CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Living Room → Storage Room
Mentions: None
Interactions: @ScarletNova, @Takumi

Joe felt a little flattered that Haruhi would even consider doing something for him, since no one he's known has ever been worried or cared about him. But even if someone had said something bad about Joe, he's too dense to realize it. "Thank you... But I don't believe anyone said anything bad about me," He mumbles to Haruhi.

Joe turns to the girl he heard Haruhi call Mirai. "I'm ready to go..." He mumbles to Mirai, as he follows her to the storage room.
Tsukiko Inari

"Hmhm~" Tsukiko merrily made his way down the stairway, snapping his thumb against his middle-finger. He had trained hard and long for this moment. He'd already given his dog Pochi a long walk as an apology in advance for being away for so long, already allowed his siblings their long, mournful goodbyes... As well as given his final performance until he would return next, hopefully before the fireworks soared into the air and the smell that festivals brought could fill the air.

He had arrived on the hour, on the dot... Tsukiko considered himself a loyal follower of the bushido code, and as such he had to honor his vow to arrive on time.

The sixteen year-old closed his eyes, his lips tugging up in a cat-like smirk. The violet-haired student's katana bounced against his hip as he pointed upwards. "No fear my comrades in arms, for Tsukiko of the Inari family has appeared to help those who struggle with mounting their bags upon our fine stead for today! Now where can I..."

His eyes opened, practically becoming two small, black dots as his face filled with confusion. "Eh? Perhaps I'm early?" He murmured, looking around for a moment before pulling out his flip phone with a flick of his wrist. He could have sworn that this was the time...

Tsukiko took one look at the time he was supposed to be on site compared to the current time... Ah. He had misread the time in his haste, and was now an hour late. "Haha! Nothing someone of my caliber can't handle!" Now if he could recall the site was about a mere few hours by..... vehicle... Ah. Damn. He couldn't walk there.

Silence filled the air, a heavy gust of wind blew as Tsukiko's expression for a moment was hidden by his bangs. Soon enough he began to punch a few buttons in his cell-phone before pressing it to his ear. "...Hello? Yes... Can you ask Koichi to come pick me up? Yeah? Thanks."

So that was just a mere snag in the road, and now he was at the site he was meant to be at! The fact his siblings had to drive him to the site was merely a bonus event! Tsukiko proudly puffed out his chest. He certainly was in his element. His eyes glimmered as he took in the fresh air, humming happily.

According to the text message he'd gotten a little bit ago, perhaps he could squeeze it in... However, for now... Of course he had to touch base with their leader! It was only the honorable thing that he apologized feverishly for his tardiness!

Ah, he'd need directions though... Perhaps he could spot someone to help that wasn't a bear nor a boar, HAHA! What a heart-stopping event that would be.

Well... First person... First person... Ah! Target spotted!

Tsukiko wasted no time in charging, eagerly grinning before his black boots skidded to a stop, grinding against the dirt as he bowed deeply, quickly rising back up just as fast. "Greetings fellow member! Any idea where our stupendous leader, Nakamura-senpai is?" He then let out a gasp, his hand flying to his lips, grimacing slightly before just as fast adding,

"Ah! How terribly rude of me. My name is Tsukiko of the Inari family. I'm a 2nd year and rapidly making my way up the ranks." His hands motioned towards the opposite individual before slightly cocking his head.

"And your name is? Oh! I suppose it is free-time, I must have caught you at an incredibly opportune time! After all, time in the wilderness is just so thrilling you never run out of things to do. Ah~ What I would do in this beautiful nature just to get my hands grasped around the beautiful scales and majesty a fish brings... Heh." He placed a hand on his hip, a rosy aura practically forming around him as his flipped his bangs.

Tsukiko may operate by the Bushido code... but self-control sincerely was never one of his strengths. "Ah. You don't figure that our demonstration of skill will include traversing through the wilderness do you? Imagine we end up in an event where a client has to catch the biggest fish to display their most sincere of affections..."

The violet-haired individual's expression was quite serious as he said this, for once, finally focusing his attention to the one he was addressing. Bright golden eyes, fierce piercings... Dark-brown hair... Ah! A delinquent type!? Would they truly be okay in the wilderness?

The second-year for once shut his mouth, squinting in an assessing manner towards the other as he tried to imagine them holding a fish... Really... Was it possible?

Solaris Kousei
Well, at the very least he had a partially truthful response. He didn't expect someone as gentle as Mariko to give him any sort of feedback that would hurt his feelings.

Solaris simply tucked his hands into his pockets, "Well, at the very least it's good to know that my features aren't as plain as some may claim." He hummed softly, a particularly pleased smile appearing on his lips, moving to comfortingly rub the top of Mariko's head in a comforting manner.

He wasn't sure if trying it again would make the situation better...

"Eh?" Solaris slightly cocked his head showing his surprise. He furrowed his brows, closing his eyes before his mouth formed into a sort of squiggly line of displeasure. "... Eat her alive? That was never the intention..." The Vice-President softly trailed off, a sort of guilt heard in his voice before he let out another long sigh. He crossed his arms in thought.

Well perhaps the others were right in having to switch actors though he was sure if he was the issue here, then having the girls switch around would be a problem... Then should the two girls act together? However, the issue was himself understanding the means so if they acted wouldn't that defeat the purpose?

When she mentioned someone who had experience with romance-- that was a little hard to pin-point. After all, Solaris didn't know all the romance experience that the other members had.

It'd be a little offending to march up to someone and ask whether or not they had love experience... A little bold... In fact, he'd probably get more questions in return then an answer, which kind of defeated the point.

Trade positions? At first he looked to Hanae, then Mariko but when she mentioned that it would have to be someone taller... That certainly cut down the pool by a lot.

Ruby was a definite no, he could imagine her taking that as an invitation to always be in his space which would drive him crazy... It wouldn't do to involve the tall newcomer, he barely knew him. The last thing he wanted to do was seem like an intimidating upperclassman....

That left one, obvious answer.

His cute kouhai would work, wouldn't he? At first Solaris pondered texting him but knowing him... His emerald eyes flicked upwards as he imagined Ren ignoring his texts from all the other messages he get... A mixture of interested love interests and exes...

"If they least expect it, it'd only be right to surprise them, no?" Solaris slowly voiced. He didn't find any fallacies in her statement, eyeing the picture she presented. Besides, why would his neighbor have any ill intentions about the matter? It wasn't like she'd have anyone in mind when she said these statements.

A little while ago, Solaris had deemed the girl far from maleficent so he didn't put any effort into thinking about the matter much further. Solaris could replicate something like that... No? Now the question was the other half....

"Well.... If we need those factors... Fujiwara-kun would be best, wouldn't he?" He pointed out, blinking at the two before waving his hands. "You two don't have to accompany me. We only have so much time to roam around after all, I don't want to trouble the two of you." He offered a sheepish expression before taking a deep breath.

Perhaps this would be a good opportunity for Mariko to make friends. What a win-win situation he didn't even anticipate.

"I can check out the nearby cabins, and if I don't spot him, then I'll move on and simply find other means to use my time. I'm sure we have a board-game or two I can use to pleasantly enjoy the weather." After all, it did no good to hunt for Ren with such wide grounds. Besides, he was a little concerned he saw a flash of violet around somewhere...

Solaris certainly didn't rush in his movements, checking each room before his eyes caught a familiar flash of blonde. A light-bulb almost seemed to form above his head before he quickly made his way across the room.

Surprise... Huh. The only really startling thing he could think of would be....

"Ren." He called out, his voice clear before his hand slammed against the wall, entrapping the taller male. Solaris's hand pushed against the other's chest to keep him at least a little bit trapped.

His head slightly shifted up, his emerald eyes sparkling slightly as he carefully watched the other's reaction. Bright-blues just like the brilliant ocean meeting emeralds. This was faster and better means of research than asking the other to do the same, no?

It wasn't often that Solaris caught the other by surprise like he did the first time that they met. It was just less work not to.

Solaris wasn't sure what kind of expression he had on his own face right now, once again simply enjoying the sound of the other's heartbeat against his own fingertips. His gaze lid as his eyes flicked downwards before he remembered a different flash of blonde. Did he get the wrong one? He turned his head to the side, blinking curiously and tilting his head at the same blonde hair... but instead there were bright green eyes looking back at him.

