CLOSED SIGNUPS The Lovers Club IC (Reboot)

  • So many newbies lately! Here is a very important PSA about one of our most vital content policies! Read it even if you are an ancient member!

    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Location: Dorms, to sneaking over to the kitchen
Interactions: Ruby @Rads
Mentions: Ruby and Ren @Monbon
Mood: FOOD :bananaman:

Screenshot (33).pngAya sat in her newly dubbed bed. Noting with interest it was a shared dorm. This club truly was an interesting place. The cabin was good, meaning the owner had to have had a substantial amount of money. Possibly even on the same level as her parents. Yet the choice of shared rooms was such a lower class option. One that left Aya wondering if they had one of those odd fancies for commoner accommodations, or if they had simply been born poor and felt more comfortable with such choices. People had odd tastes.

Then her eyes landed on the plate of food.

In seconds she was upon it. With the hoodie sleeves rolled up and all but scarfing down the contents.

There were relatively few things in this world Ayame Fukushima could say she truly loved. Food being near the very top, if not the greatest next to Shin. Eat bite was a delicacy. One that filled her with more than enough pleasure to last a lifetime. It had to be the best food she'd ever eaten.

'You say that about every edible you come across Aya.' Shin's teasing voice played in her head. Making her miss the ever-present doofus. Had he been nearby, he may have even helped her sort out some of her rampant thoughts.

Speaking... er... thinking of, it was a perfect time to go over the list of things she knew.

1. The treasurer, Ruby Anet. She had only briefly talked to the giant of a person, yet already she could tell the choice in assignment had been wise. It was hard to get hold of someone so forthright and precise, yet that valuable trait was essential for someone holding the funds of any business.

2. They were a tight-knit group. Ren had told her as much. Though she'd picked that up with how casual Ruby had teased Ren, not to mention the way they spoke of the others in the group. It reminded her of a family of sorts. Which wasn't good. Either they'd not have room for Shin and her to act a part of it, or worse, they'd welcome them both with open arms.

3. Haruhi Nakamura, the leader of the group, had odd choices in housing.

4. Someone could cook. A very valuable trait Aya would need to find a way of exploiting in the name of survival.

And that was about it. A frustratingly small list. She blamed the exhaustion. Everything else she knew were things she'd read about when looking into the club.

The main concern was fact number 2. Had she realized the club was thriving enough for its members to have actually formed strong bonds, she would have reconsidered signing up...

Her thoughts trailed as she digested the info, the eaten chocolate covered fruit suddenly churning in her stomach. Ren's words still echoed in her ears, 'We're supposed to look out for each other'. A sentiment she ought to have considered. Relationships made everything so slippery. As if she wasn't already deep enough with everything else happening in her life.

Letting loose a sigh, she tugged at the edges of the oversized hoodie. Wanting very much to crawl into the covers of her bed and spend the rest of the day blissfully avoiding people, instead she forced herself to stand up. The now empty plate in hand as she headed towards the door. If they were planning on being all welcoming, she'd just have to make them not want to towards her. A simple task. Shouldn't take longer than a week. First impressions were easy that way.

Shoving aside the very strong desire to sit in her bed and find a good book on her phone, Aya bounced towards the door. The child-like movement bringing a stupid grin to her face and a hum to her lips as she left the dorm rooms. There were a few people she could see, but the fact that she was already trying everything to get her excited enough to drag her feet out the rooms made her stray away from approaching them. Opting instead to look for the kitchens.

It took more than a bit of wandering around, nosing about the layout and actively avoiding the more occupied areas and such. Peeping open what had to be the 12th door, relief filled her grumbling gut as she caught sight of tiled floors and cabinets. Shoving open the door open enough to let her slid into the room, her eyes went over the entirety of the place. There was definitely more food here. Her eyes immediately landed on a bowl of apples and bananas sitting on the countertop. Though more notable was the very familiar face standing beside it, mixing something together with a very intense look on her face as she worked.

Aya's eyes flickered back to the bowl of easy-to-take food. Wondering briefly if there were a way she could just grab the bowl and leave without said person noticing. Unfortunately, she had already stepped quite obviously into the kitchen. Plus, Ruby was standing not two feet away from the goods.

Ah well. Practically prancing to the stool on the opposite side of the counter, Aya hopped onto the seat. Grabbing an apple and taking a deliciously large bite out of it before allowing her gaze to fully settle on Ruby's work. Her lips pursed as she recognized the treat. "Oh my Ruby-san, that is so sweet!" To emphasize this point she gave her sweetest of smiles. Eyelashes fluttering as her chin rested on her free hand. "Just look at you! Making me a snack all diligent-like. The only thing is... I'm not the biggest fan of trail mix." Her nose wrinkled, as though she'd just caught a whiff of something vulgar. In a second the entire expression popped back into the face of pure graciousness. "Perhaps a parfait? If we're going simple of course. Tarts are good as well. Oh! A nice bowl of Sorbet would be delightful!"
Location: Dorms, to sneaking over to the kitchen
Interactions: Ruby @Rads
Mentions: Ruby and Ren @Monbon
Mood: FOOD :bananaman:

View attachment 248643Aya sat in her newly dubbed bed. Noting with interest it was a shared dorm. This club truly was an interesting place. The cabin was good, meaning the owner had to have had a substantial amount of money. Possibly even on the same level as her parents. Yet the choice of shared rooms was such a lower class option. One that left Aya wondering if they had one of those odd fancies for commoner accommodations, or if they had simply been born poor and felt more comfortable with such choices. People had odd tastes.

Then her eyes landed on the plate of food.

In seconds she was upon it. With the hoodie sleeves rolled up and all but scarfing down the contents.

There were relatively few things in this world Ayame Fukushima could say she truly loved. Food being near the very top, if not the greatest next to Shin. Eat bite was a delicacy. One that filled her with more than enough pleasure to last a lifetime. It had to be the best food she'd ever eaten.

'You say that about every edible you come across Aya.' Shin's teasing voice played in her head. Making her miss the ever-present doofus. Had he been nearby, he may have even helped her sort out some of her rampant thoughts.

Speaking... er... thinking of, it was a perfect time to go over the list of things she knew.

1. The treasurer, Ruby Anet. She had only briefly talked to the giant of a person, yet already she could tell the choice in assignment had been wise. It was hard to get hold of someone so forthright and precise, yet that valuable trait was essential for someone holding the funds of any business.

2. They were a tight-knit group. Ren had told her as much. Though she'd picked that up with how casual Ruby had teased Ren, not to mention the way they spoke of the others in the group. It reminded her of a family of sorts. Which wasn't good. Either they'd not have room for Shin and her to act a part of it, or worse, they'd welcome them both with open arms.

3. Haruhi Nakamura, the leader of the group, had odd choices in housing.

4. Someone could cook. A very valuable trait Aya would need to find a way of exploiting in the name of survival.

And that was about it. A frustratingly small list. She blamed the exhaustion. Everything else she knew were things she'd read about when looking into the club.

The main concern was fact number 2. Had she realized the club was thriving enough for its members to have actually formed strong bonds, she would have reconsidered signing up...

Her thoughts trailed as she digested the info, the eaten chocolate covered fruit suddenly churning in her stomach. Ren's words still echoed in her ears, 'We're supposed to look out for each other'. A sentiment she ought to have considered. Relationships made everything so slippery. As if she wasn't already deep enough with everything else happening in her life.

Letting loose a sigh, she tugged at the edges of the oversized hoodie. Wanting very much to crawl into the covers of her bed and spend the rest of the day blissfully avoiding people, instead she forced herself to stand up. The now empty plate in hand as she headed towards the door. If they were planning on being all welcoming, she'd just have to make them not want to towards her. A simple task. Shouldn't take longer than a week. First impressions were easy that way.

Shoving aside the very strong desire to sit in her bed and find a good book on her phone, Aya bounced towards the door. The child-like movement bringing a stupid grin to her face and a hum to her lips as she left the dorm rooms. There were a few people she could see, but the fact that she was already trying everything to get her excited enough to drag her feet out the rooms made her stray away from approaching them. Opting instead to look for the kitchens.

It took more than a bit of wandering around, nosing about the layout and actively avoiding the more occupied areas and such. Peeping open what had to be the 12th door, relief filled her grumbling gut as she caught sight of tiled floors and cabinets. Shoving open the door open enough to let her slid into the room, her eyes went over the entirety of the place. There was definitely more food here. Her eyes immediately landed on a bowl of apples and bananas sitting on the countertop. Though more notable was the very familiar face standing beside it, mixing something together with a very intense look on her face as she worked.

Aya's eyes flickered back to the bowl of easy-to-take food. Wondering briefly if there were a way she could just grab the bowl and leave without said person noticing. Unfortunately, she had already stepped quite obviously into the kitchen. Plus, Ruby was standing not two feet away from the goods.

