Tough Decisions

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Original poster
If you just got attacked by the sexiest person possible what would you do?
Attack meaning.... ?
or like Oh hey there. ;D She just tackled me. bwahaha. body contact.
OR like verabally attacked. YOU'RE SO STUPID. then like T ^T she called me stupid...but she's so sexiness.
So... which? xD
With the mood I'm in I'd attack back, hard and cold!
Switch it to he.
And I'm all for the second option.
That depends.
If you can handle her then play along by being fearful. Works eeeeeverytime.
I'd wonder wtf is sexy lady doing and stop her from doing so, then i'd hold her in my big burly manly arms and ask she's alright.

Then I'd take her out to the movies, then to eat a hotdog at 12pm somewhere out there, we don't do that coffee shtick around here.

Then, I'd probably have amorous intercourse with her, the whole shebang, candles, booze, and my stupid cat getting in the way of things and not letting me get laid.

Fucking catbfgvbhnjp0897
The assumption so far is female.
Is this specifically a woman? =\
it can be either one:male or female......or both?????? O_o