- Invitation Status
- Not accepting invites at this time
- Posting Speed
- One post per week
- Slow As Molasses
- Online Availability
- Online availability depends entirely on what is going on in life. I have a kindergartener, a baby on the way, and I'm the spouse to an officer, meaning without me, the house becomes a fallout warzone. On top of all of that, I write for work as well as for fun...so work tends to come first.
- Writing Levels
- Intermediate
- Adept
- Advanced
- Adaptable
- Preferred Character Gender
- Male
- Female
- Primarily Prefer Female
- Genres
- Fantasy and Sci-Fi are my two major favorites. However, I tend to be quite the picky player. I prefer an RP with a great deal of development...the world, the lore, everything. And for those GMs looking for help with lore, I love to world build!
[fieldbox="Thaydur - 12 Vonas - Year 1 - Age of the Ancients, #C0C0C0, solid, Tahoma"]
The sounds of the waves crashing against the small sandy shore drowned out almost all other sounds as the silver-haired rider stood with her bare feet in the course silt, her hand resting on the shoulder of her beloved dragon. Tonight was the night that her destiny would truly begin. Her destiny to lead an army of young dragon riders across the Mainland in search for a way to end a war that brews on the horizon and save the dragon race. Patience, she has learned, was a virtue. Patience brought understanding to the world that was Kabola. For ten years, she had been searching, hoping to find those that shared her destiny. And finally, tonight, she was going to see them all safely ashore the protected island in the center of Lake Waconiba.
The beats of another dragon's wings sounded overhead, and Aki looked up to see the great Xanras hovering above, his glorious violet eyes looking outwards as the figures of ten dragons came into view from various directions. Like the dragon riders, these dragons have been contacted and told of the destinies of their unhatched children. Guided by the hand of the great Inhalla, Mother of All, these young mothers come to the center of the other half of the Mainland to drop off a precious egg.
The first dragoness to land was the Silver, having flown from the shores near the Phoenix Isles with her precious cargo. She greeted Aki with a dragonly smile and a nudge. ~My, child, how you have both grown since I last saw you. I bring with you one of three, the first of my clutch and by far the strongest. He shall make a fine edition to your Wing of Riders.~
Aki bowed, smiling graciously as she spoke to the mother through the delicate intricacies of mindspeak, spotting the swirling silver egg in the dragon's mouth. ~Good evening, Arykasi, Mother of Arykn. It is always a pleasure to see a familiar face. I am glad that Inhalla has sent you to us this night to grant us a baby Arkyn to raise for ourselves. I will be sure that his rider is just as strong. Please, take him to the first cavern and place him in the sand. Be mindful that there are other dragons coming, and not all of them are kind.~
With a bow of her head, the Silver mother leapt away to head into the familiarity of the old lair. As she left, another landed, greeting Aki in a less informal manner. ~Greetings, young Inxansak. Inhalla has sent me tonight to grant you one of my own for a Chosen much like yourself. This one is the second of my clutch of five, and I am sure she will be as strong as I am.~ The glimmering of the mother's ruby scales gave her away immediately, and like the Silver, this one held a fiery red egg in her maw, her golden eyes glinting down at Aki inquisitively.
Aki smiled and bowed, pointing behind her. ~If you do not mind waiting, great Kyrinh Mother, I would like to lead all of the mothers down at the same time.~
~But I just saw an Arykn head down on her own. Do you say that I cannot also find my own way?~ Her voice turned haughty and defiant, like any younger Ruby would, her still small body shifting from foot to foot as though uneasy. Aki shook her head, accepting the complaint graciously. Any new dragon mother would be worried about the cold air affecting her youngling, but the rider knew that they would not be out for long.
~Arykasi used to live in this very lair, great mother. She already knows where to put her precious egg. I want to be sure that no one gets lost in the many tunnels of the lair, so I wish to guide you all down at the same time. Do not fret. Your child will be fine. Keep her warm, if you wish. There is a clearing with enough space for you to lie in.~ Finally, with a sigh, the Ruby mother agreed and walked towards the clearing to lie down with her precious cargo.
Next to land was the Obsidian mother, her body so hot that both Aki and Xaria had to take a step back. With a grin, the dragoness bowed her head and made her way in the trail of the Ruby. Aki smiled and turned to look at her Mercury. ~Quite the crowd tonight, wouldn't you say, sister?~ The dragon's melodic voice danced through Aki's thoughts as the woman's smile became a laugh. Together, they stood and watched as each dragoness landed, greeted them, and made their way into the clearing. As the last dragon, the Emerald mother, whose breath was rough and ragged from the effort she had put forth, landed on the sandy shore and walked towards the clearing, the Silver came back to the beach and looked over at the pair with a smile.
At this point, Xanras landed so that Mauras could speak. His hood had blown down to show bright blonde hair that brushed his shoulders and stormy gray eyes that portrayed no emotion. "Aki, they're arriving at the shore now. We can't expect them to swim. Mind helping us carry them across?"