For a moment there he thought he trapped the wrong twin, but apparently he got the right one? The eye-color really may have been one of the things to give it away... With Ren's clone wearing his clothes and all... Maybe this was all just a ploy and all along Solaris had been serving two people? That was a little confusing.

He turned his head left to right before blinking innocently towards the bright-blue eyed narcissist he had trapped against the wall. "Oh. Sorry, are you new? I don't think we've met. I meant to trap my adorable kouhai, Fujiwara-kun over there." An innocent expression appeared on his face as he looked back to Ren.

Perhaps a little part of him wanted to mess with his kouhai for getting so agitated before.

Ah... He wondered if the girls followed... It was hard to get data from a first-person perspective after all.

"You may call me Kousei-senpai or simply vice-president. Both titles are proper." A teasing smile continued to curve on his lips, the introduction of course was meant for Ren's twin... However, he was a little intent on playing this bit out for a little while.

Hanae "Hani" Niijima
||Location: Cabin: Game Room || Interactions: Ren, Sol @xLarius , Mariko @ScarletNova , Shin @YetieBetie || Mood: 🙀 ||
Watching Solaris mull over his options with an unblinking expression, Hanae held tightly onto the sketchbook in her hands, the anticipation building as he carefully calculated his options based off of her hints. It really felt as if she could hear the sound of the gears in his head grinding away at work like an intricate machine; precise and flawless. If she'd never seen him around his sister, Hanae would wonder if he was actually real and not a robot or a figment of her own imagination.

Biting her lower lip at the mention of her intended target, Hanae had just barely held an excited squeak back and regained her composure with a clap of her hands. "Fujiwara-kun? That is an excellent idea!" She cheered a little too loudly, a blush painting her face when she realized her emotions had snuck out despite her attempts to hide her excitement.

"I hear quite a bit about him from some of my classmates." She continued in a softer tone, not clarifying just what she was hearing. The excitement dulled as the other tried to go and do the task alone, however. A slight panic overcame her, leading to her suddenly grabbing onto Mariko's arm. "This.. really!?" She stumbled through her words with an exasperated sigh. "Why is he like this? He can't just leave two girls out here all alone." She mumbled with a pout, turning to the other girl as he walked off.

"Let's follow him, Tanaka-chan~♥" She winked at the other, not about to leave her to fend for herself in the woods alone. "You're the one with the knowledge here. I can take pictures, you can take notes!" Coming up with the plan on the dime, she followed behind Sol, bringing Mariko along beside her arm in arm.

"Can I call you Mari-chan?" She asked, turning her attention to Mariko as Sol focused on the search. Since they'd be working together, they may as well get along. "You can call me Hani in return." She declared, always happy to make a new friend. "How'd you get roped into-"

Before she could ask further questions, she noticed Solaris disappearing into what looked to be the game room, his eyes clearly focused on something. "Take this." Hanae handed her pen and sketchpad to Mariko, absentmindedly thinking the other could use it to take notes.

Her attention focused ahead, she released Mariko and followed in behind Solaris, phone recording every single movement. More focused on finding the right angle than the questionable contents of the sketchpad she'd given Mariko Hani was fully invested on the show before her, not wanting to miss a single moment.

Hanae's dedication was rewarded with footage of the upperclassman teasing his kouhai in such a way Hani had never even imagined Solaris was capable of. It was one thing to write these scenes but to be present recording it in broad daylight?

One moment she was recording the two, the next Hanae was on the floor with a heated face that was no doubt tomato red and a trail of blood pouring from her nose. It was completely different from the kabedon he'd tried on Mariko. The chest grab was a subtle but intimate addition that did wonders.

Hanae hadn't even realized another blonde was in the room watching the whole scene go down on the side until Solaris lifted his gaze from one to the other, comparing the two.

'Who is that? Did Fujiwara-kun invite his sibling?' She wondered to herself, not recalling seeing the other blond on the bus. The strange thing was, she was perfectly aware he did not have a sibling. At the very least that's what his ex girlfriends confirmed for her. Astonished by the sight of an alternative Ren, Hanae unknowingly turned her phone from the duo to the stranger. "Hello there."
Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Shrine --> Trail of Shrine
Interactions: Kio (@Rads)
Mentions: Sayuri (@Monbon), Ruby
Akari's finger tapped against her skin as her arms were crossed, listening to Kio's reply. Her anger still threatened to boil over, but she held it back because she knew it wouldn't help. "Why should I leave it to you when you're the one who caused the problem in the first place by saying things you shouldn't have," she replied. She had been getting along just fine with Sayuri. Sayu even called her his friend. Until Kio had to go and ruin it with his random comments. Why he even decided to mention them in the first place when the focus was the shrine was beyond her.

She grumbled. "Spell it out for him? I didn't want him to get it yet anyway! We just started talking! Why would I want to tell him my feelings after we just became friends? That's going way too fast and would probably make him uncomfortable. Aren't you supposed to be in the Lovers Club, shouldn't you know these things?"

Akari wasn't even part of the club and she had never dated anyone before. Yet it seemed like she had better tact for romance than Kio at the moment. "It'll be better if I just handle talking to him myself," she then replied after taking a few calming breaths. "You can apologize to us later once I got things straightened out with Sayuri. I don't want you saying more stuff that could confuse him."

She was terrified of what Kio's 'explanation' of what happened would be. Chances are he'd end up saying that Akari had a crush on Sayuri right to the pinkette's face just to explain why he had said what he did. Why else would anyone bring up dating the way he did? There was no way that would fix the problem.

As she contemplated how she wanted to go about explaining things to Sayuri without scaring him more, Kio went on to say that he wanted to be her friend and kept his word. Akari let out a sigh. "I don't know what word you kept, considering you blatantly revealed my feelings, but if you want to be friends or whatever, then let me handle this situation and you can apologize to the both of us later once it's over."

She felt like she was being pretty reasonable given what happened. She could have easily cut him off completely. But then he brought up Ruby, which Akari had no idea why. Sure, Ruby might be like a sister to Sayuri, but what did she have anything to do with the current situation? Then he went on to mention Akari and Ruby were similar.

"I'm my own person," Akari stated. "And I don't see what that Ruby girl has anything to do with this situation."

She released another sigh. "Whatever. Look, I'm going to try to find Sayuri. You can follow if you want or whatever, I don't care. But if you say anything at all to him that could cause more problems, I'm duct taping your mouth shut for the whole entire trip." She turned away from Kio and started to head in the direction Sayuri ran, back down the trail they used to get to the shrine.

Interactions: @ScarletNova @Zombie as i go down the the path
Mentions: @Monbon
Location: Shrine trail towards the cabin

Kio pinches his noise, feeling semi-drained. "You seem to misunderstand what I meant by that; it wasn't meant as an insult; I'm simply noticing some of the same traits you both have, of course, your own person." "I'm sorry it came over that way, I honestly thought, given the fact you both seem to be really straight shooter types, that it would be ok to say it and no harm would come of it; clearly, I was wrong." "For the record, I wasn't going to put my foot in my mouth again; I was simply going to advise that you both talk later." He pauses for several moments "At the end of the day, you two are going to do you, but hey, hoe, it's off to work, I go." He almost forgets some key points he was going to make, then says, "If's brought up and he thinks I was there to punk him, please say I have no reason to and I wouldn't do that to him; I may be somewhat twisted, but I haven't fallen that low to do that to a sweet guy like him.".

