Vay watches 2 girls 1 cup

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Blind Hemingway

Ancient Iwaku Scum from 2006.
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Douche
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Female
Surrealism, Surreal Horror (Think Tim Burton), Steampunk, Sci-Fi Fantasy, Spaghetti Westerns, Mercenaries, Dieselpunk, Cyberpunk, Historical fantasies
Someone show him Goosh Goosh, next!

No, show him for real! And get it on video!

....I want to see this!
Yes, because people need to learn to stop standing behind me looking at my screen! >=(

HE SCRUNCHED UP HIS FACE SO TINY! He looked like a little mousey! SO CUTE.
Hhaha after I watched him I decided to see 2 girls 1 cup, I should have recorded my reaction xD
It was so damn disgusting, this will haunt my dreams o.O
I have NEVER seen that video because I am not a glutton for punishment! 8D
I remember a friend once gave me the link to tha video. She said, ''OMG, look at what I've found! I thought it was a makeup tutorial but it's not!''


That was more than a year ago.

I lasted like 15 seconds watching that. I guess 5 of the 15 seconds were because I was so shocked I just couldn't click the freaking mouse to stop it.

I still wish I can erase that from my mind.
And kick my friend's arse.
I have still not seen 2 girls 1 cup, or 1 man 1 jar. I'm clearly leading a repressed life.
I haven't seen 2 girls 1 cup, judging from everyone's reaction I'm glad I didn't.

1 guy 1 jar however I've had the unpleasant experience to see. It was a long time ago when I assume it was still new because there were no warnings about it AT ALL. I don't even know why I watched the whole thing, it was just... just awful.