The Dragon Rider

Thul nodded to Mortho, eager to get her healed, filled with food and into a bed, so he could similarly eat and sleep. No, thank you, he told Mortho with a smile. I appreciate you healing her. Thul was just worried about what Suzanne might do afterwards. He rarely ever grabbed her ponytail, and then Mortho was pushing her into a sitting position... This wasn't going to be pleasant, Thul didn't think.

For once, Thul was wrong. Suzanne was just tired and wanted to eat and sleep the soreness away. She willingly sat down, looking up at Mortho curiously as he healed her, having, for the first time since they had met, an actual look at his face. It was odd and unfamiliar, up so close with the green glow radiating in the night air and giving him a green tinge. Wherever he healed her, she had to stop from bursting out into giggles, and it showed. There was a silly grin on her face as the bones regrew back togethr, and it tickled. Thul was letting out a low rumbling of amusement as he watched the going-ons.

When Mortho was finished, Thul had the bright idea to leave them again, seeing that Suzanne's mood seemed to have improved a little, and Mortho's had improved quite a bit. So instead of Thul taking Suzanne back to her tent, he flew away, sending Mortho, Have fun!

From the ground, Suzanne made a face at Thul, shaking her fist at him. "Jerk..." She mumbled under her breath, and stood cautiously, before looking to Mortho. "Uh. Thanks." She said quietly, a little ashamed that she had been so rude to him yet he had healed her magnificently and of his own accord. That didn't change the fact that tomorrow they would probably be back to arguing. "I'm gonna go to my tent now.." Suzanne said, turning quickly and heading to the main campfire, eager to be out of his company, out of the awkwardness.
Mortho watched Thul fly off with an annoyed look, Nothing's going to happen you know! He mentally shouted at the dragon. Mortho looked back at Suzanne as he thanked him, he nodded in response and tried to smile at her, "Erm, no problem." He said quietly, slightly put off by the awkward atmosphere. He watched her start to leave then looked the other way.

"You know, you don't have to just leave. We can... try to talk. I think...," Mortho turned back to look at her, "Well I think the reason why we're so unfriendly to each other is because we don't understand each other. We should try to remedy that sometime soon, I'm sure Thul would be overjoyed with that since it seems like he tries to make us be friends." He said with a shrug, "Just something for you to think about. Personally I'm tired of constantly snapping at you and having you do the same to me."

Mortho spun on his heel and walked off to a nearby river, hoping to wash off the days grime before sleeping. Also wondering what possessed him to say all that, maybe it was just because he was so tired and didn't want to argue at all.
Suzanne paused as he started speaking, her tired mind trying to process the information she was being fed. After the adrenaline rush she had gotten from waking up in the clearing, and arguing with Mortho, not to mention worrying about him falling off of Thul, she didn't care. She didn't care at the moment about much of anything except for sleep. So what if her and her mage fought all the time? There was a bed waiting for her, and she intended to fall into it and go straight to sleep. No way was anything about to try to stop her right now. And in the morning, she'd just have to think about what he had said, if she even remembered.

When he started walking away, she did, too, back to her tent. There was a mass of other riders sitting around the fire, eating and talking, and all hailed her when she walked into the circle of light, asking her questions about her trip. They looked up to and a couple other of the more senior riders there, all being relative rookies. Of course, the dragon riders had no ranks, seeing that all of their egos were so big, they would refuse the ranks. The only decoration that they had were their own vain choices of armor that were colored like their dragons' scales. Suzanne refused to wear armor. It only slowed her and Thul down.

When she got back, she found Thul's head resting inside her tent, shoved in from the back flap. He had a clearing behind her tent where the rest of his body went, and he was fast asleep already. "Jerk." Suzanne muttered before falling into bed and into sleep.
Mortho stepped under a tree branch and smiled slightly as he saw the river, he stripped down and hung his robes on a branch and carefully stepped into the water. He sighed as he sunk in and dunk his head, running his hands through it to wash off the grime and blood caked in it. He resurfaced and ran his fingers through it again. He wondered if it was time he cut his hair, it currently ran down to his shoulders and was black. He wasn't entirely sure if he should though, he felt that his long black hair helped people focus on his eyes. He's noticed that some enemies tend to hesitate slightly as Mortho looks at them with his sharp ice blue eyes.

He shrugged, this was something to think about while he sat around a warm fire. Once he felt he was clean enough he stepped out of the river and used a small burst of energy to shake off the water. He put back on his robes and headed to a campfire that had the mages sitting around it. He sat down and the mages next to him clapped him on the shoulder, commenting that he looked very tired.

Mortho laughed them off and instead dug into a meal, once he was finished he nudged the mage next to him, "Would you mind cutting my hair? Not too much, maybe just enough to keep hair out of my eyes." The other mage nodded in agreement and stood behind him with a pair of shears. After a few minutes Mortho stood up and thanked the mage, Mortho's hair now had bangs that framed his face and his hair was tied back in a ponytail.

