The person below me!

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Ehhhhhhhhhhhh....they're okay i guess.
Does how to train a dragon count???? Thats a good movie :3

The person below me likes Chocolate covered oreos.....(yes i am eating them now and that is why i asked >.>)
Never had them but I bet they would be godly.

Person below me will be the one that will kill me.
I can barely kill a spider let alone a person. I'd try and just end up giving you cookies and sending you home with like $80 or something.

The person below me eats babies
Fuck yas.

The person below me is happy with their current writing/roleplay skill.
To an extend. There's nothing wrong with always wanting to improve, right?

The person below me owns a cat.

The person below me has gone to a wedding within the past two years.
Do RP weddings count?

The person below me can help with my math homework.
Depending on the area. Are we into triganomics or sticking with basic algebra? Oh wait, I want to do some quadratics! Gosh now I have to go make problems up!!!

The person below me knows a lot about WWI and WWII.
We're actually going into calculus, but anyways, does the stuff they show in Hetalia count as 'knowing'?

The person below me is into fanfiction.
I used to be all about Jrock fanfiction a couple years back. x__x;

The person below me agrees that the only appropriate cheese for poutine is cheese curds.
Sure, Yeah

The person below me finds that Anime Men far out shine Real life Men.
I'm not going to lie, It's true but there fake, No man acts like them. We only care for beers and big'uns.

would you date me in I worshiped a 2 year old half eaten burger king cheese burger.
Well, I couldn't care less about what you worship, as long as you act like a decent human being. That put aside, I still wouldn't Date date you on grounds of being a guy myyself.

The person below me needs caffeine to at least act like s/he's paying attention.
Nope, Caffeine puts me to sleep!

The person below me knows who Marianas trench is!
Wait, I thought the Marianas trench was a 'what'. Or, to be more precise, the deepest part of the oceans on this planet.

The person below me has watched Elfen Lied.
Nope, and Nope.

The person below me as seen Junjou Romantica

The person below me is feeling lazy.
Yes, well no. Kinda. I'm having so that is changing by the second.

The person below me will join me in a second cup so we can rule the world!
In cup as you mean another apple cider then possibly, though I think I've had enough.

The person below me loves skittles
"Tast the rainbow, smell the rainbow, get suffocated by the rainbow!" HELL YA!

The person below me is sick.
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