Valentine's Day Shoutouts

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
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Lady B

Original poster
It's February, which can only mean one thing... Valentine's Day is just around the corner! To celebrate this day of all hearts, I want you to think of someone who makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, and give them a little shoutout in this thread. It doesn't have to be someone you're in love with or have a crush on, it can be anything from a role model to a pet, the point of this is to spread love by acknowledging those who make us feel loved!

My shoutout goes to one of my dear friends, who I won't mention by name because of privacy reasons, but I'll refer to her as Little Miss R. Little Miss R always makes my day brighter, and I love the way we can chat away for hours on end without ever getting bored of each other. So, this shoutout goes to you, Little Miss R, in hopes that our friendship will continue for many years to come! I wuv u <3

Friendly reminder: This is NOT a debate thread about commercialism or anything of the sort. Thoughts like "Valentine's Day is overrated", "Why only say 'I love you' once a year when I can say it all year round?" and "THE SHOPS BE HAZZLIN'" are best kept to yourself! ^^
A shout-out to my pansexual partner in crime, Mickey the Tin Dog.

He's just a really cool dude who puts up with my bullshit 90% of the time. Also, we had some cray-cray roleplays for a while. Or, like, 15 of them. But mostly because our conversations range from politics to underwear with smiley faces on them.

May he forever bless us with the awesome of his flail.

I was going to add a "no homo", but that's kind of strong coming from a gay man. So maybe a little homo. Skim homo. 2% homo. Something like that.
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Btw ilu2. So hard. You're the best around.
I've Roleplayed with @Kreska since pretty much the start of my career. We joined within two weeks of each other on a small Fire Emblem forum back in early 2012, and while the site's RPing forums were pretty dead when we got there, I fixed that up pretty well. Kreska, along with a few others, was one of the first people to join the RP that I started. Most of us were hilariously terrible, but we did have a couple experienced RPers in there to help things along. After that, we had a lot of RPs, most of which were equally bad until around 2013. Eventually, I assembled the group on Skype, and most of them have been my closest friends ever since. But I still RP the most with Kreska and we share the most interests, and he's one of my best and most reliable friends. Shoutouts to the whole group in general. They've been really supportive during my troubles lately.

Also @Flame Emblem another person from that group. Even if he isn't quite as active an RPer as he used to be, he's the only person I can share my competitive pokemon nerdiness with and the only person who'll get my smogon inside jokes. He's always honest and very genuine, and someone to talk to if I need advice or support. He's also probably the chillest person I know. I've seen him get legitimately angry, like, twice. In over two years that I've known him. Still can't decide if his puns are the best or the worst, though.

No hetero you two <3
I don't really...
People don't...
I'm kind of a lone...

Ok, I have to do something.

@Lady Bernkastel
"Hey, I just met you."
"And this is crazy..."
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@CarnivorousDistaste Has been one of my best buddies on Iwaku without any doubt at all. Giving me my first long lived roleplay here and sucking me into deeper plots than I've ever been involved with before, she's a big part of the reason I stayed to fall in love with this community. She's a wonderful story-teller with a beautiful imagination, and being able to play with her is such a treat. Beyond roleplay however, she's an absolute sweetheart and a fun person to be around. She always makes me smile and laugh, and even if lately we haven't gotten to talk as much as we used to, I still love her all the same <3

@Tanner8580 I'm not really even sure what all to say, but I really do love you very much. You're a sweetheart, an angel, and I am very very lucky to be able to be yours and have you as mine. I could probably write a ton more really, but you know just how I feel about you from all our little talks, and I'm sure I can spare those watching this thread of such mushy romance!~

I'm not good at this sort of thing?

Shout out to my cute underclassmen friend that sits next to me in third period! Shout out to my best rp partner (who is also an adorable underclassmen) @Riko Tanaka, shout out to my girl Biscotti! Shout out to all my friends! (I love you guys! (no-homo)) Shout out to the mods and admins who make this place really cool for me to waste all my productivity in! Shout out to all the old guildies I recognize! Shout out to chocolate on valentines day! YOU DA REAL MVP!, Shout out to St. Valentines! You are a real wingman!

screw it!


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Today is my Valentine's day. And my hubby isn't on the site, so I can't give him a shout out. :( Sorry, but there's no one on here whose butt I want to grab, which means no shout outs.
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Today is my Valentine's day. And my hubby isn't on the site, so I can't give him a shout out. :( Sorry, but there's no one on here whose butt I want to grab, which means no shout outs.
Well, uh, I didn't say it had to be a member of the site. My shoutout sure didn't go to a site member! Even though he can't see it, acknowledging your hubby is a lovely thing to do.
@N/A A special shoutout to you because;


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Shout out back to
(❀ฺ╯◕ฺω◕ฺ)╯.。・:*:・ @Ay-Ex ・:*:・。

My thug seme (┛◉Д◉ )┛

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@ElBell There is so much I could and I know I say it so often but I do so because it is true. I thank you for introducing me to such a wonderful community. You are mine and I am yours. You are a dream from which I don't want to wake up. I cherish each minute with you. I love you.
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