The Dying Days of Piracy Sign Ups

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


Leader of The Devil's Triad
Original poster
Posting Speed
  1. 1-3 posts per day
  2. One post per day
  3. 1-3 posts per week
  4. One post per week
  5. Slow As Molasses
Writing Levels
  1. Beginner
  2. Elementary
  3. Intermediate
  4. Adept
  5. Advanced
  6. Prestige
  7. Adaptable
Preferred Character Gender
  1. Male
  2. Female
"I was there, as the British declared the end of Piracy, demanding that it was the last of our dying days. Shattering Port Royal with their cannons as the City now lies within the dirtied grasp of the British Empire... I was there as they took whomever they found suspicious. Preparing metal cages as they placed these people within these cruel contraptions. Hanging them from the pier as they allowed the sun to bake their skin as the birds ate at their flesh... I was there as the they racked through the pain, finishing the remnants of this town. The earthquake a decade prior incomparable too such atrocities. Alongside three others, we awaited our executions as we listened too the muffled suffering cries of our crewmen... I was there as we decided on what to do with the last moments we were given. Any good in such a cruel world was nothing we Marauders would expect. Such misfortune appeared to be our fortune, as the Spanish Armada came too wage their vicious war against the British Crown. We four escaped due to this War during the Spanish Succession. We know it to be our last chance to reign these seas. Let us be victors in a time of savageness! Let us challenge the notions of control that they claim! let us be capable of saying four short words as this all comes to its conclusion...

That I was there..."

Mendoza Salazar, A Quarter of the Re'ale



May 23, 1701
Numerous different entities are vying for control over the oceans, seas, and waterways. These places becoming battlegrounds as they become the lifeblood of the world's economy. This has led to rampant greed as the New World is becoming conquered. The native population losing millions as very little remain on these vast continents. The New World isn't the only place that suffers as the Old World faces continued domination from these same powers. Africa itself, being torn apart by the Arabic Slave Trade too the east as the west suffers from the Atlantic Slave Trade to the west and uses the worst of human design too fill the pockets of the tyrants who wish to always and forever remain in power. China is becoming more powerful, as the new Qing Dynasty has already made the empire more powerful than the Ming they replaced a century ago. The Middle East faces stagnation and reform and the Ottoman Empire faces challenges from the European Kingdoms.

Piracy has enveloped many parts of this world. Taking advantage during a time of desperation. Starvation has killed millions in the preceding decades and with the wealthy controlling the world it has served as a time of rebellion. Many will be having their own reasons for choosing this short lifestyle. Betraying other pirates, selling stolen slaves, or even using hostages for ransom are some of the many things pirates may do. Though, there are others who wish for something more, gaining freedom or simply bringing these gluttonous heathens to their knees. Independence is something all pirates demand.

This is still a time of witchcraft and devilry. The Old World still prevalent in exterminating this natural phenomenon. While there are some that see the benefits of these individuals many throughout the world see them as dangerous. The New World has offered a safe haven to many and while for a time they were allowed acceptance. That has certainly changed in recent times as the Salem Witch Trials happened less than ten years ago. It is not the first but as this story continues to spread it appears there will only be more.

Parts of the world are still unknown. Places that are still hidden away and stories that have yet to be told. Whether it be the creatures that live in the deep or whatever lies on the coast. There seems to be lots of questions still being learned in this world.

North of Hispaniola is where this begins on an island named Tortuga.


Map and Locations



Rules and Expectations

1. Iwaku Rules and Guidelines will apply.

2. Communication will be key! Discord will be the place for our discussions as well as this place here! Join the Dying Days of Piracy Discord Server!

3. One or two posts a week is what I am hoping for this roleplay. There will also be no specific posting order so post when you can.

4. This roleplay may deal with some adult content. It won't be overly grotesque but do realize that this is during a period of significant brutality.

5. Romance is acceptable and is encouraged. Gay marriage was also common amongst pirates known as Matelotage.

6. Feel free too PM if you have any questions. I promise I won't bite.

7. And obviously have fun!


Blood Lines

All humans come from great people. They wouldn't remain if their ancestors hadn't fought for their place. Humans may be the only known sentient beings within this world. While it appears that it offers very little diversity it is actually the contrary. Humans are capable of very interesting things depending on which one of these lines they belong too.

