CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Location: Outside the Cabin

Daichi sighed, "No, it's not a bug it's an asshole that has it out for me cause I bumped into him" he shook his head in frustration, "shit, I thought he was still in another trail, I'm sure he's just gonna make sure I can't get my switch," he said, it bit later he got an idea "hey, if I pay you three thousand yen, would you mind going in and getting it for me? It in my bag on top of my bunk, it's the one in the corner"

He knew it was a simple favor, he only offered to pay cause he didn't know Hiroki personally, still he didn't expect to be turned down for something that would only risk him very little energy. Unless Prince Blondie Of The Asshole Kingdom was petty enough to go after Hiroki just for doing him a favor. "All you gotta do is try and be as subtle as possible make sure the blonde guy doesn't notice you"

Interactions: Hiroki (@Takumi )​

Interactions: none yet open, though
Mentions: aki chan @ScarletNova say kun @Monbon
Location: between the the shrine and cabin is

As he hears more crap he could of done without from them both, he clenches his fist lightly but thinks to himself. 'So that's how your going to be, huh? That's ok Retribution is a dish best served cold, and I'll be there to kick you when your down to show you how annoying and unpleasant it is or not help you when you need it the most'. 'For now, I'll make my peace offering; after all, I'm a man of my word'. He continues towards the cabin, feeling cool as a cucumber. He starts thinking to himself, "I wonder who's out here besides spider monkey boy'. As he makes his way back to the cabin, he can feel the tension in his body leave his body.
He suddenly feels his phone vibrate and takes it out of his pocket to see how it is, only to find, after he checks, a text from his grandpa saying, Ay, my lad I know things have been rocky, but I hope you are doing well. The doctor said I work too hard, so I've hired an assistant to help around the shop and the house, which has helped a lot.''The 'guy's name is larry Fun, and is an interesting guy It makes the boring and rainy days more fun'. ' PS: I'll be sending you a CD player and some new headphones so you can play some music and share it with others if you like. Lots of love, Grandpa Erwin.
Kio smiles and then closes the phone, puts it back in his pocket, and continues to head back to the lodge.
Location: Game Room
Interactions: Hani @Monbon, Mari @ScarletNova, Aya
Mentions: Sol @xLarius and Ren

Screenshot (75).pngIt was just his luck she recognized the name. Even more accurate to said luck was when yet another very cute girl came walking in. Had Ren put them up to this? Nah, there was no way the other had caught on to his bumbling idiocy around the opposite sex. It was far too early for someone to have caught on to that.

The worst part about all of this is that all the club member girls were so god-damn pretty. Not an uncommon thing, but he'd foolishly assumed they'd be far more interested in the more interesting members. By definition: literally anyone besides him. Weren't those other two guys more exciting? They were literally on top of each other. Girls liked watching that sort of stuff right?

Apparently Shin was wrong. The girl introduced herself perfectly unlike himself. "He's..." Shin glanced at Ren, who was currently blinking up at the vice president. Probably getting lost in each other's eyes. "Been helping me get comfortable...." He swallowed, "So yes."

'Hani are you okay?'

The other's tone of worry caught his attention. His head snapped to the phone girl. Eyes searching for any marks or scratches in her, as he typically did when being reunited with Aya after some sketchy business. Inhaling sharp when he realized he was looking at her face for the first time.

His annoying blush that constantly plagued him during these conversations grew almost unbearably hot as he noted Hani's features. She was like someone from a movie or something. Blond locks cascading down her face, red eyes alive with excitement and a touch of softness, cheeks slightly pinked... probably from having rushed over here. Then he saw it. The main reason why he'd gotten enough confidence to look at her in the first place. A small, single streak of blood slipping down her perfect skin.

"A-" Curse his stupid tongue! Why couldn't he speak when he needed to? A tissue, all he needed to say was to ask if she needed a tissue! His eyes dropped to the floor as his hands slipped into his pockets. Only to remember they weren't his pockets, they belonged to Ren. And besides, he hadn't been carrying around anything that would have helped with a bloody nose anyways.

He glanced back up at her, a cringe on his face at his own lack of preparation. Worse, Hani-san went as far as to apologize to him. As if she were the problem here not his gawking, bimbo-headed stupidity. Biting back a groan, Shin had no choice but to silently unleash a bunch of curses on himself. What pathetic, stupid, idiot couldn't do so much as offer a stinking tissue of all things.

At least there was someone who had had enough courage to do that.

Almost instinctively, his eyes flicked towards Hani's friend. Meaning to sneak a curious look at the other, who had been competent enough to ask Hani if she was alright. All too late did he realize Hani's friend had just started looking at him. Terrified to have been caught looking at either of them his eyes shot back to the floor. She had been just as gorgeous as the blond. Albeit slightly less intimidatingly confident. Her introduction almost matched his previous one. Stippled and quiet. Kind of calming if he were honest. It was nice to know he wasn't the only one struggling with shy tendencies. 'Proof misery loves company,' he thought in terse dismay. He truly was the worst of the worst wasn't he?

"Hi..." He breathed, forcing the sound out. It was only then that he realized he hadn't breathed once since his last pitiful sound towards Hani. Huh. He kind of needed that. Sadly, even with this desperation for air, his single, pitiful greeting had come out just as lame as his previous introduction: small and painfully quiet.

He shakily rose his eyes again, trying no, willing himself to look them in the eye at least one more time. And he did! He actually managed to blink at her! She had the darkest eyes. And a cute pair of glasses framing her face. For the slightest moment he almost thought he'd be able to manage a peep before her eyes were focused downward. Looking through some notebook of sorts.

She seemed rather eager to return to her task, only to freeze as she fully opened something. His gaze narrowed, face slipping to a look of serious apprehension as he tensed. Memories of similar shock discoveries from Aya tugged at him. None of them had been particularly kind either.

Once more his mouth opened to ask a very important clarifying question, once more his attempt cut short as she quickly jolted into covering the page. Cheeks turning a soft shade of pink as she flipped the pages.

What had she seen? Maybe it was habit and paranoia reaching him but-... THUMP!

He cut the thought short, forcing the curiosity back into a mental little box somewhere far away from this moment. He was paranoid. And letting his thoughts get ahead of him. Emotions were a game in places like these. It wouldn't be the best to go making too good of attachments here. Just another place for Aya and him to pass through. He turned back to the spectacle of Ren and Kousei, just to watch his twin slip out the door.

Kousei-kun seemed to be examining their face. First the lips, then cheeks, the look of someone who'd just been kissed-

Huh. Shin's eyes narrowed as he eyed Kousei's bottom lip, swollen. Either they'd just seriously made out within the timeframe of the two girls talking to Shin, or Ren had bit the Vice President like a stapler. Their glasses were gone too.

Before he could ask about anything, none other than Aya came booming into the room. Arms full of snacks, nose high in the air, and a very familiar pair of glasses on her face. Of course the next words she beamed out were nothing but nonsense. It was her stubborn style after all. "Aya-sama." Thank goodness. He was starting to worry his first meeting with so many members would end with him fainting.
Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Shrine Trail
Interactions: Sayuri (@Monbon) and Medrin (@Jig The Zom-B)
Mentions: Kio (@Rads)
Akari's smile returned when Sayuri said he would forgive her and that he may have over reacted. But she shook her head. "No, your reaction was understandable," she replied. "I'd be freaked out and upset about it too if someone had manipulated everything to set me up with someone, especially if you've experienced it before."

There was no way Akari would disagree with the lovely Sayuri. "And I'll forgive you, though I don't think you have any reason to apologize. Your reaction was valid." When it came to Sayuri, Akari always had rose-colored glasses. There was no way she was going to see anything they did as wrong or in need of some sort of apology.

Plus, Sayuri was just too cute at the moment! Akari had to keep digging her nail into her finger to stop herself from freaking out about it. She didn't want to scare them again by getting too excited. As Sayuri held out their pinky, a light pink blush came over Akari's cheeks, but she reached out with her pinkie in return.

"Yes, we can start over,"
she replied. "Pinkie promise. No lies. All honesty. And we'll properly talk to each other if there's something we're bothered by!" She just wanted to get to know Sayuri better. Yes, she did have some hope that maybe, just maybe, their friendship could turn into something more. And yes, she did have more feelings than just for a friend. But that didn't mean that her words were a lie. She really did just want to be Sayu's friend for now.

Happily satisfied with the result of their talk, Akari's smile continued to grace her lips, even when he said he wasn't going to forgive Kio yet. It wasn't like she could force Sayuri to forgive someone. But she did say she would try to help a little. "Understandable, but at least give him a chance to talk to you later," she briefly mentioned. "But, no, of course you're not someone who has trouble finding a lover!"

