The Sangruis Society

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"I don't trust him, that's all. Or Padraig. I don't trust either of them and you're my brother; I want to protect you. And Isabelle, too. I... have no doubts that August likes you, I just... the Society is... it's not a good place for you to be near, and therefore, August is not someone I want around you either. He likes you, too much I think. I'm not so naive that I haven't noticed how close you are to him. I want you to be happy, but not with him; it'll end badly for you," he murmured, trying to be both as honest as he could be without revealing the truth behind why he was suddenly so adamant to keep the two apart.

"...Are you even happy with Isabelle? She's a... lovely woman but... the love of your life? Really?" He murmured with an arched brow, standing up from the bed tiredly. "I can't see you being truthful with that statement, Forrest. You kissed August, didn't you? So why not pursue someone you actually like-- not August, of course, but... another man. It's not a bad thing, I clearly don't think it is and I want you to be happy, so-- I'm supportive of you whatever you choose. As long as you stay clear of August, really. I don't get a good feeling around him anymore."
"I love her, yes. She's my closest friend and... that's important," he countered quickly despite his cheeks igniting. "She is my wife and she's very important to me. Our... love life has been a bit lackluster as of late, though I'm just being selfish. What happened between August and I mustn't be spoken of, especially not in front of Isabelle. She would be horrified," he murmured, his eyes locking out onto the large field outside the window.

"As for what happened with August and I, how did you know? That was a mistake, I-I... I shouldn't have done it, it was a lapse in my judgement. You shouldn't know that it happened, Obediah."
"He told Padraig; Padraig told me. It's scandalous but it's not to be regretted, I don't think, though it also makes me mad at you. You watched me get thrown out as a teenager for feelings towards men you apparently also possess. I don't want to dig up the past, that'd be a waste of time and energy," he conceded, his sunken, dark eyes glancing out of the window once noticing his brother do the same. He couldn't look at the woods for long without being plagued by the images of his mother's torn-up body, the sudden memory causing him to shudder.

It didn't help that he was gradually growing sicker the longer he went without blood. It had been almost a week without a single drop, not even from an animal. He knew that he couldn't feed again without being hit with those images of his mother, and he wanted to avoid them at all cost, even if it made him sick in the process. He would put down his paleness and generally awful appearance down to grieving, which he was doing - he just managed to hold it together in public. Behind closed doors, in the privacy of his own company, was when he really fell to pieces.

"...If you feel so strongly for Isabelle, then of course I'll be supportive of that. She really isn't as terrible as I used to think she was. She's... sweet, really; eternally optimistic, which is a nice quality in a person. I wish she wasn't so... dismissive of my... sexuality, but-- but I can lie to her if that helps, tell her it was a phase and that I... have my eyes on a woman? If it'll help us to get along and not argue, I'd happily lie to her. I want us to be a family, Forrest."
"As I said, I regret what happened. Perhaps I find August attractive, yes, but I know that my heart belongs to Isabelle - mother would be horrified if she found out," he countered before snapping the locks shut, his hand holding the bag tight before letting his eyes drift to the door, his frown only growing.

"You're the baby of the family, Obediah. Mother loved you the most, you could have killed a man right in front of her and she would be okay with it. You have been able to make your own decisions, mine have been made for me. I was married to Isabelle and I've made the best of it. I don't think I could change that."
Obediah opened his mouth to reply, no doubt to counter the comment about their mother and insist that she loved them all equally, but he never had a chance to. August appeared in the room before he could speak again, the elder vampire taking the two brothers in with a smile. It wasn't easy to look at either of them - Forrest was still clearly traumatised by everything he had gone through, whilst Obediah looked worse than ever. His refusal to feed, however, wasn't too suspicious - August assumed he was grieving and would break out of it in another day or two, or else he had already decided to physically force him to feed if he had to. He was trying to be gentle with him, but it was difficult watching someone he saw as a brother grow weaker by the day through his own ridiculous decisions.

Of course, August had no idea that he was primarily at fault for that, as well as Padraig. He didn't know that Obediah was suspicious of them, assuming the distance and the quietness was simply part of his friend's grief process.

"Right, you all packed up? We'd best head off now, the man with the carriage is getting awfully impatient out there," he laughed, smiling brightly in an effort to bring the mood up. "This is for the best, Forrest. You'll love the city. Oh, you should come to the Society soon, I'd love to show you where I live."
"Let me make sure that Isabelle is packed," he replied quietly. Forrest trusted his brother for the most part and, to hear that he was wary over his own friend, it was no surprise that he was willing to take Obediah's word for it. He had no reason to tell him a lie, after all, so his suspicious glance towards August was warranted to him. Groaning as he tugged the heavy suitcase along, he took in the room warily.