~I can swim half of the young humans, if you would like. I am sure between you two, the rest can also be carried back.~ The Silver Dragoness wasted no time entering the water as though she was born for it, quickly followed by Xaria, who looked back at her rider with a smile. ~Go take care of the mothers and the one Mauras actually carried over a few days ago. We'll gather the rest.~
With a sigh, the silver-haired rider turned and made her way towards the other dragon mothers, announcing her presence and giving a gracious smile to each of them. "Thank you all for following the will of Inhalla tonight. I know that your flights were long, and you are weary. But we must place these eggs in their own chambers and get the riders settled. These dragons are the hope for all of us, so we must make sure they are safe and comfortable, but most importantly, we must ensure they are ready to hatch. Please, follow me."
She guided the mothers down into the Silver Dragon Lair, through the great cavern lit with Xaria's silvery flame, and down into the individual caverns where the riders and young dragons would be staying. Though this was only the top portion of the individual caverns, it was massive, the halls alone large enough for two dragon mothers to walk side by side with ease. Each room, already named and marked for the riders and their dragons, was made suitable for the individual needs of the dragons. For most, the sandy pits in the center of the room would suffice. The eggs were placed in a small hole dug in the center by each mother, save the last three whose eggs required special care.
For the Bloodstone, who required warm, swampy waters, and the Ammolite, who required cool - almost cold - water, there were deep pools large enough for an adult to rest within comfortably, a pedestal placed in the center of each so that the egg could be placed halfway into the water.
The Obsidian Mother, however, had to create a special pit of her own. Placing her egg in the center of the sand pit, she used her powers over magma to turn the sand into a bubbling pit of lava, the egg resting comfortably in the center without sinking. Aki prayed silently that the rider could handle such intense heat before she smiled at each dragon mother and bid them farewell and safe journey home.
Grabbing the boy who had been carried by Xanras to the island early, Aki pulled him out of the lair and into the clearing, where the other riders had now been corralled. As Aki motioned lightly for the boy to join the others, Xaria placed herself back at her rider's side, standing tall and proud, blue eyes dancing with excitement.
"Welcome," Aki said lightly, stepping forward and greeting everyone with a firm smile. "You are all obviously here for one thing only, and that is because you were chosen by Kallydrana to be her champions in the war to come. Now, before any of you say anything, I know this sounds rather strange. Just let me explain."
She motioned towards her dragoness before turning to motion at Xanras, who stood on the other side of the group with his rider still on his back. "These are dragons. They carried you to this island, and they have been the only two to know of the troubles ahead for the last twenty years. Now is the moment that they, and I, will share our secrets with you. You are dragon riders, and within your new home are ten eggs, each a chosen dragon to be paired with each of you. For the next two years, you will raise these dragons, feed them, care for them, and teach them. Just as they will teach you. Just as I will teach you. In six months, you will make the Pact with these dragons, granting you unimaginable power and responsibility. You cannot run from this. You cannot hide. You can only accept it."
Her cool demeanor was somewhat harsh and hard to accept, but the truth rang loud and clear for all to hear. She could see on their faces confusion, anger, defiance, and some with no emotion at all. But deep down, she knew they would understand. She understood that the hand of the great Mother of All was on each shoulder, guiding them. "Follow me, now. The suns shall rise soon, and we do not want to risk being out in the day. Let me show you to your new lives below."
Turning, she lead the group through the clearing, walking just beside Xaria. Mauras and Xanras took up the rear, making sure no one was left behind. Despite the fact that it was pitch black, the air around Aki and Xaria danced with beautiful, sparkling light, allowing for everyone to see just fine. It would take a few moments of walking, during which some could ask questions and be answered by either rider. But once they came to the end of the tunnel, Aki pulled aside the pearlescent violet curtain to reveal a massive cavern easily able to hold well over a hundred Silver Dragons. The stone walls were smooth, as was the floor, as though carved by flame or other strange or magical means, and the cavern was oblong in shape. Down the center, every fifty or so feet, was a pit surrounded by thick, heavy stones. In the very center of the cavern was a pit almost three times the size of the others. All pits were dark, though, left only with burning embers as though someone recently put the fires out. The only light in the room was from a massive crystal window, which sat beneath beautifully clear water that magnified what was left of the silvery light of the two moons.
Aki sighed, knowing what was going to happen next.
As the group came to crowd just past the tunnel, a small shower of fireballs rained down on the pits, a few missing their marks, lighting the fires with a whoosh as very, very strange music began to echo through the cavern. Music that no one had ever heard before.
