The Evrensel Conflict -- Prologue, Chapter 3, Mission 3: New Butyrka

Until that time, she was still stuck inside a big tube with two large speaker-looking things to her left and right. Outside the tub were several scientists and engineers, one of which stated to a recording device, "Interrogation #001. Creature is of unknown origin, with no record of any previous sighting of her or anything resembling her species before. Scans indicate her gender is similar to female, and humanoid in bone structure, but we've detected she uses some sort of nanotechnology when she fights. Our first test will be to see if we can scan the technology, and whether it is apart of her neutral structure, or her suit, as we've been unable to remove it when she was first captured. Begin sonic emissions in 3... 2... 1."


As the chamber closed, the blue light that surrounded her felt like she was stuck in a tornado revolving around 30 miles per hour. It was literally trying to suck the nanotechnology off of her.​
Vaarsiks, Queen-Baron

An amused thrill emerged from Vaarsiks' throat as the wind did little than ruffle her cloak, a harsh sound that would have sent shivers through any hardened Guardian, nevertheless a normal human. They were pathetic, even through the thick glass she could hear their words - Very soon those very voices would be begging for death when she was finished with them.

And she, as a merciful Kell, would give it to them.

SIVA was her's to control, and only her. Those that would try and take it for themselves would only receive a nasty surprise in the form of the nanotechnology's original directive, quickly growing out of hand and consuming everything in it's path.

Vaarsiks' imprisonment had left her starved, though not ignorant of her situation. She had scorned Skolas when he had come for her support, sending the Wolf pup with his tail between his legs. Now, she was in much the same position as he had ended up in.

Humans. Oh, how she despised them. Their theft of the Great Machine had led to their downfall. Even the name bestowed upon them was an insult: Fallen. From a God's given Grace. She wasn't blind enough to see that they had directly taken their God from them, more likely it was tricked somehow. She never knew how, and it was one of the many questions she asked when interrogating captured Thieves.

The next Human she would get her hands on wouldn't die quickly. An oath she would hold herself to...
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Terry McGinnis

Hearing Kane's words made Terry's scowl deepen, as these guys seemed to know about the suit not having a self destruct in it, calling him out on his bluff. Terry didn't get much of a chance for a witty remark as he was promptly knocked out and dragged back to his cell. A black-eye forming on the spot he was hit. A headache following his awakening in the cell he was tossed in, which strangely was also occupied by someone else. A strange thing as in the past, Terry was always kept alone, rarely put with anyone that wasn't drugged up or clearly mentally broken they could do nothing more than drool and mumble gibberish.

The person before him looked like he still had his marbles about him, and fresh from a run in one of those rooms Terry saw during one of his attempts.

"Five star service am I right?" He would joke, to break the ice as he slowly got up from his spot on the floor, pain dully pulsing through his body. His ribs and other injuries given to him as a 'gift' from the Warden being the main sources of said pain. His effort was made somewhat difficult due to the fact he was cuffed with his hands behind his back, but a semi-quick moving his arms below his legs as he curled into a ball. As Terry got a good look at his cellmate, he noticed the muzzle on said guy's head as well as the metal coverings on said man's hands. Just what in the world did this guy do to earn those two items of restraints.

"I'd help, but they did search me for anything that might fit for a lockpick each time I get taken out for a walk. Plus, our 'friends' tend to not leave much to break off to make into lockpicks." As he looked to the room, with its lack of supplies to be made into tools, the camera and utter barrenness of the cell they were in left Terry with few options. It seemed they were going to play the waiting game, to see if an opportunity would present itself to give them a chance of getting out..

@kookyboy9 @Wade Von Doom
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While Shirou still didn't like how flippant Deadpool was being about this mission, he did bring up some valid points. The young man held his chin in thought.

"Well...being honest, my own abilities really don't lend themselves well to stealth. I'm far more practiced in straight-up fighting, so I doubt I would be able to contribute on the infiltration front. I would either have to follow along without doing much else, or risk giving us away if I try to use my powers."

He then turned to Brigid. "What do you think, General Mahoney? Could making a distraction from outside the prison work for pulling the JDF's attention away from a dedicated infiltration team? I would think that if we draw their forces' attention toward a running battle, that could give any infiltrators a better shot at getting in, but I admit there may be other important factors I'm not aware of."

