Taboo Words

Of course! Who doesn't like it?

Do you have a cell phone?
Some could argue for proof, since I leave it on silent so frequently and often don't answer... I'm simply very forgetful.

Do you enjoy watching movies?
((I've read this entire thread with a British accent.))
Quite so, however I do sometimes grow anxious and find it consumes too much time.

Do you have a smart phone?
I wish I did.

Do have a talent of some sort?
ehm.. I'm to modest to say I have.

do you like rain?
It calms me.

Are you part of the dark side?
When it suits my whims.

Are you a good cook?
I better than most people I know.

Are you a hug person?
Indeed I am. I always welcome awesome hugs.

Do you dislike math?
It should burn then rot in hell and never resurface again. Ever.

Do you like hats?
Hats make my face look too fierce D:

Do you wear skimpy clothing in public?!?
I want to bitch slap anyone who does wear those outfits and not real clothes. I think my old baggy Ts and faded jeans.

Have you ever done something really stupid in public?