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Like that. Silly font and not fonting.
and then it works.​

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fringilla velit at ligula bibendum, non mattis diam pulvinar. Aenean vulputate id eros at blandit. Cras vitae velit vitae quam dapibus luctus. Sed tellus diam, tristique eget elit a, dapibus vestibulum lacus. Mauris quis lacus dolor. Duis nec lacus sollicitudin, pretium augue in, facilisis quam. Integer sit amet gravida nisi. Aenean mollis metus sapien, ornare vulputate tortor ultrices eu. Phasellus fringilla aliquet ipsum, nec viverra lacus mollis laoreet. Donec ut tempus sapien. Donec quis enim justo. In luctus id justo eu scelerisque. Etiam maximus imperdiet metus in ornare. Sed tincidunt iaculis sagittis. Proin scelerisque commodo erat. Quisque malesuada nisl eget purus pharetra, et rhoncus massa varius.

Nam at risus pulvinar, euismod ipsum nec, hendrerit elit. Nam leo ex, suscipit a vehicula vel, euismod eu augue. Donec laoreet erat et felis faucibus suscipit vel vitae massa. Vivamus ac commodo diam, feugiat fringilla justo. Pellentesque mattis, ex at iaculis interdum, neque ex vestibulum dui, in malesuada neque velit sed enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec laoreet justo est, non auctor ligula mollis vel. Aliquam dapibus, mi eu sollicitudin fermentum, sapien dolor luctus augue, facilisis tempus leo turpis vitae arcu. Phasellus pretium imperdiet dolor, id bibendum nulla feugiat non. Suspendisse potenti. Cras in sodales quam, eu efficitur ligula. Duis condimentum non odio vel faucibus. Maecenas vehicula ultrices mi, quis lacinia erat sagittis sed. Nullam at arcu rhoncus, placerat lacus at, aliquet tortor. Morbi faucibus eleifend turpis vitae auctor.

Mauris tincidunt enim sit amet nisi iaculis venenatis. In vulputate, eros at cursus dictum, elit nisi lobortis tortor, nec viverra lectus odio in lorem. Suspendisse in purus eu sem facilisis blandit vel eu sapien. Ut at ex at lorem placerat pharetra. Quisque placerat ullamcorper tellus quis vulputate. Mauris vel nisi turpis. Cras lobortis orci ut tincidunt rhoncus.

Sed blandit nisi fringilla, porttitor ipsum a, iaculis libero. Proin consequat, eros quis fermentum varius, erat arcu congue tellus, eget iaculis metus erat sed ante. Nullam accumsan vulputate convallis. Pellentesque tristique mauris at augue tempus finibus. Vivamus convallis magna ac nunc commodo, faucibus commodo metus porttitor. Phasellus molestie ligula vel nisi sagittis faucibus. Phasellus sodales et magna eu feugiat. Sed tempus dictum leo, in gravida diam malesuada eget. Curabitur neque nunc, dictum ac ipsum ut, efficitur lacinia sapien. Morbi sollicitudin luctus scelerisque. Etiam commodo scelerisque nulla, ut venenatis nunc rhoncus et. Aliquam nisl ante, ullamcorper ac magna quis, rhoncus tempus nisi.

Morbi elementum nisl quis quam accumsan, at elementum lorem placerat. Etiam finibus vulputate tortor, eu tempor arcu tristique eu. Sed dapibus, sem in pellentesque faucibus, orci ex molestie odio, ac placerat dui dolor rhoncus nibh. Fusce consequat, libero sagittis scelerisque varius, metus lorem aliquet arcu, nec pulvinar arcu lectus sed sem. Nulla nec efficitur felis. Sed sit amet neque sed odio feugiat commodo non eget enim. Vestibulum tincidunt lobortis sem id pellentesque.

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Fly me to the moon/Lucky Mashup

Rick Hale & Breea Guttery

Caeli De Soleil
"A dragon has reverse scales that will anger it if you touch it, everyone has their own areas that you can't mess around with. If anyone dares to mess with my friends, I will definitely not let them off easily!"

  • [bg=transparent]
    Name: Caeli de Soleil

    Age: 16

    Gender: Female


    Standing proudly at 5'2", Caeli, has a calm demeanor which is hardly ever fazed into expressing anything other than indifference. Armed with tender fair skin and an alluring set of golden hued eyes, Caeli could easily be described as having a rather ethereal appearance. Long silvery locks are held back into four low pigtails, two casually resting on her shoulders, and the others behind her back flowing down to her calves. Her petite body is usually covered in flowing dresses but occasionally, she will sport a casual tunic or a long top and a pair of shorts. Her style tends to lean towards girly overall.

    Guild Mark
    When she gets one.
    -Location: Left Shoulder
    -Color: Gold (ffd700)

  • +Tranquil: The first thing one would notice about Caeli's overall demeanor is the calm atmosphere around her. Although she isn't the brightest, she always has her head about her. Since she was spoiled for as long as she can remember, she trusts those close to her with her life so she is left without worries for the most part. Not to mention, she is foolishly confident in her ability to survive.

    +Stubborn: Once she has her mind set on something, Caeli will do everything in her power to make it happen. This is especially true when it comes to those close to her.. or food.

    +Selfless and kind: Sacrificial to a fault, Caeli will disregard her own safety if it will aid another regardless of whether they're acquainted or not. The thing she dislikes the most is seeing another in pain.

    -Introverted: Despite any good points, Caeli lacks when it comes to anything social. When it comes to forming sentences, her mind freezes which leads to a mix of poorly constructed sentences stuttering or words pronounced incorrectly. Because of this, she tries to keep quiet as much as possible. (Hibiki is an exception.)

    -Airhead: When most people first meet Caeli, they expect her to be an intellectual since her two strongest traits paint her as an ice queen or a deep thinker of some sorts. However, reality tends to hit people like a ton of bricks. When it comes to Caeli, there is air where the brains should be. Gifted with the mentality of a child, Caeli has trouble understanding even the simplest of things. On the plus side, it also allows her to see some things outside the box.

    -Lazy: Basically a sloth, Caeli lacks motivation for most things unless it involves sweets or another's well-being. Even when she gains the motivation, she tries to get it over with as quick as possible so she could lounge around for "just a few minutes longer." It is unknown whether this is because she really lacks the energy or whether it is because of her internal injury.

  • Shortly after her birth, Caeli was sacrificed to an unknown god and chucked off a bridge into a vast canyon. Despite her shit luck, she landed on a Hane-Sakana and miraculously survived. Compared to the flying fish, the baby's weight could be said to be heavy and she still ended up plummeting, albeit at a slower pace. Seeing their friend in trouble, the school of flying fish grouped together in an attempt to knock her off only to be scared off by a mysterious mage of unknown origins. After saving the child, he raised her as his own and taught her light magic so she would be able to defend herself if need be.

    At some point between that and the time in which she met her first friend, Hibiki, she was seriously injured to the point of going into a comatose state. While her guardian was nowhere to be found, Hibiki came across her sleeping in a strange contraption in an originally sealed off cave after receiving news that a mysterious whirlpool appeared out of nowhere and began sucking up the energy of the plants and mages in the area. After removing her from the strange chamber, Hibiki found that the whirlpool of energy ceased to be and was instead sucked back into Caeli's body, momentarily waking her up from her deep slumber.
    Thinking that the villagers would flay her if they knew the truth was related to a young girl, Hibiki feigned ignorance when they questioned him about the source of the mysterious whirlpool. After that, he carried on to find another mission to do for the guild. However not all goes on as planned. Much to Hibiki's dismay, when Caeli woke up a week later she had no memories so she followed him around like a baby duck. While he was against it and even tried to abandon her several times, he soon found that futile as she would cry out for him pitifully the moment she felt he wasn't near. This never failed to make Hibiki feel guilty so after giving her the excuse of keeping her around for "Emergency Rations", Hibiki kept her safe by his side.

    For quite some time, she had become quite dependent on him. He fed her and clothed her and kept her safe, making sure to teach her the ways of the world. Although he thought of bringing her back to the guild, he also didn't want her to remain attached. Thinking till here, he just kept her by his side as he did missions, making sure to never let her take part as he tried finding clues about her origins. Although he did teach her to use a bow just in case.

