Trail mix recipe recommendations

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I like a bit of everything, especially romance. Maybe a little bit of action, adventure, slice of life, mystery, fantasy, horror in the roleplay depending on the kind of plot.
I have noticed recently that basically any kind of combination of dried fruit, nuts, or snacks can be considered a trail mix. That it didn't have to be the default raisin, almonds, m&ms, chex crackers, and yogurt chips. Well it was the combination I grew up on.

What do you like to put in your trail mix and what are some recipe recommendations you'd like to offer?​
I'm actually not much of a trail mix fan and can't have most legumes, but depending on how I feel I like to either spice it up, or I go sweet. So it is either chocolate and (dried) fruits (and chocolate covered raisins, those are yum) or I add chili oil to puffed corn (different from popcorn) and nuts, if I feel more savoury.