The Last Summer (OOC/ Please sign up!!!)

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[BCOLOR=transparent]Forever. It seemed like they had known each other forever. Every summer, for years, theses teens from all across the country, across the world, would meet in these tiny cabins along the beach in Montauk, But this season is different. It's the summer after high school graduation.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]They've chosen their colleges (if they're going to college at all), picked their living spaces, and… Might not be attending next year.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]This might be their last summer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]So, with that thought in mind, they picked the largest cabin on the block and reserved it for the whole summer.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]Just the kids and the rocky sand, the bright blue sky greeting them happily and the grey sea almost a beacon.[/BCOLOR]

[BCOLOR=transparent]So, be sure to send in your RSVP and pick a room. This might be the end.[/BCOLOR]

Unlimited amount of characters! Will start the thread when two others join, though. :)

How long they've been going to this certain beach (must be longer than a year):


Please and thank you!
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Carolina Specter



Sexuality: Pansexual

City/State/Country: Natalie, Pennsylvania, United States

How long they've been going to this certain beach (must be longer than a year): Four years

Biography: Coming from a long line of farmers, gardeners and other various jobs that require people to stand out in the hot sun for hours on end. She had never really known much else, going to a small school with a select group of friends and a variety of country boys, she never really saw what it was like to be a normal teenager. Then one year, the first year of high school she went down to the beach with a group of friends and had the time of her life. She is planning on attending a university that singles in on culinary so she does not have to live in the farmhouse that has been passed on through the generations.

Personality: Charismatic, Friendly, Outgoing, Goofy, Melodramatic, A little lazy and Chatty.

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Carolina Specter



Sexuality: Pansexual

City/State/Country: Natalie, Pennsylvania, United States

How long they've been going to this certain beach (must be longer than a year): Four years

Biography: Coming from a long line of farmers, gardeners and other various jobs that require people to stand out in the hot sun for hours on end. She had never really known much else, going to a small school with a select group of friends and a variety of country boys, she never really saw what it was like to be a normal teenager. Then one year, the first year of high school she went down to the beach with a group of friends and had the time of her life. She is planning on attending a university that singles in on culinary so she does not have to live in the farmhouse that has been passed on through the generations.

Personality: Charismatic, Friendly, Outgoing, Goofy, Melodramatic, A little lazy and Chatty.

I love her already~ accepted!
Name: Marinka Moebus
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
City/State/Country: Ithaca, New York, USA
How long they've been going to this certain beach (must be longer than a year): 14 years
Biography: The under-achieving daughter of two businessmen, she was taken here as a kid for meeting and was left for weeks to stay with an old uncle during the day. When her uncles passed, her parents paid for the cabin and allowed her to stay there while they were at meetings/parties, where she spent most of her summers on the shore, hanging with her new friends, many more than she had during the school year.
Personality: On the serious side, enjoys reading and surfing, though is quite average when it comes to intelligence. Gets really laughable and giggly around her friends.


Other: Has severe ADHD and Dyslexia
Name: i'm Honor Williams
Age: Just turned 20 a month ago
Gender: I'm pretty sure i'm male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
City/State/Country: I'm Windsor Ontario, Canada. Go Canada!

How long have they been going to this certain beach?: For a while now, 16 Years!
Biography: Well i was born and raised in Windsor ontario, A small but good neighbor hood. I would always go see my Grandfather and Grandmother at the cabins. When they both died i kept going there with my parents and once i got in my later teen years by myself.
Personality: I'm really nice and comedic, Will make fun of you but in a nice way, Loves having fun and does stupid things, He is really irresponsible.
Other: He has a crush on someone
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Name: i'm Honor Williams
Age: Just turned 20 a month ago
Gender: I'm pretty sure i'm male
Sexuality: Gay
City/State/Country: I'm Windsor Ontario, Canada. Go Canada!
How long have they been going to this certain beach?: For a while now, 16 Years!
Biography: Well i was born and raised in Windsor ontario, A small but good neighbor hood. I would always go see my Grandfather and Grandmother at the cabins. When they both died i kept going there with my parents and once i got in my later teen years by myself.
Personality: I'm really nice and comedic, Will make fun of you but in a nice way, Loves having fun and does stupid things, He is really irresponsible.
Other: Is not openly gay.
Sounds wonderful! Accepted!

Just one more person til we start, yay!

Name: Sierra Neely

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

City/State/Country: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

How long they've been going to this certain beach: 9 years

Biography: After her parents' divorce when she was nine, Sierra's father transferred to the U.S. where he's lived ever since. Due to their custody agreement, Sierra lives with her mother for most of the year, only going to stay with her father during the summer. Every year he'd rent them a cabin in Montauk, and thus she considers it to be her second home. However, since she has opted to study abroad at a college Australia, she knows that this will likely be her last summer here for awhile.

Personality: Sierra is rather quiet, and values her alone time. She isn't asocial by any means, and can have just as much fun in a large group of people as she does by herself, but she enjoys the times where she can be by alone with her thoughts. She's practical and realistic, but enjoys cutting loose every so often.

