The Tredstone Case

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Daniel smiled and walked to the door. "I see you have it all under control. Nice work, by the way." And then he left. As he walked out o the building he took his phone and dialed a number. "Daniel... I hope it's good news. It's awfully late here, you know?" Said the female voice on the phone, looking kind of sleepy. "The agent. Is far from getting close, but I'm afraid it's just a matter of time. She is really thorough." Replied Daniel, making sure nobody listened that conversation. "Is she a threat?" Asked the female voice. "No, not yet." Said Daniel. "What do you suggest?" Demanded the female voice. Daniel put some thought, and quickly answered. "I think she have too much founds." Finally said Daniel. "Allright. I will take care of that first thing in the morning." And with that she hang the phone. Daniel took a deep breath, under the sun of that beautiful day, and went for some coffee. A few minutes later he walked into the conference room again. "I brought you some coffee, Wylde. I though you may need it." And then he continued looking at the map.
As soon as Daniel was out of the room, Alisa pulled out her notebook, quickly scribbling down every personal thought she had upon her work at the moment. Some things, she had decided, she wanted to keep a secret from him. As she heard the door opening again, she quickly shoved it under the other papers she was working on, and began documenting what she thought the killer's path was, trying to find out his exact movements over the course of the killings.

Nodding her thanks as Daniel brought her coffee, she carefully watched him as he looked at her map. She had a different one, the one she was mapping out the path the killer had taken. Many of the other agents she had recruited had left already, it was well past five, and they were the only two in the room. Alisa figured she would be working through the night again. Sighing at the revelation, she knew it could only be less than a day before she crashes again. She decided she would have to hide her personal notes before then.
Daniel looked here and there. Walked out of the room and in again, making his little psycologic game as he had been taught. After a couple of hours of silence, Daniel looked at her. "Wylde, don't you think you work too hard? I mean, look at you. You look like you haven't sleep in... Two days? Maybe three?" Asked him smiling. "And look at this..." Said him pointing at the map. "... Don't you think its a little bit... Big, for you?" Asked him, taking a seat. "Don't get me wrong, Wylde, you are doing a great job, but... Getting too obsesed with a case could be... Inapropiate and bad for the health." Wondered him with a smile. Then he chuckled and got up. "Nevermind, Wylde, I'm just an old dog from another era..." Said him as he walked to the door. "... In my time we busted this assholes by punching faces instead of typing on keyboards." Said him almost laughing. "I'll get you some coffee." Said him as he left.
Alise was getting rather annoyed by Daniel's constant moving, but before she could say anything about it, he finally seemed to stop. When he asked her if she thought she worked to hard, she immediately shook her head. "It's not as if I've got anything else better to do," she said, not pausing in her work. It was true, she didn't socialize with people especially well, and as such had hardly any friends outside of work, and her family lived too far away to visit. In truth, she didn't care either way if it was 'inappropriate' or if she was doing the right thing, yet she felt rather better as Daniel left again, telling her that in his time they would act rather than work.

Sighing, she shook her head as he left. She knew that she would need to sleep soon, and was dying for a power nap, at least while he was out, but she also knew that if she closed her eyes for longer than a blink, she would be out for hours. She had to work for as long as she could before passing out, then she could rest. She now had a map showing the exact path the killer had taken during the killings, but some of the time differences between killings were so great, sometimes weeks at a time, that she knew that he would have to have some sort of home, or base, or someplace he goes when everything's said and done. Writing down those thoughts in her notebook, she continues her work, carefully placing papers in proper stacks so it didn't look so cluttered.
Daniel returned as promised, with two big cups of coffe which smelled to productivity and oak. "Here you go, Agent." Said him giving her one of the cups. Then he walked to the map and took a sip of his coffee. "Have you noticed this?" Said him pointing at Europe. "There is at least a long range assassination in almost every country... Exept here, here and here." said him, keeping his finger pointing at Spain. "I'm aware that this may only be a coincidence... Still, I thought you may wanted to know." Stated him, with a light smile on his face.

Allen was at the gym that morning, the place was almost empty. 'Overlord! This is Bravo Three!' Allen started lifting weight in one of the gym machines. 'This is Overlord. Go ahead, Bravo Three.' Repetition after repetition, his body started to sweat. 'Overlord! We've got Rabbit, but he is really messed up. We need CASEVAC. Soon!' Allen set more weight on the machine and started to speed up the repetitions. 'WILCO. CASEVAC is on it's way.' Allen started to reach his physical limit, but still, he pushed himself further, lost in his memories. 'Hold in there, buddy... Help is on the way.' But Allen knew the end of that story. 'Rabbit? Rabbit! We are loosing him!' Allen slowed down, and finally, he stopped. 'This Ain't over...' Allen got up and looked at the sunrise through the windows of the gym. 'Yes... it is.'

