The Path To Becoming Human

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Hearing her question and taking it quite literally, Moba started to run through the process to calculate the probability of her becoming the next target of the killer. "There are not enough paramaters to give anything more than what estimates to what you would call a vaguely educated guess, but I would say it would be because you had a thirteen point two-six-three percent of becoming the next target." He replied in his monotone. "Do not fret though- I will do everything in my power to keep you out of harm's way."
Naho groaned putting her head down "Thanks for cheering me up" she said rolling her eyes although Moba couldn't see it. She laid there for a while thinking about what was going to happen to her if she was the victim. It wasn't a pretty thought at all and made her quite nervous about walking anywhere. Naho lifted her head again and sighed "Class is starting back up soon you should get back to your seat." she gave him a calculative look as if trying to decide to trust him or not with following her home even though she already made the decision.
Moba nodded wordlessly as he got up, going back to his seat. The rest of the day passed quickly as he prepared for what could possibly finding the killer tonight. Deciding on a course of action, Moba quickly scribbled down a letter.

All too soon, the day came to a close, and the last bell for school rang. Standing quickly, Moba dropped the note he'd written on Naho's desk before disappearing through th doors into the crowd beyond. "Hidaka-san- Please do not deviate from your normal route, and try your best to act normally. You will not see me, but I will have you in my sight at all time, and I will react as soon as anything happens. You will be perfectly safe." The note said.
Naho finished her class chores quickly and grabbed her bag from underneath her desk before seeing the note. She quickly opened it and nodded to herself and threw it in the trash can that she passed by. She went to her locker and grabbed her shoes before leaving the school and walking home. It wasn't that long of a walk maybe fifteen minutes or so. The teen tried her best not to seem that she was on edge and walked passed store fronts until something caught her eye. 'Oooohh it would be so good to get some hot chocolate right now....' she thought to herself 'But Moba told me not to deviate from my path. Although it is right on my route.'

She made up her mind and walked into the small cafe and up to the counter with her wallet out already. She paid for her drink and was back outside in a few minutes. She kept walking in the setting sun nervously glancing around until she saw the figure standing on the opposite side of the street in a dark alley way. Naho stopped right in her tracks almost tipping herself over from stopping her momentum. It was the first time she caught sight with her bare eyes even though she still couldn't distinguish anything from it.
As Naho continued about her path from school, Moba darted, unseen by any, from shadow to shadow in the growing dusk, tailing her. Watching her enter a small cafe. With a cat-like leap, he jumped to the top of a two-story building, crouching low as to not be seen by anyone while he continued his observations. His warning sensors went off just as Naho stepped out of the shop, and, quickly sliding over to the edge of the roof even as she stopped. Glancing over, he switched to infared, instantly distinguishing a figure hidden in the shadows of the alley.

Without a sound, Moba dropped down behind the figure, switching to a more appropriate low-vision filter in the process. Faster than the eye can blink, Moba shot at the figure as soon as he touched down, one hand reaching out to wrap around the figure's throat. It was with a small amount of surprise as the figure dropped down flat, causing Moba's lunge to miss, and in a flurry, they lashed out at one another, trading several blows as Moba sailed over his opponent. With a final mule kick, the opponent slammed into Moba's guard, sending the robitic youth sailing out of the alley-way and into the street, where he slid along backwards on his hands and feet until his heels touched the sidewalk where Naho was standing. "Naho, are you alright?" He asked, forgetting to address Naho in proper form as concentrated on the foe that was emerging from the dark alley.

"Well well well, seems like little miss thang has found herself a big bad bodyguard." The figure, dressed in a long grey cloak, said, his face hidden by a hood. "Ain't this just interesting?" The way the words rolled, one could tell that he was smirking.
Naho hid behind Moba scared out of her wits. Jesus where did the teen come from? One second he was there and the other he was sliding out of the alleyway. "I-I am NOT and thing!" She yelled trying to stand up for herself "Im n-not some toy for people to play with" she stood up a little straighter but still kept the figure on the other side of Moba.
'This is it, this is how my life's gonna end' she thought to herself trying to keep a blank face.
The figure let out a deep laugh. "Oh, but you are!" He shot back. "You, my dear, are my pretty littple plaything." He continued, his voice taking a sinister edge. But you..." He turned his attention to Moba. "You... Aren't human, are you? You look like the real thing, and you smell almost right, but there's something off about you. What are you, little body-guard?" He asked, his cloak shifting.

Moba's eyes began to glow faintly. "I am the one sent to put you down." He replied, widening his stance. "You are not human either. My olfactory sensors are detecting an animalistic smell from you. Coupled along with the attack patterns and your superhuman reflexes, I have narrowed down to that you are a lycan-animal of some sort. Further, your mannerisms speak of a canine nature. You are a wolf-man." He stated, his voice monotone. "Tell me, why have you gone rogue? Surely you know the consiquences."

The man laughed, raising one arm, the robe sliding off his hand to reveal that the fingers were hardening and elongating thick nails growing from the tips as silvery fur covered his hand. "So I am. I won't tell you nothing, unless you catch me." He replied. "So then, why don't you tell me what you are, 'kid'?"

Moba straightened up, unbuttoning the front of his school uniform and sliding it off his shoulders, revealing that he was wearing a black tank-top underneath.. "Naho,wear this. It is imbedded with micro-kevlar and links of nano-titanium. It should offer you a measure of protection in case anything happens." He instructed, tossing his shirt back to her before taking a stance, one fist held in front of the other, his knees bending slightly as he prepared for battle.
"I'm not a toy!" Naho squeaked when the shirt was thrown at her and pulled it over herself. She should run, but then she would be alone. 'I'm only a teenager what could I do against murderer?' she thought to herself looking around nervously. She wondered about the boy and the figure. Both of them aren't human apparently? Oh boy she should run fast and as far as she could get. She turned to run trying to save her own skin but shuffled nervously thinking about what could happen. She was probably more safe here but she couldn't be sure. Naho stood there dumbly clinging to her bag having dropped her drink on the concrete. What was going to happen? Hopefully the wolf thing would be caught and that would be the end of the danger but she couldn't be sure.