The Great Hiveswap of 1999

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Original poster
(A Hiveswap/Homestuck based thread)

At the turn of a millenium, a group of rebellious and dissatisfied human teenagers throw a raging house party in a house with a dark secret. Said party spirals into a siege of monsters and puzzle based anarchy.

Concurrently, a summit of low-to-mid blood trolls conspire in an abandoned hive to overthrow the empress. When their "megaweapon", does not work as they hoped, chaos is traded among worlds.

Will post human and troll bios based on how many people want to join and how balanced the party needs to do. I do know I wanna use at least one human and one ochre-blood troll.
Changed my mind about Bios. Here are my two mains:

Name: June Malone
Age: 17
Physical Discription: June is a pale wisp of a human being, generally adorned in what little Goth fashion she can get away with around her repressive conservative father. This mostly takes the form of Jack Skellington Hoodies, combat boots, and vaguely demonic chokers.
Bio: June's childhood was a lonely one, characterized by being raised by a paranoid lunatic of a father on an isolated pig farm. Fortunately, his grip on her weakened over the years, and June was for the most part free to persue her real passion: stop motion animation. Her "portfolio" consists of 10 minute tapes of classical and gothic novels translated to quirky clay figurines and cardboard settings. She is confidant that with these she can leave her old life behind and find a home at CalArts; but for now her need for escape is well enough fed with the occasional party.
Typing quirk: Ok, she uses short sentences. No more than five words. Longer sentences are broken up... with ellipses. Unless she is telling a story. If this sentence was June telling a story it would go on and on with no punctuation to really break up or slow down the text because at her heart June is passionate about stories and won't let herself rest until the entirety of the narrative has been expressed and this rule applies to anything structured like a story so historical events and backstory revelations also follow this rule. Otherwise, she's soft-spoken.

Name: Peanut Butter
Age: 8 Sweeps
Physical Discription: Unlike most ochre trolls, Peanut has unlocked the alternian psionic technique known as "Mind Jacking". By focusing his psychic control into his physical work, he has built himself over the years into a remarkably ripped troll for his hemocaste. His horns curve foreward and his left horn is broken in half due to a mining accident. Meanwhile, his hair has been molded by dust and humidity into what is commonly known in Alternia as "Miner's Tentacles".
Bio: Peanut Butter has always had disdain for the way the empire conducted itself, though living in a cave-hive in the woods with a Cholerbear Lusus ("Den Mother") meant he could throw himself into fishing and gathering and mining. That option left him when the Orphaner came for them and they were forced truely undergroud. Now fueled by vengence, he conspires against the empress in a resistance hive-bunker with his fellow lowbloods.
Typing quirk: He^breaks^up^words^with^a^power^symbol. <uh>, except^for^interjections, they^get^flanked^by^greater^and^lesser^wedges.
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