VAULT WAR - World Types

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Type is equivalent to your character class. It represents the kind of character you are.

Listed below are the 8 types of worlds that exist in the Vault, and because characters are linked directly to their starting worlds, this means that there will 8 types of characters available in the game.

<table align=center><tr><td style="border-color:firebrick"><img src= align=center style="padding:5px" width="100%"><td width=40% style="border-color:firebrick"><font color=firebrick>• Thread was started by an Administrator =


These are the primary Threads of the Abyss - powerful and vital to the structure of the Vault. They contain power that is able to cripple and paralyze other worlds. To rule an Archon World is to be a demi-god of the realm.

Their one weakness, however, is that they have almost too much power resonating through them, and are likely to crack apart if put under sustained stress.

Characters who own these threads are known as Archons, and are people to be feared and followed in the Vault Wars.​
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STRENGTH: Banishment
When in combat, Archons can disable ONE stat per opponent. They cannot use that stat against you for the remainder of combat.

WEAKNESS: Planetary Stress
If reduced to 50% Power, an Archon's remaining Power falls by 10% for each opponent that outnumbers the Archon and its allies.

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These are the more vibrant core worlds that hold much of the Vault's power. They are not overloaded like the Archon Worlds, usually because they exist in specialized regions of space where energies are in healthy balance.

A Champion World can easily dominate another world if it is familiar with its conditions. However, should an unusual opponent come along, a Champion is likely to suffer for its inflexibility.

People who own these Threads are known as Champions and are the key players in the Vault Wars.​
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STRENGTH: Moderatum
When in combat, Champion Worlds can choose ONE enemy stat and switch around two of the stat's numbers.

WEAKNESS: Specialization
If fighting more than 1 opponent of different Types, you may only strike with half-Power at the weakest opponent.

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These very rare worlds are perhaps the most powerful and least stable of all. They churn out the raw elements that make the Abyss - fire, ice, shadow, magic, and so forth. They are sometimes known as 'Power' or 'Factory' Worlds, and are coveted as much as avoided in the Vault War.

An Elemental World can be turned into a virtual super-weapon, its volatile energy discharged with destructive force. But doing so can rip the heart out of that planet and leave it vulnerable to follow-up attacks.

People who own these threads are known as Elementals - powerful but unpredictable wild cards in the Vault Wars.​
<td style="border-color:Mediumseagreen"><IMG src= align=center style="padding:5px" width="100%"><tr><td colspan="3" style="border-color:Mediumseagreen">
STRENGTH: Energy Discharge
When in combat, you can make ONE attack at DOUBLE power.

When using Energy Discharge, your age stat is reduced to 0 for the remainder of combat.

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The great majority of Threads in the Abyss are Citizen Worlds, the stable and habitable places with an average amount of resources. Some prefer these worlds, as they are less overloaded with power and more reliable than the other, weirder places in the Abyss.

To own a Citizen World is to possess ideal conditions and reliable energy.

People who own these threads are known as Citizens and are mid-power contenders in the Vault Wars.​
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These are newly formed worlds that have just entered the Abyss or just taken planetary form. They are not as powerful as the older worlds, but have one advantage - they are young and energetic.

The fresh energy of these worlds is something that can be shaped and modified. A clever ruler of a Novice Thread can manipulate those forces to their own unique design. This comes at a price however, for it is difficult to keep these energies consistent over any prolonged period.

Players who own these worlds are known as Novices, and are fickle and unpredictable in combat.​
<td style="border-color:tan"><IMG src= align=center style="padding:5px" width="100%"><tr><td colspan="3" style="border-color:tan">
STRENGTH: Young Blood
When in combat, you gain a bonus Power Attack, Heal Shield or Sanity Attack for each poster in your thread. These may be used all in one round, or divided over many rounds. (Click the Reply stat next to your thread to see the list of posters).

WEAKNESS: Attention Deficit
You may not do the same type of attack twice in a row or on consecutive rounds. You must alternate between Power, Age and Sanity attacks.

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These worlds occupy the darkest places of the Abyss - the edges where realities blur and madness holds reign. Some move in mysterious orbits or simply hang in the twilight, watching the affairs of mortals.

To own a Shadow World is to embrace a little of the Vault's madness. Those within them are experts at remaining unseen and keeping their eyes on other players - a talent that earns as much distrust as advantage.

Owners of these worlds are known as Shadows, and are best kept at arm's length by friend and foe alike.​
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STRENGTH: Watching, Waiting
A Shadow World may ALWAYS take the first turn in combat, even if attacked by multiple opponents. If rival Shadow Worlds are battling, use View totals as the tie-breaker.

WEAKNESS: Untrustworthy
All allies of a Shadow World must take their turn LAST, after all opponents, according to View totals.

<table align=center><tr><td style="border-color:#333333"><IMG src= align=center style="padding:5px" width="100%"><td width=40% style="border-color:#333333"><font color=#333333>• Thread was started by an Inactive Account =


'Sleeper' in the literal sense, these worlds are dormant, with their powers and creatures buried beneath the surface. They wait, over long millennia, for the chance to rise again.

Maybe they suffered some great catastrophe or never became able to sustain life. Whatever the case, for now the world is hibernating. Players who own these worlds will likewise be trapped in the long sleep.... but when they finally awaken, there is no telling what powers they will bring to the surface with them.

Owners of these threads are known as Sleepers, and it is well-known that you should hit a Sleeper hard before he can hit you back.​
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STRENGTH: Ancient Terrors
Each turn of combat, a Sleeper World may borrow 1 stat from any adjacent unoccupied Thread before making an attack. Use the rules of movement to find an adjacent world.

WEAKNESS: Slow Response
A Sleeper World cannot use a Power Attack on its first turn, even when attacking.

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These are worlds that have suffered an apocalyptic fate. They may be lifeless rocks now, ruins, or simply pieces drifting in space. They are haunted by the ghost energies of those who perished, and are not bound by the conventional physics of the Vault.

Ghost Worlds can drift through other Threads, fall between dimensions, and compress themselves into the confines of a single mind. They are notoriously difficult to pin down and conquer, and any prolonged campaign they launch will be prone to dissipation. There is little way to control the whispers of the dead.

Those who own Ghost Worlds are known as Ghosts, and are doomed to wander through the ages.​
<td style="border-color:#f9dfcb"><img src= align=left style="padding:5px" width="100%"><tr><td colspan="3" style="border-color:#f9dfcb">
STRENGTH: Proxy-Drift
A Ghost World may leave combat at any time, with automatic success.

WEAKNESS: Tenuous Hold
A Ghost World can only fight for three rounds and then must leave the combat, even if it is winning.
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