Tiny Dancer [EverlyxSterling]

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"Please do," she agreed, opening her arms and scooting into his. Oh, that was so nice. He was warm and his hold was just snug enough that she felt both comforted and protected. She relaxed against him, tucking her head under his chin as her mind wandered. How long would he stay? Probably not very long. He had a life to get back to. The band, his friends, his mother. Would he be able to handle that alone? She wasn't sure what she could really offer, but she wanted to be there for him as she had said she was in the hospital. She meant it.

"You know, I cleaned out the pryaniki jar once myself. When I was at home, in Russia. My mother had just made a fresh batch for a big recital and she set them out to cool off. I went in there like a tiny ninja in a tutu and snatched them all up and gobbled them down," she admitted, smiling at the memory. "Oh, my stomach ached for hours, but it was worth it. So worth it."
"Well, thankfully yours was only half-full. But, I'll always want more."

Damien felt both excited and calmed when holding Natalia. Her body warmth was like being warmed on a beach of perfect sand. Damien felt Natalia smart her legs a bit, and, instead of anger or jealousy, he felt compassion. He'd frightened her. He realized it then. He kissed her temple, then began stroking the bridge of her nose with his finger. "I'm sorry for what I said yesterday ... It was unfair of me. Honest, but unfair."

His finger traced down to her chest. "Please forgive me."
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Natalia hesitated at first, wanting to avoid the subject, but finally she gave in and nodded a little.

"It's fine," she said, her voice betraying that it really wasn't fine at all. A moment later she realized he deserved some sort of explanation. "Guys at the club liked to say that a lot. The girls would get.. attached. They'd get excited and happy and everything was sunshine and fucking rainbows or some shit but then.. it would end. The girls came crashing down, rejected, treated like the trash we are when the guy found something else, something better.. or when his wife finally caught on to where all the money was draining off to. Those words.. I don't think they really mean anything. I know you're not some guy at the club, but.. I just don't like it. I don't want you to go.."

She fell silent again, frowning to herself. Despite her rejection of his verbal affections, his physical ones were just fine. She didn't want him to leave and she enjoyed anything intimate between them. The issue was that she didn't want him to be a liar. She couldn't stand the thought of him stabbing her in the back like that. Anybody else, fine. But Damien? She didn't know what she would do if he ever did that to her.
"I didn't know," Damien conceded tenderly. "I won't speak of it again." Damien lifted his head and kissed her cheek, her ear, them held her once more in a warm, loving embrace. He pulled back slowly, brushing some of her from her face. "I'll just have to show you how much I care, that's all. And, I'm not going anywhere. This is where I want to be ... right here with you." He leaned in slowly, and delivered tender kisses onto her cheek, cheekbone, and beside her eye.

Damien was pleased that the Natalia he knew was returning. "I don't think those things that BJ said ... about you or myself." This statement was spoken softly, between sincere kisses of love. His head finally lodged itself under hers, releasing a final kiss on her ear. The notion that Natalia was a slut and didn't deserve Damien could not have been more wrong. He was angry with her choice of payment for the drugs she collected, but that came from him; Natalia was acting in the limited capacity that was familiar to her. Damien realized that Natalia was very selective about virtually everything in her life that mattered. The issue became how to broaden what Natalia choose to concern herself with. It seemed that so many aspects of her life - her internal, healthy sense of self - had fallen by the wayside. Cooking was a stellar example ... she knew and appreciated what was quality and what was not, and her dissatisfaction with the last batch of pancakes were telling. Damien wanted to rebuild the broken ballerina, but was unsure how. He didn't know how to impose any limits upon her lack of self-esteem that would be beneficial or constructive. He had to figure something out. That would take time, and he wondered how much time to was allotted now that his mother was gone.
Natalia smiled, relaxing as he kept kissing her face. It felt so nice to be showered with affection this way. He made her feel good without any sort of drug, and she loved every second of it. She snuggled close, listening to him as he informed her that he didn't agree with BJ. That was a bit of a surprise. Of course, he was quite kind so she would be surprised if he called her a slut, but he didn't even think it? Even after she stumbled her way home the night before after getting fucked? It was.. stunning. She blinked, holding him close. He was too good for her, but he didn't think so. Perfection.

