The AI Project

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The AI Project is a top-secret military Project funded and organized by the UPN (United Planetary Nations). It's purpose is to create 'smart' AI that can cooperate with human soldiers in the war against the Khaian. The Project is centered on the planet of Durness, where in a heavily guarded compound live the twelve AI and their creators. Twelve civilians have been selected to be 'test subjects'- they will each receive an AI that has been matched to them, and will undergo vigorous testing.

If the implantation process of each AI into the brain of their human 'hosts' goes smoothly, then the enhancement process will begin. Each AI has been programmed to be able to receive several enhancements, each having roughly five slots to fill for these abilities. These enhancements are designed mostly for the military, but will be tested through these twelve subjects before put into military use.


You are one of the twelve men and women selected for the AI Project. You have shown to be exceptional in your testing, and your records are exemplary, no matter what occupation and path you've taken in your life. For these reasons, and perhaps some more hidden ones, you stand out. Scientists have taken note of your accomplishments, and have chosen you. You've been matched to your AI prior to your notification that you are to report to Durness. Once you arrive, you will undergo basic testing, receive your service number, and soon, undergo implantation. Your participation, however involuntary, will be vital to winning the Khaian-Human war.

You will be property of the UPN, and there is no choice to be made. However, let it be known that what you choose to do with this AI is entirely up to you.


This roleplay is a mix between a sandbox and a plot-driven roleplay; while there will be sections of the roleplay which contain a definite goal (most notably the beginning few chapters), you will also be able to explore and create the universe in which the roleplay exists in. The roleplay does have a predetermined endgame, but how you reach it is up to you. You may leave the Project and try to live your life normally. You may join arms against the Khaian force. Or, perhaps, you will join them.

Much of the storyline will be withheld from the players and only revealed on discovery. However, the actions of the players will also determine the direction of the game. Side plots are welcome, as well as side characters. The universe is your limit, and the universe knows no bounds.

Each character begins in transport to Durness, the planet housing the research facility that is sponsoring the AI Project. All characters have been messaged two weeks before of their required participation in the project; no candidates may 'skip out' on the project, lest they suffer the consequences. After free transport to Durness on an official UPN ship, they will begin a schedule of training and education before they are implanted with their AI.

After the first few chapters are played out, the characters will be released into the universe to explore to your hearts content. But, be warned. The universe is not a friendly place, and there are a plethora of dangers waiting for a single misstep.​

The AI Project is a group roleplay taking place in Iwaku's group systems. If you'd like to know more, please visit the public OOC and sign ups!

We're still up and looking for players! We've started the roleplay, but we haven't gotten very far at all and it won't be hard to catch up if you'd still like to join!
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