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    Magic users that originate along the lines of two of the first humans. One of them belonging to the lines of Lilith. The first human to create a pact with demons and in particular the devil. Allowing her lineage to be incredibly power and capable of extremely dangerous magic. Though such ability has led to great consequences too such individuals. Great damage and injuries may result from even if proper precautions are taken. This has forced these individuals too take great care in their body and mind too survive these strenuous shows of force. Children among this line are known too die young as they may simply misuse such horrific talents. It may even lead to the death of family and friends because of their lack of understanding it. They tend too focus on the creation of elixirs and potions too remedy this and have been known as healers throughout history. This is only one of various abilities as they are also known for pyromancy, shape shifting, demonic summonings and demonic attributes. Knives, jewelry, and tattoos are often tools that aid in this profession. Tattoos being used as summoning images too bring out whatever the symbol is meant too produce. Jewelry may contain magical properties as knives are often used instead of wands too focus their magical properties. These are often independent individuals and this has costed them in understanding their powers unlike their sisters.

    Those that carry the line of Eve are not known too be innately powerful. Instead, they often learn and practice their craft too become masters of their chosen skills. Wands, wooden staffs, belts and incense are things that are often attributed to them. Their lifespan is also double that of humans. Allowing for them too learn and pass on spells too each and every new generation. This has allowed them too create small groups and organizations that allow for the teaching of magic. While their magic is also something that focuses more on the earth and its properties rather than anything demonic. They are those that are more similar to the stereotypes of a witch. They can cast spells and curses unlike their sisters who rather focus on breathing fire or ripping enemies apart. They are also known to be more rational and an elderly Evelynn witch is much more terrifying than almost any Lilith counterpart.

    Both witches age slowly and men are not an uncommon sight among witches. Magical properties does not seem too be a thing that is passed through birth or parentage. A pairing of two witches can born a child with no magical content. It seems that this is not decided by something earthly and instead is inspired by something otherwordly.

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    An interesting sort, and ones rumored too live forever. There are sayings that some have lived hundreds of years since the discovery of the New World. These individuals are hardy and they may appear like any living man. Do not let this fool you as they lack the beating of hearts as well as any warmth on their skin. Their frigid coldness is also accompanied by their lack of breathing .Their silence seems to be the most notable feature about them as even vermin may not believe they are there.

    It is strange since these individuals don't seem to even require food. Yet, they suffer from a grueling pain as they wish to satisfy their hunger.
    Fresh beating human hearts seem to be the only known cure for their ravenous rage. This has caused many to try and exterminate these cursed peoples as they find them a very serious threat. They do not even require sleep so many worry of having them upon their ships. Worrying that once they close their eyes they will meet their end.

    Aztecs are the only ones known in the area for having such a fascination for the heart. It is often theorized that they spread a curse upon the Old World peoples that came into their lands. Causing these people too collect the hearts they always yearned for. While also being capable of controlling diseases and plagues in a limited area. They can make people feel sick and start causing damage to their lungs, eyes and pores. These individuals are ones too be wary of though they can remain sedated as long as they devour a human heart. This can vary with requiring a heart every three days too the longest known being a week. This could potentially go on for longer but such studies are difficult too imagine. These people are certainly killed after a set of time and often purified by fire.

    Deadmen may also largely be bone. This has been something people have learned as they have tried to kill such people. They must be completely destroyed too die for good. One last thing that is known about the Deadmen is that the diseases that they are capable of weaponizing can begin to alter and effect them. Leading too strange mutations and forms. This is how many are identified as dangerous if they required on using such awful things they become awful themselves. Literally rotting their bodies alongside their minds.

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    Called the Spirits of the Seas. It has long been told that these are the last of the people of Atlantis. Being seen throughout the world they are known to be individuals of exceptional beauty. Humanoid in appearance there is question if they are human at all with what they are capable of doing. Containing magical properties that focus on the control of water and the spirits they contain within it. Capable of manipulating water that can take the properties and forms of numerous animals. Caretakers is often a word tossed at them as they seem obsessed with protecting their waters. Seeing the liquid as a holy and important substance as every living creature requires it to remain alive.

    The purer the water the easier it is for them too manipulate the substance. They can control any body of water they come across but this can vary drastically depending on what substances reside within. Seawater being one of the most difficult but it is something certainly capable. It may reduce the speed of the water but with enough practice it too can be used too create magnificent beasts. They often also carry containers, gourds or pouches too carry clean water with them. These tools often help them clean the water as well. The more water they can carry the greater things they can create. There are some that refuse too carry any such things rather instead using the waters from within their body. This can be dangerous as it can lead too blindness and severe dehydration. Though, it seems the usage of water from oneself binds the spirit and allows for much more precise control. Leading too it being the most effective way too use their powers.

