The Funny Game Called Love

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
Loraine kicked her feet a little as she talked between Peter and Bonnie. The dark haired woman jeered at Eiden, both giving each other a friendly challenge. She really did enjoy that they were so close they could openly mock and tease and jeer at each other. That and one of her best friends were a bar tender. "Did I ever tell you guys that hanging out with you is my favorite part of the day?" She smiled as she took another sip of her drink.
Bonnie scrunched up her nose like a rabbit, feeling a phantom shiver. She sucked down her drink like it was going out of style. "I think pink parasols would look pretty peachy in your eyeballs," she said to Eiden, raising an eyebrow. Bon was one of those people who could successfully raise up the corner of her left eyebrow while furrowing her right. The taste of liquor was in the back of her mouth, as she licked her lips.
Peter was still smiling, "Aw shucks."
"The best part of my day is when crime forensic shows are on tv when I'm home." Was Bonnie's reply.
Peter grunted at Bonnie's usually level of post-teenage angst and love for gore. It always bewildered him how his cousin could act say such edgy and dark things all the time but still manage to sprinkle them with enough humor to still be friendly and almost warm. They were quite alike, the two of them, both in looks and personality, though Peter lack the mysterious luster Bonnie had. Often people asked if they were twins, or dating even. Peter reached out for Loraine's drink, sliding his fingers in the spaces between hers, before smoothly taking it from her. He helped himself to a sip before setting it down with distaste, "I don't know how you like this." He held onto his own beer, as if someone would take it from him.
Loraine laughed aloud at Bonnie's reply. They were such a nice blend of personalities! How could anyone get tired of these guys?! Her laughing fell into an open mouthed gasp as Peter practically laced his fingers with hers and stole her drink. "Noo," she whined as he stole a sip. "Give me my goodness~" She took it back as he totally dissed her taste. "Thank you. I love my ice cream drink thank you very much! I don't bash your preferred drink, do I?" She stuck out her tongue and took another long sip of her wonderful drink.
Eiden laughed a bit when Yin asked for permission to take his photo. "As long as I don't need to have a pink parasol stuck in my eye then you can take as many pictures as you wish." He told Yin and gave Bonnie a grin. "One second guys." He then said when a customer came. The man ordered his drink and Eiden fixed it as fast as humanly possible while listening on his friends talking. As the man had gotten his drink and left Eiden turned back to his friends. "So as I said Yin, you can take as many photos you like, I don't mind at all."
"Poor Yin, doesn't have any friends who are actually models so she's stuck snapping pictures of little ol' us," Bonnie jeered, patting Yin on the back. She was still standing up, leaning on the counter. She felt someone's hand touch her leg, and she turned to see some guy who definitely looked underage casually walking by. Bonnie spat a few obscenities at him before returning her attention to her friends. She'd already just about topped of her whiskey, and opted for something a bit sweeter. "I could go for that girlie drink now," She tried to make it clear she was serious, but it was hard to tell, given her nature. "I probably shouldn't drink that much because I'm working later." She let out a long sigh just thinking about it. Bonnie wasn't proud to be working in what basically a sex shop, and was a bit embarrassed too. But work was work and she got employee discounts.
Peter held his beer out to Loraine, "There's nothin' to bash!" He gave her a friendly nudge in the arm.
Yin gleamed when Eiden answered her. "Good," she said already readying the camera, "I thought as such from the all-around Mr. Super Nice Guy Eiden. How could I ever expect you to say no?" And with that, she clicked the camera. Then, came more and more clicks despite if Eiden was prepared or not to take them. She then laughed at Bonnies' remark. "Hey, you guys are beautiful people," Yin started to say as she finally stopped snapping shots of Eiden, "I need pictures of such prettiness. You never see that around anymore." She started looking at her camera again, smiling at the pictures she just took. "And may I say Eiden," Yin said happily as she looked up, "you are very pretty indeed." She giggled a bit and started showing the pictures to Bonnie and Loraine since they were the closest to her. "Look at this," Yin gleefully yelled out and slid off the bar stool and came around over in between Loraine and Bonnie, "not even paying attention, and yet he yells out 'gorgeous'!" She flipped through the pictures and sighed dramatically, "If only I was that photogenic."
Loraine rolled her eyes at Peter before turning to look at Yin's shots. She couldn't help giggling at a few. It was true, Eiden was very photogenic and it showed in the photos. Loraine found herself getting a little jealous too. "If only we were that photogenic," she sighed as she looked on with Yin. "He looks great on camera. Don't tell me we have a model on our hands here! No one should look that good in bartender attire, seriously!" She looked from the pictures to Eiden then back again a couple of times. "What if Eiden really is a model? What if he has some secret second life that none of us know about? I could see him doing that." She waved a finger at him teasingly. "I got you mister bartender."
Eiden gave Yin a smile to the first photo before he started to work on Bonnie's drink. "Ooh, so you want a girly drink now." He commented to Bonnie. "Is the world about the end already?" He continued and laughed, it would be a good moment to put a parasol in it just to taunt her a bit but he restrained himself.

As he gave Bonnie her second, less strong, drink they had all started to look at the pictures Yin had been taking off him. "Oh damn it, you figured it out. Yeah, I'm a model for a french fashion magazine you know. But that's top secret, hush hush." He said teasingly. "They make me wear a lot of dresses. Those crazy french people." He continued while trying to look a bit feminine by playing with his long hair that he had put up in a tail when working.
Loraine shook her head and held up her glass. "Mhm, can I get another if you're not to busy?" She laid her head down on the counter and sighed. The sound of laughter and conversation mixed well with the smells of the bar and feeling of the being with her friends. An afternoon of friendship and drinks were just what she needed after a full day at the shop. She raised her head to look up and down the bar. They were all so carefree, for the most part. Now, the next question: "What is everyone doing tonight?"