The World Ruler QUIZ

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October Knight

Original poster
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
Fantasy, Horror and Sci-fi. I'll try basically anything though. I also love strange and unusual RP genre concepts. Different is good!
What sort of world ruler would you be?

Take this amazing quiz and find out.


What sort of world leader would you be?

My Results:

You would make a great PRESIDENT. You like the idea of having the population controlling its government. You feel you are here to serve the people and have their best interests and the country`s at heart. However, corruption is rife - and so is discontent. You are getting sick and fed up of protesters rallying around you - pelting you with eggs. You have become the butt of jokes on national TV and those grey hairs are starting to show. Perhaps you should rule a little more firmly?
Hmmm. I don't know.

My Results:

You would make a great COMMUNIST. You like the idea of people being equal. An abolishment of race and class. If this also means the end of personal liberties and freedom, so be it. You care little for the people anyway. They don`t need their own thoughts getting in the way of your ideas. But whilst your people are out working the fields and the mines - you choose to sit back in the winter palace with a glass of vodka. For shame.

sit back in the winter palace with a glass of vodka.

This sounds good though.
What sort of world leader would you be?

My Results:

You would make a great COMMUNIST. You like the idea of people being equal. An abolishment of race and class. If this also means the end of personal liberties and freedom, so be it. You care little for the people anyway. They don`t need their own thoughts getting in the way of your ideas. But whilst your people are out working the fields and the mines - you choose to sit back in the winter palace with a glass of vodka. For shame.
You would make a great PRESIDENT. You like the idea of having the population controlling its government. You feel you are here to serve the people and have their best interests and the country`s at heart. However, corruption is rife - and so is discontent. You are getting sick and fed up of protesters rallying around you - pelting you with eggs. You have become the butt of jokes on national TV and those grey hairs are starting to show. Perhaps you should rule a little more firmly?
What sort of world leader would you be?

My Results:

You would make a great COMMUNIST. You like the idea of people being equal. An abolishment of race and class. If this also means the end of personal liberties and freedom, so be it. You care little for the people anyway. They don`t need their own thoughts getting in the way of your ideas. But whilst your people are out working the fields and the mines - you choose to sit back in the winter palace with a glass of vodka. For shame.
What sort of world leader would you be?

My Results:

You would make a great MONARCH You have a strong belief in class and social standing. You believe that people should be born into roles and hold them until the day they die. You are a traditionalist. But - you don`t like power. You would rather someone else take care of the responsibilities so you can enjoy getting on with the lavish lifestyle that being a monarch brings. You are incredibly out of touch with the general population and know it. Hence you are worried that one of these days, your head may end up in a basket.

Because I'm pretty, oh so pretty~
Yay another quiz ^.^ Thanks October ^^

My Results:

You would make a great PRESIDENT.

You like the idea of having the population controlling its government. You feel you are here to serve the people and have their best interests and the country's at heart. However, corruption is rife - and so is discontent. You are getting sick and fed up of protesters rallying around you - pelting you with eggs. You have become the butt of jokes on national TV and those grey hairs are starting to show. Perhaps you should rule a little more firmly?
What sort of world leader would you be?

My Results:

You would make a great DICTATOR. You would rule with an iron fist. You would govern outside the normal constitutional rule of law, and make your own laws up as you go along. You have the interest of your country at heart, but will stop at nothing to achieve your somewhat deluded and megalomaniacal goals. Even if it means eradicating all who oppose you.

For The Emprah!
We have a whooooooole bunch of commies on Iwaku it looks like. xD
I'm a presidential communist! : D

oh wait i did that wrong...