    Living for over half a millennia these people are also incredibly good swimmers and can breathe underwater. They are often protecting sacred places that they believe have worth and value. They also are known to be the only ones who ever dare hunt the horrors beneath the depths of the oceans. It seems too be an ongoing war for them too take on the monsters hidden in the deep. Though, we are at the last of their lineage as their kind is certainly dying out. It is uncertain why such beings are disappearing but their numbers have dwindled in the last centuries. While they may come into contact with humans they never seem to suffer as Witches or Deadmen do. This may be changing though, and there future looks grim at the beginning of this new century.

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    The most resilient and stubborn creature on this planet often known as the human. Regarded as voids for their lack of magic their resilience is often capable of causing issues too those that can use it. This can vary from minor nuisance too impregnable wall as it requires intense training too create incredible difficulties too those who use supernatural properties. Captains of empirical navies are often chosen for their capability of using such practices. Not wishing for them to fall as they often have things they need too defend.

    The religious are seemingly more capable of this but there are downsides. Being resilient too magic also means you are resilient too the healing and potions that may prove beneficial. Pirates are along a spectrum of this as some find magic as useful while others may choose to protect themselves from such devilry. There is also notions that those who are religious are incredibly powerful in such things. This seems true as their focus on eliminating magic is constantly on the forefront. Exorcists have made their ways on ships to deal with witches and demons that pervade themselves upon the sea. Often being sought as judges and leaders of cities. They are highly valued and treasured men.

    Though this does not mean they are good. It can be far from it as greed is a human emotion all show. Humans are capable of even using magic though not as effectively as their counterparts. This capability of being immune and using magic is incredible but the stronger a human is in denying such sources the weaker in magic they become. They also cannot commit to anything that the strongest of witches can perform or what Seishin are capable of. Human magic often revolves around magical bullets, mystical swords and being capable of seeing in the dark clearly. These are still things that help any human but the most any human can ever do is the manipulations of the body. Such as healing or repairing broken bones. This may not seem like much in comparison to others but it aids in an already hardy creature.

    There are also sacred and holy items that they may carry. These items may be incredibly powerful and effective against anything supernatural. Such items are of incredible value and the most prized things any pirate may get their hands on. Whether to sell or to keep is up to the individual who lays there hands on such a thing.


Character Sheet

[Insert image if you may have one]




Bloodline: (May be dormant)

Appearance: (Can describe more that we do not see in image)

Assortment of Weapons:





@ethicalslut , @Kurogane86 , @Kat , @Applo , @Rads , @Ygor's Revenge , @Quake

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((Are we posting CS's here))
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The Discord invite has expired.
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Yes, character sheets will be posted here! And sorry about discord I will edit and post new one here!

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I also finished editing the last things I needed too! @Applo , @BookDragon

I hope you two enjoy it. I shall probably post my character tomorrow. I apologize I couldn't have done it today. I simply wanted to post it since my original was unfortunately lost! I felt dejected but posting it forces me too work on it. So hope it is now settled I wanted to create an example but I promise to do so tomorrow!
I also finished editing the last things I needed too! @Applo , @BookDragon

I hope you two enjoy it. I shall probably post my character tomorrow. I apologize I couldn't have done it today. I simply wanted to post it since my original was unfortunately lost! I felt dejected but posting it forces me too work on it. So hope it is now settled I wanted to create an example but I promise to do so tomorrow!

I will be posting mine either tonight or tomorrow. :D
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Emily Becker

Name: Emily Becker
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Pirate, Sea Artist
Bloodline: Void (Dormant)
Loyalty: Pirate Captain

Appearance: Emily stands at 5'9" and has a lithe body with long legs and arms. Despite her angelic like appearance, she's proven herself and men who are familiar with her and who she is, understand not to mess with her. She wears a blouse with a black and gold waist cincher and black pants. Black boots and various accoutrements adorn her waist, as well as a sword, a pistol, and a knife expertly hidden inside her boot.

Personality: Emily appears to others as a cold, ruthless woman with a good head on her shoulder and a bit of sass. She's like a mother to the men on board and takes no shit. Behind closed doors, she is a lover, a child, and a young woman who craves touch and release from the nightmares that haunt her.

