tascha’s less ugly coding

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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3


more morbid than wednesday addams
Original poster
Invitation Status
Posting Speed
  1. Speed of Light
  2. Multiple posts per day
  3. 1-3 posts per day
  4. One post per day
  5. 1-3 posts per week
Writing Levels
  1. Intermediate
  2. Adept
  3. Advanced
  4. Prestige
  5. Adaptable
slice of life, modern, fluffy romance, fandoms, fantasy
when i figure shit out, i'll post it here for reference. makes things easier.

oml i hope that's allowed too?
using what i have learned, i am trying to make a partner search thingy.

IMPORTANT: please go through every tab before contacting me. i will know if you haven't.

  • 001. about me


    my name is tascha, or tash for short (though tascha is already a shorter version of my name lol). i'm here to look for a few roleplay partners! before we get to the good stuff though, i feel it is very important that you learn a few things about me, as well as what i expect in a partner, just so nobody's wasting their time. i'll get right to it:

    i : writing || i consider myself an intermediate-advanced writer. or maybe somewhere in between. english is not my first language, however it is the only language i know and as a result, i consider myself a decent writer. that, along with the fact that i hope to publish books one day, helps me put myself into a category like that.
    ii : quantity || in terms of our roleplay, i can say that i can write out a minimum of 2-3 paragraphs. that is my absolute minimum though. i can also do up to about 10 paragraphs, though more often than not, i tend to mirror my partners length. it should be known however, that the more i am required to write, the longer it will take for me to respond.
    iii : characters || a couple of things to note here are that a) i like making detailed character forms/sheets. i can do simple as well but prefer detailed ones. b) i like playing multiple characters. more often than not i prefer doubling up however there are also many cases where doubling up is not required. i see it tends to happen most with fandoms anyway. c) i use real celebrities as faceclaims for my characters. i'm a very visual person, and on quotev, gifs are used everywhere, so i'll likely do the same. d) when it comes to fandom, i prefer portraying the original character, in oc x canon pairings.
    iv : pairings || i am lgbt+ friendly. i have nothing against any gender pairing. i myself, prefer playing female in heterosexual pairings because that's my preference. i like to make sure my partners are happy too though which is why i am more than happy to do any pairing of your choice as well, considering we play multiple characters. just let me know beforehand what you'd be interested in so there isn't any confusion.
    v : mature themes || mature themes such as violence, gore, mental illness, drugs and alcohol are things that are usually included in most of my roleplays so please know that going in. i have no qualms with roleplaying with someone under 18 but it will not include romance if you are under 16 and it certainly won't include any smut whatsoever if you are a minor. smut is something that i like to happen every once in a while as long as the story doesn't revolve around it.
    vi : activity || i am taking a gap year currently since i just finished college. i might start working soon but until then i have a bit of time on my hands that i devote to graphic designing and writing. you can expect me to be online quite a lot and you can expect speedy replies too. if i will be gone for a while, i will be sure to let you know.

  • 002. what i expect

    these are just a couple of things i'm looking for in a partner:

    i : writing || i would like my partners to havd a good grasp of the english language — decent grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence formation and even some class when it comes to writing out smut (not for minors or those who do not want to take part in smut though)
    ii : quantity || i tend to adapt to my partners but i require that my partners be able to write a minimum of 2 paragraphs per character in our roleplays.
    iii : characters || i would prefer if my partners also used real life celebrity face claims like myself. you do not need a form as detailed as mine but some type of form is required before we begin.
    iv : activity || i prefer partners that are active and can post at least once a day or every two days. at most you are free to reply like lightning, as my roleplay resume points out that i do as well, depending on the time of day of course.
    v : mature themes || i've already mentioned to you what i will include in my roleplay as far as mature themes go. please let me know if any of these do not agree with you or if you have any specific triggers you would like me to keep out of our roleplay and i will gladly respect that.

  • 003. pairings & keywords

    underlined roles will be my preferred role. bold text indicates a craving at this particular time. the keywords are frequently updated, however, to reflect my cravings at different times. i will always be up for things mentioned in the keywords so feel free to pitch me some ideas or pairings as well if you feel like they fit with the themes.

    jock x nerd/unpopular
    delinquent x goody two shoes
    guy who means bad business x innocent lil bean
    rich x poor
    famous x not famous
    jock x loner
    cheerleader x loner
    cheerleader x nerd
    bad boy x bad girl
    bad boy x good girl
    girl x best friend's boyfriend
    girl x boyfriend's best friend
    boy x brother's girlfriend
    boy x brother's best friend
    boss x employee
    vampire x human
    werewolf x human
    key words
    | romance | drama | fluff | action | angst | multiple characters | age differences | riskiness | drug use | alcohol | parties where stuff happens | high school | taboo relationships [supernatural especially] | jealousy | violence | fighting | complicated love triangles/squares | slice of life | horror | low key fantasy | superpowers | mythology | tragedy | complex characters | emotionally wounded characters | reunions |

  • 004. fandoms

    i usually prefer to do canon x oc for fandoms, but i am not opposed to other pairings. i have, for this reason, listed my love interests for each fandom, as well as who i can not portray, because apart from those characters, assume i can play anyone else. my fandoms are not limited to this list, however, since i have many more. i'm only listing cravings, at the moment.

    teen wolf [season 3, episode 17]
    crush : stiles stilinsky | isaac lahey
    won't play : peter hale | any of the alphas

    the maze runner [up to date]
    crush : newt
    won't play : anyone from wckd except an oc
    marvel cinematic universe [up to date on movies]
    crush : peter parker
    won't play : loki, deadpool or any other villain
    harry potter [up to date]
    crush : harry potter | ronald weasley | fred weasley
    won't play : draco, any deatheater, tom riddle, or anyone from next gen
    criminal minds [season 2 episode 6]
    crush : spencer reid
    won't play : jason gideon
    twilight [up to date]
    crush : edward cullen | oc
    won't play : anyone from the volturi except an oc
    riverdale [up to date]
    crush : jughead jones
    won't play : not sure yet
    stranger things [up to date]
    crush : steve harrington
    won't play : not sure yet

  • 005. final note

    and that marks the end of this search! i hope it wasn't too much of a hassle, but there will be one final thing for you to do before we get down to business, which is to please fill up this form when you contact me!

    name: or what you prefer to be called
    pronouns: she/her? he/him? they/them? i'd rather not offend anyone.
    fandom/pairing: which fandom or fandoms do you want to roleplay? if not fandom, which pairing caught your eye?
    characters: who would you like me to play for you? who, from my list, could you play for me? which roles did you want?
    sample: please provide me with a writing sample. this is just to see if we're compatible as writers. it can be anything, from snippet of a story, or copy pasting a reply from an existing rolpelay, anything. please put it in a spoiler o a link. my own sample can be found right here.

    and that's it! thank you for stopping by. happy roleplaying.

    ~ tascha, xoxo
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theodora esme knight

theo / teddy



5'2 | 90 lbs

blonde hair | grey eyes

theo was born and raised in florence, italy for about eight years of her life, till her parents moved to her father's home town in london since he got a job offer there. she lived there with her parents and older brother travis till she was fifteen and her parents decided to get a divorce. her mother moved back to italy to stay with her parents while theo's father moved across the globe to america, where he took up a new job, working at his brother's law firm. theo went with him, about to attend the same school as her cousin, while her older brother remained in england to complete his higher education.




frederick james knight

fred / freddie



5'10 | 158 lbs

chocolate brown hair | grey eyes

freddie was born and raised in a small suburban town. his father built his way up from nothing only to become one of the best lawyers in town so it was well known that he was well off. aside from this, freddie excelled in most extra-curriculars at his school, earning various titles such as captain of the lacrosse team -- since lacrosse was more well known than football where they came from. the summer before his senior year, his family had taken a trip abroad and it had definitely been one of the most exciting experiences ever. it was meant to be just a summer fling, and he felt content when he had come back home, knowing he'd always have those memories.





bartholomew jared morgan

barry | he prefers being called this over anything else and usually just introduces himself as barry
bj | something he was known as often in high school though not much anymore
barty | he hates his nickname and it is usually used in a very unfriendly way

twenty three

birth place
london, england. his parents are brits by blood and at heart.

sexual orientation

height & weight
barry stands at a staggering 6'1 and weighs in at around 176 lbs.

hair & eyes
barry has dark, chocolate brown hair that can appear lighter in the sunlight. it is usually a mess. his eyes are a brown so dark, they almost look black, but captivating nonetheless.

face & body
barry has a square shaped face. his jawline is very prominent. his body is well built, not overly muscular. he makes it a habit to keep in shape and eat healthy since it's a key factor when auditioning for movie roles.

piercings & tattoos & markings
barry has no piercings or tattoos.

brief bio
barry has always come from a small home. his parents had jobs that didn't pay very well, especially to feed a house of seven -- barry and his four older sisters. he was always babied, being the youngest in the family, but he was also the one who was insistent on leaving town to pursue his dreams. acting was a passion since he was a kid and portrayed horatio, in a school play of hamlet, and when he graduated from school and then local college, his parents surprised him on his twenty third birthday with some money for him to move to new york and begin to live out his dream -- or at least give it a shot.

barry currently has been to at least ten auditions, and while he's only heard back from four, none of them have really been good news.





spencer camilla novak

spence | the only nickname she will allow people to use, and merely because it is a shorter version of her name.


birth place
queens, new york

sexual orientation

height & weight
spencer comes in at about 5'2 and weighs around 80 lbs.

hair & eyes
spencer has light blonde hair that appears almost white in the sunlight. it is wavy, messy and reaches a bit below her shoulders. her eyes are a startling grey that can appear sharp and bright when happy or angered, and dull like storm clouds when sad or upset.

face & body
spencer has a heart shaped face with a slightly pointed chin. the only part of her body that's chubby would be her cheeks. apart from this, spencer is, for the most part, too skinny. it's all because of the drugs, of course, since spencer eats quite a lot.

piercings & tattoos & markings
spencer has her ears pierced five times, and she also has a belly button piercing. as far as tattoos go, she has many: she has these birds on her wrist, this flower on her collarbone, this rose close to her elbow, this wave and sun on her ankle and these small pine trees on her rib cage.

brief bio
spencer has never known her parents. at least, not until she turned fifteen. she was raised in an orphanage and bounced around from house to house because the families never liked her -- she was a delinquent. too much of a troublemaker. she indulged in all sorts of illegal activity the moment she turned twelve, and by then she had run away from her foster homes multiple times, eventually ending up living on the streets for a good amount of time. when she was fifteen, she was found by an older man, who claimed to be her brother. unlike her, he grew up nice -- rich parents that officially adopted him, private school, all the money he could ever want. he was a few years older and thus remembered having a sister and remembered seeing their parents both overdose in a car. turns out she inherited their genes while her brother, tristan, got lucky. he wanted to help her out, but spencer wasn't willing to give up her ways. she still ran away, still took drugs, has been to rehab at least six times, and this continued till she turned nineteen, when she decided to officially get sober, after her brother announced his wife was pregnant and he wanted her to be godmother. she tried cleaning up her act, including moving out of her brother's house and moving in with an old friend from high school.

nobody knows it, but she has a stash of drugs hidden in the house. she really does want to try and get clean, but she can't yet throw the drugs away. she goes for meetings every evening. spencer is a skilled piano player too -- it's a long lost dream of hers to get into juilliard.

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jacob navarro


  • tumblr_inline_ottn4vn45H1u3u0uv_250.gif

    > jacob 'jake' pierre navarro

    > twenty six

    > heterosexual

    > male

    > human

    > full time hunter / part time garage owner

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    > 6'1

    > 167 lbs

    > jacob has a muscular figure because he has made it a habit to work out every morning before he does anything else.
    > jacob's hair is a hazel brown, and usually slicked to the side in an attempt to try and contain the curls he inherited from his mother. his eyes are a deep emerald green.
    > jacob's body is littered with scars due to his line of work. that, and the fact that jacob is just very prone to getting into fights in most places.

    dacre montgomery

  • tumblr_inline_ottn8lvz911u3u0uv_250.gif

    > jacob is, for lack of better word, loud. he's not one to ever keep his opinions to himself, and while some people can get used to this, jacob mostly finds that he annoys people to no end with his brutal honesty. he doesn't always mean harm, he just can be oblivious sometimes, to the things he says and how it could affect a person. and while jacob may have a hard exterior, he's a big softie inside. it's just that his temper tantrums tend to hide that part of him more often than not. he is loyal, almost to a fault, and he cares deeply for those that manage to get close to him. he's got this whole bad boy, buff persona about him, which is what most people see, but jacob can also be a huge dork with a penchant for trouble and sarcasm. jake is also a huge flirt. considering he moves around a lot, he's never seen the beauty of a long term relationship, but for as long as he's in town, he usually finds someone to connect with -- physically -- till he's gone. he also never backs down for a fight, to an extent where he's considered an idiot instead of brave.

    > sparring | hunting | alcohol | smoking | cars and bikes | his leather jacket | classical rock | guns | flirting

    > supernatural creatures | people driving his car | losing | being told what to do | threats to his family and friends

    > hand to hand combat || jacob was trained as a child to become a hunter and follow the family business, so combat in most forms is something he is quite skilled at.
    > strength || jacob is very strong, and it isn't surprising to see him go head on against some supernatural with just his fists alone.
    > lying | jacob is very smooth with his words, and lying is like second nature to him. he's very good at it, rarely gets caught in a lie, and can easily come up with various personas to get information out of someone. he is the physical embodiment of deception.

    > enclosed spaces || ever since he was a kid, jacob would feel like he couldn't breathe when it was in stuffy or small rooms, or in places with large crowds. it makes him uncomfortable and while he's better at dealing with it now, he still gets visibly unnerved when put in such a situation.
    > losing his sister || jacob always looked out for his sister since she came into the world, and considering she's the only family he has left, he's very protective of her.

    > he has a lucky cigarette that he never lights. every time he buys a new pack he just transfers it into that one, but never lights it.
    > jacob is not as fluent in spanish as his sister, though he does know a lot of cuss words, and he tends to use them a lot while hunting.
    > jacob is never seen without his favourite black leather jacket. he loves it as much as he loves his car -- which is a lot.

  • tumblr_inline_ottnjdAOua1u3u0uv_250.gif

    tony navarro | father | former hunter | deceased
    calypso navarro | mother | former ballet dancer | deceased
    josephine navarro | younger sister | hunter/ballet teacher | alive

    for as long as he can remember, jacob was raised by his father to be a fighter, but raised by his mother to be a lover. and in many ways, jacob is both. his father came from a long line of hunters, and as his children, both jacob and josephine were expected to join the business. his mother, who took no part in the hunting, was supportive of the lifestyle but also tried to ingrain them with some of her own qualities and beliefs since she was a much more kind, nurturing person, who saw no reason to attack supernaturals.

    jacob ended up favouring his father's style of things however, while his sister took up after their mother.

    by the time jacob was thirteen, he was skilled in most forms of combat, and had killed his first supernatural -- a rogue vampire. he had been with his dad at the time but since then, he gained more confidence to go out on hunts on his own, till his sister was deemed old enough and they'd go together. while they were a good team, their views on things often clashed because he believed all supernaturals were a threat, while she only felt the need to take action if a supernatural had done something wrong.

    when jacob was eighteen, he came home after a lone hunt to find the house ransacked and his sister sitting in a corner, covered in blood. upon further looking around, jacob also found his parents in their room, with large gashes along their chest, unmistakably done by claws. it was the work of a werewolf. turns out that jacob's anger issues had led him to hunt the werewolf of a loyal pack, and this was them taking revenge. but it was also the first day his sister first killed a supernatural -- rather, three of them.

    knowing they couldn't stay there any longer, the kids packed up their things, piled it into jacob's car, grabbed whatever money was stashed in the house -- which was surprisingly a lot -- and hit the road. they've just been driving around since, answering calls to reports about supernaturals in parts of the country and living out of a suitcase.



josephine navarro


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    > josephine 'joey' fleur navarro

    > twenty three

    > heterosexual

    > female

    > human

    > full time hunter / part time ballet teacher

  • tumblr_inline_om5hroV1xh1s1fojl_250.gif

    > 5'0

    > 103 lbs

    > joey appears rather slim, but she's actually quite athletic due to all the hunting and training she goes through on a daily basis. she's also a dancer so she stays fit that way.
    > joey has the same hazel brown hair as her brother, although her hair is less curly. her eyes are a hazel brown, often confused to be green in certain lighting, and she has a caramel coloured skin tone, that she inherited from her father.
    > much like jacob, joey has many scars on her body. aside from this, she also has multiple ear piercings.

    bridget satterlee

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    > to most it would seem like joey doesn't have a single mean bone in her body. and most of the time, she doesn't. it's only when she's in the middle of a hunt where she tends to surprise people with just how ruthless she can be. she won't let anything get in the way of her job, and she's constantly impulsively throwing herself into dangerous situations without thinking them through because she's more of an 'act first, think later' kind of person. this is her character outside hunting too, as she tends to do things without thinking about how it would turn out. she'd hardly bat an eyelid before taking a bullet for a friend or loved one and she happens to be quite chatty, always up for meeting new people and making new friends. she's a hard person to dislike, merely because she's so sweet and charismatic, but if witnessed out on the field, she can also easily become someone feared. personally, joey likes to keep the two lives as separate as possible.