    On a particularly dangerous mission to put a stop to a human trafficking ring, Caeli was taken hostage. Without any other options, Hibiki was prepared to pay for her release with his life. Hearing this, Caeli definitely complained, offering her life instead. Delighted by such a performance the leader decided to take both their heads and lined them up before him for a showy execution. Before the blade could cut them down, Caeli disappeared from sight, shocking them all to a halt. The sound of shackles could occasionally be heard but other than that, there was no sign of her. Angered, the leader then reached for Hibiki only to have his hand impaled by a crudely shaped arrow of light. Following the arrow was a round of apologizing, showing Caeli did not mean to do that at all. Taking the chance, Hibiki slipped free of his shackles and took out the man's henchmen before knocking the leader out as well.
    After cleaning everything up, their days didn't change. Although Caeli wished to convince Hibiki to let her follow in his footsteps and join a guild, Hibiki wasn't so sure. However, she proved to be quite stubborn when she wanted something so she practiced behind his back. Not one to not take notice, he took Caeli back to the inn they stayed at and had a very serious chat about her magic, thinking that she was keeping something from him. Caeli of course couldn't give him any answers since she doesn't remember herself. Frustrated by this Hibiki finally gave up and let her try for the upcoming tourney so she could try her hand at joining his guild. He wished for her to give up on such a dangerous path so he reluctantly agreed. Unaware of the danger, she became excited for the opportunity and begged him for some extra training. After a month's worth of prep, Caeli held a decent grasp over her magic and bow, now ready more than ever for her first goal.

  • Light Magic: Caeli can control the surrounding light from any part of her body at will. Currently, the only solid objects she can construct are light arrows and small orbs but she will learn more later on of course. The biggest downside to this magic is that there needs to be light available for her to use.[/shad

    -Light arrows: Can create arrows out of light or imbue premade arrows with light which will not only increase the damage if it were to hit but has a homing feature that will follow its target. Downside is the limited range of 50 meters.

    -Light ball: Caeli gathers the light into the surrounding area into small condensed orbs that explode on contact. On the plus side, it is hard to tell the difference between this ball and her flash ball. The downside is that it is a ticking time bomb. It has a time limit of 5 seconds before it spontaneously combusts. If she doesn't throw it in time, she will take the damage head on.

    -Light shield:She places her hands up and forms a barrier that blocks most magic. Can be broken by dragon slayer magic or just extremely strong magic in general. Only blocks magic. Useless against physical attacks.

    -Replicate: Caeli starts to glow as body doubles composed of light form beside her. She uses this to confuse the enemy. The biggest downside is that they are merely holograms. They cannot harm and could easily be dispersed with a simple swat of the hand.

    -Flash: Her body absorbs the surrounding light and gathers it into a ball before her. With but a snap of her fingers, it explodes and temporarily blinds anyone caught with their eyes open. The downside to this is that it doesn't differentiate between friend or foe.

    -Light veil: Usually following flash, Caeli raises her hand up to the sky and bends the light particles around her to hide her or others from view. However she can only control it well enough to hide her movements, any other covered by the veil will have to stand still in order to remain invisible. She can also be detected by senses other than sight such as smell or sound. The cloaking effect would also lessen if she made contact with any liquid or solid such as rain or fire or if she were to be in a sandstorm or something. There also has to be enough light present. The more the better.
    -Speed of Light:By covering a part of her body or another's body with light, she is able to increase their speed dramatically, either aiding in fleeing or by increasing the force behind each hit/kick.

    -Healing light: Can heal others or herself anywhere where there is light. However, it is very draining and has a limited effect. Superficial wounds are easy but for severe wounds, it would need to be healed when the sun is at its highest point. With just a little light she can keep you from bleeding to death. When there is an abundance of light, she can even reattach lost limbs.
    -Light regeneration: So long as there is light, she can slowly regenerate.
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Etheria "Ria" Aster
"With faith, discipline and selfless devotion to duty, there is nothing worthwhile that you cannot achieve."

☆═━┈General characteristics┈━═☆

Name: Etheria Aster
Nickname: Ria
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Race: Elemental Fae [Aether]
Affiliation: Light Coven
Sexuality: Demisexual


Loyal, Gentle, Blunt, Carefree, Obedient

✦At a Glance- As an elemental, Ria exudes a soft radiant glow that spreads warmth towards all in the room. With lips upturned into a small smile, and her back ramrod straight and proud as if she could hold the world upon those delicate shoulders, Ria paints a picture of elegance and nobility. Bearing the responsibility of serving the royal family till death, Ria seems to take it all seriously as she never speaks a word of protest; in fact, she never spoke a word at all and always kept her expression calm and composed as if she were calmly analyzing every detail before her. Seeing such a girl, most could only speak words of praise. This is what a royal dog should be.

✦Deeper in- Contradicting people's views of her, Ria has a rather childish nature. While she met all expectation when it came to her devotion, she could be said to be far from intelligent. To make up for this fault, she had become quite an obedient child. If her father said to jump, she would jump. If he said not to speak or smile, she would not speak or smile. This way, the clan had easily hidden this fault away. Ria finds that if she just does as her father says, then everything runs much more smoothly. Although she isn't very bright, she is well aware of this fact and doesn't even try to hide it unless told to otherwise. Being a very simple minded person, Ria isn't one to pick a fight. In fact she avoids most confrontations, preferring to turn the other cheek. While she isn't exactly considered kind, she is gentle and cares for all living things. When free to speak her mind, she is shamelessly blunt and speaks without a care.

Likes: Exploring, Happiness, Warmth, Animals, Food, Clouds

Dislikes: Cold, Anger, Sadness, Pain, Violence, Rain['cause she thinks the sky is sad]

☆═━┈Physical Appearance┈━═☆

"...'tis but a scratch."

Height: 5'4
Hair: White
Eyes: Gold
Distinguishing marks:
Fashion Style: Dresses or shorts and thin shirts that don't effect mobility. Often in light cool colors or plain white. She often wears bandages to cover wounds she gets from training.
Face Claim: Kaine



"The most important thing is to enjoy your life—to be happy—it's all that matters."

Born to the head of the elementals and never having known her mother, Ria was raised in a rather strict and cold environment. As the heir, it was only natural for her to be raised into becoming a personal guard for the royal family. After finding she housed the rare aether element, which was considered the divine element, her father was ecstatic at first, thinking that his luck was rather swell. However, he could find little to no sources on how to harness this power, making it rather useless for the most part. It seemed as if Ria would have to learn on her own. Not that this would keep him from helping of course. First and foremost, her father drilled in the unwavering devotion they must have towards the royal family. Having that lesson thrown at her face constantly, Ria quickly learned that there was no other path for her. Since she was a female, it was determined that she was not to marry since emotion was rather frowned upon in their little society. This way, she could only focus on protecting the royal family.

With that said, Ria was trained excessively by her father. At first, there was not a day in which she was not beaten a hair's breadth away from death's door. Luckily for her, it was during these times that she had naturally put her element to use by drawing in the energy to resupply her own and accelerate her healing. After getting the hang of it, Ria told her father who only pushed her farther than before to find her limits. Unlike most wizards and witches that practiced magic, Elemental fae[Specifically those in her family] who were often considered magical existences themselves, trained with various weaponry as well and excelled in close combat. By the time she was nearing her teens, Ria was trained to the point where she could push her father back with the combination of the healing factor from her magic, and her swordsmanship. Although she was already considered a prodigy, she took up dual wielding and eventually became a match for several opponents at once. Seeing this, her father could only sigh in admiration. It was a pity that her intellect wasn't to par.

Following this train of thought, he kept her indoors as much as possible, hoping that she would grow out of it or perhaps bump her head during a training session and suddenly grow a brain. He was naturally let down, but was able to introduce her to magic to a certain extent. As a fire elemental, he originally tried to teach her fire magic in hopes that she could gain some long range attacks. When it was Ria's turn to follow his directions, she would always bring out the light element. Surprised, he attempted to teach her the other elements but it was to no avail, light was all she could cast. Resisting the temptation to smash his head against the wall out of frustration, Ria's father gave up and left her to grow on her own.

Once she was at a level he felt satisfied with, Ria's father allowed her to attend social events with him so that she could see the people she would swear her life to in the future. At these events, she could only watch. So that she wouldn't make a fool out of herself or her family, speaking was prohibited and she was to stay at her father's side the entire time. As a female, the woman she was to protect was the princess herself. Looking upon her at these events always made Ria feel that the princess had an air of melancholy surrounding her. As much as she wished to go to her side and give her a friend to talk to, she was glued to her father's side each time. With such a fate, Ria could only wait for the day she could personally guard her and keep her safe.

That day came a little late as her father worked to push back her coming of age ceremony. Sure, he showed of her skills in battle to put the king's worries to rest, but otherwise, he kept her under the radar, trying to teach her to think more with her brain than her gut. Unfortunately, his time was cut short with the princess' disappearance. No longer able to wait, the king sent her off to find Princess Claudia. Unwilling to tolerate failure, her father sent a tracker with her so that she could not fail in finding the princess. Although she didn't mind the extra company one bit, Ria had her own plans. Recalling the princess' mood in the events before, Ria only vowed to protect the princess before setting off into the unknown.