"I'll speak to her quickly then I'll address the staff about the situation. As for your Society, Obediah says he has a home for us to stay in as to not burden you," he reassured with a meek smile. "Thank you nonetheless, August. You've been a blessing to my family and I, really, as has Padraig. Please wait by the carriage, I promise we'll be down in just a bit."
"...He told you not to burden us? That's... very thoughtful of him, but really, it wouldn't be a burden. I enjoy your company; it'd simply be showing you my home, after your generosity in showing me yours. But we can discuss it when we arrive in London. There's no time to get into it right now," he smiled as he nodded towards the door to assure the other that it was fine to abandon the conversation for a later time, all while hiding how confused, angry and upset he was by Obediah's apparent intervention. Just one glance at him confirmed that such discussions had taken place - the younger man withdrew immediately from the quizzical glance, staring at the ground and shifting his weight between his feet.

"If you could perhaps sent Padraig up here for me, Forrest, that'd be marvellous. We'll meet outside in twenty minutes, how about that? That should give Isabelle enough time to finish packing," he continued, forcing himself not to grow too upset by the fact Obediah had been working against him. It felt like he'd been stabbed in the back, which he hated anyway. To feel that way with someone he saw as family only hurt him more. "Pat and I need to talk with your brother, so we'll all gather outside in twenty minutes or so."
"Oh, uh, of course," he quickly replied, the energy between the two vampires being strong enough to make even him uncomfortable and he had no clue to why. Offering Obediah and August an awkward smile, he wasted no time in hurrying out of the bedroom to find the final vampire, then for him to quickly find his wife.

Padraig climbed up the steps, his footsteps heavy as he let out a yawn. He, too, was hungry and the symptoms of that was his sluggishness. He couldn't really fall asleep but that didn't mean he couldn't feel tired.

"I was called upon, then? What an honor," he drawled before stretching his arms. "We really should be heading out, not chatting amongst each other. I've heard rumor that it's suppose to have clear skies soon and I haven't got my perusal to block the bloody sun."
The tension in the bedroom was unbearable, as far as Obediah was concerned. As soon as Forrest had quietly exited the room, the vampire had all but withdrawn within himself as a defence mechanism, having quickly reached the conclusion that he would need some sort of barrier to avoid feeling guilty. It was difficult at first, staring at his friend as the elder vampire began to grow teary in the fear that he had now lost out on developing a relationship with someone he was certain he was falling in love with, particularly confused by the betrayal he felt Obediah had made in his brotherly warning.

Though, he refused to feel bad. As far as he was concerned, August was responsible for something unspeakable; something that was fucking Obediah up mentally and emotionally. He was certain now, with rare confidence, that his boyfriend and best friend were the culprits of his mother's horrific murder... so as hard as it was to witness August pace back and for in an attempt to clear his mind of the confused thoughts, Obediah fell into himself, removing himself from the emotion of the scene.

"...Forrest isn't going to be with me," began August hoarsely, wiping a stray tear away with a stubborn sniffle, his glare hardening as he looked at Obediah, still as confused as ever. "Your boyfriend has all but warned him away from me, told him to keep away from the Society; from US. I... what is this about, Diah? Your grief? You... you're sick, you haven't fed in DAYS. You need blood, you aren't thinking p-properly..."
"... he's right, Obediah, you need to feed," Padraig agreed, his casual and cocky Attitude stopping the second he saw August's watery eyes. He rarely saw August show any signs of vulnerability and he considered the other his best friend. Taking a seat on the bed, he offered an encouraging smile to both men.

"... what did you tell him, Obediah? Why?" He questioned, deciding to at least try and be a moderator. "Do you not trust us to take care of your brother? I think we need to air this out."
"I don't want him hurt. He runs the risk of being killed if he steps foot over the boundary into the Society. I can't risk that. I... the others there might hurt him, I don't necessarily think ether of you two would. And... And he wants to be with Isabelle, he's the one that decided that. I simply agreed to support his decision, August. If he wants to work at his marriage, then that's his choice and I support him because he's my brother and-- and I have him back in my life, and I won't mess it up," he declared with a nod, the confidence from that withering away instantly at August's sharp glare. Immediately, Obediah sat back down onto the bed and stared at his hands, feeling far too nervous than he perhaps ought to. He didn't trust either of the men, but he couldn't communicate that to them; he didn't want to admit that he suspected them. All he wanted to do was pretend that he was fine with them both, and then leave the Society without them knowing to try and put his life back together.

August didn't suspect that and, because he trusted Obediah completely, he believed every word he said, even going as far as to smile tiredly and sympathetically at Obediah's hunched up body language.

