RESOURCE Trying to be more in sync with your partner?

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Forger of Words
Original poster
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  1. Not accepting invites at this time
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per week
  2. One post per week
  3. Slow As Molasses
Online Availability
Going to be varying with changes at work.
Writing Levels
  1. Adept
  2. Advanced
  3. Prestige
  4. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Primarily Prefer Male
  2. No Preferences
Fantasy, Science Fiction, Magical Realism, and Post Apocalyptic.
Cooperative writing is so very different from novel writing. It lets you really flex different aspects of your writing skillset, however, it can also make you feel like you aren't working to your fullest. In my experience, style is one of the most important things needed to make cooperative writing work, however sometimes you can still but heads with your parter or misinterpret their words. So, how can you feel like you and your partner are in unison when moving forward.

The most obvious answer is talking to your partner, asking questions, and really diving into the nitty gritty of the story. This is only going to get you so far, becuase even the best laid plans can go off the rails fast.

I've got three suggestions to help you really connect with your partner:

1) Have the post read to you. You can copy your partner's post into a Word Processor and let the computer read it to you. Comprehension seems to be increased when listening to stories, there are some studies that link understanding to external stimuli. You might hear something differently then you read it, and it might allow you to catch that intended meaning.

2) React and Respond. Spend a decent portion of your post reacting to your partner. Use some of their words and actions, but twist the perspective to your character's point of view. By touching on how your character perceives things, it lets your partner get to know your style more, and soon you'll begin flowing together.

3) Distill the Essence. Reacting can be too much at times. To combat over reacting, select only two or three actions to make your own. Now, you can build on these pillars, and it prevents you from spending your entire post just reacting.

I find that the best ratio is 25% to 50% of a post should be reaction. You form that link between you and your partner, but still leave enough room for you to push the plot forward.

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