"Okay," she agreed simply, not wanting to argue. It was easier to accept whatever he said. She smiled to herself and kissed the top of his head, sighing contentedly.

She was about to say something else when she heard her phone ringing. Eugh. It was so far away.. She sighed and pulled away from him, giving him a 'hold on' gesture before sliding out of bed and wandering out to pick up her bag from the floor near the door. The random pop song was jarring against her ears, so she quickly pressed the button and answered the unfamiliar number.

"Hello?" she asked, wandering back to the bedroom as she talked. She listened for a minute, her expression turning from one of boredom to one of confusion. "What..?" she murmured, trailing off as the person on the other end of the phone talked more. She frowned deeply and hung up without saying another word, looking down at her phone. "That was an attorney.. Apparently they discovered my father had a will and they want me to go back home to meet them."
"Back to Russia?" Damien asked.

The concept came out of the blue, and Damien was conflicted with a myriad of feelings and thoughts. On the one hand, any money that came into Natalia's possession could distance her from the world of vice surrounding near poverty and drug abuse. Drugs, he thought. That was a grave fear for Damien; Natalia could easily bury herself in the ground with an inheritance-worth of drugs.

Damien was also concerned about the issue of Natalia's father, or, at least, the specter of his memory. Natalia spoke fondly, lovingly of her mother, but reserved a special tone of spite whenever recalling anything related to her father. Damien could sympathize with hard grudges and disappointments when it came to fathers. He had often wondered if he had been blessed or cursed by being abandoning by his father; living a life with an abusive drunk would have sent Damien along a different trajectory than he had taken. Damien would likely have remained in South Dakota, pitching bales and becoming addicted to meth-amphetamines. Dealing with his estate would mean dredging up long-buried feelings. Natalia had proven herself ill-capable at addressing past trauma and histories of personal regret.

Like you're any different, an odd voice chided Damien. Was it the cruel Kossack who spoke to him? No, it was a voice more personal, more cunning and dire. Damien rubbed his shoulder absently as he looked upon Natalia trying to process the situation. She looked as befuddled as he, and was likely sifting through similar scenarios.

The more obvious consequence to Natalia's departure, and the most troubling, was her physical displacement from New York City and, subsequently, himself. He lauded the notion of removing Natalia from this cesspool neighborhood, one where dealers are waiting at every turn, and so-called "friends" plant seeds of self-doubt with terms of degradation. Slut, BJ had called her. The sooner Natalia left this neighborhood, the better. He had considered asking Natalia to move with him somewhere, now that mom was gone. Damien's future loomed within his mind, and the obligations he promised threatened to drive a stake in his heart. He would likely be recalled back to active duty, and Natalia might benefit from a distraction. But, Damien wondered about how Natalia was psychologically coping with the idea of her father.

"How ... do you feel about that? About your Dad's estate? Can you afford to travel to your homeland?"
Natalia nodded absently, lost in thought. It was not as though her father had passed away recently. If he had, perhaps this would not be so upsetting. But was she upset? Not really. More confused. Her father had never been particularly close to her, which made her wonder what he could have possibly left her in his will that could not simply be sent to her. The attorney had been a bit vague about the entire thing, only insisting that she return home to claim it. Why had this taken so long? Perhaps they had just found it. That was possible. Her father had never been one for paperwork, she recalled. It was likely just buried somewhere and somebody decided to go rooting around for it until they found it. She sighed quietly, struggling with the idea of going home.

Russia. It was comforting and cold all at the same time. She missed it dearly at times, but at the same time, she never wanted to go back. Too many memories. Besides that, she didn't know anybody there anymore who was still alive. If she went, she'd be alone. Did that matter..? She was alone often when she was here in her apartment. Another country seemed lonelier, though. How could she feel more lonely in her homeland than here in this wretched slum? She frowned to herself, distracted until Damien asked her how she felt about it.

