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The Reincarnation Project [M - Sci-Fi Post Apo]

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Sir Salty

Big Daddy of Internet Culture
Die. Be Born. Die. Be Born again. Die. To be reborn again. Spirituality tells us this is the cycle. That our lives are just ever reincarnation of other forms of life. They tell us that we die. To relive another life. It's why we praise sacrifice and modest living. It's the difference between living with Satan and God himself. Though this was never really about religion.

See we, Humanity, would always be the creators of our own destruction. And we were. Though we were never messengers of destruction. Not by chemicals. Nor nuclear warfare. We destroyed ourselves because we lacked the ability to comprehend compassion. Unity. We always said it ourselves that to solve all the worlds problems we needed to unite. Instead we created, us against them. Survived a dystopian world that represented 1984. We gained liberty. Only to lose it. Because it was always US/us against the World or against each other.

The wealthy versus the poor

The blacks versus the whites

The religious versus the non religious

The Middle East versus US/us

It was a never ending cycle of blaming and pointing fingers. We lived. We died. We lived. We lived. We died.


The story;

When we think post apo. We always think a barren landscape with no life. But this is not that. A post apo world in a lush and vibrant forest. Our natural world took over our world. Trees of green grew over and most were left to the elements.

In a broken down ruin of the capital building are the survivors. And among the survivors is the Reincarnation Project. A group of gorilla mercenary soldiers who protect the survivors. But the Reincarnation Project is far from special than just tactical gorilla soldiers who picked up junk weapons and policed the survivors.

The 6 members of the Reincarnation Project each have a memory of the old world. Countless lives of many people before the destruction of our world live inside their head. And they have a plan to bring back the necessary electricity the survivors need.

That is if they can survive an unknown enemy. And the nightmares, hallucinations, and visions crawl in the forest.
I should clarify because I wasn't very clear. The reincarnation is a metaphoric symbol. Not what the RP is literally about. You are trying to revive or reincarnate society. Not that you are reincarnating.
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