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Ryan Zokkendov

Ryan's approach was quickly derailed by the army woman, named Brigid, who was quick to suggest an approach to enter the prison stealthily. Some names had been shared already, along with some of the personalities of his teammates upon sharing their abilities. Ryan decided to not make comments on those at the moment, they had quite the stunt to pull off ahead of them, after all. However, Wade intervened with a rant on how he should be the leader on a two team infiltration. "While you bring in some valid points, Wade, the way you did so brings me even more serious doubts in regard to granting you either a partial or full leadership role..." Ryan then nodded as he found himself agreeing with Shirou. Ryan was covered in red particles from the neck down, tail included, for an instant. Which replaced his clothes for the advanced suit of armor "Hm, ANNA, could you share with us if this armor has any stealth capabilities?" Almost immediately, a voice that could be perceived as coming from Ryan's general direction spoke "This is an armor intended for direct combat. But surveying and information manipulation is possible" Ryan quickly added "While I can work stealthily on my own, I, like Shirou, excel in direct combat... You do seem like a more suitable person to lead, if you think the two way approach is viable, I'll consider it" he addressed that last part at Brigid. Ryan had his doubts about the distraction approach, as it only worked on the other prison was because something else was causing a way more effective distraction than what they could manage with their current team.
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In the brief interim between the meeting with the God of Madness(or whatever that confusing being styled himself) and their arrival at this location, Morgan has swapped out the bright white armor she'd taken from the prison armory for a black hooded sweatshirt and black sweatpants taken from the wardrobe of the TARDIS. Armor for one who could heal from most forms of damage did seem redundant. This mission would require stealth, and while Morgan herself was no expert on stealth she had seen enough movies to think that it was best to wear all black when you didn't want to be seen. Nevermind she does not know how dark the prison will be. At least she has the sense to tie her golden blonde hair back in a ponytail before pulling up the hood.

Morgan stays close to Luxem while trying to make sense of the leadership of this group. A Doctor had given the one named Deadpool what amounts to the key of the mission, yet there was another, General Brigid, who was more active in a plan as a leader would be. Deadpool just knew how to run his unseen mouth.

Now, Morgan was not 'leader material' in her own reckoning. But she could do her part in backing one she does consider leader material. And not only herself, but others like Shirou as well.

The hooded Daemon walks up to Deadpool, and snatches the sonic screwdriver from his hand with her right while the left grabs him by the head; keeping him at bay as she holds out the screwdriver for Brigid.

"Here you go, General, lead on!" Morgan says to Brigid holding it aloft while using her considerable strength to hold Deadpool in place like a bully keeping the nerd from their lunch money.
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In the brief interim between the meeting with the God of Madness(or whatever that confusing being styled himself) and their arrival at this location, Morgan has swapped out the bright white armor she'd taken from the prison armory for a black hooded sweatshirt and black sweatpants taken from the wardrobe of the TARDIS. Armor for one who could heal from most forms of damage did seem redundant. This mission would require stealth, and while Morgan herself was no expert on stealth she had seen enough movies to think that it was best to wear all black when you didn't want to be seen. Nevermind she does not know how dark the prison will be. At least she has the sense to tie her golden blonde hair back in a ponytail before pulling up the hood.

Morgan stays close to Luxem while trying to make sense of the leadership of this group. A Doctor had given the one named Deadpool what amounts to the key of the mission, yet there was another, General Brigid, who was more active in a plan as a leader would be. Deadpool just knew how to run his unseen mouth.

Now, Morgan was not 'leader material' in her own reckoning. But she could do her part in backing one she does consider leader material. And not only herself, but others like Shirou as well.

The hooded Daemon walks up to Deadpool, and snatches the sonic screwdriver from his hand with her right while the left grabs him by the head; keeping him at bay as she holds out the screwdriver for Brigid.

"Here you go, General, lead on!" Morgan says to Brigid holding it aloft while using her considerable strength to hold Deadpool in place like a bully keeping the nerd from their lunch money.

"Hey, what the hell?!--" Deadpool shouted out as Morgan locked his head between her 24-inch pythons, brother!... Or at least it felt like 24-inch, because Jesus, she was starting to choke him. "ACK!" He spluttered, the white eyes on his mask getting bigger as he tried his best to pry her arm off. Now, he would teleport.... But I can't remember if he can when I claimed him.

"Prick!" He shouted to me. You're welcome, I say back.
"Pump the brakes, kid." Brigid tells Ranma, standing in front of her to prevent her from going off half-cocked. That would really screw the pooch in this situation for her to charge the incoming convoy and she is glad others agree.

