Two opposites

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As Leilani and Marie had a quite interesting exchange of words, Jonathan couldn't help but notice the man at the very end of the table whom was still staring their way. He couldn't be completely sure as it had been too dark in the part of the cave, but it might have been the man Leilani knocked out with her magic last night. No wonder he was so surprised.

Most of the people involved had already seemed to reveal themselves by giving far to strange looks their way, but Jonathan was sure he had still missed quite a few of them. Some might just be very good at hiding their feelings, and others might just have been behind others when making the revealing expression. Jonathan had at the very least been able to take some mental notes of some non-trustworthy characters, and at least ten people he thought might be trustworthy. Of course he would be testing them a bit before breaking any news about Nougami to them, one could never be too sure when they found a perfect liar.

Phillip had been stiff like a statue for quite some time when he finally forced himself to relax. "Yes, it certainly is. That's why you always should have a plan B." He replied to Leilani. Phillip didn't have a plan B this time around thought. Maybe because this scenario was so absurd. How had she gotten out? Clearly Jonathan had helped her, but how had he gotten in? Someone had some explaining to do. If Jonathan wouldn't tell him how he got in there, he would just have to interrogate everyone whom had been in the secret cave from the time Jonathan was last seen the other day. He knew that he and Marie had entered, and Wolf should have done a midnight check. Someone could have entered at some other point which he could be completely unaware of, but those were the three times he would have to focus on.

"I agree. I would never do anything without a reserve plan. And maybe a reserve plan to the reserve plan. You never know when something doesn't turn out as you want it to." Jonathan said quite amused. There was nothing Phillip could do at the moment and he knew that. Even if he wished to do something, he would have to wait until they were completely alone, which was something Leilani and Jonathan would refuse. Just in case, Leilani and Jonathan would probably have to take shifts during the night so that they could make sure no one would get them while they were sleeping. As long as they were awake they would be able to scream and
get everyone's attention. There was no way no oblivious Nougami villagers wasn't living in one of the huts right beside them. Someone would hear, notice that something was wrong and Phillips plan would crash down to the ground.

"You seem a bit pale Marie." Jonathan noted. "You aren't getting sick, right?" He asked her with that worried little boy expression. Even when he didn't like a person, he could still make a perfect performance.

"Well, if you're feeling better later maybe you want to join us in the greenhouse later. Of course you're also welcome Philliip." Jonathan then said inviting, but it was probably clear to them both that it wasn't for a picnic. A lot of people worked in the green house, but there were always a few places free from peoples ears as long as one kept a low tone. They wouldn't be able to get them in there.

Phillip wasn't completely sure what Jonathan was thinking, but for now he would play along. "Sure, I'm sure Leilani would appreciate a visit to the greenhouse after having been gone for so long. You did enjoy plants quite a lot I recall." He sounded less than thrilled about it.
Plan B. Easy for him to say, had she known they would kidnap her and drain her magic just for being a magician she might have had some sort of backup plan. But it was not like they announced that fact just to help magicians along. At least now Philip was in the position of having no extra plan, at least she hoped he had none and that he wouldn't figure another one out for awhile. The longer she and Jonathan could work unhindered to find and inform the innocent people in Noumagi the better even if it was too much to hope for that they would meet no resistance at all.

From what she had seen during the short time before she was drugged Philip didn't appear to be someone that liked being cornered of to have his plan fall apart. He would surely figure something out to try and get back his advantage. Just stepping aside and see all their work go to wast was not he, or anyone in on his homocidal plan, would do. If they already accepted draining innocent children of magic then they would surely would stop at nothing.

Now that the first confrontation was over and she had gotten some real food Leilani felt better already, if not for the feeling of not so friendly eyes on her while she ate she could almost pretend this was a normal day. She didn't cath anyone actually staring at her but she had her suspicions about a few that may be in on it and what she was and made a mental note to keep an eye on them as much as she could. Even if it wasn't something she ws used to it was certainly better to be too suspicious than to little right now.

Meanwhile Marie met Jonathan's very convincingly worried expression with cold eyes, but she smiled and played along, it wasn't like she could do much else for now. "I'm fine, just a bit tired that's all" At the mention of the green house she cast a look to the side at Philip before nodding her agreement as well. "Of course." On the inside she was frustrated, the green house, while offering privacy, was not empty of people and unfortunately there wasn't many places in Noumagi where only people initiated in the plan worked. It appeared they wouldn't be able to trick Jonathan as easily as they had his friend.

Leilani was, despite what was going on, happy with the choice of place for their meeting. Some nature to remind her of the world outside the mountain would be just the thing to calm her down. "Yeah, there wasn't much vegetation where I ended up so I would really like to something else than rocks. I don't know about you, but life can be so draining without anything around to liven it up."
This was not what he had planned. Far from it. How could things be going so wrong? How had Jonathan been able to get in there and then out again? Phillip needed some time to think, but that wasn't something he could easily get at the moment. Someone was to blame for this failure, and once he found out who it was, he would make sure that they payed for it.

Maybe they could still save the situation though. Jonathan hadn't left yet, nor had he told anyone about what had happened. Maybe because he didn't trust the people there, but it could also be because he had something else in mind. He was on the run from the law, people wanted to hurt him. This was the only place he could live in peace for a longer period of time. Even after what they had done to his friend, he might not feel like leaving. After all, where would he go? There was no other place for him. As long as they could make Jonathan believe that, they could slowly make him believe that Leilani was a bad influence, a bad person, a disgusting brainwashing witch. Maybe they would have to let her be for a while, but eventually they would get rid of her.

"Draining huh. But I bet you got more than enough sleep while you were gone at the very least." He smiled. Phillip refused to admit defeat. He would play their little, for now, but he would not show them his inner struggle. No matter how little control he had over the situation, at the very least he would pretend he had everything sorted out.

Jonathan didn't buy the man's act. He was faking his new confident posture completely. They still had a great chance at manipulating Phillip into his own doom. Everything would hopefully go as planned, but it was the first time Jonathan did something like that, so he wasn't too confident in himself at this point. Trying to make Nougami into a democracy and making the majority go against the awful ways of the city? It was a crazy idea for someone whom had never had the chance to see how politics truly worked. What did he need to say to sound more reasonable and correct than Phillip? Clearly it had more to do with how you presented things than to just show the truth. How else would that man have so many followers that knew of Nougami's horrible ways?