Ah well. Practically prancing to the stool on the opposite side of the counter, Aya hopped onto the seat. Grabbing an apple and taking a deliciously large bite out of it before allowing her gaze to fully settle on Ruby's work. Her lips pursed as she recognized the treat. "Oh my Ruby-san, that is so sweet!" To emphasize this point she gave her sweetest of smiles. Eyelashes fluttering as her chin rested on her free hand. "Just look at you! Making me a snack all diligent-like. The only thing is... I'm not the biggest fan of trail mix." Her nose wrinkled, as though she'd just caught a whiff of something vulgar. In a second the entire expression popped back into the face of pure graciousness. "Perhaps a parfait? If we're going simple of course. Tarts are good as well. Oh! A nice bowl of Sorbet would be delightful!"
Ruby looks at her with cold peicing eyes then stops what she's doing and goes over and wraps her self around aya and says in a voice dripping with sarcasm" oh your cute, shall I bend over and such kissing your feet and so on"? She pauses for a few moments then says" by the looks of things you need me, but as you are now you'd only be a trophy girlfriend and that's rather boring, so aya if I'm to teach you to cook and more what's in it for me"? Ruby moves her hands up to ayas face cupping it. She then gets a divious idea and then says" maybe I should make shin mine after all I prefer guys over women too much drama with so many females". Her smile seems sweet but right now Ruby's words could be considered icy and venomous. She then let's go and goes back to making the snacks as if what she said was casual talk.
As she continues to make the snacks she pretends not to notice aya at all.
  • Love
Reactions: ScarletNova
Daichi Sato

Location: Outside the cabin
"Daichi Sato" he introduced, as he shook his hand, the boy in front of him didn't seem anything like the others, he seemed friendly but not in a peppy way, more so in a more aloof and chill sort of way. He's the kind of guy you'd trust, don't let your guard down too easy, he thought to himself. "I'm a new member, I transferred to this school last week, I've only been in one meeting so you probably don't recognize me" he responded.

"Yeah I was on my way back but I was just gonna go get my switch, I honestly don't know if it's almost time for the meeting," he said before checking the timer on his phone and letting out a sigh of relief "don't worry we got thirty more minutes," he said, he turned his gaze towards the window and low and behold there he saw the blonde asshole "shit" he whispered "how'd did he get here so fast" dammit, I just wanted to get my switch and now I'm gonna have to deal with THAT prick, he thought to himself as he moved away from the window's view. Surely the blonde was gonna do everything in his power to make sure fetching his switch wasn't the easy task it should be.

"Looks like I'm stuck out here until the meeting," he thought out loud.

Interactions: Hiroki Niwa(@Takumi ) | Mentions: Ren Fujiwara (@Monbon )​
Hanae "Hani" Niijima

||Location: Outside, Waterfall|| Interactions: N/A || Mood: Creative :pencil: ||
As one of the first to get off the bus, Hanae set her luggage aside by her bunk and bounded right off to get a good feel of the layout before anyone could stop her. They only had an hour after all. Unpacking could wait. She was dressed for winter in the spring, scared of getting even the littlest of chills. With her oversized pink puffer jacket and light blue scarf, she was cozy and the handwarmers in her pocket reassured her that everything would be fine.

Sketchpad in one hand and the map they'd been given prior to the trip in the other, she headed off for the waterfall thinking it would be great to spend some time alone. Along the way she set her alarm for 45 minutes, not wanting to be late to their first meeting.

As much as she loved spending time with the others, she could only take Sayuri singing camp songs for so long. Hani simply couldn't comprehend how he sang the whole trip over without a single drink of water. It was pleasant for the first fifteen minutes but after an hour, her social battery completely ran out and she could feel her soul trying to escape to the heavens.

Thus, the peace and quiet of the outdoors was very much welcome.

Lost in her own thoughts along the way, the sound of rushing water snapped her out of a few prompts she'd been mulling over. "Finally!" She exclaimed, happy to have found the perfect spot to relax. Taking a seat on a boulder, she pulled out the pen tucked behind her ear and began to draw two masculine figures standing in a cave with a waterfall in the background, their hands shyly intertwined.

Their expressions differed in how the one with dark hair wore a flustered expression, refusing to look the other in the eye while the blonde was more relaxed as if the action was simply a matter of course. There was something refreshing about getting the scenes in her head out onto a canvas. The moment she'd heard of the waterfall, Hani got a flash of inspiration for her blog and just couldn't let the idea be wasted.

In the corner of the image, she added a haiku to describe the scene:
Whispering waters,
Veil their love behind the falls,
Two hearts beat as one.
Joseph(Joe) Tsuyo-sa
Location: Living Room
Mentions: @xLarius @Monbon @The_Queer_Alien
Interactions: @ScarletNova @Takumi

Joe turned to the red-haired girl who had asked if he could help out with something. Joe already had plans but was too scared to say no. "I can help," Joe mumbles. Joe went into the solitary corner of his mind, disappointed that he couldn't go on his little insect discovery adventure. He vividly thought about the possible insects he could have inspected in the massive forest surrounding them.

Joe then snapped back to the forefront of his mind when he heard her say his name and announced herself as the club president. It took Joe a few seconds, but he made the connection that this girl was Haruhi. Joe then remembered that she asked him a question. It was about… what was it about? Was it the thing that happened in the guy's room? "Oh- uh… Well…" Joe takes a gulp. Then he speaks barely above a whisper. "There was this dark-haired guy… He wasn't paying attention… And he accidentally bumped into this black-haired guy with glasses… That guy then accidentally bashed his forehead on this white-haired guy's chin…" Joe takes a breath; then he continues his retelling. "The white-haired guy then started to argue with the dark-haired guy… I went in to try to stop the conflict… Everyone just suddenly split off after that." Joe sighs after he retells the events in the guy's room.
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Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Outside Cabin
Interactons: Solaris (@xLarius)
Mentions: Haruhi​

The moment Mariko heard those names of titles leave Solaris' lips, her eyes sparkled and a large smile came over her. With a light shade of pink still on her cheeks, though this time out of excitement rather than embarrassment, and completely unable to understand whether Solaris was being serious or not when he mentioned Haruhi's friends having good taste, Mari was overjoyed to find someone who had read what she had.

She nodded vigorously in agreement to his choice of scenes and what he thought about them. "Ah, the slow burns are my favorite!" Mariko replied back. "A cold heart supposedly unable to love until the right one comes along and breaks down that icey demeanor. It's always the one who claims to not understand those types of feelings who always falls the hardest. And the beautiful sweet scenes between them are always my favorite."

"Do you remember the scene when the cherry blossom trees remind Ichinose-sama of the young girl he met when he was just a little boy. And while he first disliked her and found her annoying, he grew to enjoy the warmth that came from her smile. Especially with how cold his own family is,"
Mariko rambled. "And when he see's Suzuki-san walking over to him he realizes that the young girl was her!"

It wasn't until Solaris brought up the idea to act out some of the scenes again that she realized she had gone on for much too long and embarrassingly started to play with the ends of her hair in her braid. "I-I'm sorry for going on like that. We have much more important things to do, don't we. I'll try my best to properly reply to your acting, Kousei-senpai."

She attempted to put on the most serious face she could make, with her eyebrows turned downward slightly and tensing the muscles in her face. Though, she only ended up making herself look more adorable rather than serious. Still, unknowing this, she continued on with this expression as Solaris began his act.

As soon as he moved the strand of hair away from her face, another blush came over her cheeks, but she had to remind herself that this was just them acting and she needed to match Solaris as best as possible. She listened to his lines carefully, and tried her best to hide her surprise when his hand slammed against the tree right behind her.

Was this the famous kabedon she always read about in manga? One of the best scenes ever in the history of romance manga? One that Mariko always wondered what it would be like to actually be apart of? And now she finally was?

...It felt a lot different than she thought it would be.

It wasn't very romantic like in the books, when it really made it seem like the two characters would kiss each other. Instead, Solaris looked...kind of scary. It was more like she was a bunny and he was the wolf who was about to eat her.

Wait! No! She had to focus. She tried her serious face again. "Gatorp-kun, s-saying something like that will make me nervous," Mariko replied, remembering the lines from the book as well. But poor Mariko never did much acting either. She stumbled as she practically shouted out the words mechanically like she was some robot.

"But my heart is pounding too," she said. "I-I've been afraid this whole time that it's pounding so much you'd be able to tell."


Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Outside --> Mountain Shrine
Interactions: Sayuri (@Monbon), Kio (@Rads)
Mentions: N/A​

The sudden sensation of Sayuri hugging her arm made her heart jump out of Akari's chest. Red graced her cheeks as she looked downward at the pinkette. And even though he briefly mentioned that he had heard she was scary, the fact that he asked her if they were friends left Akari in a pink hearted bubble of love ecstacy.

"O-of course this makes us friends now!" Mori replied with a smile. She nodded when he said that he couldn't tell her what his wish was or else it wouldn't come true. "No need to tell me then. We wouldn't want your wish not coming true." Though, it would be nice if she did know it so she could help make it happen.

When Kio finally joined them, Akari was a bit disappointment. Not that he was a bad guy, after all, he wasn't interested in Sayuri. It was just she had been hoping that her and Sayu could have gone to the shrine alone. It would have given her more time to get closer to him.

Kio's words also didn't matter much to Akari. Although he wasn't wrong with the fact that she tended to scare people off, she wasn't greatly concerned about making any friends. Of course, unless that friend making specifically was in regards to Sayuri and that friendship turned into love. Still, if Sayuri was already friends with everyone in that Lovers Club, or whatever it was called, then he might be disappointed in her if she wasn't at least nice to them.

"Sure, we can go to the hot springs later," she replied back.

Her disappointment in the sudden arrival of another person quickly faded away when she felt a hand take hers. "That's an excellent idea, Sayuri-san!" Akari said. Pleased with the situation, she happily continued to walk hand-in-hand with him towards the shrine in bliss.

Until they arrived at the shrine and that beautiful smile on Sayuri's lips was destroyed by the desolate appearance of the shrine. It was as if no one had taken care of the thing for years. Boards were rotting. Vines and moss grew up the walls. Weeds peppered the walkways.

How dare it interrupt the happiness of Sayuri?! Akari thought to herself. A sudden fire burned in her eyes. "This won't do!" she replied. She stepped forward and walked over to the doors as they creaked with every breath of wind. She took in a deep breath and then suddenly kicked in one of the doors, causing it to break apart from all the rot and fall into pieces around the entrance. She then did it again with the the remaining door.

