Teacrusader's Character Art Shop

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Hi there!
Thanks for visiting my little art store, feel free to just window shop, feel free'r to actually buy something.

I now have a second offering available here:
I will draw your character in a different Genre for $5
It's much cheaper (though less extensive and polished than the offering in this thread) so please do check it out. And the more orders I get, even if they are just $5 the better my page looks and the easier it is for me to get more orders running!

This is a character art store, and thus my primary product is character visualisations, though I have various options as I'm sure you'll see soon.

I would like to mention that I am treating this as not only a serious form of income but also one of the first steps towards me being a freelance artist so the prices reflect a per-hour workload for me and as such may be a bit high for many people.
I apologise for this but I hope that there will be options for most budgets.
I am also giving a small discount to you guys on Iwaku so enjoy the slightly lowered prices.

Also I will pledge right now that for every $100 I make though this thread I will donate $5 to Iwaku.

So here we go. I've set up a sort of add-on system. You'll buy a base and then pay additional small prices for every addition you want to add to the design.

Art Examples.

A typical character art:
A painted character with form change:
A turnaround with added detail focus:
A design with some additional features, including poses and a secondary character:
A coloured doodle:
An uncoloured drawing:

Main shop: Character Artworks and Designs.

Artwork base - Choose one of the following:

1. Character Sketches. $12
- The most basic asking. this involves no cleanup or refined drawings, this will be sketches and doodles of the desired character.

2. Character Drawings. $25
- A fully cleaned up image, more than a sketches and far more refined.

3. Turnaround 2-sides. $35
- As well as a standard drawing of the character you also get a second view, generally from the back or 3/4 view back.

4. Turnaround 4-sides. $45
- A turnaround with 4 sides. Traditionally front, 3/4, side and 3/4 back.

Design work - Choose one, advised by artist.
I would like to point out that I am by trade a character designer and it is my primary interest and skill. There is an option and cost for doing actual design work and if I think it is needed I will inform you before we agree on a price.

1. Full Design Provided. FREE
-You know exactly what the deal with your character is, the kind of jacket they wear the shape of their face the details of their tools, you just want someone to make it art. There is some leeway here and I'll advise if I think option 2 is necessary.

2. Light design work needed. Variable $12 - $24
- You know the majority of your character's visual details but would like me to do some design magic, try out different clothing styles or perhaps you don't know al the tools they carry or what style of clothes they wear.

3. Heavy design work needed. Variable $36+
- You know very little about the visuals of your character and want me to essentially figure out what they look like.

Add-ons - Choose what you like.

1. 2 faces. $10
- Up to two faces of various expressions/angles/whatever you want. You may buy this multiple times.

2. 2 face turnaround. $10
- A turnaround of the head only, you get 2 views per purchase.

3. Item/Accessory focus. $10
- A focus on an item, device or weapon the character carries. This could involve multiple angles or magnified views. Must be purchased separately for each item.

4. High detail. $10
- If you want very high detail on your character or are asking for an especially complicated design I may ask for an additional fee to reflect the extra time. I may ask this for characters or add-ons or both depending on the request.

5. Action shot. $10 or choose a base
- If you want an action shot of your character I can replace the standard view of your character with one for a one-off cost. Or if you want it as well as the main character image then you must pay an additional base cost as though you were buying a second image.

6. Form swap. $18
- If your character has an alternate form that is at least passingly similar to their original form you can have that comparison done for you.

7. Full background. $30
- For fully painted backdrop to your character. Bear in mind you cannot buy this with any other add-ons other than action pose. This includes colour for the background.

Colour - Choose all applicable.

1. Colour Main. $20
- If you want your main character image coloured.

2. Colour additional views. $20 per view.
- For if you want any of the turnaround views or additional views you purchased in add-ons coloured you'll have to pay here.

3. Colour add-on. Add-on price again.
- For colour on any add-on. Excludes add-on 5 and 6.

4. Flat colour. Half colour price.
- If you want some colour but don't want it painted then I'll half the price to just have the colour flat without shading or detail.

Trinket shop: Little things and weird stuff.