    > ballet | archery | hunting | running | sports | alcohol | cold weather | animals | nature | anything vintage | music

    > werewolves | being given orders | being lied to | unnecessary violence | mean people | smoking | country music

    > archery || joey has been practising with a bow and arrow since she was a child. needless to say that now, she never misses her target.
    > speed || what she lacks in strength, she makes up for in stealth and speed. she's a fast runner, and up against big opponents where it's hard for her to strike, she relies on quick movement.
    > observant || joey has a good memory, and it's quite easy for her to catch someone in a lie or be able to tell if their body language is giving something away. she's very good at reading people and it helps that her friendliness makes her seem very trustworthy.

    > werewolves || having experienced something traumatising as a child, involving werewolves, joey has been terrified of them since. they are the species she wants to hunt the most, but she also is more likely to freeze in their presence than with any other supernatural creature.
    > deep water || this is more of an irrational fear since there is no reasoning behind it, but she's always just been terrified of deep water, or large, open bodies of water. she doesn't know how to swim because she's been too afraid to try, and she supposes it has something to do with the fact that there is something unknown in deep water.

    > tends to switch between english and spanish quite frequently, often using spanish to describe another spanish word when trying to explain it to someone.
    > keeps a silver arrowhead with her at all times. her father made it for her and while she never uses it, she has to have it on her before going for a hunt.
    > sucks at cooking but makes the greatest hot chocolate ever.

  • tumblr_nri2ycuUaG1tlmbsuo4_250.gif

    tony navarro | father | former hunter | deceased
    calypso navarro | mother | former ballet dancer | deceased
    jacob navarro | older brother | hunter/garage owner | alive

    while josephine was raised to be a hunter, just like her brother, she had the mentality of her mother, and so she naturally gravitated more toward her outlook on things. she wanted to live a more normal life, and she took after her mother, learning ballet from a young age. her mother had been a stunning dancer when she had been younger -- it had been one of the many things to enthrall her father and got him to pursue her. though she retired after getting married and having her first child, she rediscovered herself in her daughter, who was just as talented as she had been, if not more.

    joey grew up believing that violence wasn't necessary against supernaturals unless they first did something wrong. it was why, despite being so adept at archery, when she went on hunts with her brother, she never aimed to kill, or even maim, but rather scare off in the hopes that it would spare their lives. if they weren't doing anything wrong, why did they need to die?

    of course, joey only first took action when she was about fifteen, and had been home with her parents when three werewolves broke into the house. she was too late to try and stop them from slaughtering her mother and father, but it was the push she needed to become an unstoppable force. it seemed that to kill a supernatural, she really needed a reason. and the death of her parents was more than enough to make her see red. she didn't remember much except for suddenly being in her parents room, covered in blood, and there were more dead bodies there than when she had first stepped in.

    that was the moment she became terrified of werewolves. even if she'd taken them down, she'd never forget how they brutally murdered her parents. as of now, she just travels on the road with her brother, stopping supernaturals when they can. her outlook on them hasn't changed -- at least, not on all supernaturals. she still believes that they need a reason to kill or attack a supernatural, but when it comes to werewolves, there's no stopping her.

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  • august woods


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      august linden woods

      gus | to be totally honest, august isn't too fond of this name, but his grandparents love it on him.
      auggie | something his family came up with, and friends eventually caught on to.

      october 24th, 2003




      mostly american with those slight canadian differences

      paternal | his father, as far as he knows, was a british immigrant.
      maternal | his mother is a dryad, native to canada.

      saskatchewan, canada

      he has a joint citizenship in canada and america.

      high school student / part time assistant to a vet

    • tumblr_nyajfeYV1p1txn5gco8_r1_250.gif

      august's hair is slightly reddish, mimicking that of a maple tree in autumn, according to his mother.

      a light, hazel brown.

      august stands at about five feet and eleven inches tall.

      august weighs approximately 154 lbs

      august has an oval shaped face that has often been described as a 'baby face'.

      august's skin is naturally fair, however slightly tanned due to the large amount of time he spends out in the sun, gardening.

      august is very much on the skinny side. he has slight muscle from his work in gardens, but aside from this, he appears very thin.

      august likes light, breezy clothes and summery colours. he will most often be found sporting jeans and plain t shirts with the occasional sweater. he loves sweaters.



      just a few here and there either from violent pets at the vet, or from his gardening tools if he's careless.

      thomas brodie sangster

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      august is an extremely kind and friendly person. there isn't a soul alive who's met him but not had anything nice to say. he takes after mother in every aspect, in the way that he's polite, caring, loyal and of course, a peace bringer. august is not too fond of conflict, and always feels there are better ways to go about things. he's a ray of sunshine, one that shines brighter than anyone could hope to. and when you're feeling down, you can bet that august will be there to brighten your day.

      august, despite being a total sweetheart, can also be a bit naive and gullible. because he likes to believe the best in people, he's often fooling himself into believing things that aren't true, but what he wishes were true instead. he can be taken advantage of, in this regard, very easily, and even once he finds out someone's been mean to him, he'll likely just sport the same disappointed look his grandfather always had whenever august would take a cookie from the jar without asking. overall, august is a person who will always be there for another, whether they're mean or his best friend, and one can always count on him for just about anything. especially a shoulder to cry on.

      nature | animals | gardening | music | meeting new people | reading | writing | poetry | nature enthusiasts | italian food | spring

      people that mistreat nature or animals | bullies | homophobes | discrimination | violence | arrogance | spicy food | snobs | werewolves

      anything to do with plants | poetry | diffusing tension | making people smile

      werewolves | full moons

      gardening | tending to animals | writing poetry

      bites his lower lip a lot | makes weird faces when deep in thought | hides his face when he's shy


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      dryad | nature spirit | it's usually uncommon to find male nature spirits, but it's not unheard of.

      as a dryad, august's powers are all related to nature. he can grow plants from anywhere, help existing plants grow faster or slower, regardless of whether the conditions needed to grow are met, and he can heal plants on the verge of dying, so long as they aren't dead and withered as yet. all this comes very easy to him. he can also communicate with woodland creatures. he's like the animal whisperer. save for birds and aquatic creatures, he has found that he can communicate with just about any other animal.

      dryads are usually tied to a tree, known as their family tree. different dryad species come from different trees. august's family tree is the maple tree in canada, and he was named as such, due to the distinct trait of red hair in the family, mirroring the flaming orange leaves of maples trees, especially in the months of autumn. dryads are usually weaker away from their source of life, which is their family tree. because of this, august carries in a small crystal vial around his neck, some maple leaves crushed to a fine powder. as long as this is always around his neck, his strength and power should never waver.

      currently, though august was given his own vial when he was a child, he is wearing his mother's, to remember her.

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      nicholas jerome harrison | alive / botanist | august's father has only recently come into his life so the relationship is still a working one. it's a little awkward, but they're slowly working through things.

      amber rhea woods | deceased / former florist | august and his mother were extremely close for as long as she was alive. she raised august more or less on her own, and she was always the most kind person that august had ever met, which inspired him to become like her. amber's death took a toll on august, so much so that wherever he went, plants withered instead of blossoming, but slowly, he began to recover.


      hazel and oakley woods | grandparents | august's maternal grandparents have always been in his life, helping their daughter take care of her only son since she had no help. after his mother died, they took over, raising him themselves, but they were growing old, and when august's grandmother died, he was left with just his grandfather, who looked like he was on his way too. he was the one who ultimately left august in his own father's care.

      august has many friends, because he's a kind, friendly person.

      none, if you don't count the boy he kissed when he was living in miami for a brief period. he had come out not long before that, at the age of fifteen, and went on one date that ended in a nice kiss, but august transferred right after that.

      none. even if other people don't like him, august has never found a person he could dislike, let alone hate.

      august was born in canada, deep in the woods, under the shade of an oak tree. his family tree. of course, his family didn't live like hippies, but there were some traditions that needed to be upheld, like the birth of a dryad. he lived with his mother in a secluded town in saskatchewan where his mother was a florist and he went about life like any other teenager. he knew all along who he really was and what he was capable of doing. he was told all his life that his father was a man who went away and never came back and the truth was hidden from him till much later.

      when august was ten, his mother was killed on her way home from work. it happened to be a full moon, and a recently turned werewolf was on the loose. there was only one casualty that night -- his mother. ever since, august has been terrified of werewolves, and full moons make him nervous.

      he was cared for by his grandparents after that, but by the time he was thirteen, his grandmother passed and it seemed his grandfather was on the way too because he was becoming increasingly sick. eventually, he revealed to august that his father never left -- he was a small, summer time fling when he happened to be in canada for work. he left back to miami after his work in canada was done, never knowing that august's mother had gotten pregnant.

      august's grandfather sent him to his father in miami, and after an awkward encounter, august's father, still single, took august in as his son and they began to try to have a relationship. when august turned fifteen, his father needed to move for work, so they found themselves in maple hills and they've been there ever since.


  • veronica huisman


    • tumblr_mppd1fMdqi1qbabvao5_250.gif

      veronica raquelle huisman

      ronnie / ron | both shortened versions of her name, and typically what she prefers to go by.
      bitch | a common term used to describe her considering she really can be one. not that she's ever offended by it.

      august 18th, 2002




      like a typical new yorker

      paternal | her father is of dutch and italian descent.
      maternal | her mother, as far as anyone knows, is from italy.

      florence, italy

      american citizenship

      high school student / works for her dad, who's basically a drug lord and used to be head of a mafia in new york.

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      veronica has jet black hair that is slightly wavy and reaches just a little below her shoulders.

      her eyes are a striking blue, much like the ocean on a sunny day. they easily stand out in a crowd, no matter where she is. it's either captivating, or fiercely intimidating.

      though veronica swears she's taller, she stands very short, at a height of four feet and eight inches. djinns, apparently, are not very tall. it runs in the family.

      considering her height, and her slim stature, veronica weighs around 86 lbs.

      veronica has a heart shaped face which is slightly pointed. she has brilliant facial features and a sharp jawline.

      veronica is a real life snow white with her black hair and fair skin. she's almost pale and her veins are usually easily visible when her skin is exposed.

      veronica's body may not look much more than thin, but the way she dresses it makes it appear killer. she's always been more on the skinny side, but she plays sports so she's not as weak as she looks. and while she may not have much in the chest area, she has her ways of making it seem appealing nonetheless.

      veronica favours dark colours and anything even remotely close to appearing like grunge. she's all about leather mini skirts, fishnet stalkings, combat boots, torn jeans, and of course, her favourite leather jacket. she has been known to wear clothes to show off her body, mainly because she knows she can use that to her advantage, but you'll never see veronica wearing clothes that don't show at least a bit of leg, stomach or arms.

      ( x - x - x )

      her ears are pierced a total of six times on each ear. her left helix is also pierced, and she has a belly piercing. occasionally, veronica is known to sport a nose ring too.

      veronica has a few scars here and there from her training in martial arts. apart from this, considering her line of work, she's also been manhandled a couple of times. nothing she couldn't get out of, but enough to leave a scar still.

      kaya scodelario

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      to put it simply, veronica is a total bitch. of course, like with every person, she has layers. but her layers are perhaps more complex and like a maze. there are a lot of routes to go through before you can reach the center. to most, veronica is blunt, snarky with an attitude that says she couldn't give two fucks about what anyone thought of her. she comes on really strong, and will fuck anything that moves. she's maple hills' resident troublemaker and there's no stopping her. she likes to raise hell, purely for her own amusement, though once you get to know her, there can be other sides to her, sides that are perhaps somewhat kind, and caring, even if she has her own twisted way of showing it.

      veronica is not incapable of being a nice person. she just hasn't met anyone worth being nice to. that's a part of her that's small and she feels like that shouldn't be wasted on everyone she meets. veronica can also come across as a bit of a psychopath. she's a kleptomaniac, despite being loaded and having the ability to buy whatever she wants, and she seeks thrill in life. she's an adrenaline junkie, one with a terrible temper and a loose tongue, and this alone tends to get her into trouble far more often than her father would like. all in all, veronica is not someone you want to have as an enemy, but at the same time, you'd probably question your sanity if you had her for a friend.

      smoking | alcohol | parties | sex | drugs | manipulating people | thriving off of other people's misery | flirting | playing the piano | drawing

      being told what to do | being babied | not having her way | detention [even though she gets it like almost every day] | country music | losing

      getting people to do what she wants | drawing | holding her alcohol | sex

      ending up alone | her father

      drinking | getting high | flirting/hooking up | drawing | setting up deals for her dad all on her own, merely because she's bored

      smoking | stealing things -- and we're not talking petty theft. she walked into a car show room and used her powers to get a lamborghini. of course, her powers wore off later and they believed she stole the car, but fortunately, having a powerful dad pays off. yet, she never learns from her mistakes, it seems.

      veronica has never properly been diagnosed for anything, but her brother often jokes [kinda] that she has a myriad of mental problems. kleptomania being at the top of the list.

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      half djinn | a djinn is very much like a genie, but in a much more dark and twisted way. instead of giving you three wishes, they cause you to hallucinate what you desire, and while you're trapped in the facade, they leech off of your happy energy till you're an empty husk with nothing left.

      veronica's father is a full djinn, and so his powers are much stronger, but his children inherited a good chunk, altered slightly due to them being half human. the twins have pyrokinesis, however unlike normal fire, their fire tends to be a bright blue, just like the colour of their eyes. they have a hallucinogenic touch, meaning one touch can cause severe hallucinations, usually only about something the other person desires, leaving them in a transfixed state and incredibly vulnerable. this can work without touching as well, but it is not as powerful, and does not last as long.

      the twins are also unable to tell what another person desires because while they can force them into that fantasy in their mind, the twins cannot access it. and while their father has telepathy as an additional power, the twins have it to a certain extent. they cannot read minds, but this ability makes them exceptionally good at reading people. veronica can look at a person and tell if they're lying or hiding something, but she won't be able to tell what it's about.

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      james gregory huisman | alive / drug lord with the facade of a businessman | james cares about both his children very much. of course, being his only daughter, james is very protective of veronica, and of course, she's his princess so he'd do anything for her. that being said, he has his moments where he takes his anger out on the twins so as much as she loves her father, he is also the only person she's actually afraid of.

      unknown | veronica has never known her mother as the twins were taken away from her at birth.

      peter carlos huisman | older half brother [20] | peter works for their dad as well, and is the product of one of their father's many flings. peter is less harsh toward the twins when it comes to work, but he can definitely be a scary guy when he wants to be to just about anyone else. he, unlike their father, cares more about safety than the job when it really comes down to it. peter feels he has to keep a tighter leash on veronica because her recklessness is going to get them caught, but at the end of the day, as his only sister, he watches out for her constantly.
      victor raphael huisman | twin brother | older by eight minutes, victor often makes it a habit to remind veronica that he's older. the twins bicker often, but they are also as thick as thieves. a dynamic duo, if you will. when it's work related, they never go without each other, and while lots are skeptical, they have something called 'the twin thing', wherein they just know if something is wrong with the other. it could also just be the fact that their dad has telepathy and it was passed down to be stronger between the twins than anyone else. who knows.

      veronica has very few people she can actually call friends. her brother is naturally, her best friend, but she's too wary of everyone else to decide if she can call them her friends or not. that being said, she is not above appearing friendly if it means she'd get what she wants.

      not exes so much as random flings. she indulges in them constantly, unbeknownst to her father of course.

      multiple. veronica makes enemies wherever she goes, and of course, all her father's enemies are her enemies too.


      the twins' father had been a bad seed long before he had kids. he was a well known mob boss in new york. respected, feared and with a target on his head, not just by other mobs, but by hunters since they knew something the public didn't -- they knew what he really was, and how that helped him move up in the underworld. his first child came along as a surprise. peter was the product of a one night stand between one of the daughter's of james' enemies. it was more or less meant to be a trick to throw off the enemy, but it ended up with her getting pregnant. james played the role of the devoted father for nine months till she gave birth, and he twisted her mind to believe the baby died during birth, when in reality, he took the baby and raised him as his own.

      knowing he was a half djinn, he knew his mob would become just that much stronger, so he raised peter to be like him. it happened again when he happened to mess around with an escort on one of his trips to italy and she ended up pregnant. he did the same thing and took the twins for himself. the twins were raised in new york, brought up in the mob life and raised to be manipulative ever since they could speak. they both were good at their jobs and helped their father rise in the ranks, till he almost lost his life in a huge shoot out.

      that was when james decided a change of scene would be better to start fresh but continue to be a leader in this country. he moved the kids to a smaller town, maple hills, when the twins were fourteen, and they've been living there ever since. the twins are the resident troublemakers, but people know better than to mess with them because their father has already made his presence there very powerful -- as a businessman of course. nobody clean knows about his real job even if they all have their suspicions. he's careful not to get caught, and the twins are constantly helping him with that.