"Quieter than a kinetic sniper." The Exo said, his synthetic voice coming out even more filtered than usual through his helmet. "Still hits hard. Six shots in the mag, semi-auto. If you're firing this thing, of course."

Brigid's eyes snap to the soldier and the masterpiece of a weapon.

"That is perfect. Here I was wishing I'd brought my fifty caliber rifle." She compliments the soldier with a thumbs-up. She doesn't move from her spot meant to stop the headstrong and rash Ranma.

He then turned to Brigid. "What do you think, General Mahoney? Could making a distraction from outside the prison work for pulling the JDF's attention away from a dedicated infiltration team? I would think that if we draw their forces' attention toward a running battle, that could give any infiltrators a better shot at getting in, but I admit there may be other important factors I'm not aware of."

Brigid shakes her head.

"Bad idea. That's a big facility, and we need to hit it fast and precise with our full strength from within. We can't gamble on them sending a bulk of their force to deal with the distraction. What if it's just a squad or two? Then those trying to get inside are still facing most of an army. Plus, there's the issue of that distraction team getting killed or captured." Brigid looks around at everyone.

"My plan : There is a convoy incoming headed to the prison right now. We have our snipers take out the drivers and passengers starting from the rear truck, to the front. When a truck stops, three of us rush that truck, and eliminate anyone left before taking their uniforms; anyone who knows how to drive, you are the driver. Everyone else hides in the back of the truck. I'll take the lead truck, and vouch for the rest of you to get in.

The hooded Daemon walks up to Deadpool, and snatches the sonic screwdriver from his hand with her right while the left grabs him by the head; keeping him at bay as she holds out the screwdriver for Brigid.

"Here you go, General, lead on!" Morgan says to Brigid holding it aloft while using her considerable strength to hold Deadpool in place like a bully keeping the nerd from their lunch money.

"Huh?" Brigid takes the offered screwdriver and chuckles seeing Deadpool put in a headlock. The General twirls it between her fingers before pocketing it within a pocket on on her coat.

"Alright, listen up!" Brigid points behind her at the ridge.

"Snipe and rush, that's the plan."

"Sniper-" She points at Kingpin-14 "-get to work ASAP. The rest of us, get ready to rush. If you can drive, take the uniform of a driver. No time for questions, that convoy isn't stopping! Go!" Brigid snaps her fingers and motions for everyone to move over to the ridge overlooking the nearby road.
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Dusk had mostly been spacing out through the planning portion of the expedition. He wasn't much of a planner, in fact, he had never really planned anything in his life other than the garden he tended to. He was starting to grow a little homesick of the glowing vines that covered the walls of the old bunker he called home, and the nice grotto that surrounded it. The mainly stoic look he had kept on his face since transforming softened for a moment, but later resurfaced when Bridget spoke up.

The plan seemed to be to find a convoy that was making its way to the prison and hijack it. The more gun savvy of the group would shoot the driver and guards of the convoy, and the rest of the group would make their way into the backs of the transport truck. It sounded easier than deadpool's plan, that being bum rushing the entire prison head on. Once Bridget snapped her fingers, Dusk made his way to the ridge overlooking the truck they were about to steal without a word.
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As Ranma was about to jump. And she was totally going to because they were still debating about a plan. A lady went in front of her to stop her.

-Hey! I wasn't gonna do nuthin'.

The nerves of this lady! The redheaded sighed. Maybe it wasn't such a great idea to attack them immediately. If they got caught, it wouldn't be being captured or beaten black and blue... it would be death.

But they were going on with the plan. Apparently they were going to snipe the drivers and then attack the people inside the truck. The last time she killed was... well it wouldn't be pleasant...

The redhead went in position waiting for the sniper to start the festivities.
Shirou bit his lower lip. While the current plan made sense, the prospect of possibly killing the troops in the convoy made his stomach turn. After all, even though they were the enemey, there was a strong chance that a good number among them were simply ordinary people under orders, just like Scott had been.

"If possible, I'd like to try and neutralize them without killing them," Shirou said to the others as he joined them on the ridge. "I know they're doing terrible things here, but they're not necessarily evil people. Scott Steiner was acting under orders and under duress. It's likely the same here."

Shirou took a breath and remembered the lessons from Rin's close combat training, using reinforcement magic to boost his own body's durability, strength, and speed. He also summoned a pair of metal tonfas, one in each hand.

