the side of the ship with one hand.

"Cheers, Beefy!" Sprig gasped as he fell over the railing and onto the gantry where wounded and exhausted sailors lay. Eerie silence held between the creaking, interlocked ships. Silhouettes shifted on both sides. Men taking cover, reloading crossbows, cleaning blades. The calm before another storm.

"Miss Ironblood... gone ta gab wiv thah pirates, she has..." The fairy's words came stuttering and ragged as he took a waterskin from Sevoret. "Ship's buggered... holes... lower decks... we ain't going nowhere."

He was shaking. Adrenaline and horror. Being up on the deck would not abate this. Sprig guzzled some water then pulled his cloak around his head, sparing his periphery from the sight of field surgery and last rites. "The girl... the stowaway... she's dead..."

There was still blood under his fingernails. Aela's blood, from when he had climbed into her obliterated cabin.

"And the fish... they... says... that...summat in the... had to get out... skies..." This last sentence was incoherent, some warning that was lost in delirium. Sprig slumped against Khanaan and promptly passed out.
Buhn snapped herself out of her daze. She had to protect the tree, she had to protect the people? But how could she do that? She didn't have enough power to do it all alone, even though she was part kin, that's all she was. Part kin. She would never compare to the power that a full kin had. She hated admitting it, but it was all she could do to make furniture and the like on a normal basis. She knew that she didn't have much time, the sun was already high in the sky, signalling mid day, and many architects would be on jobs. She had to get them to her, they had to make a plan. She was trying to remember how to get to the emergency bell tower within the lower reaches of the canopy as she ran down the branch-ways. She couldn't afford to miss a step today. Not when the whole of Riven depended on her for their lives.

Breathing harshly, she managed to get the attention of a few of the dwellers of the canopy, "
Mindra! Velnoos! The aviary is about to crash down! I need you two to help find the other architects and bring them to the canopy bell tower. We also must start evacuating the dwellers to lower furnishings!" She had known these two very well for a while now, a couple whom she helped decorate their canopy home. She knew that their home would be one of the first to go if the falling pieces of the Aviary made it to Riven. She had to do something! "Ilium protect us! We must find the others, the Riven tree can not hold against such a barrage as it is." Buhn stared at Velnoos for a moment, slightly starstruck. It was so simple. But she would really need the help of the architects. She could do this. Many of the people in Riven knew her if not knew of her. She watched as Mindra with her Canary-like Aux decidedly started gathering up kin'lings, kin, anima, and humans, sending them down the tree in an organized line, as Velnoos and his Feline-Aux ran to go find the veteran Architects.

Maiin had to snap her out of her daze,
"My Buhnwanah! We must hurry to the bell tower! It will be much faster than just these two kin!" The tattoo was right of course. She looked around, grabbing her barrings. The instincts of her kin side screaming at her to protect and heal the forest. She bit her lip as she scrambled towards the bell tower. As she ran, she started to hear the panic of the citizens everywhere. The anima and true fauna all in a frenzy, the smaller birds as well as birds of prey seeking safety in the skies. It hurt Buhn to watch as babies and hatchling fauna were left to die by their parents. But what could be done but to hope that we all could survive this tragedy, this disaster.

She wiped the tears from her face as she walked into the tower. She could not break down, she had to keep it together, or else others would get into a panic with her. They could not afford that. She looked at the guards, most of whom were sleeping, other's playing a gambling game. She felt disgust rise in her gut, how could they not feel the danger. Then she noticed that most of them were human. If she were a full forest kin, oh the things she would say, but right now was not the time for such foolishness. "
The bells must be rung! Wake up! Stop your play you fools! The Aviary is falling!" She started to wonder if these beings even cared about their lives for how slow they were to respond. The one who looked like he was in charge slowly put down his playing cards and stood up.

"I am Captain Enraize. And I don't know who you are miss, but I suggest you try and be a little, kinder to those with more power than you." Gods, Buhn did NOT have time for bullheaded men, and none of the Riven dwellers did either, including this idiot. She glared at the man who had his hand firmly on the hilt of his sword. Maiin was already in his dragon form, ready for a fight. She sighed and had her spear under his chin before he could even move a muscle. "Look... Captain Enraize was it? I could either do this the easy way and get everyone safely to the lower levels of the Riven tree. Or we could all die. Now... how YOU die is your decision Enraize. But I promise you, it will be painful either way." The cool monotone of her voice froze every man in the room. Some even had visible chills down their spines. Sweat trickled down Captain Enraize's throat as he swallowed. Maiin helped Buhn's situation by swirling and arching his body in the air, making himself bigger. He was fierce and fiery, just how Buhn's aura felt as if emitted from her. She wouldn't back down, and everyone in the room could feel it.