Theme song:

Font color: Gold #ffd700

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  • Nice Execution!
Reactions: rissa
Adelais "Del" Durand

[glow=#b66d2]"Dandelions are not weeds. They are wishes, they are dreams; fragile yet tenacious."[/glow][glow=#b66d2][/glow]

Name: Adelais Durand
Alias: Del/Adel/Delly
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Role: Royal Mistress
Ethnicity: French



~Aerokinesis: Her control over the air element could be considered rather simple. As a pacifist, her offensive abilities could be seen as lacking. However, since she can use it to air-walk, buff her speed and take flight, it could be assumed that she could also use it to buff her arrows or use it to adjust her aim. If used in combat, she would be most likely to repel physical objects or blows and find an opportunity to escape. Only if backed into a corner will she retaliate and only go as far as incapacitating her attacker by manipulating the air pressure itself.

~Zoolingualism: Adel can communicate with animals. From the biggest bear to the smallest ant. While she cannot control them against their will, it is easy to bribe something that doesn't value money or prestige.


Current Goal/Purpose: Adel wishes to protect her son and hopes for him to live comfortably whether he becomes the next king or not. Knowing she is powerless against the large figureheads of the palace, she tries to keep the king's love focused solely on her in hopes that he would in turn protect her son. As she does this, she also searches for clues on her deceased daughter's whereabouts, not believing she had passed on.

Aspirations: She waits for the day her son is able to protect himself so that she may leave the palace and be free to do as she likes.

Hobbies: Listening to gossip[From animals], singing out of tune, cleaning, whistling, eating good food, caring for the garden specifically her herbs.

Inabilities: Adel has trouble lying and is rather blunt in most cases. She also cannot accept that her daughter passed away.

General Personality: Adel seems calm and composed for the most part. Although her words are often full of teasing, she is gentle and is somewhat biased towards girls, often treating them as if they were her own children. Other times however, she seems a little nutty. Seeing as how she talks to animals, yet is known mainly for her ability to manipulate air, many are skeptical and believe that she can't really speak to animals and instead lost her mind along with her first child. This is especially more convincing when she calls them her "children". Overall, she is rather simple minded and completely unsuitable for such a high status lifestyle.

Inner Personality: Strangely enough, as a person who has trouble lying, Adel lives a life full of denial. In her heart, she feels her daughter lives on and had instead been kidnapped by someone. Among the people she suspects are the queen, the king, and any of their various supporters. Due to the disappearance of her daughter, she has become very untrusting herself and has difficulty letting anyone close enough to see her as the broken woman she is. Instead, she faces every day with stubborn positivity.

~Spear fighting

~Her son
~Hand to hand combat
~Susceptible to illness

Extra: Due to her father's upbringing, Adelais has a weakness for good swords and loves appraising them and caring for them. However, after following after her mother the most, her nose is extremely sensitive since she was trained to tell the difference between the various smells that the herbs they worked with produced. This being the case, she is rather hard to poison as she had to memorize many commonplace poisons so that she can identify which antidote to prescribe.

Noble History: She was born a commoner without social status to a medicine woman and a blacksmith.

Life before Story: Raised in poverty, Adel was a loving child with a positive personality and gentle temperament. Born as an only child to a small but very loving family, Adel never had much to worry about for the most part. At one point though, there was a tax spike which made it difficult for her parents to buy grain. Around this time, she discovered her first ability early on as she assisted her mother in picking herbs. With the assistance of helpful critters she snuck snacks to, Adel would often bring back handfuls of precious herbs to create medicine from. With an increase in inventory, and introduction to new medicine, they returned to just having enough to get by. Her life was far from perfect. She may not have had riches but she felt it was wonderful all the same.

Unfortunately, life has it's own twists and turns. Not long after she came of age, her mother had recently passed away from illness and her father had fallen ill soon after. With her extensive medical knowledge, she was able to preserve his life for the time being. However, this came with a cost of sleep. She had been working long hours to not only keep him alive but to also keep them both sheltered and fed. Having just lost her mother, Adel was unwilling to be alone.

On a particularly hot summer day, Adel went to work like usual, getting up at early hours to scour the woods for herbs. Feeling rather feverish, Adel made her way to a nearby brook where she decided to cool herself off and rest. Considering the fact that she had befriended most of the forest critters, it could be said that she was pretty safe. Or at least she should have been. Upon waking, she found herself no longer in the safety of the forest but a warm lavish bed. Recalling her father, she panicked and tried to leave only to be stopped by an older gentleman who forced her back to bed. Despite how hard she fought back, he remained unusually calm and slowly talked her into calming down as well.

After she calmed down, he introduced himself as Charlie, a traveling merchant and offered to look for her father for her since she was in no condition to do so. After he left to follow her directions, Adel thought it was rather peculiar for a lowly merchant to have such a lavish home. However with the fever making her slightly delirious, Adel overlooked this and went back to sleep. As she slept, the man sent a servant in his stead. When the servant returned, it turned out that Adel's father had passed the morning before. Seeing as how she was already lying to herself, Charlie decided to continue on with a lie of his own. While she was out cold, he instructed his servant to look over their documents and forge a letter stating that he was going on a trip and that she was to remain by Charlie's side as a maid.

Once she awoke, he gave her the letter and she accepted it without question, recognizing her father's writing. Although she tried to get him to let her care for herself, he insisted on nursing her back so that she could repay him with her loyalty. Upon reluctantly agreeing, she sealed her fate. Once she was better, she served him in anyway he asked for, naturally falling for his charm. He was a generous lover with a lot to give while she was basically a lone girl with nothing to her name. For that reason alone, she could never tell what it was he saw in her.

It wasn't long before she was with child. Immediately after the discovery, Adel was whisked away to the summer palace where history happened. It turned out that Charlie was actually the second prince, Charlemagne. It turned out he was fleeing for his life from his older brother. Coincidentally, his brother had located him around the same time. Charlemagne had originally wanted to pretend there was no connection between them but upon learning she was pregnant with his child, he had no other option. He confronted his brother and challenged him to a duel. After besting him in battle, Charlemagne brought back his brother's head and was then set upon the road to obtaining the throne, a road he had not wished to tread.

With the chance of it being a son, Charlie, now known as Charlemagne, couldn't just leave her be outside and instead wished to give her the best care possible. However, he could not remain by her side at the time. Despite his promise to marry her in secret, he had urgent business to take care of now that he was the crown prince. During the nine months, much changed in the palace walls. For one, the crown prince had passed away. Soon after, Charlemagne was set up to take his place and in turn inherit the throne and take in an empress from a noble family, leaving Adelais to care for herself. She was understanding, knowing her standing was not high enough to remain by his side properly. The moment her child was born, Adel only got to hold her in her arms once and then she was gone. The nurses claimed that she birthed a stillborn girl but refused to let her see her again. Without her lover or her child, she quickly fell into a crazed state and no longer felt she could trust those by her side.

Late to the scene, Charlemagne tried to take her into his arms but was unable to as she pushed him away and blamed him for the turn of events before falling deep into despair. She no longer smiled, or laughed, or spoke. Although she considered their relationship over, she still continued to serve Charlemagne as her father had apparently requested. Three years later, she gave birth to a precious baby boy who she could only cry for. Thinking of all the pain her child would have to endure, Adelais nearly took both their lives at that moment. However, recalling how helpless she was when her first child was taken from her, Adelais was fearful but chose not to bend this time. In fact, she found hope. Hope that she would find her daughter and one day leave this all behind.

Her son's birth was like a spark. She began to smile more as she took over the role of the protective mother. She earnestly worked to keep the king happy and well while tending to her own duties. In the background however, she bribed many mice, birds, and even ants that roamed about the palace into becoming her informants, smoothly building an information network that could move about unhindered and best of all, unnoticed. Most plots aimed towards her or her son were easily avoided or fell before they could even form, leaving those with ill intentions wary and paranoid. Knowing this was a temporary solution for a life long problem, Adelais has now began to plot her own moves in retaliation.

