GROUP RP PLOTTING The Age of Musicals

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Ah musicals! How the actors are going along in the plot quite serious when suddenly out of no where an orchestra starts, the crowd becomes back up dancers and the main character starts singing!

Who wants to do this with an RP? Who would be interested in plotting a game that would encourage you to post videos from time to time as if your character broke into song? Yet when the music was over everyone would act as though that was perfectly normal!
Ocha, I've wanted to do/be in a musical RP for ages. Let me know if you get this up and running.
Ocha you have stolen my heart...
Give it back or rip it apart.

AH! The musics start already! :D

Hmmm. Maybe. So crazy it. Just. Might. Work.
Okay what type of plot do people want, after all we still have a game to make! Comedy-Slice of Life, Romanic-Adventure, Epic-SFF?
...Musical in Space. MAKE IT SO, NUMBER ONE.
Definitely space. Yes. With space vikings.
Apparently we are doing Mongols vs Vikings in Space.... You people are weird, I love you!
*rocks back and forth in the corner*

I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this I shouldn't do this....

So who wants to be involved in making this plot?
Sorry guys, I'm going to have to pull out of this one. The morning after I took on 10+ extra hours for work (we're at 50, woohoo!) I found out that I am actually not as caught up on school work as I thought. I really should not be doing any group roleplaying until April and I'm just going to have to make myself do that. It was a lot of fun plotting with you guys on Skype, though. See you guys in April.
Aw nuts. :[

It's okay, Tegan. You gotta do what you gotta do.
Very interesting idea, I may be interesting, seeing how it progresses. ;P Will definitely keep an eye out!
Due to work-related issues, Vay has temporarily passed the mantle on to me!

OOC will be up A.S.A.P. :]
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