From behind the fires came a flash of feathers as the tiny pseudodragon, Neroth'na, entered the scene making the "rin ding dong" sounds, his slug friend, Talthoros, bobbing his head as he made his way up towards the group. Nero danced around the group, pointing dramatically at random riders as the music continued through the cavern, his tail swooshing back and forth with the beat as he hovered through the air. From the little dragon's neck dangled a tiny lantern, a light glimmering from within.
When the song finally ended, Nero landed gracefully on the head of Tal, grinning brightly as Aki shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger in irritation. "Greetings, mortals! I do hope you are ready for wild time."
"Yes, Tal is right. You are all such a delightful bunch. Thank you for allowing us to entertain you this fine evening. I am Nero, and this is my good friend, Tal. We'll be here through your journey as dragon riders." He gave a proper bow, crossing one of his legs over his belly as the other stretched behind him, standing only on his two back legs. In response, Tal also bowed, which forced his feathered friend to fall to the ground, ending his dramatic display in a simple oof.
"Nero, I thought we talked about this. Business only."
"But that's no fun, Akihanna. And sometimes, fun is what is needed." Nero stood and brushed himself off, smiling as Tal squeaked his apology. "But I am sure they are already beginning to feel the draw of their young dragons. Perhaps the fun will have to wait for later."
Grumbling, Aki walked away, motioning for the group to follow behind her. To the right and down the wall for another three hundred or so feet was another large, pearlescent curtain. Pulling that back, Aki motioned for everyone to enter. Like the previous tunnel, this one was large and carved of simple, smooth stone. The closer the riders got, the easier it was to feel the draw of their dragons.
Around the bend was the first room. Marked in beautiful font in the stone on the right of the opening was the name, Cora, and beneath it was a spot for the name of the dragon, which had yet to gain it. Nero flew towards it and read the name out loud for everyone to hear. "Cora, dear! Your dragon awaits you."
Already, the sounds of cracking and shaking could be heard all down the hall. Not just from this egg, but every egg. One by one, each rider was called out and lead into their room, where the trembling egg sat at the center, ready to hatch and meet their rider.
The rooms were all very simple, the largest portion being the pits that held either sand, dirt, water, or lava. At the back was a simple opening much like the front, containing thick curtains the defining color of the dragon. Within that opening was a separate room, each complete with a simple wooden bed with the bedding of silk and soft feathers gifted by special supporters. To the right in each room was a dresser complete with a small mirror, clay bowl and pitcher, and small bar of soap. To the left was a table with a padded chair, each containing a simple notebook with a quill and bottle of ink. At the foot of each bed was a chest for storage. The rooms were large enough to hold much more, and perhaps later they would. But that was all that was needed, and all that was supplied.
Aki left the young riders to the events at hand, wandering up and down the hall as the sounds of baby dragons began to echo among the stone. As the youngsters began to hatch, Nero marked who had entered the world first and every one after that. Everything about these dragons was important, starting from their first breaths. With each new breath, Xaria delivered a trough filled with bite-sized portions of meat to each room accordingly.
And so, the dragon riders had begun.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Destiny, green, dashed, Andale Mono"]
First came the stories, and now came the proof. It was hard to imagine that just across the waters was an island full of dragons. Or was it full of them? Perhaps he had simply gotten his stories mixed up. Theolyn stood at the edge of the shore, just before the rushing water could touch his feet. His back was hunched in its usual manner, his head low as dark brown eyes stared at the endless expanse of water, the mountains just barely in the distance. His mind wandered for a moment. How long would it take him and Haern to swim that far? A day? A week? He couldn't tell.
It was dark as the moons hid themselves behind the clouds, barely bright enough to light the skies. As his eyes adjusted, he saw the water begin to move in odd directions. Before he knew it, the head of a dragon burst from the water and looked at him inquisitively, her brilliant eyes catching his gaze and shocking him into an unmoving state. At the same time, another landed behind him, making him jump. It was at this point that he had realized Haern was no longer the only one behind him. Instead, it was an entire group of people, drawn to the water - to the island - just like him.
They all stared up at the massive black creature, his sparkling black scales almost resembling an onyx, though slightly duller than expected. His belly was a deep, vivid purple, and his arrow-shaped head lowered from a long, slender neck to speak aloud in an almost booming voice.
"Greetings, humans." His speech was somewhat limited, and "humans" sounded more like "hoonahns," but he seemed kind, despite his massive size. Theolyn looked up towards his back to see a blond man resting just behind the dragon's slender neck, his arms crossed over his chest, his face in a slight smirk.
"You're all Chosen, then? I don't think anyone else stares longingly at our island like that." A flash of purple lit the man's eyes as he snickered to himself in amusement, looking almost directly at the old farmer. "You'll have to rid yourselves of your mounts, unfortunately. We can't carry them over the water. Once you've done that, we'll transport you to the island where your callings originate, and you can start your new lives."
"Good luck."