  • victor huisman


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      victor raphael huisman

      vic | a shortened version of his name that not many are allowed to use.
      man whore | this is pretty self explanatory

      august 18th, 2002




      a typical new york accent

      paternal | his father is of dutch and italian descent.
      maternal | his mother, as far as anyone knows, is from italy.

      florence, italy

      american citizenship

      high school student / works for his dad, who's basically a drug lord and used to be head of a mafia in new york.

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      jet black and usually standing up in all sorts of directions. his hair is too unruly to be tamed.

      much like his sister, he has stunning blue eyes.

      being short runs in the family, but victor is proud to be more or less average, coming in at five feet and seven inches

      victor weighs around 153 lbs

      victor has a square shaped face. he's got a very defined jawline and high cheekbones that many people kill for, whether male or female.

      victor has pale white skin, very fair and definitely something that stands out.

      vic appears skinny but he's actually quite lean. it just takes fitting shirts to show it. he practises martial arts with his sister and has since they were kids so he's quite fit. just not overly so, or even in a way that it's evident.

      victor's dressing sense is either of two things: flannel shirts, or total grunge. he favours combat boots, leather or denim jackets and dark coloured jeans. but he also loves flannel so he can often be found sporting checked flannel shirts over a plain, dark coloured t shirt.

      ( x - x )


      multiple scars from the kind of work he does as well as from getting into fights. it happens a lot.

      dylan o'brien

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      victor is... complicated. he has his extreme highs, and his extreme lows, though more often than not, everything seems like an extreme high. he's loud, obnoxious, arrogant, and of course, very self centered. victor is very smooth when it comes to getting what he wants, and he knows it. he rarely is faced with the situation where he doesn't get what he wants, and only in such situations will he actually use his powers -- even then, he likes to make a challenge out of things so he'll still keep trying to get what he wants without his powers. he's stubborn and relentless, and you can bet that while he's definitely fun to be around, you'll also fear for your life because he can snap and change in a matter of seconds.

      victor has moments when he's capable of feeling things for other people instead of himself, most often showed with his siblings, and because he doesn't have many real friends, not many other people get to see this side of him. he won't waste his time with people that aren't bothered to get to know him, even if that is a considerably hard task. he can be a bit of a hypocrite, and is slightly bigoted, but despite all these negatives, victor is a dork at heart. he may like to cause trouble, and he may like to manipulate people to get what he wants, but at the end of the day, victor is adamant to not be like his seemingly heartless father. he wants to actually make something of himself, which is kind of a secret desire of his, and is finding himself slowly leaning away from his father's business as the days go by.

      smoking | alcohol | flirting | girls | boys | sarcasm | doing the opposite of what he's told | playing the piano | being the center of attention

      being ordered around | laziness | being rejected | not getting his way | more talking and less kissing | being forced to settle | being tied down

      flirting | charming the pants off of anyone | getting what he wants | playing the piano | showing people a good time in bed

      enclosed spaces

      flirting | drinking | going to parties | playing sports | raising hell

      smoking | bites his nails | curses all the fucking time

      not properly diagnosed, though victor exhibits signs of being bipolar. he has manic highs and lows, and this often leads people to think he's very wild.

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      half djinn | a djinn is very much like a genie, but in a much more dark and twisted way. instead of giving you three wishes, they cause you to hallucinate what you desire, and while you're trapped in the facade, they leech off of your happy energy till you're an empty husk with nothing left.

      victor's father is a full djinn, and so his powers are much stronger, but his children inherited a good chunk, altered slightly due to them being half human. the twins have pyrokinesis, however unlike normal fire, their fire tends to be a bright blue, just like the colour of their eyes. they have a hallucinogenic touch, meaning one touch can cause severe hallucinations, usually only about something the other person desires, leaving them in a transfixed state and incredibly vulnerable. this can work without touching as well, but it is not as powerful, and does not last as long.

      the twins are also unable to tell what another person desires because while they can force them into that fantasy in their mind, the twins cannot access it. and while their father has telepathy as an additional power, the twins have it to a certain extent. they cannot read minds, but this ability makes them exceptionally good at reading people. victor can look at a person and tell if they're lying or hiding something, but she won't be able to tell what it's about.

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      james gregory huisman | alive / drug lord with the facade of a businessman | james cares about both his children very much. victor loves his dad but is beginning to hate what he stands for. as much as vic loves his powers and how powerful it makes him feel, he's realising slowly that his dad is just a whole lot worse and he doesn't want to end up that way.

      peter carlos huisman | older half brother [20] | peter works for their dad as well, and is the product of one of their father's many flings. peter is less harsh toward the twins when it comes to work, but he can definitely be a scary guy when he wants to be to just about anyone else. he, unlike their father, cares more about safety than the job when it really comes down to it. victor and peter are close, often joking around with one another.
      veronica raquelle huisman | twin sister | victor definitely adores his twin sister, and he's very protective of her, even if he knows she can definitely handle herself. despite that, he's always looking out for her, and often plays along with her whims and fancies and whenever she feels like raising a little hell, he can't help but join in. ultimately though, he's trying as well to lead veronica down a better path since she's spiraling more down a darker one.

      unknown | victor has never known his mother as the twins were taken away from her at birth.

      victor has only his siblings as friends. aside from this, while he may appear very friendly with others, it's usually just to get in their pants.

      victor has had several flings. he never goes out with the same person twice but the good thing about being attracted to both males and females means the world is his oyster.

      multiple. victor gets into fights a lot, and aside from this, there are also tons of enemies his father has made that are his enemies too, mainly because they would easily get to james' kids to get back at him.


      the twins' father had been a bad seed long before he had kids. he was a well known mob boss in new york. respected, feared and with a target on his head, not just by other mobs, but by hunters since they knew something the public didn't -- they knew what he really was, and how that helped him move up in the underworld. his first child came along as a surprise. peter was the product of a one night stand between one of the daughter's of james' enemies. it was more or less meant to be a trick to throw off the enemy, but it ended up with her getting pregnant. james played the role of the devoted father for nine months till she gave birth, and he twisted her mind to believe the baby died during birth, when in reality, he took the baby and raised him as his own.

      knowing he was a half djinn, he knew his mob would become just that much stronger, so he raised peter to be like him. it happened again when he happened to mess around with an escort on one of his trips to italy and she ended up pregnant. he did the same thing and took the twins for himself. the twins were raised in new york, brought up in the mob life and raised to be manipulative ever since they could speak. they both were good at their jobs and helped their father rise in the ranks, till he almost lost his life in a huge shoot out.

      that was when james decided a change of scene would be better to start fresh but continue to be a leader in this country. he moved the kids to a smaller town, maple hills, when the twins were fourteen, and they've been living there ever since. the twins are the resident troublemakers, but people know better than to mess with them because their father has already made his presence there very powerful -- as a businessman of course. nobody clean knows about his real job even if they all have their suspicions. he's careful not to get caught, and the twins are constantly helping him with that.

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  • character name


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      james sullivan o'connor

      sully | though it isn't his first name, most people tend to refer to him as sully to the point where nobody even remembers that his first name is james.
      o'connor | as it's always been, on the field, he's referred to as o'connor.

      6th august, 1988




      sully's got an average american accent

      sully is primarily irish, but his grandparents settled in washington after they'd met each other.

      seattle, washington

      sully has is an american citizen

      former forensic psychologist, and newly appointed member of the bau

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      dark brown hair, almost black, and typically cropped short to avoid his otherwise curly hair from getting in the way.

      an electric blue


      178 lbs

      an oval shaped face with a bit of stubble

      fair, almost pale in complexion

      sully makes it a habit to stay in shape. he works out regularly and his field work contributes to it as well.

      very casual. he likes things he can move around in so he's usually found in just t shirts and jeans.



      he has a few scars here and there, considering the work he does. most prominent is a bullet scar near his left hip.

      aaron taylor johnson

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      sully is easily one of the nicest guys you'll ever meet. he's a goof ball, he's kind, he's friendly, and he absolutely adores children. he's the kind of person you would never expect to see working in the bau, surrounding himself with everything they face every day, but his skill set is large, and he's always there to keep the team grounded, if a particular case hits too close to home for any one of them.

      sully always thinks of others before himself, and he is loyal, almost to a fault. he would easily put himself in the line of danger for someone else on the team, whether he likes them or not, but sully has never met a person he doesn't like, save for the creeps they deal with on a daily basis. even them, it's not like he has a vendetta against them. he knows what they're doing is wrong, but because he likes to see the good in people, he also understands that many of these people are shaped from what they experienced themselves.

      all in all, sully is a great person to have around, no matter the situation, and you can bet that he won't let you down.

      country music | saint patrick's day | mexican food | getting his job done on time | dogs | going to the movies | beaches | summer

      cold climates | chocolate | insects | slow music | horror movies | being wrong about something | failing at his job

      great upper body strength | makes a killer lasagna | very good negotiating skills with his calm voice

      losing his neice

      listening to music | cooking | traveling

      chews the inside of his cheek when he's nervous | fidgets constantly


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      jeremy o'connor | alive | sully's got a great relationship with his father and it's always been that way. he was the only one around for him and his sister and growing up was tough since they didn't always have enough money, but his dad always made it work somehow.

      catherine o'connor | deceased | sully barely got to know his mother since she died a few days after his birth.

      nicole o'connor | older sister | deceased | sully and his sister, only two years apart, are very close. or rather, they were very close. he was there for her when she got pregnant at eighteen, and because her boyfriend at the time got scared and ran off, he helped her take after her newborn daughter, becoming her godfather. nicole died about three months ago, so sully is still struggling with it, and has now become his niece's official guardian.

      outside of the bau, james has his few share of friends, mostly all from the academy though.

      sully has dated around, holding a few serious relationships. he was never the one-night-stand kind of guy, unable to sleep with a person unless he fully knew them and had a connection with them. currently though, he is single.

      any enemy of the bau and its agents, is an enemy of his.

      lila o'connor | neice [10] | his precious little angel that he loves so much. he's her official guardian now but he's so new to this even if he helped take care of her so he's struggling a bit.

      sully had more or less a normal upbringing. times were hard because making money was hard. the family wasn't totally well off, but they managed. sully had always had a dream of becoming an fbi agent, and when he joined the academy, he veered more toward psychology, eventually becoming a forensic psychologist for a good few years.

      when his sister was killed, however, as a victim to one of the creeps he had to interview to see if he was fit to stand trial, sully decided he wanted to be behind the charge, so he applied to take up the last open spot on the bau and currently works there as a special agent.


  • character name


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      lorelei isabelle acosta

      rory | a nickname her older brother had coined for her that just stuck

      february 14th, 1995

      twenty three



      average american, for the most part, though growing up in new jersey definitely reflects in her accent when she's distracted or not paying too much attention -- or when she's riled up.

      lorelei is something of a mutt. her mother, is native to hawaii, but also has a bit of mexican blood. lorelei's father is an italian-american.

      newark, new jersey

      lorelei is an american citizen

      profiler for the bau

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      rory has a head of thick, chocolate brown hair that is slightly wavy and reaches just a little below her shoulders

      she has bright emerald green eyes with flecks of brown


      101 lbs

      rory has a heart shaped face with a slightly pointed chin and high cheekbones

      her skin is naturally slightly tanned, due to her mexican and portuguese roots

      more on the slim side, rory has a naturally petite frame and though not much or very prominent, she has curves.

      rory can most often be found in skinny jeans, sneakers and flannel shirts. she has days when she dresses up a bit more, occasionally sporting a skirt, or a lace top. really, it's all about comfort and mood. she rarely dresses up too much or applies make up, but when she does, she definitely turns heads.

      ( x )

      rory has her ears pieces four times each.

      a few on her arms and back, from a rather traumatic childhood.

      anna kendrick

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      rory is a very sweet girl, once you get to know her. to outsiders, she's adorable mainly because she seems lost, but really, she's just busy thinking about something else and hardly paying attention. she's very easily distracted but even that cannot hide the fact that she's a genius. with an iq of 190, rory is easily the smartest person on the team and she utilises this to the best of her abilities. she would any day prefer to use her words, rather than use any kind of violence to catch people, and she's good at what she does.

      of course, because of her asperger's, social interaction is a bit of a challenge. she can often miss social cues, and doesn't deal with her emotions in the best way, choosing to bottle everything up. she also is oblivious to whether what she's saying is offensive or not, making her a bit blunt. perhaps brutally so. rory never really means harm though, and while she is socially awkward, she knows how to go for something when she wants it so she's no stranger to a bit of flirting, nor is using sarcasm any different.

      all in all, rory's the baby of the team, even if she doesn't want to be treated that way, but everything she's been through just proves how strong and brave she is. she also likes to think she has a unique sense of humour.

      books | reading | winter | traveling | flirting | nature | exploring | learning new things helping people | rings | coffee | spicy food | animals

      alcohol | abuse | unnecessary violence | guns | being treated like a kid | her family |

      retaining large amounts of information from anything she reads or sees | learning things quickly | she's a good shot, even though she doesn't particularly like guns | being downright adorable with how oblivious she sometimes be | can speak in at least ten different languages

      heights | becoming her dad

      reading | playing the piano | watching old foreign movies

      fiddles with anything she can get her hands on to try and tame her persistent restlessness | bites her nails

      rory has an eidetic memory. aside from this, she also has mild asperger's syndrome and a mild case of ptsd considering the things she's gone through as a child.

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      julian acosta | alive | rory has no positive feelings for the man. he's been rotten for as far as she can remember, and rory is glad to have been the person to put him behind bars.

      annaleigh acosta | deceased | rory's mother was diagnosed with a terminal illness when rory was seven, and she died about a year later. rory's mother was the only good thing in her life so she was devastated with her passing. every year, she places a rose by her gave, since that was her middle name. she even got a tattoo of a rose, in memory of her.

      noel acosta | older brother | alive [26] | rory's older brother had been someone she looked up to when she was younger. but as they grew older, he gravitated more toward alcohol and drugs to try and escape the pain of their abusive father. currently, their relationship is extremely strained because while rory still cares for her brother, she's dead to him, since she was responsible for putting him behind bars too, for a murder he committed while he was high on cocaine.

      mostly just people from the bau. while she tries to be as friendly as possible, she doesn't really want to befriend anyone outside the bau.

      rory has had perhaps one serious relationship in her lifetime, with a guy she met at the academy named jason whitman. he was posted far away, however, so their relationship ended. aside from this, rory has been on a few dates, but nothing serious.

      aside from her dad and her brother, not really anybody. although she doesn't really know since she can offend people without realising it due to her lack of a filter.


      rory's had a troubled past. her father used to be a cop, but a rather corrupt one, and a drunk. her mother, though loving, was destined to die when rory was still a young girl and it probably didn't help that her mother was also victim to her father's drunken abuse. rory grew up in terrible conditions, and it didn't help that her mental ailments made her the target of bullying at school. though home was a pain, she excelled in everything else that she did, graduating school at just thirteen years old. she was determined at a young age to get rid of people like her dad from being in the armed forces, and she never felt safe at home, especially considering her dad had a gun. he would often take it out to threaten the kids when he was mad, and rory eventually decided that she wanted to join the academy.

      she excelled in all things psychological, considering she had completed her phd in psychology prior to joining, and while she's a good shot, she hated using the gun at all. few exceptions were made for her, as far as gun training went, and while she is allowed to use one, she never does. after joining the fbi, the first thing she did was take down her dad to be free of that misery and just feel a little bit safer. it wasn't long till she was helping a murder case and was forced to put her brother behind bars since he was the culprit.

      she's been working with the bau for over a year now, having been groomed for it specifically in the academy. while she's rarely allowed to go for chases or field work, she always insists, and she makes up for it all with the fact that she knows the best way to get into someone's head.


  • charles smith


    • tumblr_inline_muzssvcGcx1sne4sn.gif

      charles edwin smith

      charlie | a very common nickname that he prefers to his real name
      smith | field name

      april 11th, 1989

      twenty nine



      very, very british

      charlie is a full blooded brit.

      london, england

      formerly british but now an american citizen.

      profiler for the bau, former member of the international response team

    • tumblr_n4ge5kMk751qm9230o9_250.gif

      a sandy blonde, and usually a mess, giving him that 'straight out of bed' look

      grey, and it often darkens when he's in a bad mood.


      169 lbs

      a diamond shaped face. it's quite long, but he also has high cheekbones and a bit of stubble.

      mostly fair, though slightly tanned due to his time spent in sunlight.

      athletic -- charlie makes it a habit to work out vigorously every day, and he's at the shooting range every night.

      charlie dresses almost exclusively in dark clothes. it's always dark jeans, boots, and a dark shirt or t shirt, with his black leather jacket.