"If you looked cute up in the dictionary, your face would be there!"

Akari nodded in agreement. Sayuri could get themselves whoever they wanted. Not that the thought really made Akari happy, especially when past relationships were briefly brought up. Thinking about Sayuri dating other people didn't sit right with Akari. It made her feel sick to her stomach and caused a heaviness in her chest. But that didn't mean she was going to deny Sayuri's attractiveness.

Forcing her out of her own thoughts, Sayuri then mentioned about making a wish. She was about to nod, when Sayuri also brought up someone else and looked upward into the trees. Mori's pink eyes followed Sayuri's up to see someone perched in the trees watching them.

"Eh! Who the hell are you?"
Akari said. She jumped at the surprise. But her body then moved instinctively, quickly stepping forward and in between Sayuri and the individual in the trees. She raised up an arm to shield Sayuri in case the person attacked them. How could she had not noticed someone watching them this whole time? How did she not notice? Well, Sayuri's cuteness was rather distracting... No! Focus, Akari! Protect Sayuri!

"Are you part of the Lovers club? What are you doing up in that tree?" she questioned. Sayuri's comments about not being a serial killer were probably true or else something would have happened already when they weren't paying attention, but she still wanted to be sure this person wasn't a danger to Sayuri. Since they were at the club trip, chances were he was just going to be another club member. If not though, she'd do anything to protect that lovely pink ball of cuteness in front of her.
The apology between the two was quite the nice little show of blossoming friendship! Not only had it came to the two making quite the pink promise, but also helping he himself understanding the situation that occurred back at the shrine. He watched the two as they spoke, eye's upon the speaker and swapping between the two as they resolved their past issue. He was not sure who Kio was, but guessing by the red-head he saw earlier, they most likely were mentioning him. In the span of the conversation, he'd learnt their names, and was fairly close to being 100% that pinkie was Sayuri. Still a little doubt, but fairly sure otherwise. He hadn't seen many people dressing up as Sayuri had, and the difference in appearance was quite striking! He found Sayuri's confidence to be quite admirable. He both liked and disliked being witness to their pinkie promise, privacy lost to them due to his presence. Conversations like this were for close friends and usually only those who are involved. Then again though, he just found it nice to see them talk like this.

The conversation seemed to be fairly short lived, Medrin listening as Sayuri mentioned something about making a wish with Akari. Impassive eye's moved back towards the pathway disappearing towards the shrine in the distance for a moment, only to return to the duo. Arms coming up to rest upon his knee, his other leg dangling in a light swing still. A quiet sigh of relief escaped his nose, impassively watching as Sayuri invited Akari. It seemed that the conversation was at it's end, he couldn't see her refusing the invitation. With that, he would be able to finally hop down! Just as he looked to Akari for her reply, Sayuri piped up again, although unexpectedly not towards their companion. Moving his eye's back to Sayuri, their attention had also shifted, finding the pinkie looking up at him directly. His eye's looked to theirs as with a little internal confusion, was asked to join them! An impassive face looked back to Sayuri, he hadn't expected to be spoken to, let alone invited to join them.

A Sarugami? The monkey? The image of the folk-tale myth floating through his mind for a moment, not quite sure how he'd obtained such a name, but it made him internally chuckle. It didn't sound half bad, but before he could reply, the sudden motion of Akari moving protectively before Sayuri had his attention. She looked shocked, but clearly wasn't letting it deter her from making sure her friend was safe. He hadn't seen much of the two, but he found their little dynamic quite cute! For a moment, he just sat there, not quite sure what question between the two's to answer. Either way, they knew he was there now, his nap was long over and his tiredness had managed to fade away completely by now. Part of him wanted to answer, but figured it might be best to do it face to face, rather than from his seat.

With a quiet grunt, leaning forward from the tree's trunk, his dangling leg would lift and rest upon the branch he rested upon with the other. Right palm pressing against the trunk, the left on his knee, slowly rose to his feet and stood upon the branch, looking down towards the two. Taking a step along the branch, a faint rustling of the leaves upon it chiming quietly as his weight moved and disturbed them. Directly above the two, no small drop to the ground, he turned and looked down to them directly. He didn't mind heights, and if anything preferred them. Most would get dizzy or cling to the branch and call for help getting down, yet here he felt natural. He considered that the two most likely disliked craning their necks to look up to him. At that moment, he had decided how to answer their question's. "Let's start with, who. I..." Looking to the branch he stood on for a moment, lightly tapped the tip of his boot against it. Nodding as he confirmed something in his head. Sayuri and Akari would see his foot moving off the side of the branch as though he were to try take a step onto the air. His body leaned forward, and sure enough his foot found no ground upon the air before him, starting to fall forward. Just as it seemed he would fall, the foot remaining on the branch never left it. As he began falling forward, the tip of his boot hooked into the branch, Medrin still on the branch, although now hanging from it upside down, hanging by one of his boot's, His other leg folded, the heel resting against where his tailbone would be

Medrin looking up, would have him still looking down to the two, the boy hanging precariously upside down like some kind of bat. His impassive face looking to them still, "...Am Medrin. A pleasure." He was practiced at this kind of thing, not worried about falling unless he chose to move his supporting foot. If he chose, he could hang there for a good 10 minutes. Although that wouldn't be comfortable. With a slow breath through his mouth, let his hooked foot relax, letting his body drop suddenly from his high perch. It often took a good few minutes to climb a tree, but only a few seconds to descend it. Falling for a couple seconds, his left hand would reach out, his palm slapping hard and loudly against a much lower, yet thick branch. The momentum of his fall would be used, as when his hand caught onto the branch, it allowed him to swing from it, launching him a little and arresting his descent in a manner he could control. With the sound of boots heavily thudding against the earthen trail, Medrin landed in a crouch, then standing to his full height. For the first time now, he would be looking up to them, his stature fairly petite. His hair looking a little messy, using a hand to brush some of his fringe aside.

As he considered his next words, Sarugami suddenly started sounding more and more like a nickname he was going to earn if he was seen up in the tree's all the time. A couple of leaves from the recently occupied tree lightly fell around the trio, Medrin standing before Akari and Sayuri just a couple feet away. Tired half hooded eye's moved between the two as he could finally see them far better when he was this close. "As for what i was doing. Having a nap." His voice was soft, calm. A warm smile as he spoke to them. "A nap disturbed by so much sudden commotion no less." A quiet chuckle in his throat. Giving a little head bow, would look to Sayuri. "Sarugami... A fun little nickname. Creative too." Looking back to Akari, not quite sure why they looked so on edge. "Worry not, I have no intention's of trying to harm you nor Sayuri." Spreading his hands to his side somewhat, his palms visible to Akari. Then letting them drop back to his side. "As for your conversation, i also do not plan on sharing anything said between you two." Looking to Sayuri, "You were aware of me before you both spoke and could have told Akari. So I believe you had personal reason to let me witness it. Unless permitted, I saw or heard nothing."

Half hooded eye's looking to the two for a quiet moment, he had wanted to be respectful after all. He figured they wanted the conversation to be private, and would keep it that way. In his defence, they chose to have the conversation in front of his tree. He wasn't really able to avoid listening in. "You two make quite a good bond of friendship. I'm happy for you both on reaching the point you have." Taking a few steps forward, not wanting there to be an awkward distance between them. He figured he wouldn't be attacked by simply approaching. Or at least hoped so. He had an opportunity to make friends, and wanted to take it. "I would be happy to join you as you both make your wishes, if the invite is still open?" Gesturing to Sayuri, hoping that it indeed still was. "Oh, i did wish to ask. Earlier, I did hear what sounded like something snapping in the direction of the shrine. I won't ask what followed that, but I am curious if anything broke." Looking between the two, a curiosity to his tired half-lidded eye's.

Mention('s) - Kio: @Rads
Interaction('s) - Sayuri: @Monbon - Akari: @ScarletNova
Location('s) - Mid-point between Cabin and Shrine. No longer in the tree.Medrin 1.png
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Mirai Ueno
Location: Storage Closet
Interactions: Joe (@SolsticeArcanum)
Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova)

Once in the storage room, Mirai got to work on grabbing bags and setting them outside storage and in the hall so they could grab them on the way back to the living room.

"So Joe-kun, are you new to the club too?" Mirai asked, trying to be conversational so this task wasn't completely awkward.

Her brown eyes searched along the shelves and just as Haruhi said, there was a bucket up on one of the higher shelves. Given that Joe was much taller and broader, she did her best not to get in his way.



