Two Sentence Challenge #9



It is said that brevity is the soul of wit. There is, without a doubt, a time and place for long paragraphs filled with wondrous descriptions. Other times, however, less is more. What can you create from the prompt using only two sentences?


This time, the theme is:

Furlio Mackleby grunted in satisfaction as he bagged his last snowshoe hare and started back home through the darkening woods--today's kill had been a record, he thought to himself--just before he stumbled over an icy tree root and pitched head-first into the barren gully.

The smaller denizens of the forest eagerly gathered before the larger predators could take notice; oh yes, now it was time for feasting, feasting, FEASTING!​
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It was a simple enough meal, bread and butter with a little raspberry jam to sweeten things up.

For Hannah, who had spent the last day fasting instead of feasting, the food tasted absolutely delicious, fit for a king, in her opinion.
Subjectively, it was a hideously barbaric practice- chewing with their mouths open as they consumed the flesh of their own kind.

However, in their culture, this cannibalistic banquet was as old as the creatures themselves, and it was in line with their mentality that had prevailed over centuries: "The strong will live to fight another day, the weak will be sustanance for the strong."
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An old elder out in the Valley of the Sun told me of how feasts were a sign of peace and tranquility among those of the clans.

When I asked him why there was no food on the tables, he told me that the desperate fight well in wars.
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We were a people who thrived when we were feasting and failed miserably when we starving. It turned out that I was indeed wrong, as I had been confusing the two for years and my mother just told me now, well, guess today was a good day to prove them wrong.
He feasted on the rich meats of the foreign animals and filled his belly with rare fruits.

And outside, his starving people raised their pitchforks.
They gathered at the table each taking the hand of the one next to them as grace was prayed over the feast they were about to enjoy. It may not have seemed a feast to anyone else, but to them it was.
The portly man in the silk suit picked his teeth in front of the carcass on the tray with some contentment, looking down at the check that had been set before him while his equally portly wife wiped off her mouth with a purple cotton napkin.

"Oh, I do so love children, though I could never finish a whole one myself," his wife chortled to him as he squinted at the price, "thank you my dear for helping me!"