"Let's get some air and light into this place," she commented. She briefly looked inside then glanced back over at Sayuri and Kio. "Don't worry, Sayuri-san. There's nothing to fear here. No ghost. Just a bunch of old wood and dust. Besides, even if there was one, I'd punch it into the afterlife." Not like that would actually work, but Akari never thought things out too well.

"You want to make that wish, right?" she then added. "Then let's bring this mountain god back to this place and you make that wish of yours." She went over to one of the walls of the shrine, reached out for one of the overgrown vines, and pulled it off of the wall, then throwing off into the woods.


Haruhi Nakamura
Club President | Location: Living Room
Interactions: Mirai (@Takumi), Joe (@SolsticeArcanum), Ren (@Monbon)
Mentions: Aya and Shin (@YetieBetie)​

As Mirai went off to get the notebook from the girls room, Haruhi focused on Joe's explanation of what happened in the boys room. It wasn't the easiest to follow along considering he didn't know any of their names, but Haruhi was pretty good at knowing each of her members so she was able to figure it out with the information she was given.

"Hmm, I see," she muttered, as she crossed her arms. "So that's what happened. Looks like I have even more work to do." She looked like she was deep in thought, already piecing together what she wanted to do to solve this little issue.

"Well, I did plan ahead of time for situations like this. That's what bonding at a camping trip is for, after all. We're going to get into conflicts. That's a natural part of being part of a club." She gave Joe a big smile.

"Don't worry about it, Joe. I'll get it all taken care of, but thanks for trying to solve the conflict. And if they said anything rude to you, I'll make sure to make them give you an apology."

With that, Mirai returned with notebook and handed it to Haru. "Thanks, Mirai. While I write down all the names of everyone here, why don't you and Joe go get those bags from storage. And see if there's a bucket in there too. There might be one up on the high shelf, which means Joe's perfect for assisting you with getting it."

It was then that Ren peaked into the room and mentioned that they had found two new members out in the woods, that Ruby and him were taking care of them, and that they needed some extra supplies. "Of course there are extra supplies. Just check the closets and drawers," she stated as he was already leaving the room. Clearly, he didn't want to stick around. Two new members? He must have meant Aya and Shin. But why were they randomly in the woods? Why didn't they just join them on the bus ride to the cabin or have someone else drive them? It seemed like an odd choice to make to walk through the woods all the way to the cabin.

Well, she would just have to ask them about it later. For now, she pulled out her phone for a few moments, tapped on it briefly, and then put it back in her pocket, not telling anyone around her what she might have been doing on it.

While Mirai and Joe were getting the backpacks, Haruhi ripped up some slips of paper and wrote each name on one of them. Once each name was on a slip of paper she placed the piece on the coffee table in front of the couch and waited for Mirai and Joe to return with the rest of the items she needed.
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Location: Shrine somewhere in the woods
interaction: @Monbon Say kun @ScarletNova Akari


Kio looks a tad sad as he remembers Morgan, whom he really loved, and their last memory before her parents forced her to go overseas. He put on a smile, not wanting to make this awkward for the group. He then says, "I get you wanted to let air in, but we could have asked Haru to get one of her workers to fix it later.". "I know I should not say my wish, but honestly, it would be nice to have a girlfriend after so long".
"Sorry about not telling you before; I didn't want to make you feel bad given that this is a whole new world to you, Akari." He closes his eyes and claps his hands together in the traditional way they do it in Japan. After a minute or so, he opens his eyes again. He then says, "I know my advice probably doesn't mean much, and so, since Say Kun is your first potential boyfriend, you should be careful not to rush things."
"In time, I think you two will be a great couple. As for what the future could hold for me, well, if at least I make a female friend, I can't complain".
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Hanae "Hani" Niijima
||Location: Outside: Behind some tree. || Interactions: N/A || Mentions: Ren, Sol @xLarius , Mariko @ScarletNova || Mood: Shocked 🙀 ||
"I've taken many pictures, Sol, but none quite as captivating as this one." Ren confessed, his enamored gaze not once leaving his subject. The sight of his best friend standing in the dark cave, face lit up by what little light peeked through the curtain of water before them was so mesmerizing he simply couldn't help himself from snapping a shot. It was only after that he realized that there may have been something more to that fleeting feeling that struck him in that instant.

In that moment, Solaris felt his heart flutter, stunned on the spot by the other's flirtatious words. After a moment to digest what he'd just heard, Solaris eventually found his voice in the sincerity of his emotions."I never felt a warmth like this until I met you, Ren." he replied hand on his chest as if in an attempt to get his rebellious heart to calm down. His words were so soft the waterfall behind him drowned him out completely.

Ren took the initiative to close the distance between them. Hand reaching for the other, their fingers intertwined as the blonde drew the other closer. "What was that? I didn't quite catch what you were saying." He mumbled, warm breath caressing the other's face. His words were contradicted by the smug smirk on his face but he'd always been shameless, even more so when it came to getting the other to dance in the palm of his hand.

"I-" A pause. Sol's eyes peered downwards away from the blonde's burning gaze, formulating a response that'd explain the feeling overriding everything else.

Ren wasn't the type to be ignored. Cupping the other's warm face, he forced the other to get a good look at this vulnerable feeling that had completely overtaken him. "I've been wanting to do this for some time." He murmured, gaze focused on the others lips as he leaned in━

"Kyaaaaa~!!!" Hani let out a delighted cry, hugging her story to her chest. Wriggling on the boulder, she was absolutely gushing at the scene she painted.

The two of them had been so cute the bus ride over. It hurt to be able to watch the two friends display such strong chemistry and not being able to let it out. Now that she got it on paper, Hani felt a lot more at ease. Writing in a journal often helped others vent their feelings. In Hani's case it helped keep her head clear and ready for any activities Haruhi might have planned.

Satisfied and refreshed, Hani tucked the pen back behind her ear and fanned herself. It wouldn't do if someone walked in on her in her fangirl mode. However could she begin to explain what caused it. Loosening her scarf, Hani accepted some of the cool air and decided to wander a little further down the trail, feeling she'd cool off by the time she reached the end.

Not even twenty feet in and she heard a thump that made her come to a stop. Startled, she quickly hid behind a tree and peeked out to find two familiar figures in a compromising position.

Rubbing her eyes, she tried to clear up her vision. After smacking her warm cheeks hard enough to sting, Hani realized she wasn't dreaming either. She simply couldn't believe what she was seeing. Mariko was experiencing a kabedon first hand!>! Pinned down by someone even more unexpected. Solaris She'd known her neighbor for a long time and not once had she ever pegged him for the type to pin girls to trees the way he was.

The entire scene was so scandalous, Hani wasn't entirely sure how to react. Her mind reeled back to what she'd just written. For the past year she'd written Sol down as the passive one in the relationship. In a way, the scene in front of her was a little enlightening. Inspired Once more, she pulled out her phone and snapped a picture.

Come to find, her flash activated, illuminating the duo in the distance.
Sayuri Satou
|| Location: Shrine || Interactions: Kio @Rads , Akari @ScarletNova || Mood: Scared, sad, confused. 🥺 ||
It was a happy day. He'd made a new friend, it was bright and warm out and and…

His wish couldn't come true but that wasn't anything to be upset about. Ruby had taken most of his candy, again nothing to cry about. Sure some of the guys may not be as friendly towards him now that there was no candy to buy off their friendship, but Sayuri had other means to be likable and accepted by the group.

'Nothing to cry about.' The pinkette told himself, eyes watering with unshed tears. Perhaps everything throughout the day had just built up a bit. With a sniffle, he tightened up his bottom lip and put on a brave front. He was just about to suggest they go to the hot springs, a bright smile plastered on his face within a fraction of a second when the unexpected happened.

"Waah…" Mouth agape and eyes round filled with nothing but sheer awe, Sayuri was instantaneously pulled out of his fear. The heroic sight of Akari kicking the rotted doors down and filling the shrine with light was so shocking, it felt as if electricity was shot straight into his veins.

But he didn't hate it.

Raising his hands to eagerly give her a round of applause, his mouth moved to praise her only for Kio to speak first.

"-potential boyfriend-"


Stunned on the spot, Sayuri rapidly switched his gaze between the two. What was this about? When did the topic of dating even start? Kio had a habit of going off on nonsensical tangents that had nothing to do with the subject at hand but shipping was no joking matter. "Is that… Is this some kind of trap?" The princess carry, Akari protecting him from Ruby… everything started to add up. "Was this all staged?"

Feeling no less than a rabbit ensnared by a fox, Sayuri took a cautious step back, then another. Before he knew it, he dropped his phone and ran off in the direction of the cabin as quickly as his little legs could carry him.

Akari Morita
Music Club Member | Location: Mountain Shrine
Interactions: Kio (@Rads) and Sayuri (@Monbon)
Mentions: Sayuri
"Why should we wait for Haruhi to call someone else to clean up the shrine when we can do it right now though?" Akari replied after she heard Kio's suggestion. "That would mean we'd have to wait a lot longer to make those wishes, but we're already here and we can easily do the work ourselves."

She reached for another vine stuck on the wall and pulled it off as Kio continued to talk. He mentioned about his wish for a girlfriend, then went on to act like it was wrong that he hadn't mentioned it before. To Akari, she didn't even understand why that mattered. He didn't need to tell them he wanted a girlfriend, so why was he apologizing about it?