As if to emphasize how big of problem the Aviary was actually going to cause. There was a thunder and a crash from the northern reaches of the Riven tree, about a mile outside it's branches. Buhn smirked, as she saw a few of the men wet their knickers.
"Alright! Alright Miss! RING THE BELLS YOU NITWITS! RING THEM NOW!" Sound of scraping chairs and scared chatter filled the room as soldiers were shook awake and the evacuations bells for the canopy were rung. There were a great many bells in the bell tower, different numbers of consecutive rings on different bells meant different things. For evacuation is was two higher pitched bells, in and alternating pattern for about 10 rings. Then a pause the felt like forever and then another 10 rings. This would continue for a decent amount of time to make sure that everyone understood. A smile of satisfaction crossed Buhn's features as she pulled her spear away from the mans throat. "Shall we help with the evacuations as well.. miss..?"
Buhn glared at the still haughty man, "Buhnwanah, and yes you should. As well as get yourselves out as soon as possible. The veteran Architects shall be here to help me with the defensive plans momentarily." She turned away and walked to one of the abandoned chairs. Making herself at home. She made sure to keep her spear visible at all times, just to encourage the soldiers to keep doing what they were told. She tried her best to tune out the chaos as she tried to think of a plan. Though the Riven tree's highest reaches had tiny branches like those of a younger tree, about 200 meters down, decently heavy branches did exist. Heavy enough maybe to ward off falling rocks though? She did not know, and the power to move so much try as one time in a fast enough manor was not a power she had alone. She anxiously waited for the other Architects.

More thundering and crashing from the north kept the soldiers instigated and Buhn on edge, her kin sides instinct to save the forest eating at her mind. She wondered how it was like for full kin. Did they get it worse? Did some kin not get this feeling? No, she couldn't let her thoughts wander. She bit her lip, at this point, the iron taste of her blood was very plain as she ate away the thin layers of her skin. She licked the blood off. She couldn't reveal her nervousness. A sigh of relief as incoherent banter and hurried steps sounded from outside the bell tower, only to be drowned out by the bells. She watched as the Architect's walked into the tower and spotted her. She waved them over, there were no greetings, there were no smiles. It was time for business.

Dilche was the first to speak, though she was tiny, she was one of the most powerful and outspoken here.
"Buhnwanah, you seem to already have a plan. But, you don't seem to know if it can be done, you don't think it is possible do you? To save the canopy?" Dilche had always been so insightful. Buhn only wished she hadn't spoken her fears out loud. It only made the reality of the situations even harder to handle. "Depending on the size of the debris... there is a chance that... even the lower reaches of the Riven tree are not safe. As the canopy is now there is no saving it." Whispering between the veterans started up. "So you mean to tell us that unless we change the structure of the canopy, there will be absolutely no saving. Yet you don't know if all of our hard work will even be effective?" That was Nardunil, he was among the wiser of the grouping. "I would rather try and have failed than to not have tried and never known if it could have worked." Many of the Architect's nodded in agreement. Some of them looked like the weight of the world was on their shoulders, but Buhn felt sure she was the one the held most of the weight. Being one of the only half kin in the room, and the one with the plan she knew that if this failed the responsibility and any deaths within the tree would be her fault.

"Well then, what is your plan? You realize if this fails..." Buhn waved her hand in the air, signalling she already knew. She didn't want to hear it. She took a deep breath. She was going to have deal with the consequences of her actions after the problem has passed. "We must make a lattice work dome, with both the smaller and the larger branches of the canopy. My friends, we must do this in the hopes that the lattice work with strengthen the branches against the barrage of debris that will be falling on it and help to roll the debris off and away from the Riven dwellers." There was a long silence. The all knew just how much work this would be. It was normally the kind of project that would take days, even months even by the most skilled tree-speakers. They had the impossible task of having to make it happen in hours. The Aviary was not going to stay where it was. They could only hope that winds would hinder it's progress.