Theolyn sighed, turning to his precious Tonlyn. The bird was old at this point, and he knew he wouldn't survive for long with or without the man's help. Slowly, he pulled the saddle off and pulled the reigns from the windlark's beak, keeping a hold of them in hopes of at least being able to carry that. Tonlyn gave a sad cry and nudged him, as though understanding that they were going their separate ways. He gave a small smile, hugging the creature before giving it a light smack on the rear and sending it off. Then, turning to the female windlark that he had given Haern, Theolyn did the same, watching the dark red creature follow quickly after Tonlyn.
He looked at Haern, nodding once as two dragons came from the water and crouched, motioning for people to start mounting. "Well, looks like this will be...interesting." He gave a slight smile before turning towards the shimmering female he had already met once and bowing to her respectfully. "Will you be swimming us back?" The creature looked at him with a smile, as though understanding his innate fears, and nodded. "May I ride with you?" Again, she nodded, lowering herself completely so that he could clamber onto her back. He noticed then that the place where a rider should sit was different than the rest of her. Instead of flexible, pointed scales, the one spot had small, rounded scales more tightly placed together to allow for more comfort without getting any fabric caught. Placing himself here, Theolyn gave a smile to himself, feeling both excited and very afraid. A part of him wondered if he would get a dragon...that was what this was all about, right?
Some flew back on Xanras while most rode the two beautiful females, feeling the water lap at their feet as the dragons swam back towards the shore. It took almost an hour to get there, and with each passing moment, Theolyn grew more and more nervous.
When they finally landed, Theolyn thanked the dragoness and carried his things to the clearing, sticking close to Haern and maintaining his typically silent demeanor. This continued even as the silver-haired rider, Aki, spoke of war. Despite his deep hatred of violence, Theolyn felt it was better to remain quiet for now. His determination for this was only solidified by the sudden presence of the little whispering voice inching him through the clearing and into the lair that he knew was somewhere in the mountain just behind the woman speaking.
Small whispers were given back to the voice as it drove him forward, following Aki into the lair as she answered the questions of the others. He felt its need to get him down, and the whispers slowly got louder. Louder and louder and louder until silenced by the odd sounds that echoed through the cavern.
Startled, Theolyn backed up a few paces, eyes wide as the strange sounds continued in a rhythmic pattern. But after a moment, he found the sounds to be almost funny, a smile forming on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched a strange feathered creature dance in the air. This smile became a deep, almost sultry laugh as the little creature fell to the floor at the mistake of his odd friend. "That is a strange pair," he whispered to himself, glad that the creature was too busy complaining to Aki about fun to hear.
Once more, the whispers returned to him, though, and Theolyn found himself being pulled to the right. After another moment, he watched as Aki lead the entire group towards that part of the giant cavern. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Xanras stomping the flames out with his tail, a grumpy look on his face, Mauras doing the same on another fire that had missed its mark. He held back, waiting for the rest of the group to enter the next hall before taking up the rear. Once more, the usually gentle voice that never spoke words grew louder, stronger, more determined. What was he being pulled to, he wondered.
A name was called, and a female entered the room, the silver curtain closing behind her as the sounds of a hatching egg sounded from within. Excitement kicked in as the man realized he would actually get a dragon. A creature only known to him before as legend - tales told to children to scare them into going to bed. A smile played at his lips, and as more names were called, and they moved farther down the hall, his excitement - and his nervousness - grew. Waving lightly as Haern was finally called behind a shimmering red curtain, Theolyn found that he was one of the last to be called.
After one more name, the farmer found himself before a curtain of his favorite color. The green was a bright shade, as though living on its own like a plant. When the little feathered dragon pulled back the curtain, Theolyn found himself in an entirely different world. Before him was a giant circle of dark sand, as though soil was mixed in. At the center of this circle was a brilliantly green egg glowing and wiggling as though already trying to hatch. He found himself walking towards the melon-sized egg and placing his hands on it gently, feeling the warmth of it. Being used to hatching Windlarks, he felt his own instinct kick in.
"Come on, little one. I am here now...you can do it." He murmured, placing his cheek against the hard, warm shell, feeling the smoothness of it. From within, he could hear a heartbeat. It quickened suddenly, and a knocking started to sound against the shell. In response, he knocked back lightly with one knuckle, searching for a weak point. Upon finding it, he knocked there, speaking again. "Over here, little one. Hatch this way." The knocking persisted, growing faster once the creature inside found its place.

The beats of another dragon's wings sounded overhead, and Aki looked up to see the great Xanras hovering above, his glorious violet eyes looking outwards as the figures of ten dragons came into view from various directions. Like the dragon riders, these dragons have been contacted and told of the destinies of their unhatched children. Guided by the hand of the great Inhalla, Mother of All, these young mothers come to the center of the other half of the Mainland to drop off a precious egg.
