INTEREST CHECK Twilight 2000 (No vampires, nothing to do with the book)

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Twilight 2000 is by far my favorite alternate history setting in tabletop history. Realistic and gritty it really drives home the point of the setting, makes you feel it. Now I would be playing the role of GM and not actively playing a character however I will have one if things get out of hand. Heres the plot:

The game was first published in 1984 during the Cold War and was intended to be an accurate depiction of a possible future, but events in the world have rendered the premise of the game an alternate history.
In 1995 a series of Sino-Soviet border conflicts expanded into general war between the Soviet Union and China. The Sino-Soviet war rapidly escalated from conventional warfare into exchanges of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons. In 1996 a cabal of East German and West German military officers seek to reunify their country. Unified German forces stage a coup d'état against the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. The US and NATO allies initially attempt to stay out of the war, but are quickly drawn into the European conflict.

Between 1996 and 1997 a largely conventional war is fought between NATO and Warsaw Pact forces throughout Europe. There are limited exchanges of battlefield nuclear weapons, and chemical and biological weapons. During Thanksgiving 1997, the Soviet Union launches a surprise first strike against targets in the United States and Europe. The US and Great Britain launch retaliatory nuclear strikes against the Soviet Union.

In the aftermath of the nuclear exchanges, both blocs struggle to recover from the damage. The war continues - despite increasing shortages of men, equipment, and fuel. In the United States there is a breach between the civilian government and the Joint Chiefs of Staff. An open rift develops between "Civgov" (the civilian government) and "Milgov" (the military government), which leads to a low-intensity civil war.

By the summer of 2000, the European theater of operations had been fought to a near stalemate. In one final effort to break the deadlock and end the war NATO forces planned a summer offensive across Northern Poland and into the Baltics, but the offensive ground to a halt in the face of a Warsaw Pact counterattack. Several divisions & corps on each side were virtually eliminated. In the chaotic aftermath, supply lines are lost, high level command breaks down and armies in the European theater lose cohesion beyond the platoon unit. Some go "native' and integrated with the militias of independent "free cities", others turned into gangs of marauding bandits and some small groups of surviving soldiers sought to find their way home.

Now before posting interested you must fill several key criteria as a player since I won't be having a hand in this.

1.) You must be mature and able to create situations for your character that builds them, this includes mature subject matter such as death of a fellow soldier etc.

2.) Be a story driver and a team player, everyone is responsible to drive the story themselves but must also include the others.

3.)Know a bit about tactics or otherwise military equipment, I'm not talking a 5 paragraph on breaking down your M16 but enough to show you know the basics.

4.)I will be creating situations for you as you travel form place to place as a GM but it up to you to get there.

5.) THIS is important, communication with your fellow players. You are all in this together, talk amongst yourself and come to a decision that fits the goal of the group. Together you have a chance to get home, divided you are likely to die.

Now you will all be part of a rag tag team of US soldiers from different branches and units, banded together for one common purpose. Getting home. Why and how is up to you.

Technology is around 2000 meaning PASGT system of protection and M16s. Do some research before you make a gear lists.