"I think it's about time we quit dilly dallying and get started guys. Buhn's idea is great and all, but it won't work if it doesn't get made in time. We should start from the middle of the tree and build outwards, with the help of the newer builders we could really make something happen!" Bless Bolen, he was such a great mediator at times. She smiled as people started getting up and stretching, readying themselves for a hard day of work. Through the whole meeting the bells had been clattering. Buhn told the Captain that it was enough and that they should get to evacuating. Dilche jumped and landed on Buhn's shoulder, as a few of the other's like NaNa, Lale and Bolen, Vodisa, and Nardunil gathered around her. They all seemed to be proud of her. She didn't know how to take that. They had all taught her some bit of her profession, maybe, just maybe, they were proud of how their student had grown.

The crashing of the debris from the Aviary continued to creep closer.
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"I can hel--"

He was cut off by the little one. With him back on the ship, and giving Khanaan an impromptu report on the situation. At least, Lady Ironblood wasn't entirely lost. Perhaps, with the damage to the ships, they could manage a little co-operation to the get the hell back home. Or something that is better than waiting out here for something worse to happen.

"...she's dead."

Damn. Stowaway or not, that woman got us out of a tight spot a while ago. His head gestured, acknowledging everything up until the incoherence of the final bit of slight rumbling. What he did catch had him scoop up Sprig and easily held him in one arm. The skies? The Bull Anima slowly walked over to the edge of the ship. It was all strange and Khanaan could see it. Birds were making a run for it, across the waters that were also emptying of fish. Kon will be pissed. What was going on?

Some dangerous looking weather off to the west caught his attention next. It was rather far in the horizon, but he still was able to see it. Smoke. There was smoke coming from the forest. Lighting from the skies. Something terrible was happening. Khanaan's eyes widened so much they looked as if they could fall out.
No. No. No. No. Not this. Not right now. Tense feelings ran through his body, as he squeezed a unconscious Sprig tight. Slowly, he turned and gave a look of horror to Sevoret. It was written all over his face. The heart of him sank, at the thought. He hoped to the Jade prophet that he was seeing things...

"Someone. Someone. Everyone. Everybody! We must get back home! To Viridos!"

Rushing across the deck, the blacksmith made to warn both ships. He stood between them, feeling the weight of his potential correct message. With Sprig in arm, he shouted to them all.

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Kozoul, Viridosi witch & Riven bee keeper
On board the Sea Wraith

The witchling arms were so tired from holding up her Saint Luden's vine tainted hands but the moment a still swept over the decks of both ships, she found she couldn't bring them down, no matter how loudly her tendons screamed for relief. Behind her Sea Wraith sailors huddled and formed a pointy blockade of swords and harpoon points, the convulsing, patchy bodies of a few Silver Shadow pirates clumped at their feet. The remaining pirates surrounded them unsure of how to proceed with their comrades stricken with a hellish rash and foaming mouths from what looked like the half-kin's mere touch.
And as slowly as the ocean decides to ebb her waters, the pirates from the ship Silver Shadow began to depart, the more loyal trying to drag their compatriots with them. The band who had Kozoul and some of the Sea Wraith crew surrounded began to disperse with only two sheathing their swords and standing, looking down at their trembling comrades.

Kozoul was still so very, very new to combat but to compassion... the witchling was a long-time veteran. Just as the last two turned heel to leave Kozoul reached out, the pirates instinctually grasping and half-drawing upon their blades at the abrupt motion.

"Nn... nnn-notchberry tea. Notchberry tea mixed into some groad root paste. Fff-four times a day. You... it's... they're not contagious." the half-kin finished lamely, her hands no longer held up defensively but offered up as if to help their stricken crewmen to their feet. The pirates scared her down to her bones but the wont to aid through her ken's repertoire superseded her fear. The seeming ceasefire helped.

Kozoul finally let her arms rest, dangling like willow branches at her side as she watched the Silver Shadow pirates heap their allies onto their backs, dragging the rest by the scruffs of their tunics. She looked around, meeting the eyes of the Sea Wraith crew men who protected her back.

She couldn't hold their gazes.

She averted her eyes elsewhere, further away, somewhere far far away from here. She looked back in the direction of the forests of Viridos. Blue didn't meet blue however, the color wavered and became muddled. It wasn't a Viridosi sky just past that horizon. It was something else. Another something else that made the pit of her center gurgle and churn and...