"Jealous? It must have been hard not getting a single minute of sleep. I noticed you were running around searching after something in the middle of the night. Lost your pet?" Jonathan countered with a smile. When he had kept his eyes open for suspicious activity, he had clearly seen Phillip roaming around. Anyone could figure out who he had been searching for.

"Something like that." Phillip commented. "But he's back now, so I guess everything's good for now."
Leilani had a very strong urge to strangle Philip then and there at the breakfast table, or slap him. Really any form of violence big or small would be a satisfaction right now. The only thing holding her back was the knowledge that showing how much she was affected would only make it worse and the fact that she wasn't the type that could cause a commotion among people without dying of embarrassement. It was a bit of a surprise to her that she would hold grudges like this, bullheaded stubborness and grudges was more her brother's forte not hers. After just waking up and experienceing the memory of her capture again she could understand some amount of anger, a lot really, but she hadn't pictured herself like the grudge holding type, she always took things in strides without letting it ruffle her feathers all that much. Of course she had not been drugged and used like a battery before, by people she trusted no less, before so it wasn't exactly a common situation.

So she swallowed the reaction she wanted to let out and kept her features smooth. She wasn't exactly the best actress, not compared to Marie who apparently even fooled Jonathan but when it didn't involve straight out lying she wasn't all that bad, mostly. "Yeah, actually I did." She replied, with just a tiny bit of an edge to her voice. "But sleep is wonderful for repleneshing your energy, don't you agree?" Everyone involved knew she couldn't just use her magic openly in Noumagi, their plan to turn the villagers to their side would not go as smooth if that was the case, but there was no reason she potentially couldn't use it against someone when no one was nearby. Leilani wasn't foolish enough to actually do that if not absolutely neccessary but maybe reminding Philip and the lot that there was magic on the loose down here would give them something to think about.

It would also remind them that taking her down again was important but she hoped the fact that it would be a bit odd since she just came back to Noumagi and that Jonathan would instanly reveal Philip's plan if she disappeared again was enough to deter them for now. One slightly negative thought though, was for how long Philip would wait for Jonathan to freely join him, surely they could find a way to use him even as a captive or even just to figure out his powers. In the end it was just the immunity that was important to Philip.

By now people were starting to leave as they finished their meal and heading off to whatever job they had, and she couldn't help but watch those that left for any sign of knowing more than they gave light off, it didn't give her much clues though, maybe they were good at hiding it now that the first shock had died down or she was just not that good at reading people. She was leaning towards the latter.

"Are you about ready to go?" She asked, directing her question towards Jonathan, even if it technically involved the other two as well. She had already finished her food, twice in fact, having gathered quite the appetite during two weeks of lackluster nourishment and she would rather just have their little meeting over with.

"I am at least," Marie answered. The question wasn't really aimed her way even if it was still relevant. She, unknowingly, shared Leilani's idea that it was just as good to get done. They needed to know what those two had planned and what Jonathan intended to tell them. Maybe even get a chance to understand why they had chosen to stay behind. It was such a stupid chance to take, even if Jonathan held no risk of being hunted here his friend did, and apparently the teen wouldn't accept their way of using magic. So why stay? Had it something to do with the machine even? She was close, but not close enough, MArie couldn't quite imagine what the two really planned since to her it seemed impossible and an almost unthinkable thing for a magician to help people with no magic.
Jonathan kept a close eye on everyone, studying their every move to make sure he knew what they were thinking. Phillip might be changing from defensive to offensive within a few seconds, so he had to be prepared for that, and if unlucky, Leilani might say something she shouldn't and reveal too much, thus he even had to keep an eye on her. He did trust her of course, but humans not used to certain situations could easily be provoke into revealing something they shouldn't. Like Leilani had done when she had told the guard about Jonathan's immunity.

Phillip was trying his hardest to keep his facial expression somewhat friendly while he tried to come up with a plan. It wasn't the easiest thing to do when he didn't even know what those two were up to yet. They were clearly warning him to not do anything that would force them to reveal Nougami, but why? It didn't make sense that they would stay, or speak up about what had happened now when everyone were gathered. Though, at this point they weren't. Most people had already left the table to get to their jobs.

"Sure you don't want a third portion first?" Jonathan teased Leilani, not bothered by the deadly stare coming from the other side of the table. He wouldn't mind letting those two wait for a couple of hours, but he also figured that Leilani was as inpatient as them to get this over and done with. So he rose from his seat just seconds after having asked his question.

It was rather clear who was the enemy and who was the potential friends when they left the building. A couple of people stared after the four of them, obviously wondering what the heck was going on and how that witch had been able to escape. A few of the others just kept working with an occasional glance towards them, seemingly thinking how good it was that Leilani had returned. Maybe because they had spoken to her and thought she fit into their community, or maybe because she was a friend of the immune teen and they didn't wish to see him sad. Either way, they seemed glad that she had come back.

Jonathan made sure to take the paths with the most people on them, just to make sure Phillip couldn't signal to any one person to take them out. The more people that was around, the less chance there was that every one of them was part of the conspiracy.

Once inside the greenhouse, they stopped at the place that put them on the best distance away from everyone else that was there. Some of the poisonous plants started to change color as Leilani, Phillip and Marie came close, but those that was closer to Jonathan stayed the same.

"How did you find the cave?" Phillip asked with no further patience. He wanted answers now. Jonathan had a playful grin on his face as his eyes turned towards Marie.

