The workplace (Me and Kimyona)

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Natural light began shining thought a large open window revealing the colors of the large room. Under the window laid a mattress on a large board of wood. The room was almost empty, a small bookshelf stood right by the bed yet didn't have any books on the shelfs. Cream walls started looking far more yellow as the light shined onto them. There was a white door standing on it's own on the top side of the room.

"GET OUT OF BED you've got work today- IT'S 8:30!" a small alarm clock under Crimsons white pillows as his fire like eyes opened slowly. His arms reached under the pillows and turned off the flat red alarm clock before sitting up on the bed. His eyes looking around the empty room almost disappointedly as he run his fingers thought his soft brown/blond looking hair and then getting out of bed. He wore a blue long sleeved shirt and baggy dark blue trousers. Quickly he grabbed his last night prepared clothes and changed into a green short sleeved shirt with a black cat nose and whiskers, almost violet like trousers with two deep pockets. While he began moving towards the door of his room he put on a matching pair of socks and then carried on walking.

Carefully opening the white door and stepping out into the cordial before closing it behind him. Crimson put on his only pair of boots that were of a faint brown color. He didn't bother to grab anything after all it was his first day of work what would he need to bring to an office anyway? His mind almost as blank as a sheet of paper from the moment he opened his front door and locked it.

Taking quick small steps thought the roads, people generally walked alone at this time yet surprisingly a few families made his way past him. A smirk appeared on his face as he remembered how lucky he was for living close by work for once in his life. Fall leaves flew with the wind thought out the streets as the almost bare trees stood with their shaking branches as the wind got chillier. Ordinary buildings surrounded the workplace.

He walked into the building and approached a help desk. "What may i help you with?" a sweet voice called out. "It's my first day of work you see" Crimson replied slightly high pitched as he moved his bod around slightly while standing in the same spot. "Ah i see, just wait here for the other employee to come in and then we'll settle you into your office space" the lady replied without even looking up at him.
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