Hiroki Niwa
Location: Outside on a random trail
Interactions: Daichi (@The_Queer_Alien)
Mentioned: Ren (@Monbon)

Hiroki tilted his head as Daichi explained why he couldn't just go and get the switch himself.

"hey, if I pay you three thousand yen, would you mind going in and getting it for me? It in my bag on top of my bunk, it's the one in the corner"

Blue eyes blinked as his eyebrows raised a fraction in surprise.

"Eh? You don't gotta pay me for that," Hiroki responded, even chipperly adding, "all you gotta do is ask."

"All you gotta do is try and be as subtle as possible make sure the blonde guy doesn't notice you"

Brows furrowing as a serious look crossed his features, Hiroki nodded. He was sure he could do that! Giving his fellow club member a small salute, he turned to March his way to the boy's room.

Taking a quick peek into the room before hand, Hiroki could see that Ren was in the middle of looking through his stuff so all the pinkette had to do was go in grab the switch and leave quiet as a mouse. Easy.

He was definitely hyping himself up a bit too much.

Wordlessly Hiroki walked into the room and taking a moment to scan it his blue eyes gleamed when they landed on the bed in the corner where Daichi's stuff sat. It took a moment, but once he found it triumphant music played in his head.

'Gotcha! Now I just gotta get it to Daichi-san' he thought as he turned to (silently) scurry back out of the room to finish the mission Daichi sent him on, unaware of if Ren spotted him or not. In Hiroki's mind if he didn't look at or acknowledge the other than the other wouldn't take notice of him! He nearly tripped on his way back down the stairs, but once back in Daichi's sight he held the switch over his head as he skidded to a halt near the other.

"Dun dun nah-dun dun! I got it Sato-san, here ya go!" Hiroki chirped a grin forming on his face as he did his best attempt at the item jingle from Zelda from memory, before presenting the item to its rightful owner, proud of himself. The thought didn't even cross his mind that Ren, who would be at the same meeting, might have seen and came to some form of assumption of his character.

Either way, it would just be a misunderstanding. Even so, Ren's opinion on Hiroki didn't really matter now did it? The blonde could think what he wanted and it didn't change that Hiroki was Hiroki.

"Oh right, you won't be able to play until after the meeting. Probably a good thing I didn't grab mine on the way out." Hiroki muttered to himself. Surely it was closer to the meeting time right? Thirty minutes may seem like a lot but it could go by in a blink of an eye.
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Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Game room
Interactions: Solaris (@xLarius), Hanae (@Monbon), Ayame and Shin (@YetieBetie)
Mentions: Ren
Quickly taking notes as aggressively as someone like Mariko could, the moment Ren turned the situation onto Solaris her note-taking stopped and the pen only created a long, wiggily line down the paper. Dark red flushed her face and the girl found herself feeling the need to cover up her eyes with the sketchbook momentarily until Ren had left the room.

Calming slightly after the scene had ended, Mariko's eyes stared at Solaris' swollen lip then at the book she was holding. As thoughts connected in her head, Mariko came to a conclusion. This scene, coupled with the sketches in the notebook, and the situation earlier that day could only mean one thing and one thing only. Ren and Solaris were secretly dating. It must have meant that they wanted to keep their relationship a secret. She didn't know why, as she was sure the club members would support them. But perhaps Solaris didn't want it interferring with his vice president duties and thought it was best to keep it hidden.

Though, Ren wasn't treating his boyfriend very nicely during this trip. Maybe he needed a stern talking to about caring for his significant other!

As she slowly pulled the sketchpad from her eyes, Mariko then saw Solaris a bookshelf!? It was then she noticed the glasses missing from his face. "Ah!" she muttered, knowing exactly how that felt. Mariko wore glasses and couldn't see very well without hers either. "Kousei-senpai..." Should she tell him? Would he be embarrassed?

Gently, Mariko reached out to touch him and turn him to face everyone. "I'm over here." She looked around as he asked for his glasses, but she saw them no where. "I think he might ha..."

Then Ayame bursted into the room, wearing those very glasses. "A-aya-san," Mariko said. The words felt a little odd and foreign, but she was excited to use another person's nickname they had offered her. "You have Senpai's glasses. That's good. Would you mind giving them to him. He can't see without his glasses."

Relieved to see that Solaris' vision problem might be resolved, she turned to check on Hani and her nosebleed. But it had only gotten worse! "Oh no, Hani! Uh...uh..." Feeling around for non-existant pockets, Mariko had nothing to help the young lady. Stupid women's clothes! They weren't very functional! Someone needed to make more functional clothes for situations like this.

"Tilt your head up, I've heard that helps with nosebleeds," Mariko said, her body fidgeted out of nervousness. "And we need more tissues. Maybe you should head to the bathroom...wait, maybe moving would make it worse..."

She didn't know enough to properly help her. Then Mariko looked at Shin, a hint of calm came over her when she realized there was something else there who might be able to assist. "U-umm...w-would you mind getting some tissues for Hani-san?" He seemed like a nice guy. He had greeted her in return earlier before all the chaos started, so it was probably okay to ask him for help. She was sure he'd be able to find some tissues somewhere. "There's probably some in the bathroom or closet nearby."

She then looked back over to check if Solaris had gotten his glasses back yet. She didn't want him walking into anything and hurting himself or talking to more bookshelves. She would help him if he needed until Aya returned his glasses. After all, she knew what it was like. She felt a comradery with a fellow glasses wearer who currently couldn't see anything without them.
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Joeseph Tsuyo-sa
Location: Storage Room
Interactions: Mirai, @Takumi
Joe was too scared to even look at Mirai as she asked him a question. "Oh... No, I'm not a member at all... I don't know the first thing about love..." Joe mumbles as he fiddles around with his fingers. "I heard this club was taking a trip out to the woods... so I asked the headmaster if I could go too because I wanted to do some studies... and they gave me permission to come on the trip..." Joe mumbles more, he's starting to get scared that he's talking too much.

When it finally came time for Joe to grab something from the top shelf, he moved close to the shelf, grabbed the bucket very easily, and then brought it down. "Here," Joe said as he handed the bucket to Mirai. "I'll carry the bags back..." Joe says shyly, only now realizing just how much shorter she is than him, after looking up from his hands for the first time after entering the closet.

Mirai Ueno
Location: Storage Closet → Living Room
Interactions: Joe (@SolsticeArcanum)
Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova)

"Oh... No, I'm not a member at all... I don't know the first thing about love..." Joe mumbles as he fiddles around with his fingers. "I heard this club was taking a trip out to the woods... so I asked the headmaster if I could go too because I wanted to do some studies... and they gave me permission to come on the trip…"

Mirai let Joe's words sink in with a thoughtful tilt of her head.

"Well, not everyone knows anything about love and I guess that includes me, but I hope you have a good time out here with the club regardless," She replied with a smile as she set the last of the bags into the hall to grab on the way back.

When he handed her the bucket and offered to carry the bags back she gave him a small nod and a "thank you, Joe-kun," as she took the bucket from him and headed back out into the hall, noticing that this was probably the first time he's looked her in the face since they've been collecting the items Haruhi asked them to. Him being nervous around someone new was understandable, and he seemed like a shy person.

Shifting her hold on the bucket to one hand she held the door for him, and once they were both out in the hall closed it. She wasn't in a rush to head back, and kept a steady pace once they were on their way back to the living room where Haruhi was waiting.
Hanae "Hani" Niijima
|| Location: Cabin: Living room || Interactions: Haruhi @ScarletNova , Shin @YetieBetie || Mood: Calmer ||
At Moriko's suggestion, Hanae pinched her nose and tilted her head back only to find that the warm liquid ended up pouring down her throat instead. Quickly, she tilted her head forward but kept pinching the bridge of her nose. 'I'll get a tummy ache if I swallow too much.' She noted. That wouldn't do. They still had activities with Haruhi later.

Although Hanae was certain the other would allow her to rest if needed, she also didn't want to miss out on any more action between the pair that had caused the nosebleed to begin with. Even now the image of the two all up close and personal was burned into her retinas. Her breathing grew heavy with the thought. The image of Sol touching his lips was also so moving, her eyes lit with flames of inspiration for what she'd share with her readers next update.

"I'll.. I'll just go use the restroom for a moment." Hanae politely excused herself and got to her feet, feeling a little lightheaded. Staggering for a moment, she found Mariko had already asked Shin to get her some tissues.

Not wanting to leave him in the awkward position of refusing Mariko's request, she waved him over and gently grabbed onto his sleeve. "Actually, I will need to wash up. Could you possibly lead the way for me, please?"