"I don't know," she murmured, then she shook her head a little. "I can't afford it right now, but I'll figure it out. Sell some things. I have too many things as it is," she said, glancing around at the ornate frames that housed her art pieces and the shelves full of books. Those would probably sell fine.

"I'm going to make tea," she decided, nodding to herself and wandering back out of the bedroom. Tea was life's band-aid. She took a deep breath and tossed her phone aside on the counter, carefully filling the kettle and setting it on the stove. The familiar routine brought her a bit of comfort and she relaxed, trying to look at the situation rationally. If her father had left her anything, chances were it was money of some sort since he didn't have much in the way of material possessions when she had left. Maybe it would be enough to live off of for a few weeks while she found another job. That would be nice. She might even be able to buy real groceries. A luxury. She smiled to herself, much more at ease now... until she realized she'd be leaving Lily and Damien behind.

Damien sat alone in the bed, his face arrested in exhaustion. What had been a productive half-hour of reconciliation, had turned into yet another obstacle between Damien and Natalia. This obstacle was different from the ones they had just grappled with, involving barriers between their mutual understanding of one another and their latent intimacy struggling to be unleashed. Natalia couldn't deal with the stresses of life without resorting to negative and unhealthy behaviors, and Damien had forged a life of serving others in avoidance of past tragedy and suffering. The tangled intimacy they tried to enjoy was defined by the past, but was addressed in the present — that's how they were able to come this far. Deciding to lie naked next to a beautiful woman in her bed began to resolve the tensions at hand.

Natalia receiving a call about her father was an entirely different, more elevated, conflict. It was fraught with pitfalls unknown and unpredictable to a stranger such as himself. Damien sighed deeply, in momentary resignation. His ardent desire was to bring Natalia up from the dregs of her current life, and honestly wondered if this phone call would drag her farther down than before. There were no shortage of vile and wretched dealers in walking distance to assist Natalia should a moment of emotional collapse happen to strike. A fear gripped Damien then, and he considered the very real possibility that he and Natalia would forever remain strangers at the deepest level, however casually linked their souls may be.

Damien felt the need to engage life, but decided he could not move. He managed to cross his legs, and lowered his head into his waiting hands. Damien needed to think hard about his situation. Damien needed to consider what he had to do, and not just regarding Natalia. His mother's remains would be transferred, and luckily, she was being cremated sometime today. Briar's Funeral Services was known for their prompt, professional service, and promised to contact Damien when his mother was ready for -- well, whatever memorial Damien wanted to hold. The only thing wrong was that Damien wasn't precisely certain what type of memorial to prepare, or who to invite. The people who should be attending - his father and brother - had zero interest (or, so Damien assumed), since they had not been heard from in so long. Even if Damien wanted them in attendance, he had no idea how to contact them. No one was alive who knew his mother, and whoever attended would be there to support Damien. That unsettled him, for some reason; any memorial gathering for his mother should be for his mother - making it about himself would be abject selfishness.

Damien left the bed, and wrapped himself in the towel he'd taken from the bathroom earlier. Natalia had to, for better or worse, factor into his schedule over the next few days. If Damien left her alone now, in spite of having hid the drugs she then possessed, she would likely return to her perennial abuse and self-destructive methods of coping. If Damien brought her along and included her, he ran the risk of exposing Natalia to fundamental parts of his core life and personality. Damien's self-preservation screamed reluctance, but begrudgingly acknowledged that he craved an intimate presence that cared for his suffering, as much as her own. It was possible that Natalia could be that person, but was unsure if Natalia wanted to provide that role at the moment. He realized then that a stale numbness infected his chest. It was a temporary shore against the tide of his grief in the wake of his mother's death. It would not last long, and Damien didn't know how Natalia would react when the dam faltered.

Damien entered the kitchen, watching Natalia finish prepare the tea. "Talia, ... let me know what you need when you decide what you want to do about Russia."