King Charlemagne
The Dragon King

[glow=#000000]"To live is to suffer, to survive is to find some meaning in the suffering."[/glow]

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt facilisis nisi sed aliquam. Phasellus id finibus lorem. Fusce blandit lobortis metus, vitae tempor odio. Nam commodo neque sed nibh hendrerit luctus. Donec hendrerit commodo dictum. Cras risus quam, elementum ac egestas id, porttitor pharetra orci. Donec faucibus, nisl ac blandit gravida, nunc velit facilisis nisl, eu congue tortor metus in diam. Nullam orci diam, porta et semper ut, tincidunt porttitor urna. Quisque blandit dui libero, sed pretium nulla tincidunt non. Aenean mattis elementum accumsan. Donec in quam a arcu mollis vulputate. Proin dignissim eget turpis id sodales.

Etiam nec est id lacus ultrices dapibus. Morbi id pulvinar arcu. Etiam turpis mauris, auctor sed diam sit amet, iaculis consequat arcu. Donec congue feugiat arcu nec placerat. Maecenas faucibus dui id scelerisque lacinia. Duis lobortis quis lorem ac malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin egestas leo eu neque semper laoreet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis elementum imperdiet mauris nec tempus. Pellentesque consequat velit ut justo laoreet tincidunt. Nulla euismod placerat nisl vehicula vehicula. Nunc varius ipsum tortor, quis faucibus nunc cursus quis.

In ut ante in diam sagittis efficitur nec ut lacus. Fusce cursus, est non mollis posuere, elit turpis dictum sapien, vitae bibendum leo erat in nunc. Aenean ex lorem, sagittis eget tempor eu, suscipit at libero. Integer mollis a est sit amet volutpat. Praesent tincidunt lorem ipsum, a porta sem auctor et. Aliquam vulputate felis et turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum accumsan ipsum sit amet nisi viverra, eget aliquet magna pretium. Cras eget dui congue, porttitor erat nec, varius quam. Quisque ac pharetra urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris nec odio sed nisi suscipit consequat. Quisque diam enim, consectetur id aliquam molestie, blandit vel eros. Donec justo urna, eleifend sit amet ex ut, pellentesque tristique nulla. Proin dolor est, aliquam vitae purus a, pulvinar faucibus ipsum. Mauris efficitur urna vel nulla pulvinar, id elementum elit efficitur.

Duis convallis facilisis ipsum, at vehicula purus semper at. Nulla turpis mi, pharetra et nisl in, feugiat interdum leo. In rutrum velit ac felis tempus finibus. Etiam ac massa facilisis, mattis elit vitae, euismod urna. Pellentesque pretium, augue ac imperdiet cursus, tortor arcu dictum erat, ac venenatis sapien purus quis metus. Ut pulvinar sodales magna in tristique. Vestibulum sed eros odio. In tincidunt hendrerit mauris id vulputate. Cras et quam sem. Vestibulum dictum, sem in sodales tempus, nisi sem lacinia mauris, sed fermentum mauris massa vitae nunc.

Donec non est at nibh euismod eleifend. Etiam sodales fermentum mi in vulputate. Ut feugiat condimentum dapibus. Integer eu accumsan ligula. Nam dignissim quam felis, sed euismod lectus faucibus eu. In sed turpis et massa faucibus mattis at ut est. Vestibulum vitae dui vehicula, tincidunt quam sit amet, interdum dolor. Etiam venenatis semper dignissim. Curabitur sed nibh vitae turpis tincidunt pretium in vel nisl. Maecenas ex enim, lacinia et est quis, congue venenatis purus. Vivamus non odio id dolor tempus placerat. Morbi sed efficitur nisl, id pellentesque tortor. Fusce elementum pulvinar enim, vitae aliquam enim ullamcorper ut.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt facilisis nisi sed aliquam. Phasellus id finibus lorem. Fusce blandit lobortis metus, vitae tempor odio. Nam commodo neque sed nibh hendrerit luctus. Donec hendrerit commodo dictum. Cras risus quam, elementum ac egestas id, porttitor pharetra orci. Donec faucibus, nisl ac blandit gravida, nunc velit facilisis nisl, eu congue tortor metus in diam. Nullam orci diam, porta et semper ut, tincidunt porttitor urna. Quisque blandit dui libero, sed pretium nulla tincidunt non. Aenean mattis elementum accumsan. Donec in quam a arcu mollis vulputate. Proin dignissim eget turpis id sodales.

Etiam nec est id lacus ultrices dapibus. Morbi id pulvinar arcu. Etiam turpis mauris, auctor sed diam sit amet, iaculis consequat arcu. Donec congue feugiat arcu nec placerat. Maecenas faucibus dui id scelerisque lacinia. Duis lobortis quis lorem ac malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin egestas leo eu neque semper laoreet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis elementum imperdiet mauris nec tempus. Pellentesque consequat velit ut justo laoreet tincidunt. Nulla euismod placerat nisl vehicula vehicula. Nunc varius ipsum tortor, quis faucibus nunc cursus quis.

In ut ante in diam sagittis efficitur nec ut lacus. Fusce cursus, est non mollis posuere, elit turpis dictum sapien, vitae bibendum leo erat in nunc. Aenean ex lorem, sagittis eget tempor eu, suscipit at libero. Integer mollis a est sit amet volutpat. Praesent tincidunt lorem ipsum, a porta sem auctor et. Aliquam vulputate felis et turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum accumsan ipsum sit amet nisi viverra, eget aliquet magna pretium. Cras eget dui congue, porttitor erat nec, varius quam. Quisque ac pharetra urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris nec odio sed nisi suscipit consequat. Quisque diam enim, consectetur id aliquam molestie, blandit vel eros. Donec justo urna, eleifend sit amet ex ut, pellentesque tristique nulla. Proin dolor est, aliquam vitae purus a, pulvinar faucibus ipsum. Mauris efficitur urna vel nulla pulvinar, id elementum elit efficitur.

Duis convallis facilisis ipsum, at vehicula purus semper at. Nulla turpis mi, pharetra et nisl in, feugiat interdum leo. In rutrum velit ac felis tempus finibus. Etiam ac massa facilisis, mattis elit vitae, euismod urna. Pellentesque pretium, augue ac imperdiet cursus, tortor arcu dictum erat, ac venenatis sapien purus quis metus. Ut pulvinar sodales magna in tristique. Vestibulum sed eros odio. In tincidunt hendrerit mauris id vulputate. Cras et quam sem. Vestibulum dictum, sem in sodales tempus, nisi sem lacinia mauris, sed fermentum mauris massa vitae nunc.

Dusce cursus, est non mollis posuere, elit turpis dictum sapien, vitae bibendum leo erat in nunc. Aenean ex lorem, sagittis eget tempor eu, suscipit at libero. Integer mollis a est sit amet volutpat. Praesent tincidunt lorem ipsum, a porta sem auctor et. Aliquam vulputate felis et turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum accumsan ipsum sit amet nisi viverra, eget aliquet magna pretium. Cras eget dui congue, porttitor erat nec, varius quam. Quisque ac pharetra urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris nec odio sed nisi suscipit consequat. Quisque diam enim, consectetur id aliquam molestie, blandit vel eros. Donec justo urna, eleifend sit amet ex ut, pellentesque tristique nulla. Proin dolor est, aliquam vitae purus a, pulvinar faucibus ipsum. Mauris efficitur urna vel nulla pulvinar, id elementum elit efficitur.

Duis convallis facilisis ipsum, at vehicula purus semper at. Nulla turpis mi, pharetra et nisl in, feugiat interdum leo. In rutrum velit ac felis tempus finibus. Etiam ac massa facilisis, mattis elit vitae, euismod urna. Pellentesque pretium, augue ac imperdiet cursus, tortor arcu dictum erat, ac venenatis sapien purus quis metus. Ut pulvinar sodales magna in tristique. Vestibulum sed eros odio. In tincidunt hendrerit mauris id vulputate. Cras et quam sem. Vestibulum dictum, sem in sodales tempus, nisi sem lacinia mauris, sed fermentum mauris massa vitae nunc.

Donec non est at nibh euismod eleifend. Etiam sodales fermentum mi in vulputate. Ut feugiat condimentum dapibus. Integer eu accumsan ligula. Nam dignissim quam felis, sed euismod lectus faucibus eu. In sed turpis et massa faucibus mattis at ut est. Vestibulum vitae dui vehicula, tincidunt quam sit amet, interdum dolor. Etiam venenatis semper dignissim. Curabitur sed nibh vitae turpis tincidunt pretium in vel nisl. Maecenas ex enim, lacinia et est quis, congue venenatis purus. Vivamus non odio id dolor tempus placerat. Morbi sed efficitur nisl, id pellentesque tortor. Fusce elementum pulvinar enim, vitae aliquam enim ullamcorper ut.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt facilisis nisi sed aliquam. Phasellus id finibus lorem. Fusce blandit lobortis metus, vitae tempor odio. Nam commodo neque sed nibh hendrerit luctus. Donec hendrerit commodo dictum. Cras risus quam, elementum ac egestas id, porttitor pharetra orci. Donec faucibus, nisl ac blandit gravida, nunc velit facilisis nisl, eu congue tortor metus in diam. Nullam orci diam, porta et semper ut, tincidunt porttitor urna. Quisque blandit dui libero, sed pretium nulla tincidunt non. Aenean mattis elementum accumsan. Donec in quam a arcu mollis vulputate. Proin dignissim eget turpis id sodales.

