The Ties That Bind

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Oscar only gave her a soft 'of course' in response as he went back to care for his children, and didn't bother her any more than necessary. He was the eldest of the pack, Maxim's senior by several years but content with not being their leader. He took to a caretaking role much easier, and if asked any member of the pack would say that he treated just about everyone sort of like they were his own children, even strangers. In a different way than Simon, he was good at putting others at ease.

"No need to wait," Maxim said when he'd taken his seat again and Madeline hadn't started eating, but wouldn't press if she had been taught to wait for everyone. "Don't eat anything you don't want to, and feel free to get seconds, if you'd like." There was always a large amount of food made when they were all eating together, out of necessity, so there was still more on the stove if she wanted anything.

Simon only nodded when she turned down a different drink, and decided after they'd all settled to try and draw attention away from her so she wouldn't feel so shy. "How did work go today, Rina?"

"I cleaned elephant shit." She said, and gave Madeline a little eyebrow wiggle. "Glamorous, I know."

"That's not what I meant!" Simon insisted with a laugh. "I thought you were helping with the new enclosure today. Marina works at the zoo."

"Oh, that. No, that's next week, but the elephants-"

Maxim sighed loudly to interrupt her, long suffering but with a mildly annoyed roll of his eyes. "Can we eat one meal without talking about feces?"
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"Alright, thanks." She answered with a little nod, but she still waited until everyone was settled and starting to eat before she did.

Once she did though, she was delighted to find it tasted as good as it looked, she ate demurely, but with clear enthusiasm.

She smiled in amusement at Marina's antics, as well as Maxims good humoured frustration. Perking up a little hearing where she worked, she'd always loved and been interested in animals.

"Really?" "What animals do you care for?" She asked curiously, assuming she was a keeper but unsure if she was assigned a singular species or just cared for them all in general.
Marina shrugged, holding her hands up a bit helplessly like she wasn't responsible for her own answers. "I'm not really a keeper - not yet! - but I interact with the animals sometimes anyway. Some people won't take the dirty jobs without a bunch of whining, or they get scared of one of the big guys acting squirrely, so I help out wherever. I'll do just about anything."

"She's become a sort of backup handyman for the place," Maxim expounded, his approval making Marina smile rather than blush or act shy about it. "A real knack for emergency fixes. And not half bad at car repair, either."

"I just like tinkering." She said with another shrug and a grin. "Other people are so afraid to break stuff they never figure out how to fix it."

"She is also known as the Toy Doctor." Oscar added on with a little smile. "My repairs are not as good as Aunty Rina's, apparently."

Maxim gave a soft huff of laughter at that, a faint smirk on his face. "That's because your problem solving ends at super glue."
She was surprised to see Maxim smirk, granted she'd only just met him, but he hadn't seemed like the joking sort. Then again, maybe he just put on a more serious persona at work.

She was pretty good at repairing toys too, having had a fair amount of experience with it when she was a kid.

Watching them all interact felt a little surreal, like she had wandered onto the set of one of those old wholesome family sitcoms, it was strange but kind of nice.

She could help but feel a bit sadly envious, what they had together was all she'd ever wanted. She'd sort of had it briefly as a child, and at first she thought she might have it again with Farkas but of course it wasn't real.
Conversation between the many bodies at the table was easy and light, even Aether participating once or twice and clearly being understood by all, though Simon had always been the fastest at picking up ASL. Dinner's were never a quiet affair, not when they were all together, and Maxim was always grateful for the friendly chatter at the end of the day. It was an added bonus, he thought, that it seemed Madeline was put more at ease by the way they treated each other like family.

Towards the end of dinner, while Marina was busy trying to tell Simon about her latest tangle with the guests she called 'zoo Karens', Maxim made a soft, surprised sound under his breath and scooted his chair carefully back a bit from the table, not enough to get to his feet but enough to make room for the curly head of hair that popped up at his knees. Amethyst, their packs smallest, used his jacket and, when offered, his hands, to climb her way up into his lap without asking for permission or assistance. When she'd managed to slowly and carefully finagle her way up, she turned around and plopped herself down facing the table, small hands holding on to his and big, curious eyes looking right at the only new person around.

"That's Madeline, Amy," Maxim said softly, so as not to interrupt Marina's story. "Madeline, this is Amethyst."

The little one waved with one hand, using the other to pull his arms around her until she was tucked comfortably in against his chest where she could see everyone and still be comfy and warm. ". . . You're pretty." It was an effort, but Maxim managed not to smile too wide at her little toddler's voice getting straight to the point.
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With everyone talking amongst themselves, she was content to just sit and listen, again letting it wash over her as comforting white noise.