      ( x )


      charlie's body is littered with unexplained scars.

      max thieriot

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      brooding and blunt. these are the two words often used to describe charlie. nobody knows why he is the way he is, but that's how he's always been. he's a very private person, and almost never gives straight answers if someone asks him questions about himself. his birthday changes each time someone asks, and that's only if he's willing to entertain any questions. otherwise, people will just be met with ignorance and a failure to answer at all. charlie is also not one to hold back his opinions. he speaks his mind, regardless of the consequences, because he feels there will only be more complications with lies.

      charlie can be a sweet guy though. he is known, in his own way, to care for the people he works with. he's quirky in the way that he has to listen to classical music when he's at the shooting range. charlie is protective, of himself and of others, and rarely lets his guard down to joke around with people, but if they try hard enough, someone can definitely crack that shell.

      all in all, as quiet and brutally honest as charlie may seem, there's definitely more to him that has yet to be explored by other people. he has a unique sense of humour that only some people are lucky to experience, and when fond of someone, he will do everything in his power to ensure their safety and happiness, even if it's often up for debate whether he's experienced happiness in his life.

      guns | target practise | classical music | putting away the bad guys | keeping to himself | playing games on his phone | dogs | art | going to museums

      sick creeps | italian food | red meat | bigots | hypocrites | being lied to | people trying to poke their noses in his business | drugs | technology [he's not very tech savvy]

      shooting | driving like he's in the fast and furious franchise | identifying drugs | smooth talking people [only on the job -- otherwise he's awkward as hell]

      his past catching up to him | fire

      target practise | listening to music | reading | video games [only on his phone -- he can't work out anything else]

      constantly has his hand on his holster like he's about to be in a shoot out | curses under his breath a lot.


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      unknown | charlie has never met his father

      unknown | charlie has never met his mother


      he wouldn't consider them friends, but he only talks to the people in the bau

      a myriad of flings - both men and women - before he joined the bau, but nothing since.

      multiple -- charlie has lost count.

      jonah cormac | former boss | jonah treated charlie like his own son, but at some point, charlie had to face the facts -- the guy just needed another pawn. charlie harbors no more feelings toward the guy.
      mathew lodge | former partner | the only friend charlie's ever had. charlie tried his best to keep his best friend from being incarcerated, but there was ultimately nothing he could do. charlie lives with not knowing whether his best friend resents him or not.

      charlie was raised in an orphanage in london for a few years of his life. he knows nothing of his parents, save for the name he got from them. he was a troublemaker though, so much that no foster family wanted to keep him. eventually, he just ran away from home, which is when jonah cormac found him. he had been twelve at the time, and the guy took him in, raised him, and made charlie believe he had a father. but jonah cormac was the leader of a huge gang in london, and dealt in a lot of shady shit. charlie was raised the same way, dealing drugs at fourteen and having a good kill list by the time he was twenty two.

      at twenty four, jonah got himself into some shit by holding three american men hostage after a deal went wrong. they were tortured, and on the verge of death, which is when the fbi's international response team came into the picture. charlie had done some bad shit himself, but witnessing this, and having the fbi involved -- since the americans were some pretty important people -- charlie realised he didn't want to do the bad shit anymore. he became a mole for the irt, eventually helping them bring down jonah and the whole gang, in exchange for his own freedom from the past crimes he committed.

      the take down had been a success, and the then leader of the irt had suggested that charlie put his existing skills to use by joining the academy. and so, charlie did just that after giving it some through. he flew through everything with ease due to his prior -- illegal -- experience with guns and combat. charlie initially worked for the irt, before realising that he'd be of more use in the bau, having seen the kinds of things jonah had people do, as well as having encountered other sick creeps before, as part of his job. he's also been trained to observe human behaviour so he's good at his job.

      his past life -- at his request and as a suggestion from his captain at the academy -- was wiped from any and all records. all anyone knows is that he was an orphan, and joined the academy to join the fbi. after all, who would trust someone on their team after knowing they used to be part of a high profile gang in england?

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finley callaghan



finley otis callaghan

finn | it's what he prefers over his real name too.


birth place
calgary, canada

sexual orientation

height & weight
finn stands at a staggering height of 6;2, with a weight of approximately 176 lbs.

hair & eyes
finn has a lovely golden blonde hair that is a little long and usually either slicked back or spiked up messily. his eyes are a light, baby blue.

face & body
finn has a very angular face, with a pointed chin and sharp cheekbones. his body is more on the lean side -- he was once skinny and now has a little more muscle due to skateboarding.

piercings & tattoos & markings
finn has no piercings or tattoos, though every now and then he has a new scar or bruise from his skateboarding and just basically getting into other mischief.

brief bio
finn was born and raised in calgary for the majority of his life. his parents and their parents before them all lived in the same area, but when finn entered high school, his dad was offered a better job in kansas, and so the whole family -- including his parents, younger sister eleanor, and the family dog collin -- moved there and have been living there ever since. finn is more or less a good student with slight attention problems but an overall average gpa. he's very active outside school though, always up for exploring new places and trying new things, and he's rarely found without his skateboard in hand.

fc: austin butler


harley castillo



harley reese castillo

none — you can't really shorten harley


birth place
toledo, ohio

sexual orientation

height & weight
harley stands at a height of 5'3 with a weight of around 120 lbs.

hair & eyes
harley has gorgeous, thick hair that is jet black and falls to the middle of her back in slight waves. her eyes are a captivating chocolate brown with little flecks of lighter brown.

face & body
harley has an oval shaped face with high cheekbones. she has a naturally petite frame, and because she is athletic, she has a slim build. harley is neither skinny, nor chubby -- she's healthy.

piercings & tattoos & markings
harley has her ears pierced five times. she also sports a belly piercing, and has a tattoo on her back.

brief bio
harley's the girl from the wrong side of the tracks. she doesn't exactly come from a very well off home. she used to live with her parents in toledo, till the age of ten, which was when her father died from a drug overdose. harley's mother brought her back to her hometown in kansas, which was where the two lived from then on, in a small shack that could barely be called a house. still, harley never let anyone know what having a drug addict for a mother was like. as friendly and paradoxically blunt as she could be, harley has always been a very private person.

fc: maggie duran

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  • veronica huisman


    • tumblr_ntge38jy671rld2jgo2_250.gif

      veronica raquelle huisman

      ronnie / ron | both shortened versions of her name, and typically what she prefers to go by.
      bitch | a common term used to describe her considering she really can be one. not that she's ever offended by it.

      august 18th, 2002




      like a typical new yorker

      paternal | her father is of dutch and italian descent.
      maternal | her mother, as far as anyone knows, is from italy.

      florence, italy

      american citizenship

      high school student / works for her dad, who's basically a drug lord and used to be head of a mafia in new york.

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      veronica has jet black hair that is slightly wavy and reaches just a little below her shoulders.

      her eyes are a striking blue, much like the ocean on a sunny day. they easily stand out in a crowd, no matter where she is. it's either captivating, or fiercely intimidating.

      though veronica swears she's taller, she stands very short, at a height of four feet and eight inches. djinns, apparently, are not very tall. it runs in the family.

      considering her height, and her slim stature, veronica weighs around 86 lbs.

      veronica has a heart shaped face which is slightly pointed. she has brilliant facial features and a sharp jawline.

      veronica is a real life snow white with her black hair and fair skin. she's almost pale and her veins are usually easily visible when her skin is exposed.

      veronica's body may not look much more than thin, but the way she dresses it makes it appear killer. she's always been more on the skinny side, but she plays sports so she's not as weak as she looks. and while she may not have much in the chest area, she has her ways of making it seem appealing nonetheless.

      veronica favours dark colours and anything even remotely close to appearing like grunge. she's all about leather mini skirts, fishnet stalkings, combat boots, torn jeans, and of course, her favourite leather jacket. she has been known to wear clothes to show off her body, mainly because she knows she can use that to her advantage, but you'll never see veronica wearing clothes that don't show at least a bit of leg, stomach or arms.

      ( x - x - x )

      her ears are pierced a total of six times on each ear. her left helix is also pierced, and she has a belly piercing. occasionally, veronica is known to sport a nose ring too.

      veronica has a few scars here and there from her training in martial arts. apart from this, considering her line of work, she's also been manhandled a couple of times. nothing she couldn't get out of, but enough to leave a scar still.

      kaya scodelario

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      to put it simply, veronica is a total bitch. of course, like with every person, she has layers. but her layers are perhaps more complex and like a maze. there are a lot of routes to go through before you can reach the center. to most, veronica is blunt, snarky with an attitude that says she couldn't give two fucks about what anyone thought of her. she comes on really strong, and will fuck anything that moves. she's maple hills' resident troublemaker and there's no stopping her. she likes to raise hell, purely for her own amusement, though once you get to know her, there can be other sides to her, sides that are perhaps somewhat kind, and caring, even if she has her own twisted way of showing it.

      veronica is not incapable of being a nice person. she just hasn't met anyone worth being nice to. that's a part of her that's small and she feels like that shouldn't be wasted on everyone she meets. veronica can also come across as a bit of a psychopath. she's a kleptomaniac, despite being loaded and having the ability to buy whatever she wants, and she seeks thrill in life. she's an adrenaline junkie, one with a terrible temper and a loose tongue, and this alone tends to get her into trouble far more often than her father would like. all in all, veronica is not someone you want to have as an enemy, but at the same time, you'd probably question your sanity if you had her for a friend.

      smoking | alcohol | parties | sex | drugs | manipulating people | thriving off of other people's misery | flirting | playing the piano | drawing

      being told what to do | being babied | not having her way | detention [even though she gets it like almost every day] | country music | losing

      getting people to do what she wants | drawing | holding her alcohol | sex

      ending up alone | her father

      drinking | getting high | flirting/hooking up | drawing | setting up deals for her dad all on her own, merely because she's bored

      smoking | stealing things -- and we're not talking petty theft. she walked into a car show room and used her powers to get a lamborghini. of course, her powers wore off later and they believed she stole the car, but fortunately, having a powerful dad pays off. yet, she never learns from her mistakes, it seems.

      veronica has never properly been diagnosed for anything, but her brother often jokes [kinda] that she has a myriad of mental problems. kleptomania being at the top of the list.

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      half djinn | a djinn is very much like a genie, but in a much more dark and twisted way. instead of giving you three wishes, they cause you to hallucinate what you desire, and while you're trapped in the facade, they leech off of your happy energy till you're an empty husk with nothing left.

      veronica's father is a full djinn, and so his powers are much stronger, but his children inherited a good chunk, altered slightly due to them being half human. the twins have pyrokinesis, however unlike normal fire, their fire tends to be a bright blue, just like the colour of their eyes. they have a hallucinogenic touch, meaning one touch can cause severe hallucinations, usually only about something the other person desires, leaving them in a transfixed state and incredibly vulnerable. this can work without touching as well, but it is not as powerful, and does not last as long.

      the twins are also unable to tell what another person desires because while they can force them into that fantasy in their mind, the twins cannot access it. and while their father has telepathy as an additional power, the twins have it to a certain extent. they cannot read minds, but this ability makes them exceptionally good at reading people. veronica can look at a person and tell if they're lying or hiding something, but she won't be able to tell what it's about.

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      james gregory huisman | alive / drug lord with the facade of a businessman | james cares about both his children very much. of course, being his only daughter, james is very protective of veronica, and of course, she's his princess so he'd do anything for her. that being said, he has his moments where he takes his anger out on the twins so as much as she loves her father, he is also the only person she's actually afraid of.

      unknown | veronica has never known her mother as the twins were taken away from her at birth.

      peter carlos huisman | older half brother [20] | peter works for their dad as well, and is the product of one of their father's many flings. peter is less harsh toward the twins when it comes to work, but he can definitely be a scary guy when he wants to be to just about anyone else. he, unlike their father, cares more about safety than the job when it really comes down to it. peter feels he has to keep a tighter leash on veronica because her recklessness is going to get them caught, but at the end of the day, as his only sister, he watches out for her constantly.
      victor raphael huisman | twin brother | older by eight minutes, victor often makes it a habit to remind veronica that he's older. the twins bicker often, but they are also as thick as thieves. a dynamic duo, if you will. when it's work related, they never go without each other, and while lots are skeptical, they have something called 'the twin thing', wherein they just know if something is wrong with the other. it could also just be the fact that their dad has telepathy and it was passed down to be stronger between the twins than anyone else. who knows.

      veronica has very few people she can actually call friends. her brother is naturally, her best friend, but she's too wary of everyone else to decide if she can call them her friends or not. that being said, she is not above appearing friendly if it means she'd get what she wants.

      not exes so much as random flings. she indulges in them constantly, unbeknownst to her father of course.

      multiple. veronica makes enemies wherever she goes, and of course, all her father's enemies are her enemies too.


      the twins' father had been a bad seed long before he had kids. he was a well known mob boss in new york. respected, feared and with a target on his head, not just by other mobs, but by hunters since they knew something the public didn't -- they knew what he really was, and how that helped him move up in the underworld. his first child came along as a surprise. peter was the product of a one night stand between one of the daughter's of james' enemies. it was more or less meant to be a trick to throw off the enemy, but it ended up with her getting pregnant. james played the role of the devoted father for nine months till she gave birth, and he twisted her mind to believe the baby died during birth, when in reality, he took the baby and raised him as his own.

      knowing he was a half djinn, he knew his mob would become just that much stronger, so he raised peter to be like him. it happened again when he happened to mess around with an escort on one of his trips to italy and she ended up pregnant. he did the same thing and took the twins for himself. the twins were raised in new york, brought up in the mob life and raised to be manipulative ever since they could speak. they both were good at their jobs and helped their father rise in the ranks, till he almost lost his life in a huge shoot out.

      that was when james decided a change of scene would be better to start fresh but continue to be a leader in this country. he moved the kids to a smaller town, maple hills, when the twins were fourteen, and they've been living there ever since. the twins are the resident troublemakers, but people know better than to mess with them because their father has already made his presence there very powerful -- as a businessman of course. nobody clean knows about his real job even if they all have their suspicions. he's careful not to get caught, and the twins are constantly helping him with that.

  • character name


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      paternal | tba
      maternal | tba




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  • veronica huisman


    • tumblr_ntge38jy671rld2jgo2_250.gif

      veronica raquelle huisman

      ronnie / ron | both shortened versions of her name, and typically what she prefers to go by.
      bitch | a common term used to describe her considering she really can be one. not that she's ever offended by it.

      august 18th, 2002




      cockney english, though she's very good at sounding like an upperclass woman if she wanted to. she just doesn't always want to.

      paternal | her father is of dutch and italian descent.
      maternal | her mother, as far as anyone knows, is from italy.

      florence, italy

      she is a british citizen

      high school student / works for her dad, who's basically a drug lord and used to be head of a mafia in london.

    • tumblr_npk69yygVi1swtbemo2_250.gif

      veronica has gorgeous blonde hair that spills down to the middle of her back in slight waves.

      her eyes are a striking grey, much like the sky on a stormy day. they easily stand out in a crowd, no matter where she is. it's either captivating, or fiercely intimidating.

      though veronica swears she's taller, she stands very short, at a height of four feet and eight inches.

      considering her height, and her slim stature, veronica weighs around 86 lbs.

      veronica has a heart shaped face which is slightly pointed. she has brilliant facial features and a sharp jawline.

      veronica has fair, blemish free skin as far as her face is concerned. her body, though perfect otherwise, has a few scars since she indulges in criminal activities for her father.

      veronica's body may not look much more than thin, but the way she dresses it makes it appear killer. she's always been more on the skinny side, but she plays sports so she's not as weak as she looks. and while she may not have much in the chest area, she has her ways of making it seem appealing nonetheless.

      veronica favours dark colours and anything even remotely close to appearing like grunge. she's all about leather mini skirts, fishnet stalkings, combat boots, torn jeans, and of course, her favourite leather jacket. she has been known to wear clothes to show off her body, mainly because she knows she can use that to her advantage, but you'll never see veronica wearing clothes that don't show at least a bit of leg, stomach or arms.