Brief Summary:
Emily was born into a family of bakers somewhere in the middle class section during the fantastical age of piracy. The captain saved her from pillage of redcoats one day when her family could not afford to pay the king taxes to keep their home. She's felt indebted to him since and has made moves beyond what any of the crew imagine, primarily because of her natural stoic and cutthroat behavior.
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Name: "Blastin'" Arthur Dineah

Age: 18

Gender: male

Bloodline: Witch (on his mother's side)

Appearance: has several tattoos under his clothes which are runes to help him cast his pyromancy. His right eye was replaced with a cursed gem, he can only use it to see heat signatures.

Assortment of Weapons: a satchel full of explosives, three pistols, 1 sword, several pouches of gun powder, and

Personality: cocky, full hearty and fun loving.

History: born to a human and witch Arthur only knew the life of a refugee. Due to his mother his family couldn't stay anywhere long for fear of witch hunters. His mother was very kind and caring, she spent every moment with Arthur as his father went out to hunt for food. While his father was away his mother taught him all about witch craft, he showed exceptional talent when it came to fire. He was a natural pyromancer able to not only create the fire but manipulate it however he wanted. After a particular temper tantrum that left a burn mark along his mother's left arm she tattooed some runes on her son in order to help him control his magic

One day when he was 12, his mother was discovered casting a spell on the local clergyman. They were chased into the woods where they were surrounded by hunters, his father put up a good fight but was slain taking an ax to the back. His mother summoned demonic beings to help fight but in her state of grief her spell was weak and easily defeated. Arthur was pulled from his mother as they beat her and threatened to burn her alive. As they threw their torches and oil on her they found that she didn't burn. Arthur had been controlling the temperature of the flames, once the hunters realized they went for Arthur. One Hunter struck Arthur with his blade cutting him along his right eye. Armed with raw emotion and pain Arthur burned the hunters alive in a matter of moments, pushing himself to his limits like that took a toll on his body leaving him burned as well, it was then that he learned the limits to his power. When the flames finally went out his mother helped heal him and warned him of the dangers of surpassing what the human body can handle. In order to assist with his magic, she placed a rare gem in his eye which was to act as a sort of gauge to make sure he knew when he almost hit his limit, it also lets him use it to see heat signatures.

They then buried his father and vowed that they would find a place to belong, they would then spend several years traveling looking for a witches Coven. Once he grew a little older he developed his magic and found the limits to where he can push himself without getting hurt, it was then he met an ex pirate who taught him all about gun powder. It was as if he found the counterpart to go along with his magic, it was flammable, combustible everything he needed. He spent years training with the ex pirate until he learned all he could, he wanted to be like the pirate and head out to the high seas to experience the world for himself. So when he turned 16 he decided it was time to leave the safety of the Coven and make his way as a pirate. He worked his way to the job of his dreams one that was a perfect fit, cannoneer. He became known as "blastin'" Arthur and became well known for his destructive prowess.

When piracy was on the edge of destruction he hid, looking for a crew. He knew if he had a boat and a canon he could fight these bastards that dare tell him how to live. He would no longer cower like the boy who lost his father, he would fight back protecting all that he loved.

Skills: Pyromancy - Arthur is able to create and manipulate fire.
Gunmen- learned all about fire arms, cannons and explosives from an old pirate in the Coven.
Stealth - can be stealthy if it calls for it thanks to the years he was sneaking around human camps.
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Name: Mendoza "Greenskin" Salazar
Age: Appears to be 44
Gender: Male
Occupation: Former Pirate Captain
Bloodline: Questionable

Appearance: Standing at 6'1, he is often dressed with a black coat elegantly decorated with golden embellishments. A green sailor uniform is worn underneath giving him the name that is often associated with it. He is missing his left leg from the upper calf downward as his artificial replacement is made of metal. His long grey hair caresses his shoulders as a green stone pendant is always wrapped around his throat. He wears a full beard which is kept neat as an eye patch covers the injured left side of his face.

Personality: He seems rather loose when it comes towards running a ship. Only interested in the information of routes and any current news within an area. He can seem rather curt and forward but he can be sarcastic and caring as a doting father would as he does have his crews care at heart. Though, his reliance on drinking seems to be to dull some senses he would rather not feel.

