Professor Crane
Original poster
Meta Human Aftermath
This will be my last report concerning the events of the Meta-Human War and the events leading up to it. The events started around 1970, that was the first recorded appearance of a super hero. The Meta-Human community steadily increased over the next thirty years. After those thirty years that community collapsed on itself, the cause was an offensive attack by the heroes. Every known villain base was attacked simultaniously, the villains were caught off guard and it looked like the heroes would win easily. It didn't take the villains long to organise an attack of their own, at that moment the world became dragged in. Some countries moved to support the heroes with their military, but others were conquered by the villains, in this way a world war was created.
The war continued for two years before the governments began to grow tired of it. They set up a meeting to try and find a solution, to stop the war. The heroes were angered by the attempt to stop the war they had started to finish villains, and attacked the meeting. Several prominent political figures were killed during the attack. The survivors gathered again, this time in secret, and created a plan.
Thus, the Prodigal Initiative was born. There were two versions of this program. The first was to creat the ultimate Meta-Human hunter. This plan ultimately failed when the hunter was awakened prematurely, resulting in the death of the entire research team, save one.
This researcher worked next on developing a serum to bestow these abilities onto people who would otherwise not possess them. The serum was a partial success, of all the subjects given the serum, only a handful manifested powers, and all subjects developed amnesia.
The subjects that manifested powers were formed together into a team, which was extremely succesful at hunting down and killing the majority of heroes and villains. Five years ago the remaining heroes and villains simply disappeared.
Since that time the Prodigal Initiative has been diligent in pursuit of those old heroes and villains, but has been unable to find any solid leads to their location.
That has not been there only concern though, two organisations with Meta-human attributes have appeared. The first is the Militia, other than the name the only thing we know, is that a few of the old heroes and villains appear to be working for them. They seem to lack any clear motive though, they might save a bank only to rob it a week or two later. The other is the Codex, an organisation of extremely powerful magic users, who have been collecting magical items from across the world.
There is a rumor that is going around that is also disturbing. It seems that corporations are starting to look for Meta-Humans. We do know something of the nature of these organisations, and have named them according to that. The White Syndicate, and the Black Syndicate.
At this point, I am cosing the file on the Meta-Human war.
We are now under a period I am calling the Meta-Human Aftermath.
Character Sheets
Affiliation: (White Syndicate(hero) or Black Syndicate(villain))
History: (including origin of powers, if given the Meta-Human Serum, only five years are needed.)
This will be my last report concerning the events of the Meta-Human War and the events leading up to it. The events started around 1970, that was the first recorded appearance of a super hero. The Meta-Human community steadily increased over the next thirty years. After those thirty years that community collapsed on itself, the cause was an offensive attack by the heroes. Every known villain base was attacked simultaniously, the villains were caught off guard and it looked like the heroes would win easily. It didn't take the villains long to organise an attack of their own, at that moment the world became dragged in. Some countries moved to support the heroes with their military, but others were conquered by the villains, in this way a world war was created.
The war continued for two years before the governments began to grow tired of it. They set up a meeting to try and find a solution, to stop the war. The heroes were angered by the attempt to stop the war they had started to finish villains, and attacked the meeting. Several prominent political figures were killed during the attack. The survivors gathered again, this time in secret, and created a plan.
Thus, the Prodigal Initiative was born. There were two versions of this program. The first was to creat the ultimate Meta-Human hunter. This plan ultimately failed when the hunter was awakened prematurely, resulting in the death of the entire research team, save one.
This researcher worked next on developing a serum to bestow these abilities onto people who would otherwise not possess them. The serum was a partial success, of all the subjects given the serum, only a handful manifested powers, and all subjects developed amnesia.
The subjects that manifested powers were formed together into a team, which was extremely succesful at hunting down and killing the majority of heroes and villains. Five years ago the remaining heroes and villains simply disappeared.
Since that time the Prodigal Initiative has been diligent in pursuit of those old heroes and villains, but has been unable to find any solid leads to their location.
That has not been there only concern though, two organisations with Meta-human attributes have appeared. The first is the Militia, other than the name the only thing we know, is that a few of the old heroes and villains appear to be working for them. They seem to lack any clear motive though, they might save a bank only to rob it a week or two later. The other is the Codex, an organisation of extremely powerful magic users, who have been collecting magical items from across the world.
There is a rumor that is going around that is also disturbing. It seems that corporations are starting to look for Meta-Humans. We do know something of the nature of these organisations, and have named them according to that. The White Syndicate, and the Black Syndicate.
At this point, I am cosing the file on the Meta-Human war.
We are now under a period I am calling the Meta-Human Aftermath.
Character Sheets
Affiliation: (White Syndicate(hero) or Black Syndicate(villain))
History: (including origin of powers, if given the Meta-Human Serum, only five years are needed.)