She relaxed more and more as the night went on, her guard lowering almost against her will, certainly against her better judgement.

Her concentration was interrupted by Maxim moving his chair back and a sudden child appearing in his lap, it was sweet seeing how comfortable she was with him, it really softened the tough, gruff initial impression she had of him.

She smiled warmly and used her fingers to give her a small soft wave back, "hi Amethyst, it's nice to meet you." She spoke in a gentle, friendly tone, matching Maxims volume.

Her smile widened a little at the girls compliment, "well thank you, so are you." "I love your hair." For the first time since they'd met, her closed off attitude seemed to be gone entirely.
While working Maxim was serious and strong, projecting confidence and kindness in carefully measured amounts for each situation. At home, with his pack safe and happy and well fed, he was free to relax. Despite not being his own children, the pups were near and dear to him just as they were to the others. He took part in entertaining and nurturing them like the rest of the pack, assisting their single father packmate in carrying his precious burden. Maxim had always believed splitting the workload was what a family was for, regardless of whether others thought it was beneath him or not.

Maxim had already been sympathetic to Madeline's plight, and seeing her melt and smile at his youngest wolf had him relaxing by degrees. People could lie, pretending to be something they were not, but seeing the way they reacted to small, innocent children was always a good way to gauge their character.

Amethyst squirmed and giggled, covering her smile and pink cheeks with both hands, suddenly shy even though she had spoken to Madeline first. "When it grows," She informed through her fingers when she'd recovered enough from being given attention by someone new, kicking her feet a little where they stuck out over Maxim's knees, "Papa's gonna give me piggy tails!"

Maxim gave a soft, seemingly impressed hum, one arm wrapped comfortably around her middle still while the other hand petted gently at the currently untamed mop atop her head. "Won't that be nice," he murmured to her, some amusement lingering in his voice. "I'll be sure to wish him luck."
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Her sudden shyness was very cute, she'd always loved kids, they could be so sweet and innocent, finding joy in the simplest things. Their seemingly endless curiosity and earnest, sometimes brutal honesty, was oddly endearing.

She missed the other kids from the home, especially the younger ones. She used to help look after them, raising them really, becoming like a big sister.

"Oh really?" She asked with enthusiasm, "I bet they'll look very pretty." She caught Maxims comment, and couldn't help an amused smile from appearing on her face. It was hard not to agree, it certainly looked like it would be a bit of a challenge to tame it.
Amethyst was all but beaming, getting attention from a new adult in a place where she was completely safe and had no need to fear strangers. Her hair was curlier than her siblings', a simple trick of genetics, and she was blissfully unaware of how different it could be. Instead of dwelling on just when she would get her 'piggy tails', though, she was quickly distracted by new thoughts and looked towards where Oscar sat a few feet away, leaning forward in Maxim's arms and waving a hand to get his attention.

"Papa! Papa, is it ice cream time?"

He made a show of thinking about it, humming a thoughtful note to himself and glancing towards where her plate rested empty on the coffee table a ways away. "Hmm, I don't know. Did you eat all your veggies like a good girl?"

She nodded enthusiastically in response. "All gone!"

For a moment he pretended as if he might think more, then just gave her a fond little smile. "Oh, all right. Since you've been so good."

There was a little chorus of 'Ice cream!' from the older children where they still sat away from the adults, and Simon laughed softly in response as he pushed his chair back and got to his feet. "I'll help get their dishes. Do you want any dessert, Madeline?"

"There is never a shortage of ice cream, in this house." Maxim said with a small smile, unfazed by the way Amethyst flopped back into his chest an audible fwump and patted at the arm around her middle like a drum, excited for her treat. "It's how we bribe them into being good."

Marina put a finger to her lips as Oscar walked away, lowering her voice as if to tell a secret. "Don't tell him, but I keep stashes of candy around for when they're being super rambunctious."

"I heard that!"
She laughed softly at the kids' excitement, finding it very cute. "Uh, sure, thanks Simon." She answered at his offer, finding it really sweet how much everyone seemed to love and care for the kids.

She smiled in amusement at Marina's comment, she definitely sounded like she'd be the favourite Auntie. She did wonder if they were any more of handful then regular kids, assuming they were also wolves.