History: He is someone who everyone seems to know but someone no one has seen. A rumor that is often involved in numerous stories that vary from betrayal towards desertion. He is a Spaniard and has apparently once worked with the Spanish Crown in his youth. Though, there doesn't seem to be much knowledge of what he did or if he accomplished anything. He seems very well versed in the oceans and the complications that revolve around them. He had last found himself in Port Royal searching for knowledge about the Aztecs. Unfortunately, leading to the loss of his crew as well as making an unruly alliance with three other captains that shared the same fate. He now finds himself in a tense situation as the Empire he had once fought for is now fighting a new tyranny fighting for its domain in the region. All that matters now is that they four, work together to gain wealth quickly so that they may be off each others throats as soon as possible.
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Name: Dea "DD" Dowell also known as "Red"
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Occupation: Former Pirate Captain, Witch, and Medicine Dealer
Bloodline: Witch, Lilith Line

Appearance: Standing at 5'11, and wearing a brilliantly colored scarlet hat. She has dirty red hair that compliments her wardrobe as she wears a similarly colored vest that hides her slender figure. Slim sailor pants cover her legs as she wears a pair of rubber boots that reach up past her knees. Gloves cover each of her hands as ornaments and bracelets wrap themselves along her wrists. Tattoos mark almost the entirety of her arms as they move and dance across her skin. Almost as if they were alive, capable of staying still but often moving whenever she becomes hostile or violent. Her last piece of equipment is her cane, which is topped with three skulls. A wand is a rarity among her line but her history with it make her attached to such a thing. A long sea serpent moves along the nice dark wooden finish as silver coats the piece.

Personality: A known mischief maker, they are someone who seems keen on finding what makes men tick. They are fiercely stubborn when it comes to decision making on ships and incredibly nit picky on how plans are concocted. Their determination is matched by no one as they seem eager too fill pockets as well as cause problems for the Empires that claim many witches live. Seeing it as a form of revenge they don't seem to care all too much on wealth or the accumulation of things. If she wants something she will most certainly have it. This greed she shares would have made her a tyrant in another life but unfortunately she is a witch and that means she can only be at the top of the bottom. Which seems to infuriate her to no end.

History: Her birth caused the death of her mother, an individual who was important towards the witch society within Ireland. She was accepted into the witches brood after her father begged them to take her in. As the growth of witch trials began to plague the region. It was not assured she would hold any powers but even the innocent could be executed during those times. Luckily, or rather, unfortunately she did have magical properties held within her. It wasn't of the Eve line though and this greatly worried her teachers. She suffered endless night terrors and her powers were unruly and difficult for her to control. It was only her constant efforts that kept her from being abandoned by the school. One teacher in particular grew close and seemed to have great interest in the knowledge of her capabilities. This teacher also was able to find that the dreams she had were real and were the experiences of other witches throughout the world. She grew tired and desperate to rid herself of these visions even as her teacher tried to aid her. She left, to afraid of causing harm to people she cared about and leaving the land which was all she knew. Hoping to find answers to the suffering she faces. She has often thought she has left that placed but the cane she carries is a reminder. Gifted by her teacher, it is a memento that ties her to that place and her most prized of possessions. Something, that seems to be capable of disappearing and returning all on its own.
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Cs is ready for consideration. Forgive the gramatical errors wrote it on my phone.

Name: Captain Samuel Flynt, 'The Devil of the Deep'

Age: 71 (died aged 50, has been undead some twenty years)

Gender: male

Bloodline: Deadman

Appearance: A towering skeleton in tattered clothing, a heavy blue coat and wearing a large hat that bears a peak resembling devil horns. An undead parrot is normally found perched on his shoulder.

Assortment of Weapons: Mortuary-hilted cutlass, pair of flintlocks,

Personality: A cruel and bitter man, Flynt once achieved legendary success as a pirate through his harsh methods and tactical cunning only to lose it all in an ambush that sank his ship and left him for dead at the bottom of the sea. He is out for revenge against the naval commander who sent him to his watery grave and swears he will end the lineage of Amaury if it takes him the rest of time.

History: Sailors once spoke in hushed whispers of a pirate who was said to be the devil himself; a cruel and powerful man who captured countless ships and raided ports in search of plunder, leaving burning wreckage and dying men in his wake. Known as 'The Devil of the Deep' to sailors and landsmen alike, Captain Samuel Flynt left his mark on the New World with decades of success. His origin is shrouded in mystery; it seems he came to the New World from Bristol as a young man to seek his fortune, but instead found love with the daughter of a local merchant. Stories were passed around taverns and retold hundreds of times. Some say she left him, others say he murdered her, but what is certain is that afterward Flynt took to the seas and began his reign of terror with the slaughter of a naval officer by the name of Alistair Amaury, taking his ship and rechristening it Laverna's Vengeance.