      ( x - x - x )

      her ears are pierced a total of six times on each ear. her left helix is also pierced, and she has a belly piercing. occasionally, veronica is known to sport a nose ring too.

      veronica has a few scars here and there from her training in martial arts. apart from this, considering her line of work, she's also been manhandled a couple of times. nothing she couldn't get out of, but enough to leave a scar still.

      cara delevingne

    • tumblr_o36ez7tdwD1qfgef2o10_250.gif

      to put it simply, veronica is a total bitch. of course, like with every person, she has layers. but her layers are perhaps more complex and like a maze. there are a lot of routes to go through before you can reach the center. to most, veronica is blunt, snarky with an attitude that says she couldn't give two fucks about what anyone thought of her. she comes on really strong, and will fuck anything that moves. she's thornhill's resident troublemaker and there's no stopping her. she likes to raise hell, purely for her own amusement, though once you get to know her, there can be other sides to her, sides that are perhaps somewhat kind, and caring, even if she has her own twisted way of showing it.

      veronica is not incapable of being a nice person. she just hasn't met anyone worth being nice to. that's a part of her that's small and she feels like that shouldn't be wasted on everyone she meets. veronica can also come across as a bit of a psychopath. she's a kleptomaniac, despite being loaded and having the ability to buy whatever she wants, and she seeks thrill in life. she's an adrenaline junkie, one with a terrible temper and a loose tongue, and this alone tends to get her into trouble far more often than her father would like. all in all, veronica is not someone you want to have as an enemy, but at the same time, you'd probably question your sanity if you had her for a friend.

      smoking | alcohol | parties | sex | drugs | manipulating people | thriving off of other people's misery | flirting | playing the piano | drawing

      being told what to do | being babied | not having her way | detention [even though she gets it like almost every day] | country music | losing

      getting people to do what she wants | drawing | holding her alcohol | sex

      ending up alone | her father

      drinking | getting high | flirting/hooking up | drawing | setting up deals for her dad all on her own, merely because she's bored | stealing things

      smoking | stealing things -- and we're not talking petty theft. she walked into a car show room and used her powers to get a lamborghini. of course, her powers wore off later and they believed she stole the car, but fortunately, having a powerful dad pays off. yet, she never learns from her mistakes, it seems.

      veronica has never properly been diagnosed for anything, but her brother often jokes [kinda] that she has a myriad of mental problems. kleptomania being at the top of the list.

    • tumblr_nrs3ojGdru1u5s95oo3_r1_250.gif

      a half siren and half vampire hybrid | being of two supernatural species, veronica certainly has a lot up her sleeve. as part vampire, she definitely is attracted to blood, but she can live on human food too. just not completely. she needs blood to survive, and she often gets it from her boy toys in bed.

      veronica's father is a full vampire, and so his powers are much stronger, but his children inherited a good chunk, altered slightly due to them being half of another species. veronica has inherited heightened speed, heightened strength -- more so than should be possible for someone as small as she -- and she has also inherited her father's ruthlessness. she just knows where to direct it, unlike him. she has a natural talent for seduction, but having slight powers of mental manipulation helps too -- yet another thing passed on by her father, though he suspects that it is also because her mother used to be a siren -- easily one of the most captivating people alive. and it is because of this that veronica has not only the immortal beauty of a vampire, but also the hypnotic looks of a siren. she definitely has the ability to manipulate people at ease, with just her words, though it's still unclear if this is because of her mother or if veronica is just really that good.

    • tumblr_mwbz5n8dVa1rnzycbo4_250.gif

      james gregory huisman | alive / drug lord with the facade of a businessman | james cares about all of his children very much. of course, being his only daughter, james is very protective of veronica, and of course, she's his princess so he'd do anything for her. that being said, he has his moments where he takes his anger out on the kids so as much as she loves her father, he is also the only person she's actually afraid of.

      unknown | veronica has never known her mother as she was taken away from her at birth.

      peter carlos huisman | older half brother [20] | peter works for their dad as well, and is the product of one of their father's many flings. peter is less harsh toward the twins when it comes to work, but he can definitely be a scary guy when he wants to be to just about anyone else. he, unlike their father, cares more about safety than the job when it really comes down to it. peter feels he has to keep a tighter leash on veronica because her recklessness is going to get them caught, but at the end of the day, as his only sister, he watches out for her constantly.
      victor raphael huisman | older brother [18] | victor often makes it a habit to remind veronica that he's older. they bicker often, but they are also as thick as thieves. a dynamic duo, if you will. when it's work related, they never go without each other. victor is, perhaps, more reckless than his sister, but he's fierce when it comes to ensuring nothing bad happens to her.

      veronica has very few people she can actually call friends. her brothers are naturally, her best friends, but she's too wary of everyone else to decide if she can call them her friends or not. that being said, she is not above appearing friendly if it means she'd get what she wants.

      not exes so much as random flings. she indulges in them constantly, unbeknownst to her father of course.

      multiple. veronica makes enemies wherever she goes, and of course, all her father's enemies are her enemies too.


      veronica's father had been a bad seed long before he had kids. he was a well known mob boss in london. respected, feared and with a target on his head, not just by other mobs, but by hunters since they knew something the public didn't -- they knew what he really was, and how that helped him move up in the underworld. his first child came along as a surprise. peter was the product of a one night stand between one of the daughter's of james' enemies. it was more or less meant to be a trick to throw off the enemy, but it ended up with her getting pregnant. james played the role of the devoted father for nine months till she gave birth, and he twisted her mind to believe the baby died during birth, when in reality, he took the baby and raised him as his own.

      and thus started james's fascination. the idea that he could produce offspring different from him, but with more advantages. peter was born half human and half vampire, but what about other species? he raised peter to be like him, teaching him to use his skills as both a human and a vampire. james later courted a werewolf -- a most dangerous combination, that produces an equally dangerous, if not more dangerous, offspring, and that was victor, veronica's other brother. shortly after that, james went with a siren, creating someone that went above and beyond ordinary levels of beauty, but also danger, and not because of her powers.

      james was happy with his children, with various abilities and specialties. they lived luxurious lives as powerful people in the heart of london till hunters came sniffing, and they got too close. that was when james decided to move the family to a smaller town, to lay low for a while, but keeping the business active. veronica has been living in thornhill ever since, coming in at two years now.

  • jerome kingston


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      jerome lucas kingston

      jerry | a nickname from birth that just sort of stuck.
      jj | a nickname from his dad that he doesn't really let anyone else call him because it reminds him too much of his dad.

      january 23rd




      average american with very slight hints of becoming british

      paternal | jerome is canadian from his dad's side
      maternal | his mother is part british and part canadian

      toronto, canada

      as of now, british, but formerly american

      high school student / hunter

    • tumblr_inline_owsvarlqYs1u0tvtz_400.gif

      jerry has chocolate brown hair, either brushed to the side with his fingers, or a mess.

      he has dark green eyes that appear almost black unless he's in sunlight.

      jerry stands at an average height of about 5'9

      jerry weighs in at approximately 159 lbs

      jerry has an oval shaped face that is slightly crooked close to his chin from when he dislocated his jaw as a child.

      jerry has fair, almost pale skins, you could easily see his veins.

      jerome stays fit with sparring and hunting so while it may not always seem like it due to the baggy clothes he wears, he is quite lean.

      not one to really care what he's wearing as long as he's comfortable, jerome will mostly be found in loose t shirts and jeans or baggy sweaters or sweatshirts, with a pair of sneakers he's had for four years now.



      he has multiple scars, considering his line of work, but nothing major.

      froy gutierrez

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      jerry was once a very lively guy. funny, a dork, and easily the most adorable person you could set your eyes on because of his killer smile. but as with a lot of people, a tragedy rocked his life too soon, that changed him, and who knew for how long? gone were the days of being sarcastic for fun, or tossing knock knock jokes at people just because he liked to read joke books. no, jerry had become a different person, like the life in him had left, and he became more vengeful.

      jerry turned into someone else. he became quieter, more sadistic, and began to lean more toward violence, when he hated violence before unless absolutely necessary. he had a principle: not to kill supernatural creatures that posed no harm. but now he'd off anything even slightly different from normal humans. his resentment, and anger toward himself since he blames himself for his parents death, has made him a bitter person with hardly any light left in him, and it's only his adoptive brother keeping him from running away and shutting off the entire world.

      hunting | the woods | sparring with his brother | animals | drawing | painting | chewing on ice | sweets | being by himself | listening to music

      most supernatural creatures | deep water | spicy food | being told what to do | people who are over friendly | people who try to pry into his life

      drawing | painting | sparring | hunting | using a bow and arrow

      deep water | he almost drowned as a child at the beach and ever since, he's been terrified of deep/open bodies of water

      drawing | painting | listening to music | sparring | walking through the woods

      bites down on his lower lip a lot | tends to always avoid eye contact

      as of late, jerry has been suffering from bouts of depression that flare up every now and then, and he also suffers from some insomnia.

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      aaron whitman | biological father | jerry and his dad were extremely close. he taught him everything there was to know about hunting, and they bonded over a variety of things. he's still very torn up about his death, and definitely hell bent on revenge, despite his adoptive parents encouraging him to move on.
      nigel kingston | adoptive father | since nigel and jerry's father had been friends for long, he and his wife didn't hesitate to swoop in and take jerry in when his parents both perished. jerry loves his new adoptive father, even if it's hard seeing him as that when he always used to call him 'uncle nigel', and while moving on is hard, he's happy for the support from him and eleanor both.

      julia whitman | biological mother | jerry doted on his mother. despite being a hunter herself, she was always more soft than his dad, and jerry always felt more human around her. he got his artistic talent from her and continues to draw and express himself in his art because of her.
      eleanor kingston | adoptive mother | jerry loves both his new parents very much, even if he still will refer to them by their first names because that's how he was raised to see them.

      jerry has no siblings by birth, but his adoptive brother tarik is the closest thing he has to a best friend.

      none since he moved to england. he's been too torn up about the death of his parents to socialise.

      jerry has had a girlfriend back home, but considering his family moved around, nothing really ever stuck and this sort of turned him off to dating, believing it would never work out. now he's more so averse to dating because he just can't think about that with what he's still struggling with.

      most supernatural creatures -- especially werewolves.


      jerome grew up with very loving parents. they weren't your conventional family but jerry loved every second spent with his parents. they were always on the road, since his parents moved around for the hunting business, taking down supernatural creatures that posed a threat to humans, and when jerry was old enough, he fell into the same line of work. and he loved it. he was a natural, really, and initially showed reluctance to having to kill something. to take a life.

      but since his parents death, it has become perhaps the easiest thing he can do.

      they moved around a lot, and one coven of vampires thought to take revenge. jerry was hunting alone, because he thought he was old enough to do so. his parents disagreed, so after an argument, he had snuck out of the house, but when he got back, they were slaughtered, drained of their blood, and almost unrecognisable.

      jerry was shaken to his core and the first people he contacted were the kingston's, who rushed down immediately, to cover things up and help jerry out. they didn't hesitate to take him in, and while jerry is grateful, he's been acting out a lot lately, remaining to himself and picking unnecessary fights at school. he's the school loner, because he just doesn't want to interact with people anymore. nobody besides his adoptive brother tarik.
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anastrianna cervantes


    anastrianna marie chiara cervantes

    ana | not like anna, like aah - naa. her name can be a bit of a mouthful and so this is the usual alternative.
    rina | typically used within the family and by her parabatai.

    november 1st




    a mix of american and spanish

    from her mother side, she is scottish, but from her father's side, ana is mexican.

    puerto vallarta, mexico


  • HAIR
    ana has gorgeous, chciolate brown hair that falls to a little below her shoulders in thick, luscious waves.

    ana's eyes are a deep, forest green and appear to shift between shades of green, blue and brown, like a kaleidoscope, depending on the lighting.

    ana is quite short for her age, coming in at a height of 4'11.

    ana weighs in at around 102 lbs approximately.

    the only chubby part about ana is her face. she has slightly puffy cheeks, giving her a baby face and making her appear younger than she is.

    ana has clear, smooth, slightly tanned skin, due to her hispanic roots. it isn't as tanned as most hispanics mainly due to her having scottish blood.

    ana has a very slim figure with a narrow frame. she has a small chest and small hips, which in her book is hardly desirable. still, this doesn't ever discourage her from dressing up when she feels like it.

    more often than not, ana prefers to dress in dark or neutral colours, and wears clothes that suit the weather or her comfort. she has no troubles going out in her pajamas but she also can gussy up and wear a dress if she wants to hit a party — in her own style though, which veers close to grunge since she won't wear a dress with heels. rather, she'll sport fishnet stockings and combat boots.

    apart from her permanent runes, ana has no tattoos, though she does want one.

    ana has her ears pierced six times on each ear and she wears silver rings on all of them. she also has a septum piercing and a belly piercing.

    ana, much like every other shadowhunter, has many scars from battle and training.

    maia mitchell

    90% of the time, ana is one thing: an absolute sweetheart. she's always putting other's needs before her own and would go to the ends of the esrth to ensure that her loved ones are happy and safe. in this way, ana is unstoppable because she won't let anything come in her way, but even then, to see her ever be mean to someone or even violent, is a rarity. she's ruthless on the field ad dealing with demons or rogue downworlders, there's no doubt about that, but with anyone else, she's just too nice.

    this doesn't mean she's incapable of standing up for herself though. it depends on the circumstance. with her family, it's something she'd never dare to do because she knows what would happen as a result. but if it's for a friend or a loved one, ana wouldn't even hesitate to raise her voice.

    the other 10% is attributed to her minor anger issues.

    okay, not so minor. ana usually is good at controlling her temper, but she has firry mexican blood like the rest of her family, and as a result, when she gets angry, that whole sweet demeanor changes and she's a killing machine — depending on who's around of course. otherwise she just becomes extremely violent and verbally abusive. she is usually calmed down quickly as long as someone she trusts is around but since there aren't many people she trusts, this is a bit of a diffuclty.

    other than this however, ana looks and acts like an angel, and she may as well be one. she's fun and energetic and always up to trying new things and while she is known to be sarcastic sometimes, she never ever intends anyone any harm unless they do something to threaten her or someone she knows.

    training | food | sparring | exploring new places | classic rock | classical music | playing the guitar | dancing | ballet | chocolate | animals | talking to people | mexican cuisine | grunge | anything vintage

    being told what to do | her family | valentine and what he stands for | snobs | obnoxious shadowhunters that look down on everyone else | losing | unnecessary violence | enclosed spaces | crowded places

    she has excellent aim | very fast and moves like a ninja | sings better than apollo | most graceful ballerina ever

    becoming like the rest of her family | enclosed/crowded places

    dancing/ballet | playing the guitar | discovering new music | watching horror movies

    bites her nails | twirls her knives between her fingers | switched between english and spanish constantly | curses the fuck out of people when angry (usually in spanish but it's still scary, if not more than when she curses in english)

    ana has never been tested or disgnosed but she exhibits signs of having intermittent explosive disorder — a most odd thing considering she's a total sweetheart when she isn't angry. shenis also prone to panic attacks if kept in overly crowded places or enclosed spaces.

    mostly, ana prefers something with a long range like knives or chinese throwing stars or even a bow and arrow. she also always has a dagger inside her boots.

    juan pedro cervantes | alive | ana despises her father. she's been afraid of him as a child but as she grew older, that soon festered and became hatred toward him for all the pain he's inflicted on the family — and then some.

    eleanor kara cervantes | deceased | eleanor and her daughter had a better relationship than father and daughter. eleanor was strict, but less than ana's father. she was the one who forced ana to take up ballet and ensured that she stuck to it and practised it religiously. of course, her mother was also always there to clean her wounds and offer her comfort at the end of the day and after her death, ana realised that she was as scared of her husband as ana was of her father.

    diego james cervantes | alive [20] | whereabouts unknown | for a while, ana believed her big brother really loved her. he was always there to confront her whenever she had a bad time with their parents but as they grew older it seemed that diego followed his father's footsteps, becoming stiff and cold like him and ultimately unresponsice whenever ana endured punishment. ana is unaware now whether it's possible to get back the loving brother she once had.

    julian rodriguez | alive [18] | her best friend and the only constant support in her life. ana has been friends with julian since they were kids so they became parabatai at a young age.

    apart from her parabatai, not many in mexico, but she's generally a very friendly person so it's not hard for her to make new friends wherever she goes.

    jacob navarro | alive [19] | the only boyfriend ana has ever had and he wasn't even really her boyfriend by choice. her father was looking for suitors for her in the shadowhunter world and he had been friends wirh jacob father. their family was equally as evil as ana's father and jacob inherited that too. they were pushed together to get to know each other so that when ana turned eighteen, she'd be married off, but she wanted nothing to do with that grabby asshole. she was forced to endure it till she eventually left mexico, but unfortunately, without everything intact.

    valentine | sebastian | her father and brother | the accomplices of her father and brother

    ana was raised in a very strict home. perhaps there was a time when her father had been nice since he had scored a woman like ana's mother but ana never got to see that side of him. he was a former member of the circle, one of valentine's most loyal members, and apprently ana gts her loyalty from her father because he's still decoted to valentine and his cause.

    he was rarely nice to his children, alwyas pushed them to be the best fighters, and that just wasn't who ana was. still, because of the punishments that would come if they didn't follow, ana lived in fear and was forced to listen to everything her parents asked of her. it was only when ana turned sixteen and she witnessed her father murder her mother as an act of 'loyalty' to valentine (since she had been trying to put her father off that path), ana decided it was tome to get out of that toxic home. julian, her parabatai, was more than willing to follow her and so the two of them fled to the new york institute for safety and hopefully a long life away from her family where she could fight against valentine.