He bid goodnight to the other mages and walked to his own tent, he shrugged off his robes and lied down, it didn't take long for his eyes to close and for him to fall asleep.
Suzanne woke that morning well before any of the other riders did, cold and chilly, and above all, hungry. She glanced to the back of her tent, but Thul seemed to be off looking for his own breakfast. Grumpily, she turned, and, grabbing a blanket and tossing it around her shoulders, emerged into the misty morning air, and began rummaging around in the boxes around camp, looking for food. She hadn't been there when they had set up, so she had no idea where the food was. She found socks, extra weapons, all sorts of things. But no food.

After about an hour of looking, she decided just to wait until everyone was up. Suzanne desperately needed to bathe, so she headed off in the general direction of the river, a little grouchy from being sore. While she bathed, she considered what to do that day. They weren't mounting an assault or anything. Maybe some scouting would be a good idea.
Mortho woke up and rolled over on his back, he stared up at the top of his tent , wanting nothing more than to remain in his tent and sleeping more. After a few minutes he finally stood up and put on a fresh set of robes, leaving his hood off he stepped out of his tent and noticed there already a few people awake.

He nodded a hello to them and set to work on making himself something to eat. While he prepared his meal he thought of Suzanne and wondered if she had woken up already and eaten. He then decided to make a little bit more food than he'd need, so he could then offer it to her. He hoped that this would start off the day well between them and prevent any arguing.

Well, prevent it until one of them got on the others nerves.
Suzanne, when she was finished bathing, she heard the beginnings of the camp moving around, and cursed quietly, hurrying to get dressed. She hadn't meant to stay in the river for so long. On her way back to camp, red hair loose and dark with water, she ran pass the fire that Mortho was sitting around, and stopped, approaching him. The smell of food in his hands made her mouth water, and she looked at him in disbelief, having forgotten what she had come over to him to ask. "Where did you find food? I looked for an hour and couldn't find anything..."

For a moment, she considered just taking his plate and running away, but, that wasn't a very nice thing to do. She just wanted to know where it was so she could make something for herself.
Mortho finished stacking the food he had prepared onto a plate when Suzanne rushed up to him, he stared up at her in a slight daze, completely surprised by her sudden appearance. "It's... It's all over there." He nodded over to a group of crates put together. He looked down at his own plate and shrugged before offering it to her, "You can have this though. I actually made enough for two people in case you hadn't eaten already." He set it aside and then went back to putting food on another plate and digging into it.
Suzanne took the plate hesitantly, shocked at the sudden kindness, and a little bit apprehensive. What if he was trying to make her sick? Before she could follow this train of thought, her stomach growled and she dug into the food. It was simple but delicious in her hunger. She finished it within minutes, and sat happily by the fire, waiting for her hair to dry, wondering if she should thank the mage for his kindness. "Thanks a lot, Mortho." The dragon rider said awkwardly, offering a sheepish smile.

After a few minutes more, she ventured, "Well, there's some scouts going out... Want to go scouting today?"
Mortho rolled his eyes slightly as he saw Suzanne be hesitant to take the food. It wasn't like he was playing a joke and trying to get her sick, that was the last thing he wanted. But he nodded and was pleased when she took it from his hands, he then started filling another plate for himself and started digging into it. He was only half way done when Suzanne thanked him, Mortho simply waved it off and swallowed, "It's no problem." He said as he began to chew on another bite of food.

When he finished Suzanne asked him if he wanted to go scouting, he scratched his chin and thought about it. It was better to go off and do something instead of staying in the camp. Plus if he stayed someone might ask him to help, and it might involve lifting things. He didn't want to lift anything, at all. So, he nodded in agreement, "Sounds good. Some scouting couldn't hurt."
Suzanne downed the food in a matter of minutes after he spoke, and put her plate off to the side, before standing and stretching. "Well, I'm going to go get dressed for our scouting trip. If you want to meet me in front of my tent, I'll be dressed in about...ten minutes? If not, I'll come look for you, but if I can't find you, I'm going to leave without you." She warned him, a little playfully, before leaving.

She loved scouting. It was only humans and nature, watching, listening, and waiting, and the danger of being attacked. The chance of being attacked is really what thrilled her. She loved a good fight. Suzanne thought about her scouting adventures while she got dressed in something a little more scratch-proof than a vest. She wore a short-sleeved tunic, breeches, and tall boots, a dagger strapped to her thigh along with her sword at her hip.
Mortho finished his food as well and then rolled his eyes at what Suzanne said. He waved her off as he swallowed his last mouthful of food, "We'll see about that."
He collected the plates he'd used and set them off to the side. He didn't know who but someone would get around to either cleaning the plates or throwing them away, he was feeling too lazy to care.

He stood up and stretched, hearing pops as he stretched out his back. He lowered his arms and sighed, he spun on his heel and walked to his tent. He moved aside the flap and stepped in, he looked around and thought about what he'd need. He reached into a bag and took out small bottles of a dark blue liquid. When he'd gone out to Suzanne the night before he'd run out of energy, he didn't want it to happen again so he took those mana potions. He tied them together with a rope and slid them into his robe.

Next he reached for a dagger, since he was a mage naturally he wasn't to great at hand to hand combat, but it could never hurt to have a dagger strapped to your hip. He did just so and stepped out of his tent. He walked to where he had eaten earlier and sat down again. Waiting for Suzanne to be done getting ready.