"She showed me the way." The teen said. There was no hint of a lie in his voice nor in his eyes, even though his entertained expression might make some think he just wanted a reaction, which was true in one sense even though he didn't lie to get it. "I'm glad I entrusted you with my concerns Marie. If you hadn't panicked and searched after Phillip without carefully looking back, I would probably never have been able to find this place."
[BCOLOR=transparent]Marie stood speechless as Jonathan claimed she was the one to show him the way. She had done no such thing, she had taken care to never mention anything that could tip him off and besides she didn't so often go the cave either. Unless, it was the other day when she was searching for Philip to inform him of Jonathan's suspicions. Had he decided to follow her that time? Why though, she had been certain the teen had believed all she said. Or had he wanted something else?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It didn't really matter how though, what mattered was that her carelessness had caused all this. Back on the streets she would never have made such a mistake, Jonathan would not have been able to follow her without notice so easily back then. But maybe the safety in Noumagi had dulled her suspicion and observant eye. There was the chance that he was better than her at stealth but Marie didn't pay that option any heed, admitting she could be lacking in skills was not her strong point.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]"It was back when you came to me about the bag wasn't it?" She already knew the answer but asked anyway. First forgetting the bag and then accidentally allowing the immune access to the one place he couldn't reach on his own, fate seemed to be against their plan, if Marie had believed in fate that is. "What do you want? Why would you risk staying here when it obviously wouldn't have been so hard to leave when no one was around?" It was the one question the blonde couldn't make sense of. Why, why risk being caught instead of running away?[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Leilani stood silent, as the two asked their questions, she did not want to accidentally let something slip and give the other two an advantage. She would never do it on purpose but sometimes her mouth acted on its own, like the reason she got into all this from the start, so she had opted to keep silent, for now at least.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Instead she took the opportunity to relax a bit, of course to her it hadn't been more than a day or two since she had been at the greenhouse last since she had been sleeping but it was never the less calming. Which was something she needed now. To destroy Philip's plan and reveal the truth they would need to show people the truth but that would hardly be enough to defeat a man who obviously was charming and a good talker. The best way would perhaps be to discredit him, and possibly people in on the plan, but that was easier said than done.[/BCOLOR]
Jonathan smiled at the question. It was certainly entertaining to watch how all the puzzle pieces started to fall into place in her mind. At the same time, Phillip's puzzle also started to get pieced together, and he was far from happy. Though he wouldn't bring up her failure right then and there. They had more important matters to take care of at the moment. Like making sure they could keep the teen in Nougami.

"Why would we leave?" Jonathan countered Marie's question. "Sure it would have been easy to leave after having gotten Leilani out, but what really is out there for any of us?" He gave them a moment to think about that, his smile never fading. Phillip had a hard time understanding it. He did get that if Jonathan left, he would live as a fugitive just as he always had, but if they both stayed, then he would constantly have to watch over his and Leilani's shoulders for people wishing to harm her. How was that any better?

"I'll spell it out for you. I've lived on the run for ten years, never stopping. I can handle the life out there. She on the other hand has lived all her life with a silver spoon, and I'm far from a knight in shining armor who can protect the damsel in distress. She's a fugitive who can't live in the wild for even a day. She would get caught or die within a week out there with or without me." Jonathan was of course lying quite a bit. While he didn't think she would be very well off alone, he still thought she could adapt if she had to. Hopefully she would get that he just made it sound bad so they would believe their reasoning.

"I want her to be safe, and sadly the safest place for her is here, where no magician can find her." He finished. That was true. The road to the border was long, and many dangers and cities would have to be crossed. She might not survive that on her own, and they would both be in danger even if they went together. Of course he was ready to take that risk, but he couldn't tell Phillip that.

"And what makes you think that we would let a dirty witch stay among us?" Phillip foolishly asked, now seeming to think that he had the upper hand. Jonathan couldn't help but smile brighter, showing most of his teeth in the process.

"You really don't get it? What do you think would happen if I announced your little project to the village? Do you think everyone would follow you so easily knowing you've killed children? Just because they are magicians doesn't mean people will overlook it. The younger they are, the more pity they get. I should know, I've survived on that pity for years." Phillips eyes grew dark. The teen had a point. Most people weren't ready for that information. The city would be divided.

Phillip gave a look towards Leilani. If he could he would have dragged her back to those containers, but as it looked now, he wouldn't be able to. "I don't have much of a choice do I?" He asked and received a nod. "Well, as long as you stay, we will make this one exception." He then agreed. He obviously didn't like it, but there truly was no other choice if he wished for the boy to stay there.

"Oh, and Phillip." Jonathan continued. "If she for some reason would disappear or get hurt because of human error, my mouth might just slip a bit. You might wish to consider that before doing anything else." He knew exactly what was going on in that man's mind. Phillip would certainly try to get rid of her in other ways. No one could help it if an accident happened, that's why he made sure non would occur. The only accident around there was Phillip.
Considering the way she had basically forced Jonathan to let her come with him had been done by using the same arguments he know was using against Philip, the points about her non existant skills didn't really bother her. Of course even if what Jonathan said was quite exaggerated she was pretty sure she still would have problem actually surviving on her own for a longer period of time in the middle of nowhere. Near any kind of civilization it would probably be easier since she had never spent any long amount of time on her own out in nature, not unless camping in the forest just behind your house or spendig the day outside counted. But the more helpless she appeared coupled with the fact that Jonathan would live safer down here then everything would go smoother.

Leilani had a strong urge to say something along the lines of 'how gracious of you' as Philip was forced to agree on their conditions but considering the circumstances she kept quiet, Philip may be at a loss for a solution at the moment but she didn't want to antagonize him too much. It was no need for her to test his temper, and sanity, when she was already his least favourite person down here. Even if he was being prevented the "accident" route as well she didn't doubt he wouldn't be able to figure out some kind of angle to benefit him eventually.

Marie was just as unhappy about this development, her being the main reason for this problem didn't make it any better and now she couldn't do much of anything to fix that mistake either. Being forced to agree to the witch being allowed to stay was frustrating, if now Jonathan was so determined to keep her safe Marie would rather have had the witch leave Noumagi than have her being free to live there. Unfortunately there wasn't much to do about it, nothing came to mind that would go around the rules stated by Jonathan, no accidents or stories of Leilani leaving on her own would work this time. Bringing the remaining part of Noumagi in on the plan, when they all were ready to accept it or accept it with some gentle persuasion of course, was the easiest solution but also the one that would take the longest time.

There was no way to predict how people really thought though, and there was a chance that some might never be able to understand and agree to the plan and usage of magicians, especially children, as a source of power. But there couldn't be too many of those, most people could be convinced with the right argument, especially if it benefitted them and people close to them. At least it appeared that as long as Leilani was left alone they would have all the time needed to turn the rest of Noumagi.

"I hope you won't think of something so low as to sneak into the hut at night," Leilani said, speaking for the first time since arriving in the greenhouse and breaking the silence after Jonathan's last words. "Just because I won't use my magic openly in Noumagi it doesn't mean I can't set up a spell to alert us of any intruder inside the hut." She was no expert with the many defensive or tactical spells that existed but making an easy alarm was not that difficult, even though she would prefer to not use her magic at all down here in case someone else would find out about her but that was not something Philip or anyone else in their litttle group needed to know. And the only one who would learn of her magic would be the one that broke inside so that problem was pretty much nonexistent as anyone sneaking in wouldn't be one of those uninitiated in the plan.
Phillip's eyes darkened as Leilani added her thoughts on the matter. Of course she would make sure to protect herself now when she knew she were in danger. That only complicated things for them once again. Though they couldn't do anything about her yet anyways. Not without a solid plan that would keep Jonathan there after they were done with her. But with his small set of rules, there were no way for them to do anything about the witch. At least not for now. They could of course throw Jonathan into another part of the mountain and keep him a prisoner, but consider how attached Nougami's citizens had become to Jonathan, his disappearance would certainly lower their spirit, and that was dangerous for their survival.