"I won't try to force the issue. All I can do is ask you all to spare their lives, if you can."
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- Artis Solum, Twilight Warrior -

Artis stifled a chuckle at Deadpool's current plight. If him being locked in a choke-hold was what it took to keep the Merc with a Mouth from the leadership position, then Artis was all for it, along with it being a hysterical sight to boot, but to laugh at it would be improper, given the circumstances.

"I can't make any promises, Shirou. I was taught not to show restraint or any mercy in combat, as to fuel my powers over Darkness, which feeds off of primal emotions such as anger and, for lack of a nicer term; bloodlust." Artis solemnly explained to Shirou, who had qualms regarding killing the prison guards or anyone else that stood in their way, which Artis did not share. Artis didn't necessarily like killing others, but he didn't hate the idea either.

"I'm very likely going to kill today. A whole hell of a lot...and I won't make any apologies, because they'd be insincere. But my main focus will be the freeing of the imprisoned and I'll try to keep focus on that, rather than taking revenge. I'll promise that, at the very least, Shirou." This was as close to a vow as Artis would make on the matter, as he looked the man in the eye, hand on heart, swearing this and only this to him, before making himself ready to advance on a moments notice.

@BobTheNinja @Wade Von Doom
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".... Wow, you sounded a lot more psychotic than I think you meant to, dude." Deadpool told Artis. 'I'm gonna kill a lot of people today. And I mean, A LOT. But you know, it's for a good cause.' Where's the Doctor when you needed him. With Brigid's command to move over to the ridge where the convoy was headed, Deadpool shouted out, "Go teeeeeeeaaaaam!" And as everyone followed her lead, DP quickly grabbed the collar of both Shirou, Artis, and Ryan.

"You three are coming with me." He blatantly told them. "I'm not letting her win this, so while she does her plan, we'll do mine. And it involves no killing at all." He assured them. Take it from the man called 'Deadpool,' surely you could take his word on that. "All we gotta do is fine a way inside, and what better way of finding out," he looked over the side, "then by following the water. If there's a sewer system for this prison, we could travel through it and get inside without having to risk getting caught. All we need to do is find out where the sewage comes out."


As the convoy made it's way through the city, one of the trucks was bigger and bulkier than the others. Like it was transporting a prisoner. Two soldiers were inside, keeping guard of the newest scattered they found within the city. It was a familiar species, one they had captured before, but this one wore a unique piece of armor they hadn't seen before. They kept it locked in full body restraints, and kept their weapons aimed closely at its head, deciding that it would be safer to remove it within the prison, rather than out in the open.
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Luer has opted to stay quiet. He could not put too much input into the planning. Even if he wanted to, none of them would listen. Brigid would not, much less most of the people agreeing to follow her plan. "Seriously…" He muttered to himself. Were they not the 'heroes' here? If what that madman said was to be believed, anyway. So then why were they so willing to end lives just as much as save them? That was pointless, was it not? At least Shirou had the right idea. Too bad no one listened to him, which means his word would be useless too.

He had two options now; go with Deadpool and do things the way he, much to his annoyance, agreed with, or follow Brigid's group and try to keep them from killing more people than they are meant to save. He moved to Kingpin when Brigid gave the order. If he got off a headshot there was no hope of saving anyone. "Surely someone as apparently well trained as you can do this without killing them, no?" He asked. If he had to, he would take the shots himself to avoid it. Pain can do the trick without death, if the shot was made right. If not, he will just… follow behind the team and keep the drivers and passengers alive.
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As the convoy made it's way through the city, one of the trucks was bigger and bulkier than the others. Like it was transporting a prisoner. Two soldiers were inside, keeping guard of the newest scattered they found within the city. It was a familiar species, one they had captured before, but this one wore a unique piece of armor they could pry out with their hands. So instead, they kept it locked in full body restraints, and kept their weapons aimed closely at its head.
The Arbiter

She was calmer than expected.

Vaas knew that her moment would arrive soon. Her hands would clasp upon the nearest creature's head and twist it until it came off in a glorious moment of gory revenge. Her mandibles twitched in anticipation as she quietly strained against her bindings, gripping them while glaring balefully at her captors.