"If you want a new girlfriend, then go find one. There's plenty of hot chicks in your club," Mori muttered. She glanced over towards Sayuri to see if he was satisfied with what she was doing to the shrine. As her hand pulled another vine, Kio suddenly starting talking about Sayu being Akari's first potential boyfriend.

Her hand slipped from the vine. With part of it still in her hands, she reached out towards Kio, hoping to cover his mouth before the rest got out. But it was too late. Sayuri had heard it. And he thought everything was a trap. Staged. Then suddenly, he ran away.

Akari's heart sank. The sight of the pinkette speeding off as fast as the little one could made her body run cold. Her veins felt like ice. "S-Sayuri! Wait!" she shouted but it was in vane. He was gone.

Her gazed shot back to Kio. She grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him closer to her. "What the hell, man! Why would you say those things in front of him?" she said. "Look what you did! You're lucky I don't choke you with these vines right now. If I can't fix things with Sayuri, you're dead!"

A dark aura swarmed around her, but she took a deep breath and released him from her grasp. "Damn it! This is going to get me no where," she muttered. She crossed her arms as she tried to think of what she could do to solve the problem. It was then that her eyes located the phone on the ground. She stepped over to it and picked it up. It was Sayuri's. She sighed and then placed it into her pocket for safe keeping, then looked back over at Kio.

"Well, now I gotta go find him and explain things. And if that doesn't work, you better find a way to fix all of this."
Solaris Kousei
Solaris didn't really mind if she prattled on-- he was used to women showering him in all sorts of material gifts as long as he listened. It served him in the long-run to politely listen and nod along rather than to offer his own opinions. It was a little interesting really, that people would rather pay some guy they barely knew to entrust their secrets to. Perhaps it was because Solaris didn't mean much to them and/or they could possibly refrain from seeing him daily that they could spill the secrets weighing down on their chest.

It was a non-verbal agreement that Solaris kept everything that he was told under lock and key. It was no use to do things that would place him in the direct line of conflict, especially if that meant that they'd shoot the messenger instead of resolve the issue that didn't involve him in the first place. Then again, all things considered, if her apology made herself feel better, why ask her to take it back?

He was a little surprised when Mariko hadn't run away from their close proximity. Perhaps he had to give her a little bit more credit where it was due. However, it seemed that her acting was just as lacking as his own. "Well I couldn't help it when I can't stop staring at you instead of directly ahead." Though he didn't skip a single beat in reply, his voice was still just as flat before he audibly let out a sigh.

Their methodology of acting definitely wasn't working. Perhaps he needed to scrap the idea of him being an actor for this particular role. This truly wasn't as easy as playing the antagonist in Lover's Club missions.

He could always make up some sort of logical reason for getting a client's match jealous or in a protective state. However, committing and understanding exactly what was rushing through the protagonist's head was different. He couldn't understand it, which in turn made pretending to be infatuated with someone particularly aggravating.

Solaris slowly pulled his hand back when something had flashed in the corner of his eye. His shoes scraped against the dirt as he faced the culprit of the bright light. It was daytime, but due to the looming branches of the trees it created enough shade to emphasize the blinding flash. At first Solaris had the law on his tongue--

'You shouldn't be here.' The idea of someone out of place that wasn't a member was enough to have his hair standing on end. It seemed he had a problem he had to take care of... Promptly.

Once again, a certain venom flashed in his expression before he noticed bright magenta-like eyes and blonde hair wafting in the wind. A familiar face. "Ah, Nijima-chan. Were you looking for us?" His chilling words he was about to say vanishing from his tongue before he spoke. His shoulders lowered as almost instantly, a relaxed, feigned smile curved up on his lips. Where a piercing green had been before was reduced to a soft lime hue. "You startled me. Here I was thinking that the paparazzi had made their way to these grounds."

With all the... well off members of the club, Solaris wouldn't be surprised in the slightest if a naïve adult thought they could make a quick buck even if it cost the privacy of the kids. "I was afraid I would have to use my device to call the authorities." A soft chuckle before he took a few more steps in her direction. Each move was deliberate, each movement was slow yet and yet he covered a lot of ground with each step. "Can you imagine the ruckus it would have caused if I had to report that sort of violating spectator at the start of our trip?"

"Oh...!" He softly murmured after he clasped his hands together, "Tanaka-san agreed to help me re-enact a particularly sweet romantic scene for research, isn't she so kind? I've been a little stumped on a particular detail I just haven't been able to root out. It's a little embarrassing you've discovered my little problem." Each word seeming to be covered in honey.

"Unfortunately it seems I'm not really talented in the acting department, could you tell?" He asked, moving to motion towards the phone. His eyes quickly sweeping to eye up the picture. "Or was it convincing?" This was exactly what he was missing. A third-point of view... How could he objectively judge both his own performance along with the scene if he was a part of the cast?

He wondered what his neighbor's motives were for snapping a shot before he had even had this idea of being able to analyze his own body language. Then again, as long as she could provide satisfying intel, he didn't care what she did with the photo.

The vice-president took a step back so he could turn his attention to Mariko as well. To perform a proper analysis... "So... Did your heart really skip a beat, Tanaka-san?" He curiously asked, a sort of innocence being added to his eyes as they glimmered in her direction. "Considering the touches, the delectable words..." He listed them off on his fingers, lidding his gaze before furrowing his brows. He was sure those were the perfect components to a wavering heart in the perplexing war that love brought.

It was hard for him to deny that the forest had certainly became far more lively, the noise of those who had arrived and began spreading out for their own fun little plans reaching him, the peace disturbed. Eye's clenched, then slowly fluttered open, a hand reaching up to bar light from his still adapting eye's, only to remember that you can't block daylight. Quietly groaning, his fingers came to his eye's and rubbed at them, doing his best to get them to focus and let himself wake. As he let his brain slowly turn itself back on, his ears did some work, listening out for the sounds of what he could only hope were the club members he had been told about. It would be a concern if not, but there wouldn't be anybody else coming up to this territory. Arm's stretching over-head, shoulders cricking quietly and grunting long, satisfyingly, then relaxing and taking a second to look around.

Medrin had arrived at the cabin a couple hours ago, dropped off by O-baba. The head-master at the school had put him on the trip with the club, giving him some time to get acquainted with students. He had a feeling O-baba pulled a couple string's, but he wasn't going to complain. He enjoyed nature, and found the place already wonderful. He was currently sat high, just below the canopy of a large tree on one of the larger branches. His back resting against the main body of the tree, one leg hanging off and the other on the branch for his arms to rest on. He wasn't sure how long he had been dozing up there, but he knew that it must have been for around maybe a hour or so.

He was struggling to wake up properly, but knew he would with a little bit of time. He couldn't see anybody from his little perch, so wondered if all the bunks in the cabin had been claimed or not. With a tired chuckle, sweeping some of his fringe aside, figured that as long as nobody had decided it would be funny to find and move his things, he didn't mind. He was happy if there was a bed left at all, not quite sure how many males were coming on the trip, or females. Just as he figured he should hop down and look for the club rep's and say hello, the sound of a loud snap reached his ears. Head turning to it's direction, his eye's squinted as he tried to see what the commotion was all about. The other tree's and foliage made sure that it would be difficult to see what was in that direction at all though. Thinking back for a minute, "Ahhh, yes. That's right. There was a shrine nearby." Muttering to himself, curious as to why there were sounds coming from the shrine at all. One of the students hadn't broken something, had they?

More questions were starting to pile up in his head, wondering if he had slept through most of the day and the students had been doing activities already. He didn't have any way of checking the time on him, so it was all he could do, to guess. Before being able to ponder on any of them though, tired hooded eye's spotted a rather curious shape moving down below, and at speeds. The colour was certainly sticking out amongst the greens and browns of the forest, if anything it would be difficult not to spot them. It was a person. A pink boy ran from the direction of the shrine, he looked like he was quite desperate to get away from there. "Did he break something..?" Shaking the thought from his head and looking back towards the shrine. Chances were he didn't go alone, and someone spooked him off. Part of him wanted to hop down from the tree, he could land on the path ahead of the fleeing student, but another part of him said to wait, watch. See if he was with company or not. The boy was running in the direction of the cabin, he would be fine. Curiosity lay in who may potentially run after him. He may be ahead of Sayuri on the path, but often times people never looked up. He would wait, watch, and if he was alone, would head over to the shrine and check on what had been broken. Remaining sat in the tree, eye's watching the boy and the path he ran through.

"So then, pink one. Are you a troublemaker or in company..." Muttering to himself.

Location('s) - In a tree on the path between the cabin and shrine.
Interaction('s) - N/A
Mention('s) - Sayuri



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Location: Shrine
interaction: Akari @ScarletNova


Kio gently sighs after and then says, "I'm really sorry, but trying to talk to him now wouldn't be the best idea; he's panicked. "Once he's calmed down, I plan to explain things to him.". "I know I shouldn't have said anything, but he seems to be the type that, unless you spell it out for him, he won't get it." "How about this? I'll bring him to the lounge later on and then leave you two to talk over a drink and some snacks. "It's my way of proving I'm truly sorry to you both."

He starting thinking 'Oh, Aki Chan, if it were that simple, I would be fine with it, but I'm not like other guys; I want it to be natural, because what's the bloody point otherwise'. 'There's a part of me that hates new love; it reminds me of how naive and stupid I was at twelve'. He moves his hands back and forth, angry with himself as well. 'A part of me admires her honesty about her wants and needs, but at the same time, going to fast often leads to bad breaks. After all, I know from experience that I've screwed the pooch on a number of occasions'.

