The Green Flower...



Original poster
Midori Hana is a seemingly-normal girl, though she does have a serious attitude and an air around her that just screams "stay away." She lives with her father, the head of her hometown's shrine, and learns the "art of the sword" from him. She has to fight against the "The Forgotten", a saga of monsters who menace her peaceful town, with a sword left by her missing mother. However, as she fights against them, she learns more things about who she really is and her real mission. She feels the stress all piling up, only to add on the boy who strives to learn her strange secret...

I'm looking for a male love interest for Midori, someone that will pursue her secret and insist to follow her into danger before evidently gaining her trust. This trust is not easily earned though, for Midori is not one to trust others so easily.