Other: She has ITP, and has to be more cautious as a result.
Name: Voilet Kerman

Age: 19
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
City/State/Country: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ^•^
How long they've been going to this certain beach (must be longer than a year): 2 years
Biography: I had my close group of friends and that was it. I never really had a lot of enemy's but not a lot of good friends either. My parents split when I was 12 but I said it hadn't bothered me. I Was never very motivated, stayed inside playing video games with some guy friends, read, hung out once and awhile. After a few years of my parents being split my mother decided to become a drunk so I haven't saw her since. That summer I was invited to the cabins for the weekend with my cousins. Instantly I fell in love, it was something to be excited about. I spent the majority of that summer there and then the following, inviting friends up for weeks at a time.
Personality: Tom boyish. I enjoy people and I'm friendly, but I'm not very talkative before you know me. I get along with guys well and some girls are easy for me to hang with.
Other: Once I start drinking I can't stop. Which may have something to do with the whole, my mother is an alcoholic thing, but maybe not. :3

Name: Sierra Neely

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

City/State/Country: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

How long they've been going to this certain beach: 9 years

Biography: After her parents' divorce when she was nine, Sierra's father transferred to the U.S. where he's lived ever since. Due to their custody agreement, Sierra lives with her mother for most of the year, only going to stay with her father during the summer. Every year he'd rent them a cabin in Montauk, and thus she considers it to be her second home. However, since she has opted to study abroad at a college Australia, she knows that this will likely be her last summer here for awhile.

Personality: Sierra is rather quiet, and values her alone time. She isn't asocial by any means, and can have just as much fun in a large group of people as she does by herself, but she enjoys the times where she can be by alone with her thoughts. She's practical and realistic, but enjoys cutting loose every so often.

Other: She has ITP, and has to be more cautious as a result.
Name: Voilet Kerman
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
City/State/Country: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada ^•^
How long they've been going to this certain beach (must be longer than a year): 2 years
Biography: I had my close group of friends and that was it. I never really had a lot of enemy's but not a lot of good friends either. My parents split when I was 12 but I said it hadn't bothered me. I Was never very motivated, stayed inside playing video games with some guy friends, read, hung out once and awhile. After a few years of my parents being split my mother decided to become a drunk so I haven't saw her since. That summer I was invited to the cabins for the weekend with my cousins. Instantly I fell in love, it was something to be excited about. I spent the majority of that summer there and then the following, inviting friends up for weeks at a time.
Personality: Tom boyish. I enjoy people and I'm friendly, but I'm not very talkative before you know me. I get along with guys well and some girls are easy for me to hang with.
Other: Once I start drinking I can't stop. Which may have something to do with the whole, my mother is an alcoholic thing, but maybe not. :3
Okay, so I'm going to start the IC thread, but I will permanently be accepting new characters! Remember: everyone in this RP has been good friends for as long as they've been at the beach AND are sharing one large cabin! :) Will post the link at the top of the page!

Name: Sierra Neely

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

City/State/Country: Kingston, Ontario, Canada

How long they've been going to this certain beach: 9 years

Biography: After her parents' divorce when she was nine, Sierra's father transferred to the U.S. where he's lived ever since. Due to their custody agreement, Sierra lives with her mother for most of the year, only going to stay with her father during the summer. Every year he'd rent them a cabin in Montauk, and thus she considers it to be her second home. However, since she has opted to study abroad at a college Australia, she knows that this will likely be her last summer here for awhile.

Personality: Sierra is rather quiet, and values her alone time. She isn't asocial by any means, and can have just as much fun in a large group of people as she does by herself, but she enjoys the times where she can be by alone with her thoughts. She's practical and realistic, but enjoys cutting loose every so often.

Other: She has ITP, and has to be more cautious as a result.
I can see Sierra and Honor being good friends
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Born in Brooklyn, NY, USA
Raised in Manhattan for 14 years before setting off with her parents on various worldwide trips.

How long they've been going to this certain beach:
10 years
Born in Brooklyn New York where she spent the first few days of life only to be relocated into Manhattan in an apartment off of 45th street. Her mother was a well know fashion designer her father a photographer. Growing up around the world of fashion influenced her interests and dreams. As a child she was quite photogenic and often posed in her mothers new creations before her fathers camera. She didn't get to travel a lot until she reached 14 so every summer before then she and one of her parents headed to Montauk. There she made new friends and got to explore nature a bit more as she let loose and had no worries. Those numerous adventures continued for numerous summers, when she was 14 her parents began working together more allowing Lyn to travel the world with them and set out on numerous expeditions. She and her parents would live in various countries for months and they would return to New York for half the Summer only to head over to the beach in Montauk for the remainder of the summer. While going off to different countries with her parents the girls goals were set on becoming a model. She's been studying fashion and modeling in Milan for the past 3 months and returned to the Americas for the Summer. But just because on the exterior life for Lyn seems all peachy clean in reality it really isn't, growing up her home was a never ending battle field for her parents do nothing but argue to the current day. Her parents despise one another and only stay together for the publicity. Her parents deceive the public with their masked emotions as they walk about behaving as if they were a happy couple. Some days Lyn would try and get her parents to get along only to be shooed off as if she were nothing but a pest. There was a point of time when the girl was very young and she could clearly see that her parents loved one another but too soon had their love vanished into thin air only to be replaced by hatred. Her parents rarely spent time together while they were working since they both did their own thing not realizing they neglected Lyn. But she wasn't lonely for there was always someone who would talk to her and help keep her busy while her parents were working. She found helping with the fashion industry quite fun but the constant arguments between her parents lingered through her mind at all times. Anything else shall be revealed...