Jonathan almost hit himself right then and there, but he held it back. There he had been going around, thinking about ways to protect themselves at night, and never did he consider that they simply could use Leilani's magic as an alarm. How stupid and forgetful could he get? Oh well, he knew now, and it wouldn't have helped the other night when he stayed up either way, since Leilani had been far too tired to make a spell at that point.

"You won't have to worry about that my dear." Phillip's voice was almost poisonous as he called her dear. "If I were to attack, I wouldn't do it in the most obvious way like that." His smile was wicked, and most people would probably believe he had come up with a plan already. But Jonathan knew better. Phillip was only trying to make them feel unsafe until their paranoia took them over and they made mistakes. He wouldn't let that happen.

"Well, for now it seems like we've reached a consensus. I do hope you'll enjoy your stay witch, for as long as it lasts. He'll tire of you eventually. The fun of having a pet only lasts for that long." He gave them both a gentleman's smile before walking away, motioning his hand for Marie to come along.

Once they were out of the green house, and away from human ears, he turned to the girl. "I'm sure I don't have to give you a lecture on how badly you've screwed up." Phillip said. It was clear from his tone that she wouldn't be easily forgiven this time. "How could you be so careless?"

Jonathan grinned happily when the other pair had left. "That went pretty well. I can't even imagine the fight those two will get into now. Too bad we can't see it. It would be hilarious to watch." He mused, thinking about all the possibilities. Phillip might be the leader type whom people likes to listen too, but Marie didn't seem like the type that would just take verbal abuse without defending herself. If they were lucky, maybe those two would get into such a bad fight they wouldn't even wish to talk with one another. It might not do much for their plan, but who knew, maybe it would. If his people didn't trust him, or like him, then they would eventually stop following his orders.
Leilani relaxed almost visibly when Philip and Marie left the greenhouse, even if she had mostly listened to what the other were saying and said very little the meeting had set her nerves on the edge, and even though there wasn't any truth in them, his words still hurt. Call her sheltered and inexperienced, which she was to a degree honestly, but she was not used to conflict, and even though no one can go through life without pissing someone off, not even Leilani, she had never met someone who could hate her so much for nothing more than the magic in her, especially not so many people at once. That it was technically not her personally they hated was not much of a comfort, it still had the same result any way. She had not known magicians were quite this hated, except a friend in school she had not had too much contact with non magicians since she was quite young, before her parents divorced and being on the receiving end of all that was both scary and depressing.

As soon as those thoughts went through her head Leilani realised her case wasn't all that special, everyone without magic had tales to tell of hate or condescension from magicians like her and Jonathan who not only had to deal with that but also had to constantly be on the run. It didn't take away her feelings on everything that was happening and how vulnerable it felt being the only magician among those who hated her kind but it definitely did put it into proportion, it wasn't a trivial matter but it was maybe not so big as it had appeared from the beginning.

"We can only hope they keep busy arguing for awhile," she answered. "Maybe it's too much to hope for that it will hinder them too much but even small rifts can be helpful." And small rifts could grow and cause bigger cracks in people's conviction or loyalty and in this case perhaps it could lead to the rest of Noumagi getting to see the true face of Philip and his group. "What do you say about going back to the hut? We can't do all that much about all this before we know who to speak to." That was one reason but she also just really wanted to sit down and not having to bother with who that passed by or gave her a look in reality wanted her gone together with most of the world.

Marie had followed Philip out of the green house silently, leaving behind a fine mess that had been very mcuh her fault, although she refused to take all the blame, stubbornly incapable of accepting her own errors completely. "How was I supposed to know he was going to follow me?" She retorted, the aggression audible in her voice even though she tried to keep her cool. "He had swallowed everything I said up until then so how should I have known to activate my super sneaky mode? It's not like he is bad at hiding either..." She finished with an irritated scoff, her arms crossed defensively in front of her. He had escaped the guards for so long it was no wonder he was good at hiding, although Marie was certain that had she not lived in the safety of Noumagi for some years now the teen wouldn't have been able to follow her so easily, not that any thoughts of 'what if's' would help now.

She did know that even though others may have been sloppy as well, especially whoever had been in the cave without noticing anything was wrong, that the biggest error lay with her. But knowing it deep down was a whole other thing than to admit it. And admitting that she had failed in someway was not one of her strong points, another thing that instantly set her on edge to retaliate was being scolded or told how she had screwed up. Generally that issue with her personality didn't come up because Marie wasn't the person that often screwed up and becasue of that her anger was focused on Jonathan almost more than Leilani, sure it was ultimately the witch's fault but Jonathan had been the one to more directly cause her failure.

Well back in the hut Leilani had fixed tea, glad that the small kitchens at least had some things in them so they didn't have to rely on the collective kitchen for something as simple as tea, and that they had thought about a kitchen at all when they built the huts. She had made a lot and found the biggest mug she could in the cupboard, nothing could beat tea when it came to claming one's nerves, or well, chocolate and music were just as good but down here the first two were not easy to come by, if they were even available at all so tea it was. Seated by the table, Leilani with her hands around the warm mug, they had quickly gotten to disgussing the people of Noumagi that could be trustworthy judging by their reactions earlier at breakfast.

So far though it was not going so good, not for her at least. Most of her suggestions had been rebuked by Jonathan who pointed out stuff about them that she hadn't noticed at all that put them in the probably involved group they had so far, but one of her suggestions of innocent people had been accepted as plausible at least. "Okay, I at least now someone that has to be involved in all this," she said, switching from trying to find someone that could be in the dark about the plan. "Marie has a brother, I met him once during the first week here and he didn't exactly look extatic this morning." Plus, being related made the likelyhood for both of them to be involved pretty big.
"Small rifts can do a lot in the long run. This will definitely be a setback for them." Jonathan told her, confident about his theories. He started walking as he agreed with Leilani's idea of going back to the hut. There was nothing more for them to do in the greenhouse. Except if they decided it was a good idea to collect poisons and get rid of everyone they thought were too involved in Nougami's conspiracy. But non of them were maniacal enough to even consider such an idea, so it was just to head right back to their temporary home. No matter how this political war would end, they wouldn't be able to stay there.