"I'll be routing for you both, and I really hope that it does works out.". He starts to walk back to the cabin to leave them to talk. He starts thinking' The brightest stars often burn the brightest on their way out so to speak, will it prove true for you both that has yet to be seen'. ' A part of him almost wants to throw up because of the cliche line he was told long ago by his grandpa'. ' I need to be more subtle from now on to avoid issues like this, this case is so not like the normal me, ugh i hate feeling like a hypocrite but i have no one but my self to blame'. ' As for ruby she to will have to deal with this when the time is right or if they are paired together'.
'For now though i'll head back to the cabin and so who's around, who know i might make some friends while i'm at it'. He starts to head down towards the cabin and sees some one laying on a tree and jokingly says" Have i found a young spider monkey of sorts in the distance?, if i was a zoologist i would probably be disappointed when it with the facts'. He rolls his eyes at his own corny and some what cringy joke humming gentle as he is strolling back to the cabin.
Just as he had figured, after only a couple of minutes had the pink one ran through the path to the cabin, had two more made themselves visible to him. Part of him did wonder if he was wrong, that the pink one was off on their own, but here were two more. Shifting a little, letting his back rub up against the body of the tree and letting his other leg fall from the tree to dangle with the other. He had the view of it all from his little perch, eye's shifting slowly, from one to the other. A hand idly wandered to one of his bang's, curling it around his fingers and lightly pulling on it as the boy watched the two slowly making their way towards the cabin. "First a pinkie, then a red-head and a stripe coloured duo." Muttering softly to himself. His tired eye's would make it look as though he was judging them, his high perch making it no less easy to be denied, yet he held no judgement. Part of him even chuckled inwardly at the thought of the entire Club being a rainbow of colourful hairstyles. It would certainly make remembering people easier.

A soft yawn began escaping him, letting his hair curled finger free of his hair and stretching his hands over his head. A groan escaping him in strangled satisfaction as his back and shoulders quietly popped, letting them come to rest on his lap. His gaze remained on the two as they slowly travelled from the shrine to the cabin. He could vaguely hear them talking, but from the distance he was sat at, he could not overhear anything more than mutterings. "Maybe talking about pinkie..?" Part of him wanted to try listen in, but the part of him that was comfortable snuffed out the interest fairly quickly. He knew at some point, he was going to have to jump down and say hello to everybody, after all, he did arrive quite early.

In the time he had spent before their arrival, he had placed his set of spare clothing in one of the room's, alongside his GBA. Once set away nicely, had decided to wander about outside. The forest was nice, slightly breezy and had plenty around to do to keep one's self from getting bored. He had taken some time to walk the path way's, and in doing so had found a nice river, shrine and a few nice openings between the tree's for a camp-fire should he want to make one! With their locations mentally noted, he had still found a little spare time, and had climbed the tree. Only to doze in it, then nap. The sound of a quiet gurgling had drawn him from his mind, the rumbling of his stomach calling for him to make something nice to eat.

With the sudden thought of food on his mind, he remembered about the river he had walked upon much earlier and figured that at some point it might be fun to go catch something. Fresh made food was always best! A small delicate smile growing on his tired features, hands coming up to rub at his eye's once more. Plan's for food were made up in his noggin, just had to get around to doing it. His attention returned from his mind as he caught the sight of the red-head looking up to him from the corner of his eye. For a moment, there was eye contact. He wasn't expecting to be spotted, but he hadn't thought he was invisible in his seat. A moment of curiosity crossed him when he saw the red-head talking to himself, "If only lip-reading were a talent i possessed, Heheheh..." His chuckle slowly trailing off.

Sure enough, as the boy had spotted him, he had continued on his merry way back to the cabin. His eye's lingered on him a moment longer, then swapped back towards the female that was traveling with him. Head cocking slightly, he could see that she seemed to be a little downtrodden. First the loud noise, then the fleeing pink one. Curiosity and vague theories played across his mind. For a moment he thought perhaps they had maybe bullied the pinkie, but the slight disappointment he thought he could see put that thought to the sword. He was too far away to properly tell, maybe his eye's were just playing tricks on him? He wasn't quite sure, the distance making it unreliable. "Just what went on back there..?" His eye's slowly closing, letting his head lean back against the tree. "Forget it, not my business." Sighing softly, half lidded hazel eye's gazing blankly at the tree canopy above. "Best to wait before jumping down. Last thing i need is anybody thinking I'm hanging out in tree's to stalk them." He knew the red one had already seen him, it was only a question of if the stripe haired one decided to look up or not next.

Interaction('s) - N/A
Mention('s) - Kio @Rads - Akari @ScarletNova - Sayuri @Monbon
Location('s) - Mid-point between the Cabin and Shrine, high up in a tree.Medrin 1.png
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Location: Game room
Interactions: Ren, Hani @Monbon and Sol @xLarius
Mood: I hate attention :(

Screenshot (118).pngShin caught Ren's phone with relative ease. Though he barely glanced at the thing before slipping it into his pocket... right where his own unchecked phone would sit for who knows how long.

Following alongside Ren, he blinked into the room as they entered it. Scanning the amount of options with growing anticipation.

The pool table looked pretty decent, though Shin couldn't say he was in the particular mood for it. Video games were always a great way for passing time, but half an hour? They'd have to play something outrageously short. Still, games were a nice cool down for anything. He'd have to snoop around here later to look through all that they had some other time.

He was about to suggest the ping pong table when some other person came rushing into the room straight to Ren. In seconds the stranger was pinning Stoner-dude to the wall. The other's hands placed in a way that Shin was pretty sure he'd seen happen in a few of those outlandish romance movies Aya always wanted to watch. He was just beginning to feel the Third Wheel Syndrome sneaking in when yet another person came bolting in.

It was amazing how quickly his body reacted when a girl walked into a room. As if it were a sixth sense that he couldn't get rid of. Already he could feel himself freezing up. Nerves twisting knots in his gut as heat ran to his face. He'd barely glanced at her when his eyes focused on the lens of her phone.

Instantly his face turned away from her. His head dipping as he wished, not for the first time in front of a girl, that he could disappear completely. Faced to the side, his eyes glanced sideways at the new guy, realizing they were addressing him and not Ren. "I... umm..." What had he said? Some question about if he was new? Had the other introduced himself? Vice... President? Why were they filming this? And could he stay out of it?

He tapped his fingers against his thigh, shifting his weight in hopes to ease the discomfort. After a few breathes he forced himself to come up with a proper response to this new environment. "I'm... call me Shin."

It wasn't unusual for him to wince when he butchered his words. He'd meant the sound to come out louder, this had barely been much more than a mumble. Hardly an introduction at all. Besides, the other had introduced by last name. It only fit that Shin do the same. "Fukushima...-san."

Once again, WAY too quiet for a group setting. He hated his voice sometimes. Moreso he hated how well known the Fukushima's family name was. It was with this line of thinking that left Shin with no choice but to pray to some deity above that somehow no one recognized it. Nothing was more embarrassing than when people realized that was the family name he was tied to. Worse, someone else was getting it on camera.

Where was Aya to steal all this attention away from him when he needed it?
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Location: Hallways outside the game room
Interactions: Mariko @ScarletNova
Mood: OOOOO cute girl... but also, LET ME IN THERE

Screenshot (121).png
Fukushima Ayame was feeling rather triumphant. With 2 packs of crackers, a half eaten apple, and decently sized bag of trail mix filling her arms, nothing could make her more content with the world.

Not to mention she'd already had someone threaten to slap her. Something she was very satisfied with. If this was the track she was headed towards, making enemies would be easy here. Then all she'd have to do was play the fun balance game of trying not to get herself and Shin kicked out.

The game room, the game room... where was it again? It would be the one room Shin would most likely want to seek out. Being exhausted and all. Knowing him well enough, he'd probably push off eating till he felt less exhausted. A flaw she'd have to berate yet again when she got the chance to catch up with him. She hummed, patting her stack of goods affectionately as she roamed. She knew she'd seen it around here somewhere.

As she neared the general area in which her memory had deemed the game room, Aya rebegan her earlier game of exploration. Opening the doors as she balanced food on her other half to peek in and see what each room was for. The place was decently sized she'd give the owner that.

Munching on her apple as she went, Aya would occasionally close her eyes. Enjoying the feel of sweet nectar going down her gullet as she blessed the wonderful creation humanity had dubbed 'food'. She was in the middle of doing just so, when she realized there was someone standing out in the middle of the hallway. Voices came from the other side of the door they stood closest to. As if the room were buzzing with activity.

Curiosity piqued, Aya casually approached the stranger. They were cute, with dark hair and glasses. Something about the curve of their jaw and the slender physique reminded Aya of a mouse. Despite being a bit taller than Aya herself of course.

Having a particular soft spot for cute mice, Aya gave the girl a genuine smile, "Why hello, my name is Fukushima Ayame-sama, though you can call me Aya-san for short. Might I ask what's going on in there?" She nodded towards the door, the noise only growing her curiosity.