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Sevoret Umilas

When Sevoret had caught the hobbler in her sights, she informed Khanaan. He reacted by quickly getting Sprig out. Sevoret supplied water. When Sprig began to mumble his nonsense, her plain demeanor turn to one of perplexity. Her eyebrows were knitted together as she wondered just what the bloody hell we talked of. However, when he said the words "had to get out" and "skies", Sevoret just knew it could not be good.

That's when Khanaan took Sprig into his arms, walking to the ship's edge. And that's when Sevoret noticed. Noticed....what was it? By her sight, it seemed to be large pieces of rock or some other material falling from the sky. The sky looked fairly trouble. To Sevoret, Viridos seemed to be in sorrow and misery, at a distance. And this realization was the cause to her currently pounding heart.

My Viridos is in grave trouble, Nahsahr said amongst her.

"SOMETHING IS FALLING OVER VIRIDOS!" Khanaan yelled the message. Sevoret made a sharp intake of breath.

"Help us all, Ilium," Sevoret whispered in fear.

Sprig jolted awake. It was to be expected. After all, he was dangling in the hand of a giant man-bull who had suddenly rushed across the deck and yelled at the top of his lungs.


He wriggled like an eel, twisting out of Khanaan's grip and thudding onto the deck. Once down the Hobbler thrashed around in the folds of his blue cloak, cursing all in sight. "Anyone else wanna state the bleedin' obvious?! Sumfin's fallin' over Viridos! SUMFIN'S FALLIN' OVER VIRIDOS! Yeah, we get it! Now shut yer cake 'ole!"

He crawled off and ended up between Kozoul's legs, clinging to her ankle. "It ain't right, Miss Honey-Witch! The fish told me there wuz fear in the water. The river frogs are panicking, so they are! Wot are the bees doing, Miss? Is they scared too?" He tugged anxiously, hoping that the Forest Witch would shed some light on those troubled skies.

And on the other side of the deck, wary pirates and navy men were collaborating to prize the ships apart. Captain Valyrin oversaw the work. Some cut ropes and sails, others braced barge poles between the hulls. Second by second, the ships were separating, with only boarding planks to keep them bridged.

Ironblood was running out of time.

Kozoul, Viridosi witch & Riven bee keeper
On board the Sea Wraith

Kozoul nearly pitched forward from Sprig hopping around her legs, breaking her gazing into the troubling distance. Her hands immediately came up as if she was surrending, the tingle of the Saint Luden's vine aspect was still in her fingertips and she had no idea how water kin would react to even the most lightest of accidental brushes. Looking down bemused at the small guppy-looking kin, it was true her eyesight was incomparable to the most myopic of Avians but what could be so devasting to literally befall Viridos? Shifting her weight and widening her stance to accommodate Sprig she looked back at the smudgy looking horizon, What... ? What is there that could cause panic by just falling in... on Viridos... what could possibly—

"Wot are the bees doing, Miss? Is they scared too?"

"The bees are..." she quieted her voice before she continued, in her heart she had put two and two together but it was her mind that refused to look at the equation's result. It was unheard of! In all the years that the Avians' homes floated above theirs... If the Avians' kingdom really was collapsing all over Viridos, the Riven tree's branches might be strong enough to protect the people living in the middle strata. They would be fine but the Hive was in the canopy...

"I-I don't know what... how they're... doing."

The gurgling turned into a rolling bubbling dread, the last word came out clipped to avoid having her voice crack thus revealing her growing distress with the situation. The Queen...! Most of the larger workers are out, the smallest ones are the ones who take care of inside the hive... Oh Illium spare them... ! The half kin's face contorted with abject frustration, even with the protocols to clear out the Hive in case of emergency moving the queen would still be the most difficult to accomplish. Recalling the one jar of royal jelly Kozoul was to present to Lady Ironblood on behalf of the Riven Hive stung her. They had to get back to the coast! She had to find the nearest pheromone trail and get a ride back to Riven!

Stupid little half elf. You will disappoint all of those close to you. The hagmother's scornful snicker echoed in the witchling's mind while her eyes strained towards the horizon.
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The sun was smothered by black storm clouds and dust. The streets were choked with bodies and debris. Ash found himself moving against the flow of panicking Edelonians in his flight from the city.

From the rooftops weaved swift shapes of cinnabar, white and black that would redirect the trajectory of falling debris with their nightmarish limbs. They could only be the Kindly Ones; ascetic nocturnes devoted to the word of Ilium and the protection of the capitol city.