If they won, they would be able to free the magicians, which would stop the shield that protected Nougami from the guards search magic. They might have a chance to stay hidden for a few years if Jonathan wasn't around, but eventually someone would get to them. If they lost, Jonathan and Leilani wouldn't be able to stay there, and would probably have to escape and trick some guards to that hidden cave so they could save those poor magicians. No matter what, they would have to leave sooner or later.

Phillip made a loud, frustrated sigh. This situation was bad, really bad. But they had to play their cool and make sure nothing went wrong. "Whatever. We just have to make sure he tires of that little bitch quickly so we can take care of her. Though finding him a replacement partner would probably be hard now. He won't trust anyone in here too easily." The young man said. Finding someone that could win over the teen's affection so he would stop caring for Leilani would definitely be hard. Maybe they had to lead someone that didn't know of their secrets in Jonathan's direction. Though in that case they would have to trust fate more than a structured plan. But Jonathan seemed to be able to see through most of their lies.

"I'd rather not go over to plan B, but if things gets too out of hand, we might not have a choice." He then added. Plan B was something they hadn't discussed much. It was mostly a side plan in case Jonathan would decide to suddenly leave them. They needed his powers no matter what, so if they couldn't get him to stay willingly, they would just have to lock him up until he gave up or they figured out how his powers worked. "For now, make sure to keep an eye on them, and if you find any suspicious activity, report it. You should be able to do that much without failing." Phillip then told Marie.

Back at the hut, Leilani and Jonathan started to talk about the people in Nougami. Who could they trust and who couldn't they? As expected, Leilani was far too gullible and trusted people way too easily. Luckily she talked to Jonathan before she made any radical decisions, like speaking with them alone, or about the wrong things, just to notice that they only wished to betray her trust. Jonathan was fast to point out when she had brought up someone he couldn't trust yet. It was either the way they looked at Leilani when she wasn't looking, and when they presumed the boy wasn't looking, or the way they looked towards Phillip, as if they wondered what the next plan would be. Some also whispered suspiciously with people he was certain had something to do with the plan. Most of the people Jonathan was certain were innocent usually didn't whisper anything to anyone, and if they did, it was often followed by innocent giggling.

The teen listened as Leilani decided to change the subject around a bit, and go for looking after the guilty instead of the innocent. "Yeah, I agree. Though I would say no relatives can be trusted." Jonathan added. "At least as long as they don't seem too distant to one another." He then began to explain. "The likelihood that someone would keep such a big secret from their sibling is pretty slim if they aren't on the completely wrong terms and can't stand each other. If we suspect someone that has a sibling, we should probably not trust the sibling too easily." Family bonds could be rather strong, so it was best not to take any chances.

"Of course if we believe that two siblings are oblivious to the truth of Nougami, we should probably tell them at the same time to make sure they both get it from us instead of having one of them running of to the other and giving them messed up, incoherent information. We should probably try and do the same if we notice that some people has extremely close friends that they tell everything to, with the exception if we distrust their friend of course. If so we should probably wait with telling them before a later stage in our plan, or put them in the group that gets to know first when we reveal it for all the people in Nougami." It would certainly be hard to choose who would get to know about it first and who would get to know it last. They needed some people they could trust, some followers, some people that wouldn't go around telling everyone else. That would just lead Phillip to get to know about it eventually and then their plan might be stopped. They would have to be extremely careful and not speak to the wrong people.
[BCOLOR=transparent]Pulling a hand through her short hair Marie let out an annoyed sigh as soon she was away from Philip, she knew that a lot of this was her fault, even if others had been very sloppy it was still her fault from the start. That didn't mean she liked accepting it, the blonde didn't take critique or straight out being told of her mistakes very well, no matter how true the words were it still put her on edge. Maybe it was because she rarely failed her tasks, whether by skill or luck, that brought out that side in her or she had always had that childish aspect of her. Marie didn't really notice that side of her as a flaw though so she never put much thought into it to decide what it was caused by.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Her mood didn't brighten with her new task either, not that it was much of a task really. Keeping an eye on the two to see what they were up to wasn't all that exciting and would probably be made harder by the fact that as soon as either of them spotted her they would make sure to not let their guard down.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]It was not like they would send someone else to make friends with either Jonathan or Leilani, even the witch would probably be suspicious if a new person suddenly approached her. Even if they went through the trouble to get someone who didn't know of the plan it was still a chance that said person could end up going against the plan. And getting someone to randomly befriend someone out of the blue would probably appear a bit suspicious and weird. Marie sighed again and headed of to her share of work all the while doing her best to keep Jonathan and Leilani's hut in view, later when she got a chance she'd find her brother and have him help out.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Leilani sipped on her tea, listening as each of her suggestions were shot down by Jonathan, of course when he explained why those people were suspicious it seemed quite obvious. Sure the most obvious signs were probably only visible when she wasn't looking, at least if that person was smart, but some must have shown signs even when she saw or spoke to them without her picking up anything odd about them. It went to show how easily she could be fooled, or maybe rather that she preferred to not expect the worst of people or that she was not used to deception. Either way it was something she needed to get better at, especially since her being on the run probably wouldn't change too soon.[/BCOLOR]

"Nougami seems pretty peaceful and I have never seen people fighting here, arguing maybe but far from enough to create rifts in the family loyalty so no relatives is probably a good guide-line." Leilani said in agreement. It made sense for a place this small that people did their best to get along, after all it wasn't easy to avoid someone down here and leaving wasn't really an option for those living here unless they wanted to go back to their old life of being treated as inferior beings. "So we just have to find those who don't know of the plan and see how they think and hopefully get them on our side, piece of cake." She said with a sigh and a humorless smile. It was definitely not going to be easy but at least Philip was blocked from doing anything at the moment, and hopefully for quite a while.
That was true. While small arguments had occurred, they were usually fast resolved or forgotten. No fights had ever broken out for as long as they had been there. Leilani had been asleep for most of her time in Nougami, but during Jonathan's time spent in the city, he should have seen or heard something if it had happened. He might have been depressed during those weeks when Leilani was gone, but that didn't mean he didn't notice what happened around him.