This reminded her of the time she spent incarcerated on High Charity, branded for the Heresy of denying her brother. But, even knowing the outcome, she would do it all again.
Honestly they had to speak about that? Right now? Kill or no kill? Was it ever the time. Well she was all for the non kill team of course. She already took a life, temporarily. But it was still pretty messy.
This sort of dilemma was really something the red head would love to postpone dealing with. What did they ever think they were doing? They were about to infiltrate a military camp to retrieve prisonners by sniping drivers.

She let an audible sigh.

"If you are not ready to kill go home. That ain't a game. First we don't know how many they are and how good they are. Second we have someone that's going to snipe their drivers if he can manage to just make them uncounscious more power to him but somehow I doubt it. Third we have to neutralize and secure them if we don't go for the kill. You van do it quick? And last we will need some people to stay here to make sure our prisoneers won't alert the others. Wanna be volunteer? Don't think we can afford being less."

Her usual happy go lucky attitude was gone. It was her facing a serious opponent mode that was on. Because even if the soldiers were not masterclass martial artist, life was sacred, and taking a life was a serious matter.

"If you refuse to kill because of principles you put your teamates lives in danger. So don't think you can fight without killing because if someone you didn't kill shoot one of us, it's the same as if you pressed the trigger. In war you have to take a life. Be glad you are given the luxury of choice."

She was looking at the truck waiting for the signal. The signal that would make her walk a dark path.
Terry McGinnis

Hearing Kane's words made Terry's scowl deepen, as these guys seemed to know about the suit not having a self destruct in it, calling him out on his bluff. Terry didn't get much of a chance for a witty remark as he was promptly knocked out and dragged back to his cell. A black-eye forming on the spot he was hit. A headache following his awakening in the cell he was tossed in, which strangely was also occupied by someone else. A strange thing as in the past, Terry was always kept alone, rarely put with anyone that wasn't drugged up or clearly mentally broken they could do nothing more than drool and mumble gibberish.

The person before him looked like he still had his marbles about him, and fresh from a run in one of those rooms Terry saw during one of his attempts.

"Five star service am I right?" He would joke, to break the ice as he slowly got up from his spot on the floor, pain dully pulsing through his body. His ribs and other injuries given to him as a 'gift' from the Warden being the main sources of said pain. His effort was made somewhat difficult due to the fact he was cuffed with his hands behind his back, but a semi-quick moving his arms below his legs as he curled into a ball. As Terry got a good look at his cellmate, he noticed the muzzle on said guy's head as well as the metal coverings on said man's hands. Just what in the world did this guy do to earn those two items of restraints.

"I'd help, but they did search me for anything that might fit for a lockpick each time I get taken out for a walk. Plus, our 'friends' tend to not leave much to break off to make into lockpicks." As he looked to the room, with its lack of supplies to be made into tools, the camera and utter barrenness of the cell they were in left Terry with few options. It seemed they were going to play the waiting game, to see if an opportunity would present itself to give them a chance of getting out..

@kookyboy9 @Wade Von Doom

As the data from the AI was being copied over into external hard drives, Kane moved over to pod that contained the big green soldier himself. Wiping away the condensation on the glass, as the pod was generating heat from its battery. The AI was so protective of this man. Scans showed he was genetically engineered, and if he was awakened, it would be very likely they wouldn't have the capacity to stop him. As much as Kane wished to break it open and study both the suit, and the man inside it, the AI would have to suffice.

"He's going to wake up." A voice from behind told Kane. The AI, Cortana, sat in hologram form on the little console they pulled from the ship's wreckage. She had her knees to her chest, and her arms holding her legs together. AI's can't feel pain, but she felt her mind pulled and pushed around by these people, wanting to pull apart her code and leave behind what was degenerating by her rampancy. It was like cutting apart the brain of an Alzheimer's patient, and leaving behind what the diseases had already destroyed; thinking they could rebuild it. A waste of time, but they didn't listen to her.

Needless to say, she was angry. "And when he does... You won't stop him." She looked right into Kane's eyes with anger and hatred, yet Kane stared back with amusement and a smile.

"If he wakes," he began to say, bending down to be at her level. "I will be long gone. And what remains of you will be left stranded on this dying planet. A new sun is rising. I plan to have it be a Tiberium sun." Standing back up, Kane left, and the engineers continued on, preparing their tools to break apart Cortana for the rest of her coding.


