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Two Sentence Challenge #4



It is said that brevity is the soul of wit. There is, without a doubt, a time and place for long paragraphs filled with wondrous descriptions. Other times, however, less is more. What can you create from the prompt using only two sentences?


This time, the theme is:

Not... again, thought Nisha, feeling the familiar burn in her body, knowing what she would become in just a few moments. Willpower, however, would have no effect here; the vargulf in her was awake and bursting to come out.
The once vibrant and luscious world had become something else; it was a desolate shell of its former glory.
Darkness conquered leaving in its wake disease and death.
Despite his low station and despised profession, mortician Alonso Peasbury had often sighed after the beauteous and haughty Lady Verna as she wafted through society, a glittering butterfly that soared above the crowd, beyond the reach of any ordinary mortal man. Now his hands shook as he applied the final stroke of blush for never had she looked so ... becoming.
Do you see the pain, the fear, the guilt, and the joy in its receptors? We are gods, not because we made their bones or programmed their minds, but because we made them become us.
She was becoming more then anyone would have thought her to be. Yet hesitation staved her development with the question of who was she really?
The investigators words hit like a stone against the tempered conscience, her limbs went rigid. Nails dug into her palms, a sharp pang radiated out from the souls of her feet spidering across the entire surface of her skin; this was it, she'd cracked.
My momma told me we are all becoming someone new before the world took us. Why didn't she told me that I would be becoming this strange hairless creature when the world took me?
"I will become Queen" Jaira pronounced emphatically, lifting her chin and glaring down her nose at me. I simply smiled and said,
"Of course; of course you will."
When you start becoming someone different, it can be hard to realize it. And then someone will point it out to you- for better or for worse.
Looking in the mirror turning her head this way and that, she wondered what she was becoming. Good Lord, she was becoming her mother.
As the change continued to develop, he had pickedup the subconscious talent of ignoring reflections.

After all, he didn't like the look of the thing looking back at him.
The human body was amazingly resilient, full of little surprises at how much damage it could take, how much change it could force.

The geneticist stared down at its creation in the incubation tube and sighed lovingly as the body was morphed into an image of his own creation, and tears streamed down his face as she opened her eyes and put a hand to his on the glass.