Interactions: @YetieBetie aya @ScarletNova Makio
Mentions: Others in the game room because i feel semi-lazy
Location: Outside of the game room

Ruby gets out of the chair feeling refreshed; she remembers what Aya was saying about the game room and starts to head there. When she gets there, she sees aya doing her thing and decides to tease her a bit, she playfully leans on Aya's head, then says, "Careful now, Maiko. She may look like a cute younger sister type to me, but she can be a fair bit of trouble. As for the sama, more likely, my foot may somehow find it's way to kick your little tohshi.". She pauses for a minute, then says, "She's not a bad person, though she does seem to be a contagious flirt or whatever they call it. I forget the flight terms sometimes.".

"That aside, though you seem to be doing all right for yourself, I know things can get pretty intense, partly my fault for some of it, but it would be cool if we were to hang out more, Mariko. I need more lady friends in the club, and I'm sure we can find some things in common." "Oh, before I forget, i brought a PS5 and switched with some games, and what not if your up for playing with me?" " As for aya here, i hope you two can be friends as well if your ok with that maiko".
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Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Outside Cabin --> Outside Game Room --> Game Room
Interactions: Solaris (@xLarius), Hanae (@Monbon), Ayame (@YetieBetie), Ruby (@Rads), Shin, Ren
Mentions: N/A​

So Hanae had gotten pictures of them for someone named Luna? Mariko was pretty sure she heard that name before from Solaris and Haruhi, wasn't that Sol's sister? Then it would make sense to get pictures of her big brother to show her, though the choice of moments seemed rather odd.

But what was more surprising was that Hanae had blatantly stated what Mariko was feeling then suggested trying with someone with more romance experience or switching positions. For a moment, Mariko panicked. There was no way she'd be able to take Solaris' place and do the kabedon on him! A sigh of relief left the young girl when Hanae mentioned their height and that it might be best with someone else. Though she might have not been the best choice for the kabedon, Mariko was still willing to help in any way possible, nodding in agreement with Hanae as the other girl offered her assistance in taking pictures and notes.

When Solaris finally responded, Mariko was glad to see he wasn't upset with her. But who would ever call Solaris plain, Mariko thought when she heard his response. At least he didn't seem angry with her. He even rubbed the top of her head, a comforting sensation that made her more relieved.

Once it was decided who Solaris would ask for help from, he left to go find that person. Although Mariko wasn't sure what she should be doing, before she could even do anything, Hanae suddenly grabbed her arm and suggested they follow him. Pulling Mariko along with her, Mariko followed. A blush came over the girl's face when Hanae said she could call her Hani, a small smile slowly forming from her lips. "Y-you can call me Mari as well, if you'd like."

Before Mariko could answer Hanae's question, a sketchbook was thrusted into her hands and Hanae went into the room to follow Solaris. Just as Mari was going to join them to take note like asked of her, another girl came up to her and introduced herself. This one also gave her a nickname! Was Mariko actually making friends? Was this what it was like? She couldn't help but feel a bit giddy as that smile grew a bit larger.

"I'm Mariko, but you can call me Mari, if you'd like," she responded. "We're working on some research for the Lovers Club. I really need to head inside to take some notes. U-uh, w-would you like to come with me?" Yes! Mariko, keep going! This was how you made friends!

Then Ruby joined in, mentioning for Mariko to be careful with Aya and that she wanted to hang out more because she needed more girl friends. More friends! A twinkle formed in Mariko's eyes. Was it always this easy? Why hadn't she done all this before?

"I-I would love to hang out and play games with you," she responded. "But I can't yet, I have to help Kousei-senpai and Hani with taking notes for club research. I need to head inside. U-um...the both of you could join me...if you want." She felt a little shy asking it, but she knew she had to keep the momentum going.

After that, Mariko entered the room. Catching a glimpse of Solaris' kabedon with Ren, a blush came over Mariko's cheeks. It was definitely more steamy than when he did it with her. Then she glanced over towards Hani. Sudden shock came over her face, seeing the young lady on the floor with a dark red face and blood.

"H-Hani, are you okay?!" Mariko asked as she rushed over to the other girl just as she acknowledged another person's presence in the room. Because of it, Mariko looked over to him. He looked just like Ren! There were two Rens!? Since when? Mariko wasn't sure if she could even handle one?!

"H-hello, I'm Mariko." Mariko muttered shyly to him. It would be rude to not greet him especially since if he was there, he must be another member of the club.

Ah! Right! Ren! And Solaris! Notes! Mariko opened up the book so she could take some notes, opening up to what she thought would be an empty page. But instead of just a blank space of white, another drawing graced the page. It showed two men together, both of which looked exactly like Solaris and Ren, and in quite the interesting pose together.

"O-oh," she whispered. A shade of pink came over her cheeks as she quickly tried to hide the image from anyone else's view and then she quickly turned the page to find a blank one. Then she started to write on it as she looked over back at Ren and Solaris, jotting down everything she saw as best as she could.

"Kousei-senpai, Fujiwara-san, how do you feel right now?" she asked, trying to get the best notes she could. "Did any heartbeat skipping happen?"
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Sayuri Satou
|| Location: Trail on the way to the Shrine || Interactions: Akari @ScarletNova || Mentions: Kio @Rads and Medrin @Jig The Zom-B || Mood: Skeptical, Perhaps a little mean? ||
On Sayuri's journey forward, they spotted a figure in the distance. The red spiky hair was more than enough to tell who it was even from afar. Before the male could catch sight of them, Sayuri quickly hid behind a thick tree and waited for him to pass by.

Only after the sound of footsteps faded did their petite figure slowly come out of hiding, cautiously moving forward. It was only after a few steps that they realized they didn't need to hide. "What is there to be afraid of? It's just a big ol' blabbermouth. Wait- if he's here, I went the wrong way." Blinking Sayuri wasn't sure if they should turn back and risk bumping into Kio or move forward and risk bumping into Akari.

"Ahaha, I'm trapped." Finding the situation they'd found themselves in rather hilarious, Sayuri let out an amused snort and continued forward. They could see the waterfall later. The wish at the shrine was more important. At the very least Kio and Akari probably wouldn't be there to ruin it for them.

'Akari had to have left earlier, right?'

As if to answer their question, her figure appeared before him again. This time, Sayuri stayed in place. Perhaps it was just fate. There was an air of determination with every step she took, like a strange drive motivating her forward. Regardless, Sayuri lacked options. There was the option of ignoring her and continuing forward. Then there was the other of turning back and dealing with both of them again.

"As long as I don't get murdered in the woods, I guess." Sayuri muttered to themselves while the two still had some distance between them, crossing their arms as they waited for the other to approach. As they waited, Sayuri by chance looked up and found a male with a petite figure lying lazily on a tree branch. A witness. Sayuri contemplated tossing their camera up to them but there was a chance Akari would see so they decided not to in the end. If something happened, Sayuri could only hope they had a phone on them to record the crime.

"Akari-chan~" Sayuri peeled their gaze away from the stranger and onto the approaching figure instead, not wanting to give away the other's position. "Did you get your wish granted already?" Voice sweet and cheerful, it was hard to tell whether Sayuri was mocking their little play earlier or genuinely curious. Part of them wondered what the other's reaction would be. Their identity had been out for a good three years now. Most had time to digest the news. Still, there was a difference between hearing a rumor and seeing it for yourself. Unafraid, Sayuri's green eyes met the other's pink ones, mentally prepared for whatever she wanted to throw at them.
Ren Fujiwara

||Location: Cabin: Boy's Room || Interactions: Shin & Ayame @YetieBetie , Mariko @ScarletNova, Solaris @xLarius || Mentions: Ruby @Rads , Hani , etc || Mood: Relief? 🤔 ||
Focused completely on Haruhi's extensive collection of games, Ren hadn't even noticed Solaris entering the room until his name was called. He didn't have to guess who it was. His name smoothly rolling off the other's tongue was something he'd heard often enough to hear it in his sleep. One moment he was turning to face the Solaris, the next, an all too familiar scent collided with his own making his body jerk involuntarily in response.