"During the next few days, we need to figure out which people are standing each other the closest. Who lives here alone and who has siblings. Who has a best friend and who has a spouse. All close relationships must be noted. After that we can start looking at which lonely wolves we can trust and start telling them. I doubt there will be many. Those are probably the people Phillip and his crew targets first. Someone who's all alone will be more likely to follow than someone who still has their family and not lost anything yet." Jonathan told her. While everyone in nougami most likely had a few friends, that didn't mean that everyone stood someone close. There would always be those people who talked casually with tens of folks daily but still would not feel close to them. Those wouldn't be trusted by Phillip, of that he was sure. They didn't trust people easily and thought more on an individuals level rather than a collective level. Them knowing the secret could be a danger for Nougami if they felt threatened by the turn of event. They were certainly kept in the dark.

Jonathan and Leilani would have to use their fear to get their help. For many, it would mean that they would have to convince them that if they didn't do anything, the magicians would eventually find Nougami and they would all get executed for what they had done to the magicians. Considering how many magicians had been kidnapped and died in Nougami and considering that the people of Nougami was a minority that was already being treated badly by the justice system, capital punishment would not be a far fetched thought. The loner type who'd rather wish to protect themselves would do anything to make sure they didn't have to face a death sentence, even if it meant taking down Nougami's rulers. Those with families would do anything and everything to protect the person they love. Maybe it was wrong for Jonathan to think about playing with people's emotions to win, but at times there were no other choices but to manipulate people. This was not just for his own survival, it was for all the people in Nougami and the wizards and witches they had kidnapped.

The teen gave Leilani a quick lesson in how she would recognize someone who seemed friendly with people but probably only did it for appearance and to make sure they could keep their spot in the safe underground city. The most important one was that they would rarely speak about themselves, and if someone asked about them, they would fast make sure that the topic went back to be about the others without anyone even noticing that they hadn't answered their question. Privacy was something they would value the most, and if they couldn't trust their secrets to Nougami, then Nougami wouldn't trust its secrets to them.

"One more thing. If you get the chance and can be absolutely certain that no one will see you, extract some poison from the flowers. While I don't wish for anything to happen, we might need to think of something rather... Radical, if things goes badly or if someone seems to become too much of a threat to our lives." He certainly didn't want to kill anyone, but making someone extremely sick wasn't completely out of the question if needed. "I would do it myself, but considering I'm not working with them, Phillip's people might get suspicious if I walk around in here, meddling with the flowers." Jonathan then mentioned. "Also there is the fact that I have no idea how to do it. I've only heard that it's possible from others. Funnily enough they were Nougami citizens." Oh the irony. "Only do it if you're sure no one's watching. If there's even one slim percents chance that someone might be glancing your way, or have eyes in their necks, don't do it. I don't want to give Phillip a reason to get rid of you. If he notices any suspicious activity from your end, he will definitely do something drastic and then figure out a way to stop me from talking afterwards."
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It seemed like a daunting task but if you thought about it it was probably not quite as bad as it seemed, if a lot of people knew the truth about the safe haven they called home then Philip would have an easier time with his planning. But if the majority were in the dark then Philip and his group should be the ones to worry since it would be alot easier to convince people of the horror that was going on rather than how righteous it wa, as long as they had a normal sense of justice.

Leilani listened as Jonathan explained how to see signs that people might be trustworthy, it seemed pretty easy as he said it but she knew it would not be so easy with an actual person in front of her. It was very easy to just go along and trust whatever someone said rather than to be suspicious and read their behaviour like Jonathan could. Even if she managed to feel certain a person was not on Philip's side and therefore would be safe to trust she would still speak with Jonathan first to let him now, and mainly so she could be certain she was not being too trusting again.

When he added the part about trying to get some poison from the greenhouse Leilani nodded, it might not be possible the first days depending on how curious people were to her absence or if Philip's people also worked in the greenhouse. "If I get a moment alone I can extract it no problem." She had done it before at her work, she had only been in charge of the actual extraction while the owner had been the one to mix and prepare the various liquids into medicine and whatever else a customer might want. They never dealt with poison of course but almost everything could be lethal in too high doses.

Finding the right moment when no one was looking would be the hard part but if she spent enough time in the greenhouse an opportunity would come up, and people here only knew she had worked in a normal flower shop so they would have no idea that she also knew some things about how to use medicine and also poison from different plants. If she ignored the most obviously poisonous plants for now and tried to get a moment alone near plants that seemed innocent, if you were not familiar with them at least, then it would hopefully be easier.

"Maybe it's best to just get it over with and go there today, after all, to the majority here nothing has happened that would make any of us act differentely." She wouldn't mind staying in the hut for now but nothing would get done that way and if everything was normal she would have been going to the greenhouse since that was were she could do the most help in Noumagi and she had spent a lot of time there before her absence.

"What are you going to do?" She asked. "Go around Noumagi and stressing Philip out or act so normal he goes crazy trying to figure out what we're up to." Leilani finished with a grin. Whatever they did Philip would probably still suspect them of trying something but as long as he had no clue what they really planned he wouldn't be able to stop them so easily.
Jonathan thought about it for a while. Acting normal was the safest bet, but maybe not the smartest. At least not for him. If he acted suspicious, Phillip would send more people to keep an eye on him while Leilani would have less people to worry about as long as she acted completely normal. It would give her a bigger time frame to work on the poison they might need one day.

He wouldn't go over the line of course, he would just sneak around just enough to make them suspicious, but at the same time they wouldn't see anything that truly could make him seem as if he worked against them. Running around like a curious teen just checking random things up was what he was going to do. After all, he was a curious teenager, who could blame him for acting his age? Heck, everyone around him thought he was a curious kid since he didn't even look his age. It usually took people a while to believe him when he told them he was eighteen years old. Oh wait, now it was nineteen. He had completely forgotten that his birthday had passed while Leilani had been gone.

"I'll make sure to act as suspiciously as possible without them being able to tell for sure that I'm actually up to something. That way they will keep their eyes on me instead of you." Jonathan finally told his comrade. "Don't try to take the poison within the first few days, just act normal and work normally. Even if you don't see anyone, they might be just around the corner, especially now in the beginning. Once their eyes start to turn more towards me you can try it out." He told her. The most important thing for Leilani was definitely to keep a low profile for now.

