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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3

...the fuck am I doing at six in the morning.
Somebody kill me.
With sleep.
Or a mallet.
Specifically one of those Loony Toons ACME mallets.
Doesn't kill you.
Just knocks you the fuck out.
Like Wiley Coyote. Or Elmer.
Hmmm, now that I think about did Elmer ever take one to the noggin from an ACME brand mallet?
I mean it's hard telling.
There are a fair amount of Loony Toons episodes involving Elmer, I imagine at least one fifth.
So what, like twenty episodes?
I honestly have no idea how many episodes there are.
And not that shit from the last decade either.
It's terrible and non-violent because of middle class suburban housewives who have a twisted view on violence and hostility.
Same goes for the opposing gender, same class.
The lot of them, bunch of fools made anti-violent.
Probably never fired a gun.
Been in a fight.
We're animals damnit!
We're separated from the animal kingdom by machine guns and baseball caps!
George Carlin said that first.
Cool guy, little outspoken.
Had a good point, even if he was fueled by cocaine at one point and the bitterness of life being a joke for the remaining years of sobriety.
Don't do coke by the way.
Hard to get the good shit, always stomped on and cut.
You don't know what's its been cut with either.
Bit like LSD.
Don't recommend that either.
Don't do drugs in general I guess.
Save for painkillers when you have an ache.
Or the cannabis, that's not to bad.
Still addictive, don't let the overly liberal fools make false claims because "it worked for them."
Oh do magic mushrooms.
I recommend that to anyone at least once.
It's a lot of fun with good friends.
Just don't do anything which may lead you down a sad path.
Downed emotions and the such.
Amplified like a mofo yo.
Are you still reading?
This is the second time.
Why? Just save yourself the mental strain of reading my stupidity.
At least I'll admit it.
I'm no fool but I'm sure as shit not a particularly smart person.
Terrible at mathematics even though I'm fascinated by science which goes into a particle accelerator.
Failed at learning Spanish.
I tell a fair amount of lies, nothing of consequence however.
You know that kind of lie you tell somebody but you quickly do that thing and nobody is wiser to the charade?
Yeah, that kind.
Sure it's deceitful but it's a lie which was made true and only you will have the temporary burden.
Unless you come clean of course.
Though truth is a bit of a fickle lady sometimes.
Still reading?
Sorry if you are.
Have a good night or good day wherever you are.
Really sorry you read this.
Or maybe not.
Maybe you just peered into part of my mind for a brief moment.
Maybe all this is bullshit and conjecture in the end.
This digital monument will one day be gone as the rest of the world.
Or maybe it will linger forever after I'm long gone in the annals of obscure history on some website known as Iwaku.
Hard telling.
Some soul or being could read this decades from now and wonder what I was, what I was doing.
What was it I was doing typing furiously away in the nigh hours of the morning?
Attempting to tire my eyes and mind with rambling?
Hoping dreams would come in the wee hours of the morning in hopes of finding a moments rest in the mundane life I've chose to live?
It is almost soul rending sometimes.
A lack of spirit maybe.
Possibly a lack of faith perhaps?
I'm unsure.
Whatever the case, I know the only way out is through.
No doubt about that.
Maybe that's the bottom line all the way to the eternal grave where I'll one day rest.
Maybe I'll find my resting place in a ditch twenty years from now in an overturned vehicle on a rainy night, my vision fading as the world around my seems to spin as the rain comes falling down. Wisps of fog drowning my sight even further as the flashing of emergency lights leaves a faint glimmer of hope as all life begins to fade from a tired, weary and broken body and soul. Dreams. Time moving slow, like a calm winter day when the snow lingers in the cold air before touching down with grace and fertility for the coming spring. Drawn out and ever changing. Will I be there? Or will I awake to the thrusting palms of a paramedic pounding on my chest? Bits of life pouring in like strained gasps of air. The heart beating by the pounding of a fist, the world like a battered car engine turning over. Fiery and stinging, muscle aching and the world a bit too bright. Little lamps lingering around my head, driving me mad for moments at a time. I would hear a song repeating the same notes in the back of my mind, a tune I'd not heard since I was a child yet it was to faint for me to fully recognize. Maybe the pain in the back of my head or the ache in my chest from where a seat belt had been tightly wrapped moments before.
Thunder now.
Dying off in the distance.
I thought I'd missed the rain.
Now I hear it my every waking moment.
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That was deep man...
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That awkward moment when you have something in your eye....

That awkward moment when you have something in your eye....

If you only knew how many times I've been forced to pick out my eye to get rid of dirt. It's so annoying >_<