It wasn't the first time the blonde had been pinned to a wall. Usually happened in fights with unfair numbers or when older peers hit on him, assuming he'd just go along with just about anyone.

He had not expected Sol to start up one of these games at that time without so much as a warning. Much less at a time he wasn't the happiest with this dog of his. Did he think he could just bite him and walk away and act like nothing happened? It was as if Solaris had just thrown a pebble into his calm pond. Every ripple added to his irritation, sending his heart racing against the other's cool hand.

He wasn't sure what was more frustrating. The surge of unexpected waves of feelings he'd have to deal with or the upperclassman staring up at him with such a direct gaze sparkling with what looked like… anticipation? Curiosity?-Ren wasn't sure what to make of it but it felt like he was being dissected under a microscope.

Out of the corner of his eye, he spotted a smaller figure enter behind the vice president holding something in their hands. Not wanting to take his eyes off of Solaris, Ren allowed the extra to remain a blur. There was no reason to give attention to minor characters in his story.

Then came the confusion Ren had been expecting. This time he wasn't sure whether he was offended or impressed by the comparison. He may not be the most emotionally intelligent character in this play but he could tell the other was trying to get a reaction out of him. Had Ren not known the scheming devil behind the mask, he may have been tricked by the innocent twinkle in his eyes.

However, Ren also wasn't one to pass up a challenge no matter how agitated he was. "Senpai, when was the last time you got your eyes checked?" Ren mumbled wrapping his arms around the other's neck to pull him into an embrace, trapping the brunette in return. With a quick wrist flick, he pulled the other's glasses off, arm caught between his two fingers. "Are these things just for show?" He asked offhandedly as another figure entered the room. Just as he wondered whether Solaris was putting on some kind of act, Mariko spoke up and answered almost all of his questions in two sentences.

"-Did any heartbeat skipping happen?"

Was that his goal here? "You can say that… however it may not be what he was looking for." Ren confirmed readily. There was no need to lie when the other's hand could probably feel it stubbornly thumping away. If it could escape its confines and beat the other to death, it probably would.

"But what of Senpai? I can't feel his heartbeat at all." Ren commented, arms tightening, pressing the other's body completely against his own. "Does he even have one?" Unusually cold gaze shifting to the other's lips, a cruel thought crossed his mind. With the other locked in his embrace, he found himself in an easy position to reverse the situation.

With a skillful turn that rivaled that of a professional dancer, he flipped them around and slammed the other against the wall with more force than was probably needed. The arm wrapped behind his senpai's neck rose to provide cushion for the other's head while the other formed a fist and punched the wall with enough force for it to dent, releasing a good portion of his pent up anger.

Diving in, stopping short of catching his upperclassman's lips with his own, Ren's lips curled into a grin. "Tell me, Solaris. Is offering yourself to me your way of apologizing?" He spoke in a hushed tone, keeping their little drama just between the two of them. "-or are you really naive enough to think these ambiguous little lines we draw will keep me from taking this further than you can handle?"

Since Solaris wanted a show, Ren would give him one. Closing the distance, Ren didn't give Solaris time to figure whether he was bluffing or not and took the other's soft lower lip between his teeth, giving it a quick bite. Firm enough to leave a temporary mark but not quite enough to break the skin and draw blood.

Releasing the upperclassman as quickly as he had attacked, Ren backed off, expression unreadable.. He'd seen a movie where a man bit his dog's ear to get him to obey. To him, this was the same concept but there was a strange stifling feeling to it he didn't expect. 'Did I take it too far?' Touching his own lips, he softly shook his head. No. If anything, he'd given him mercy. If Ren wanted to take it further, he would have taken the other's first kiss from him properly out of anger. Or… ?

Recalling the other leaving with Mariko earlier, Ren realized that the other may have already had his first kiss. He couldn't possibly be the only one he was playing these strange games with. For some reason the thought filled him with a foreign mixture of disgust and intrigue. If the vice president had a kissing session with the girl in the woods and he kissed him after… Did that count as an indirect kiss?

Whatever, it was too late to change tactics. There was no way Solaris would let him try again even if he wanted to.

"We're even." He declared proudly, taking the others' glasses with him. Ren turned to leave when he recalled Shin and him were going to battle for Ayame's affection. "Let's play a game next time, Shin-nii." He called out to his double cheerfully. "This room reeks of commoners. I need a shower."

Lazily twirling the VP's glasses around his finger, Ren left with a turn of his heel. There was no way he wanted to deal with the chaos he left behind. Shin looked like he wanted to disappear, there was a girl on the ground with a bloody nose, a blind vice president with a love bite, and the last girl left to take care of all three on her own.

Who would want to deal with that?

Upon leaving the room, he got his answer; Aya and Ruby standing right outside. Gently taking Ayame's hand in his, Ren handed the glasses over for her to hold onto. "Here you go. A present." It was a shitty one admittedly. Or perhaps the girl would have fun toying with the vice president a little? Either way, the whole thing was out of his hands. She could deal with the aftermath if she chose not to return them to their owner.

Wrath unleashed, Ren felt much lighter as he ran up the stairs and slipped into the room. Now that it was nice and quiet, the fog in Ren's adrenaline rushed brain began to clear. Hands again reaching for his lips, he was surprised to feel his fingers trembling. How long had that been going on? Chalking it up to adrenaline, Ren shrugged it off. "It was just a bite, he'll get over it." He convinced himself. Rather than dwell on the feeling, Ren rummaged through his bag, searching for an outfit to wear.​

Briar Mori

Location: Outside cabin near a path

Interactions: Tsukiko (@xLarius)
Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Sayuri (@Monbon)

As quick as the pink blur came and left, it was back and heading back up the path towards the shrine. Briar blinked, opening his mouth to say something but before he could even utter a word someone was suddenly rushing up to him, making him jump just slightly from being startled.

Tsukiko wasted no time in charging, eagerly grinning before his black boots skidded to a stop, grinding against the dirt as he bowed deeply, quickly rising back up just as fast. "Greetings fellow member! Any idea where our stupendous leader, Nakamura-senpai is?" He then let out a gasp, his hand flying to his lips, grimacing slightly before just as fast adding,

"Ah! How terribly rude of me. My name is Tsukiko of the Inari family. I'm a 2nd year and rapidly making my way up the ranks." His hands motioned towards the opposite individual before slightly cocking his head.

"And your name is? Oh! I suppose it is free-time, I must have caught you at an incredibly opportune time! After all, time in the wilderness is just so thrilling you never run out of things to do. Ah~ What I would do in this beautiful nature just to get my hands grasped around the beautiful scales and majesty a fish brings... Heh."

Briar barely had time to breath before the sudden onslaught of questions and conversation left the newcomer's mouth.

"Name's Briar. Briar Mori‐" they muttered, only to blink as Tsukiko continued speaking.

"Ah. You don't figure that our demonstration of skill will include traversing through the wilderness do you? Imagine we end up in an event where a client has to catch the biggest fish to display their most sincere of affections…"

This was Briar's first time camping so they didn't know what exactly to expect while out here.

"Um, I don't know what we're going to do exactly, but with all this land maybe we'll go hiking and fishing at some point? I think I saw a sign for a lake," He tried before adding, "Nakamura-san is probably inside the cabin, I haven't seen her since I got here." Briar wasn't sure why the other was squinting at them. Was it the piercings? The clothes? The third year found the other rather odd, but given what little they knew of the club odd seemed to be the norm. Also what was this about a client needing to catch fish? Why would they need to do that for someone they liked?

Sounded like some kind of weird animal mating ritual you'd see on a documentary. Like when some birds danced to try and attract another.

"Inari-san, right? Is something on my face?" He asked, blinking as they touched their cheek.

Wait, did they not get all the lipstick off? Were they just standing around with mom's lipstick still stuck on their face, or worse, smeared all over their skin like an idiot?

'Is that why he's squinting at me so intently?' they thought momentarily, a feeling of embarrassment starting to form in their gut. Were they overthinking it?
Solaris Kousei

Solaris blinked, taking in the name of Ren's twin-- he was most definitely a foreigner with the way he presented his first-name before his last-name. The vice-president wondered if he'd catch him calling other people by their surname and having to assist him when things took an unfortunate turn. Judging by his voice level, perhaps he was nervous? Twins the two may have been, but they didn't seem to act like one another, at least not from the start.