Etiam nec est id lacus ultrices dapibus. Morbi id pulvinar arcu. Etiam turpis mauris, auctor sed diam sit amet, iaculis consequat arcu. Donec congue feugiat arcu nec placerat. Maecenas faucibus dui id scelerisque lacinia. Duis lobortis quis lorem ac malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin egestas leo eu neque semper laoreet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis elementum imperdiet mauris nec tempus. Pellentesque consequat velit ut justo laoreet tincidunt. Nulla euismod placerat nisl vehicula vehicula. Nunc varius ipsum tortor, quis faucibus nunc cursus quis.

In ut ante in diam sagittis efficitur nec ut lacus. Fusce cursus, est non mollis posuere, elit turpis dictum sapien, vitae bibendum leo erat in nunc. Aenean ex lorem, sagittis eget tempor eu, suscipit at libero. Integer mollis a est sit amet volutpat. Praesent tincidunt lorem ipsum, a porta sem auctor et. Aliquam vulputate felis et turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum accumsan ipsum sit amet nisi viverra, eget aliquet magna pretium. Cras eget dui congue, porttitor erat nec, varius quam. Quisque ac pharetra urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris nec odio sed nisi suscipit consequat. Quisque diam enim, consectetur id aliquam molestie, blandit vel eros. Donec justo urna, eleifend sit amet ex ut, pellentesque tristique nulla. Proin dolor est, aliquam vitae purus a, pulvinar faucibus ipsum. Mauris efficitur urna vel nulla pulvinar, id elementum elit efficitur.

Duis convallis facilisis ipsum, at vehicula purus semper at. Nulla turpis mi, pharetra et nisl in, feugiat interdum leo. In rutrum velit ac felis tempus finibus. Etiam ac massa facilisis, mattis elit vitae, euismod urna. Pellentesque pretium, augue ac imperdiet cursus, tortor arcu dictum erat, ac venenatis sapien purus quis metus. Ut pulvinar sodales magna in tristique. Vestibulum sed eros odio. In tincidunt hendrerit mauris id vulputate. Cras et quam sem. Vestibulum dictum, sem in sodales tempus, nisi sem lacinia mauris, sed fermentum mauris massa vitae nunc.

Donec non est at nibh euismod eleifend. Etiam sodales fermentum mi in vulputate. Ut feugiat condimentum dapibus. Integer eu accumsan ligula. Nam dignissim quam felis, sed euismod lectus faucibus eu. In sed turpis et massa faucibus mattis at ut est. Vestibulum vitae dui vehicula, tincidunt quam sit amet, interdum dolor. Etiam venenatis semper dignissim. Curabitur sed nibh vitae turpis tincidunt pretium in vel nisl. Maecenas ex enim, lacinia et est quis, congue venenatis purus. Vivamus non odio id dolor tempus placerat. Morbi sed efficitur nisl, id pellentesque tortor. Fusce elementum pulvinar enim, vitae aliquam enim ullamcorper ut.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam tincidunt facilisis nisi sed aliquam. Phasellus id finibus lorem. Fusce blandit lobortis metus, vitae tempor odio. Nam commodo neque sed nibh hendrerit luctus. Donec hendrerit commodo dictum. Cras risus quam, elementum ac egestas id, porttitor pharetra orci. Donec faucibus, nisl ac blandit gravida, nunc velit facilisis nisl, eu congue tortor metus in diam. Nullam orci diam, porta et semper ut, tincidunt porttitor urna. Quisque blandit dui libero, sed pretium nulla tincidunt non. Aenean mattis elementum accumsan. Donec in quam a arcu mollis vulputate. Proin dignissim eget turpis id sodales.

Etiam nec est id lacus ultrices dapibus. Morbi id pulvinar arcu. Etiam turpis mauris, auctor sed diam sit amet, iaculis consequat arcu. Donec congue feugiat arcu nec placerat. Maecenas faucibus dui id scelerisque lacinia. Duis lobortis quis lorem ac malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin egestas leo eu neque semper laoreet. Aliquam erat volutpat. Duis elementum imperdiet mauris nec tempus. Pellentesque consequat velit ut justo laoreet tincidunt. Nulla euismod placerat nisl vehicula vehicula. Nunc varius ipsum tortor, quis faucibus nunc cursus quis.

In ut ante in diam sagittis efficitur nec ut lacus. Fusce cursus, est non mollis posuere, elit turpis dictum sapien, vitae bibendum leo erat in nunc. Aenean ex lorem, sagittis eget tempor eu, suscipit at libero. Integer mollis a est sit amet volutpat. Praesent tincidunt lorem ipsum, a porta sem auctor et. Aliquam vulputate felis et turpis tincidunt vestibulum. Vestibulum accumsan ipsum sit amet nisi viverra, eget aliquet magna pretium. Cras eget dui congue, porttitor erat nec, varius quam. Quisque ac pharetra urna. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Mauris nec odio sed nisi suscipit consequat. Quisque diam enim, consectetur id aliquam molestie, blandit vel eros. Donec justo urna, eleifend sit amet ex ut, pellentesque tristique nulla. Proin dolor est, aliquam vitae purus a, pulvinar faucibus ipsum. Mauris efficitur urna vel nulla pulvinar, id elementum elit efficitur.

Duis convallis facilisis ipsum, at vehicula purus semper at. Nulla turpis mi, pharetra et nisl in, feugiat interdum leo. In rutrum velit ac felis tempus finibus. Etiam ac massa facilisis, mattis elit vitae, euismod urna. Pellentesque pretium, augue ac imperdiet cursus, tortor arcu dictum erat, ac venenatis sapien purus quis metus. Ut pulvinar sodales magna in tristique. Vestibulum sed eros odio. In tincidunt hendrerit mauris id vulputate. Cras et quam sem. Vestibulum dictum, sem in sodales tempus, nisi sem lacinia mauris, sed fermentum mauris massa vitae nunc.

Donec non est at nibh euismod eleifend. Etiam sodales fermentum mi in vulputate. Ut feugiat condimentum dapibus. Integer eu accumsan ligula. Nam dignissim quam felis, sed euismod lectus faucibus eu. In sed turpis et massa faucibus mattis at ut est. Vestibulum vitae dui vehicula, tincidunt quam sit amet, interdum dolor. Etiam venenatis semper dignissim. Curabitur sed nibh vitae turpis tincidunt pretium in vel nisl. Maecenas ex enim, lacinia et est quis, congue venenatis purus. Vivamus non odio id dolor tempus placerat. Morbi sed efficitur nisl, id pellentesque tortor. Fusce elementum pulvinar enim, vitae aliquam enim ullamcorper ut.

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That is absolutely perfect. I had no idea you did that.
Eun-Jae Sin
"Too many stars, too many dreams. The reality is that in front of these things, I'm just a speck of dust."



Eun-Jae Sin

Jay or Kitty


Zodiac Family:
Cat(Meow Clan)





Physical Description
With his slender figure standing at 5'9, it could be said that he is of average height. Eun-Jae has very fair skin that is cared for meticulously, leaving it with very few flaws. Contrasting this is a head of black hair that is either left alone or styled up. His hooded eyes give him an air of mystery but his ever present smile is like sunshine in winter; gentle. He wears blue contacts to hide their original color(Gold), thinking that it'd scare others away and make him seem pretty intimidating. His every movement, every expression is like that of poetry and as graceful as cherry blossom petals daintily skimming over puddles of water after a stormy night. Adding to his relaxed temperament is his scent which is similar to that of sandalwood.

Clothing Style/ Preferences
His style has always been pretty formal for most occasions but he isn't above wearing street clothes, in fact, after being introduced to the outside world, he has been charmed by everyone's unique sense of fashion. He is a sucker for over-sized coats and flannel shirts and has drawers filled with nothing but pointless accessories. He is currently in the mix-matching experimental phase and can be pretty reckless with his choices but he pulls most styles off flawlessly. Two things that he is hardly ever seen without are a pair of cat eared headphones that his best friend had gifted him long ago and a pair of gloves that keep him from harming people he does not wish to harm.