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drew marseille




➳ drusilla carmen farah marseille
➳ droo - zill -ah / karr - men / faah - raah / mar - sell
➳ drew || she prefers this over her real name any day
➳ pink ninja || a very common nickname considering her pink hair and her feisty nature
➳ strawberry shortcake || pretty self explanatory. pink hair. very short.
➳ october 31
➳ sixteen
➳ scorpio
➳ female
➳ heterosexual
➳ nice, france
➳ primarily british since she was raised there for most of her life, but she has some slight french undertones too.
➳ maternal || not entirely clear but she's sure that her mother has some arab and african blood.
➳ paternal || her father is a mix of french and portuguese.
➳ she holds a US citizenship
➳ student | part time mechanic

physical information


➳ drew has naturally dark brown hair, though ever since she entered middle school, she took to dyeing a majority of it pink and now that's like her signature colour.
➳ drew has warm brown eyes that have been described b many as very captivating.
➳ she stands at exactly 4'10 -- though she swears she's taller
➳ 89 lbs
➳ she has a tanned complexion, caramel coloured skin due to her mother's lineage.
➳ she has a small heart shaped face with high cheek bones and a pointed chin. her skin is blemish free save for a beauty spot close to the right side of her upper lip.
➳ more on the skinny side, especially due to a lot of weight loss in recent years, and she has always had a very petite frame.
➳ typically, drew prefers to dress comfortably. she's a fan of neutral or dark colours — nothing too bright. her style tends to mimic typical grunge attire at times. she likes short skirts, fishnet stockings and combat boots. she also loves baggy t shirts, torn jeans and beanies.
➳ none
➳ four times on her ears || right nostril || bellybutton
➳ she has a nasty scar down her knee when she tore her skin trying to jump a wire fence as an eight year old. apart from this, she also has numerous other scars on her back and legs from being tormented by hunters.
➳ none
➳ none
➳ vanessa morgan

personal information


➳ first and foremost, it is imperative that one remembers that when dealing with drew, they are dealing with a hardcore rebel. she absolutely hates being told what to do, and often times, she'll do the opposite just to spite a person. she believes in freedom, including freedom of speech, so drew is also someone who will never hold her tongue. she speaks her mind, regardless of the consequences, and this is even without the influence of her adhd taking over and making her impulsive. that's a whole other story.
aside from the fact that she is the epitome of a badass female protagonist in any supernatural novella, drew is also a very kind person, as well as affectionate. speaking her mind also refers to being honest about her feelings, and while she doesn't really consider herself an emotional person, she can definitely shower people with affection when she gets close to a person. considering the fact that she has trust issues, however, getting close to a person is something that's not so easy for her.
drew likes to believe she's very funny. her voice tends to ooze sarcasm more often than not, and while she's plenty street smart, she's not so much book smart. mainly because school -- or rather, academics -- bores her to no end. joey is very friendly, and loyal almost to a fault, but despite the fact that she tends to appear charming and undeniably cute to anyone she comes across, she is incredibly vicious when she gets angry, even resorting to getting physical whether or not the occasion calls for it. because she's a tiny thing, she can easily be held back, but her words cut deep and she isn't araid to hold back, especially if someone threatens a friend or loved one.
all in all, drew's a very interesting character. sure she has her... issues, with temper and the fact that she can never keep her mouth shut for the life of her, but at the end of the day, besides seeing her as a tornado that destroys everything in her path when she's angry, she's the artsy girl with nothing but good intentions toward those that treat her loved ones well.
➳ video games | horror movies | halloween | blood and gore | haunted houses | photography | playing the piano | singing | watching movies | learning about mythology | food | sports | nature | exploring
➳ nuts | being forced to do something | obeying orders | drugs | hypocrites | people that treat her differently | hospitals | bigots | homophobes | bullies | vegetables | her mother
➳ bites her nails | speaks her thoughts aloud and to herself | taps her fingers against just about any surface because she can't sit still
➳ scaring people | sassing up the place | photography | destroying people at video games | singing like a siren
➳ deep water | she nearly drowned in a lake as a child and she's been terrified of large/deep/open bodies of water.
➳ most sharp objects due to being subject to a numerous amount a few years ago.
➳ drew suffers from both adhd and dyslexia.

background information


➳ half human, half djinn
➳ as drew is only half a djinn, she is not capable of all the things her mother can do. she can, to an extent, make people have hallucinations, though she cannot always control whether what they see is good or bad. while her mother is skilled with telepathy, drew is just exceptionally good at reading people. she can't directly read minds and hear people's thoughts in her head, but she just somehow seems to know what people are thinking -- this only applies when she's talking to someone though. she can't tell what someone is thinking if they're at the other end of a room or further but sometimes voices just jump into her head and she can't tell who they belong to or where they come from. she also, to an extent, has some pyrokinesis, but it isn't normal fire. her fire is blue, mimicking the powers of her mother, and this power is much more volatile than her other abilities. much like scott has trouble shifting when he's angry, she has trouble controlling her fire power when angry.
julian arturo marseille | father | human | alive | drew adores her father and she's definitely a daddy's girl. he was a little taken aback by her mother's sudden disappearance from their live after drew was born but he raised her well and loved her to bits. he is still currently unaware of drew's abilities.
kalienne sonara | mother | djinn | status unknown | drew never knew her mother while growing up and she only met the woman when she was in high school, for a brief period, to learn about her true heritage, before her mother disappeared from town again. drew has always resented her mother for not being around and resents her more after she just leaves drew with these powers she can't control and with no further explanation.
joshua matthias marseille | older half brother | human | alive [23] | though her older brother was born from another woman -- who died shortly after giving birth -- joshua treats drew like she's the same blood as him, which she is, half of. they are very close, but also annoy each other to no end, as most siblings do. he is the only one in her family who knows about her abilities and her true heritage since he was the first one she told. he is currently working under stiles' dad as a police officer.
➳ considering she is new to town, she has no friends yet, but that will quickly change.
➳ drew has dated one guy in middle school, who was nice up to a point. then he would always try to force her into intimate encounters and because she didn't want to, he began to get abusive. she got out of that relationship quick. the most drew has done, however, despite being flirty, is kiss a guy.
➳ hunters, mostly. she's had a bad run in with them back in england, and so to her, all hunters are the same.
➳ drew has a german shepherd named cole at home.
➳ drew was born in france, to kalienne sonara and julian marseille. from the moment she was born, her mother left her and drew was raised primarily by her father, who had decided to stay in france till his company took him to england for work when drew was eight. when drew was fourteen, she met her mother again. this was solely because some hunters in the town they stayed in, in england, had figured out about drew's heritage. her mother was apparently quite a big target in the supernatural world, and as a result, drew was captured and tortured for a good few days till her mother appeared, freed her, and in a span of ten minutes, explained everything to her.
she explained her heritage. what powers she possessed. how her mother didn't think she fall for a human man but did. how she hated herself for putting drew in that situation, and how she hated herself because she knew she had to leave. and then, she was gone again and drew hadn't seen her since.
after the incident, the family had to move. drew confided in her brother about everything that happened, and he convinced their father to shift them out of england. they settled down in a small town known as beacon hills, where her father opened up his own auto shop to fix up cars -- where she helped out often -- while joshua took up a job as a police officer since he had been in training back in england.
➳ drew is fluent in french, and is known to sometimes switch between that and english. her english is impeccable, though.

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dylan vincenzo


  • tumblr_inline_p7j6m3UarZ1sccn28_250.gif

    dylan jade vincenzo
    dih - lun / jay - d / vin - chen - zoh

    > dj | a common abbreviation of her name, using the first letters of her first and second name.
    > baby girl | a nickname used by her step dad -- one she hates more than anything. it can trigger her if used by anyone else.

    december 21




    average american

    not completely known but she does have some italian blood from her mother's side.

    gorham, maine


    high school student

  • tumblr_inline_o6fiew4wkF1sotrar_250.gif

    light blonde, wispy and a little thin, but shiny and slightly wavy.

    she has the most stunning baby blue eyes

    dylan stands at a height of 5 feet exactly.

    dylan weighs around 110 lbs

    dylan has an oval shaped face with slightly puffy cheeks but very fair skin, and blemish free. on her face, at least.

    dylan has fair, almost pale skin, that one could see her veins through depending on the lighting.

    dylan has a very skinny frame. this is mainly because she does all her cooking on her own, and also due to the fact that she can't afford much to cook in the first place. she's also very active.

    dylan prefers dressing very simply -- and most of her clothes are old with small holes in them but she makes it work. she can usually be found in t shirts or sleeveless tops with shorts or capris.


    her ears are pierced twice.

    she has plenty of scratch marks on her back and legs that she tries to hide. occasionally she may sport a few cigarette burns or cuts from broken liquor bottles.

    dakota fanning

  • tumblr_inline_o6fifk8fvH1sotrar_250.gif

    dylan is a girl who is not afraid to speak her mind. in fact, she doesn't really have any control over this, she just doesn't have a filter. this is just one of her traits that's attributed to her adhd. along with this is her impulsiveness and habit to do whatever comes to her mind, regardless of the consequences. this has gotten her into trouble many times.

    as a child, she was quite reckless, and this hasn't faded as the years went by. she's like a large bundle of energy that just can't be tamed. well, when she's not at home, anyway. this is how she truly wants to be, but her house isn't really a space for her to be herself. at home... at home she's a terrified girl.

    despite all the risks she brings with her though, she's a girl with an infectious smile, and she adores making people happy and cracking jokes. with her ability to be humorous, she is also quite the sarcastic one, and could easily give richie a run for his money. she keeps up her vibrant exterior and blunt nature as a sort of wall because of the things she's experienced in her life -- and continues to experience. her life is a complicated one, but she always tries to look at the positive side of things.

    music | animals | cars | painting | dancing | singing | watching movies | ice cream | fast food | being outdoors

    her step father | abuse | bullies | the bowers gang | being told what to do | people touching her without consent

    working on cars | painting | singing | making people laugh | keeping her wall up

    her step father | thunder/lightning

    working on cars | painting | dancing | exploring town

    bites her lip | taps her fingers against random surfaces

    adhd | a bit of ptsd from the violence she sustained - and continues to sustain -- from her step father

  • tumblr_n7ou80nouE1s9mcpco7_250.gif

    orson adams | step father | mechanic | alive | dylan has never known her biological father. she was raised by her mother till the age of seven, when she fell in love with some bad boy in town who was a mechanic. at first it was okay. but then he would start hurting her mother. and when dylan got a little older and prettier, she was targeted too. it is easy to say that while dylan despises the man, she is also terrified of him.

    katrina vincenzo | mother | former stripper | deceased | for the first few years of her life, dylan remembered her mother being a truly loving and caring person, till she fell in love with a dick and became too scared to do anything. she died when dylan was fourteen.


    currently, none. she talks to people in classes but she's not made any proper friends since moving to derry.

    none. dylan has never had a boyfriend, but that doesn't mean her virginity is intact. she has her step father to blame for that.

    her step father | the bowers gang


    when dylan was a child, she grew up in a poor home and that's how it always was. her clothes were either stolen by her mother or borrowed from shelters and donation drives. that much, however, was always enough for dylan. her mother always said that her dad was just a customer that got too handsy, one she had decided to entertain, even if it left her with a kid, but she had no regrets.

    till she met orson, her next boyfriend. they never got married, but in the beginning it was good. her mother was so infatuated till orson would begin to beat her for doing something wrong, and force her to do things she didn't want to. her mother always tried to shield dylan from it all but at one point, it stopped working. dylan was a rebellious child who tried to protect her mother, and as a result, she got just as much of the abuse. both were too scared to do anything.

    when dylan turned twelve, the abuse became sexual in nature, without her mother's knowledge. her mother only found out when she caught him approaching dylan one day, and that was when she had decided to leave. to pack her bags and take dylan away. orson found out, however, and it resulted in a bad altercation which left her mother dead. out of fear that he'd be thrown into jail, he forced dylan -- who was too scared to do anything else -- to move out of town with him, and they eventually settled in derry. to this day, he continues to abuse her, both physically and sexually, and dylan is too afraid and ashamed to come out with it and tell anyone.
  • some name here




    tba | tba


    birth place

    sexual orientation

    height & weight

    hair & eyes

    face & body

    piercings & tattoos & markings




    brief bio


  • some name here




    tba | tba


    birth place

    sexual orientation

    height & weight

    hair & eyes

    face & body

    piercings & tattoos & markings




    brief bio


  • anastrianna cervantes




    tba | tba


    birth place

    sexual orientation

    height & weight

    hair & eyes

    face & body

    piercings & tattoos & markings




    brief bio


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drew marseille




➳ drusilla carmen farah marseille
droo - zill -ah / karr - men / faah - raah / mar - sell
➳ drew || she prefers this over her real name any day.
➳ pink ninja || a very common nickname considering her pink hair and her feisty nature. was coined by her older brother.
➳ strawberry shortcake || pretty self explanatory. pink hair. very short. she actually thinks it's quite creative, on her dad's part.
➳ october 31
➳ sixteen
➳ scorpio
➳ female
➳ heterosexual
➳ nice, france
➳ primarily british since she was raised there for most of her life, but she has some slight french undertones too, and now it's mixed in with a bit of american.
➳ maternal || not entirely clear but she's sure that her mother has some arab and african blood.
➳ paternal || her father is a mix of french and portuguese.
➳ hunter | poses as a student if she needs to

physical information


➳ drew has naturally dark brown hair, though ever since she entered middle school, she took to dyeing a majority of it pink and now that's like her signature colour.
➳ drew has warm brown eyes that have been described by many as very captivating.
➳ she stands at exactly 4'8 -- though she swears she's taller
➳ 85 lbs
➳ she has a tanned complexion, caramel coloured skin due to her mother's lineage.
➳ she has a small heart shaped face with high cheek bones and a pointed chin. her skin is blemish free save for a beauty spot close to the right side of her upper lip.
➳ more on the skinny side, especially due to a lot of weight loss in recent years, and she has always had a very petite frame.
➳ typically, drew will be found wearing clothes that are dark — nothing too bright. her style tends to mimic typical grunge attire at times. she likes leather skirts, fishnet stockings and combat boots. she also loves baggy t shirts, torn jeans and beanies.
➳ none
➳ four times on her ears || right nostril || bellybutton
➳ drew has multiple scars from her time as a hunter. a few notable ones would include a series of whip marks on her lower back, from a fancy electric coil that one nasty hunter had invented. she also has a deep cut along her right collarbone from a silver knife. drew has various other smaller scars from other encounters so her body is quite decorated, in that sense.
➳ apart from a beauty spot close to her right, upper lip, nothing.
➳ none
➳ vanessa morgan

personal information


➳ first and foremost, it is imperative that one remembers that when dealing with drew, they are dealing with a hardcore rebel. she absolutely hates being told what to do, and often times, she'll do the opposite just to spite a person. she believes in freedom, including freedom of speech, so drew is also someone who will never hold her tongue. she speaks her mind, regardless of the consequences.
aside from the fact that she is the epitome of a badass female protagonist in any supernatural novella, drew is also a very kind person, as well as affectionate. speaking her mind also refers to being honest about her feelings, and while she doesn't really consider herself an emotional person, she can definitely shower people with affection when she gets close to a person. considering the fact that she has trust issues, however, getting close to a person is something that's not so easy for her.
drew likes to believe she's very funny. her voice tends to ooze sarcasm more often than not, and while she's plenty street smart, she's not so much book smart. mainly because school -- or rather, academics -- bores her to no end. drew is very friendly, and loyal almost to a fault, but despite the fact that she tends to appear charming and undeniably cute to anyone she comes across, she is incredibly vicious when she gets angry, even resorting to getting physical whether or not the occasion calls for it. because she's a tiny thing, she can easily be held back, but her words cut deep and she isn't afraid to hold back, especially if someone threatens a friend or loved one.
all in all, drew's a very interesting character. sure she has her... issues, with temper and the fact that she can never keep her mouth shut for the life of her, but at the end of the day, she's the artsy girl with nothing but good intentions toward those that treat her loved ones well.
➳ art | photography | drawing | painting | museums | classical rock | cars | anything vintage | coffee | horror movies | halloween | grunge | punk rock | loud music | animals of all kinds | justice -- by her own standards | winning an argument
➳ being told what to do | murder | abuse | most hunters | rich snobs | bullies | inattentive parents | jitters | feeling restless | sappy romance movies | spoilers | being wrong | failure | threats | losing those close to her | silver
➳ bites her nails a lot | taps her fingers restlessly against various surfaces | talks to herself | can often be found lost in her own thoughts, meaning a lot of times, what she says doesn't make sense to others.
➳ hunting | her aim is usually quite impeccable since her main weapon of choice is using double edged daggers or throwing knives | painting/sketching
➳ deep water || on one occasion, when drew was captured by a hunter, she was immersed in an ice bath and prevented from coming out. this brought out a terrible fear of deep or large bodies of water. she can hardly go close to a river without wanting to keep at least a couple of feet of distance between her and it.
➳ losing her loves ones || there aren't many loved ones to begin with, which is probably why drew is so protective of them in the first place. she doesn't know what she would do if she were to lose her brother or her father.
➳ her ex boyfriend || though she would never admit it aloud, she's terrified of encountering him again, even if she said that the next time would be the last time. (ahem, meaning she would kill him).
➳ nothing has properly been diagnosed, since drew will always refuse to see anyone about it, but she exhibits signs of ptsd, considering all of her past encounters with the supernatural world as well as hunters. drew also has seasonal depression, usually around christmas time, because a year ago, at that time, was when her dog bodhi was killed by her ex boyfriend.

