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I said "Just". Like, yeah, maybe in your DnD game there'd be a plot important thing behind a wooden door. But also the monsters between the players and the plot important thing. Or something they can't just punch.
If you're alright with that, it sounds fine to me :P
He can still have a sword if you'd like to keep that concept, it would just have to be slightly dulled down in comparison to his other ability or vice versa :)
Basically made it a normal sword, but made sure it doesn't snap as easily as normal swords :p Real swords dull quickly and are pretty fragile.
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Now now, you clearly aren't understanding something here. All problems can be solved by hitting them hard enough!
This looks awesome. The only question is, which faction to join? :P
[fieldbox="Freida Von Kessel, #B45F04"]


Brussels, Belgium
Current Residence:
Apartment in Chelsea, London

(Faceclaim: Amy Acker)
Freida is quite short, standing at around 5 feet tall and has a slim build. She has long, dark wavy hair that she normally wears up, and her ruby-rimmed glasses frame her face well. Preferring to wear plain, simple clothing in shades of grey, biege or olive, she rarely wears any jewellery except for a plain, silver watch.


Freida is extremely intelligent with an almost-eidetic memory. Her fields of knowledge are particularly strong in science, technology and math, although she is certainly not limited to these subjects. She excels at research and reads at an extremely high speed. She is passionate about the work she does as the Seneschal of the Templars, and has long-since lost contact of anyone she knew before joining the society. She is generally disliked for her poor social skills and blunt approach, but those that do come to know her well think of her as dedicated and passionate, almost fanatical or overly-zealous in her cause.
Socially inept, Freida prefers the company of computers and books to that of people. She has few friends (none outside her immediate circle in her work for the Templars), and is usually consumed by her work. She is also quite absent-minded and will often forget more mundane things while in the pursuit of some hard-to-reach goal for the Templars. Well, mundane according to her - it is a constant source of frustration to those around her.
Freida can control computers and other electronics with her mind. She must either be physically touching the device or have network connectivity from a device that she is touching. However she must be very careful when using this ability as she has contracted certain "viruses" in the past while devices were under her control.

Although not very proficient with the use of weapons, Freida has been known to have a keen eye with a crossbow.
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Ooh someone who can screw up technology. I can see that causing some problems with my character.
Ooh someone who can screw up technology. I can see that causing some problems with my character.
Oh I didn't realise. Maybe rather than causing problems with your character, our characters can be "well-matched" instead? I certainly don't want to have it over another character. Freida can get "infected" by the tech she tries to control but I haven't worked out the specifics of that weakness yet. Perhaps it might have to do with your character's consciousness?
Well they're on different sides, so I think conflict could be more fun and more appropriate. Maybe when she hacks into a device that my character is controlling, my character hacks her mind at the same time? So in exchange for being able to hack a device that my character's using, Freida runs the risk of having information stolen or something?
That sounds great :) Maybe, despite her intelligence, she doesn't understand exactly what is happening when that occurs and so she assumes (incorrectly) that she has been infected by a virus. I can see potential with this interaction between our characters :)
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