Damien paused, filled with a pale dread at what might ensue. "Baby, I need to take care of some business with my mom today ... over the next few days, actually. I don't know what you have planned, but if you wanted to tag along ..."
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Natalia frowned to herself, now rather upset. Leaving all of this behind, even for just a few days, was going to be impossible. Even if she set aside the fact that Damien would probably be alright with her taking off, she still had Lily to worry about. The girl never had any other visitors and she was essentially dying alone in that hospital, teetering on the edge of legality as the hospital searched for a nonexistent living will while fighting off the over-eager parents who wanted to pull the plug and be rid of their daughter. Nobody else would go sit there. The other girls from the club didn't care enough and as far as she knew, Lily didn't have any other family. Damien was too busy to just go sit, and he had never met Lily. At least, not while she was conscious.

But what else was she supposed to do? Not go?

She sighed softly and poured the hot water into a pair of cups, carefully adding tea bags to both and sugar to one as Damien walked in to the kitchen. His decision to let him know about Russia received an absent nod, but then she began actually paying attention as he explained that he was going to be busy today. That was to be expected. Before she could nod, he invited her to join him. That was not expected. She blinked and glanced up at him in surprise. Dealing with the death of a parent was hard - she knew that. Having somebody around could help, but normally people leaned on family. Did he really want her there..? She pondered that, carefully handing him his cup of tea as she realized that she wanted to be there for him if she could.

"I would like that, if you want me to," she agreed, nodding once and giving him a bit of a smile. It would give her something to do and learn more about Damien at the same time. Perhaps while they were busy she would come across a solution for Lily. "I just want to visit Lily first, if that's alright. Make sure she's okay.."
"Of course," Damien said.

Naturally, Damien consented to Natalia's request to see Lily. Damien was enheartened by Natalia's insistence of visiting Lily in the hospital — it not only demonstrated a concern beyond herself that Damien felt was healthy and positive, but was also emblematic of a latent undercurrent of devotion that was powerful, but unapplied. He secretly longed for such devotion from Natalia, and wondered how to earn such a gift and how long it would take to acquire it. Damien respected Natalia's dedication in his bones; for though he agreed to see Lily, a part if him didn't dare refuse Natalia. Damien sensed that those people Natalia cared for would be honored and protected ferociously.

"I'd like ya to be with me," Damien said softly.

Damien leaned back on the counter opposite from where Natalia prepared the tea. He drank the tea, which was perfect and soothing. Damien needed to make a number of phone calls - a great number, actually - and reflected on what the day held in store. He needed to connect with his bandmates, and let them know what was happening. He'd been gone for a few days, and Damien was sure they must be confused. Damien needed to impose a brief hiatus in band practice until the details of his mother's passing were resolved. Damien also needed to alert Mr. Alessandro that he would be occupied for a day or so. And then, there was Frank ...

Then, it occurred to Damien that he didn't intend on inviting anyone to a memorial service. The thought of including these fine people never entered his mind until now. Damien stewed in conflict, and felt like an ass. Was he avoiding something, or did he harbor a disengagement from those who clearly supported him?

"I need ta ... sit down, if that's alright?" Damien excused himself to the couch. He sat down, took a long gulp, then placed his tea upon the adjacent table. He lowered his head into his hands and sighed deeply. He felt his strength beginning to crack, and he quietly fought to stem the tide.
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"Then I will be."

It was that simple. If Damien wanted her there, she'd be there. There was no question, no hesitation. For whatever reason, she simply wanted to be with him and help to support him as he made his way through the pain of losing his mother and dealing with the after-effects. She wasn't certain if she wanted to mentally address her reasoning for all of this yet. It seemed as though her feelings for him were deeper than she cared to admit. He had used the awful L-word. She was definitely not about to claim that she felt the same thing, but she did feel.. something. And that something was going to keep her around him until he told her to leave.

She nodded absently as Damien excused himself, staying in the kitchen to finish her own tea. Once it was gone, she washed up the dishes and put them away, then wandered in to the living room to see him sitting on the couch with an odd look on his face. She hesitated, then went over to him and sat next to him, curling her arms around him from the side and laying her head against his shoulder.