background information


➳ half human, half djinn
➳ as drew is only half a djinn, she is not capable of all the things her mother can do. she can, to an extent, make people have hallucinations, though she cannot always control whether what they see is good or bad. while her mother is skilled with telepathy, drew is just exceptionally good at reading people. she can't directly read minds and hear people's thoughts in her head, but she just somehow seems to know what people are thinking -- this only applies when she's talking to someone though. she can't tell what someone is thinking if they're at the other end of a room or further but sometimes voices just jump into her head and she can't tell who they belong to or where they come from. she also, to an extent, has some pyrokinesis, but it isn't normal fire. her fire is blue, mimicking the powers of her mother, and this power is much more volatile than her other abilities. much like scott has trouble shifting when he's angry, she has trouble controlling her fire power when angry.
➳ djinns, like werewolves, can easily be harmed by silver. this is really the only metal that works against them, aside from iron. it dampens their powers and basically makes them human and vulnerable, while trapped under either of the two substances. additionally, salt is another kind of barrier for djinns. much like the way mountain ash prevents another supernatural from entering or leaving a space, salt can have that effect on djinns instead. it is unclear what else can affect djinns as the species is a rare one, and drew only knows of these based on what's been tested on her. as far as she knows, she is immune to a werewolf bite, immune to kanima venom, immune to mountain ash, and immune to wolfsbane.
julian arturo marseille | father | human | alive | drew adores her father and she's definitely a daddy's girl. he was a little taken aback by her mother's sudden disappearance from their lives after drew was born but he raised her well and loved her to bits. he is still currently unaware of drew's abilities.
kalienne sonara | mother | djinn | status unknown | drew never knew her mother while growing up and she only met the woman when she was in middle school, for a brief period, to learn about her true heritage, before her mother disappeared from town again. drew has always resented her mother for not being around and resents her more after she just leaves drew with these powers she can't control and with no further explanation.
joshua matthias marseille | older half brother | human | alive [23] | though her older brother was born from another woman -- who died shortly after giving birth -- joshua treats drew like she's the same blood as him, which she is, half of. they are very close, but also annoy each other to no end, as most siblings do. he is the only one in her family who knows about her abilities and her true heritage since he was the first one she told. he attended the police academy, so is a certified officer, but shortly after drew finished middle school, he joined her in her hunting endeavours, not wanting her to be alone.
➳ drew has made a couple of friends through hunting. either people she's saved or people that have helped her in the various towns that she's travelled to. she considers them all to be very dear to her but she has no close friends, as such. nobody besides her brother.
nathan travers | ex boyfriend of five months | whereabouts unknown | drew met nathan when she had just finished middle school. she entered high school, was on the verge of turning fourteen years old and was still trying to control her powers, and nathan was a handsome guy, a year older, and had a good way with words. drew was immediately smitten. one date turned to more, and eventually they became a couple. it was only after that, that drew realised who nathan really was. he tried to force her into intimate encounters, which she constantly said she wasn't ready to do, until one day, he just wouldn't take no for an answer. after forcing himself on her, any time she tried to say no, he would hurt her, and drew was conditioned to believe that maybe he could change. that maybe this was a result of her being a djinn and that it wasn't all bad. but her brother eventually noticed the marks and realised what was up. drew left town with her brother shortly after this and has no idea what became of nathan.
➳ anyone that poses a threat to her or anyone around her that are innocent. especially hunters.
➳ she used to have a dog named bodhi, but he was killed by her ex boyfriend at the time during one of his anger episodes.
➳ drew was born in france, to a loving father, an adoring step brother, and a mother who she never saw the face of from the moment she was born. shortly after she turned eight, her father moved the whole family to england, once he pursued a better job there. drew lived and studied there for a few years, till she turned twelve and her mother came visiting. it was at this time that drew was realising there was something different about her, because when she got angry, her hands started to heat up. when she spoke to people sometimes, they remarked how things were happening around them when actually, nothing was happening at all. drew's mother explained all of this to her, and why it was happening, and then vanished from drew's life yet again, after just a ten minute encounter.
this left drew quite shaken since she had all these abilities she had no clue how to use. she told her brother who tried helping her, but they ultimately decided to hide it from everyone else, including their father. drew tried to go on with her life, and soon transitioned into high school where she continued to maintain her anger so she didn't have any nasty outbursts related to fire. that was when she met nathan and things went further downhill. after her brother found out, he suggested to their father that he move to the united states to take up a police job, and take drew with him, for a change of scene, since she was unhappy there -- and above all, scared -- and their father, though saddened by the prospect, agreed.
drew and her brother joshua came to live in a small village in illinois, where drew rejoined high school, but her heart wasn't in it. in that town, however, she noticed supernatural activity. in particular, she witnessed a hunter after a werewolf, late one night. unable to not do anything, because it reminded her of how helpless she had been when she was with nathan, she stepped in, sending the hunters an illusion. drew does not know what they saw. she only knows that she was feeling fear and hatred, and that seemed to reflect in them, because they were screaming, clawing at their eyes, and trying to run away. the werewolf was allowed to flee, and drew felt like she found her calling. instead of attending school, she began hunting. only not just hunters, but other supernaturals as well. anything that posed a threat to another human or supernatural.
her brother eventually found out she wasn't going to class -- not to mention she was coming home bruised again and he thought she had landed herself in another toxic relationship. when she finally came clean, joshua decided to join drew in her hunting expeditions and at the age of fifteen, drew became one of the most well known supernaturals in the country, mainly for her work in taking down a mass number of hunters and supernaturals at once, with the help of her brother. she gained a lot of skills on the job, and learned not to control her anger in such situations, so her fire power definitely came in handy. of course, being so famous meant she was also high on a wanted list, and she has been captured multiple times, and tortured. her time with nathan made her stronger, of course, and she was able to withstand it, to an extent, before her brother came in and helped her escape, if she hadn't managed to do it on her own by then. it is to be noted, however, that even though she tries to remain calm and collected through these encounters, she still suffers a lot after it, because of her ptsd. nevertheless, she doesn't stop her work, and to this day, she and her brother continue to be known as the 'unstoppable hunting duo'. also commonly referred to by hunters as 'the witch and her bitch'.
➳ drew is fluent in french, and is known to sometimes switch between that and english. her english is impeccable, though. apart from french, she is also quite fluent in spanish, portuguese and arabic.

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code by @MaryGold

  • august woods



    "kindness is free,
    sprinkle that stuff everywhere."


    General Information


    name & pronounciation
    ➳ august linden woods
    aw - gusst / lih - n - denn / wuh - ds

    ➳ gus | to be totally honest, august isn't too fond of this name, but his grandparents love it on him.
    ➳ auggie | something his family came up with, and friends eventually caught on to.

    birthday & age
    ➳ october 24th
    ➳ seventeen

    gender & sexuality
    ➳ male
    ➳ homosexual

    ➳ saskatchewan, canada

    Physical Information


    height & weight
    ➳ august stands at about five feet and eleven inches tall.
    ➳ august weighs approximately 144 lbs

    hair & eyes
    ➳ august's hair is slightly reddish, mimicking that of a maple tree in autumn, according to his mother.
    ➳ august's eyes are a light, hazel brown.

    face & body
    ➳ august has an oval shaped face that has often been described as a 'baby face'.
    ➳ august is very much on the skinny side. he has slight muscle from his work in gardens, but aside from this, he appears very thin.

    scars & markings
    ➳ just a few scars here and there either from violent pets at the vet, or from his gardening tools if he's careless.
    ➳ he has a birthmark in the shape of a maple leaf on the back of his left shoulder.

    tattoos & piercings
    ➳ august has no tattoos or piercings.

    Physical Information


    ➳ dryad | nature spirit | it's usually uncommon to find male nature spirits, but it's not unheard of.

    ➳ as a dryad, august's powers are all related to nature. he can grow plants from anywhere, help existing plants grow faster or slower, regardless of whether the conditions needed to grow are met, and he can heal plants on the verge of dying, so long as they aren't dead and withered as yet. all this comes very easy to him. he can also communicate with woodland creatures. he's like the animal whisperer. save for birds and aquatic creatures, he has found that he can communicate with just about any other animal.
    ➳ dryads are usually tied to a tree, known as their family tree. different dryad species come from different trees. august's family tree is the maple tree in canada, and he was named as such, due to the distinct trait of red hair in the family, mirroring the flaming orange leaves of maples trees, especially in the months of autumn. dryads are usually weaker away from their source of life, which is their family tree. because of this, august carries, in a small crystal vial around his neck, some maple leaves crushed to a fine powder. as long as this is always around his neck, his strength and power should never waver.
    ➳ currently, though august was given his own vial when he was a child, he is wearing his mother's, to remember her.

    ➳ fire is a huge weakness for august. it can burn away plants, and if it happens to be plants he has grown himself, he can often feel the repercussions of it with some weakness in his body or sudden stabs of pain.
    ➳ it also takes a lot of energy to grow plants on his own, as compared to helping existing plants grow.
    ➳ should the vial from around his neck go missing, august would be powerless, and at one point, he could grow very weak that he may not be able to even walk.

    Background Information


    nicholas jerome harrison | alive / botanist | august's father has only recently come into his life so the relationship is still a working one. it's a little awkward, but they're slowly working through things.

    amber rhea woods | deceased / former florist | august and his mother were extremely close for as long as she was alive. she raised august more or less on her own, and she was always the most kind person that august had ever met, which inspired him to become like her. amber's death took a toll on august, so much so that wherever he went, plants withered instead of blossoming, but slowly, he began to recover.

    brief bio
    ➳ august was born in canada, deep in the woods, under the shade of an oak tree. his family tree. of course, his family didn't live like hippies, but there were some traditions that needed to be upheld, like the birth of a dryad. he lived with his mother in a secluded town in saskatchewan where his mother was a florist and he went about life like any other teenager. he knew all along who he really was and what he was capable of doing. he was told all his life that his father was a man who went away and never came back and the truth was hidden from him till much later.

    when august was ten, his mother was killed on her way home from work. it happened to be a full moon, and a recently turned werewolf was on the loose. there was only one casualty that night -- his mother. ever since, august has been terrified of werewolves, and full moons make him nervous.

    he was cared for by his grandparents after that, but by the time he was thirteen, his grandmother passed and it seemed his grandfather was on the way too because he was becoming increasingly sick. eventually, he revealed to august that his father never left -- he was a small, summer time fling when he happened to be in canada for work. he left back to miami after his work in canada was done, never knowing that august's mother had gotten pregnant.

    august's grandfather sent him to his father in miami, and after an awkward encounter, august's father, still single, took august in as his son and they began to try to have a relationship. when august turned fifteen, his father needed to move for work, so they found themselves in blackwell and they've been there ever since.

  • veronica huisman



    "well-behaved women
    seldom make history."


    General Information


    name & pronounciation
    ➳ veronica raquelle huisman
    buh - ron - ick - ah / rah - kell / hoo - eez - munn

    ➳ ronnie / ron | both shortened versions of her name, and typically what she prefers to go by.
    ➳ bitch | a common term used to describe her considering she really can be one. not that she's ever offended by it.

    birthday & age
    ➳ august 18th
    ➳ seventeen

    gender & sexuality
    ➳ female
    ➳ heterosexual

    ➳ florence, italy

    Physical Information


    height & weight
    ➳ though veronica swears she's taller, she stands very short, at a height of four feet and eight inches. djinns, apparently, are not very tall. it runs in the family.
    ➳ considering her height, and her slim stature, veronica weighs around 86 lbs.

    hair & eyes
    ➳ veronica has jet black hair that is slightly wavy and reaches just a little below her shoulders.
    ➳ her eyes are a striking blue, much like the ocean on a sunny day. they easily stand out in a crowd, no matter where she is. it's either captivating, or fiercely intimidating.

    face & body
    ➳ veronica has a heart shaped face which is slightly pointed. she has brilliant facial features and a sharp jawline. she is fiercely beautiful.
    ➳ veronica's body may not look much more than thin, but the way she dresses it makes it appear killer. she's always been more on the skinny side, but she plays sports so she's not as weak as she looks. and while she may not have much in the chest area, she has her ways of making it seem appealing nonetheless.

    scars & markings
    ➳ veronica has a few scars here and there from her training in martial arts. apart from this, considering her line of work, she's also been manhandled a couple of times. nothing she couldn't get out of, but enough to leave a scar, still.

    tattoos & piercings
    ➳ veronica has three tattoos. ( x - x - x )
    ➳ her ears are pierced a total of six times on each ear. her left helix is also pierced, and she has a belly piercing. occasionally, veronica is known to sport a nose ring too.

    Physical Information


    ➳ half djinn
    ➳ a djinn is very much like a genie, but in a much more dark and twisted way. instead of giving you three wishes, they cause you to hallucinate what you desire, and while you're trapped in the facade, they leech off of your happy energy till you're an empty husk with nothing left.

    ➳ veronica's father is a full djinn, and so his powers are much stronger, but his children inherited a good chunk, altered slightly due to them being half human. the twins have pyrokinesis, however unlike normal fire, their fire tends to be a bright blue, just like the colour of their eyes. they have a hallucinogenic touch, meaning one touch can cause severe hallucinations, usually only about something the other person desires, leaving them in a transfixed state and incredibly vulnerable. this can work without touching as well, but it is not as powerful, and does not last as long.
    ➳ the twins are also unable to tell what another person desires because while they can force them into that fantasy in their mind, the twins cannot access it. and while their father has telepathy as an additional power, the twins have it to a certain extent. they cannot read minds, but this ability makes them exceptionally good at reading people. veronica can look at a person and tell if they're lying or hiding something, but she won't be able to tell what it's about.

    ➳ salt, is a general weakness for djinns. a ring of it will prevent them from being able to step out, so they'd be trapped.
    ➳ silver is another huge weakness. just a little would burn them badly. iron is another metal that can somewhat 'dampen' their powers, but it doesn't do any physical damage.

    Background Information


    james gregory huisman | alive / drug lord with the facade of a businessman | james cares about both his children very much. of course, being his only daughter, james is very protective of veronica, and of course, she's his princess so he'd do anything for her. that being said, he has his moments where he takes his anger out on the twins so as much as she loves her father, he is also the only person she's actually afraid of.

    ➳ unknown | veronica has never known her mother as the twins were taken away from her at birth.

    peter carlos huisman | older half brother [20] | peter works for their dad as well, and is the product of one of their father's many flings. peter is less harsh toward the twins when it comes to work, but he can definitely be a scary guy when he wants to be to just about anyone else. he, unlike their father, cares more about safety than the job when it really comes down to it. peter feels he has to keep a tighter leash on veronica because her recklessness is going to get them caught, but at the end of the day, as his only sister, he watches out for her constantly.
    victor raphael huisman | twin brother | older by eight minutes, victor often makes it a habit to remind veronica that he's older. the twins bicker often, but they are also as thick as thieves. a dynamic duo, if you will. when it's work related, they never go without each other, and while lots are skeptical, they have something called 'the twin thing', wherein they just know if something is wrong with the other. it could also just be the fact that their dad has telepathy and it was passed down to be stronger between the twins than anyone else. who knows.

    brief bio
    ➳ the twins' father had been a bad seed long before he had kids. he was a well known mob boss in new york. respected, feared and with a target on his head, not just by other mobs, but by hunters since they knew something the public didn't -- they knew what he really was, and how that helped him move up in the underworld. his first child came along as a surprise. peter was the product of a one night stand between one of the daughter's of james' enemies. it was more or less meant to be a trick to throw off the enemy, but it ended up with her getting pregnant. james played the role of the devoted father for nine months till she gave birth, and he twisted her mind to believe the baby died during birth, when in reality, he took the baby and raised him as his own.

    knowing he was a half djinn, he knew his mob would become just that much stronger, so he raised peter to be like him. it happened again when he happened to mess around with an escort on one of his trips to italy and she ended up pregnant. he did the same thing and took the twins for himself. the twins were raised in new york, brought up in the mob life and raised to be manipulative ever since they could speak. they both were good at their jobs and helped their father rise in the ranks, till he almost lost his life in a huge shoot out.

    that was when james decided a change of scene would be better to start fresh but continue to be a leader in this country. he moved the kids to a smaller town, blackwell, when the twins were fourteen, and they've been living there ever since. the twins are the resident troublemakers, but people know better than to mess with them because their father has already made his presence there very powerful -- as a businessman of course. nobody clean knows about his real job even if they all have their suspicions. he's careful not to get caught, and the twins are constantly helping him with that.

  • victor huisman



    "sleeping alone is a
    waste of my sexual talent."