Blush painted onto her pale cheeks and a pair of magenta eyes watering with tears from her embarrassment over asking a boy to escort her to the women's room left Hani looking rather pitiful. Though Shin had every right to refuse, she had a feeling he wouldn't. Though he appeared shy, he also seemed like an agreeable person. There was nothing about his reaction to their brief interactions that left her feeling otherwise.

With a firm grip on the other's sleeve to keep from falling and looking even more pathetic, the two brushed past Aya and Ruby as they made their way out. The escort was brief but on the short trip over, she noticed the blood flow had slowed to a stop. Soon enough the two made their way into the washroom. Though Hani didn't feel he had to enter, he seemed to do so anyway. Was it to catch her if she got dizzy and fell? Was he just too shy to do anything without her telling to? She wasn't sure. Her focus was solely on washing the blood off herself. Hands, face, nose, everything was scrubbed clean in the sink. After closer inspection, she found she was lucky that none landed on her clothes. The handkerchief however, was a lost cause. After washing it in the sink, she set it aside for further cleaning later on.

Luckily the bleeding had stopped by the time they'd arrived. Mariko's nose pinch suggestion really did help. Relieved and thankful she didn't embarrass herself further, she gave Shin a slight bow for his help. However she found the room spinning when she raised her head. There was a startling feeling that she was gonna fall, hitting her all at once. With a stumble, she reached for the closest steady surface for support and ended up firmly latching to the male again, chest pressed right against his arm.

"Oh, uhm, sorry. I'm not this… uhm..." She quickly apologized, taking a step back and lightening her hold. "Thank you so much for your help, Fukushima-san. I'm sorry if it kept you from playing games… " She started, brows knitted together trying to erase the memory of the feeling of his arm against her. That's right. He was in the game room for a reason before they'd bursted in the way they did.

At the realization that she was just a burden to those around her, the memory deletion was a success. Hani took a look at her watch and found the meeting was quickly approaching. "Really, it's almost time for the meeting. I'll make it up to you." She promised, guilt eating away at her. Keeping her hold on his sleeve, Hani carefully led them to the kitchen. The last place she needed an accident was in an area filled with knives and a tiled floor.

With Shin's assistance the two made a quick batch of star shaped cream puff pastries for everyone to snack on during the meeting. While it was made from premade ingredients, Hani felt it was good for something made for 20 people in literal minutes. Other than the pastries, there were some crackers she had neatly arranged on the platter and oranges Shin helped her peel and plate.

For beverages, she made a pot of chamomile tea for those who liked tea, brewed some coffee for those that needed the caffeine boost, and Orange Lemonade for those who liked neither. Naturally, there was also a pitcher of ice water with cucumber slices for those who were health conscious.

Taking as much into consideration as possible, she asked Shin to set the assortment of snacks and beverages onto the table in the living room. While he busied himself with that, she focused on something she'd been making on the side. Since they didn't have enough time to serve them with the other snacks, she pulled out the sheet of brownies from the oven and left them cooling on a cooling rack, planning to give Shin and the rest of the girls a little treat later to thank them for putting up with her.

Once the kitchen was clean and the coffee table was neatly arranged with snacks, beverages, sweeteners, and utensils, Hani was satisfied. Taking a seat on a nearby couch, Hani grabbed her own drink of choice; the orange lemonade and turned to Haruhi. "Haru-chan, feel free to help yourself. I hope I made enough for everyone."

Throughout the entire exchange with Shin, Hani had not noticed her helper utter a single peep the entire time. Granted, they were too busy making everything to talk much beyond her ordering him around, it was strange. Now that she was seated and ready to start the meeting, she wondered if he was shyer than she originally believed him to be.

"Fukushima-san, you too. I hope it's to your taste." Her voice was soft and her smile as gentle as sunshine in winter. It was as if she were talking to a small child and any action too extreme would scare him off. Wanting him to feel included and welcome in their little circle of friends, Hani could only try her best.
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Sayuri Satou
|| Location: Cabin: Living Room || Interactions: Akari @ScarletNova and Medrin @Jig The Zom-B, Hani || Mentions: Kio @Rads , Tsukiko @xLarius , and Briar @Takumi || Mood: Food= Absolute Bliss ||
Sayuri felt some relief to find Akari was as kind as their first impression of her. It really did seem they'd jumped to some outlandish assumptions. At the cute comment, Sayuri couldn't help but giggle. "Of course, I'm the cutest! If I were to look for cool under the dictionary, I'm sure you'd be there too!"

When Sayuri had asked the boy in the tree how they got up there, they didn't expect the answer to be shown rather than said. Their vibrant green eyes grew as big as saucers as the monkey god in the tree began to fall forward. As the other's body leaned, Sayuri's heart lurched with it, stopping abruptly as the other came to a brief pause. Sarugami was hanging upside down like some kind of giant bat. Perhaps Koumori would've been a more fitting name?

All at once the panic transformed into awe at the other's flawless control of their body. Pulling out their camera from its case and peeking around Akari's protective stance, Sayuri kept it focused on Medrin, recording a video of the spectacle before them. Their movements were precise yet graceful as they made their descent. It was like something they'd see at a circus.

With a whistle, Sayuri cheered for their little performance. "Wow I wanna try! Do you mind if I upload this clip to my vlog later? I can blur out your face if you'd like?" One look at the tree, however, discouraged them enough to give up the thought almost entirely. Maybe they'd have this Medrin fellow show them later. Medrin was shorter by a few inches. If he could do it, so could they! Even if they couldn't, the sight was so cool, they just HAD to share it with their followers online.

At the comment of having a reason to let him listen to their conversation, Sayuri shrugged. "It doesn't matter whether you heard or not. Other people's opinions don't matter even if you said anything to anyone else." Unapologetic and carefree Sayuri focused more on the important things in life. Like the broken shrine Medrin reminded them of.

"Oh right. The Shrine is.. A mess? The doors are broken, the wood is rotting and there isn't even a statue incense or an offering box. Someone must've raided the place or something." Sayuri was careful not to tell Medrin that Akari was the one who busted the door open, blaming faceless "raiders" instead, protecting this new friend of theirs. Checking the time and date on their digital camera, Sayuri found there really wouldn't be time to fix it up to look presentable, much less make a wish. "I don't think we have time to fix it up now that I think about it."

Downcast but not one bit deterred, Sayuri put their camera back in its case and clapped their hands in front of them. "In that case, we'll get the meeting done with and fix the shrine in our free time. Does that sound good to you two? If we make the god happy, they should grant all our wishes!" With a bounce in their step, Sayuri led the way back from where they came. "To the meeting!"

Upon the trio's arrival, they brushed past two boys chatting outside as well as Kio who Sayuri more or less ignored the existence of. As curious as they were about the unfamiliar faces, Sayuri was also interested at what Haruhi could have planned. That girl had so many wild ideas, even Sayuri couldn't keep up with her thought process sometimes.

Even before they entered the living room, the aroma of the beverages and snacks Hanae provided struck them with nutty and flowery notes that were all too inviting for the petite male. "Snacks!" Sayuri cheered, rushing in and heading straight for the coffee table. Judging by just who was already there, Sayuri quickly pinpointed the maker of the snacks.

"Hani-chan, did you make these? They look great!" They complimented, eyes focused on the pastries in particular. After grabbing a bit of everything and a cup of coffee loaded with enough sugar and cream to turn it a light beige, Sayuri grabbed a pastry, prepared to shove it into their mouth. "Itadakimasu~"

One bite and Sayuri was in heaven. The pastry was surprisingly soft and crumbly, the whipped cream just the right amount to not make too big a mess but enough to satisfy their sweet tooth. It was so good Sayuri placed their plate and mug down on a separate table and grabbed another two tiny pastries, offering one to Akari and another to Medrin, pressing it right against their lips. "Friendship token?"

Interactions: None open
Mentions: none
Location: Living room

Kio sneezed loudly a couple of times because his noise hair was bugging him, he takes out a hanky and blows into it gently, He then puts it back in his pocket. He ignores everyone and sits in a chair and puts the tune his phone on medium not to make too much of a rukcus. welcome to the ball room amvs - Search Videos He smiles softly starting to remember how he got into dancing' Aio saying you have a talent, for dancing don't make the same mistake i did and get in so trouble ending up in jail, i only wish i had learned that sooner'. '

She leans down and gently kisses his forehead, kio blushes a little, he had never had much praise from his family apart from his grandpa.' It was always why can't you do better like the rest of your brothers, it made Kio feel worthless, he hated feeling worthless so he was finally starting to feel like a human again'. Aoi a blue haired beauty much older than Kio had a banging body and killer smile, but above all she dance like a demon or graceful like a goddess'.