In Terry and Damon's cell, they would hear a commotion outside. "Hey, take it easy!" A male voice shouted out, as two guards dragged him. "Shut up!" A female guard shouted back at him. They reached their cell door, and as they opened it, the male voice told them, "Look, I didn't know he was married to you, I made sure to see if he had a ring on!" The female guard punched him right in the stomach as hard as she could, while the other guard, smashed the butt of his rifle on the back of his head as he bent down from the pain. As he was about to fall forwards to the ground, they both pushed him into the cell, and closed the door.

"Aaaaaaooooooh...." The guy moaned, rolling over to his side to see if the back of his head was bleeding. Some small drops of blood on the floor that dripped down his hair, but he couldn't feel a concussion. "Other guard next time." He muttered, turning around to see where he was. He noticed both Terry and Damon. "Ah! Hello there!" With a bit of a struggle, letting out a groan from the pain in his gut, he stood up to face both his new cellmates. "Captain Jack Harkness! I'd offer a handshake, but... Looks like we're a bit tied up."


Jack Harkness

"Well, cuffed up technically, but it's all the same."
There was a clear suggestiveness when he said that, along with a wink.
Until that time, she was still stuck inside a big tube with two large speaker-looking things to her left and right. Outside the tub were several scientists and engineers, one of which stated to a recording device, "Interrogation #001. Creature is of unknown origin, with no record of any previous sighting of her or anything resembling her species before. Scans indicate her gender is similar to female, and humanoid in bone structure, but we've detected she uses some sort of nanotechnology when she fights. Our first test will be to see if we can scan the technology, and whether it is apart of her neutral structure, or her suit, as we've been unable to remove it when she was first captured. Begin sonic emissions in 3... 2... 1."


As the chamber closed, the blue light that surrounded her felt like she was stuck in a tornado revolving around 30 miles per hour. It was literally trying to suck the nanotechnology off of her.​
Vaarsiks, Queen-Baron

An amused thrill emerged from Vaarsiks' throat as the wind did little than ruffle her cloak, a harsh sound that would have sent shivers through any hardened Guardian, nevertheless a normal human. They were pathetic, even through the thick glass she could hear their words - Very soon those very voices would be begging for death when she was finished with them.

And she, as a merciful Kell, would give it to them.

SIVA was hers to control, and only her. Those that would try and take it for themselves would only receive a nasty surprise in the form of the nanotechnology's original directive, quickly growing out of hand and consuming everything in it's path.

Vaarsiks' imprisonment had left her starved, though not ignorant of her situation. She had scorned Skolas when he had come for her support, sending the Wolf pup with his tail between his legs. Now, she was in much the same position as he had ended up in.

Humans. Oh, how she despised them. Their theft of the Great Machine had led to their downfall. Even the name bestowed upon them was an insult: Fallen. From a God's given Grace. She wasn't blind enough to see that they had directly taken their God from them, more likely it was tricked somehow. She never knew how, and it was one of the many questions she asked when interrogating captured Thieves.

The next Human she would get her hands on wouldn't die quickly. An oath she would hold herself to...

The scientists jotted down notes about her reaction, and how the nanotech on her seemingly didn't react at all the sonic emissions. "Subject appears unaffected by sonic emissions. Trying now with electrical discharge." He noted down, before twisting a dial on the console that turned the sonic blasts into electricity. Enough to power a small house. They wanted to see if maybe they could fry the nanos off her.
As the convoy made it's way through the city, one of the trucks was bigger and bulkier than the others. Like it was transporting a prisoner. Two soldiers were inside, keeping guard of the newest scattered they found within the city. It was a familiar species, one they had captured before, but this one wore a unique piece of armor they could pry out with their hands. So instead, they kept it locked in full body restraints, and kept their weapons aimed closely at its head.
The Arbiter

She was calmer than expected.

Vaas knew that her moment would arrive soon. Her hands would clasp upon the nearest creature's head and twist it until it came off in a glorious moment of gory revenge. Her mandibles twitched in anticipation as she quietly strained against her bindings, gripping them while glaring balefully at her captors.

This reminded her of the time she spent incarcerated on High Charity, branded for the Heresy of denying her brother. But, even knowing the outcome, she would do it all again.

The main truck Vaas was in was in the center of the convoy, made up of five vehicles.


Vaas' transport


Security vehicles

The security detail had three people per car. The driver, one in the passenger's seat, and one manning the machine gun on top. The transport with Vaas inside had five soldiers, a driver and passenger, with three in the back watching Vaas herself. "Sooo.... What is it again?" A guard asked.