"I've done some bad things, and I know I'm twisted deep down, but when it comes to you, I really do want to be your friend, and I kept my word." He pauses for a few moments or so and then says, "As for Ruby, his surrogate big sister, she doesn't seem the type to do things out of spite; yes, she seems rough, uncouth, or whatever one wants to call it, but you two share that as much as you may think she's a bully like so many."
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Mirai Ueno
Location: Living Room → Storage Closet
Interactions: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Joe (@SolsticeArcanum)
Mentioned: Ren (@Monbon), Ayame (@YetieBetie)

With that, Mirai returned with notebook and handed it to Haru. "Thanks, Mirai. While I write down all the names of everyone here, why don't you and Joe go get those bags from storage. And see if there's a bucket in there too. There might be one up on the high shelf, which means Joe's perfect for assisting you with getting it."

"You're welcome, Haruhi. We'll be back before you know it." Mirai replied, giving Haruhi a small playful salute after the club leader gave her and Joe their objective before said club president turned to speak with Ren, who came to inform Haru of two new people staying in the cabin then left as quick as he showed up.

She wondered, briefly, if one of them was that girl she saw when she went to get her notebook. Either way, they were in good hands no doubt.

"Ready whenever you are, Joe." Mirai spoke, glancing to Joe as she gave the giant a small smile as she turned to begin heading towards where the storage closet likely was to begin collecting the bags and bucket needed.



Hiroki Niwa
Location: Outside on a random trail
Interactions: Daichi (@The_Queer_Alien)
Mentioned: Ren (@Monbon)

Hiroki practically lit up when Daichi said he was going to get his switch, the pinkette's blue eyes nearly sparkling as a smile grew on his face.

"Nice, I brought mine too! What kind of games do you play Sato-san?" He asked, nearly missing the way the other's demeanor seemed to shift slightly.

"Looks like I'm stuck out here until the meeting," he thought out loud.

Hiroki blinked, letting the words set in a second. There was barely a long enough pause for a breath before he started speaking again.

"Huh? Why's that?" He asked with a tilt of his head, "is something wrong?" Was there something stopping Daichi from going into the cabin? Was it a big bug near the doorway? He hoped not, especially if it was a spider. Spiders were scary and gross.

He glanced towards the door a moment, blue eyes scanning the general area of the front of the place that he could see, and so far saw no signs of bugs that stood out to him. So it didn't seem to be a bug problem.

Ren / Shin


Ayame @YetieBetie


Ren/One bit playful, two bits competitive
Shin/Aya... GAMES... FREETIME???

Shin watched unblinking as Stoner laughed. Slightly cocking his head to the side at his rich clone's unexpected outburst. Not exactly the 'Look, I'm Gonna Date Your Best Friend And You Can't Do Anything About It, Useless Little Pup' talk he'd been anticipating. Placing the cup of water back on the nightstand, his eyes narrowed a bit as he reassessed the stranger yet again.

Had he been wrong? Or was it the fact that Aya had pulled a fast one with the whole dating shenanigans? While he wasn't sure Aya was that good at sneaking into other people's minds, but then again, he'd been reminded a great many times of the fatal error in underestimating her.

She was terrifying when she worked.

Shin continued in his shameless staring. Keeping a close watch on the other's movements. Especially when the other drew closer. His brow raised as Stoner cooed out the kind of flirtation he'd expect Aya to give when playing coy with some helpless rando. "Hopefully not for long." He muttered under his breath, fidgeting as the sore in him continued its incessant nagging.

He choked only briefly as once more, the unexpected happened. His twin pulled him closer, their breath mixing in long, even strokes. Suddenly Shin found his entire vision filled with a pair of coquettish sky blue eyes. He could easily count the flecks of darker blues from here. Which he did as Stoner prattled off reports on the whereabouts of his clothing. Sadly, the clone's breath was not as one would have expected an actual stoner's breath to be. Meaning the nickname was losing some of its humor. Disappointed at this, his lip curled downward.

"If I remember correctly, giving me your clothes was your idea." His hand reached up to grasp Ren's. Pressing the other's fingers closer to his neck before giving a soft tug downwards. The shirt willingly stretched at the motion, leaving Ren's hand grazing Shin's collarbone much closer to his chest. "But if you wanted to take back your clothes this badly, Kōhai, you could have just asked." Ren's fingers were warm against him, all this touchy feely stuff really wasn't his forte. And he really wanted a bite to eat right about now. While sweets weren't his go-to food after a long hard day of strain, he was hungry enough to eat just about anything placed in front of him.

He wet his lips, returning his focus back to his neverending job of entertaining the rich. "Unless this very situation was something you'd been hoping for all along?" At this his brows raised, mind more than ready for this to be over so he could return to eating. This position was making his soreness all the more worse.
Had he been hoping for this? Not exactly, but Ren wasn't about to complain. The mischievous gleam in his eyes eased into one of sharp interest. Shin was bold. Ren liked bold. His warm fingers brushing against the other's cooler skin was incredibly enticing but this was neither the time or the place. Haruhi would never let them live it down if they made a mess. Sure, he could pay for any damages but he wouldn't be surprised if she had the whole place bugged as well. And that was something he definitely didn't need on his long record of misbehavior.

There were also those two chaperones who'd try to cancel the entire trip if they found out. "Senpai, my hopes. Aren't you perfectly aware of them?" He whispered, voice dropping to a low whine as his free hand reached for the other's exquisite jawline. It truly was like an exact replica of his own. The more he looked the more he liked it. Ren hummed in contemplation as his thumb roughly grazed the other's lips. "Or is it that you just can't handle them?"

"Really, how long has it been since you've eaten?"
Raising his voice back to its usual pitch, Ren forcefully snapped them out of the mood that was building and lifted the other's shirt to find Shin was actually built rather well. "Shin-nii, your muscles are going to start to break down if you keep putting it off." He commented thoughtfully, previous nickname drawing a clear line between them yet keeping it friendly. As someone who also liked to stay in top form as well, how could Ren not notice the other's needs? If the speed at which Shin chugged the water wasn't alarming enough, the other licking his lips was enough of a clue for Ren to realize the other had to be hungry for something more than just him. Ren backed off and grabbed the plate off the dresser, shoving it into the other blonde's hands.

It was only after that he realized Ruby's choice of snack was subpar. Chocolate and Fruit? That wasn't going to be enough protein. He could go to the kitchen and grab some more snacks but the thought of talking to Ruby more about messy things like 'emotions' was a lot more unpleasant than the alternative.

Leaving Shin's side for a moment, Ren once again found himself digging through his ex's luggage. Ruby may have robbed their candy but Ren did not recall her robbing Sayuri's snacks. After some digging, he fished out some peanut butter granola bars and some teriyaki flavored jerky. "There we go." He exclaimed, grabbing the two neatly packed bags and leaving the other's luggage in disarray.

Returning to Shin's side, he tossed him his findings after taking a slice of jerky for himself. "You never saw that." He commanded, chewing on his piece. Sayuri had enough time to get used to being disappointed by his actions but that didn't mean he wanted to be ratted out. "What are you two doing here anyway? Your 'not-girlfriend' surname holder looks rich enough to fly in on a helicopter if she really wanted to join us."
Stoner was far too much like Aya. The similar song in Ren's voice, mixed with that sly look of humor. It was almost uncanny when compared to the act Aya gave to countless others in an effort to throw off their senses.

She'd never done it to him though. Not even when they'd dated. So this was new. Come to think of it, it wasn't like he'd ever become a stuttering mess around her either. Some things just felt wrong. Dating her had been one of those things.

Banishing the memories of that horrible time, Shin noted with a bit more amusement at the slight shift of excitement in Ren's eyes. The kind of reaction Aya had whenever Shin got her to laugh during her deepest moments of playing cold and uncaring elitist. Either Ren was playing the same type of games, or Shin had entered into an uneasy realm of messing with someone he would never actually be attracted to. Or maybe Ren was just pleased. Shin could think of a thousand reasons why someone would flirt shamelessly and find pleasure in one flirting back.

He was just about to make some smart comment about Ren's patterned behavior of stroking his lips when the other's mood shifted onto an entirely different subject. The whiplash of it all left Shin's mind reeling, while simultaneously flooding him with more thoughts of his best friend and her infamous indecisiveness. He seriously needed to hang out with more people. A thought he'd had most of his life, but had never had the opportunity to act on due to his tie as her bodyguard. Surely that would be easier now that they both had the company of an entire club… he hoped.

A sharp inhale froze his thoughts as fresh air danced goosebumps across his abdomen.

'Shameless, unexpected, and impulsive', His mind listed off the traits as he realized the stranger was examining his body like that of a doctor. Shin had gotten distracted by his thoughts for two seconds and now he was sitting on a bed flashing his ventrals to someone he'd only met less than an hour ago. Yup. Totally another Aya. Though far quicker to friendliness rather than accusation. As if to further cement this theory, the plate of food he'd been eyeing earlier was shoved into his hands, Ren barely batting an eye as they went to dig through someone's luggage.

Shin watched them work, knowing full well if he started eating the plate, he'd be too distracted by his hunger to fully feel the serious deja vu spinning around in him. It was like watching a reflection of Aya, the mix of uncaring flaunt and serious kindness. While a part of Shin knew there were others out there with that rather invigorating enigma of hers, the two friends had been surrounded by the most vile of upper class for so long that it felt odd to witness anything different. A lifetime spent in the company of people consumed by greed and lust for power was hard to forget in the blink of an eye.

It was kind of refreshing.

