The blonde even courtesan hung limply between the burly biceps of the two guardsmen. She didn't struggle but she would be damned if she was going to help them throw her into the lower levels to be maimed and probably killed. Her bare soles slid across the floor as she was half carried and half dragged towards the threshold. Finally, she was pulled into the lift and two slaves turned the wheels to lower her down to the lower levels leading into the monster infested dark.
"Shame to be putting this one down there," one guard said to the other, looking down to his side over and across the elf's lithe body, "Best they leave her with us in the barracks for a wee bit of fun."
He grasped her roughly by the hair, turning her towards himself and kissed her roughly on her berry stained lips and vagrantly massaged her bosom. The woman, pushed against him with both her arms, nails clicking against his armour and tried to protest. Being that she was under half his size it was a futile gesture.
"I'm not sure she'd last much longer at our hands," the other guard commented, chuckling mirthfully, as the girl struggled, bare feet slipping about on the floor as she tried to let gravity separate them and failed.
Finally the lift reached the bottom, the wooden slats bound in iron booming through the cavern as it came to rest. The entire area was lit by torches in their sconces, the shadows long and deep. She imagined only vigilance kept everything from goblins to lurker beasts from raiding the camp.
"Bottom Floor," the guard holding her stated as he broke off kissing her, "Time to die little wench."
With that the guard cast her away from him. Moving backwards, she stumbled, and began to fall in a wild figure of pale skin, golden hair and billowing black silk. She attempted to twist her body and managed to catch herself with her hands before she measured her full length on the floor. Then she just lay there several long moments, peering about and getting her bearings.
Name: Assallya Kressair
Advantages: Sorceress, Apoethecarist, Sage
Weaknesses: Pathetic Fighter
Equipment: Curved Dagger, Healing Potion, Magical Ring of Regeneration that closes her wounds, Spellbook.