When Maxim mentioned bribing them, an impish glint appeared in her eyes for a moment. "Bribery?" "I do believe that sort of thing is frowned upon in a special agent." She said softly to him, with a playfully teasing tone.
Distracted by the little one sitting in his lap and by watching peacefully as his pack moved around him through cleaning up the dishes, Maxim only blinked at Madeline at first for her comment. As it finally hit him what she had said, he gave a little smile and shook his head at being 'caught'.

"Ah, you've got me," he said with a little laughter in his voice, idly giving one of Amethyst's hands a shake where she clung to his. "But in my defense, I don't think even the Director himself would be able to handle three wolf children on his own. I think he'll forgive me."

While Simon and Oscar got dessert and Marina gathered dinner to take to Bella upstairs, Aether stayed put at the table with them, silent as ever but with his arms crossed and clear displeasure on his face. For that Maxim wouldn't reprimand him. He could look as grumpy about it was he wanted, so long as he wasn't glaring directly at Madeline. They would talk more privately later about how irritated the younger wolf was.

"Here ya go." Simon said cheerfully as he returned, putting down two bowls of ice cream on the table while Oscar went to give the older children their treat. "One for Amy, and one for Madeline. I'm gonna go get the guest room ready."

Maxim was not at all surprised when Aether followed the human out of the room. A potential threat being near Simon was probably half the reason for his animosity in the first place.
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So they were all wolves too then, she guessed Simon was the only odd one out. Not that it showed at all, their bond with him was obvious, as it was with all of them really.

She thanked Simon as he returned with the ice cream, watching with some relief as Aether trailed after him. Not that she couldn't handle his antagonistic attitude, he had at least stopped glaring at her.

Still she had enough to worry about, and she knew eventually she wouldn't have been able to ignore it any longer. She was trying really hard not to cause conflict, and calling him out on his problem with her would certainly achieve that.

"So, how did you all meet?" She asked partly out of curiosity, partly to make conversation. She had a million more important things to ask, but felt they should be alone for that.
Maxim met Aether's eyes as he left, a short but simple communication that there would be words later, but didn't say anything aloud. As the room began to empty and Oscar settled with his eldest children, Maxim quietly pulled back Amethyst's sleeves and let her eat her ice cream sitting in his lap, unbothered by any potential messes.

"Through me, mostly," he said when Madeline asked, with a little shrug. "Some through work, some not. My job is not always drug busts and witness protection." Many of the stories of how his pack had come together were not ones to be shared by parties not involved, so he did not volunteer any details. She could come up with whatever she liked, whether it was better or worse than the truth. Until the moment it was relevant, his lips were sealed. She could ask them, if she really wanted to know, and they could decide what to answer.

"Bella met Marina first, though," he continued, choosing to story that was at least rather tame. "Her car had broken down in a bad part of town, so Marina stopped by and helped her fix it. They kept in contact afterwards, and when Bella was in need of a new roommate, she came here." He smiled a little, idly fixing an odd curl on little Amethyst's head. "She's tolerated us ever since." Their Bella was a primadonna, at times, but he didn't mind. Each of the members of their pack were unique in their own way.
She was intrigued by his cryptic description of his job, as well as how tight lipped he was being, but she didn't say anything, just nodded a little.

If they didn't want to share their stories that was fine with her, she knew better than anyone the value of privacy and how hard it could be to share and relive your past.

Besides she hadn't meant to pry anyway, she was making fairly common polite conversation, she hadn't expected to be told anything private.

She was surprised there was anything potentially dark in such a simple question anyway, based on what she could see, they all seemed pretty happy and well adjusted.

"You all seem really close." She said idly, as she finished off her ice cream. "It's nice."
Maxim gave a soft, agreeable hum, just waiting for Amethyst to be done, the little one looking back and forth between them occasionally but mostly focused on her treat and getting it from the bowl to her mouth with clumsy child's hands. "We have our spats, now and again," he said with some amusement in his voice, "but largely we get by. Everyone is looking for a place to belong. In a human-dominated world, it's good to have somewhere to go where you don't have to hide."

Every person was just looking for something to cling to that could be theirs, where they were safe and welcome and happy. It was why he did his best to give second chances, knowing that most only needed a push and an opportunity to do better. Some of his very own had come from lives that were violent or otherwise questionable, but once they had a place to be safe they had improved and straightened themselves out. He only did his best to take care of them and help them along their way.

"All done?" He asked Amethyst when her spoon had stopped moving, and could have sighed at the big eyes she twisted around to give him.


He shook his head at her, scooping her into his arms as he got up out of his chair. "No, no, you've had your treat. Go and play with your brother and sister now."

She whined at the lost opportunity, but knew better than to push her luck and hurried off to go and flop into her father's lap instead.