The first dragoness to land was the Silver, having flown from the shores near the Phoenix Isles with her precious cargo. She greeted Aki with a dragonly smile and a nudge. ~My, child, how you have both grown since I last saw you. I bring with you one of three, the first of my clutch and by far the strongest. He shall make a fine edition to your Wing of Riders.~
Aki bowed, smiling graciously as she spoke to the mother through the delicate intricacies of mindspeak, spotting the swirling silver egg in the dragon's mouth. ~Good evening, Arykasi, Mother of Arykn. It is always a pleasure to see a familiar face. I am glad that Inhalla has sent you to us this night to grant us a baby Arkyn to raise for ourselves. I will be sure that his rider is just as strong. Please, take him to the first cavern and place him in the sand. Be mindful that there are other dragons coming, and not all of them are kind.~
With a bow of her head, the Silver mother leapt away to head into the familiarity of the old lair. As she left, another landed, greeting Aki in a less informal manner. ~Greetings, young Inxansak. Inhalla has sent me tonight to grant you one of my own for a Chosen much like yourself. This one is the second of my clutch of five, and I am sure she will be as strong as I am.~ The glimmering of the mother's ruby scales gave her away immediately, and like the Silver, this one held a fiery red egg in her maw, her golden eyes glinting down at Aki inquisitively.
Aki smiled and bowed, pointing behind her. ~If you do not mind waiting, great Kyrinh Mother, I would like to lead all of the mothers down at the same time.~
~But I just saw an Arykn head down on her own. Do you say that I cannot also find my own way?~ Her voice turned haughty and defiant, like any younger Ruby would, her still small body shifting from foot to foot as though uneasy. Aki shook her head, accepting the complaint graciously. Any new dragon mother would be worried about the cold air affecting her youngling, but the rider knew that they would not be out for long.
~Arykasi used to live in this very lair, great mother. She already knows where to put her precious egg. I want to be sure that no one gets lost in the many tunnels of the lair, so I wish to guide you all down at the same time. Do not fret. Your child will be fine. Keep her warm, if you wish. There is a clearing with enough space for you to lie in.~ Finally, with a sigh, the Ruby mother agreed and walked towards the clearing to lie down with her precious cargo.
Next to land was the Obsidian mother, her body so hot that both Aki and Xaria had to take a step back. With a grin, the dragoness bowed her head and made her way in the trail of the Ruby. Aki smiled and turned to look at her Mercury. ~Quite the crowd tonight, wouldn't you say, sister?~ The dragon's melodic voice danced through Aki's thoughts as the woman's smile became a laugh. Together, they stood and watched as each dragoness landed, greeted them, and made their way into the clearing. As the last dragon, the Emerald mother, whose breath was rough and ragged from the effort she had put forth, landed on the sandy shore and walked towards the clearing, the Silver came back to the beach and looked over at the pair with a smile.
At this point, Xanras landed so that Mauras could speak. His hood had blown down to show bright blonde hair that brushed his shoulders and stormy gray eyes that portrayed no emotion. "Aki, they're arriving at the shore now. We can't expect them to swim. Mind helping us carry them across?"
~I can swim half of the young humans, if you would like. I am sure between you two, the rest can also be carried back.~ The Silver Dragoness wasted no time entering the water as though she was born for it, quickly followed by Xaria, who looked back at her rider with a smile. ~Go take care of the mothers and the one Mauras actually carried over a few days ago. We'll gather the rest.~
With a sigh, the silver-haired rider turned and made her way towards the other dragon mothers, announcing her presence and giving a gracious smile to each of them. "Thank you all for following the will of Inhalla tonight. I know that your flights were long, and you are weary. But we must place these eggs in their own chambers and get the riders settled. These dragons are the hope for all of us, so we must make sure they are safe and comfortable, but most importantly, we must ensure they are ready to hatch. Please, follow me."
She guided the mothers down into the Silver Dragon Lair, through the great cavern lit with Xaria's silvery flame, and down into the individual caverns where the riders and young dragons would be staying. Though this was only the top portion of the individual caverns, it was massive, the halls alone large enough for two dragon mothers to walk side by side with ease. Each room, already named and marked for the riders and their dragons, was made suitable for the individual needs of the dragons. For most, the sandy pits in the center of the room would suffice. The eggs were placed in a small hole dug in the center by each mother, save the last three whose eggs required special care.
For the Bloodstone, who required warm, swampy waters, and the Ammolite, who required cool - almost cold - water, there were deep pools large enough for an adult to rest within comfortably, a pedestal placed in the center of each so that the egg could be placed halfway into the water.
The Obsidian Mother, however, had to create a special pit of her own. Placing her egg in the center of the sand pit, she used her powers over magma to turn the sand into a bubbling pit of lava, the egg resting comfortably in the center without sinking. Aki prayed silently that the rider could handle such intense heat before she smiled at each dragon mother and bid them farewell and safe journey home.