Kio had hid his feelings because he knew she would feel really awkward about it' ' It hurt more than any of the words his family often said, and later that night he cried till he couldn't cry any more, and puked a few times then passed out on his Ed at grandpa's' Next morning he woke up a made sure to give the carpet a deep clean'. He then goes and does morning routine gets changed the goes to make them breakfast'.

After breaky he texts Aoi saying, I didn't want to tell the others but I felt about you, but I know it would have been awkward Infront of the others. Ps I'm really happy you taught me how to break dance, I'll be by later this week got stuff I needed to do for grandpa,'

Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Living Room → Storage Room
Mentions: N/A
Interactions: Mirai; @Takumi

What is this strange feeling? Mirai's words… Her smile… It brought a warm feeling to Joe; it felt kind and good. It's the second time today something made him feel this way. What is it with this group? He had felt so welcomed, so why does he feel undeserving of it? Why does this feeling have to remind him of back then, with those who had left him? Why did something that had just made him feel nice make him feel much more terrible? Why can't his mind allow him to be happy with something human again? It's what he wants more than anything else.

Joe's heart slowly began to rise again. Just for it to sink back into the receipts of his shy sorrow. He went back to looking down at his feet once more.

"Thank you," Joe mumbled in a down voice. He exits the storage room and picks up the bags, lifting them with ease. Joe's head dropped again, and his hair fell forward, casting a shadow over his eyes. He carries the bags back to the living room, a few steps behind Mirai.
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Living Room || Interactions: (Both indirectly) Joe @SolsticeArcanum , Daichi @The_Queer_Alien and Hiroki accidentally @Takumi || Mentions: Every single person in the living room ahhh too many people etc || Mood: Comfy ||
Just as Ren finished searching for another set of clothes, another figure crept in. The brief flash of pink in the corner of his eye easily caught his attention. It was someone they knew. "Hey Yuri, I took some-" Pausing mid sentence after turning to speak to his friend, Ren soon realized the figure was shorter than the one he was calling for. "Oh, nevermind."

It was strange how many members had doppelgangers in one club. In Sayuri and Hiroki's case, they even had the same haircut. It was strange. From the comfortable seat of his bed he watched as the other quickly found something and ran off. 'A game?' Retracing his memories, Ren realized the bunk belonged to the jerk who bumped into his dog earlier.

The moment the other male left the room, Ren got up and searched through the jerk's bag eventually pulling out a switch charger. After careful consideration, he moved to the bunk the giant chose and stuffed it deep into Joe's bag. "That oughta make things interesting." He mumbled to himself.

As tempted as Ren was to do the same to the bags of the rest of the members, he felt this was enough for now. Would the shrimp pick a fight with the giant later on? Even Daichi had to know that'd be a bad idea, right?

Time would only tell.

Mischief settled, Ren grabbed his things and left to take a quick shower. Aya may have been a rich kid but he wasn't about to go walking around with her dirt and sweat on his clothes. Taking a quick sniff, he found Sol's scent overpowering hers. Really fascinating how that worked out.

Showering out of the way, he dressed in a simple t-shirt and cargo pants. For all he knew, Haruhi would send them outside and he'd end up having to wash all over again. After lacing up a pair of comfortable hiking boots to properly tackle the terrain, he was all set. Too lazy to blow dry his hair properly, he left it damp after a quick towel dry and headed straight for the living room, leaving his clothes on the floor beside the hamper.

Upon arriving, he saw a good sized crowd already waiting for the meeting to start. Seeing no sight of those in the game room, he figured Ayame took the route he was hoping for and was making getting the glasses back a bigger challenge than necessary. Rather than mingle with the others, Ren took some orange slices and sunk into a beanbag, ready for everything to get started so he could go find something more fun to do.
Location: Game room
Interactions: Shin, Mariko @ScarletNova, and Sol @xLarius
Mentions: Ren and Hani @Monbon
Mood: TeeHee

Screenshot (122).pngAya tilted her new glasses down, eyeing the room with the precision of a fashionista scout. Cutie Mariko-chan was currently steadying a rather good looking stranger. The girl sputtered an explanation as to whom the glasses belonged to originally. Easily answering a lot of questions about Ren's intentions. She grinned, taking the glasses off and pretending to examine the spectacles carefully.

"Sweet Mari-chan, you must be confused. You see, only moments ago this beloved gift was bestowed upon me by a rather special friend of mine. It has of recent, become one of my most prized possessions. One of which I cannot bear to consider parting with so quickly."

Her eyes slid to the stranger. Senpai? Was that a term of endearment or perhaps...

Her brows pinched as she continued her pout across the room. A soft mumble, more of a quiet whisper of her name pulling her attention elsewhere as she realized she had nearly waltzed right past her childhood friend. "Shin-kun!" Her mouth split into a large grin. Readjusting her pile of food for emphasis. She raised a single brow as the stubborn idiot who simply refused to prioritize food. He had to be starving far more than she was. Having given her his snacks and all during their little mountain episode.

As if to fit into the description of idiot further, the blond shook his head slightly, his hand twitching as though he wanted to wave her back. Of course he'd say he didn't feel like eating right now. He never felt like eating. The only point she needed to make now, was that he didn't have a choice.

Seconds from initiating a plan of attack, everything halted when she realized both girls in the room were noting his existence. Food was important, yes, but the rarity of girls like Mari and this other gorgeous blond turning to Shin of all people was an entirely different level of important.

All in all, Shin was in quite a predicament. Surrounded by both girls looking towards him with utter helplessness. And she had very nearly ruined it. How terrible! She watched with a faint smirk as Shin looked from Mari to Hani, finally resting on Aya herself with a look very near begging.

She dumped the snacks on the hockey table. Vowing to come back for it, though she kept the apple. Watching him, she offered a large bite of her apple in response. Wiggling her brows as her eyes batted a happy 'have fun'.

It was unimportant she acknowledge his existence after that. She didn't have to look at him to feel the gaze of utter betrayal as he led away the cute and bloodied blonde. So she turned back to further scrutinize Mari's 'senpai'. An odd person. Very well put together for someone in a room full of chaos.

Her fingers swung the pair of glasses in her hands as she took another bite of her delicious apple. "Hello, Mari-chan's senpai." She greeted, not bothering to hide the coy in her voice. So this as the owner. Interesting. What business he had run into with Ren was beyond her reasoning. But being used was not an uncommon thing for people in her social group. "Is it true you've taken a liking to my newly gifted glasses?"

She caught the pair of glasses in between her forefinger and thumb, flicking them open to slid them back on her face. Once more she was left blinking through the mess of blur around her. "I've always wanted a pair of glasses," She sighed in wistful tones. "really gives an air of intelligence doesn't it? A pity I've never needed them. But I suppose it's simply the curse of perfection isn't it?"

This club may be more entertaining than she'd initially thought. With Ren already running the cycle of the rich namesake and providing her leverage against members, a girl bleeding waterfalls, and Shin already acquaintances with not one, but two girls? Perhaps it would prove to be a much more effective time killer than she had thought. She was good at her job.
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Tsukiko Inari

Briar Mori. Did that ring a bell? Tsukiko closed his eyes, a hum in his throat before murmuring, "Mori, Briar." His glacier-like eyes trained on the other, slightly slit as if carefully assessing the other. "Ah!" He finally voiced, his hands slowly setting against his own hips as a completely carefree smile made its way on his lips.

"I have no idea who you are, but it'll be no time before we become proper brethren! Through bonding activities we're sure to get to know one another eventually!" Tsukiko proudly declared. He didn't recognize the other... Which meant they weren't in his class. Did that mean they weren't a 2nd year then? He tilted his head, stroking his chin in thought of whether to add a 'senpai' honorific. It was only respectful after all.

When Briar mentioned the cabin, a look of realization appeared on Tsukiko's face. "Ah! Yes! I recall that we're to gather in the living room." He dutifully reported proudly. When the other addressed him, Tsukiko quickly nodded his head, "Correct! Though if you're older, you could just address me as Inari or Inari-kun." He hummed, the other's name sat rather foreign on his tongue so he wasn't sure if Briar was familiar with all the hullabaloo that came with honorifics. Of course with his more traditional background, the thought of referring to other people simply by their first name... His hands came up to his cheeks, his lips curving up in a sort of sheepish, cat-like smile at the thought.

Ah! Whoops, got a little off track there.

Tsukiko was about to say there was in fact nothing on the other's face but that wasn't true.... A soft gasp left the violet-hair's lips as he noticed...

Zooming in! Zooming in! Enhance! That, Tsukiko's friends, is undeniably... Lipstick!