"It's fine, I don't blame you. If he doesn't want to be with me, then that's his problem. If he would rather choose that bland wife, then fine; he's clearly not the man I thought he was. And perhaps it's best he doesn't come to the Society in that case. I don't think I'd manage to hold back my anger around him if he goes on about how darling his wife is-- you're right, Obediah. I'm sorry. Of course you're right," he sighed, running a hand through his hair and glancing briefly in the mirror, grimacing at the tears still building up in his eyes. "I'll find someone else, I suppose. In time. Forrest was-- I thought I loved him, actually, and it is rather... upsetting that he didn't choose me, but... it's cowardice and I don't like cowardly men, so it... it's all worked out good."
"None of this is true, you both are just too afraid to admit your emotions," countered Pat as he watched the two, his one arm wrapping around Obediah's waist with a deeper frown. He hated conflict as is, especially amongst the people who he thought were a part of his family. Letting out a frustrated groan, he pinched his forehead.

"Obediah, be honest with us. Why did you tell him that August would hurt him? That I would hurt him? You know we wouldn't hurt your brother. As for you, August, it's okay to admit that you're upset about losing Forrest."
All at once, without even a second of warning for it, Obediah's expression abruptly changed. He was never one for showing anger, the only time he had really lost his temper around the Society being when they had killed a rabbit they assumed had been for food when, in fact, Obediah had panned to keep it as a pet. Even then, however, his anger had been nervous, as though he was afraid to show how truly furious he was in fear of upsetting the men that had become a family to him.

Now, he struck a complete contrast to that nervous, stumbling anger he had once portrayed. He was calm, despite the obvious anger bubbling away under the surface. It was perhaps more disturbing, seeing the overly emotional vampire so calm and collected, than if he had just burst out into tears and blabbered to them.

"You know precisely why I told him how untrustworthy you are. The fact you're continuing with this pathetic charade of innocence is appalling to me; it'd be laughable if my mother hadn't been a victim to your disgusting plans. Did it feel good, massacring an innocent elderly woman? Did the entire plan you concocted feed that amusement, acting traumatised when, in fact, you were merely pulling the wool over my family's eyes? I know it was you two that... killed my mother, I'm not as naive as you assume I am," he began just as calmly, wandering to the window to take in the sight of the woods, his eyes narrowing as he fought back the urge to send his fist flying through the glass.

"...That is why I told my brother never to go near you again, August. That's why I told him that I want nothing to do with either of you; how I distrust you so much. If you wanted honesty, there it is. I'm at least capable of being honest; you're both monsters that pride themselves on hurting me, aren't you? You must never have cared for me or you'd have never... done this."
"... we... did this for the benefit of everyone," began Padraig, the sight of Obediah's anger genuinely terrifying him. Leaning back on his palms, his eyes nervously shot to August and back to his boyfriend. With his nails digging into the sheets, he hesitated. On one hand he could drag August into it and take only half the blame. On the other, they both didn't need to have to worry.

"August had nothing to do with it, Obediah. I was... jealous of how much attention you gave her," he murmured. He preferred to be seen as the bad guy if it meant that August could be happy and at least make sure Obediah was safe in the society. Biting his lip, he got to his feet to head towards the door. "Listen, we don't need to talk about this further. I'm the monster here, okay?"
"That's just not true though, is it? I know what we agreed, Pat, but I'm hardly able to sit here and allow you to take the blame, can I? You're my closest friend, I told you that I would have your back with this. Pat brought the idea up, but I pushed him to see it through when he might have backed out. We're both to blame: we both killed her, Obediah. But she was dying anyway, she was in so much pain, you said that yourself," began August quietly, forcing himself to smile and appear calmer than he actually was - his shaking hands and nervous fiddling with his necklace was evidence of how close he was to breaking down, fearing that he would lose someone he cared about. "Honestly, we didn't want you to find out, we... wanted to... just have everything back to normal. It really--"

"Are you lying? Was it just Padraig; are you lying to protect him?" Questioned Obediah quietly, glancing between the men with a confused frown - either it was just one of them who his anger ought to be directed at, or both were as guilty as the other one. The inability to really narrow it down only made him grip at his hair in anger, the cacophony of the thoughts in his head making him groan to himself. He didn't know what to do because the only thing he did want was to shove someone through Pat's heart and watch him die - but those violent thoughts were immediately thrown aside, however tempting they were.

It was only when he spotted the sun start to break out from the clouds that he felt his anger explode from him. The sunlight was only for a brief moment, the clouds covering most of the sky from its entrance, but in that brief moment when a few rays were exposed was when Obediah found himself prompted into action. The quickness of his movements, coupled with the fact August didn't expect anything violent from him, meant he was able to shove both August and Padraig into the sun's path. It was only for a moment, the sun disappearing back behind the clouds, but it was enough for August to cry out in agony and cradle his badly burned hand, grimacing as his skin bubbled and bled from the burn.