"Remember, I'm here for you. I'm going to go take a shower, okay? Want to come with me?"
Damien looked up in mild surprise at Natalia's offer. It was the last thing he expected to hear, and its possibility never crossed Damien's mind. The urge to connect with a loving soul pushed through the morass of guilt and self-hatred that threatened to engulf Damien. The feeling of Natalia arms around Damien gave him a strength that fed from a reserve from deep within himself. It was the strength to persevere being held hostage with a scimitar inches from your face. Her simple gesture opened channels for the light of hope and recovery to shine upon the darkness of grief and sadness. Damien told Natalia that he loved her in the hospital, and that sent the young woman into unintended dark places of her own; however, Damien could not think of another concept as powerful to explain the effect this woman had upon him. It was more than physical desire, more than simply wanting to feel a euphoric high from being fawned over by a pretty face. In spite of her past, and the pain she trapped inside herself, being in Natalia's presence gave motion to the inertia of his grief. Natalia's most simple concerns had a profound effect upon Damien, and propelled his sulking, morose depressions into flight, like winter birds upon the rays of the newly dawned sunrise.

Damien then realized that a shower with this beautiful woman was precisely what he needed. He felt his heart pump once again, and the walls structuring his emotional sanity shored for a bit longer.

"Absolutely ...," he replied, breathless. Although already showered, Damien let Natalia take his hand and lead him into the bathroom.
Natalia smiled and stood, taking Damien's hand before walking to the bathroom. She knew he had already showered that morning, but she had a feeling that he would enjoy it anyway. Sometimes standing in hot water was just what a person needed to relax. She released his hand and started the water, getting it up to a comfortably steaming temperature. Thankfully she was already naked, saving her that step in the process. She set out a pair of fresh towels on the sink to prepare for when they got out, then she turned and gave him a smile.

"Come on, honey," she murmured, gesturing for him to follow as she stepped behind the curtain and into the tub. She turned her back to the water, allowing it to drench her hair until it was a dripping blonde mess of tangles that stuck to her skin. Oh, that felt amazing. It was like a heated massage, and she couldn't help but smile and relax as she ran her hands through her hair. This was nice. And having Damien in here with her kept her from thinking about the emotional turmoil that typically plagued her showers when she got too deep into thinking.

Instead, she was thinking about how nice it would be to screw him against the wall.
Damien watched Natalia pass through the shower curtain, whose folds sheered white, like silk. Steam was rising from the top in a cloud, and he could hear the sounds of erratic droplets strike the tub as they dripped from Natalia's naked body. Damien parted the curtain and found Natalia drenched, her perfect body glistening and wet. He stepped inside gingerly, allowing the spray casting from Natalia to spritz Damien's body. The vicarious shower he received increased as he made his way fully into the tub. Shower areas always seemed larger than they really were when showering alone. The minor, unoccupied space was quickly filled up by Damien, and he found he could not maneuver without contacting Natalia in some way. He smirked, thinking that this was a wonderful problem to have. He felt a deep and intimate calm that was arousing, and his manhood kept poking into Natalia as she bathed.

Once Natalia had finished with the soap, Damien lathered his hands, then began to massage her shoulders. His hands were strong, and could probably punch through a wall. But, he applied them tenderly and soothingly to his lithe Russian beauty. He gently dug his thumbs into her upper shoulders, trying to find a relieve the stress within her. In truth, he had only given a massage once before. His mother used to rub his back often, as a way of communicating her pleasure with him, especially after a hard-day's work. Damien found he enjoyed the activity thoroughly; the gripping of her raw muscles, combined with the slick of her skin provided a sexual immediacy that was hard to define.

