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Original poster
Hello reader!

My name is Wolf, and I've been roleplaying for….I'm not sure how long…. quite a long time…. 3 years?
Anyway, I'm a role-player who can write quite a few paragraphs, depending on what I've been given. I mean, its kinda difficult to make a multiple paragraph response when a partner only gives you a line….

I like to role-play fantasy mainly, and do have a few plots that involve dragons, vampires, and other things. I even (accidentally) created a new supernatural species...

Thank you for reading, and I hope to rp with some of you soon!
Welcome to the site! I hope you will enjoy it here!
Welcome aboard, Wolf.
Welcome ^.^ i hope you like it here, i know i do :)
Feel free to pm me if you'd like to start up a rp.. i'm always looking for partners :)
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