Now, when Solaris had gotten mixed up with Ren, he was very careful to draw the line in the sand and he was sure they both knew it. Now it was like Ren had shaken up the box. The lines were nowhere to be seen and Solaris didn't know which part of the box he belonged to, or if it was a sign to get the hell out completely.

The Vice-President thought he was especially talented at staying on his side of the boundary. Ren just had to get tangled in the mess and only when prompted, Solaris would help him. That was their dynamic. Perhaps when Solaris got comfortable now and again, he pushed the boundary a little but never had the effects been this volatile... Had they?

The vice-president wasn't sure how happy he was with Ren taking his glasses, but with the way the younger student was moving... Solaris doubted he'd leave him a choice. He slightly tilted his head to the side as if to ask his underclassman exactly what he meant by that. Wouldn't any reaction be fine? It wasn't as if he could really get his heart stirring, and if he did that would be the feeling of sheer panic rather than attraction, no? No matter how much they fooled around, it didn't really effect Solaris much. Touching was just touching, especially when they were paired together. It was a mutual feeling. Everything was under control.

The conclusion? Ren was just being dramatic as usu--

[ Does he even have one? ]

Solaris maintained his polite smile though it was certainly less teasing than before. What was Ren's issue? What did it matter if he had one or not? The circumstances weren't that dire. "That's an awful question to ask your senpai, you know." Solaris didn't show he was too phased by the question, offering a slight shrugging motion. However, before he had even gotten the chance to look back at Mariko, he found himself slammed against the wall.


Why now?

That wasn't the sound of Solaris's back hitting against the wall.

His eyes widened and the smile had dropped from his lips as Ren dove in close. It reminded him of the actual scene. Solaris was worried the blonde could hear his heart. He could feel the other's breath against his lips. It was as if Solaris was submerged deep into water at risk of drowning, but the sight was too mesmerizing to try and surface for air.

[ Warning: Potential Security Risk Ahead!! ]

Solaris would not cross that line. He wouldn't. He knew his fate if he did. The consequences would be catastrophic. Becoming something Ren could discard... Left a bitter taste in his mouth.

Then the vice-president jolted as Ren bit down on his lower lip-- the pain was enough to have Solaris's nails instinctively attempt to dig into the wall behind him.

[ Uh-oh! It seems Solaris.exe has crashed. Would you like to reboot? :-( ]


Confusion was written all over Solaris's face.

[ We're even. ]


Just like that, everything clicked for Solaris. All of this had just been to get back at the scolding from earlier today, wasn't it? Solaris overstepped his boundaries, and he paid the price for it. That's all it was. However, what did it mean if Ren stopped following the lines in the sand? Why was it that he was the one who leapt first, and yet Ren got the jump on him?

It was if a quiet storm was raging under the happy-go-lucky smile that had just pulled across Solaris's features as soon as those deceitful blues turned away from his sight.

A long sigh echoed in the tight corridors of his mind before he looked straight ahead at the blurred, chaotic landscape in front of him. Ren Fujiwara making him clean up his own messes again. His fingertips dwelled on his own indented lip for a moment. Slowly Solaris's hands pressed against his cheeks-- did they feel warm?

Solaris quickly regained his composure, taking a deep breath before he turned towards the mass blob he assumed to be Mariko... or Hanae.... Mariko's blob wasn't where it was before so he hoped this was her and she didn't just... Flee while he wasn't watching. When on earth had they gotten this close though?

Unbeknownst to Solaris, he was in fact facing a shelf full of video-games, not a person.

"Unfortunately no heartbeat skipping. I'm afraid that this technique may not be for the best in relation to Fujiwara-kun though. It seems our relationship is a bit too..." He paused for a moment, genuinely at a loss of words for a moment. It didn't seem right to say 'Fragile' outright so... "Well, not peaceful enough." Was the word he had decided on, offering a slight shrug as if he was at a loss when it came to his underclassman.

"I didn't know he could be this cruel... Picking on his upperclassman like that." Solaris sounded fairly... Calm despite all that happened. He paused before rubbing the bridge of his nose, choosing to ignore the familiar, yet newly imprinted scent that had newly made its way on his sleeve.

"He didn't completely rob me of my glasses, did he?" Though it was in a light tone, Solaris genuinely didn't want to be blind for the rest of the day. Fortunately he could see blurs but what he couldn't really determine was the depth of everything. He didn't want to rely on others to navigate around, but he also wasn't entirely keen on the idea of falling down the mountain either.

... Being without glasses was an odd feeling-- like a part of him was bared to the world and he wasn't keen of that feeling at all.

Hanae "Hani" Niijima
|| Location: Cabin: Game Room || Interactions: Mariko @ScarletNova , Shin @YetieBetie || Mood: ohmygosh!!! 🙀🙀🙀🙀 ||
Hanae was completely perplexed by the sight of the second Ren. He looked so much like him yet his actions lacked the unshakable confidence of the original. It really was quite interesting. For a moment, she swore she could see the other's lips move but their voice was so hard to make out, she had to lean in to hear it at all.


Did she know anyone with that-"Ah! Fukushima Shin-san!" Connecting what little she picked up with the names Haruhi mentioned on the list of new members, Hanae soon connected the dots. Considering Ayame was a feminine name, This had to be Shin! That answered the question of his identity but the likeness to Ren was too clear to ignore.

"I'm Niijima Hanae. You can call me Hani. Has Fujiwara-san been showing you around?" She couldn't help but gently ask. It wasn't like the freshman to do others a favor with nothing in return. Hanae could only hope Ren didn't pick on the poor fellow. Taking in the other's voice and posture, he looked to be a little on the shy side.

"H-hani are you okay?"

Mariko's concerned voice drifted over in the middle of her conversation with the new member, pulling her back to everything else going on in the room. "Yeah, why-?!" The metallic taste of the stream of her nosebleed meeting her lips, caused Hani to gasp and quickly cover her lower face.

Hanae couldn't believe she'd been sitting there having a nice conversation with a pretty boy with blood on her face the entire time. It was so embarrassing. So unthinkable! It was no wonder he was nervous! "OH. MY. GOSH. I'MSOSORRY!!!" She cried, red faced and scrambling to reach into her pocket for a handkerchief, locking her phone out of habit and setting it aside as she did so.

Wait, had she been recording him the entire time? The blood drained from her face at the thought. No wonder Shin was acting weird. He probably thought she was pranking him! Guilt ate at her for unknowingly picking on the new member. She had to fix this! She had to=

To make matters worse at the sound of a loud THUMP Hani was struck with the realization of why her nose was bleeding. Instantly reaching for her phone, she struggled to turn on the camera application in her panic.

By the time she focused it on the pair SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE FILMING, Ren was already pulling away revealing a Sol without glasses and… a smile on his face? The expression was a common one for her neighbor but the sight of the male reaching for his lips had her feeling like she was seeing things. Was he?! Did Ren just…?

"Did Fujiwara-san just kiss him?" She whispered, questioning her partner in crime who had been dutifully taking notes in the sketchpad she'd let her borrow. When Hanae suggested Ren as a target, she expected the usual chemistry. She never expected for their target to turn things around so aggressively. The dent on the wall, Sol's swollen lower lip, the… Swollen lip?

All the blood in her body suddenly rushed to her head. In moments the gentle stream of a nosebleed became a torrent but she paid no mind to it. "Was it a kiss? Did he kiss him or bite him? Or was it…" The more she rapidly mumbled to herself, the heavier the bloodstream became. By the end of her nonsensical rant, she was blindsided by the worst realization of all.

"-I missed the whole thing ohmygosh!!"
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Location: Game Room
Interactions: Mari @ScarletNova , Ruby @Rads, Ren and Hani @Monbon, Sol @xLarius

Screenshot_20240115_220246_Discord.jpgAya's smile grew with the other's, she knew she'd like this new girl. Mice were always dependable in that sense. She was about to give a happy affirmative to Mariko's invitation, perhaps even suggest they lace their arms together like two school girls, when suddenly an immense weight came from her head.