Birthmarks/ Tattoos/ Markings
Nothing notable.


At a Glance: Most people view him the way one would view a marshmallow. He is unbelievably soft hearted and gentle. Many believe he would never harm a fly. Eun-Jae gives off a serene feeling that tends to calm those around him. Contrasting with his tranquil demeanor, he's actually considered to be pretty stupid. He spaces out for long periods of time and can't even answer the most basic of questions. As a sheltered child, his knowledge of the world is pretty small and he is ignorant of many things.

Deeper in: What many don't see is that he's actually much colder than he lets on. He is unused to people and gets uncomfortable really easily so he tends to keep some distance for the most part. Eun-Jae is also more intelligent than he lets on. However, this only applies to "book-smarts". Socially, he feels inept. While he isn't aware of much when it comes to the outside world and although he seems kind to a fault most times, to him it feels more like an act. He often wonders whether he's truly kind or just trying to be accepted by those he views as superior.

These thoughts are constantly conflicting one another. As an overthinker with too much time on his hands, it isn't strange for him to be self aware to the point that he picks at his faults constantly leading to his low self confidence and all of the insecurities he hides away tactfully. He is reserved to the point where you'll really have to dig to see how he truly feels about you. For the most part, he is pretty jealous of the other zodiac members. At the same time, he views some as friends that he is very possessive over.

The cat clan have always been considered outsiders, many branches had always held a grudge against the other clans. Others couldn't care less and went on to live normal lives but Eun-Jae's luck could be said to have been bad. He belonged to the former bunch. It was quickly discovered that he was the successor as his ability had unintentionally permanently harmed his mother after she had a long and tiring birth, something his father had never forgiven him for.

His mother's body was already small and sickly. It would already have been a miracle if she had survived a normal birth. However, she was a stubborn woman that never backed down regardless of her body's constitution. She was still conscious by the time his cries filled the room. It was only after she held his hand that everything fell apart. Her remaining energy had been drained and her eyes closed. Whether by fortune or misfortune, she survived but has been in coma ever since. This left him in the care of his negligent father who had fallen so far into depression that he could barely care for himself. If it weren't for his uncle having taken him in, Eun-Jae probably wouldn't have survived past infancy.

His uncle was a silly man but a busy one as well. He was an entertainer who worked on a variety show that was loved by many. The times that Jay got to spend time with the man were some of the happiest. His Aunt however was a different story. She was a cold chinese woman who made sure he was brought up properly. She trained him in martial arts so that he would have no excuse to use his powers, afraid that he would harm another person. At the same time, she never forgot to compare him to the other clans, hoping he would be like a diamond and grow strong under pressure.

She also homeschooled him and considered the school system incompetent in comparison. With her around, his life was not quite dull but definitely not excuting. While his aunt may have been a little cold he was grateful to be under her tutelage and she rewarded him well. So long as he did well in his studies, she'd sneak him into the hospital to visit his mother.

One would think this to be an irresponsible action. There are many negative effects that could have come of this but Eun-Jae was an earnest child who loved his mother despite never having heard her voice or seen her smile. He would chat about how well he was growing, how his day went, and all of the things he learned for as long as his aunt allowed. Moments spent by his mother's side were definitely treasured.

Aside from the adults, there was also Hani, the next door neighbor that liked shooting paper airplanes through his window. It was through these airplanes that the two sent messages and got to know each other. She was a silly girl, very bubbly and very courageous yet a year younger than him. She was always trying to get him to come outside to play. Jay however was much too worried about any consequences that may come forth from a few minutes of freedom. For two years, she struggled to convince him to join her to play.

Sometime after his seventh birthday, he finally gave in. His aunt was down with a cold and he was tired of disappointing his only friend. Once she got him out of his home, they went to a nearby park and had the time of their lives. They played happily until evening. On the way back they came across a tall tree with low branches. Hani dared him to climb it so that he could get a change of perspective. Her faulty child logic thought that if he had the courage to climb a tall tree, he'd have the courage to come outside and play again. When he refused, she couldn't help but feel a little irritated. It took her years of convincing to get him to go outside and now he couldn't even play properly. She had claimed to have climbed it many times and tried to urge him on but he wouldn't budge an inch. Left with no other choice, she decided to show him how it was done. With the grace any young child would have, she clumsily climbed higher and higher until she was at a height she was comfortable with.

Eun-Jae was clearly frightened but he was also uneasy at the thought of being outdone by a girl younger than him. She didn't even practice martial arts! The thought that he could at least rely on his training to protect himself gave him some courage. After taking a deep breath to calm himself, he followed her up slowly, his movements more precise and cautious than Hani's. The higher he climbed, the more exhilarated he became. After reaching her branch, he climbed onto the one above it to show off.

Not one to be outdone, Hani did the same. The two then continued to climb up, neither giving in to the other. It wasn't until he felt that the branch above him wasnt as sturdy as the one below him that he recalled the dangers and stopped. He hadn't noticed that they were so high up on the way up but when he looked down towards Hani, he found it hard to breathe. Paralyzed, he told Hani that he couldn't come down and wouldn't go any higher. He asked her to get help since she had apparently climbed this tree before. She wanted to laugh at him but she also hadn't noticed their plight until it was too late. When she looked down, she also felt a little woozy. However, it was her fault for making him climb the dumb tree so she slowly made her way down anyway.

Neither of them could have foreseen the unfortunate turn of events that followed. She accidentally missed one of the lower branches and plummeted down to the ground, hitting branches along the way helplessly like a rag doll. While she lay motionless on the ground, Eun-Jay was still stuck in the tree in a state of shock. There wasn't really much he could have done about the situation but he couldn't help but feel guilty. If he hadn't shown off, she wouldn't have climbed high enough to get hurt, much less fallen to her death.

It took close to an hour for a person to walk by and notice the scene. His gaze was focused on Hani the entire time as if she would awaken as long as he kept looking over her. When the paramedics moved to cover her with a sheet, he couldn't help but yell at them to stop, making his presence known to them. Not wanting him to fall while in a panicked state, the paused what they were doing and called over the fire department so they could get him down and everyone could move along with what had to be done.

After the fire department arrived, everything felt like a blur. Hani was taken away and pronounced dead at the scene and he was back to being stuck indoors, a punishment he couldn't help but agree with. He believed all fault rested on his shoulders. Had he not gone outside, the two would still be sending secret paper airplane messages to each other. He was the older one and should not have allowed her to push him around in the first place.

From then on, life slowly passed by. After turning 18, he had planned on auditioning for a big entertainment company, the same one his uncle worked under. His aunt however, had other plans. She sent him to live with her family in america to learn acupuncture and further his martial arts skills. Knowing the result of disobeying her, he complied unhappily and bid farewell to his mother, promising to return quickly. He wasn't fond of the idea of leaving her alone but he hoped that she would be well cared for.

When he arrived in America, he may not have known East from West and the slang was confusing as all hell but he flourished in his studies, his aunt's preparations weren't a joke by any means. If anything, she over prepared. He was ahead of his distant cousins by far. His schedule was also far more lax. He was free to wander about and explore. Although he tried to stay indoors, eventually his curiosity got the better of him. Aside from nearly drowning at the beach at one point, his time spent in America was actually rather relaxing. Before he could leave, he recieved a call from his uncle stating that he was to meet with the other clan successors.

Although he had attended a few meetings before, he never really got to know any of the members on a personal level and this was the first time meeting up with the rest alone. He would be lying if he said he wasn't nervous especially when his uncle explained why his aunt was hard on him and how much the rest of the clan were relying on him to show the world that the Meow clan was not to be trifled with. Although it was not something he wished for, he was tired of letting people down and hopes this ordeal allows him to grow as a person.


Weapon of Choice
Acupuncture needles

Ability/ Power
Energy Theft: With but a touch, he can drain another person's energy. When it comes to those with powers, it prioritizes draining them first. He can also use them for himself. However, this is only temporary The victim of the theft will be left unable to use their gifts for the short length of an hour. Likewise, Eun-Jae will only temporarily be able to wield them for the same amount of time. Minor possible side effects of having your power drained include Lethargy, Drowsiness, Vertigo, and sometimes even Nausea. These effects of course have a high chance at affecting Eun-Jae as well once the powers borrowed wear off.

~Power Related Weakness: Naturally, with gifts come curses. When he borrows a person's abilities, he inherits its weaknesses as well. (such as water or lack of air to fire)
~To use his abilities, he has to have time to remove at least one glove. He also cannot control his power and has to avoid touching anyone whose powers he doesn't wish to drain. Luckily, his ability is centered on his hands. He is free to touch people with any other part of his body.
~Jokes and puns: This applies particularly to cold/bad jokes that aren't intended to make others laugh. He will fall into an uncontrollable giggle fit, especially if it's cat related.
~Females: Growing up, he had very little contact with them but was told to be extremely kind. Even after spending some time around them, he is still either really shy or uncomfortable around them to the point where he wouldn't even think of raising a hand against one.