"Elites. They're apart of some religious cult in space from where they're from, or something like that." The guy who said that was playing a game on his phone.

"... Is it female?"

"I don't know."

"Can you check?"

"Not gonna."

"Aren't you just a little curious?"

"Nope. And neither should you, if Adams hears this type of talk."

"I'm just wondering is all! You don't get to see them this close in person, unless you're working guard duty. Besides, most of these guys end up dead in the week, and then they're taken to autopsy."

"And they're better of that way. These things tend to be the biggest pain in the ass to deal with, we keep them in a cell, they're trying to rip the wall paneling off."

The convoy was approaching the bridge quickly, so if the team was going to get an ambush ready, they had to get ready now, or miss their chance.​
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The security detail had three people per car. The driver, one in the passenger's seat, and one manning the machine gun on top. The transport with Vaas inside had five soldiers, a driver, and a passenger, with three in the back watching Vaas herself. "So... What is it again?" A guard asked.

"Elites. They're apart of some religious cult in space from where they're from, or something like that." The guy who said that was playing a game on his phone.

"... Is it female?"

"Yes, it's female, you can see its breasts."

"I mean, there are gender fluid scattered out there."

"Yeah, but they wouldn't make friggin' curves along the breastplate of the armor for added detail." He pointed to where Vaas' breastplate was, and yes, this was quite tedious to listen to.

"They could have boobs on their body, and not have female genitalia."

"Dude, just read the report when we get back, I am not gonna answer your sex questions."

"I'm just curious! You don't get to see them this close in person, unless you're working guard duty. Besides, most of these guys end up dead in the week, and then they're taken to autopsy."

The convoy was approaching the bridge quickly, so if the team was going to get an ambush ready, they had to get ready now, or miss their chance.​
The Arbiter

She knew they were speaking of her.

It was easy to deduce. Vaas wasn't made the Hands of the Prophets because she was blind, so the gestures let her know that the words exchanged regarded her. What, however, was the question.

The moment they met her eyes, the Sangheili let out an audible growl, daring them to continue.

Even now, she was straining against her bonds, trying to rip her hands free from the shackles holding her in place. Yet, it seemed that these... Primitives had done in quantity for what they lacked in quality, binding her in more chains than necessary.
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"Not how it works. If they manage to call for help, it makes out job a hell of a lot harder. Plus, those turrets look pretty lethal. I don't want to be on the business end of that, and I'm going to assume you aren't, either." Kingpin turned around and walked in the direction of his chosen vantage point. "This is just how it goes."


Kingpin took position, rifle gripped tightly in both hands, his Exo frame holding the gun in place as if they're welded, together, to the ground. He takes a deep breath and lets it out, fully aware of the futility of the gesture, and squeeze the trigger.

The first shot slams through the windshield like an asteroid ripping apart a planet's atmosphere. The driver's head flies back, impacts the back of his seat, and bounces off it, the Void-charged bullet having melted through his skull. The soldier in the shotgun seat barely had time to register anything before the next shot sliced through his neck. The gunner went the same way another second later, as the car began to decelerate and swerve a bit.

Kingpin shifted his sight to the car in front of the last. Truth be told, he has this instinctive resistance to killing humans. It does go against everything he does as a Guardian; it even prompted his to almost agree with the Luer kid. But on the other hand, he's broken more than a few serious rules, and in a completely new world, there's no telling what these humans could do - they were never blessed by the Traveler, never lived through the Collapse or the Dark Age, never knew what Guardians were. Chances are, if he didn't kill them, or make sure they'll never be a problem again, this could very well come back and shoot him in the back.

He squeezes off another three shots rapidly, and the second vehicle is neutralized.

As he pulled out the spent mag and slammed in a fresh one, Kingpin realized that there may be a problem; he can't look into the back of the main transport. And there's bound to be people inside, people who could call for aid or reinforcements. He eyed the first car: almost at the bridge. Few more seconds and he'll lose good sightlines; another few more and they'll be obscured by flora.

"Change of plans. Whoever is going, go fast; you won't have much time."

Six shots rang out and six struck true. The lead vehicle and the trailing car began to slow; the driver of the main transport seems to have figured out the situation, as it began to accelerate. However, the two cars in front of it slowed, flipped and crashed, effectively creating a roadblock. The transport rammed it, stopped, and reversed, hitting the two rear vehicles in the process.