Grabbing the boy who had been carried by Xanras to the island early, Aki pulled him out of the lair and into the clearing, where the other riders had now been corralled. As Aki motioned lightly for the boy to join the others, Xaria placed herself back at her rider's side, standing tall and proud, blue eyes dancing with excitement.
"Welcome," Aki said lightly, stepping forward and greeting everyone with a firm smile. "You are all obviously here for one thing only, and that is because you were chosen by Kallydrana to be her champions in the war to come. Now, before any of you say anything, I know this sounds rather strange. Just let me explain."
She motioned towards her dragoness before turning to motion at Xanras, who stood on the other side of the group with his rider still on his back. "These are dragons. They carried you to this island, and they have been the only two to know of the troubles ahead for the last twenty years. Now is the moment that they, and I, will share our secrets with you. You are dragon riders, and within your new home are ten eggs, each a chosen dragon to be paired with each of you. For the next two years, you will raise these dragons, feed them, care for them, and teach them. Just as they will teach you. Just as I will teach you. In six months, you will make the Pact with these dragons, granting you unimaginable power and responsibility. You cannot run from this. You cannot hide. You can only accept it."
Her cool demeanor was somewhat harsh and hard to accept, but the truth rang loud and clear for all to hear. She could see on their faces confusion, anger, defiance, and some with no emotion at all. But deep down, she knew they would understand. She understood that the hand of the great Mother of All was on each shoulder, guiding them. "Follow me, now. The suns shall rise soon, and we do not want to risk being out in the day. Let me show you to your new lives below."
Turning, she lead the group through the clearing, walking just beside Xaria. Mauras and Xanras took up the rear, making sure no one was left behind. Despite the fact that it was pitch black, the air around Aki and Xaria danced with beautiful, sparkling light, allowing for everyone to see just fine. It would take a few moments of walking, during which some could ask questions and be answered by either rider. But once they came to the end of the tunnel, Aki pulled aside the pearlescent violet curtain to reveal a massive cavern easily able to hold well over a hundred Silver Dragons. The stone walls were smooth, as was the floor, as though carved by flame or other strange or magical means, and the cavern was oblong in shape. Down the center, every fifty or so feet, was a pit surrounded by thick, heavy stones. In the very center of the cavern was a pit almost three times the size of the others. All pits were dark, though, left only with burning embers as though someone recently put the fires out. The only light in the room was from a massive crystal window, which sat beneath beautifully clear water that magnified what was left of the silvery light of the two moons.
Aki sighed, knowing what was going to happen next.

From behind the fires came a flash of feathers as the tiny pseudodragon, Neroth'na, entered the scene making the "rin ding dong" sounds, his slug friend, Talthoros, bobbing his head as he made his way up towards the group. Nero danced around the group, pointing dramatically at random riders as the music continued through the cavern, his tail swooshing back and forth with the beat as he hovered through the air. From the little dragon's neck dangled a tiny lantern, a light glimmering from within.
When the song finally ended, Nero landed gracefully on the head of Tal, grinning brightly as Aki shook her head, pinching the bridge of her nose between her thumb and forefinger in irritation. "Greetings, mortals! I do hope you are ready for wild time."
"Yes, Tal is right. You are all such a delightful bunch. Thank you for allowing us to entertain you this fine evening. I am Nero, and this is my good friend, Tal. We'll be here through your journey as dragon riders." He gave a proper bow, crossing one of his legs over his belly as the other stretched behind him, standing only on his two back legs. In response, Tal also bowed, which forced his feathered friend to fall to the ground, ending his dramatic display in a simple oof.
"Nero, I thought we talked about this. Business only."
"But that's no fun, Akihanna. And sometimes, fun is what is needed." Nero stood and brushed himself off, smiling as Tal squeaked his apology. "But I am sure they are already beginning to feel the draw of their young dragons. Perhaps the fun will have to wait for later."
Grumbling, Aki walked away, motioning for the group to follow behind her. To the right and down the wall for another three hundred or so feet was another large, pearlescent curtain. Pulling that back, Aki motioned for everyone to enter. Like the previous tunnel, this one was large and carved of simple, smooth stone. The closer the riders got, the easier it was to feel the draw of their dragons.
Around the bend was the first room. Marked in beautiful font in the stone on the right of the opening was the name, Cora, and beneath it was a spot for the name of the dragon, which had yet to gain it. Nero flew towards it and read the name out loud for everyone to hear. "Cora, dear! Your dragon awaits you."
Already, the sounds of cracking and shaking could be heard all down the hall. Not just from this egg, but every egg. One by one, each rider was called out and lead into their room, where the trembling egg sat at the center, ready to hatch and meet their rider.