"Marina should be upstairs still," Maxim said, giving Madeline a polite enough wave to her feet. "Why don't we see about finding you something to sleep in. I'm sure Simon and Aether will have the guest bed ready soon enough. If you have the energy for it we'll talk some more, but if not it's all right to relax for the night. You can watch something on tv in my apartment, if you'd like. I'll keep Aether from bothering you until he's reigned in his attitude."
Though her calm expression didn't change much, a sadness filled her eyes at his words. "Yeah I guess that's true." She said softly, looking down at the table whilst she fiddled with her spoon.

She knew exactly what he was talking about, she'd been burned before trying to find it for herself. She was pulled out of her dark thoughts by Amethysts plea for more ice cream, she smiled faintly as she hurried off.

"Alright." She agreed easily enough as she got to her feet, "I'm fine to talk more if you want too." When he mentioned Aether, she shrugged a little. "It's fine, I've had worse and I don't blame him for it." She said casually, but she was being sincere.
It wasn't that Maxim didn't know what kind of effect his words could have on her, someone in a terrible situation looking for somewhere safe to start over, but he let her have her thoughts without interruption. She'd had a long day.

"Call it a lesson in self-control." He responded with a shrug when she tried to brush off Aether's behavior. "He could at least be more subtle about it." Aether could feel whatever he pleased about her presence, but the fact was that she was there to stay, for now. Trying to intimidate her by being openly hostile was not only impolite, it was simply a poor strategy in general. It was better to hide one's feelings until the right moment. Not that the young wolf, of all people, needed a lesson in that.

When they reached the top of the stairs, Marina was only just coming out of Bella's apartment, closing the door behind her and giving them a grin when she spotted them. "I was saying hi to the stream. She's almost done."

Maxim nodded his thanks for the information, but just gestured towards her own open door to tell her she shouldn't pause on their account. "Madeline could use something to sleep in until we can get her clothes of her own. Would you mind if she borrowed something from you?"

"Sure! Come on in - I'm sure I've got something that'll fit!"

As alpha he could have demanded, or simply told her that he was going to take something from her, but it wasn't his way. If Marina hadn't felt like sharing, which he had highly doubted in the first place, he would simply have given Madeline something of his own that came with drawstrings. It would have been fine either way, but he'd had faith in her giving spirit.
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She considered that for a moment, then nodded softly. "I suppose that's true." He hadn't been subtle at all, though she probably still would have been able to tell even if he had been.

Still self control was an important lesson, and though she'd be trying to keep Aether out of trouble, it wasn't her place. Maxim was his alpha and it was his job to correct his pack, should he decide they needed it.

She had to admit that so far he seemed like a pretty decent one, at the very least he seemed to treat his pack as equals instead of subordinates.

"Thank you." She said gratefully as she followed them, even though she could have slept in her jeans, she was grateful to have something more comfortable.

Still she was a bit uncomfortable being in their debt so much, she hoped she could find a way to pay them back, even a little so things would feel more equal. Maybe there were some chores she could do.
More than a simple scolding, Maxim meant to speak to Aether about her presence, and why it was that they were allowing her to stay despite some level of potential danger being involved. He knew his wolves, and he was aware that Aether was only worried about the others, and his close friend Simon specifically. A threat to himself held no great weight to Aether, but any danger to those he cared about was worth fighting over. They were very alike that way, so Maxim was sure he would come around.

Maxim stayed out of the way as Marina led them inside, leaning against the doorway to her bedroom rather than entering all the way as she began to search through drawers. After a moment, she pulled out a pair of sweatpants and an oversized tshirt, unfolding them to hold them up for Madeline to see.

"Will this do?" She asked, holding them out consideringly like just eyeballing it would tell her if they would fit. "I don't know how you like to sleep normally, but I think it'll fit. Do you want a nightlight or anything?" The spare apartment had overhead lighting, but no spare, smaller lights since no one was living there. She wasn't sure what Madeline's night vision was like. Getting from bedroom to bathroom in the middle of the night could be tricky.
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She felt a little awkward being in Marina's bedroom, it was her personal space after all, though thankfully she didn't seem to be bothered by it.

"That'd be perfect, thanks Marina." She said softly, a shy little smile on her face. "I really appreciate it." This was true, despite her awkwardness and uncomfortable feelings about being in their debt, she was very grateful for their kindness.

She smiled in amusement at her nightlight question, "no thanks, I'll be fine." She might be at a disadvantage to wolves when it came to the sense of smell but she had incredible hearing and eyesight, including night vision.