Original poster
A Nuzlocke run is a challenge run of any Poke'mon game in which the player inflicts several restrictions upon him/herself as follows:
1) Every Pokemon must be nicknamed
2) I am only allowed to catch the first Pokemon I encounter on a route, in a cave, forest,city,etc.
3) If a Poke'mon faints, it's dead. I either release it or put it in the graveyard box
4) I'm not allowed to breed Poke'mon
5) I'm not allowing myself to catch legendaries
6) Shiny clause (Undecided, need opinions): In the event I come across a shiny, I'm allowed to capture it and box it, or trade it for 1-2 others. Need opinions on this
Dupe clause: If the first thing I find in an area is a pre-evo or post-evo of something I have, I must capture something else.
In any case, this is Touhoumon.
Slight difficulty increase, slight dialogue changes, music changes
Now, let's Leeroy Jenkins this. >:3
1) Every Pokemon must be nicknamed
2) I am only allowed to catch the first Pokemon I encounter on a route, in a cave, forest,city,etc.
3) If a Poke'mon faints, it's dead. I either release it or put it in the graveyard box
4) I'm not allowed to breed Poke'mon
5) I'm not allowing myself to catch legendaries
6) Shiny clause (Undecided, need opinions): In the event I come across a shiny, I'm allowed to capture it and box it, or trade it for 1-2 others. Need opinions on this
Dupe clause: If the first thing I find in an area is a pre-evo or post-evo of something I have, I must capture something else.
In any case, this is Touhoumon.
Slight difficulty increase, slight dialogue changes, music changes
Now, let's Leeroy Jenkins this. >:3