The rooms were all very simple, the largest portion being the pits that held either sand, dirt, water, or lava. At the back was a simple opening much like the front, containing thick curtains the defining color of the dragon. Within that opening was a separate room, each complete with a simple wooden bed with the bedding of silk and soft feathers gifted by special supporters. To the right in each room was a dresser complete with a small mirror, clay bowl and pitcher, and small bar of soap. To the left was a table with a padded chair, each containing a simple notebook with a quill and bottle of ink. At the foot of each bed was a chest for storage. The rooms were large enough to hold much more, and perhaps later they would. But that was all that was needed, and all that was supplied.
Aki left the young riders to the events at hand, wandering up and down the hall as the sounds of baby dragons began to echo among the stone. As the youngsters began to hatch, Nero marked who had entered the world first and every one after that. Everything about these dragons was important, starting from their first breaths. With each new breath, Xaria delivered a trough filled with bite-sized portions of meat to each room accordingly.
And so, the dragon riders had begun.[/fieldbox]
[fieldbox="Destiny, green, dashed, Andale Mono"]

It was dark as the moons hid themselves behind the clouds, barely bright enough to light the skies. As his eyes adjusted, he saw the water begin to move in odd directions. Before he knew it, the head of a dragon burst from the water and looked at him inquisitively, her brilliant eyes catching his gaze and shocking him into an unmoving state. At the same time, another landed behind him, making him jump. It was at this point that he had realized Haern was no longer the only one behind him. Instead, it was an entire group of people, drawn to the water - to the island - just like him.
They all stared up at the massive black creature, his sparkling black scales almost resembling an onyx, though slightly duller than expected. His belly was a deep, vivid purple, and his arrow-shaped head lowered from a long, slender neck to speak aloud in an almost booming voice.
"Greetings, humans." His speech was somewhat limited, and "humans" sounded more like "hoonahns," but he seemed kind, despite his massive size. Theolyn looked up towards his back to see a blond man resting just behind the dragon's slender neck, his arms crossed over his chest, his face in a slight smirk.
"You're all Chosen, then? I don't think anyone else stares longingly at our island like that." A flash of purple lit the man's eyes as he snickered to himself in amusement, looking almost directly at the old farmer. "You'll have to rid yourselves of your mounts, unfortunately. We can't carry them over the water. Once you've done that, we'll transport you to the island where your callings originate, and you can start your new lives."
"Good luck."
Theolyn sighed, turning to his precious Tonlyn. The bird was old at this point, and he knew he wouldn't survive for long with or without the man's help. Slowly, he pulled the saddle off and pulled the reigns from the windlark's beak, keeping a hold of them in hopes of at least being able to carry that. Tonlyn gave a sad cry and nudged him, as though understanding that they were going their separate ways. He gave a small smile, hugging the creature before giving it a light smack on the rear and sending it off. Then, turning to the female windlark that he had given Haern, Theolyn did the same, watching the dark red creature follow quickly after Tonlyn.
He looked at Haern, nodding once as two dragons came from the water and crouched, motioning for people to start mounting. "Well, looks like this will be...interesting." He gave a slight smile before turning towards the shimmering female he had already met once and bowing to her respectfully. "Will you be swimming us back?" The creature looked at him with a smile, as though understanding his innate fears, and nodded. "May I ride with you?" Again, she nodded, lowering herself completely so that he could clamber onto her back. He noticed then that the place where a rider should sit was different than the rest of her. Instead of flexible, pointed scales, the one spot had small, rounded scales more tightly placed together to allow for more comfort without getting any fabric caught. Placing himself here, Theolyn gave a smile to himself, feeling both excited and very afraid. A part of him wondered if he would get a dragon...that was what this was all about, right?
Some flew back on Xanras while most rode the two beautiful females, feeling the water lap at their feet as the dragons swam back towards the shore. It took almost an hour to get there, and with each passing moment, Theolyn grew more and more nervous.
When they finally landed, Theolyn thanked the dragoness and carried his things to the clearing, sticking close to Haern and maintaining his typically silent demeanor. This continued even as the silver-haired rider, Aki, spoke of war. Despite his deep hatred of violence, Theolyn felt it was better to remain quiet for now. His determination for this was only solidified by the sudden presence of the little whispering voice inching him through the clearing and into the lair that he knew was somewhere in the mountain just behind the woman speaking.
Small whispers were given back to the voice as it drove him forward, following Aki into the lair as she answered the questions of the others. He felt its need to get him down, and the whispers slowly got louder. Louder and louder and louder until silenced by the odd sounds that echoed through the cavern.
Startled, Theolyn backed up a few paces, eyes wide as the strange sounds continued in a rhythmic pattern. But after a moment, he found the sounds to be almost funny, a smile forming on his lips as he crossed his arms over his chest and watched a strange feathered creature dance in the air. This smile became a deep, almost sultry laugh as the little creature fell to the floor at the mistake of his odd friend. "That is a strange pair," he whispered to himself, glad that the creature was too busy complaining to Aki about fun to hear.