Display pictures. $5-$10
- I'll do display pictures for use on this forum or skype or anywhere you want. Prices will be variable but I'll let you know upon request. I'll do artwork as well as pixel art for this.

Banners/Signatures. $10-$15
- Again, based on the request the price may vary, but I can do banners and signatures.

- I require you to have Paypal to pay me, unfortunately I can't take payment any other way.
- One of the reasons I want to do this is for some things to put in my portfolio. So all artwork I do will hopefully be up for that. However if you wish for me to keep the artwork out of my portfolio (and public view) then just say. If I am not told however I will assume that I am ok to put it in my portfolio.
- I may on occasion do some things from this list that you have not requested or paid for. If I do this it is because i wanted to or felt it would add a lot to the design. Do not worry I will never charge you for more than we had agreed on.
- As the Iwaku shop is receiving a sizeable discount I ask that nothing purchased here be used for commercial purposes. I will do commercial commissions but I have a separate (higher) price list for them so if you want to make money from my art please let me know.
- Please bear in mind that it is up to me whether I undertake a commission. If I do not want to do your request then I am under no obligation to do so. Obviously you will not be charged if this is the case.

As I am quite busy I will only be able to undertake 3 requests at any one time. This will be a first come first serve basis. Please post in the thread if you want some art and then send me the details of the commission in a private message, or alternatively email me at [email protected].

Current commissions

Thankyou for taking the time to look at my shop.
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Will you draw me like one of your French girls?

I'm kidding. Don't do it. I'm just posting to wish you good luck and I hope you get lots of clients. No need to tell ya how much I <3 your artwork. You already know.
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I want to wish you luck on this venture! If I hear of anyone needing anything I'll send them your way!
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wow Porg you should like total take your amazing skill in to some kind of anime or something your a art is so cool and looks professional
Jeez, I love your art. Good luck on future orders! I have to save my money up for other means at the moment. But, maybe, I will ask for a drawing sometime in the future.
Speaking of drawings, I need to get started again.
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can you do an anthro one my pc wont show any of your art for now it will later though
stupid restrictions -.-
Thanks for the interest guys.

@Strider - I can do anthropomorphic animals, but I'd best say they likely wont look much like the 'standard' anthros you find littered over the internet since I've never sunk any time into studying that style.

@Dante - Yeah I can do, obviously it likely wont look exactly like the official art as i'd like to put my own spin on stuff. Also I reserve the right to refuse if you pick something I don't fancy doing =P

Also worth noting that I'm not going to be able to get much done before Christmas, as I don't have a whole load of spare time over the holidays, but it shouldn't take too long before I'm back on schedule.
Once again thanks for the interest guys.
Hi i'm Teacrusader and I'm a character artist.

You may have noticed my art shop banner from time to time, and if you are so inclined you may have checked it out and seen that i've got a bit of a steep price tree.

I do however now have a cheaper, albeit simpler, option.

Character arts for $5


Now because I love you guys. I am going to offer any Iwakiuns who are interested the second one for only $5.

So you'll get the $10 cleaned up line drawing for only $5!

All you have to do is put through a 45 order on Fiverr (see the link above) and send me a pm here on Iwaku. I will do you a nice cleaned up artwork for the price of the basic sketch.

I look forward to hearing from you guys!

Ps - as a note I will happily draw your character in the same genre they are native to, it was more to differentiate me on the site.
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where would I need to go for a commercial pic?
k I will as soon as I know that I mite have enough money thank you
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I'm officially saving up money for a character sketch from you. Wow are you talented XD sadly, my obsession with character art is a terrible one for a single mom/full time college student budget. BUT NO FEAR. I'll use my monthly pokemon card budget >:) I WILL own a piece of your talent.
I'm officially saving up money for a character sketch from you. Wow are you talented XD sadly, my obsession with character art is a terrible one for a single mom/full time college student budget. BUT NO FEAR. I'll use my monthly pokemon card budget >:) I WILL own a piece of your talent.

If you go here it may be a little kinder to your budget.

Though I'm not complaining at all if you fancy paying for the ones on this page XD