"If you feel ready for it, you can go back to work, but I don't think anyone will blame you if you stay in the hut for today. Everyone thinks you have lived on your own outside of Nougami for the past few weeks, that can be a rather exhausting life style when you're on your own. I think most of the people here can relate to that." The truth about her disappearance was of course far worse. Jonathan didn't even want to think about it. If only they could run into that room and free all those people, all those children. He felt sick just thinking about it. They were slowly being drained and died. How many would perish before they were able to get to them? Hopefully none, but a couple were to be expected.
After their talk Leilani remained at the table, debating back and forth for awhile, whether or not she should go about the day like she had before things escalated. She both wanted to and did not want at the same time, sure she liked the greenhouse and some of the people she had met there but most of all she probably strived for some normalcy. As normal as things could be down here. But she also felt in her body that she was not 100% fine yet.

Sure, having slept and eaten had helped a lot but it would probably take a bit for her to fully recover. Her magic was not fully back yet either. In the end she did decided to stay in the hut for the day, just lazing about mostly, regaining her energy. In all honesty there was not much to do in Noumagi, at least not what she had found, maybe those who had lived here a longer time had more things in their huts or had stuff to do but there were no such things in their hut as far as she could tell.

Leilani went back into her small room after a short while, only to stretch out a bit she had told herself but she ended up falling asleep for an hour or two, waking up she spent some time going through her bag, throwing out plants and herbs that had died during her time in the machine. Saving a few to add to her tea, and some that actually could work even when dried up like this. It didn't take her much time, her bag was never that full anyway. only a few pens, some paper, some small things and a dead cell phone, long since out of battery.

Emerging out her room around lunch she stretched and actually felt more rested, not perfect yet but on the way, looking arounbd the small room she searched for Jonathan to see if he had come back from whatever he had done during the day, snooping about and worrying Philip maybe.


Marie was still incredibly annoyed where she sat outside the crafting hut, or rather a group of smaller huts all built to connect with each other. From the start it had been only one hut dedicated to repairing clothes, tools and smaller things but as more people found their way to Noumagi it had grown, one small hut at the time and now it was four. Depending on what you needed made or repaired there was a separate hut for that, making it a bit easier to find what you were looking for.

One had more for sewing, some cheap fabrics and a few boxes with different rags and strips of cloth and thread, most of it miss matched and pretty old, even if they sometimes got a hand on some good stuff when they went outside they had not exactly much means to buy luxurious wares with but it worked and that was the point.

Marie had taken a few things with her outside, some pieces of cloth and thread together with some of her and her brother's things and sat down to get to repairing a few tears and see if it was possible to save one of Kale's shirt that he had carelessely torn when out finding magicians. Her place on the side of the building actually gave her a pretty good sight of Jonathan and Leilani's hut, it was pretty far of but she would see if anyone left or arrived.

Muttering to herself she started with her brother's shirt, it was a big tear and she was not sure it could be securely repaired. Couldn't he at least try to be careful, he should now how hard it was to get new stuff down here, and she wasn't some kind of miracle worker. Getting to work she occassional looked up to make sure it was all still around the hut, making certain that she wouldn't screw up again.
Jonathan didn't feel very comfortable leaving Leilani all alone, but then again, Phillip would be quite stupid if he tried to take her out right after having heard Jonathan's terms. The only way for him to get past that would be if he decided to lock the teen away, which certainly would bother the rest of the community that had no idea what was going on.

"How's Leilani?" A woman asked. Jonathan had no idea what her name was. He had never needed to memorize so many people before. He knew them based on their faces, but names just disappeared.

"Good. She's resting today. It was a bit rough on her out there." It wasn't the first time someone came up to him to ask what had happened or how she was feeling or where she was. People were worried. Not everyone though. Jonathan noticed that a small number of people whom asked him, seemed to be more interested in getting information rather than ease their worry. At lunch time, three new people had been added to his do-not-trust list.

At that time, he actually didn't do anything to worry Phillip. He'd rather save that for the night. Though he could definitely see the paranoia in Phillip's eyes even though the teen hadn't done anything yet. The young man walked past Jonathan more times than anyone even cared to count in just a few hours. Jonathan couldn't help but give him a mischievous grin at one point, as if he was plotting something.

Once lunch came around, he hurried back to the hut, just to make sure everything was fine with Leilani, and so that he wouldn't have to be around all the curious people.

"Hey, you're awake." He noted as he entered with a basket filled with food for two. "If you only knew how much gossip people have tried to get out of me today, and the day isn't even over." He complained and exhausted fell down in the chair. "Is it always like this in cities?" He asked the only one there with experience.


Phillip was going mad. That kid was up to something, he just knew it. But they couldn't do anything about it, because Jonathan was the one who held the key to save them. They could lock him away and try to extract his powers, but what if it was impossible to do? Then they would have made their saving grace an enemy and gained nothing. Plus, if he just disappeared, everyone who weren't ready yet would loose hope. They thought their savior was there for them now. If he disappeared, they would loose the spirit of the people.

No, they had to be tactical about this. "That boy will drive me insane. Why is he even so fixated with that witch? It doesn't make sense." Phillip was mumbling to himself with Marie in hearing distance. "How do you gain the trust of someone who thinks you've betrayed them?" He then asked, clearly it was meant for Marie. "There must be something we can do to make him turn over on our side."
Leilani looked up as Jonathan entered the hut, her eyes instantly moving from him to the basket he carried. "You, good sir, are an angel." She blurted out instead of greeting him or answering his first question. She had started to become quite hungry even though she had ate a pretty decent size breakfast. Hurrying over to the small cupboards she brought out what few utensils there were and placed them on the table.

She was quite relieved he had thought of bringing food to their hut, maybe he too wanted some piece and quiet when eating for once, especially considering he had not exactly had much interractions with others. But she appreciated it as well, not too eager to sit around the large table once more, wondering who among them she could trust and who she could not.

Suspecting others and pondering over their motives were not something she had ever needed to do, and it took a bit out of her in the beginning. Plus it was nice to just avoid being the subject of many conversations, or rather her abrupt absence and return.

"I'm afraid so," Leilani confirmed with a nod. Even above ground people often loved to gossip, whether it were women chatting between chores, men drinking together or even children spreading rumours around the play ground. It didn't seem to matter much the size of the population, just that there were people curious about their neighbours affairs and sharing their opinion with anyone nearby. "It's part of human nature I guess. I believe it tend to be more common in smaller communities where people have less interaction with the outside world."