Once more, the whispers returned to him, though, and Theolyn found himself being pulled to the right. After another moment, he watched as Aki lead the entire group towards that part of the giant cavern. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Xanras stomping the flames out with his tail, a grumpy look on his face, Mauras doing the same on another fire that had missed its mark. He held back, waiting for the rest of the group to enter the next hall before taking up the rear. Once more, the usually gentle voice that never spoke words grew louder, stronger, more determined. What was he being pulled to, he wondered.
A name was called, and a female entered the room, the silver curtain closing behind her as the sounds of a hatching egg sounded from within. Excitement kicked in as the man realized he would actually get a dragon. A creature only known to him before as legend - tales told to children to scare them into going to bed. A smile played at his lips, and as more names were called, and they moved farther down the hall, his excitement - and his nervousness - grew. Waving lightly as Haern was finally called behind a shimmering red curtain, Theolyn found that he was one of the last to be called.
After one more name, the farmer found himself before a curtain of his favorite color. The green was a bright shade, as though living on its own like a plant. When the little feathered dragon pulled back the curtain, Theolyn found himself in an entirely different world. Before him was a giant circle of dark sand, as though soil was mixed in. At the center of this circle was a brilliantly green egg glowing and wiggling as though already trying to hatch. He found himself walking towards the melon-sized egg and placing his hands on it gently, feeling the warmth of it. Being used to hatching Windlarks, he felt his own instinct kick in.
"Come on, little one. I am here now...you can do it." He murmured, placing his cheek against the hard, warm shell, feeling the smoothness of it. From within, he could hear a heartbeat. It quickened suddenly, and a knocking started to sound against the shell. In response, he knocked back lightly with one knuckle, searching for a weak point. Upon finding it, he knocked there, speaking again. "Over here, little one. Hatch this way." The knocking persisted, growing faster once the creature inside found its place.
"That's it! You can do it." His voice remained soft, like a whisper, the whole time the baby inside pushed. This continued for quite some time before cracks began to form. The moment a crack formed, the egg began to glow a bright, shimmering green, and all around him, flowers grew and bloomed, bright green blades of grass reached towards the ceiling, and clover laced through the stems. With each crack, the flowers would stretch out farther and farther until finally, with all of the baby's efforts, the shell broke open in the front. With a squeak, the baby fell forward, landing face first into the lap of her new caretaker. By this point, the entire room had been filled with beautiful flowers.
"You did it, little one...you did it."
The baby let out a few long breaths before finally looking up at him with dancing golden eyes. Almost instantly, Theolyn found himself stolen away, his heart taken by the beautiful baby before him. She gave a squeak, as though knowing he was the one for her, and pulled herself onto his lap, goop and all, and promptly fell asleep, happy as could be. Mesmerized by her beautifully green scales, he found himself placing a gentle hand on her slimy back and letting her sleep, sitting silently until she was ready to wake. While doing so, he thought about what he would name her. Did dragons name themselves? Surely it was their mothers who named them. Perhaps, just in case, he should have one ready.
After a few moments of thinking, he decided that, if it was male, he would name the little dragon Tyrel. But if it was female, Nyteria, remembering that dragons had a hard time speaking common tongue. It was a beautiful name for a beautiful dragon. And he just couldn't wait to meet it.
[/fieldbox]"You did it, little one...you did it."
The baby let out a few long breaths before finally looking up at him with dancing golden eyes. Almost instantly, Theolyn found himself stolen away, his heart taken by the beautiful baby before him. She gave a squeak, as though knowing he was the one for her, and pulled herself onto his lap, goop and all, and promptly fell asleep, happy as could be. Mesmerized by her beautifully green scales, he found himself placing a gentle hand on her slimy back and letting her sleep, sitting silently until she was ready to wake. While doing so, he thought about what he would name her. Did dragons name themselves? Surely it was their mothers who named them. Perhaps, just in case, he should have one ready.
After a few moments of thinking, he decided that, if it was male, he would name the little dragon Tyrel. But if it was female, Nyteria, remembering that dragons had a hard time speaking common tongue. It was a beautiful name for a beautiful dragon. And he just couldn't wait to meet it.

- Silver Lair Main Entrance/Exit
- Silver Lair Underwater Entrance
- Silver Lair Emergency Exit (Underwater)
- Allara's Resting Place

- Main Entrance/Exit
- Living Quarters
- Underwater Entrance/Exit

- Cora/Cassius (girlabot)
- Khajju/Aster (Glaciercold)
- Eile/Remilia (Raiden)
- Leatrix/Androga (Azula)
- Kuwala/Jinlong (ShiroKyoshi)
- Haern/Khali (Soulserenity20)
- Nari/Helix (Silver)
- Theolyn/Nyteria (Mowkie)
- Ihana/Kalli (Ananfal)
- Obsidian Rider/Dragon (Hyper Henchman)
- Bathing Hall
- Dragon Baths
- Back to Central Cavern
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