His mouth was slightly agape as he could only imagine how that got there... A lover kissing Briar farewell as they had to part for summer camp or... LOUDER GASP! Could that someone be someone from the Lover's Club!? Before Tsukiko had even gotten here!? He didn't even know any of the club members had gotten together!! That was crazy!! "Mori-san, you have lipstick from your lover on your cheek here." Tsukiko tapped his own cheek, a fairly airy laugh made its way from his lips. "They sure must be missing you while you're away from home." He gently clicked his tongue before snapping his fingers, not exactly giving the other time to explain, especially when a blur of pink seemed to skip by them.

"That's our cue! It's showtime!" He merrily grinned, a pep in his step as he stepped forward, looking back at Briar. "Don't fall too far behind now. If it'll motivate you to move faster, I can say I'll race you." He spoke with a final wave of his hand before he made his way within the cabin.

It took him a little while to take the sights in, making two L shapes with his hand to sort of put everything into a sort of 'camera frame' before whistling. "Nakamura-senpai sure has taste!" He mused before taking a step into the living room. With another snap of his fingers and a slight twirl, he grinned. "No fear! I knew all of you missed me on the ride here but your dearest member Inari, Tsukiko has appeared!" He declared before curiously blinking towards the rest of the cast within the room.

Skipping right up to the club president he bowed deeply before dropping to one knee in a dramatic fashion. "Senpai! I apologize for my delayed arrival for there was a bit of an error in my rising!" Tsukiko looked truly like a kicked-puppy, glimmering his blue-gray eyes in a truly repenting manner before he stood right back up. "Eager to see what the Queen of Hearts brings to the table this roll around!" He bowed deeply once more before taking a seat in one of the couch seats, digging a notebook out of his pocket.

One could practically feel stars radiating off of Tsukiko from how excited he felt-- he wasn't sure why though. Perhaps it was because a legend was standing in front of him-- He'd heard rumors that the Lover's Club had started with Haruhi all the way from freshman year! So decisive! So connected! So passionate! Especially to gather a group of such unique individuals! He wondered which other members were in a relationship-- perhaps that's what they brought to the table-- real life experience! Gah! How cool was it to be apart of all this bustle? He doodled a little (poorly) drawn samurai cat in the corner of his notebook-- no paper truly was ready for his lovely pencil before a samurai had been pressed to the paper!

Ah, just in case though... Tsukiko curiously watched towards the door, hoping that Briar wasn't the type to get lost as soon as they were left to their own devices.

Solaris Kousei

Thank goodness everything seemed to be dying down. Solaris would go as far as to say he's dying in- ah. No, that joke wasn't appropriate at least at the moment. He heard Mariko's voice first, sighing softly as he counted his steps as he spun around to ensure he wasn't facing the bookshelf any longer. The vice-president wasn't really in the mood to put his hands in front of his face, lest he smack someone with his hand. The consequences of that was worse than facing the wrong way in his honest opinion.

Mariko's touch definitely helped, Solaris found himself sort of leaning into her touch-- trusting in her naïve nature more than anything else at the moment. However, he was also pretty careful not to show how reliant on her he was. The last thing he wanted was for her to think he was completely helpless.

"Thank you kindly, Tanaka-san." He attempted to have a bit more of a pleasant smile in the direction of her touch before furrowing his brows. Aya-san? He didn't think there was an 'Aya-san' on the roster. A late arrival? He slightly tilted his head, pondering in thought before continuing to silently listen in. Well, at the very least he knew exactly who it was that had his glasses... and that it was in the room, at least now. He wouldn't even give the absent playboy the satisfaction of a thought so, instead he decided to focus on the matter at hand first.

He would have interjected that it was not in fact good to tilt one's head back, but it seemed that it was easily taken care of. At least that was something he wouldn't have to worry about on his shoulders. The last thing he wanted was to walk Hanae back home and have to explain that she had a nosebleed while Solaris was blind because of a.... There he goes again. The more irritated Solaris seemed to be getting, the wider his polite smile got.

Though his irritation soon died down as the other spoke and soon enough he felt... Mmmn. No. He didn't feel calm at all. Special friend, huh. Another ex-girlfriend, but this time in the club? Solaris simply chose to keep his mouth shut, patiently waiting until she declared what she actually wanted. There was no way someone in their right mind would be so attached to spectacles that didn't belong to them.

If she didn't return them, he supposed he would just have to rely on his contacts for a long while... Or he'd have to wear his old pair and enjoy being partially blind. "I'm pretty certain I'm your senpai as well." He gently retorted, his tone rather calm for someone who couldn't see practically more than a foot in front of him.

"If not in age, then in how long I've been a member of the club." Solaris wasn't bragging, he was just stating simple facts. 'Senpai' seemed to be much more efficient than Insert someone else's name and then adding senpai to the end. At least with how long the glasses-holder appeared to be speaking, he could detect where the voice was coming from. He didn't take any steps forward, however. It'd be unwise to leave the safety net Mariko had created for him.

"Perhaps I'd be able to give my opinion if you handed my glasses back so I could see a different pair on your face." The pleasant smile was still on his face though he wasn't really pushing incredibly hard for his spectacles. The fact of the matter was, he wouldn't beg for them unless she paid him to. In the end it was the one who gave her the glasses that would pay if she didn't hand them back over. Ah, he supposed the one who gave her his spectacles would pay either way. Unrelated. Moving on.

A bell noise emitted from his phone, signaling that it was nearing the time to reconvene in one space. That took priority lest Haruhi make him do a silly task for being tardy. He at least could swipe that off, silencing his phone, at least for now.

"Whether you decided to hand them over or you choose not to hand them over, we have to meet Nakamura-chan in the living room before she sends dogs to retrieve us in her stead. If there's a price you want however, name it so I can restore my sight, and you can have whatever it is that your heart desires. I suppose we can resolve all this after the meeting if need-be." He nodded in Ayame's direction before he held out his hand to the more timid underclassman. "Now, shall we?" He asked, as if he was the one inviting her to walk out rather than it being the other way around.

Location: Game room to washroom to living room
Interactions: Aya, Hani @Monbon doesn't talk at all though, Mari @ScarletNova
Mentions: Joe @SolsticeArcanum, Mirai @Takumi
Mood: Oh

Screenshot (76).pngShin brightened at Mari's suggestion, almost shouting in response with a loud and fast paced "YES!"

Of course his entire frame turned beet red with embarrassment immediately after. He couldn't help the outburst though. It was the perfect reason to escape from the predicament he'd suddenly found himself tossed into. Giving both a sheepishly apologetic smile, he reached to scratch the back of his neck. Where it was hottest. "I mean..." another swallow, "I- I w-wouldn't m-mind at all." He rephrased, cursing yet again at his own stupid self.

He was about to make his sweet escape when Hani's balance staggard in the peripherals of his vision.

It was more instinct than will, yet the next thing he knew he was at her side, holding out his hand to steady her. Thank goodness she had waved him over midway to his action. Or she may have thought he'd been charging her like some sort of creep.

The action was one he wouldn't have been able to fight back even if he wanted to. He'd seen that sort of lightheaded look many times on Aya's face. At this point, it was unspoken habit to simply help keep her steady whenever she grew ill from overexertion.

Hani's hold was lighter though. A lot more gentle. As though afraid he'd not be able to hold her weight. Or maybe she wasn't as ill as he'd originally thought.

Just as that feeling of stupor began tracing it's poison back into his being, Hani looked up and suggested the number one thing Shin didn't want to do. His throat closed in panic. Eyes jumping between Hani and Mari before landing on Aya from across the room. Aya knew what this was like for him. Surely she would intervene and happily take Hani. If being sandwiched between the flitting attentions of two girls wasn't overwhelming enough, being alone with one of them would be a hundred times worse.

Curse Aya. Curse her and her stupid self. The girl had the audacity to smile at his silent pleas. First the boyfriend thing, and now this? He was going to have to make this 'getting back' part more intense.

He was in the middle of glaring holes at his closest and apparently ill-trusted friend when he nodded curtly at Hani's request. Noting her hold tightening on him as he led her out of the room. The change was both comforting and concerning. Proof she needed the assistance she had asked for. He wanted to scan over her features one more time to make sure he hadn't missed anything, but they were passing right by Aya. And he needed to make certain she wouldn't question later why he was upset. So he stared narrowed slits at her. Not blinking as they brushed past. They passed Ruby as well, to which his features lightened to one more welcoming and warm. He offered a kind, and painfully pathetic wave before they were on their way to the washrooms.

Gently nudging her into the room, he finally let himself give her another once over. This time more of a professional assessment than the blushing blunder he'd been the first time. Some of the flow had paused. Though her face was more of a mess of blood. To his relief, she made her way to the sink and wordlessly began washing it off herself. He wasn't sure what he would have done if she'd requested he do it.