Half a lifetime passed, and Flynt's hold of the sea was eventually challenged by the son of the man he'd murdered. Alexander Amaury, intent on avenge his father's death, rose through the ranks to become commander of a small division of ships. They tracked Flynt down to a chain of islands he favored when gathering supplies and set a trap. The resulting battle was a fury-driven clash of unstoppable grudges. Two of the five naval ships were sunk by Laverna's Vengeance, but at last, with a hole-ridden hull, masts snapped to pieces, the sails torn and burning, it sank beneath the waves with Flynt aboard and mortally wounded.

But the battle was not over for Captain Samuel Flynt.

In the icy depths his palled corpse still moved, flexed its fingers, pulled itself to its feet and began to walk.

Skills: Superb fighter, can survive in the ocean depths, experienced pirate.
Alright after numerous issues trying to bring this back alive and looking for new sign ups and seeing if people are still interested!
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Age: 23
Gender: Female
Occupation: Slave, Emotional Companion
Bloodline: Witch (Dormant)
Loyalty: Sultan, Unknown

Appearance: Hatice has dark brown hair with loose curls and dark brown eyes. She stands at 5'2" and has sunkissed skin that is now littered with scratches, scars, and bruises from her long journey from Turkey to Tortuga. As per her demotion of servant status, she was confined to the discomfort of simple rags and an itchy woolen dress. It's clear by the bags under her eyes and tired look on her face that she hasn't slept very well the last couple weeks or so, possibly even getting sick during her journey.

Personality: Hatice is a kindhearted young woman who strives to see the goodness in other people, as well as the world. Her reality is being shattered constantly now… First, with Mihrimah Sultan… The woman who betrayed her for place of the favorite… and now, a place as a slave. She can only pray things get better, if they do get better. Hatice has a great head on her shoulder, it's no wonder she survived this long. She's well-read, and even though her curiosity and naivety may get the best of her at times, she means well.

Brief Summary:
Hatice was born during the reign of the Ottoman Empire. She was noticed by the sultan for her book smarts and physical beauty. She became part of his harem, eventually rising to become the favorite… and the fortunate later on. Another woman, quite envious and manipulative, persuaded the Sultan that Hatice was essentially not loyal to him or doing things in his best interest, that she was betraying him behind his back. The sultan believed her and decided to back down from Hatice becoming haseki sultan, or the sultana consort. So saying, Hatice was demoted to that of a servant immediately and sentenced to die. Hatice begged and cried for the Sultan to spare her life because she knew deep in her heart she was innocent. The sultan knew he still had deep regret for demoting her because of how much he loved her, and spared her by shipping her to the island of Tortuga as a slave. Now, she begins another life… one that she does not dare to question.
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Kasai 'Sly' Victoriano

Bloodline: (May be dormant)
Witch {Both Mother and Father}
Appearance: (Can describe more that we do not see in image)
Being more on the small side of 5'4, doesn't mean she is fragile. Kasai is double jointed and extremely flexible, which tends to come in handy at times. She has a large snake tattoo along her body that starts at the top of her left foot and wraps around her body to her back where it ends in a striking position. She has an extra set of canines.
Assortment of Weapons:
She tends to turn anything into a weapon, but mostly uses daggers or throwing knives that she always has somewhere on her person.
Kasai is spontaneous and unpredictable at times. She sometimes loves to be the life of the party or center of attention. She tries to keep those around her happy and luagh as she does not like to see people unhappy. Kasai is a prankster and loves to tease like the huge pervert she is. Even with such a loud and happy personality, Kasai can be very dark and twisted. She is extremely sly and cunning as well as intelligent. If anyone threatens her or someone close to her,even if you threaten a stranger, Kasai will be there to protect them and will beat you into a pulp. She isn't afraid to get violent or to spill blood.

Kasai was exposed to the seven seas at a young age, taken in by a pirate captain after he found her starving at port. She was raised to take over for him until the ship sank. Kasai was never mistreated on the ship, loved by all the crew and fought alongside them to the end. She was the only survivor among them. She is currently looking for a new ship to accept her, stealing for the pitiful fools of land is starting to get boring for her.
Stealth, experienced pirate, semi well educated.​
Discord is invalid again :/
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