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    A site made for roleplay is way cooler we promise <3
I'll think about it. Seems fun, but hey.
What kind of characters do you get in this Anime?

I've found the modern version of D&D is good, since you have a simple definition of character types (smart / dedicated / tough / fast / charismatic / strong), and you can make opponents with the same classes, e.g. a tough villain, a fast villain, a smart enemy soldier. You also have starting occupations.

Also, have you guys thought about Big Eyes Small Mouth? It's a universal roleplaying system for animes.
I've never heard of big eyes small mouth, but I'll be sure to look into it :)
thanks for the tips! I'm also waiting on Eternalfire. He's got something to show me at some point.
The Anime is very fantasy based. I'm just having problems organizing a how to make a character guide for D&D. I haven't gotten that much work done because I have been awfully ill. I'll try to get things figured out soon.
:( I hope you feel better soon. Take your time.
What kind of characters do you get in this Anime?

I've found the modern version of D&D is good, since you have a simple definition of character types (smart / dedicated / tough / fast / charismatic / strong), and you can make opponents with the same classes, e.g. a tough villain, a fast villain, a smart enemy soldier. You also have starting occupations.

Also, have you guys thought about Big Eyes Small Mouth? It's a universal roleplaying system for animes.
big eyes small mouth doesn't exist.
Hm... is this still going on or are you still in the works of planning it
We are working on it, it's taking some time because I have to convert a couple of D&D things to make the RP more authentic to the series. Unless the players don't really care either way.
Yeah, sorry it's taking a while ^^; but we're trying!