Being short had come with it's own set of problems. Top shelf problems, outsider's perception problems... in fact, almost all of Aya's problems had been made worse by her cursed height. So it was more than grunt Aya found herself biting back when someone, a stranger, dared to treat her like some sort of tabletop.

Only when the flash of red hair falling into the peripheral of her gaze did Aya's frustration turn to amusement.

"Ah, Ruby-sensei! Did you miss me that much?" She squirmed under Ruby's weight, pushing up for a second with her legs before sharply falling into a half-lunge and quickstepping back. The way Shin had taught her during one of those pesky self-defense classes. Luckily it worked. Stepping around the giant of a girl, Aya gave the redhead a playful wink from the other side. "I regret to inform you Ruby-sensei, that the wish you have between beautiful Mari-chan and I is strictly a choice between the two of us. Which means it has nothing to do with you at all doesn't it?" She flashed Ruby another one of her overly sweetened smiles. The look only turning back to semi-genuine as Mariko explained her own actions. Reextending the invitation to fit the three of them inside of it.

Only when Mari stated her business a second time did it truly hit her. Lover's club research?! Without her?! She supposed she was still new, but THE AUDACITY!!! She'd have to make certain whoever was in charge of this 'research' was informed of Aya's whereabouts. They had severely underused their resources.

She was about to step towards the door of chaos when none other than Ren himself came rushing out. He looked messier than she'd last seen him, and far more livelier too. She couldn't help but smile larger at that, something was definitely happening in that room. And she was missing it, standing out here in the hallways all boring-like.

A downright shame really. Drama was best experienced first hand. Especially in a room full of guests and spectators.

She was about to comment on Ren's striking appearance when his eyes landed firmly on her. His movements were swift as he approached her as if he'd finalized a decision as he reached for her hand.

With how certain and how purposefully he had approached her, Aya expected him to yank her arm forward. A common occurrence when some decided to proclaim some sort of romantic gesture. It was always a push. Or a growl. Or maybe a shove. Some desperate act of aggressive attempt to make her feel something towards them besides coy teasing.

Thus, as he reached to grasp her hand, she had properly braced herself. The slight, but not outright denial for when someone much taller, and far more stronger than her forced her to play the role of foolish idiot she so carefully constructed.

She had not prepared for the foreign touch of gentle that carefully tugged at her fingers. All tension melted into confusion as he pressed something smooth into her hands. His words far from demanding or declarative as he stated his intentions.

A present?

Blinking in surprise, she barely registered any of... well... of anything before Ren was gone. Her brows narrowed, her eyes sliding toward the direction Ren had ran off to as her fingers explored to smooth surface of the object.

Drama did such odd things to people. Her eyes fell to her hands, landing on the pair of glasses he had gifted her with.

Where had Ren gotten glasses? Mari had been wearing glasses, but she'd only just gone inside. Ruby was out here still and she didn't wear any glasses. At least, not that Aya know of. Shin, while slightly slow at reading smaller words on a page, refused to wear glasses. That was all the people she'd met so far.

She knew she'd seen some of the profiles of the club members. Memorized the names even. But images of people were fuzzy, and while she knew a couple of the members had glasses, she couldn't count on memory alone to pick out whose these were specifically. Unless they weren't anyone's.

Her eyes fell back to Ren's 'gift'. It wasn't unusual to have someone give her a gift with ulterior motives. She hadn't questioned Ruby-senpei's because the girl was far too poor for such things. However, this clearly had some sort of intent. There were two she could think of off the top of her head. Either he'd given it as some offensive joke thinking she was far too dimwitted to get it. Or he'd given it to her with intentions of using her skills as his puppet to extract revenge on some helpless blind person. Neither was an uncommon thing for her peers. Rather, it was almost tradition at this point.

At least Ren wasn't entirely immune to such things.

Humming lightly to herself, she flicked the glasses open, pushing them onto her head and turning back to strike a pose for Ruby. "How do I look Ruby-sensei? Gorgeous? Breathtaking? Absolutely stunning?"

Truthfully, she couldn't see a thing. Ren must've really meant to offend her, or the owner of this pair of glasses was incredibly, unspeakably blind. Either option was fun to contemplate.

She bounced back to the direction of the door, twisting and jumping hard enough to push the glasses down to the tip of her nose. The adjustment allowed her to peer over the top of it's rims, enough to see the door.

About 2 tries attempting to find the handle, she grasped the thing and pushed the entryway open. Practically waltzing into the beloved chaos with eager anticipation.

Stepping into the room, Aya lifted her chin and looked through the magnified mess of colors around her. There were blondes and reds and yellows, flashes of dark and light alike. Keeping her face full of enough supercilious to make even the haughtiest of royals envious. Aya feigned a slow scan through the room, her finger pushing the glasses up into the correct position to give them a proper flash of light on the lens.

"I say, it does seem like I've stumbled upon a good bit of a mess haven't I?" She pursed her lips, adding in an analyzing curve to her brow. Her eyes were starting to hurt with how terribly obnoxious these prescriptions were. "Thank goodness I have arrived, else you all might have died."
Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Shrine Trail
Interactions: Kio (@Rads) and Sayuri (@Monbon)
Mentions: Medrin (@Jig The Zom-B)
"Why bring someone else up at this point anyway?" Akari muttered in return. "She's got nothing to do with this." Frankly, Akari knew nothing about this other girl named Ruby. She was told that her and Sayuri were like siblings, but that was the only thing she knew about her. She knew nothing of what she was like. She had never even met her. So, to Akari, it was odd that Kio even thought about her while they were at the shrine. Maybe he had a thing for her?

Well, it didn't matter what Kio's feelings were for Ruby. What mattered was the current situation. "Just because someone may be a straight shooter doesn't mean you should give away their feelings. That's for them to do, not you," Akari responded back. Even if she was someone who wanted Sayuri to know her feelings, it still wasn't right for someone else who wasn't part of the party in question to say them.

"But since you're saying your sorry, I'll try my best to explain things to Sayuri for the both of us," Mori stated. "Though, you might want to revisit how you think about things. It's really not a good thing to give away other people's feelings before they have done it themselves, even if they are pretty open or blunt people."

After Kio had left, Akari let out a sigh. Things had been going so well and in an instant they had changed. She just hoped she could get things back in place. She just had to figure out where Sayuri went. The problem was, he could have went anywhere. She continue to head back down the trail, hoping that he might have went back to the cabin.

A familiar voice sounded in front of her. Her pink eyes darted towards it. There in front of her was a girl who looked exactly like Sayuri, even the voice was the same. She pondered for a moment. Did Sayuri have a twin? Was she hallucinating? As the thoughts ran through her head, she then remembered the rumours around school about Sayuri. Ah! So it was really Sayuri!

She had heard how Sayuri liked to dress sometimes, but never seen it for herself. In fact, it was because of how Sayuri just would be themselves regardless of what that meant or the rules of society that she started to like him in the first place. In that regard, they were similar. After all, Akari was sporting horns of hair on her head.

As she stared at Sayuri, a sudden blush came over her cheeks. Why were they so cute?! Too cute! Was this a gotcha game? Did she just win 7-star Super Cute Sayuri? The girl was too busy internally squealing in excitement to realize Sayuri had asked her a question, until she remembered what had happened at the shrine.

Akari cleared her throat and focused back on Sayuri. "No, I didn't make any wish," she responded. "I couldn't do anything like that after I saw how upset you got..."

Though, it seemed like they were a lot happier now. That was good. It was nice to see Sayuri's smile again. That's all Akari ever wanted to see. "S-Sayuri...earlier...everything that happened. It wasn't a trap or set-up. I swear. Everything that happened was just random. Nothing was planned. No ulterior motive...well, actually, I suppose there was an ulterior motive. At least for me..."

She paused for a moment. The pink on her cheeks grew deeper. "I was hoping to use this camping trip to get to know you. I just wanted to become your friend. I admit, I get a bit carried away sometimes. I can't really help that. It's just kind of how I am. I didn't mean you make you upset or uncomfortable. I'm sorry. I understand if you'd feel uncomfortable with us still being friends, so you can refuse if you want. But, if you'll forgive me for what happened, I'd like to still be your friend."