Cora was shouting at him and pointing to the rooftops. They may as well move from higher ground than try to force their way through the mob below. The forest kin leapt from the throng, his hoofs crashing into a pile of collapsed stone wall, before rocketing upward onto the rooftops.

He was clumsy up here, his body was unaccustomed to such an urban terrain. Ash baltered across the roof tops without thought or fear of the sky raining down around him.

There is a coastal lagoon north of the port of Hosia that is favored by smugglers and refugees. Rasfien had taken to ground there and spent the night on the jungle floor, hidden beneath a ground cover of shrubs and leaves. It was under this cover she remained until the next day, though the mosquitos and humidity were at their worst, and the sky had darkened with storm clouds. Land-dwelling birds soared above them, fleeing out to sea. She waited under cover and watched the horizon for a sign of her benefactor. There was nothing else she could do. There was no place in Viridos where she would be safe, anymore. The Avians—Carus if he survived—would hunt her for eternity.

Her employer, a person who simply went by 'N', had dealt entirely with her through correspondence. The messengers were always refugees from Kaustir, a different one every time. They knew nothing of her or N's business: only that their deliverance from whatever awaited them in Kaustir depended upon the delivery of coded messages stuffed into small animal bladders. Or single components that eventually pieced together a gliding suit. Or locations to hidden stores of money.

Except today would be different. There would be no refugees, no piecemeal instructions. Today, one of N's associates would meet her and exchange the Alate for safe passage into Avarath and enough Kaustiran gold to start a new life. Rasfien was eager, not just for a clean slate, but to be rid of the Alate. No piece of filched arcana had ever unsettled her so.

The thief could not fathom why, but this thing did not belong on Sunne. It did not resonate of any mineral she had ever encountered. She could not even be certain if it was even a crystal. The way it glowed...

Ironblood noted the slight refraction of Ozzimus' pupils when the blade parted the flesh of her thumb. Unsure what sort of game this hungry nocturne was playing, she took up the shot glass, and coaxed a stream of red from the wound. These were strange terms indeed, demanding her blood, yet offering three ships. Ironblood had her suspicions, but she could not decide whether this half'turne was a madman or a fool.

"Don't get coy now, half'kin."
He gripped her right wrist, before bringing his blade to her palm, one clean slice opened flesh, muscle, tendon. Her blood poured into the shot glass and spattered across his desk. Ironblood did cry out, but she did not dare look away from him. His gaze was on her collar, on the telltale twin moon scars. A precise wound, a feeding wound, inflicted over and over with the greatest care. "Full of surprises, you are." His voice was ragged, but he remembered himself and their bargain, and released her.

At some point Ozzimus had divested her of the leather sack containing the grieve mask. The cursed relic housed within the monolith.

The alchemist cradled her hand, still watching Ozzimus as he regarded the glass face carved in eldritch agony. "All this trouble for such an ugly thing," he mused. Ironblood held her breath and prayed to Ilium he would not notice.

"You may go."


The forest kin noticed the shadow growing under him, then the shadow that flew above in the moment before he could react. The broken masonry that would have crushed him had been cut in two by the black blade of a Kindly One. The nocturne landed on the roof near him, every inch of her snow white flesh was covered, save for her moon face. There was little skeletal definition, only a smooth, round frame for her large nocturnal eyes, no nose above the thin red line that was her mouth.

"You'll never make it to the forest, brother!" She called out to him. "Follow the holler!" She gestured at something behind him with her blade. Ash turned to see the citizens all following the same route, swarming like insects to the temple of Ilium at the mouth of the falls. The holler of the water could be heard above the discord. It could have been the voice of Ilium calling them to her.

Massive hydraroot vines covered the temple, near choking the stone. The numerous runners took most of the damage from the debris, and once ruptured by the collision, the seed pods burst. For every vine damaged, two more took its place. The Cinnabar Clad were summoning the wilder, more invasive plants to come to their aid. But Ash could not be among them, the Jade Prophet's vision still burned behind his eyes. Whatever it was he had seen in the faces of those thirteen lost, whatever had been sealed within that mask, was trapped within the Iron Child. But for how long? He was the only one who knew. The only one who could help...

Ash leapt to the next roof and continued his flight. The shouts of the female nocturne already drowned by the holler. "Don't be a fool, brother!"