Lyn is a rash, forgetful, childish, determined, adventurous, fair, friendly individual who seeks out something new and unique. She doesn't think before she speaks or acts on something and simply goes with the flow. She can be quite childish, may she be playing pranks on someone or simply allowing curiosity take the lead, she can be quite a trouble-maker. Once her she's set on something nothing nor no one will be able to deter her from achieving her goals. She loves to explore about and see what she can discover about the world! Despite her upper-class background Lyn doesn't exactly act uppity, she thinks of everyone as a equal and never thinks that she's better than anyone because she know her flaws and isn't afraid to show them. Due to her many travels, Lyn tries her best to get along with everyone and often finds herself grouped with a diversity of many people and she enjoys it. Never ask her to remember something for you because she's destined to forget it, if she doesn't concentrate on something for at least 15 minutes she'll forget something in an instant.


(Trip to California)


(In Lower East Side Manhattan with friends)


(Last years trip to Sweden)


(Heading to a party in Milan)


(Photo shoot picture for her mothers 2013 Summer collection)


(Picture her friend took for a photography contest)


(Her mothers 2013 Winter collection)


(Random picture one of her buddy's took)


Lyn is studying to become a model and has already started her career by doing small photo shoots for her mothers clothing line every once in a while. She has picked up several languages on her travels but forgets sometimes what certain words mean.

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Born in Brooklyn, NY, USA
Raised in Manhattan for 14 years before setting off with her parents on various worldwide trips.
How long they've been going to this certain beach:
Born in Brooklyn New York where she spent the first few days of life only to be relocated into Manhattan in an apartment off of 45th street. Her mother was a well know fashion designer her father a photographer. Growing up around the world of fashion influenced her interests and dreams. As a child she was quite photogenic and often posed in her mothers new creations before her fathers camera. She didn't get to travel a lot until she reached 14 so every summer before then she and one of her parents headed to Montauk. There she made new friends and got to explore nature a bit more as she let loose and had no worries. Those numerous adventures continued for numerous summers, when she was 14 her parents began working together more allowing Lyn to travel the world with them and set out on numerous expeditions. She and her parents would live in various countries for months and they would return to New York for half the Summer only to head over to the beach in Montauk for the remainder of the summer. While going off to different countries with her parents the girls goals were set on becoming a model. She's been studying fashion and modeling in Milan for the past 3 months and returned to the Americas for the Summer. But just because on the exterior life for Lyn seems all peachy clean in reality it really isn't, growing up her home was a never ending battle field for her parents do nothing but argue to the current day. Her parents despise one another and only stay together for the publicity. Her parents deceive the public with their masked emotions as they walk about behaving as if they were a happy couple. Some days Lyn would try and get her parents to get along only to be shooed off as if she were nothing but a pest. There was a point of time when the girl was very young and she could clearly see that her parents loved one another but too soon had their love vanished into thin air only to be replaced by hatred. Her parents rarely spent time together while they were working since they both did their own thing not realizing they neglected Lyn. But she wasn't lonely for there was always someone who would talk to her and help keep her busy while her parents were working. She found helping with the fashion industry quite fun but the constant arguments between her parents lingered through her mind at all times. Anything else shall be revealed...
Lyn is a rash, forgetful, childish, determined, adventurous, fair, friendly individual who seeks out something new and unique. She doesn't think before she speaks or acts on something and simply goes with the flow. She can be quite childish, may she be playing pranks on someone or simply allowing curiosity take the lead, she can be quite a trouble-maker. Once her she's set on something nothing nor no one will be able to deter her from achieving her goals. She loves to explore about and see what she can discover about the world! Despite her upper-class background Lyn doesn't exactly act uppity, she thinks of everyone as a equal and never thinks that she's better than anyone because she know her flaws and isn't afraid to show them. Due to her many travels, Lyn tries her best to get along with everyone and often finds herself grouped with a diversity of many people and she enjoys it. Never ask her to remember something for you because she's destined to forget it, if she doesn't concentrate on something for at least 15 minutes she'll forget something in an instant.
(Trip to California)
(In Lower East Side Manhattan with friends)
(Last years trip to Sweden)
(Heading to a party in Milan)
(Photo shoot picture for her mothers 2013 Summer collection)
(Picture her friend took for a photography contest)
(Her mothers 2013 Winter collection)
(Random picture one of her buddy's took)
Lyn is studying to become a model and has already started her career by doing small photo shoots for her mothers clothing line every once in a while. She has picked up several languages on her travels but forgets sometimes what certain words mean.
Accepted! You can head straight to the IC thread :))
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