Trust a Thief or Hunt a Thief?

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Original poster
(RP with @Agent_Puncake)

Las Vegas always seemed like a city that either brought you to an extreme high or tore you down to a new low. The beautiful lights of the city filled with the questionable crowd of people was an anomaly to some. The weekend crowd always seemed larger, probably because most people didn't have to work over the weekends and what a better way to spend a paycheck then to blow it all at a casino, right? Though that may be a nice life for some, for others the scene was an unneeded mess.

The two made their way through one of the many packed casinos. They looked to be in their early twenties and dressed well to match the others in the establishment. The woman stood roughly 5'6 with a slim but fitting figure. Her dirty blonde hair reached to her mid back and her emerald eyes glanced around each table in search of something. She wore a slimming red spaghetti strap gown that showed her pale skin well and reached to her ankles, a cute slit running up the side of one leg. Not enough to reveal anything more than she wanted, but this was the fashion now a days, right? She wasn't the biggest fan of heels, but made an exception for the day and wore a matching pair of red three inch heels to complete her outfit.

The man accompanying her wasn't extremely tall for an adult male. He stood a few inches taller than the woman, maybe around 5'10. He wore a black suit that made his slim but fit figure look a little more slimming than reality. A nice red tie along with his ensemble to match his partner. His icy blue eyes and dark black hair seemed to fit his personality well, considering he looked like he didn't want to be anywhere near the building. He walked with his hands in his pockets, occasionally scuffing his well shinned black dress shoes on the checkered carpet of the casino.

"Maybe we missed him." The man mentioned quietly as he looked at the girl with him.

"No... he wouldn't miss out on a busy weekend." The girl mumbled, more to herself than to her companion. She continued looking from table to table before smiling wide. "Told you." She said as she found who she was looking for.

A few feet from the pair was a man sitting with a few others at a black jack table. His back was to the woman and man, but she could tell him apart from a crowd. His greasy spiky blonde hair, slim figure, and to well dressed suit made him stick out like a sore thumb in her eyes. He was taller than the two of them, but when sitting at the table focused on cards it was difficult to tell how tall he truly was. He held a cigarette in one hand as he kept his focus on the current game, not even realizing the two approached him.

"Long time no see Creed." The girl greeted him, sounding much more excited than she truly felt as she stood beside him.

The slim man finally took his attention off of his cards and looked over at the woman. It was easy to see in his eyes that he was not expecting her presence. "M-m..." He began, as if not sure what to say.

"Christine. I know it's been a while." She interrupted. She looked down at the mans cards and flipped them up so she could take a quick peek herself. "No way I'd call on that. You'll lose more than you bargained for." She advised, her eyes moving back to the man known as Creed. "Speaking of losing... I believe you have some info for me?" She questioned him.

Creed looked at the dealer and motioned that he was folding for the round, waiting for the next one to start. "Sorry Christine, I wish I could help, but I'm not sure what you're referring to." Creed said without looking at Christine, taking another puff of his cigarette.

"Well I would remember fast." Christine sounded pleasant, but it was clear her words were a threat. She took the cigarette out of Creeds hand and put it out on the carpet with her heel. "I never even introduced my friend! Trust me... you don't want me to." She stared Creed down. "Are you sure you don't have any information of the location of my gem?" It was clear in the tone of her voice that she was losing patience with the man.