~Rainy Days
~Rock Music
~Bad Manners

As someone who's always had a dream of becoming a famous Idol, he naturally loves singing, dancing, and composing music. It is rumored that he has taken more selfies than there are trees on the earth or stars in the sky. As an indoors type however, he had spent much of his time drawing and reading.

Fears: Acrophobia(heights), Bathophobia(Depths)


Tiger: "Awesome... scary awesome."
~With the two of them representing felines, Jay as always felt a connection to him despite never having spoken to him. However, he can't help but look up to him even if he's only capable of admiring the big cat from afar.

Sheep:[Color=5cb3ff]"He's got a cute smile."[/color]
~Although he doesn't play games himself, he loves watching others have fun. His favorite streamer to watch just so happens to be Alex Williams from the Sheep Clan. Something about Alex's smile when he's genuinely having a good time makes him unable to hold back a grin himself. It could be said that he sees him as an idol he hopes to one day surpass.


Cat: "I think you call people like me masochistic? But I'm the one doing the harm so I guess I must be a bit of a sadist as well.."
~Eun-Jae's relationship with himself is a conflicting one. On one hand he is ashamed of his cowardice and will pick at his faults the way one picks on scabs. On the other hand, he isn't against change and uses every day to be at least a little better of a person than before.


Quirks: Instead of waving his hand when greeting or saying farewell, he wiggles his fingers. He also subconsciously licks his lips often. Especially when deep in thought or spacing out.


Dialogue: Crystal Blue #5CB3FF
FC: Baekhyun Byun

Juniper .L. Rabbit
[glow=pink]""I believe in an everlasting life. Those cherished moments when time comes to a sudden stop become eternal.""[/glow][glow=#b66d2][/glow]


Full Name
Juniper Lumi Rabbit

Glutton: Since she eats anything and a lot of it to boot.
Rabbit: For Obvious reasons
June: Short for Juniper
Juniprrr: Many Felines pronounce her name this way.
Stubs: Old nickname that stuck due to being born with stubby on her head at birth.

Date of Birth
June 13th


White Rabbit's Home, Wonderland

Wonder Creature


Rabbit (Kind of..)


Hair Colour

Eye Colour

Skin Tone
Extremely fair

Original: 10 inches
Current: 5'10 (Antlers Excluded)

Original: 3lbs
Current: 128lbs


Selfmade dresses paired with boots and random accessories. She usually wears round clear spectacles on her face since she is legally blind without them and prefers dark or pastel colors depending on her mood, however, it isn't unheard of to see her dressed in white. Her makeup is more often than not excessive yet gorgeous.


~Father: The white rabbit, was busy man, one she once viewed as cowardly and impolite. The two didn't get along very well but it's not as if they dont care about each other. They simply drove each other bonkers. After retiring for her sake and even going as far as heading out on a journey, she finally realized her place in his heart and is no longer as cold towards him as she once was. Unfortunately, his location is currently unknown.

~Mother: Her mother's identity is a complete mystery. Many say she's a deer, others claim she's an antelope. Either way, no one has ever set eyes on her and she's never made an appearance before her. All points considered, Juniper feels it's proper to simply ignore her existence.


Marital Status


Background Information:
After the fall of the Queen of Hearts, the white rabbit's day wasn't any less busy. With all of his duties keeping him occupied, it was a wonder that he had time to bring a child into this world in the first place. None of the other wonders could have ever come close to expecting it. One day he was rushing about like usual, and the next he was struggling to find a sitter for his daughter. The shock was almost as great as the shock they got from looking at her.

Although she resembled her father in almost every other aspect, there was one feature that managed to turn heads. On her head were two tiny stubs. Stubs that would someday grow into a lovely set of antlers. Another minor difference would be her eye color. Her father's eyes were a very dark shade of brown. Hers, on the other hand, were pink, a very light pink at that.

According to her father, she was punctual at the very least. He'd always complained about how disastrous her birth was and how he ended up late for work again and again because she was so disobedient that no one was willing to look after her. At first, he tossed her into the hands of a relative, guilt-tripping them until they complied. But then as she grew, she became much wilder and he had no choice but to attempt to lock her up at home; a plan that didn't work out too well.

Instead of inheriting her fathers stern yet timid temperament, she was bold and reckless. Juniper had a habit of running off and chewing on everything and anything even mildly interesting, something that would lead to a rather strange change. On one of her little escapades, she came across a strange glowing mushroom. Naturally, she could not help but eat it and at first, there was no reaction. The rest of the day went as normal. The next morning, however, her looks took a more drastic change. The little rabbit had at some point taken human form. Strangely enough, her ears and antlers appeared to have a stubborn streak of their own as they remained in place. They had grown in size and, to the White Rabbit's dismay, showed no sign of disappearing. Juniper was elated, she now had opposable thumbs and could do so much more with her life. Also, had they disappeared, could she even call herself a jackalope anymore?

She accepted the change well enough. At least, she took the change better than her father. The White Rabbit retired to search for a way to fix her error. He asked everyone he could think of. The Cheshire cat, The Mad Hatter, The Caterpillar, and even the Dodo; none of them shared any solutions to help her. It was a valiant effort but it was all for naught. He hadn't given up, however. Seeing as how those he was familiar with held no answers, he decided to go off on a journey to find some kind of cure.

Juniper was 15 at that time. Unfortunately, she hasn't seen or heard much of him since but deep down she believed he would return.To provide herself with a means to survive, she became a seamstress, a successful one at that. With business booming, she is constantly on the lookout for a little helper to assist her.


Always With Me
Joe Hisaishi


Kato/Kate Lambert

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec fringilla velit at ligula bibendum, non mattis diam pulvinar. Aenean vulputate id eros at blandit. Cras vitae velit vitae quam dapibus luctus. Sed tellus diam, tristique eget elit a, dapibus vestibulum lacus. Mauris quis lacus dolor. Duis nec lacus sollicitudin, pretium augue in, facilisis quam. Integer sit amet gravida nisi. Aenean mollis metus sapien, ornare vulputate tortor ultrices eu. Phasellus fringilla aliquet ipsum, nec viverra lacus mollis laoreet. Donec ut tempus sapien. Donec quis enim justo. In luctus id justo eu scelerisque. Etiam maximus imperdiet metus in ornare. Sed tincidunt iaculis sagittis. Proin scelerisque commodo erat. Quisque malesuada nisl eget purus pharetra, et rhoncus massa varius.

Nam at risus pulvinar, euismod ipsum nec, hendrerit elit. Nam leo ex, suscipit a vehicula vel, euismod eu augue. Donec laoreet erat et felis faucibus suscipit vel vitae massa. Vivamus ac commodo diam, feugiat fringilla justo. Pellentesque mattis, ex at iaculis interdum, neque ex vestibulum dui, in malesuada neque velit sed enim. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec laoreet justo est, non auctor ligula mollis vel. Aliquam dapibus, mi eu sollicitudin fermentum, sapien dolor luctus augue, facilisis tempus leo turpis vitae arcu. Phasellus pretium imperdiet dolor, id bibendum nulla feugiat non. Suspendisse potenti. Cras in sodales quam, eu efficitur ligula. Duis condimentum non odio vel faucibus. Maecenas vehicula ultrices mi, quis lacinia erat sagittis sed. Nullam at arcu rhoncus, placerat lacus at, aliquet tortor. Morbi faucibus eleifend turpis vitae auctor.

Mauris tincidunt enim sit amet nisi iaculis venenatis. In vulputate, eros at cursus dictum, elit nisi lobortis tortor, nec viverra lectus odio in lorem. Suspendisse in purus eu sem facilisis blandit vel eu sapien. Ut at ex at lorem placerat pharetra. Quisque placerat ullamcorper tellus quis vulputate. Mauris vel nisi turpis. Cras lobortis orci ut tincidunt rhoncus.

Sed blandit nisi fringilla, porttitor ipsum a, iaculis libero. Proin consequat, eros quis fermentum varius, erat arcu congue tellus, eget iaculis metus erat sed ante. Nullam accumsan vulputate convallis. Pellentesque tristique mauris at augue tempus finibus. Vivamus convallis magna ac nunc commodo, faucibus commodo metus porttitor. Phasellus molestie ligula vel nisi sagittis faucibus. Phasellus sodales et magna eu feugiat. Sed tempus dictum leo, in gravida diam malesuada eget. Curabitur neque nunc, dictum ac ipsum ut, efficitur lacinia sapien. Morbi sollicitudin luctus scelerisque. Etiam commodo scelerisque nulla, ut venenatis nunc rhoncus et. Aliquam nisl ante, ullamcorper ac magna quis, rhoncus tempus nisi.

