Tormented Wills OOC

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Original poster
Ummm May I ask can I be the Hellhound or is it already taken???)
Ummm May I ask can I be the Hellhound or is it already taken???)
(You can if you want, but he's a male. If you want to play a female you can play as Athena, the dragon hatchling)
(Psst. Cry is a dude)
(okay guys if you have questions message Nivek. he told you this in the begining.)
Hello Guys

Saw a couple of OOC comments going around and a lack of an OOC so I made you one.

If you guys could be awesome and discuss all OOC matters her that'd be great!

Happy Rping and thanks!


@Nivek , @Akiko , @Cry, @Alex B. , @ShiroKiyoshi

P.S. I have transferred all of your OOC comments to this thread.
we already had someone make us one.. we now have 2.
~searches through~ hmmm okay I'm afraid I can't see it! ^^

What would you like to be done with this one?
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