He watched her work in silence. Knowing he probably ought to have tried to make some sort of friendly conversation, yet not knowing what exactly to talk about. Now that he thought about it, what did girls want to talk about? If he had the slightest idea of an interest Hani had, he might have been able to fumble out something resembling a question. But he didn't even know where to begin. Hell, he didn't even know where he was supposed to stand.

When she'd washed her handkerchief, and had turned to give him a bow, he'd nearly jumped out of his skin. Holding his hands up and shaking his head in panic as more heat ran to his face. It wasn't like he'd done anything besides hold out his hand. If anything, he was about to be charged later by Aya for not even suggesting to help wash her off.

It was in his panic he saw it again. The second wave of nausea that he'd been watching for.

He quick stepped towards her, reaching to catch her should she faint. Only to have her stumble into his arm. Stumbled... Rather... comfortably against his arm. All of everything went blank at that moment. His eyes looking down at her as his face went eggplant status. It wasn't the first time a girl had done this before, b-but...

He jerked straight. His arms squeezing to his sides in case she tried anything more. Most of Aya's classmates had enjoyed teasing him like this at times. Dragging him around and then pouncing whenever there wasn't any spectators around to start any unwanted rumors. Was Hani like that?

The thought made his stomach twist, she hadn't seemed like the type... normally they giggled a lot more. And rather than stepping back and loosening their grips, they typically clung tighter. More tracing along his chest and jaw as they giggled something coy. As if they enjoyed seeing him squirm. A mocking feeling typically leaving him more angry at his shortcomings than before.

He didn't get that feeling from Hani, and to his relief, she didn't pull much at that string.

Relief pulled a long breath from his lips. His heart pounding like a jackhammer as the feel of her still tickled his arm. Though her hold on his arm was light, it became his turn to clench his fists to stop some of the trembling. All he had to offer at any of her words was a small, possibly inaudible 'eep' noise. Ironic, as only seconds ago he'd been the one worried that she would blank out.

Now here he was staring at the countertop. Looking at her forgotten handkerchief. His mind felt foggy, as if he were a ghost looking out at the scene playing before him. Hani was saying something, she sounded really far away. And guilty. Did she always sound guilty? Or was it just his problematic behavior inspiring it? Did he really make people feel that bad around him? He certainly didn't mean to.

He continued to exist in that in-between state. Staring ahead like a soldier standing at attention. Blindly allowing Hani to tug him any direction as she led him who-knows-where.

Just as he was beginning to resurrect from ghost land, Shin blinked around to see he was sitting in a kitchen making blobs out of pastries. Or, to be more precise, Hani was creating stars. He was... mangling ingredients.

He quickly hid whatever austrocity he had been squeezing the life out of from Hani's gaze. Giving her the best apologetic smile one could manage when half their face felt numb from blushing. It was a look that, put bluntly, resembled that of a horse rather than an actual smile.

Slowing his efforts, he set to making himself look busy as he attempted to gather his thoughts well enough to replicate one of her perfectly created star shapes. Shin spent the rest of pastry prepping working on that single parcel of food. Which, with his mindset, inevitably ended up looking like a monstrosity. It was obvious which ones were hers and which one was his. As the pastries that were hers actually looked like something you'd find in a cookbook.

The most frustrating part of it all was that he knew how to make shapes out of food. He'd done it loads of times for Aya during their childhood. The chief had loved it because he'd actually managed to get her to pick at the veggies that way.

Curse this stupid irrational fear of his. He didn't even know what was making him so afraid!

Glaring at his hands and completely fed up with himself, he was in the middle of cursing under his breath when they moved onto oranges.

When in a bad mood: attack the oranges.

Peeling the oranges as violently and as fast as one physically could. Shin found his tactic actually worked. Quite well too. By the end of his furious unraveling, he'd actually managed to relax enough to start toying with it. Peeling some in a perfect spiral, and others into a mock TIE fighter ship you'd see in Star Wars, etc. His pacing slowed, his posture easing as he messed with the peels. Even a bit of content as he happily amused himself.

In a much better headspace, he happily worked alongside Hani for the rest of their time together. Even grinning in triumph when his mind realized the star pastries looked almost like ninja stars.

It helped that Hani didn't seem to mind his lack of conversation. A very nice reprieve from the intense panic all that talking had given him earlier. His eyes slid to the girl in question as she suggested he take some of hers their creations to the living room. He nodded, taking a couple things towards the living room.

There were more than a few people gathered there. And Shin quickly found himself ducking back towards the kitchens before taking it all in. His second trip, he was half tempted to bet with Hani how much he could carry without spilling. A fun balance game he often played with Aya when forced to do chores. Instead he went the safe, normal route and grabbed a few more things.

A few trips and he was done, leaving him in the growingly used living room. He contemplated heading back to the kitchen to help Hani clean up, but he was sure he'd seen her finishing up right as he'd done his last run. Perhaps he should go check on her. Busy wasn't really the ideal rest someone needed when nearly collapsing twice.

The worry forming in his stomach eased when she walked through the door. At least she was sitting and eating now.

Most people in the room were those he hadn't met yet. With the filling vicinity, he was beginning to find himself molding into the background. Taking a place where he could easily pass as an unimportant wallflower. Unnoticed and able to scout the area. The room itself didn't seem to offer a lot of chances to be breached. And there wasn't the air of tense danger lurking over the pleasantries. It was rather odd. Far from the gatherings he was used to.

Usually his 'group gatherings' consisted of the parties Aya insisted they attend. Meaning the room was typically full of scheming rich folk discussing 'business' and ending with a looming threat or two. Fun.

About 30 seconds of scouring the room, Shin was pretty certain the lovers club wasn't that sort of group. At least, not on the same levels as he was used to. Thus, rather investing himself with the task of making sure things didn't get too hectic too fast, Shin began playing with the idea that he might actually have the luxury of socializing with these people. A gift he rarely allowed himself.

The concept was so foreign he had no idea how to start.

So he snagged his one, terrible pastry before anyone else could fully see it and sat down to nibble on it. Who could he talk to? His eyes rescanned the room. Trying to cipher which person he might have a possible chance of befriending without buckling under the pressure.

A soft voice of assurance tugged from Hani, and he found himself giving her a small smile of thanks. An actual smile! Today was proving rather groundbreaking. Pitifully.

He lifted his pastry so she could see it, raising his brow and nodding as though to say, 'Look what we made!' he paused for a split second. Taking the largest bite he could muster and feigning deep, overdrawn satisfaction. After a few thoughtful chews he popped his eyes open to watch her reaction. Only for all jokes and amusement to fade into sharp focus as he turned towards the door.

Another gorgeous woman walked into the room. Someone he was certain he would have stunned him into yet another fit of discombobulated silence had they not been followed by a large figure.

All at once the feel of alertness came back. His eyes tracking every small movement of the man hefting bags into the room. The bit of enjoyment had long been forgotten as years of... erm... working instincts flipped. Something about that man, whether it was the swagger in his step, or the way his muscles hefted those bags in a well experienced way, put Shin on edge. The long hair of his looked familiar. Shin was certain he'd seen him before.

But where?

Where did he recognize that face? Was it someone from one of those wretched parties? Or from somewhere else?

Slowly, the pastry dropped to his lap. Forcing himself to pull further into that wallflower state of mind, his thoughts began running. Aya was in the game room still. She had been with the vice president. Surely nothing could happen to her while she was around others. Not unless Jigoku was here, but he would have known when Jigoku was present... His brows furrowed as he tried to make himself as insignificant, and unacknowledgeable as possible. Watching the big fella very carefully.


Shin says nothing and panics, I was serious that legit is the summary.

But also he sees joe at the end and gets that 'huh you seem like you've seen stuff like I have' vibes, which is weird vibes to get in a lovers club. So buddy is all 'have we met before?'

The end:)
Location: Game room to Living Room
Interactions: Sol @xLarius, Mari @ScarletNova
Mood: Hehe they said they want me to call them ✨Senpai✨

Screenshot (144).pngAya hummed deep in thought. Tapping her chin with her pointer finger, she eyed Mari-chan and Mari's Senpai. "My Senpai?" She tested the obviously common title as if it were the first time she'd ever pronounced it. "Don't you suppose that's a rather bold assumption?" She smirked, thoroughly enjoying her self-satisfying game.

"What if I was an honorary member? Would you still be Senpai to me?" She was stating nonsense, but nonsense was her favorite thing to state. Besides, if this atrocious prescription was genuinely made for this pretty man, then he shouldn't be able to see squat right now. She knew this because she very obviously couldn't see squat.