"I'll be travelling home with my brother and Isabelle. I don't want to see either of you again. I... I will drive stakes through your hearts if I... I ever see you near me or my family, understand? The fact you're alive right now is testament to how much I loved you. I won't be as kind next time."
Much like August, he felt the unbearable pain of the sunlight burn his neck and the hand he used to try and cover it. Instead of crying out in pain, he stumbled to his knees. The damage wasn't permanent but it wouldn't just heal instantly like most other wounds. Once gaining some composure, he opened his eye to take in Obediah, grimacing.

"This isn't a good idea, Obediah," he managed to murmur through his pain. "You're still newly turned a-and you haven't fed - you'll kill your family without our help and you'll regret this." He warned, holding back the urge to cry at the fact he just lost someone he felt closer to than ever before, not since his old captain.
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"I'm not going to hurt anyone. I've gone the last few days without it; I can manage to restrain myself from hurting any human. I... I don't like being this way, it isn't what I want, but I can at least make good choices. I won't be like you two. I'm not going to be a monster," he declared confidently, refusing to glance back at either of them as he made an exit from the room. The likelihood of him surviving on animal blood wasn't possible; it was unsustainable and would gradually weaken him - but he was far too naive to realise that. He needed guidance and help, and without it, he was bound to do something he'd regret, but he refused to be near the Society and the men he thought he trusted, but who ended up hurting him the most.

He found his brother and Isabelle in their bedroom, grimacing at the woman's inane babbling about finding her favourite pair of shoes and how she couldn't possibly leave without them. Only five seconds was all the vampire could take, storming across and snatching her bags with a forced smile.

"We need to go now, Isabelle. I'll buy you new shoes. We just have to go so... please, let's go."

"...Okay. Okay, fine, but I want those new shoes, Obediah," she huffed, taking her husband's arm with a light laugh - though it wasn't enough to mask how confused she was by Obediah's tense body language and the fact that, instead of nervously hunching over, as he usually did, he was stood straight, his broad shoulders back and a determined expression fixed to his face. It was new, but not entirely unwanted, Isabelle smiling to herself at how much of a man Obediah was, rather than the meek boy she had always known him as. "Oh, this'll be wonderful, I've always wanted to be a woman in the city. You could find a job, Forrest, and I could befriend the wives of the men you work with. We could have afternoon tea and scones and-- and this will be fun, won't it? We need this."
"It will be nice to meet new people, yes. Perhaps the weather will be a little less gloomy whilst we're gone," Forrest offered as he held his wife's arm with a halfhearted smile. "I think that leaving here will be good for us. I'm not sure that this will be permanent but I think having a bit of a retreat will do us good. I've told the staff that we will contact them in a month or so to make sure everything is still moving smoothly. As for your shoes, I can only imagine how many new styles London has. Wouldn't that be nice, to see all of the upcoming fashion trends?" He reminded calmly as he hid his own confusion towards his brother.

"Yes, I think we're ready. What if your two friends, Obediah?" He questioned, his brow raised. "Will they not be joining us? I don't want them to stay here, not if there's a wild beast still on the loose. I've hired a Hunter too scope out the property and rid us of our problem."
"August is a treacherous, deceitful man who isn't worried about who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants, and Padraig-- he-- he's a monster, Forrest. I don't care if they died and rotted in Hell for eternity, so if that doesn't make my feelings on them clear, leaving them behind here will. They aren't stupid men, they'll make their own way back to the city. We need to go now before they attempt to follow us. I don't want them knowing what hotel we'll be staying at tonight," the younger brother sighed in reply as he tossed the luggage into the back of the carriage. He could have admitted the truth, but it was far easier to believe their mother had been killed by an animal than by the men Forrest had welcomed into the home and invited to stay. He didn't need his brother developing guilt over that, so he wisely kept his mouth shut, however nice it would have been to be honest and vented for a little while.

"We aren't friends anymore, that's all you need to know. I've cut off ties with them and they won't bother us again. If they do, I... I'll handle it," he decided as he climbed into the carriage and promptly curled up on the seat, his knees held against his chest and his coat operating as a blanket as the confident body language faded instantly. He was already physically suffering with being sick and deprived of blood, so to shove on top of that a heap of emotional drama was exhausting. He was never the strongest mentally, so dealing with the truth by himself was only going to make that side of his health suffer. "I... I'll make new friends, it isn't anything to be concerned about. Pat was... special to me but that's not... it's over, that's all you have to know, Forrest."
"... are you sure you don't want to discuss everything?" He confirmed warily, Forrest's eyes shifting to his wife before returning to his brother in clear concern. From what he saw, Padraig seemed to be a lovely person and while August was a bit strange, he was still caring and comforting during his time of need. To be told these lovely people were 'monsters' only made him curious.

"How about we focus on getting to London and we can get you something to eat," Forrest decided after a pause, offering a reassuring smile. "You look ill, I can't have you getting sick too, not when I finally have you. You can rest while we travel, Isabelle and I will be quiet if you need sleep."