So focused on Sayuri and her words, Akari didn't notice the person watching them at all.
His eye's returned back towards the direction of the pathway that the stripe haired girl walked. Moving from the lush greens and vibrancy of the canopy and back towards the browns of the dirt that ley beneath. Hazel eye's sweeping over her and watching her slow journey back along towards the cabin. The back of his mind nagged at him for staring at her, watching, observing. He couldn't help it, curiosity had it's ways of drawing the attention to anything when the only other option is staring at the treetops or foliage. He only watched for a few moment's of her journey before letting his attention wander along the dirt path she wandered. At first, just more pathway that slowly arced it's just below his tree. But as his eye's lazily traced the path back towards the cabin, they struck upon another curiosity.

As his eye's crossed over the pathway's, a familiar colour would catch his attention. Again, against the dull browns and healthy greens of the floor below, pink stuck out to him, stealing his attention as his brain had a moment of Deja-Vu. Blinking slowly once, then twice. His eye's squinted, even leaning forward a little as he tried to get his eye's to focus on the figure walking the pathway back towards the shrine. Medrin took a moment to glare in their direction. Didn't pinkie run from the shrine not a few minutes ago? His right index finger came up to rest upon his lower lip, head tilting somewhat as he tried to see if he could rationalize why they were on their way back. From the way they had fled the place, he could only guess they would not return so soon! His mind tried to put together a scene of the shrine, to try understand just what had caused pinkie to run off, only to then come back. Nothing came to mind that made sense.

Letting his finger fall from his lip, his knee raising from its limply hanging position to rest on the branch where he could let his arm rest atop. His attention returned from the confines of his mind, eye's still tracking the pink one as they moved. "Going to run into Stripe's, Pinkie. Just what is your plan here. Do you even have one..?" Faintly breathing out the words, not wanting to draw himself any attention. As they were to pass just below his tree, only a couple meter's away from it's base, was he able to get a much clearer view of the pink one. The clothing was a lot more feminine than he remembered, the hair also being far more different. The person resembled Pinkie, but there was a stark difference in the one who ran away and the one who was approaching. "Ohh. Not pinkie! But still pink." Uttered wordlessly. Attention moved from the pink one to the striped one. He really had to learn their names at some point, the idea of just naming them after their hair colour, albeit effective for now, was not healthy. The last thing he needed was to let it stick before even exchanging greetings with them. A mental note taken down to learn their names.

"A sibling perhaps? Look's like pinkie, maybe a twin? Sister?" Head tilting slowly side to side as he pondered, only to then pause, and stop. Why was he thinking so much on this? Was he that bored? It was only natural for some people to have a sibling or twin. His brain spat out the thought that perhaps Pinkie getting upset and running off to the cabin resulted in their sister being called out to deal with it? It was certainly a thought, but no matter how he thought on that it just didn't seem to click. It even bugged him, it was odd. Pinkie ran away, redhead seemed fairly neutral, stripes looked disappointed. To top it all off, no matter how he watched this new pink one walk down the path, the tinge of deja-vu nagged quietly at him. He silenced it when the pink one stopped just short of the tree, their gaze in the direction of the striped one.

Thee looked to be what he could only figure as uncertainty, watching the pink one looking back the way they came before looking back ahead, then up to him. His eye's looked to theirs, a silent moment of eye-contact. His face remained impassive as their view's connected, looking down to the pink one and an eyebrow raising a notch. They looked like they had something they wanted to say, but their attention moved from him back to the striped one. It only took a few moments longer, but then pinkie and stripes were before each-other. A quiet sigh escaping the boy's nose, eye's downcast towards the two, his view of their evolving conversation quite the perfect one. Not only could he see them, but he could hear them too. For a moment, part of him considered deafening himself until they were done and left. He wasn't exactly part of their conversation. But the pink one was having the conversation as though it were only the two of them. It was curious he was being ignored, did they want him listening in? Maybe they just didn't care.

Head resting comfortably against the tree, stoic face watching the meeting of the two, he learnt a lot fairly quickly. The first being Stripes name, Akari. Looking to her, he made sure to try memories the name. It was better than stripes as a name! The sudden talk of a wish at the shrine having his attention turned in it's direction. Only for it to swiftly return upon the utterance of the second name. "So then, Sayuri and Akari..?" Mouthing the words, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. No longer pink one and stripes. Finger's on his hands twinned, resting over his knee. His interest in their conversation being sated as they continued to speak. It was Akari's apology suddenly made things a little clear. Earlier was a misunderstanding from what he could figure, So the sound from the shrine was just something breaking and pinkie being spooked off. He could See Akari's sincerity as she spoke, and what he guessed happened at the shrine made sudden sense. Something broke at the shrine. From the disappointment he saw in Akari earlier, something told him maybe the red-head said something or spooked pinkie off. He wasn't 100% sure, but the apology he was hearing made sense of it far better than his own imagination did. He found the whole interaction cute, watching the two talk. He saw Akari looking infinitely happier compared to a few seconds ago. "Well, it's good that they seem to have made u- Huh..?" Breathing the words. Wait, they made up? Why were they making up? Wasn't that apology for Pinkie? His back pushing from his seat as his vision over the two became a little more focused. The little nagging feeling of Deja Vu he had started getting that little bit louder. Eye's entirely on Sayuri, looking at the hair, clothing, then the face. Lingering there for a long second. A sudden new thought popped into his noggin, the Deja vu slowly fading into said new thought. He wasn't sure, part of him wanted to dismiss it, another curious to know. Maybe he was wrong about earlier, about Pinkie having a sibling or twin. A third option now sat beside the others. Was running pinkie, Sayuri? Leaning back against the tree, all his movements silent and careful as to not disturb. He wasn't sure, but maybe if he continued to listen carefully, he might learn more. Either way, even though he felt bad for doing so, he enjoyed watching the two talk.

Interaction('s) - N/A
Mention('s) - Akari: @ScarletNova - Sayuri: @Monbon - Kio: @Rads
Location('s) - Mid-point between the Cabin and Shrine, High in a (FlOaTiNg) tree.Medrin 1.png
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Sayuri Satou
|| Location: Trail on the way to the Shrine || Interactions: Akari @ScarletNova and Medrin @Jig The Zom-B || Mentions: Kio @Rads || Mood: Cheerful. ||
It didn't feel like a trap. But most traps didn't feel like traps before you fell in them. Sayuri would know, they'd fallen for these kinds of things quite often. From tricks, to pranks, to bad relationships. It was as if Sayuri had a tendency to just run towards everything that was bad for them. It was beginning to get to the point where they wondered if they were some kind of masochist running into things the way they did.

Truthfully, Sayuri wasn't sure what to make of it. Akari looked like she really felt bad about what happened. The words felt sincere but they couldn't trust their own judgment.

"There's only one way to know for sure." Sayuri mumbled to themselves under their breath. And the only way to know was to just make the jump and see where this path led. "Alright, lets say I overreacted a little…" They started, nervously kicking at the soil beneath them with their sneakers. "It's not the first time someone tried something like that and a lot has been going wrong today.."

"So I'll forgive you if you forgive me for running off without listening to your side." Pepping up, Sayuri offered Akari their pinky. "I promise to be a better listener next time. Is that alright with you? Let's start over." With a curl of their finger, they caught Akari's pinky with their own and made a promise before crossing it in front of their heart. "Pinky swear, whoever lies will be made to swallow a thousand needles." They recited confirming it with the vow.

Now that that was settled, they could continue with their business. "That doesn't mean I'm about to forgive Kio though. Do I look like someone that has trouble finding a lover?" Sayuri bragged, proudly brushing their hair off their shoulder. "How on earth is someone who can't even find a girlfriend going to help me get one? I've probably dated more people in the last three years than he has in his entire life. Do I look that pitiful?" Finishing their rant in a fit of anger with a puff of air that blew their bangs out of their eyes, Sayuri openly welcomed the relief that came with it.

"Now, do you wanna make a wish Akari-chan? Oh. Hold on." "━You wanna make a wish too Sarugami-dono?" Sayuri turned from the striped brunette and called up to the stranger up in the tree, green eyes quickly locating them laying on a branch above, watching them. "Since we're still alive, you can't possibly be a serial killer or malevolent Yokai, right? How did you even get up there?"