He didn't hear Cora shriek, only felt hot pain burst from his scalp. Then the light went out.
Despite everything, Captain Valyrin ordered his men to keep the Green Fire pods aimed at the Silver Shadow as it sailed an unsteady course into the horizon. Her rudder had been damaged, they would be lucky to keep the course to the nearest port.

The Sea Wraith fared little better: the rigging was gone; the hulls of the upper decks were in splinters; avian crew rushed to extinguish the burning shreds of the main mast. With no way to catch the winds, they were dead in the water. Ayanne was missing and her body had not been counted among their dead, buried at sea. The healer had disappeared without a trace, with no way of knowing if she was alive or dead. Calla Marshden had entrusted Ironblood with her apprentice, her own flesh and blood, and the alchemist had let the girl slip through the cracks.

Ironblood could not meet their gazes as she moved about the deck, helping to push the bodies overboard after their Aux had been put to rest. She was clumsy using primarily her left hand, while the right was crudely bandaged and useless. She whispered to each of them before they went into the deep.

"I am sorry."

What they all had been through, all for the sake of some damned relic. They had braved so much and fought so hard in service to their Prophet, to their forest. The Lady could not bear to see another one of them die this way.

Ironblood stared into the black water, following the ghostly shape of the last dead into the abyss. "Ilium, don't let it end like this."

"Hey! Just what are you doing!?"

Niyashi landed next to Konkon, who had just cast his line from the ship's bow. "You can't just fish at a funeral! The shit is wrong with you?"

The fox anima grinned at her, then spoke in a voice dripping with rum. "Ish not a funeral wiffout sum fried fisssh." Konkon turned his attention back to fishing and knocking back another glug from his jug.

The avian's feathers bristled, her cheeks turning a darker color. "You drunk—"

Konkon's line suddenly went taut. The fox widened his stance and dug his heels in. "Bett'r (Hic!) Brac'sh."


There was a rumbling beneath their feet, beneath the ship itself, then a sudden jolt that sent everyone sprawling. Niyashi fell next to Konkon, who had managed to stay upright, gripping his fishing pole with all his strength. He was luring something from the depths, something big, and the Sea Wraith was on its back.

"Sea turtle? She-turtle. See... Turtle! (Hic) Hehehhe..."

The wind whipped them as the giant turtle surged across the water. It was all anyone could do but to stay low and hold on tight, the thing swam so fast. Konkon never let his line go slack, only laughed and cheered as he let his mouth gape wide open to catch the air, his lulling tongue and fur billowing in the wind. Niyashi had yet to meet a cook who could do this. Just who the Hell was this drunk?

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Sprig vomited on the muddy shores of Hosia, turning waist-deep waters green and yellow. He had been the first to leap from the Sea Wraith as it plowed into the silt banks of the north delta. Not only had the fairy been denied the chance to perform his Hobbler duties - he had also been denied the chance to swim. Being above water was one thing; but racing 300 leagues on the back of a sea turtle was plain ridiculous. Combined with the adrenaline crash from the pirate skirmish, he was not a happy hobbler.

"Bloody fox... should be... kill ya.. ah will..." He murmured incoherently as he scrambled up the river bank and climbed the jetty planks. Behind him, the mangled carcass of the Sea Wraith was roped to the dock and Captain Valyrin's sailors disembarked with their cargo, each man sullen and limping in defeat. The sails were ragged and hung like widow shawls. All was painted in grey as storm clouds gathered overhead.

"Where's thah bleedin' dockmaster? Oi! Guvnor!" Sprig was shouting before he even stood up, and when his head stopped spinning he yelped. A horde of street urchins charged his way and he was swept along in their dash. "Aaaaaagh! Get yer mits off, ye li'l tossers!" Stumbling, he spilled beyond the jetty planks and fell down in the loading yard. A crowd had gathered there. They paid no heed to the injured fairy.

"Bloody 'ooligans! Ah should..." Sprig sat up against a packing crate and blinked. The crowd in the yard were not facing the Sea Wraith. Instead, they were gathered in circle around a curious object. A massive rock, angular and dark. It had split the concrete like an erupting root. Atop it, her arms outstretched, a Forest Kin naked and tattooed. She was screaming at the sky.

No... not screaming. It was a chant. The crowd were swaying with her. A wave-like unison, the gatherers waved their arms and wailed in time with the priestess.

"Goringdash, te fel'iva!


"Shak'tu silay! Av tu!"