Placing some of the food on her own plate Leilani then looked up at Jonathan. "So, how has the day been going for you?"


Marie sighed where she sat bent over a shirt, needle half through the fabric, rolling her eyes as she barely managed to avoid voicing her question if he had much sanity left to lose. She didn't honestly think Philip was insane of course, she wouldn't follow him if she did. But it sure was easy to get that impression sometimes. "I don't know, I've never had that problem before." Marie huffed, annoyed and perplexed at the same time.

She was indeed a skilled liar, easily able to fabricate stories and make people trust her, rarely getting caught in a lie. Now was the first time she had been caught and also had to try and remedy that and gain trust once again. It was a difficult albeit not impossible problem. Some people more easily gave their trust to others, the blonde was quite certain that she would be able to manage it if she was working with only Leilani but it was Jonathan that was the problem. So far it seemed he did not trust easily and, of course, his trust was probably very hard to regain.

"Maybe..." she began, her voice trailing off as she mulled it over. "Maybe we shouldn't focus so much on regaining trust but instead break it down." She was not sure how this would work yet but surely it had to be possible somehow, even down here in this confined space. "If we can destroy their trust for each other instead, then maybe it would be easier to work with Jonathan once that witch is out of our way."

If this plan could work then they would not have to bother with having to find some way of getting rid of Leilani without breaking the rules Jonathan had laid out.
"Hey now, I already look like I'm twelve, if I become an angel as well I will never be considered an adult." Jonathan joked as he started to take out everything from the basket. It was so nice being able to eat in such a quiet place. If he could stay in the hut forever, he might just consider doing so.

"People are so weird. Sure, I could consider talking about something happening during the day, but the way they try to eat you to get information is just scary." If it had been a safe haven as the stories said, Jonathan probably would have just dealed with it, but as it was now it was just annoying. Too bad that the rumors would spread like wildfire if he ever said anything about it. That was exactly why they had to be very careful with the information about Nougami's secret, as once it got out, it would easily spread fast. They had to make sure to do things in the right order to make sure not everyone got the information at the same time and were too confused to make a decision, thus easily swayed by their leaders. A few at a time was ideal until they got a good startbase.

"Except for the millions and millions of questions wondering what you've been up to? It was okay. Be careful when you go out there, some girls seemed pretty annoyed over how upset you made me when you 'left'. Not sure if they will do anything about it, but maybe they will give you a lecture on how to treat people. I tried to calm them down, but you know. People." It seemed like he had a little fanclub now. Whether it was because of his powers or not, he didn't know. Maybe it only had to do with him being cute and looked vulnerable when sad. Ugh, he didn't like either of those descriptions. They probably thought he was a kid and felt protective. Even if rumors of him being 19 had spread by now, some would probably not believe it.


Phillip stopped in his tracks, thinking over what the girl had just said. Breaking down their trust for each other? They would separate naturally and no rules would be broken on their part. As long as Jonathan didn't suspect foul play on their part, he would have no reason to think badly of them. Well, not for anything more than Nougami's secret, but he was certain that the boy would accept it if he just got some time and that witch disappeared.

"Marie, you're a genius." He said excitedly. They just had to find their Achilles heel. "The only problem is that we don't know a lot about them. Though Jonathan did seem quite... Jealous when he thought I had an interest for that witch. Such emotions can easily break bonds. Maybe it won't push them over the edge, but at the very least, it could be a start." On top of that, if the witch enjoyed another person's company more, she might open up about certain things that could push them even further.

"The question though would be, who could we send their way." It was just a mumble now. If they sent someone who knew their secret, Jonathan was very likely to suspect something from the beginning. He was too sharp. If they sent someone who didn't know, it would be harder to get the wanted result and to extract information, but it would ease the suspicions. It was a tricky situations, but there were a few people down there that he knew had a few eyes on Leilani. Those who didn't know what she was and thought of her as a poor innocent girl. She had probably not even given them a second thought as they curiously asked her questions when she arrived.
"Angles are ageless don't you know," she replied with a teasing grin." With his strangely coloured pale brown hair and smooth features he actually fit better as an angel than many others would have, but he didn't seem like he would appreciate comments like that. "Just wait until you are old, then you'll be glad to look so young, and all others will envy that youthful look of yours."

Leilani agreed fully with him, people could be very, intense, when they wanted gossip, even if they themselves wouldn't think of it as more than being a little curious. "Well, human nature I guess," she responded. "Either they don't lead interesting lives themselves or, like here, they have little interraction with new people and happenings so everything and anyone provides a chance for something new."

Finished setting out what utensils they might need to eat she sat down at the table, it was tempting to just use magic to bring what she wanted over but she had promised herself to not use magic in Noumagi except if absolutely neccessary, putting some alarms on the hut when they slept for example. You never know when someone might be listening or watching, even speaking about her magic had to be kept to a minimum she believed since Philip somehow must have learned what she was and she had not used magic even once until then.

"Aww, you finally got your fanclub," Leilani chuckled as he mentioned the girls. It must be a bit weird for Jonathan to be the centre of attention in a good way for once. Not used to crowds of people, especially not crowds who idolized him like this. "See it on the bright side," she continued. "At least there is a group of people who would probably be on your side in all of this. I can't see them going against anything you say." His fans would hopefully do whatever they could to please him so that could mean possible future allies.


Deep in thought Marie mulled over the possibilities, it would be the safest choice to send one of their members and in all likelihood the witch would not suspect a thing. She was certain that Jonathan would try to teach his friend how to be more cautious and how to spot suspect behaviour. But even if Leilani wasn't gullible and naive it would still take quite some time to train up a natural skill in reading others. However, Jonathan would be around to help her with that, so that was a too risky move.

The other choice was to bring in a unrelated person, one who had yet to be initiated in their plan. Which in itself was a risky move seeing as there always was the chance of that person taking the witch's side if things went down hill. But it might just be the only way to not get Jonathan suspicious. Question was just who to send and how to direct them towards Leilani without it being too weird.

"Can't you speak with some of the guys down here, maybe one of the Middleton brothers, my brother knows them although they don't hang out, or maybe one of their friends. Or that newish guy, I can't remember his name but I think his last name's Gacy, I'm fairly sure his cousin is well on the way of joining us." She proposed, they were the only ones she could think of at the moment were they would have the slightest chance of guessing the outcome. "Otherwise I think all other possible choices and their families are entirely in the dark about Noumagi."
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