The Corruption Continues

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Felix received his bowl of soup and returned to his favorite spot, a large boulder perfect for sitting on. He sat down and picked at his soup. Unicorn again.
After recieving her bowl she noticed Felix had sat on the rock she was at that morning. She shrugged and went over to the rock, sitting behind him on the ground, leaning against the rock as she ate.
Felix noticed the girl leaning against the rock. He turned to face her. "Hello again. How's the soup? Incredible varieties they have here, don't they. Just yesterday I had soup. And the day before that, soup. I have no idea what we'll have tomorrow." He said sarcastically. He was trying to lighten the atmosphere a little.
"Hello." She said, looking up. "Good, better than what I would fix alone." She said, shrugging and smiling a little at his sarcasm.
Felix sighed. "Just a year ago, if someone asked me what my future would be, the furthest thing from my mind would be sitting on a rock in the middle of the woods eating unicorn soup." He said, and he looked up into the sky, up where the stars were.
Amey nodded. "I would be in the middle of the woods.. But I would be camping with friends." She said. "The stars are pretty.. Aren't they."
Felix was about to reply when he heard the panicked shouts of men from across the camp. He shot to his feet, and what he saw shocked him. Men were running from the forest edge, and out of the trees burst a Gryphon. It chased down one man and pounced on him, breaking his neck. It screamed and flew into the air as a couple of men started shooting at it.
Amey jumped to her feet. "What is that?!" She knew it was some infected creature. She pulled up her gun and held it so tightly her knuckles were white.
Felix shot to his feet, a bead of sweat running down his neck. He had seen the damage a Gryphon could do, and he knew that unless everyone teamed up on the nightmare together it would most likely kill half the team. He took a deep breath, trying to get calm despite the charging Gryphon, and aimed down the sights. Please work please work please work He thought, and pulled the trigger. Now well used to the kick, he took another shot, and another. The bullets didn't even seem to affect the thing, and instead it just turned its attention to Felix. Oh, crap.
Amey sprinted a few paces from Felix's position. She dropped to one knee and aimed at the Gryphon, taking a deep breath before she started firing, hoping to confuse it if it was being shot at from different angles. Then it has two to go after.. She thought silently.