Catching the bag of goods as Stoner tossed it his way, Shin heartily peered into it to peek at its contents. His rebelling stomach took courage as he noted the assortment. Just the kind of things that wouldn't make himself more sick than he already felt. Without another thought, Shin was gorging into a granola bar. Eyes closing as he enjoyed the sweet mixture of oats and nuts. He ate his second just as greedily, barely pausing for a breath before sinking his teeth into the tough skin of jerky. To say he was hungry wasn't realistic. Ravenous was more like it.

Had Aya been nearby, she would have been muttering an 'I told you so' under her breath. Shooting him angry glares as she mocked his earlier orders that she eat his little bit of breakfast he'd brought in his pocket. It didn't take much to imagine how she'd be. Shaking that black mane of hers as green eyes glowed in frustration. She would easily jab out a very real, very productive threat towards him should he dare to try and pull that 'self sacrificing' role on her ever again.

Good thing she wasn't around to see him like this. As if their thoughts were aligned, Ren spoke up again. His questions were far more complicated than the ones he'd asked before.

Feeling a good bit more comfortable now that he had something in his stomach, Shin contemplated his answer for a minute before offering an indifferent shrug.

"Why does Aya-sama do anything?" He picked at another piece of jerky, taking a generous bite before continuing. "If I had to guess, much like some other club members I'm sure, she's bored and looking for something to kill the time. The fact that your club leader is Haruhi Nakamura and that the club itself welcomes both rich and poor alike is more than enough to catch her attention. I'm just here for the ride. At least for a bit. As for the forest stunt… it's best to just say she's very free spirited." Both of them were.
That was a good question. One Ren obviously couldn't answer as he didn't know the first thing about that girl other than her approximate weight. For some reason killing time by getting lost in the woods wasn't all that appealing to the blonde. Which brought to question just what kind of girl Ayame was. Even so, all of this was just Shin's side of the story. The two seemed rather close. The fact he chalked down a reckless adventure to Ayame being "free spirited" spoke volumes of their dynamic.

"So you really aren't dating." He concluded, finally believing him. "Not sure why you two had to make that so complicated." The blond complained openly. Normally Ren would likely not want anything to do with either of them. Lying straight to his face like that was a strike on their record. But they'd brought his mood up from earlier. The very least he could do was remove the mark and let them have a fresh restart.

"Should we go check up on the girls once you're done? I didn't hear the showers running on my way here so they should be presentable. We've got a meeting in half an hour give or take. I don't want to waste the rest of my time watching you choke down meat." Getting to his feet, he headed to the door and peeked out, listening for signs of where the two could be. Picking up nothing from nearby, he could only assume they were downstairs. "If you really want to fight over her surname, we should have a game room around here somewhere."
Halfway through eating his fourth piece of jerky, Shin forced himself to slow. The churn in his gut telling him if he kept the speed, he'd make himself sick. At least now he'd paused enough to hear Ren's conclusion. "If you'd like I can say it again so we can know for sure." It was much too early in this odd relationship for Shin to be giving smart comments. Yet something about Ren made it hard not to. The twin had a talent for making him feel comfortable enough to share the thoughts Shin typically withheld. Whether that was a good or bad thing, Shin supposed Ren would have to decide.

He chewed into his jerky more thoughtfully as Ren suggested they look for the others. A bit of heat running to his face at the off-hand comment on his eating.

All embarrassment left when Ren suggested the gaming room. With a quick nod, Shin immediately set to forcing his body to move. Because as tired as he was, there was now a promise of games. And free time. A thing that ought never to be taken for granted.

To his joy, he found his body responded pretty well. A bit stiff, yes and very sore. But he could move. Meaning his time sitting down had been decently restful despite Ren's distractions.

A part of him wanted to drop all acts and simply tell Ren he could have Aya for all Shin cared. It wasn't like Aya was his property to duel over anyways. And the other had proved to be decently cool. So the joys of messing with his head a bit more had dwindled significantly. But that would also mean shooting down the offer of games. And he happened to severely enjoy friendly competitions. Thus, Shin found himself nodding in agreement. "I do love a good fight."
Returning to the room, Ren searches through his duffle bag and pulls out his phone. Turning it on, he is immediately assaulted by notifications of hundreds of missed calls and an alarming number of texts. Cringing at the sight, he passes it over to Shin to hold onto. "Hold onto it. When it's time for the meeting, Haruhi will contact us." More of an order than a request, he left his phone in Shin's hands. As he was zipping the bag closed, a piece of paper caught his eye. Pulling it out, it was information about the cabin Haruhi had given everyone. A quick glance at the page with the map and he instantly located the game room.

"Alright, lets go." Ren announced before he led the way directly to their destination. Once they arrived, he opened the door to reveal a large room with a pool table, ping pong table, a huge tv with all kinds of systems and games neatly arranged on the shelves, and even board games, books, cards and anything else a kid would need to keep themselves entertained for hours. "Now the question is, what game are we playing?"
Shin handles Ren's flirting like a champ. Plays along perfectly.
Ren cuts it short, noticing the other is hungry. Uses it as an excuse to lift the other's shirt.
Ren robs more of Sayuri's things, this time jerky and granola bars.
Shin finally gets to stuff his face.
Ren gets bored and wants to play. Suggests going to the game room.
Shin: Bet.
Ren hands his phone to Shin for safekeeping and leads them to the Game Room.
Too many games, what to play?
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Location: Kitchen
Mentions: Shin
Ruby: Content​

Aya watched Ruby approach her, the sparkle of her ignorant rich kid acting fading a smidge to boredom as she stared down the piercing gaze. She looked a bit like a cat stalking her prey just then. Though not nearly as fear inducing as Shin's was.

Perhaps it was the mere fact that Ruby was still little more of a stranger than a friend. Thus lacking the proper respect that induced any sort of reaction from Aya other than bored entertainment. There was something to be said about the snapping shift Shin could pull from laughing and carefree to dark and solemn within a single breath. Compared to that terror and its own threat of actually managing to upset someone she actually knew and cared for, Ruby felt almost like a kitten. They were little more than a stranger at this point, so what was the worst they could do? She suspected it'd probably be some mumbo jumbo about things Ruby could do to her loved ones. A classic, and overrated threat in Aya's mind.

So the 17 year old did nothing. Watching with the smallest show of amusement as the girl continued to act out the kitten hunt. It was rather adorable if anyone were to ask her.

Just as it came time for the person to lash out, Aya notably braced herself. Tensing as she prepared for some sort of…



Her thoughts sputtered as she felt arms sliding around her. The feeling of her hands were tight, warm even. It was like hugging her mom after one of her unexpected kidnapping situations. The death grip of someone who'd been encapsulated in worry for hours. Except this person didn't know her nearly enough to have that kind of worry.

When Ruby had finished her spill and had let go, Aya was still left in confusion. Was this girl hitting on her? Or threatening her? Sarcastic or not, she had called Aya cute. And Ruby had given her the most whole-hearted hug Aya had received in a while. A slow, sultry smile spread across Aya's lips. "I didn't say anything about kissing me Ruby-san. Nor did I mention a relationship. But if that's what you're hoping for Ruby-Chan. I suppose I could offer you a bit of my time." Had the girl stayed close by, Aya would have happily found a way to tease the redhead. Instead, she contented herself by eyeing Ruby's frame as openly and as slowly as one would when shopping for an expensive dress.

"As for Shin," Aya cooed, "I suppose you could make a pass for him, he's not much of a talker though. You'd quickly find that, and that you aren't the first one to chase after him. Either you waste your life away chasing after a man who'll never see you as more than a dear friend, or you'll get bored and find better things to do with your life." A sad fact. But the truth. It was frustrating knowing just how many women sighed at the thought of Shin, more still when said idiot insisted on flustering himself and exhausting all his potential. Oblivious and stubborn in just the worst ways. She leaned over the counter, giving Ruby a smirk as the girl continued in her ignoring. "I'd bet at least 2 million yen you'd be no different."

A subtle cool smile stretches across her lips, she then says, "oh how interesting you still are trying to mess with me."

She pauses for a few moments then says, "Oh how silly of me I almost forgot I'm nowhere near done, later you, me, and Shin are going to have a chat about something more pressing." She pauses for a minute then says, "I should of remembered a lot of you rich folk have lived in your tiny bubbles with your servants that you have forgotten what the real world is like, I'm not your slave and since Shin is too nice to do what's needed and that's a good slap."

"For now you get a free pass, but mark my words carefully, if you step out of line again and do it to me or any other member I won't hesitate to give you a slap for the ages."

She smirks and continues to work and then suddenly remembers Aya hasn't eaten and then says" For the record had you asked me properly and treated me right I would have gone along with a request since I'm already here and to create a small snack would have been no problem".

Ruby gently sighs as she continues to work. "You'll find it very hard here if you don't adapt, but hey you don't have to take my word for it."

Ruby pauses for several moments then says, "If you ask me nicely this time I don't mind making you another snack. I don't think you have it in you to ask but I will give you some credit if you at least try".

Leaning back in her seat, Aya gave an indifferent shrug to Ruby's accusation. She wouldn't deny she was trying to mess with Ruby, then again, the redhead would soon come to know Aya messed with everyone.

The sweet smell of Ruby's spices teased her senses, drawing her attention back to her claimed apple. It's tempting surface of red drawing her back in as she stole another large bite from it. The taste was sweet, bursting with flavor in her mouth as she chewed in delight. The only thing to spoil the perfect moment was Ruby as she spoke again.

Raising her brow at Ruby's sudden not-so-much-an-actual-request-more-of-a-demand request that they all speak later. Interest lightly piqued, Aya gave a noncommittal wave in response before returning to her beloved food.