Morbi elementum nisl quis quam accumsan, at elementum lorem placerat. Etiam finibus vulputate tortor, eu tempor arcu tristique eu. Sed dapibus, sem in pellentesque faucibus, orci ex molestie odio, ac placerat dui dolor rhoncus nibh. Fusce consequat, libero sagittis scelerisque varius, metus lorem aliquet arcu, nec pulvinar arcu lectus sed sem. Nulla nec efficitur felis. Sed sit amet neque sed odio feugiat commodo non eget enim. Vestibulum tincidunt lobortis sem id pellentesque.

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So lazy. I'll play with or delete this later. Banner by the super cool Firejay

Iseul Kim

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse cursus, dui ac ultrices condimentum, ex felis consequat urna, sed fermentum felis diam eu justo. Morbi sed ullamcorper sem, ac malesuada magna. Morbi ut dolor semper, venenatis ex vestibulum, pulvinar ante. Duis semper lacinia lectus et molestie. Nullam rutrum consectetur facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc placerat libero id pharetra posuere. Morbi non mauris ac turpis consequat fringilla. Nam lacus quam, pulvinar quis erat ac, placerat volutpat diam. Mauris rutrum hendrerit molestie. Aenean mollis odio sit amet mauris commodo, suscipit fermentum sem malesuada. Sed ultricies placerat diam vitae malesuada.

Maecenas vitae risus nec augue luctus aliquam sed eu justo. Nam hendrerit iaculis quam ut elementum. Proin gravida eros nec lacus ultrices consectetur. Vestibulum sem quam, interdum vitae venenatis vitae, laoreet sed justo. Nulla ut efficitur magna. Morbi fringilla dolor nec enim fringilla hendrerit. Sed sed magna justo.

Nulla fringilla suscipit purus id tincidunt. Aenean ac neque vitae sapien feugiat sagittis a id mi. Etiam non volutpat elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur accumsan dui lobortis, eleifend metus sit amet, auctor dolor. Suspendisse tristique ut lacus quis tristique. Aliquam interdum sed urna et interdum. Pellentesque blandit mattis dapibus. Proin ligula quam, molestie vitae consequat sed, pretium et enim. Ut dictum felis vel efficitur facilisis. Curabitur sit amet sapien id purus ultrices convallis. Proin est leo, scelerisque ac neque et, fermentum tristique lacus.

Vivamus ac felis in risus aliquet dignissim. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi et iaculis quam. Fusce dapibus convallis urna, eu lobortis tortor tincidunt quis. Nunc non odio dapibus, varius est eget, consequat quam. Pellentesque sapien diam, fringilla vel vehicula nec, convallis vel nisi. Morbi convallis porttitor dui at sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam sed ante vitae felis dictum tincidunt. Suspendisse quis fermentum odio. Cras interdum turpis diam, eget sodales tortor faucibus faucibus. Sed nulla elit, vulputate sodales dapibus eu, suscipit sit amet nisl.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse cursus, dui ac ultrices condimentum, ex felis consequat urna, sed fermentum felis diam eu justo. Morbi sed ullamcorper sem, ac malesuada magna. Morbi ut dolor semper, venenatis ex vestibulum, pulvinar ante. Duis semper lacinia lectus et molestie. Nullam rutrum consectetur facilisis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nunc placerat libero id pharetra posuere. Morbi non mauris ac turpis consequat fringilla. Nam lacus quam, pulvinar quis erat ac, placerat volutpat diam. Mauris rutrum hendrerit molestie. Aenean mollis odio sit amet mauris commodo, suscipit fermentum sem malesuada. Sed ultricies placerat diam vitae malesuada.

Maecenas vitae risus nec augue luctus aliquam sed eu justo. Nam hendrerit iaculis quam ut elementum. Proin gravida eros nec lacus ultrices consectetur. Vestibulum sem quam, interdum vitae venenatis vitae, laoreet sed justo. Nulla ut efficitur magna. Morbi fringilla dolor nec enim fringilla hendrerit. Sed sed magna justo.

Nulla fringilla suscipit purus id tincidunt. Aenean ac neque vitae sapien feugiat sagittis a id mi. Etiam non volutpat elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur accumsan dui lobortis, eleifend metus sit amet, auctor dolor. Suspendisse tristique ut lacus quis tristique. Aliquam interdum sed urna et interdum. Pellentesque blandit mattis dapibus. Proin ligula quam, molestie vitae consequat sed, pretium et enim. Ut dictum felis vel efficitur facilisis. Curabitur sit amet sapien id purus ultrices convallis. Proin est leo, scelerisque ac neque et, fermentum tristique lacus.

Vivamus ac felis in risus aliquet dignissim. Suspendisse potenti. Morbi et iaculis quam. Fusce dapibus convallis urna, eu lobortis tortor tincidunt quis. Nunc non odio dapibus, varius est eget, consequat quam. Pellentesque sapien diam, fringilla vel vehicula nec, convallis vel nisi. Morbi convallis porttitor dui at sodales. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Nam sed ante vitae felis dictum tincidunt. Suspendisse quis fermentum odio. Cras interdum turpis diam, eget sodales tortor faucibus faucibus. Sed nulla elit, vulputate sodales dapibus eu, suscipit sit amet nisl.


Location: Movie Theater
Honorable Mentions: Honey @MaryGold

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdiet a, venenatis vitae, justo. Nullam dictum felis eu pede mollis pretium. Integer tincidunt. Cras dapibus. Vivamus elementum semper nisi. Aenean vulputate eleifend tellus. Aenean leo ligula, porttitor eu, consequat vitae, eleifend ac, enim. Aliquam lorem ante, dapibus in, viverra quis, feugiat a, tellus. Phasellus viverra nulla ut metus varius laoreet. Quisque rutrum. Aenean imperdiet. Etiam ultricies nisi vel augue. Curabitur ullamcorper ultricies nisi. Nam eget dui. Etiam rhoncus. Maecenas tempus, tellus eget condimentum rhoncus, sem quam semper libero, sit amet adipiscing sem neque sed ipsum. Nam quam nunc, blandit vel, luctus pulvinar, hendrerit id, lorem. Maecenas nec odio et ante tincidunt tempus. Donec vitae sapien ut libero venenatis faucibus. Nullam quis ante. Etiam sit amet orci eget eros faucibus tincidunt. Duis leo. Sed fringilla mauris sit amet nibh. Donec sodales sagittis magna. Sed consequat, leo eget bibendum sodales, augue velit cursus nunc, quis gravida magna mi a libero. Fusce vulputate eleifend sapien. Vestibulum purus quam, scelerisque ut, mollis sed, nonummy id, metus.

Nullam accumsan lorem in dui. Cras ultricies mi eu turpis hendrerit fringilla. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; In ac dui quis mi consectetuer lacinia. Nam pretium turpis et arcu. Duis arcu tortor, suscipit eget, imperdiet nec, imperdiet iaculis, ipsum. Sed aliquam ultrices mauris. Integer ante arcu, accumsan a, consectetuer eget, posuere ut, mauris. Praesent adipiscing. Phasellus ullamcorper ipsum rutrum nunc. Nunc nonummy metus. Vestibulum volutpat pretium libero. Cras id dui. Aenean ut eros et nisl sagittis vestibulum. Nullam nulla eros, ultricies sit amet, nonummy id, imperdiet feugiat, pede. Sed lectus. Donec mollis hendrerit risus. Phasellus nec sem in justo pellentesque facilisis. Etiam imperdiet imperdiet orci. Nunc nec neque. Phasellus leo dolor, tempus non, auctor et, hendrerit quis, nisi. Curabitur ligula sapien, tincidunt non, euismod vitae, posuere imperdiet, leo. Maecenas malesuada. Praesent congue erat at massa. Sed cursus turpis vitae tortor. Donec posuere vulputate arcu. Phasellus accumsan cursus velit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Sed aliquam, nisi quis porttitor congue, elit erat euismod orci, ac placerat dolor lectus quis orci. Phasellus consectetuer vestibulum elit. Aenean tellus metus, bibendum sed, posuere ac, mattis non, nunc. Vestibulum fringilla pede sit amet augue. In turpis. Pellentesque posuere. Praesent turpis.
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