(( Just to make it clear, 'this' mean his memories. ; ) ))
Alisa listened to Daniel pointing out the fact that there was at least one long range assassination in every country except for three. The thought had occurred to her, but she hadn't taken it into much account, thinking that it was only be a coincidence. However, she had looked over it, trying to see it the three connected triangulated over anything, but found nothing conclusive.

Going over everything she had found, she tried to make another connection between the people and places and where the killer might be. It proved more difficult than she had originally thought, but she pressed further on, determined to figure out who had killed those people.
Ring, ring, babe. The phone rang again, and this time there was a name, a place and cause of death. Assasination. Allen grabbed his bearings and called a cab. No need for a plane this time, not even a train. This time it was a job in the very same city. A man, in his late 30. On a hotel. The reconeissencce was quick and easy. Only took him one day. Well, truth was all Hotel jobs were easy. All victims always used the room at least, once a day. To sleep. So, the next night, he made sure his target was inside and he walked in. No need for a desguise neither, the security of that place was so tatty that the videocameras still recorded in VHS. With a chuckle he walked into the place, but even if the security was a joke, he acted carefully, and didn't allowen anybody to see him, and the few cameras he found on his way he disabled them.

He was on the door to the room, wearing his dark clothing and leather gloves. He will leave no clues in that place. He opened the door with the master key he easily had taken from one of the cleaning staff cart and walked inside. For first time in his career he found something out of the plan. Something that shouldn't be there. Something he didn't had controled. There was a woman with that man. A woman his age, wearing a red dress and a ring on his finger. A wedding ring that matched the one of the man. She was his wife. "What the..." Tried to say the man, but Allen didn't allowed him to. He fired his supressed gun. Two shoots that killed the man and his wife. Suddenly, something was heard in the bedroom, someone. But Allen was long time gone for when the daugter walked outside the bedroom and found the bodies of her parents dead. 'A mistake, Captain? Ouch! That got to hurt!'
Alisa was still awake, surprisingly enough, when she received notification that there was yet another murder, this time within driving distance. Cursing as she realized she would most likely fall asleep at the wheel, she knew that she would have to get some sleep before she could look at the scene. Getting most of her papers into folders, she drives the few minutes home, after bidding a good night to Daniel.

She doesn't make it to the bedroom of her smallish apartment, instead falling onto her couch, leaving the folders on the floor next to it.
Daniel looked at her almost running out of the place. "Good... Night, I guess." Said him. As Daniel walked out of the building a call came in, and what he heard made him race his way to the hotel Tredstone was barely an hour ago. Of course, and knowing him well, he was long time gone. "Stop. You can't..." Said a police agent, that was shuted up by Daniel MI5 id. Daniel walked slowly, looking at every detail, every person. Everything in that place. The room, with the two bodies, the lack of gun shells, no fingerprints... Nothing. Except for the extra body. "Ms. MI5?" Said the man in charge of that situation. "Is Daniel. Agent." Replied Daniel, as inexpresive as always. "Daniel, Danielle... I don't care." Said a rather ugly man, in his 40, bold, wearing a brown trenchcoat covering a gray suit. "You and your dear Majesty can go save the world anywhere else. This case belongs to the local police." Said the policeman being rather rude. "Dont put things any difficult..." But the policeman interrupted him again. "No. You, don't put things more difficult. You can go rot in hell. You have no jurisprudence here, so I'm not giving you anything. Off you go!" And the policeman turned around and walked away. "Chief! The witness is on its way to the police station." Said some random police man to the ugly one.

A witness? That changes everything.
Eight hours had easily passed when Alisa finally woke up. As soon as she did, she took a quick shower before eating a bowl of cereal, gathering her things, and heading straight for the site of the most recent murder, making a mental note to take note of time, place, and everything else in her notes. When she finally got there, she made sure that she was allowed in. Charming her way past the troublesome police officer, and pointing out that having been born in the city that she was 'local,' she began documenting everything she had seen.

It was then that she heard of the witness. Ascertaining the location of the witness, she got in her car and went to the station. Once there, she reviewed the witness statement and watched the interview that was already in progress.
In the interrogatory room there was two agents and what it looked like a mix of a lawyer and a psychologist. "Karen, we know you are going through a really bad time..." But the girl interrumped her. "No! I already told you! I was in the bedroom! I saw nothing! And when I... I..." And she started to cry again. That woman was definitely a lawyer. "Karen..." Said one of the agents. "No!" Replied the girl. To be honest, that was one shabby interrogation.

"I don't care! Make him fix his own mess!" Muttered Daniel as he got close to Alisa. "Agent Wylde. Should I be surprised to see you here?" Asked Daniel.
"I'd think not," Alisa said, watching the interrogation with a look of curiosity on her face, looking like she was about to interrupt it. Writing notes on the back of a business card, she tried to fit an entire witness statement onto it, her hair tied back to keep it out of her eyes.