With his hands still working her muscles, he drew them together --- closer.
Damien's touch forced Natalia to relax more. Massages were always something the former dancer enjoyed. Ballet classes were not for the faint of heart, and more often than not she would go home with an aching body that could not be soothed by stretching. Her method of relief had normally been a bath, but it was not the same. There was not the rhythmic pressure of a massage that eased muscles into a blissful release of the tension they constantly carried. True, she no longer danced in that way, but her body was still tense with stress and pain from what she put it through on a regular basis. She sighed happily and moved her hands forward, grasping his hips and pulling him closer against her.

"You keep that up and I'll never let you leave," she threatened.

She smiled a bit, one hand sliding around to his lower back to keep his belly against hers as he massaged her back. The position kept his throbbing 'problem' up against her, but she didn't view that as a problem at all. The whole point of a shower was to leave it dirtier than when you stepped in, right..? Hopefully Damien didn't mind that particular bit of reasoning. She smiled at the thought, using her free hand to slide up over his naked belly and chest to his neck where she carefully pulled his lips down to meet hers.
Damien leaned down with a knowing grin, and met Natalia's lips with his own. He realized he had not kissed her enough, for the same electric shock gripped him as it did at the Club. He gasped at first, shocked by the intensity that awaited them both, then breathed heavily as his mouth loitered onto hers with loving abandon. His hands slid down her wet back, still kneading as they migrated toward Natalia's buttocks. He pressed himself against her, his brain drowning in euphoria. The shower water cleared away the last layers of eye-liner and make-up from Natalia's face, and Damien was struck by Natalia's natural, unadulterated beauty. Damien wished he could see more of her like this, it highlighted aspects of herself that were immensely more appealing that skimpy clothing and garters. Her gray eyes shone clearly now, and he thought they reflected a clarity that was as pure as the water that rained upon them. Damien was unmistakably aroused then; it was more than the proximity to a naked woman, it was driven by a lust to absorb the content of her soul, which screamed to him to never leave.

Damien's mind was lost, and he spoke sparingly between needy kisses. "I thought ... a massage was ... supposed to be ... relaxing." Damien continued the massage, if not more assertively, fully wanting to endure whatever consequence Natalia was plotting behind her gray eyes.
"We can relax when we're dead."

About an hour later, Natalia was feeling wonderfully worn out. She wasn't tired, exactly, just used up in a healthy manner. Damien had been a lot more demanding in the shower than she had expected... not that she had any complaints. His endurance was amazing and she was fairly certain that with a bit of superglue she could reattach the curtain rod to the wall since they had managed to rip it down with their passions. She grinned at the thought, now alone in the bathroom as she did her makeup after drying off. Damien had gone into the bedroom to dress after she let him know that she had a pile of spare mens clothing in her closet. She often picked up bags of assorted clothes from secondhand places, and most came with mens things. Instead of tossing them, she tended to keep them, just in case.

Since she knew she wasn't going to work today and she was trying to be a better person for Damien's sake, she did her makeup a bit differently than usual. In fact, her entire look was different, and she was struck by how odd it seemed in the mirror. This was how she used to look, she reminded herself. This used to be her 'normal'. Granted, back then her cheeks hadn't been slightly sunken in like they were now, and there hadn't been stress marks around her eyes, but it was essentially the same. It was like looking back in time. She smiled a bit at the thought. Hopefully this was respectable enough to help Damien with whatever he had to do today. For once she was displaying that she did in fact care about appearances. She didn't want people to think he was walking around with a whore.

"Are you ready?" she asked as she left the bathroom, absently patting away a wrinkle from her dress.


The time with Natalia in the shower was incredibly intense and lustful. Damien surprised himself with what he was capable of, and how he had come to realize was his natural sexual proclivity. He wondered if he had never entered the Air Force, and instead led a hum-drum civilian life, how many girlfriends he would have burned through - along with the concomitant heartbreak - before finding a partner that would not only tolerate his intensity, but welcome and desire it. Natalia seemed to be quite comfortable, even appreciative, of the way Damien expresses himself in coitus. For his part, Damien could not have experienced anything more healing. The times when their foreheads rested upon the other, eyes closed as Damien took Natalia, his tears of sadness leaked freely and mixed with the shower, washed away during the aquatic purge.