A sweet ting of a phone sounded from him. His words following quick and short. Precise, as if he were pressed for time. Possibly the best moment to bargain anything for something so easily replaceable.

She took the glasses off once more as the headache starting to form grew. Shooting Mari a mischievous grin, she hummed her way towards the owner of her treasure. Even if he wanted the formal title of Senpai, she did enjoy watching the two reach for each other. Perhaps his walk towards the living room would provide a good opportunity for cute Mari-chan and this stranger to grow closer together. If not as lovers, than as friends. Love typically started with friendship after all.

But her Senpai couldn't see. As heroic as he tried to seem, undaunted by the severe lack of vision he must have been experiencing, it was obvious to her of that. Perhaps he meant to impress cute Mari-chan. Meaning there was definitely something going on between them.

The question remained, did she allow their hearts to grow further together? Or did she steal away this opportunity for her own selfish reasons?

Her eyes slid to 'Senpai', "Very well, since you seem afraid to face a few stray dogs, I suppose I have no choice but to vanquish my prized possession to a stranger like yourself, my darling Senpai. Though it pains me greatly to part with it. Since you've so graciously offered, I might as well take you up on your invitation to gift me with something in return." She pulled a low curtsy, the kind she'd learned to do when she'd first been presented to one of the royal families her parents worked with. "You're glasses my sweet Senpai."

Her hands held out the glasses, tapping the edge of his unoffered hand. She didn't bother to wait for an answer, setting the glasses in his hand before straightening and turning towards Mari-chan. Smiling wide and warm as though they were two long acquainted friends sharing in a private conversation. "Our beloved Senpai is quite the kind soul isn't he? Giving me a gift, and offering to escort you! A true gentleman. We must both make sure he doesn't pull back on his word to either of us." She winked, "Should he have trouble finding me after all this, I do hope you'll help guide him my way Mari-chan. We don't want our dearest Senpai forgetting his promises."

Giving Mari-chan a nod of encouragement towards 'Senpai's' extended hand, she spun on her heels and swiftly made her way to the door. Exiting as quickly as she could so they could have the chance to walk back together. It would have been much more fun to keep the glasses. In all honesty, given any other scenario, she would have. But things were still new here, and she needed to secure something before things grew too late.

Tossing her apple into the trash, she poked around until she found a room buzzing with life. The living room she presumed. There were already a great many people inside. The sounds and aromas of food reminding her of parties back at home. A mixture of anticipation and braced knots filled the pit of her stomach. The anxiety that typically came before she prepared for a night full of rashness and spreading infamy. Enemies. She needed to make sure she made each member resent her enough to firmly decide to stay away from her personal life. While also maintaining just enough to keep her from being fully kicked from the club...

A flash of Mari's Senpai, lip swollen, completely blind, reaching to offer Mari's hand hit her unexpectedly. Shaking her head to rid herself of such an odd thought, she refocused on the moment.

A breath, then the smile of someone with far too much self-indulged luxuries that she knew so well. She practically bounced into the room, a sheen look of airheaded nothingness placed carefully on her face. Her bounding paused as she reached the table full of sweets, her hand covering her mouth as she let out a deep gasp. Thank goodness someone had brought this. An apple and trail mix wasn't enough. This, a feast of food, was exactly what she needed. "Finally! I was beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be a proper meal made." She grabbed the largest pastry she could find. Taking a large bite. Closing her eyes to savor the taste, she moaned loud and unabashed. "Truly, whoever has made this must be a cook!"

Mirai Ueno
Location: Storage Closet → Living Room
Interactions: Joe (@SolsticeArcanum)
Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova)

"Thank you," Joe mumbled in a down voice. He exits the storage room and picks up the bags, lifting them with ease. Joe's head dropped again, and his hair fell forward, casting a shadow over his eyes. He carries the bags back to the living room, a few steps behind Mirai.

Quiet, almost subdued, and avoiding looking at her again. Mirai's brows furrowed slightly in concern at the tone Joe spoke with. It seemed sad. Why was that? Was it something she said?

"You're welcome, Joe-kun." She replied softly. He even walked behind her a bit, which in any other circumstances may have come off either comical or intimidating from an outsider's perspective.

Once back in the living room, Mirai set the bucket down near Haruhi.

"Here you go, Haruhi-chan." She spoke up.



Hiroki Niwa
Location: Outside on a random trail → Living room
Interactions: Daichi (@The_Queer_Alien)
Mentioned: Ren and Sayuri (@Monbon), Tsukiko (xLarius), Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Everyone

When Ren had called Hiroki 'Yuri' the pinkette blinked to himself in slight confusion. Did he mistake him for Sayuri? The other pinkette who had a very cute fashion sense? Aw, he was flattered.

Other than that, he felt the mission was rather successful. Daichi got his switch and could play it when they set out to do whatever they were going to do after the meeting!

Speaking of, he saw a blur of pink then a blur of Violet enter the cabin which meant maybe it was now time to head inside.

"C'mon Sato-san, if you want you can sit next to me so you don't gotta sit next to someone you haven't met yet…or Ren-kun, since you two aren't getting along right now." Hiroki offered with a smile before leading the way back inside, eyes lighting up at the sight of snacks.

Grabbing a few pastries, orange slices, and a bit of coffee for himself he sat and patted a spot for Daichi if he so chose to sit there, while keeping some room open for Mirai and whoever else on the sofa he sat at. Stars and bubbles practically floated around him with how happy he was after taking the first bite of pastry.



Briar Mori

Location: Outside cabin → Living room

Interactions: Tsukiko (@xLarius)

Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Sayuri and Hani (@Monbon), Joe (@SolsticeArcanum), Everyone

"I have no idea who you are, but it'll be no time before we become proper brethren! Through bonding activities we're sure to get to know one another eventually!" Tsukiko proudly declared.

"Well, we just met, so I'm sure there will be enough chances for us to get to know each other." They chuckled.

"Ah! Yes! I recall that we're to gather in the living room." He dutifully reported proudly. When the other addressed him, Tsukiko quickly nodded his head, "Correct! Though if you're older, you could just address me as Inari or Inari-kun." He hummed.

"Inari-kun," They tested it out on their tongue with a tilt of their head, "I'll be sure to remember." Briar concluded while nodding to themself.

"Mori-san, you have lipstick from your lover on your cheek here." Tsukiko tapped his own cheek, a fairly airy laugh made its way from his lips. "They sure must be missing you while you're away from home." He gently clicked his tongue before snapping his fingers, not exactly giving the other time to explain, especially when a blur of pink seemed to skip by them.

"That's our cue! It's showtime!" He merrily grinned, a pep in his step as he stepped forward, looking back at Briar. "Don't fall too far behind now. If it'll motivate you to move faster, I can say I'll race you." He spoke with a final wave of his hand before he made his way within the cabin.



Wait wh–

"L-lover?!" Briar squeaked out, eyes becoming round as saucers as warmth traveled up their neck to their face.

Their mom's face appeared in their mind and they wanted the ground to swallow them whole because ew.

Nope. No. Nuh uh.

"Inari-kun, I don't have–this is from my–" they scrambled to explain, but Inari was already moving after the pink blur from earlier into the cabin.

"" they finished lamely with a heavy sigh. Shoulders slumping, Briar considered calling their parents to come pick them up, pretend to be sick or something.

It was so tempting, but they should probably explain and clear up this misunderstanding as soon as possible. So, they made their way inside while scrubbing any remaining lipstick off and-oh…there were a lot more people than they thought, and it seemed it wasn't even everyone present.

This was fine, Briar could work with this. They just had to sit next to Tsukiko and explain before the meeting started. They could do that, it should be quick. So, Briar made their way towards where Tsukiko sat after the violet haired 2nd year made a scene of greeting the club president, the golden eyed 3rd year grabbed a couple orange slices on the way to try and settle their nerves and sat in the nearest available spot near their kouhai.

"Inari-kun, I–" Briar started, only to be interrupted.

"Here you go, Haruhi-chan."

Briar's eyes flicked to another club member who entered, followed by a mountain of a student. This was just a minor set back. This was fine.

Briar opened his mouth to try again.

"Finally! I was beginning to wonder if there was ever going to be a proper meal made." She grabbed the largest pastry she could find. Taking a large bite. Closing her eyes to savor the taste, she moaned loudly, and unabashed. "Truly, whoever has made this must be a cook!"

His mouth closed into a hard line with a clack of his teeth. The girl that cut them off this time was...short. Weird, she looked kind of like a shorter Ava. A midget Ava, if you will. Especially in contrast to the giant of a student that enetered some time ago.