A prayer to Ilium. Beyond the priestess, things peeked above the crowd. Stag horns, feathered antennae and butterfly wings. The Forest Kin where dancing - a lunatic flailing hot and angry. Drums pounded out a rhythm. By the tributaries Nocturne flagellants slashed their wrists, and lupine Anima ran circles in the dirt. The shop fronts of Pebble Row, beyond the dockyard, were hung with laurel and ivy wreaths. He even saw lily pads, holding paper lanterns, rushing in flood down the river to bob against the Sea Wraith. Hosia had been transformed.

"Scuse me, Miss. Wot's going o-- ooph!" Sprig was knocked over again as a Forest Kin rushed past. The chanting was spreading, fueling impromptu rituals in every street square and walkway. As one the city throbbed with terror and rapture.

Sprig lifted his gaze, past the priestesses on the rooftops, past the slow-circling Avian scouts, and up towards skies of burning black. Fed by a dozen smoke plumes, and by roiling, ruptured clouds, a great tumult filled the horizon.

"Aviary..." the fairy whispered, and shrunk inside his cloak.

Ayanne Marshden, green

Locked in the brig of the Silver Shadow, Ayanne dozed in and out for what seemed like hours, her Aux nagging at her until she was properly awake each time she drifted off. She could feel the sway of the ship as it sailed away, and she vaguely wondered how the others were doing as her hand traced the outlines of the etchings on her belt knife. which she had drawn and set across her knee. A gift long ago from her grandmother, one side bore her name, the other the crest commonly used to represent the Marshden family, though such markings were by no means a formal design. Rather it was something her Calla had put together in her youth. A spell of sorts that let the old bat keep track of her family. So long as Ayanne lived, so long as that knife was on her person, Calla would know she lived. Ayanne had long since given up trying to figure out how it was done.

Finally her Aux grew quiet and Ayanne was allowed to sleep, the last of her herb balls gone some time since and the pain in her head faded to a dull throb. It was only when she woke that she realized something was strange, or not strange as the problem was. She had slept, rested. There had been no nightmares and the paranoia was fading. The pirates had been after the monolith, the mask Ironblood had taken and locked away, had sat guarding. Had they failed to take it after all? Or perhaps they had better resources at their disposal; a better way to shield the world from the evil that seeped from the thing.

She prayed to Ilium it was the latter. Otherwise she feared what would happen to her home once the thing reached Viridos. Having been locked in the brig before it started, Ayanne had no idea that at that very moment the Aviary was still falling.
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Ozzimus Lorados
There was a smoldering black spot in three places on the desk in the captains quarters. Sitting on an unopened keg of powder with his personal mark on it, the captain himself draped in his flowing Cape sat taking long drags off a clay jug of fresh water pulled from the streams by Hosia. He looked at the jug with its small mystical runes carved on the side to preserve the freshness of it's contents.

"When it's gone, It's gone." he sighed, sloshing the contents. only a quarter of a jug of the crystal clear delicious water left. Sure the rest of the water on-board was fine and dandy enough to not make the boys sick or anything, But really and truly Ozzimus was a man who loved the Finer things life had to offer. even something as simple as good old 'valley tears' stream-water. He took another draw of the crystal clear contents and sighed happily as the cold water slipped down his throat. quenching the fire that Lady Ironblood had left in his veins.
He remember back not half a day ago. A farewell kiss to her. the taste of her lips as he shoved her away from him, ripping the mask out of her possession and tossing it(cinnabar clothe and all) onto his desk.

Not minutes later his desk was smoldering. the clothe was just fine, but where it was thin the power of the mask burned the wood. A lead Lined 'grenada' case had been emptied of it's large clay-jug explosives and the mask laid to rest in the thing. a good few enchantment lay upon the outer wood of the oaken and ebony container and it's locks sealed shut with wax. Even still Ozzimus glared at the box int eh middle of the room with discontent.

"Sooner she's off my ship the better." he spat at the box. it lurched towards him half a foot, makeing Ozzimus tumble over back of the keg and peak his head back over it.

"Whatever Made you better be rotting in hell next to the Dead gods." he said silently.

A rat crawled out from a hole beside the box. Ozzimus ran around the captains quarters trying to smash it's hateful head in for near ten minutes. He made his way back onto top-deck. a grimace of hatred on his face.

"scared the crike out of me over a RAT moving the damn chest." he grumbled.
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