When they finished, Damien felt like a new man. Sex can have an enervating effect on some men, and Damien considered offhandedly how he might react that way with some women. However, he felt fortified then, and not at all weakened in either mind or body. Damien was grateful for the clothes Natalia offered him. He was ready to burn his old clothes, they had become so vile. He considered washing them in Natalia's sink, but refused the idea, worried they would leave a putrid residue that Natalia did not deserve to scrub clean. Instead, Damien balled up the clothes and placed them in one of the handful of plastic shopping bags Natalia kept under the kitchen sink. Damien intended to stop by his apartment later for fresh clothes that were his own.

Damien was sitting on the couch when Natalia exited the bathroom. He was left speechless. His mouth stood agape, and audible breaths billowed in and out without effect. He thought she looked beyond gorgeous. He'd often seem ritzy, Connecticut women, wives of Manhattan executives, in the theater when the Sullivan Theater had a popular show. They looked as if their entire existence was dedicated to the presentation of competitive and conspicuous glamor. They sparked and shined under the rows of galley lights, like they thought themselves goddesses regaled in their wealth and status. Natalia, by simply cleaning up and slipping on a pretty dress, decisively put all other women Damien he had ever seen to shame.

He swallowed, almost nervous, and spoke with what few breaths he could capture.

"You ... You, ah ... look really lovely ... Sweetheart."
"Thank you."

Natalia blushed a little at Damien's earnest compliment. He really meant it and he seemed nervous for some reason, which made his comment more heartfelt-seeming than usual. She glanced down at herself with a bit of a smile, pleased that he liked it. This was all for him, of course. She shifted the soft pink shrug that she had on over the dress, then adjusted the bag that she had on her shoulder instead of her usual one. This one was nicer, but smaller, so all it could hold was her wallet and phone. No space for drugs. She pushed them out of her mind and looked back up at Damien, giving him a smile and holding her hand out to him.

"Come on, honey. Let's go see Lily."
Damien smiled and rose from the couch. He knew what Natalia was doing for him, and how she was trying to turn a new leaf, however transparently. It didn't matter to Damien; Natalia wanted to be with him during his ordeal, and we welcomed her company with open arms. The urge to express his love came upon Damien once again, but he withheld. Outwardly, he might have bit his lip, catching an errant thought before it escaped to wreak havoc on the nascent day. Instead, Damien approached Natalia and held her in a long, loving embrace. She was held in a hug devoid of the lust shared in the bathroom, but was engulfing and complete. Damien could not say "I love you," so he would show his emotions in every other manner possible. Damien was certain Natalia pulsed from Damien's heart beating through his chest, and he punctuated his sentiment with a kiss on Natalia's cheek and lips.

"Let's head'r out." Damien said with a soft smile, and curious twang in his voice. The accent was similar to the one Natalia heard at the Club two nights ago. Damien collected his clothes, seemingly unaware of the change in his speech. He held to door open for Natalia, then walked down the stairs and out next to the Bakery. While Natalia locked her front door, Damien texted Mr. Alessandro and informed him about his mother. Once he pressed the "send" button, he paused, then wrote a mass text to a number of people addressing the same topic. Not long after crossing the far street, Damien's phone sprang to life.


It was a text alert, and Damien decided to ignore it.

Bing! Bing!

He chuckled nervously toward Natalia, but was unprepared when the next wave of alerts nearly unhinged him.

Bing! Bing! Bing! Bing!

The walk toward the Hospital was becoming disturbingly surreal. The fact was not lost on Damien that both he and Natalia had made this same walk the day before with disastrous consequence. He was determined to not let this day end like the last one. As Damien tried to reset his memory, erasing Natalia's drug-seeking flight, his pocket was singing an electronic symphony of concern that followed the couple down the street. He tried to ignore them all, and briefly looked away from Natalia, clenching his jaw with red, consumed eyes. Damien had Natalia's arm onto his, and held it more tightly than normal as they made the long walk to the Hospital grounds.

One thing was for certain - today was going to be harder that he imagined.
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