((Sorry for the short reply, I'm feeling terrible))
Daniel took off the free hands device on his ear and put it back on his pocket. After a few minutes of looking that really bad interrogatory, Daniel put his hand on Alisa shoulder and looked at her. "Local police... Pffff. Come on, let's help that poor girl and try to get some answers." Said him as he opened the door to the interrogatory room. "Okay, the party is over. Get out. Both of you." Demanded Daniel. "What? Who are you?" Asked the policeman. "MI5. Now, get out." Replied Daniel showing them his id. The cop and the lawyer looked at each other, and then left. "All yours. Agent." Muttered him to Alisa as he closed the door behind them and the leaned on a shady wall of the interrogation room.
Alisa nodded, getting her notepad and a pen. Sitting down on the chair opposite the girl, she wasted no time in trying to make her feel comfortable. "Hi," she said, smiling warmly. "My name is Alisa." After waiting for a response, she continued, "Now, I know what happened to your parents, and I believe you when you say you didn't see anything. I just want you to tell me everything that happened leading up to the event, okay? First, though, I've got to ask you a few questions about yourself. Are you fine with that"
Karen looked at Alisa with tears still in her eyes. "I... I'm Karen." Muttered her. The esence on the place was cold and moist, something Daniel was rather used to, and even get to enjoy it. Karen looked at the MI5, just leaned on the wall, and then looked back at Alisa, trying to focus on what she was saying. This people didn't seemed like regular cops... They are MI5? Thought Karen. "I... Okay..." Replied Karen. She suddenly felt a little bit scared.

And so, she proceed to explain her story to Alisa. "I... I mean, my family... Father had some troubles with the French government... We... He told us we had to stay away from our home for a couple of weeks. He told me that everything would be fine..." Said her as more tears came to her eyes. "I... He told us that this would be like a family vacations... We... We even took a tour around the city this morning... Then, we went to the hotel... It was getting late, so we... I... I was in the room, getting ready to sleep after having dinner.... And then... I..." Karen was starting to stammer. "I... I... I don't know.. I heard something... Like little pieces of metal falling to the floor.... and then... I..." Karen looked at Alise. "They were. Dead...."
Alisa was quiet for the most part while the girl spoke to her, occasionally nodding while she wrote down everything the girl had said. Her eyes narrowed as the girl told her that her father was having problems with the French government. Circling that, the only sound besides the girl's voice was Alisa's pen scratching against the paper.

When the girl finished, she said, "Thank you Karen. I'm certain that everything you've given me will help me learn how your parents died." She was certain not to say 'who killed your parents,' knowing from a highschool psychology class that it would only serve to cause distress within the mind of the subject.

Standing up, Alisa said, "Karen, if there's anything else I'll need, I'll call you. I'll make sure they let you go."
The girl nodded, and daniel followed Alisa, not paying attention to her or to anybody else, as he was focussed on his phone. Finally, he looked at Alisa. "So, did you find any clue or answers in the subject?" Asked him.

Allen was picking up his really few things when he recieved a call. He picked up the phone and listened. "Tredstone, you messed up big time. Still, you get the chance to fix it. Such a expensive asset like you is worth the risk." Said a female voice. Then, the voice gave him an adress, a estimated time of release and a name of the victim. He didn't had all the information, but he could figure out the target was the witness. Allen agreed, not that he had other choice, and then made his way to the place. There was a quite nice place to execute a long shoot about 600 meters away, in a building under construction, which it seemed that due to the economic crisis, it was abandoned.

Once he was set with the reconneissance, he went to the building, deployed a sniper rifle, and lay on the floor next to it. If the information was right, ther were still twelve hours until the target got in his crosshairs. But Allen was a patient man, and he lay real quiet, just waiting for the moment to come.
Alisa didn't answer Daniel, though not out of rudeness. She was just too engrossed in the task of trying to determine how Karen's information helped her in the case. Going to a higher-ranking officer, she made sure to ascertain that Karen would be put in a witness protection program, knowing that if the assassin learned that she knew anything of her parents killer, she would be the next target.

After returning to her conference room, Alisa quickly got to work adding to her files, trying to include everything she had learned that day.
For twelve hours and a half Allen stood quiet. Really really quiet, But finally, teh wait paid off. Some cops dressed with casual clothes came out of the police station, looking around for somethig suspicious. A few seconds later, Karen walked out of the building, scared, and guarded by two guys that were getting in the middle of Allen shoot. With almost no time to think, Allen fired on shoot, which killed one of the guards, leaving Karen exposed, and with less than a second of diference, he shoot another one. With less precision, but as deadly as the first one, the bullet hit Karen and droped her dead on the floor. With the sensation of a work poorly done, he burned the rifle with thermite at that same spot, and walked out of there, mixing with the crowd in a subway station just a few minutes later. Still, he knew this wasn't over.