She was seconds from taking another delicious bite into its tantalizing exterior when the other spoke up again. Opting to listen rather than give her undivided attention to the redhead, Aya stubbornly ate more of her prized apple. Noting in passing the vixen's words and holding back a smile at the choice of description.

'Tiny bubbles… forgotten what the real world is like'. There was always something amusing about the assumptions of the poor. As if her life were supposed to be all silver platters and cherry sweets. Aya had a feeling it wouldn't take much to get Ruby to assume Aya was nothing more than a spoiled airhead. The very role Aya had been hoping to establish during her stay here in this area.

Keeping her expression clear of any emotion other than thoughtless innocence, Aya simply took another bite of her apple. Having something in her stomach eased the curdle of anger that often hit her gut when the inaccurate, and unjust judgements of others were tossed at her. The girl was playing right into Aya's hand. Soon she'd have the reputation as an unkempt and ignorant fool, a guise that would perfectly help her whenever Jigoku decided to show his ugly face. 'If he ever does.' her mind retorted ruefully.

She shoved the doubt aside. Of course Jigoku would. There was no way that musty scrub would ever avoid a possible advantage. It was only a matter of time.

Thoughts aside, she was really starting to like this Ruby-san. The girl had an edge about her, the kind that kept things from getting stuck in boring monotony.

As if to prove this point, Ruby spoke again, her final remark completely throwing Aya off her line of thinking. Once more that sick feeling she'd had earlier returned. She'd meant to deter the other from pulling that whole 'welcome to the club, you'll fit right in', feel. Surely Ruby had enough self respect to keep from offering second chances and 'help' to someone who only offered insolence and disrespect. Hadn't Aya played that role enough?

Clearly not.

Aya's grin widened across her face, humming as though she were seriously contemplating Ruby's offer. "You are very right, Ruby-sensei. I don't ask. I suppose you'll have to blame it on my 'bubble'." She took another bite of her beloved apple, her stomach aching enough to tell her she'd need far more food than that to find content.

Ruby gently laughs then half jokingly says, "some could call you schizophrenic." She sighs deeply then says "I'm not going to press why you're acting like this, you'd only rebuke from what I've seen so far. From what I've seen so far you're like one big bundle of chaos walking and we've all seen what happens in the movies and the cartoons and so on."

Ruby pauses then says, "at the end of the day sure you can keep whatever this is up, but I feel in the long run you'll only hurt yourself. I could be wrong but my gut is normally pretty good when it comes to reading people."

Ruby continues to work and once she's done starts to bag the trail mix for Say-kun later. After a few minutes or so when she's made him a few she then says" It's true I don't know you very well but I can say from what I've seen and heard so far your only proving some of my points".

"I can put my hand on my heart and hope to die if you think I'm lying but being a bitch hasn't always worked for me, but I want to change that it's going to be hard and a long road but not something I'm not used to."

" I don't really care if you don't take my advice at this point, I've wasted enough energy on you today and that's bad for my health".

Ruby quickly makes a bag of trail mix seals it properly and then throws it towards Aya and then goes to start cleaning up the mess she had made and leave Aya with some food for thought.

Ruby makes quick work of the dishes and then puts the dishes on the drying rack.

'By the gods this girl needs a mental whooping but the way I've been doing so far is no good so I need to change tact, I just hope she's more reasonable later, because from what I've seen she had been anything but reasonable for the most part'. ' Well it will be time to head to the living room soon, so it worked out perfectly'. " I'm annoyed that I can't cook more, or the fact I couldn't go foraging dam right I'm". She deeply sighs as she thinks about the events so far and a part of her can't help but a part of her feels depressed and frustrated at the same time'

' In need to get it together for the group activities, I really hope I don't get paired with someone useless'.

'Well with haru she sometimes comes up with the craziest ideas, so it could be a lot of fun of a walking nightmare like so many things in life'. ' I'd be lying if i said a small part of me isn't curious and i was being unreasonable before'
'When i get to take a show and then rest I'm sure I'll feel better but for now, i have to show the new students that I'm capable as one of the leaders of the council'

'On another note I'm kinda worried for Say-kun given he's not exactly the out-doors type, i get the feeling if it's a lot of walking someone is going to have to scrape him off the ground, which is the exact reason I'm going to start training him'.

'I really put myself deep in troubled kid land this time, but like anything slow and steady wins the race, wait I'm not a turtle so does that still apply to me'?

Aya raised a brow, "a bit bold to prescribe someone you've only met less than thirty minutes ago don't you think Ruby-sensei? Especially when you're the one who's telling me exactly what my life is like. Perhaps I ought to ask you if I'm also supposed to be scheming to ruin your life as well?" She smiled, matching the confrontation with the same half-joking tone Ruby had given.

As if she cared enough about this stranger to really scheme anything. Ruby was pitifully boring to play with. Meaning Aya would probably find more entertainment somewhere else. It was this thought when Ruby spoke of 'proving points' and such. Only adding to Aya's mental boredness. Acting like a ninny all the time with the expectation that others found her repulsive was kind of the point she was trying to make. So to hear she was doing that to Ruby was like a kindergarten teacher telling her what the abc's were. A repetition which naturally made her zone out for the rest of Ruby's words. Her eyes went to the cupboards. Standing and heading to it to sift through the contents in search for something of deeper substance. A bag of crackers caught her eye. A triumphant smile spread across her face as she grabbed the bag, tore it open and began chowing down on it.

She was mid-through her tenth cracker when Ruby finished up her lecture. Like in school, Aya zoned back in just as Ruby stated her last sentence. Piecing together the meaning with her smile growing fuller. Good. Ruby seemed like the honest and well-intentioned type. To know she would tire around Aya was preferred compared to other things.

What she hadn't expected was Ruby to toss her a bag of trail mix. Instincts kicked in and Aya's hand snatched the bag out of the air. Her cracker bag and apple having shifted to her other arm. She eyed the bag with uncertainty, giving Ruby a once over. It wouldn't be the first time someone might try and poison her.

Eyeing Ruby with the very face llama emperor Kuzcoo would have given Pacha, she not-so-subtly opened the bag and put it to her nose. Sniffing the contents without breaking her eye contact on Ruby's back as the other loaded the dishwasher.

It smelled amazing. God if Aya hadn't had her arms full of snacks she would have torn into the bag. Spices and nuts and something Aya's body seemed to be needing, all mixed in one. Stars seemed to shine in her eyes as she carefully adjusted her grip and began dumping a bit of its contents into her mouth.

If the mix had smelled sweet before, the taste was a hundred times better. How Aya loved food.

Maybe Ruby-sensei wasn't so boring after all. Better yet, maybe she wasn't as tired of Aya as she had supposed... The thought felt oddly warm. Hope being a feeling Aya rarely felt.

Happy and content with her new gift of food, Aya practically bounced to the door. Pausing as that all too rare sense of hope filled her with giddy excitement. "I'm off to explore Ruby-sensei. I think I saw a game room while wandering before. I may try that, if you'd like to come with." She didn't end it as a question. A purposeful detail. The thought that Ruby would be one of the million to either be disappointed, ashamed, embarrassed for Aya, or angry/blinded by hatred for her, deterred her from giving the other any chance to reject Aya anymore than she already could.

With this, Aya turned and left, blocking out and ignoring anything more her beautiful Ruby-sensei could say.

Ruby gently laughs then says openly, "seems I have got a troublesome little sister type, well it's going to be a bit of a bumpy ride."
"I think I'll just rest my eyes for twenty minutes now the dishwasher is on."

She stretches her arms and some of her body and her body clicks as she moves.

She then heads out and sees a leather chair just down the hall and goes down the hall just outside the living and claims the chair. She then lays back in it closing her eyes to get a power nap.


Aya continues her peskiness by flirting with Ruby. Ruby asserts dominance, and then tells Aya to ask nicely if she wants food. Aya's hungry ;( but also lacks the ability to say please... ALAS! She obtained apple. Ruby, exasperated, warns Aya of possible consequences of bad habits ('BE NICE AYA:duh:'). Aya says: 'hehe no'. BUT A TWIST! Ruby tosses Aya trial mix snac. ITS SUPER EFFECTIVE! Aya is rendered excited, hope in friendship -slightly- restored, Aya makes off to the game room cause mind games isn't enough. Ruby says no to games, takes nap instead.


Briar Mori

Location: Outside cabin --> Inside cabin --> Outside

Interactions: Open

Mentioned: Haruhi (@ScarletNova), Medrin (@Jig The Zom-B), Sayuri (@Monbon)

"I'm almost surprised that you agreed to go camping." Hana chuckled, causing Briar to huff as he glanced to his mom as he gathered his bags from the car.

"If I had said no, you'd have been asking so many variations of 'why aren't you going?' And I'd rather not deal with that." He replied, ducking out of the way as she suddenly reached out to swat at him playfully.

"Yeah well, I hope you have fun and make some friends while out here. If you need anything just call me or dad okay?" She smiled, gaze softening as she closed the trunk then held out her arms for a hug that he returned with a fond roll of his eyes.

"I'll make sure to, mom." He muttered, only to feel his cheeks warm in slight embarrassment as she gave him a dramatic kiss on the cheek and one on the forehead in quick succession with a dramatic 'mmmwah!' leaving lipstick prints visible on his face.

Briar groaned in fake annoyance as his mother grinned and giggled as she went to return to the driver's side, though he couldn't help the small smile of amusement at her antics as he wiped at his face to try and wipe the lipstick off. He waved as she left, trying not to pout now that he was left to his own devices. Glancing at his phone he read the text from the club leader with some details on the trip such as location and such to triple check he didn't end up on someone else's property. Shifting from foot to foot at the thought of spending an extended amount of time with what amounted to strangers he sighed. There was no point in getting doubts and second thoughts now. Turning to face the cabin, Briar took a steadying breath before moving forward to find a bed and dump his stuff for now. For a second Briar took notice of another teen...climbing a tree?