    General Information


    name & pronounciation
    ➳ victor raphael huisman
    vick - tur / rah - fah - ell / hoo - eez - munn

    ➳ vic | a shortened version of his name that not many are allowed to use.
    ➳ man whore | this is pretty self explanatory

    birthday & age
    ➳ august 18th
    ➳ seventeen

    gender & sexuality
    ➳ male
    ➳ heterosexual

    ➳ florence, italy

    Physical Information


    height & weight
    ➳ being short runs in the family, but victor is proud to be more or less average, coming in at five feet and seven inches.
    ➳ victor weighs around 153 lbs

    hair & eyes
    ➳ his hair is jet black and usually standing up in all sorts of directions. it is also too unruly to be tamed
    ➳ much like his sister, he has stunning blue eyes.

    face & body
    ➳ victor has a square shaped face. he's got a very defined jawline and high cheekbones that many people kill for, whether male or female.
    ➳ vic appears skinny but he's actually quite lean. it just takes fitting shirts to show it. he practises martial arts with his sister and has since they were kids so he's quite fit. just not overly so, or even in a way that it's evident.

    scars & markings
    ➳ multiple scars from the kind of work he does as well as from getting into fights. it happens a lot.

    tattoos & piercings
    ➳ he has two tattoos. ( x - x )
    ➳ he has no piercings.

    Physical Information


    ➳ half djinn
    ➳ a djinn is very much like a genie, but in a much more dark and twisted way. instead of giving you three wishes, they cause you to hallucinate what you desire, and while you're trapped in the facade, they leech off of your happy energy till you're an empty husk with nothing left.

    ➳ victor's father is a full djinn, and so his powers are much stronger, but his children inherited a good chunk, altered slightly due to them being half human. the twins have pyrokinesis, however unlike normal fire, their fire tends to be a bright blue, just like the colour of their eyes. they have a hallucinogenic touch, meaning one touch can cause severe hallucinations, usually only about something the other person desires, leaving them in a transfixed state and incredibly vulnerable. this can work without touching as well, but it is not as powerful, and does not last as long.
    ➳ the twins are also unable to tell what another person desires because while they can force them into that fantasy in their mind, the twins cannot access it. and while their father has telepathy as an additional power, the twins have it to a certain extent. they cannot read minds, but this ability makes them exceptionally good at reading people. victor can look at a person and tell if they're lying or hiding something, but she won't be able to tell what it's about.

    ➳ salt, is a general weakness for djinns. a ring of it will prevent them from being able to step out, so they'd be trapped.
    ➳ silver is another huge weakness. just a little would burn them badly. iron is another metal that can somewhat 'dampen' their powers, but it doesn't do any physical damage.

    Background Information


    james gregory huisman | alive / drug lord with the facade of a businessman | james cares about both his children very much. victor loves his dad but is beginning to hate what he stands for. as much as vic loves his powers and how powerful it makes him feel, he's realising slowly that his dad is just a whole lot worse and he doesn't want to end up that way.

    ➳ unknown | victor has never known his mother as the twins were taken away from her at birth.

    peter carlos huisman | older half brother [20] | peter works for their dad as well, and is the product of one of their father's many flings. peter is less harsh toward the twins when it comes to work, but he can definitely be a scary guy when he wants to be to just about anyone else. he, unlike their father, cares more about safety than the job when it really comes down to it. victor and peter are close, often joking around with one another.
    veronica raquelle huisman | twin sister | victor definitely adores his twin sister, and he's very protective of her, even if he knows she can definitely handle herself. despite that, he's always looking out for her, and often plays along with her whims and fancies and whenever she feels like raising a little hell, he can't help but join in. ultimately though, he's trying as well to lead veronica down a better path since she's spiraling more down a darker one.

    brief bio
    ➳ the twins' father had been a bad seed long before he had kids. he was a well known mob boss in new york. respected, feared and with a target on his head, not just by other mobs, but by hunters since they knew something the public didn't -- they knew what he really was, and how that helped him move up in the underworld. his first child came along as a surprise. peter was the product of a one night stand between one of the daughter's of james' enemies. it was more or less meant to be a trick to throw off the enemy, but it ended up with her getting pregnant. james played the role of the devoted father for nine months till she gave birth, and he twisted her mind to believe the baby died during birth, when in reality, he took the baby and raised him as his own.

    knowing he was a half djinn, he knew his mob would become just that much stronger, so he raised peter to be like him. it happened again when he happened to mess around with an escort on one of his trips to italy and she ended up pregnant. he did the same thing and took the twins for himself. the twins were raised in new york, brought up in the mob life and raised to be manipulative ever since they could speak. they both were good at their jobs and helped their father rise in the ranks, till he almost lost his life in a huge shoot out.

    that was when james decided a change of scene would be better to start fresh but continue to be a leader in this country. he moved the kids to a smaller town, blackwell, when the twins were fourteen, and they've been living there ever since. the twins are the resident troublemakers, but people know better than to mess with them because their father has already made his presence there very powerful -- as a businessman of course. nobody clean knows about his real job even if they all have their suspicions. he's careful not to get caught, and the twins are constantly helping him with that.

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wesley thornton
WESLEY MAXWELL THORNTON, also known as WES, is an EIGHTEEN year old male.

Wes stands tall, at a height of 6'1, and weighs in at around 154 LBS. He's got a slightly MUSCULAR build, considering he participates in a number of sports. Wes also has a very chiseled face, with a sharp jawline and slightly hollow cheeks. He has straight, chocolate BROWN HAIR that is usually kept up and away from his forehead, and he has warm BROWN EYES that are perhaps the only feature that discredits his whole 'playboy' appearance and instead make him look like Bambi.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For all his life, Wes has never wanted for anything. He grew up with two very successful parents who were both lawyers, and two older sisters who also grew up to be -- gasp -- lawyers, and the same was expected of Wes, once he graduated. Wes, of course, had different plans. He was always passionate about music. And while he was in middle school, this was something his parents looked over, believing it was just a phase. Wes started a band with his best friend Carter at the age of twelve and they truly believed they could make things work. They were both dreamers, but they were also big troublemakers. One particular incident left Wes in a lot of hot water, and as a result, to try and 'straighten him out', his parents sent him to a boarding school. Wes still has a passion for music, but after everything that happened, he no longer wants to disappoint his parents, nor does he want them to cut his funding, so he's playing the role of the poor little rich boy.
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alex montgomery
ALEXANDRIA SKYLAR MONTGOMERY, also known as ALEX, is a SEVENTEEN year old female.

Alex stands at a height of 5'4 with an approximate weight of 113 lbs. She is quite PETITE with barely any curves whatsoever, and there could be many reasons for this. The only part of her that is chubby would be her cheeks. Alex has LIGHT BROWN HAIR that is slightly wavy and reaches below her shoulder blades, and she has GREEN EYES that have often been described to resemble sparkling emeralds.

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Alex has been bounced around in various different foster homes for as long as she can remember. She has vague memories of her mother, who ended up killing herself while Alex and her younger brother Asher were at school, and since then, they've just been looking for new homes together. Each family had their faults, of course, and Alex was always a pretty troubled child. She got into too much trouble and that was something that never sat well with her new set of parents. Her brother and her would keep needing new homes, which became harder and harder to find as they grew older, especially considering the fact that they demanded to be adopted together instead of being separated. Some homes were abusive, meaning Alex had to do what she could to survive and protect Asher, which also meant that she landed herself in juvie somewhere along the line. Along the way she also picked up on a couple of bad habits. Ultimately, Asher and Alex were forced to be separated. Asher was more calm, and reserved, and finding a home for him wasn't as hard as it was to find a home for her. Since her grades were -- surprisingly -- really good, and no foster families were willing to take her, she was sent off to a boarding school.
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elijah greene



"I didn't beat him up. I could have, but I chose not to."




name & pronounciation
➳ elijah parker greene
eh - lai - zha / pahr - kur / gree - n

➳ eli | the most common shortening of her name and what she usually goes by.

birthday & age
➳ december 24th
➳ seventeen

gender & sexuality
➳ female
➳ heterosexual

➳ it is unclear mainly since she has no idea who her mother is, but her birth father is italian.

➳ american

➳ high school student / part time waitress



height & weight
➳ 4'10
➳ 100 lbs

hair & eyes
➳ eli has hazel brown hair that is thick and quite wavy.
➳ eli has big doe eyes that are a warm brown.

face & skin
➳ eli has a bit of a chubby face, making her look a lot younger than she actually is.
➳ eli has slightly tanned skin, mainly due to her time spent outside.

body & dress
➳ while she has a chubby face, eli has a rather slim frame, with a few curves here and there and is more or less flat chested. she keeps in shape since she's athletic, but she also loves food so she eats a lot.
➳ eli has a style of her own that can be described as a mix of grunge and boho. she loves lace and lots of silver rings, but she also loves torn jeans and beanies.

scars & markings
➳ eli has a few scars from sporting injuries, but nothing major.

tattoos & piercings
➳ eli has one tattoo ( x ).
➳ she also has three piercings on each ear and a belly piercing.

➳ shelley hennig



➳ elijah is... complicated, to say the least. she's a very energetic girl, very fun and outgoing, and usually seems like she has no cares in the world, which is perhaps where the problem lies. she can't take things seriously for the life of her -- unless of course it concerns her family or close friends. even then it's not always a given. eli is more carefree and bubbly. she's got an infectious smile, even if it accompanies some slightly reckless actions. she is known to most as the girl who isn't afraid of much, because she says what's on her mind and doesn't care about the consequences. she has some serious pull at school, because of the kind of image she's built for herself, but she also knows she has temper issues, not to mention her decision making is terrible. eli may be a fun person to hang out with and she may do whatever it takes to get what she wants, but hanging with her also usually leads to trouble because unless you manage to gain her trust, you don't matter to her enough for her to consider you while making decisions.

➳ music | classical rock | singing | dance | ballet | playing the piano | art | photography | beanies | coffee | alcohol | parties | animals

➳ stupid questions | being alone | being wrong | academics -- especially math | reading | sitting still for too long | animal abuse

➳ ballet | drawing | photography | getting her way | charming the pants off of people | getting out of tough situations | causing trouble

➳ being alone forever | losing her family

➳ dancing | drawing | photography | playing the piano | listening to music

➳ bites her nails -- a lot | curses in every other sentence | tugs at her hair when nervous

mental ailments
➳ elijah has officially been diagnosed with dyslexia and adhd, though she also shows signs of having intermittent explosive disorder.



noah greene | adoptive father | alive | town sheriff | this is the man that has raised eli and as such, he is the one she considers her father. noah greene is a kind man, but stern when he needs to be considering he's a cop. he's always tried to provide both his kids with whatever they need and he adores both his adoptive children with all his heart. around her adoptive father people see another side of eli, a more loving one, like she's capable of actually, truly loving a human being. they have a very good relationship with each other. the whole family does.
jeremy cairns | biological father | alive | the relationship with her birth father is a bit rocky. he only recently came into her life when he discovered she existed. he has no other family and as such, he wants to get to know her more. part of her is scared he'll start a custody battle, and she resents the man for not knowing about her sooner. their relationship is still a work in progress.

eleanor greene | adoptive mother | deceased | eli loved her adoptive mother for as long as she was alive. having never met her birth mother, and having come under eleanor greene's care as a mere toddler, she's the only mother figure she's ever had, and eli loved her dearly. she was quite devastated when, as a thirteen year old, the woman died from a horrible car accident. it took a toll on the whole family but they managed to get by, together.

scott greene | adoptive older brother | alive [18] | scott was adopted a year after eli, which was when she was eight, and he was nine. initially things were rocky. eli was jealous that she had to share the love of her new parents with someone else, and scott was just as reckless as she was, but with time, they realised they had a lot in common and they became little troublemakers. of course, they had a good relationship with their adoptive parents, and now each other too, and, as siblings go, they're pretty tight.

other relationships
the greene family is a very small one, and as such, there are no other family relatives. both eleanor and noah greene do not remain in contact with their respective siblings much, and both their parents are deceased.
➳ scott is more or less elijah's best friend, but aside from him, she also has a boyfriend of three months, ezra coleman. they've got a good relationship but truthfully, as a couple they don't really click. but eli is too afraid of being alone to do anything about it.
➳ eli has plenty of other suitors and people she supposes are friends, though not close ones. she usually has people to talk to everywhere she goes since she's popular but she doesn't consider any of them that close.

ezra coleman



"i could show a girl a good time."




name & pronounciation
➳ ezra james coleman
ehz - rah / jay - mz / kohl - munn

➳ can't really shorten ezra. some do call him 'ez' or 'ezzy' but he doesn't really like nicknames.

birthday & age
➳ june 5th
➳ seventeen

gender & sexuality
➳ male
➳ heterosexual

➳ ezra is mainly british with a hint of some spanish and dutch ancestry.

➳ american

➳ high school student



height & weight
➳ 5'9
➳ 156 lbs

hair & eyes
➳ ezra has straight, chocolate brown hair that is usually a mess and covers his forehead.
➳ he has beautiful baby blue eyes.

face & skin
➳ ezra has slightly tanned skin due to his spanish ancestry, but his skin is blemish free, save for some stubble on his face.
➳ ezra has a clear cut square shaped face with a very sharp jawline and slightly hollowed out cheeks.

body & dress
➳ ezra appears pretty skinny, due to his baggy sweatshirts, but he does have a bit of muscle on him due to his participation in sports.
➳ usually ezra will be found sporting the best brand labels, even if the clothes are very simple. he can afford it, so why not? more often than not, he can be found in snug sweaters on top of button down shirts.

scars & markings
➳ none

tattoos & piercings
➳ none

➳ douglas booth



➳ ezra has his extreme highs, and his extreme lows, though more often than not, everything seems like an extreme high. he's loud, obnoxious, arrogant, and of course, very self centered. ezra is very smooth when it comes to getting what he wants, and he knows it. he's stubborn and relentless, and you can bet that while he's definitely fun to be around, you'll also fear for your life because he can snap and change in a matter of seconds. ezra has moments when he's capable of feeling things for other people instead of himself, most often showed with his siblings, and because he doesn't have many real friends, not many other people get to see this side of him. he won't waste his time with people that aren't bothered to get to know him, even if that is a considerably hard task. he can be a bit of a hypocrite, and is slightly bigoted, but despite all these negatives, ezra is a dork at heart. he may like to cause trouble, and he may like to manipulate people to get what he wants, but at the end of the day, ezra is adamant to not be like his seemingly heartless father. he wants to actually make something of himself, which is kind of a secret desire of his.

➳ music | playing the guitar | his band | good energy | loud music | parties | alcohol | flirting | meeting new people | learning new things

➳ his father | not getting what he wants | chocolate | dogs | failure | rejection | hypocrites -- even if he is one himself | spicy food

➳ playing the guitar | singing | flirting | making conversation | charming people

➳ dogs -- got bitten when he was a kid and has been terrified since | ending up like his dad in the corporate world

➳ going to parties | browsing social media | playing the guitar | cuddling his cat

➳ runs his hand through his hair often | bites his lower lip

mental ailments
➳ none



edward coleman | ceo of a social media app | ezra and his dad have a pretty complicated relationship. they don't get along... at all. they're constantly fighting because they just don't see eye to eye and ezra just believes that his father is heartless. he pretty much hates the man and wants to be nothing like him when he graduates and goes off on his own. even if he's been providing for him for so long.

melissa coleman | socialite | ezra goes soft on his mom, just like he does with his siblings. as much as he loves her though, he does somewhat resent that she can't and won't stand up to his bitch of a dad. she keeps quiet every time they argue even though he knows that she doesn't agree with her husband, and that usually pisses ezra off because she cares more about money and her reputation than anything else. or so it seems that way to ezra.

iris coleman | younger sister [13] | ezra loves both his siblings, a lot. he dotes on them really. it's a side not many other people get to see but with both iris, ezra's a kind, quiet guy who likes making things all fun and bright so his sister remains happy.
renly coleman | younger brother [11] | his relationship with iris is the same as with renly, except maybe even softer since he's younger. he's the baby of the family and ezra treats him as such. he's always trying to shield his two siblings from the corrupt ideologies their father is always spouting out.

other relationships
➳ he is in a three month relationship with elijah greene. it's going good and he likes her, but he has a feeling they click more as friends than as a couple. he's seeing how it goes.
alan dennings, kayla watson and erica reyes. they, along with him, comprise the band he's currently in, called iridescent.

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malia tarryn
MALIA VALARIEL TARRYN, also known as MAL, is a TWENTY year old female.

Malia stands at a height of 5'2 with an approximate weight of 100 LBS. She is quite LITHE with little curves.Malia has BLACK HAIR that reaches her shoulder in waves, and she has DARK BROWN EYES.

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Malia is a very passionate person who is unfortunately forced to keep it all under wraps due to what she is and how she is viewed in the world. She currently has only an older brother alive, who is employed at Longford Hall, under Duke Edmund Everett, and Malia just recently was hired as a servant there as well.
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