Throwing down the sniper rifle, Kingpin pulled another weapon out of transmat; this one was bulky and unwieldy, but still painted in the classic golden scheme, with a wooden grip and stock. Ten gleaming chromed barrels spun up as the Titan rose from a crouched position.

"Go!" He roared, and the gun spat fire at the transport.


In truth, he had no idea if the bullets would penetrate the vehicle's armor, or puncture its tires; he did, however, aim for the driver's seat, and from the panicked, animated response of the soldiers in the front, he could hazard a guess at if his suppressing fire was useful. He won't have time to make it there; it'll be up to the others.

He sneaked a look at his ammo counter, and was glad to see his Actium War Rig working tirelessly to resupply his ammo. At the current transmat rate, he gave it another thirty seconds before he's forced to perform a somewhat lengthy reload.
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  • Nice Execution!
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Luer tilted his head as Ranma began rambling off. He would have agreed, had she been making any sense. Nothing she said was coherent, it was a jumbled mess and she just kept contradicting herself. He shook his head of it, turning back to Kingpin now that he answered him. Though it was not what the archer wanted to hear. He looked to the man in some shock by what he said. Not how it works? Just how it goes? Was this man serious? He was not even going to try?

Oh, he could not have been more wrong about the archer if he was so quick to assume he was unwilling to put his life at risk. Luckily for Kingpin, Luer had been too shocked to stop him. After the first fire, he was already too late. He turned to watch the damage for a brief moment, mostly because the sound of the vehicles crashing pulled his attention to it. No, no that will only make it worse! When kingpin spoke he took that as his chance. He watched the mess a moment longer to try and decide how best he wanted to do this. With any luck, he will not get shot before he makes it.

He did not expect Kingpin to pull another gun, pulling his bow at the ready. He did not have a choice… if he did not do this now it would be pointless. "I swear if I make it out of this alive…" He grumbled to himself. The moment Kingpin looked away to check his ammo was when Luer moved, using the bow's steel shaft he swung it like a bat towards the man's face while his boot tried to knock his aim off, if not entirely disarm him, by kicking the gun.

Whether this worked or not he did not care to find out. He took off after, making his way to the mess that bastard started- his first destination being the car that kept ramming the roadblock. If he did not do something, they will all be dead. He was not about to let that happen. It was just a damn shame he may be in the way of their shots now, was it not? He supposed they would just have to shoot him if they wanted to kill anyone else. What was he to several other lives the man was taking? Not much, he was sure.
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Everybody was ready for the plan to start by the time the transport began to roll down the road. Luer didn't seem to be fond of the situation and was barely given any warning when Kingpin started shooting. Several loud bangs echoed through the area as kingpin shot several of the people working the cars. The two in the back were the first to go, Dusk watched as blood spattered the windshield and side windows of the trucks as they moved. The soldiers working the turrets slumped over, falling off the trucks and onto the dirt road. Dusk wasn't too bothered by the amount of blood, which was odd.

For the moment, it didn't matter, as the front two trucks were the next targets. More blood had spattered the windshields, eventually painting the scene in a horrific light. Due to the loss of the drivers, the trucks swerved off the road and hit nearby rocks. This caused them to flip onto their sides and cause a barricade for the main vehicle. It could easily be deduced that the people in the main vehicle were panicked, slamming first into the blockade and then backwards into the rear trucks. The group only had a few seconds before the truck would make it pass the blockade. Kingpin, seeing this possibility, took up to using a bigger gun. It was a smaller version of a minigun where it had several barrels that would rapidly spin as it was shot. He fired upon the truck, trying to shoot the remaining drivers out of view and suppressing the soldiers inside.

Luer meanwhile, tried to stop kingpin's efforts. As a reaction, Luer began to swing his bow at the exo. Whether it worked or not, Luer didn't look like he had cared. The man began to sprint towards the transport. This was the moment to strike, Dusk thought. He quickly took after Luer, gradually gaining on him. "You get the humans working the vehicle, I will get the soldiers in back," He told Luer as he passed. It didn't matter if this wasn't the plan, it was the plan now. He quickly turned to look at the group and waved, trying to communicate that it was time to move. When Dusk got to the transport, he stopped at the rear doors and tore them open. If there were locks on the doors, they were destroyed now. Light bathed the inside of the van and illuminated three soldiers, along with an alien lifeform in the back of the van. "Out, now..." He said in an even tone. Whatever happened next was up to the soldiers and the rest of the group.
  • Nice Execution!
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