'It's probably another club member.' he thought to himself.

He hoped it was. The last thing he wanted was to be stuck with some weirdo if they happened to not be a club member or associated with Bara High.

Shaking that thought away Briar got to work on dumping his stuff to sort through later before heading out to one of the trails he saw.


Walking back towards the cabin by now as the path merged with one that led to some shrine, Briar's legs were starting to get sore and the thought of grabbing something to snack on before the supposed meeting Haruhi had mentioned through the text he scanned in what he assumed was a group chat with all of the other club members was occupying his mind. Later they could put some names to faces, as they hadn't met too many of the members yet.

Speaking of, amber eyes curiously glanced to the trees to see if that one kid was still up there. Surely not, right? It couldn't have been comfortable after so long.

His ears picked up the sound of rushing footsteps that cause him to turn slightly, eyes darting to scan the area for the cause of the sound. The first thing registering was a blur of pink on the path-

"Wha...?" He muttered aloud, confusion crossing his features briefly as they moved to sidestep the other and let them pass by almost automatically.
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Mariko Tanaka
New Member | Location: Outside
Interactions: Solaris (@xLarius) and Hanae (@Monbon)
Mentions: N/A
Mariko was about to say the next line, but Solaris' sigh stopped her. Was she doing something wrong? Was he not satisfied with her responses? She could try harder if he needed her to. Just as she was about to speak, a suddenly flash caused her to jump in surprise. Her gaze shifted over to the direction it came from, unsure of what could have caused it. A slight fear of the unknown caused Mariko's heart to pound a little faster.

But before her mind could overtake itself with terrifying thoughts on the matter, Solaris had already stepped into action. Once he identified who it was, Mariko took a deep breath to relax herself. Though she was still newer to the club, even if she didn't know Hanae well, she was glad to find out it was just another member taking a picture of them.

Wait? Picture of them? Why did she take a picture of their research?

Though muddled in confusion, Mariko listened as Solaris explained what he and she were doing. When he brought up there being a problem though, a brief panic came over Mari as she thought that 'problem' was her. Perhaps she really wasn't doing a good job? Maybe it would be better if Solaris asked someone else who was more capable to help him.

However, that fear dissipated as soon as she heard Solaris claim he was the one who wasn't good at acting. As soon as he was done looking over the picture, his attention turned back on her, asking her if her heart had skipped a beat.

"O-oh, uh," Mariko stuttered. She pushed up her glasses. "W-well..."

Was it bad if Mariko admitted she felt it was much less romantic and more like he was going to swallow her whole.

"I mean..."
She wasn't fond of lying either. That was something she was never able to do. "M-maybe if I had feelings for you...I-I'm sure my heart would have skipped a beat. Right, Niijima-senpai? Y-you're very a-attractive,, if you did those things when you were actually on a date with someone...I'm sure she...she would enjoy it. A-And I'm not very good at doing those kinds of things I just messed up..."

Mariko looked down at the dirt, afraid to look at him in the eyes. "M-maybe we can try again? Or if you wanted to try it with someone who'd probably do a much better job than me, Niijima-senpai might be able to."
Sayuri Satou
|| Location: Back up the trail they'd just left cause they're that hopeless || Interactions: N/A || Mood: Powerful 😤 ||
After running for what felt like forever, Sayuri finally spotted the cabin in the distance. Whoever saw him run by, or whoever he passed were but blurs in the wind. Eyes stinging, Sayuri flung open the door and ran straight for the boys dorm. After considering it for a moment, he locked the door behind him and made his way straight for his bed only to find his luggage left in complete disarray.

It didn't take much of a guess to know who was behind it. Any other time Sayuri would have laughed it off, maybe given them a light scolding or cried to the teacher but this was just too much in one day. "It's a good day." He reminded himself almost robotically, using his words to encourage himself to keep it together.

Sinking onto the floor before his bed, Sayuri slowly began to tuck everything back into its own place, neatly rearranging it by color. Organizing helped him vent in a sense that it felt like his feelings and stress too were being tucked away in a little box, never to see the light of day. As if hoping that if he buried his grievances long enough, they'd just up and disappear forever.

Picking up a compact mirror that had fallen out of his makeup case, Sayuri caught a glimpse of his tear streaked face. He wasn't sure when the tears fell but they were well on their way to drying now. Gazing into his puffy eyed reflection, Sayuri frowned.

"Who is this ugly person?"

This wouldn't do. With a sudden burst of energy, Sayuri pulled himself up off the floor and grabbed one of his cutest outfits.

If there was no light in the world, they would be that light. So what if Kio tried to set him up with someone? That was their problem. Since Kio suddenly had a nose for romance, he could date Akari himself! So what if Ren took his things? He'd just owe him a favor later. If he didn't wanna be guilttripped, he should've kept his hands to himself! Ruby stealing his candy was a harder matter to deal with. At the very least he could avoid her for the rest of the trip.

As he grumbled to himself, he changed into the dress one of his followers had gifted him. Even if he had no one in the club supporting him, Sayuri wasn't alone. There were countless people that did believe in him and accepted him for who he was.

With a fierce determination, Sayuri dressed themselves up, pairing the dress with comfy sneakers that added about two inches to his height, giving him a nice boost of confidence. His hair was tucked into a long pink wig, secured with pins and some adhesive, carefully blending in the hairline to make it look as natural as possible.

After finishing up the look with makeup that enhanced their lively green eyes, Sayuri reexamined themselves in the mirror, now a lot more at ease with their reflection. They didn't know why they allowed anyone to ruin their image but that was going to stop now.

Now comforted and at ease, Sayuri grabbed for their phone but soon discovered it wasn't in their pocket. "I must've dropped it.." they wondered whether they should go back and grab it but felt it'd be pointless. Instead, they pulled out a pink camera from their bag and snapped a quick selfie to share it with others who'd appreciate their beauty. After planning to post it on their blog when they got home, they bounded right back downstairs and out the door to find that waterfall to take some selfies for people who'd appreciate them.

Bad with directions and not bothering to read the signs, however, they went right back up the trail they had just returned from.
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Hanae "Hani" Niijima
||Location: Outside with Sol and Mari || Interactions: Sol @xLarius , Mariko @ScarletNova || Mood: Manipulative? ||
There was a chill in the air. Not the type that came with the wind on a winter's morning but the type that seeped into one's bones. The kind that made it feel like the blood in your veins froze in place. It was one borne of fear, not the weather. For a brief moment, Hanae felt as if Sol's gaze was like a drawn blade, ready to strike at any given time. It filled her with a feeling of apprehension that had her nervously tightening the scarf around herself and almost dropping her phone in surprise.

"I.. I was just…" '—getting some pictures for Luna?' That was her excuse at first. As his neighbor, Hanae knew his weakness very well. As long as Luna was brought up he was like putty in their hands. A true siscon who would do anything for their younger sibling. As someone with a precious younger sibling, she understood that feeling very well.

But now? Now the Sol in front of her felt like someone else. It was still the same face. Their tone hadn't changed but the look in their eyes was so scary, she couldn't bring herself to use it.

Like magic, the soft clasp of the male's hands shifted him back to his usual nerdy self as he began to explain just what they were doing out in the middle of the woods. Only after explaining did Hani think to look down at her screen and take a look at the picture. Solaris wasn't wrong, there was something stiff and awkward about the atmosphere. The posture was on point but there was something about the gaze that felt very off.

"Why does it look like you're about to eat her alive Kousei-san?" She voiced out loud, turning the screen to face him but very obviously keeping herself from handing her phone over. She could explain this picture, but she couldn't explain all of the bromance pictures she'd taken of the two ever since they made their way into her radar. "The posture is good but your gaze… there's no feeling. No warmth. Perhaps Tanaka-chan is onto something. Should we change the target?" She suggested, gently, following Mariko's lead. "...Perhaps someone who has experience with romance?"

Knowing full well there were only a handful of people who actually had a love life in the club, Hanae left just enough for Solaris to spell out the target she had in mind on his own. It was the first time she was happy she hadn't had a chance to go on a date in her entire high school experience. Mentally giving Mariko a thumbs up, she pulled back her phone and locked it, keeping the picture safe for their 'research'.

"You two could also trade positions so you can experience it firsthand... Oh but Tanaka-chan is kind of petite. It might look weird on camera. How about someone taller?" Further narrowing it down, Hanae pulled out her sketchpad and turned to the side, carefully keeping its contents hidden from their view until she came to a page with an unfinished picture of two males, though the builds and facial details had some similarity to Sol and Ren, there wasn't enough detail to link the two. She hadn't even sketched in their hair yet. It wasn't as if she'd never thought of drawing such a scene but there was a lack of good references and Solaris had just presented her with the opportunity of a lifetime!

"I have done some research of my own. As the wardrobe specialist, I have to know how clothing moves with different postures. Anyway, shouldn't the expressions be something like this?" Pointing out the expression of the taller male in the drawing, Hanae drove the point home. The male in the drawing wore a softer expression but there was also warmth in the gaze fixed on nothing but the person in front of them. As if there was nothing else in the world they treasured more.

"If you're uncomfortable being the one in the other position, you two could try again but it's kabedon. There has to be an element of surprise to it. We should find someone who'd least expect it." She continued to hint as she closed the sketchpad. "Tanaka-chan and I can record and take notes on the side. Together we should be able to figure this out!"